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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1937 flBLDlNG Hansen spent on business and !1'1 jlr I togan Earl and Enid Welling Peterson, sponsored a Parents School Day. The parents were visitors to th various rooms during the morning session. Luncheon with the children was a feature of the noon hour. In the afternoon, the parents joined with the children in supervised games on the school grounds, which included a ball game between the parents and children, and various other forms of contest games. Quite a large group of parents joined in making this a very WART, the Speed Cop TlitD Zr-pSlZ -- MAKiM Srr-- ltM WyAjrAMCr' "TuieCaniera Club of the &?SS?Lh school on a trip Thurs Agricultural FjVed atth thewent to salt Siw day. High school students .., &' , oarinft Canvon. successful from Fielding were invited to attend Pictures of different canyon and join in the fun after returning places in Salt Ji important was hostess to Development club last s S0. hnmfi. The program of Mrs. George Coombs. l(T?.m of Oeden gave a very and intellectual talk on Musical Security program. four young furnished by as TViirtv miests ana were present. During the Tour luncheon was served by 'V TL' Club will meet next time of Mrs. Joseph H. Smith. Packer, who for the past 2ths has been laboring in tne rien Seversen !r .'" -. IS States mission, rarL who returned to Salt jweral weeks, L. D. S. HOSPITAL NEWS City for the returned home Roy Barnard, 18 years old, of East " JL o iinme -- ?. and hone Garland, stepped off tractor while t.jf(DUU going and received a mashed big toe Ihe will continue to improve. on the left foot. It had to be ampu in tated. weekend the Ogden .1 spent Mrs. Angie Adams underwent a of Mrs. llis. Dora South, mother major operation Saturday morning:. Mrs. Lewis Gardner's condition is jjjj JUS. Jal Via juuiiouu ojn'i. "!itvti visitineo and about the same. m Dn'ffi9m jji 1"A baby boy was born to Mr. and u, and Mrs. Bert Deakin of Blue Mrs. Ed Roundy, April 19. J, nt the weekend visiting with Paste the label slantwise on the ieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis bottle of the remedy you use a great rnrfar our local school teachers, deal. This lessens the chance of get Ljer the direction of Principal Lorin ting the "wrong bottle." ae-ain- .' f IF C i VOU'O BUSTED but cri. to have ( COUNTY I MV wouldn't GOT now I've L WHO MAKES USED CAB BUYING SAFE Co. FOOL THI I WON'T 6UV Mf A USED CAR FROM WHY-VO- v 'jTTi F . .. O ! J935 Standard Chev. Coaeti $450.00 CHEVROLET CO. UNTIL I BUST UP THIS iAYAn --, rjr v i --A Master Chev. CoacK 1934 Vz iril -- A No. V I DEWEYVILLE Geography - History I By Mrs. Thomas Anlt Joseph I. Dewey and son, Lynn, visited in Ogden on Monday. 1. Who financed Columbus on the Tuesday, the charming little daugh exploring expedition on which he dis- ter of Doctor and Mrs. J. M. Schafon of called Mrs, fer Tremonton, covered America. 2. Who attempted a settlement in Rupert Blackham and entertained her with song and tap dancing. The Florida in 1521.? 3. How many stars on the true little entertainers are to be commend ed. American flag? The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ban4. Why was Roger Williams Gardner met with a painful accident ished from Massachusetts? Thursday by tipping lye on his face 5. Where did the Pilgrims land? 6. Who was the first English child and hands. Thursday, Mrs. M. A. Lish returnborn in America? 7. Who gave the Statute of Liberty ed to her home here. Several ball games have been playto the United States ? ed here on the Deweyville school 8. Who owns Bermuda? 9. What war started in 1755? grounds by the following schools: Tremonton and Honeyville. 10. Who was the first man to sign Friday was the first league game the Declaration of Independence? played by Deweyville and Honeyville. Answers on Page Four Our boys won and are to be commented on their good playing. The girls GEOGRAPHY QUESTIONS played at Honeyville with the girls team. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Dewey and 1. Name two states whose four Joe Ballard Dewey spent Saturday at boundaries are straight lines. 2. What is the oldest city in the Grace, Idaho as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Leavitt. Western Hemisphere? Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pierson of 3. Locate the Agean Sea. 4. What are the highest mountains Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierson of Ogden were visiting in Europe? at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin 5. What is the capital of Gardner on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner mo6. Is there a United States in South tored to Mapleton, Idaho, on Sunday America ? 7. What and where i3 Ellis Island? where they were guests of Mr. and 8. What are the two largest islands Mrs. Martello Burbank and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson have in the British Empire ? 9. What is the sacred river of In- as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lavar Johnson of California. dia? Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Eggleston 10. What mountain range runs the and sons of Salt Lake City visited at length of South America? Answers on Page Four the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert HISTORY QUESTIONS Blackham Sunday afternoon. Bishop and Mrs. Marion G. Perry entertained at a wedding dinner Wednesday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Peterson who were recently married. Covers were placed for the honored guests and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Peterson Sr. and family of Peters- boro, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Perry and Myrl Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lish and daughters and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hor ace Lish Jr. and daughter Ann were birthday dinner guests of Mrs. Wayne Mathias at Brigham City April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tingey have moved to Corinne, Utah. ELWOOD By Mrs. II. P. Rasmosseo Col-linsto- n, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vanderhlde of Ogden are the proud parents of a son, born Thursday, April 15 at the Dee hospital, all feeling fine. Mrs. n was formerly Miss Pearl of Elwood. Mrs. Dee Francom returned from Salt Lake City, Friday after seeing her husband leaving for a mission on Thursday. Mrs. J. P. Christensen, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen. They visited relatives in Boise, Idaho over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Phenix Christensen and baby of Preston, Idaho were guests of Ira Andersen Sunday. Herman Andreasen and Mr. and Mrs. Casper Andreasen attended the funeral of Sheriff Joseph J. Olsen at Brigham City Sunday. The gramme r grade boys and girls of Thatcher school came down here to play baseball last Friday. The visitors were victorious. Van-derhi- Mor-tense- Tremonton, Utah 229 Mrs. Trent Thompson and babies are visiting relatives in Honeyville. Fred Barf us and Albert Bessingwr left Saturday for Nevada, where Mr. Barf us has taken a claim on some mining land. Miss Luby Rasmussen and Luella Romer spent the weekend home front Salt Lake City. m Erma and Ada Hansen, Twila and Reed and Ferrel Munns all spent the weekend home from college. . A. put on a 4 act play The Monday night to a large, enthusiastic crowd. Virgil Francom, Herman and Norman Andreason, Don Thompson. Neal and M. W. Hansen entertained with songs and music between acts. Ellas Hansen and Martlnus Larsen of Mink Creek visited relatives here Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nielsen went to Ogden Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. Nielsen's father. H. C. Han sen, Casper Andreason and J. P. Christensen also attended the funeral. They were missionary companions of Mr. Nielsen's in Denmark some 30 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Clem H. Jensen and daughter, Marjorie, of Ogden, Mrs. Pleasie Furse of West Weber were Heber Jensen of Hyrum and Miss dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J Walter Green last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kim Hansen of Ogden, visited H. P. Rasmussen last week. Mel-dru- . M.-I- In 1855 aluminum sold for $55.00 a pound and in 1910 it sold at 20 cents a pound. The annual production in United States is valued at four million dollars. The first American newspaper was the Public Occurences, published at Boston, Mass., in 1690. QUART No. Phoaie 23 - 228 BECOMES DEALER FOR SILVER SIXES AND EIGHTS Q STREAK At the urgent request oflocal motorists, Pontiac has appointed a dealer for this community. Now you can inspect the famous Silver Streak six and eight from end to end . . . compare their features with Pon-tiac- 's those of any car at any price . . . check up on Have Been Appointed Dealers for "A naconda" great economy . . . find out why everything car. points to Pontiac as America's finest You will see the most beautiful thing on wheels. You will see the safest bodies and brakes on any car TREBLE SUPERPHOSPHATE low-pric- Commercial Fertilizer A scientifically prepared product, prepared umumt to furnish the right kind of narishment to promote maximum growth and production of your crops. farm lands, Quality Merchandise BUILDING MATERIALS HOME AND FARM SUPPLIES SEEDS In Package or bulk farmers' Cash Union "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET - I I .. .. IP ..... ed mi Pon-tiac- 's the famous Unisteel Bodies by Fisher, and renowned triple-seale- d hydraulic brakes. You will enjoy a lullaby ride only possible with Pontiac's Knee-Actio- n. center-poisteering and improved You are cordially invited to visit this new Pontiac dealership at any time to Inspect its fine servic facilities, meet the members of the organization and drive the Silver Streak Pontiac. Why not do it today? nt iwmi ' " - $385.00 No shrewd buyer passes up our used car bargains Copyright 1937, The Wilken Family, Inc., Aladdin, Pa. offices : N. Y. CThe Wilken Family Blended Whis90 proof the straight key whiskies in this product are 15 months or more old. 25 straight whiskies; 75 grain neutral spirits. 20 straight whiskey 15 months old, J straight whiskey 4 years old. We Ton Chev. Pickup- COMES TO TREMONTON II ' $495.00 rre-view- has been receiving at the ft treatmentLake S from school. Refreshments were served to all attending. Last Wednesday night, Mrs. Dwight Hansen was hostess to the Book Lore Club at the home of Mrs. W. M. Welling. During the evening the book "An American Doctor's Odessey," was by Miss Ida Perry. Eighteen members were present. During the social hour refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Florence Garn entertained the Cleo Club at her home last Friday. Bridge was played during the afternoon. Luncheon was served bv the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Reese were in ix)gan Wednesday on business. By Fronk Chevrolet s ' TTf - TlXo -- |