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Show BEAR RIVER YALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1837 ...... ... im ., and horses, and let those who have capital and enterprise, manufacture on a more extensive scale. There is nothing to prevent us from doine- it We have good land, unlimited water power, capital in plenty, and a nat riotism which is to ovine Ok Nil" 'VSINBKIKK' ,' Bear River HIGH LIGHTS - x J Ttte existing: situ0 arr (from Land Use Planning Publica- tion No. 17. Editorial, June 21, 1827: Document& mjUlrich B H SreUiy of AgricuUure we Yet recently. tory of American Industrial society, address 1 is true. Underpro- 1( p. 2g9 e oppoate followed by over- P be t,nds to and high prices by low ARGENTINE I"01 That is the normal course. WHEAT EXPORTS price gense in imitating the B The Argentine National Grain lucre he coui(i not fix his b0 (88 and did not need Board has issued a statement declar-ff- i rLjned, hen lt Was fair. With ag- - ing that, in view of the extraordinary lt have hiSh wheat sniPments from Argentina v is jus' 60 now; we culture it and it may be necessary to put a check on problem surpiU3 irameai the wheat exports to safeguard domestic for ghoul(J prepare tSeref0rf of that problem. supplies for seed and local consump- currence The board intends to keep a con-- 1 tionabnormal al to have on shipments and will organize check jt jg norm." time to have! methods to be proposed to the occasionrhta or surpluses ment reBtraining measures. Janu mnditions pose a ary exports or wneat irom tne Argenwith which science and tine amounted to 796,000 tons, Febshould be fully competent tons. In March, up to gran. ruary 850,000 The term the 531,611 tons were 18th, description of the log- Thursdayso that the exported complete month's even is an tTwhat we need to exceed that of Feb. Tnroduction to the market, with total is likely monthly shipments for those alterations in production sup-- ; Average months normally amounts to about Cnted by an adequate storage pro 500,000 tons, and during the last 13 with main trends in pro-- j shipments for any single month years , con-ESn governed by a long view, have exceeded 800,000 tons on only program of crop adjustment."; occasions. j rinue," said i ,, ; j ; - (Contributors: Fanny Hall, Mary FridaL and Stanley Johnson Announcement is made this week at the high school of the American Le-- ; gion award winners, the recipients be- -' ing the outstanding boy and girl of the graduating class. They are chos- en by a committee of American Le- gion members on the facultv. headed outstanding leadership, service, activi- ty, scnoiarship, personality, and com-- 1 panionship. Russel Christensen and Laurene Homer are the winners, and will have their names engraved on a tiermanttit honor plaque in the entrance to the1 main building. Russel is president of the bov's club and was class president, Junior Prom i i j i chairman, and has been prominent in tennis and football. He has a strong, pleasing personality, and is well liked. Lauiene Homer ia student body vice president, on the Bearfax staff, and has served on various student committees. She is neat, atractive, and one of the most active girls at Bear River. Melvin Davia and Nina Richards are second place winners; Arthur Hansen and Beth Smith third; and Willard Larson and Phyllis Gleason, fourth. PAGE SEVEN in the field for vicepresident, and Mel-v- a thy, an old maid. Beth Smith is MaDavis and Beth Cannon are the dame DuPont, a French crystal-gaze- r candidates for secretary-historiaand professional hypnotist. The cast is completed by Don Bourne Final rehearsals have been held for as Judson, a butler, and Donna Beck the senior class play, "Bashful Bobby" as Louice, a maid. which will be presented in the high The play is ably directed by Miss school auditorium Friday night at 8 Florence McKay. All advance indicap. m., announces Keith Conley, senior tions seem to point to the fact that an class president. The play is a comedy evening of hilarious entertainment in three acts, with all seriousness be- will be provided. ing cast aside for the farcial situan. all-st- ar tions. Arthur Hansen has the leading role, for each of the 3 that of Robert Downing, the "Bashhigh school student body offices re- ful Bobby" of the title. Dorothy main in the field after preliminary will play the role of his girl Two candidates elections at the high school last week. Final elections will be held Friday to determine the winner, who will guide the student government next year. Melvin Manning and Harold Capen-e- r are the two opposing candidates for student body president. Velda Gibbs and Lucile Lish remain friend, Helen Norwood. Russel Christensen, Richard Griffin, and Glen Nish have the parts of high school bays, Bobby's friends, and Anna WatkinSj and Ruby Landvatter are modern high school girrls. Nina Richards is Mrs. Natilda Matthews, Helen's aunt Ver-neAdams is Miss Odessa Henwor- ta CARD OF THANKS . We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the sympathy and kind assistance and for the lovely floral offerings we received at our bereavement in the death of our dearly beloved mother and sister, Mrs. Mary E. Huff. Sons, Daughters, Brothers and Sisters of Mrs. Huff. j EST! Penney's Must Have More Room $10,000 Of Overstocked Merchandise Must Be Sold To Make Room For The Contractors To Remodel Our Store. Come Early And Get Your Share Of The Bargains! ever-norm- al ' 58 .J S FOR PLEA A three (from U. A.'s Daily Digest). S. D. DIVERSIFICATION A summary of existing in the agri-jjKurplea for a change pattern which appeared in XTI al ! 