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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. APRIL 22, 1937 GARLAND Geo. A. was hostess Self Culture Club at tie Relief Society Cident J. Mrs. Gunder-Jli- n charge of the meeting. were played by J oiin numbers vv cannon, of Tremonton, Mrs Millan Peck accompanist, given to the guest MrTjohn A. Widstoe, of Salt KrtVv who gave a very interest- on her visit to the Holy Ind. luncheon was served to dous A 06 ,vrs and two euests. 1 .S forty-on- e Marion Johnson spent Thurs- 7rdztil at the home of her parents, Mrs- - Oluf Johnson. . and Mrs. V. W. Johns motored I 1 stands for Dessert Delectable bite DeLovely at dinner Delicious delight. Ji J< Lake City Sunday, returning Le Tuesday evening. George A. Linford mi returned where ctfurday night from California, Z spent five weeks visiting with children in Los Angeles and in Berkeley. jlrs. A. Capener made a trip Thursday, where she visit-- a R- - Ogden with relatives. to Mrs. A. D. Rich, Mrs. Arthur WeU-an- d Mrs. V. W. Johns were del- ates form the Self Culture Club to ae Federated Women's Club convention in Salt Lake City, this week. jfr, and Mrs. J. J. Thompson and in daughter Laura, spent Tuesday Oarkston visiting with Mr. and Mrs. parents of Mrs. Charles Shumway, fliompson. J. Holmgren spent Saturday in Salt Lake City. Douglas and J. Holmgren, Howard ghurtz and Sara Shumway, students E. Mrs. r Orpheissra Theatre TREMONTON, UTAH mmm$$m ii it aft Friday and Saturday April 23rd and 24th GIRL" "CIRCUS AUTRY, in GENE ROUND-U- P IN TEXAS" TIME "Robinson Crusoe" Sun. - Mon. - Tues. 25th April SALLY AMES - 26th - 27th, EILERS and DUNN, in HAVE OUR WE MOMENTS" TEMPLE, in SHIRLEY IITTLE MISS MARKER" "Dessert" often means gelatin these days, because of its delicious flavor and the ease with which the housewife can prepare it. Yet since modern science has made gelatin so delicious a food, it is often regarded merely as a decorative dessert or a "carrier" for salad ingredients. People eat it because they like its taste and are often unaware of its very real food value. In reality, it ia pointed out by the Royal Institute, when gelatin is eaten as a dessert it is a source of the most important body building and repair foods. Gelatin belongs to that great s whose family of other prominent members are milk, eggs, cheese, meat and fish. It contains food elements which build and repair the tissues of the body and promote its growth. Not only Is it one of the easiest of all foods to digest, but it is an important factor in aiding the digestion of other foods. For that reason, gelatin is often added to milk in infant feeding, and is used in the menu of invalids. Of recent years a great deal of progress has been made in determining the value of gelatin as a food. It has long been recognized as a nitrogenous food, but it remained for modern science to discover that it is rich In one protein fruit-flavore- d protein-rich-food- of the U. S. A. C, spent the weekend at their homes. Mrs. Glen Henrie and son, Bobbie, returned Saturday form Brigham City where they spent the week visiting with relatives. Mrs. Sterling Huish was hostess to her Bridge Club Monday. The prizes went to Mrs. Harold Persson, Mrs. Lee Isaacson and Mrs. Millan Peck. Luncheon was served to sixteen members. Mrs. F. S. Peck is in attendance at the convention of Federal Women's Clubs in Salt Lake City this week. Mrs. Peck is a state director. The Garland local of the Home and Community section of the Farm Bureau held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Dean Hall Wednesday afternoon. County Extension Agent, Mrs. Ethel B. Lund was present and gave the lesson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nelson and daughter, Karen, spent the weekend with Mrs. Nelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Woffinden. Mrs. J. W. Chambers returned Thursday from a pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Salt Lake City and Ogden. Mrs. T. W. Innes was hostess to the Garland Bridge Club at her home Thursday. The prizes were taken by and Thursday April 28th and 29th ROLAND YOUNG, in E G. WELL'S COMEDY FREE $1.00 Will Hold Your GRADUATION GIFTS OVENWARE NITES JOE KIRKHAM Old Mill Orchestra FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY -- - 75& Le-lan- Couple; Extra awarded prizes. f 2 CLUB ENTERTAINED LITERARY MEMBERS ENTERTAINED AT LION HOUSE Mrs. Fern Winzeler entertained the at her home Friafternoon. Mrs. day n Henry Rhode and Eighteen members of the Mrs. Larene Scott were special guests. enterwere Club Literary tained by Mrs. E. H. White at the Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Getz Lion House in Salt Lake City, Satur- and Mrs. Powell. day. The book, "The Lord's Anointed" was given