4 A REMODELING SPECIAL Household Hints problems - '" presents current attitudes that macaroni and cheese, fruit salad, tea. w js quoieu ".v Dinner pie, steamed Shepherd's characteristics purpose of describing lettuce salad, pineapple tapto suggest the carrots, of the Old South and coffee. ioca, rolls, in southimportance of diversification uc St cmrroN SILK - that period and ,bly 'flh HOSIERY apples, Cream of Breakfast-Bak- ed A Remodeling A Remodeling Special Special CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS and PANTIES oorifiilttire. we have cultivated cotton, cotton, and bought everything has long been our approbnum. be roused byr 8 b time we should . .. . . iome means or otner to see, tnat sucn course of conduct will inevitably tenninate in our ultimate poverty and Bun. , . Let us go more on provision s and less on cotton because we VJZT Itat cotton, Hinau - Vwotan everything about us poor long enough. . . If k nave followed a ruinous policy, bousrht all the articles of subsis- ance instead of raising them, who is blame? For what have we not look- to our Northern friends ? From Item we get not only our clothes, car- riaes, saddles, hats, shoes, flour, po- lata, but even our onions and honr buttons. . . . Let us change our policy. . Let our farmers make and wear to Homespun raise in greater plen j torn and wheat, which will enable tiaii to reuse their own hogs, cattle, j impoverished j to id . rrn ine acrcr Trrvllr b,V " 2 mlvi, with T ""7;." (400 degrees F.) 20 brown. lire had . w. hnt mashed nntat.oes. Srjread - .... md , , iJr":; ' PEBFECT .f tOD with twn TP,1- RINGLESS - FULL FASHIONED or until Here's value ior yoa! chifRingless fons with silk picot tops in the newest shades. Sires 8Vi to IOV2 They're beautiful'. The price is very low, better hurry! Silver polish should be kept close to the kitchen sink, so that stained pieces of table silver may oe ruooea up after each meal. This takes only a few minutes and greatly reduces the work of weekly silver-cleanin- g. To revive partly wilted flowers, put stems into warm water and set the flowers away m a cool, oarK place. Try this on your table bouquet. Attractive Cynthia A Remodeling A Remodeling Special Values for Men! To keep choclate from sticking, grease the dish in which it is melted. Shirts and Shorts T" Priced Low I DERRITOX SURE DEATH TO ALL CRAWLING INSECTS Fleas, Lice, Mites, Ants, Roaches, Waterbugs, Vermin ' Harmless to human beings and Domestic Animals SLIPS Special Heavy Panne Satin Children's and Misses' Double Top ANKLETS Sizes 6 to 10 J . tinsectj rowuer t iNew Sizes 4 to 16 So lovely you'd think the) cost much more ! They wear well, fit smoothly and launder beautifully, too! V and bodice top models with shadow panels. Tailored or trimmed. 4 32-4- 2 A Remodeling Special A REMODELING SPECIAL , Another 0c I Hew Group!1 f WASH t FROCKS 1T(Pr Sport type of Undershirts of Swiss ribbed Novelty SI1EERS! Plain and Printed RONDO! Kills ADAM'S DRUG STORE Adam Brenkman, Prop. - Tremonton, Utah - I Phone 134 fast-colore- FANCY SOCKS C Serviceable! Comfortable 1 Piquet! d it broadcloth, wen made! Bargains! A Remodeling Special mmm A of pr. t f Attractive Marquisette Cottage SETS t t V Yooll agree that the price is unbelievably LOW I Don't wait make an early too long choice! Styles and colors for every type. Sizes 14 to 52. Attractive socks of pure silk and rayon! Mercerized top, heel! and toe. Very high spliced heel FEW CENTS A DAY MORE THAN A LOWEST PRICED CAR A Remodeling Special Men's WORK SOCKS tT A Remodeling Special HEAVY Exceptional The ideal curtain for kitchen and bad)! Lots of dots and figures. Plain and colored. A REMODELING SPECIAL CANVAS GLOVES Feature BUYSt 'V-- WASH (or ' IH'v) Rockford ' type. Blue and hjown 1 7Vzc cotton mixture. Reinforced pr. Sheer Batistes! heels and toes. Ribbed top. A Avenue Vat Printil Sizes 14 to 52, REMODELING SPECIAL Make to Stand the Gaff! BOYS' Work SHOES I $s&r& im i n ''run Fresh, crisp AVENUE prints is the new season's prettiest patterns ! Dainty, sheer batistes, too, nicely made and smartly the trimmed! That's not all at. look to are good styles YouH want several. 14 to 52. plr Tl!!3 mart Studebaker Die- fr.rf.Cupe hM fcy far the biggest ,lora8e compartment of any CM., rum Die. t ofler, all the famou, 1937 Stude. tttZu y"ftaKe nd innovationt . . . with wJ fini,h 12fcy teel coata deeo ii .r"uon' economy of the Fram erdh!lf nd automatic , , , automatic hill holder 1937 Sturdy bal shoes with scoot that steering plus hydraulic brakes ... halves the turning effort of parking interior appointments Helen Dryden . . , doors that close lightly, tightly .and and silently on revolutionarylatches! rotary exclusive rattle-proo- f See and drive this Dictator coupes and youU realire why Studebakerchal-lengeall 9 other sixes! J Studebakers too C. I. T. Budget Plan offers low ... model toel Heavy composition soles, rubber heelsi The kind 'of shoo young fellows like! ZSYoaths size .1.49 pr. payment. Utah auto & imp. co. n 2 1 Tremontca Utah ft |