by Miss White of Salt Lake NOTICE City. A delicious luncheon was served. After club, the ladies attended The Midland Camp of the D. U. P. starring Jeanette McDonald will meet with Mrs. Helen Wilson and Nelson Eddy. Thursday, April 29 at 3 p. m. Catherine Watkins CLUB ENTERTAINED Captain Mrs. James Ransom was hostess to the B. B. Bridge Club at her home Joe Louis uses a much different Saturday afternoon. The special stance than did Jack Johnson. Louis' guests were Mrs. Read Cannon and stance is a side stance, while Johnson Mae Barfus. Mrs. Alice Persson, of faced his man with body front, left Garland, Mrs. Read Cannon and Mae foot extended, always in balance. Barfus received the honors. Delicious refreshments were served. L. L. Bridge Club Garland-Tremonto- "May-time- The G. O. G. Bridge Club were Win-zele- r. Winchester were special guests. Mrs. Kim Mann and Mrs. S. B. Watland won prizes. Buy Graduation Gifts Now at ROBERT SIMONSEN Jeweler IMPORTANT FOOD Christensen's Produce EAST TREMONTON The J, A. Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Chournos. Monopoly and "500" were played after which refreshments were served to fifteen members. Mrs. John Garfield and Irvine Garfield spent the weekend in Salt Lake MJ" J5JJJ5MjJj SPECIAL THE NEW ROYAL VACUUM THIS WEEK END "Good Houskeeping Shop" Schoss Electric 307 Tremonton, Utah - Phone 10c z. SALMON DelMonte Large Size 21c TUNA FLAKES Per 1 1 CM SALAD DRESSING Can Per 25c Juait PRUNES Fresh, Large 5 25c Pounds TOMATOES Solid Pack 10c No.2'2 Can... Hill's Red Can Pound 27c POTATO CHIPS 15c Packages .... WHITE KING Large 29c Package JELL-WEL- L All Flavors .10 for Vanilla Pound 19c SHORTENING 49c Pounds FLAVORADE All Flavors Packages 10 c 3 SALMON Pink 29c 3 Cans WALLPAPER WALLPAPER LETTUCE Large, Solid WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT FOR THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY . . . Wall Paper and Paint Store WALLPAPER WALLPAPER AND THIN IAU6H 2 15c Bunches Quality Meats SAUSAGE OCw Pork 2 Lbs OOC BACON OOw CYVK, Quality, Sliced Pound I Potatoes " - - SEED Potatoes Price Anniversary Specials II For commemoration of our First Anniversary we are offering wcial reduced prices on our Spring stock of J COATS - SUITS - PRINT DRESSES Colds - - Salicylate Alkaline Mcaicanon That's what modern doctors say. That's what AlkaSeltier is. In- in stead of being administered Alka-Selttwo disagreeable furnishes this medication in one pleasant drink. If you erer va6 anything mors effor Add fective then Indlgeation, Headache. Muscular, Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains, ws will refund the monay you paid tot your Ant package. AJka-SeltYsf druggist seus do, With each purchase we will give a GIFT FREE in appreciation of patronage we have received. Alka-Seltx- I Hill Hi I zr $2.60 per 100 lbs. in BLISS, OHIO and COBBLERS We Also Have Very Choice Rose Bushes and Flower Plants 8c . RADISHES and ONIONS NUSSBAUM'S We have some of the best SEED POTATOES ever offered. ""mutMUMHHIHHMi Vanilla Bottle WAFERS $17.00 CUT ON WoSlR'.lDTAtf STUDENTS WITH STUDENT BODY CARDS . . 5Cc Hh EXTRACT 3 al COLD Saturday Bargains COFFEE Ladies, 25 LaGra Shop Tremonton, Utah en- tertained Saturday by Mrs. Fern Mrs. Sargent and Mrs. Ed Protect Your Health d NATURE'S HAD MY ," G. O. G. ENTERTAINED AT MRS. WINZELER'S Eat More Fresh Fruits and Vegetables you wouicm't 14UGM If YOU BEAR RIVER HIGH SCHOOL GYM Mrs. Ada Chenney was hostess' to LOIS COOK. Correspondent Phone G0.a-- L BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED the G. S. S. Bridge Club at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Jessie Miller, Mrs. Effie Glenn, Mrs. Edythe Cannon and Mrs. Alice Cummings were Club News J. Holmgren, Mrs. C. L. Pin-de- r and Mrs. P. C. Petterson. Luncheon was served to nine members. Robert Kirkham visited with relatives and friends in Salt Lake City over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. King, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hall, and Mrs. James Smith attended the silver wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Henry TalBefore sweeping, sprinkle salt over bot at Layton Saturday evening, April 17. Mrs. Talbot is a sister of Mrs. D. carpets. This will preserve the color. E. Manning and Mrs. Thomas E. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. George O. Nye enjoyed a visit from their grandson, Baron of Brigham City who ' spent the weekend with them. Miss Melba Nye is spending this week visiting with her parents, Mr. MOST and Mrs. George O. Nye. Mrs. E. Leader Ads Get Results 7th FEIUDAY, MAY Admission ed Hep-wort- 12-pie- ce it Sixteen scouts enjoyed a swimming party at Udy Spring's Tuesdav even CAROL ECHO ing. CHORUS ENTERTAINED Max Johnson came up from school in Salt Lake City, Mrs. Francis Moore, Mrs. Adam Saturday afternoon, to see his mother, Mrs. J. M. Brenkman, Miss Effie Eldredge and Sorensen. Miss Verda Johnson was Fae Waldron were hostesses to the also home from the A. C. to spend Carol Echo Chorus Monday evening the weekend with her mother. at the home of Mrs. Moore. The evChester Atkinson and Willard Lar- ening was spent in entertainment and son joined the Camera Club of Bear business. A delicious luncheon was River high school, Thursday, on their served. one day trip to places of interest in Logan, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Dell Atkinson of Clarkston is here helping his nephew, Leroy Atkinson, with the spring farm work. Mrs. Israel Hunsaker of the Relief Society Stake Board visited the lo.. cal association here Tuesday. Mrs. L. M. Holman also of the Stake Board visited at Collinston. as hostess. The lesson, "Care and Repair of Furniture," was given by Mrs. Nettie B. Lund, Home Demonstrator. Delicious refreshments were served to twelve ladies. Mrs. O. A. Seager and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Seager left Sunday for Indianapolis, Ind., where Mr. Seager will enter the National Musical contest Mrs. Seager will spend about two weeks in the East. Miss Augusta Brough was a Salt Lake City visitor last Saturday. C. W. Merrell, of Brigham City, called at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ira Fridal, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welti, Miss h, Olive Neilsen and Miss Claire of Logan, were Friday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Seager's. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Koford spent Sunday visiting with friends at the Bird Refuge. COLOR-SHORT- S and his fruit-flavor- ly ill. Farm Bureau was held Monday at Ira Fridal's with Miss May Fri-d- MIRACLES" SELECTED g Mrs. $1.00 WHO COULD WORK quick-settin- City. Wednesday "MAN element which ia indispensable for the growth of children. That element is Lysine. Since this factor is extremely valuable to the proper development of the child and since gelatin is bo rich a source, it is no wonder that child specialists are advocating the inclusion of gelatin In the child's diet It is no wonder then, that gelatin dessert enjoys so prominent a place in the daily menu of all ' people, adults as well as children, sick as well as healthy people, especially nowadays, when it may be had in seven fruit flavors in the convenient prepared form, each package containing pure high grade gelatin of the first extractions, pure cane sugar and delicate real fruit flavor. In gelatin dessert we have a food which combines to delight the eye and palate while at the same time it provides all the benefits of its high nitrogenous and protein content. To show how easily it is prepared, these are the instructions: Pour contents of one package of gelatin dessert into bowl. Add 1 cup pt.) boiling water; stir until completely dissolved. Add 1 cup (Ms pt.) cold water. Stir and pour into moulds. Chill until firm. The same amount of fruit juice or other liquids may be used in place of cold water. It H 11 HUH) HHi'M 1 1 Society and I Mrs. Lafayette G rover was hostess to the Relief Society ladies at her home Thursday afternoon. A special program was carried out in honor of daughters and mothers of Relief Society. A lesson on gardening was also given by Mrs. Naomi Oyler. Dainty refreshments were served during the social hour which followed the meeting. Mesdames Lavona, Pearl and Vera Grover were assisting hostesses. Art Johnson underwent a major operation at the Dee hospital, Friday. Alva Rhodes went to Lehi Tuesday of last week to attend the funeral of an uncle, William Rolf, on Wednesday. He remained to visit with his parents until Sunday. Marion Sorensen, Reed and verda Johnson motored to Ogden Sunday afternoon to visit Art Johnson at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hansen, daughter Sherma and sons Eugene and Dee Walter, Mrs. E. S. Hansen and Mrs. David Larson motored to Salt Lake City Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Larson joined with relatives in seeing nephew, Rulon Payne, off on his mission to Czecho Slovakia. A large group of missionaries left Salt Lake City Thursday evening. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Miller and family visited with former neighbors and friends at Far West Mrs. J. M. Sorensen is 'still serious- l6 D. By Sirs. David Larson I ho np-- Cradles II EAST GARLAND j Mrs. BT PAGE ITVB SALMON OCw Slrced 2 aCiOC Pounds POT ROASTS Choice Cuts Pound 1 2w X OC STICK BOLOGNA Per -- I Cw 1 Pound All Our Stock Is of the Very Best SEE US AT OUR NEW STORE - 539 SOUTH MAIN er LUND & SONS BRIGHAM PHONE 148 OP. SKtoQGS frosts POOD Surtty OJ Purily |