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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY JULY 23, 1981 dren, Mr. and Mrs. Arlan Hansen, of the manager. Couple Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wright of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess spent SunLake visited in with 15th Mr. Saturday Logan canyon. day and r Mrs. A. N. Fishburn, V - Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Randall moMr and Mrs. Ben Burgess and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beal an tored to Malad Sunday and Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schenkle attend' nounce the marriage of their daughter H. Randall of Centerville, mother of Bert Burgess motored to Logan canyon Saturday night and stayed over ed the funeral of Mrs. Shenkle'a neph- - Estella Franke to Vernal William Mt. Randall, returned with them. ' ew in aaii uute ounaay. Sunday. Johns, of Garland, on Wednesday, July Mrs. George Carter entertained the 15th, in the Logan Temple. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Winxeler were! - This Mrs. Rauber, who is very ill was v .Trejaoatoa-Garlan- d Ladies club at her highly respected and popular Lake visitors Tuesday. Salt John home of her to son, the brought are spending their hon Ian couple young Thursday. Special guests y" f Of the hostess were Mrs. H. S. Harvey, Rauber, Tuesday night eymoon in the Pacific Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Feraelius and 'Mrs, Miller of Shelly, Idaho, sister of Wednes- daughter, Edith, and son, Kent, of Salt returned Mr. Fred Gephart Mrs. and Frank , :, Mrs. Harvey, Driggs r " Mrs7Ed. Eolmgren. Mrs. Harvey won day from Salt Lake where he has been Lake visited three days during the CoUinston week at the H. P. Randall home. Mr. on business. . ; guest prizes; Mrs. Limb, low; Mrs. for several days Fernelius of brother Mrs. Ran is a ;J Dalton, cut and Mrs. Innes, consolation Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. Fred Rice, of Wheel on. spon Manghn.were dall. sored a delightful afternoon social, Mrs. J. B. Jones and family of Logan visitors Sunday. Miss Iris Stanford of Carev. Idaho Thursday in compliment to the RenMalad, spent Sunday with her sister, Grant Dockstader and wife, of mink will be a guest of Mrs. H. P. Randall dezvou Club members and Mrs. Jaun- Mrs. J. C. Dewey. "a Bigler as special invited guest. 14 Creek and Chancy Dockstader and for the next two or three weeks. ladies were present to enjoy the gam Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Dewey left Wed- wife of Preston are guests at the home es and splendid luncheon. S. W. Shaw Mr. and of Dockstader. Demont and Mrs. Mr. daughter, of nesday on a trip to Yellowstone. . Friday afternoon and evening the Jalesburg, Kan., and Mrs. S. N. Shell Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brigs and family or the late Jams Jonn- were Ogden visitors Sunday. Wesley Gephart returned Saturday and daughter, of Wichita, Kan., were aescenaents son met the Crystoi springs ana at N. Shaw Geo. had at the visitors E. has where he and from Ephriam thoroughly enjoyed themselves relatMr. and Mrs. Dave Stander and chil- - charge of the store during the vacation Cropley homes last week. ing and listening to the Pioneer history of their loved anes. As usual everything good to eat was there, The late George Johnson was hon area by his aescenaents in a memory ored by his descendents in a reunion held in his memory at the Udy Hot Springs, Saturday. 56 gathered there to enjoy the bathing, luncheon and " games., stc. A TREMONTON, large number from our ward thor oughly enjoyed the splendid musical concert given Sunday afternoon in the Tabernacle, at Garland. The Beaver Dam Chapel was crowd ed to its full capacity atthe Sunday evening meeting where they listen ed to a splendid addres given by El der Joseph Durfey, a recently return-ho- p Potter also gave xz xzc xz xzgzk ed missionary from Australia, Bro ther Leo Earl, of Fielding, and Bishop Potter also gave interesting talks. A home coming social will be held at the Beaver Dam Amusement Hall. Saturday evening, August 1st. in com pliment to Elder Joseph Durfey, who arrived home Thursday, July 16th from a 26 month mission in Australia, Almost every day we find some new way to improve our methods and further reduce Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and operating costs. We are always studyingplaning, striving to hold waste to a minimum daughter, Ruth, of Berthium. Colo, and increase the purchasing power of the consumer's food dollar. The constant effort on were welcome guests at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. our part is reflected in the consistently better values you find at our stores. A. Bigler on their return trip from Yellowstone National Park. C II E E S E Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Durfey en tertained Sunday in comnliment tn Mild Cream Blue Pine thier brothers and sisters.. Mr. and Sanitary Wrapped Full 0 Flavor Bordens, Tall Cans Mrs. H. 0. Durfey, of Wheelon, Mr. 3 for , and Mrs. Leo Earl, of Fielding; Mrs Beth Marble, of Ogden, Mrs. Rhoda Per lb.. Per lb. Thyre, of Providence and Elder Jos eph Durfey. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hess of Ogden Fresh Creamery Kitchen King were the week end guests of their sis Canning Necessity 2 Pounds f. -- .1 ter. Mrs. Ethel Green Mrs. Longfellow of Wheelon, is en Per lb. Lg. Bottle tertaining her sister from pleasant Grove for an indefinite time. SALAD FISH PORK and BEANS Mr. and Mrs. Einghom of Diamond Kitchen King Oval Can Delicious for Salads ville, Wyoming are being entertained Lunch - Picnics 14 ounce bottle at the home of their brother and sister Mustard or Tomato 16 oz. can Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Goddard. Sauce 2 for Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Secrist had 4 for Each Each . for their Sunday guests, their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hooper, or Smithfield. Mrs. Sarah ,T, Hansen of Logan. spent Sunday with friends in Beaver . . Dam. Mrs. A. A. Loyeland of Deweyville spent a few days with her daughter, Airs. Juamta Bigler. of rMiss Melba Johnson is havincr Large, Firm t Large, Firm T Dozen Pound pleasant: visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph in Beaver Dam. f Tremonton Locals . . . . 1 Popular Valley Married July j , 'l Lower TSJ7m TTT7TP Wider Prices Jm Selections ; EXTRA SIZE . EXTRA WEIGHT FlaSSy Pax? - tt-V- ool Satete Ribbon . Boufirf Ainnieirncsiini HUH UTAH GARLAND, UTAH Thu. July 23 - Specials - Sat July 25 instead of FOLLOWING LEADING of COPYING CREATING instead COFFEE ; 19c 27C 29c 15 c 9c FRUITS and VEGETABLES ; LEMONS BANANAS - ZoC OQj Libbys 8 oz. cans I. CRACKERS Flavor 29c OCw Libbys 6 cans . 1 f- aCOC Vienna SAUSAGE Libbys 5 oz. can .... POTATO f. f1UC CHIPS Always Crisp 7 oz. pkg. ..'.. 1 9C BREAD JELLO 25c Raisin, White or Health 3 for Choice Heifer, pound 10c 1 Oc WIENERS BACON Per lb. Sliced, per lb. 15c MINCED HAM Per lb. 17c BSICOn, A Small Deposit Hold Your Selectkm UnrU Wanted NOW is the time to BUY! Short Ribs 2 ibs. Fancy Sliced 15c lb. 25c 1930 PRICE PAIR 2.98!': - 23c - ' AlflA SoBdr Colevft (70x8o). IMAGINE! 4 J ; EXTRA SIZE! EXTRA WEIGHT! Part-Wo- ol Pflafld Blamlie&ci Ve Pair r 1930 Price J4SSI Here's a blanket that's extra in every way I Extra six ( it weifht (hi lbs.) and extra fluffy . . , m extra value that'll give extra wear I Part-woplaids and extra wide I Doable bed size. ol Peimimesr J.DBF(.ART.tlBlf ht ? ; The fluality is high the price is low I Just enough wool to insure warmth . . selected cotton to in- sure long wear I Double He& size T (. Of ORB East Main Street, Tremonton, Utah Clothes do not always "make the man? but! oftentimes their appearance "proclaim the Everyone should appear neat and clean. Send your clothes here and they will always be clean. : We Call and Deliver. II S CLEANERS LARD p,b12c 'TT. Mrs. Carl Larson was called to Og den last Tuesday by the sudden death of her brother, Peter A. Isaacson, a 1930 Price 2.49! contractor and builder of that city. were m neia ine iunerai services You can feel 'Equality" in these, the Ogden seventh ward or Thursday. blankets I Specially nude fori Mrs. John Oyler, Jr., was hostess tc Pennev's o selected- - Virgin! wool tor warmth and the best the Relief Socieay Ladies at her home China cotton for wear. Sizej Thursday of last week for the month- work and business Inter ly meeting. 66 x 80 esting early day reminiscences of this community were giver by Mrs. Meda Gleason," one of the earliest pioneers of the valley and mother of Mrs. Jno, Oyler. ' J. W. Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Coombs, Jr., attended the annual Farm ers Encampment at Logan. From re ports given Bear River Valley was not represented r.s well as of former years. Mrs. Harold Selraan and little, daugh ter, Lois returned last week from several days, visit with Mr. Selman, near Soda Springs. ., Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams attended a reunion of the Guiman family at Vivian Park in Provo Canyon over the week end. At Sunday evening meeting J. W, Larson, Jr., gave interesting exper iences of life in New York and his character.M work in aeronautical engineering at Curtiss-WrigField. Lafayette Gro- ver told of pioneer experiences of his mother who came in one of the first I hand cart companies. Miss Clarissa Larson gave a piano solo. Jr M. Sorensen left for Texas Sat urday with a load of purebred sheep. Mrs. F. A. Shuman and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Shuman of Penrose vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. James Miller. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roselund and fam here and elsewhere in Utah. ily of Ogden, were guests of Mr. and j Those attending Stake Union meet Mrs. C. J. Hansen. Sunday. ing at Garland Sunday enjoyed a rare Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Larson enter treat listening to the splendid concert tained at a family gathering Sunday given in the Tabernacle before separat in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lar ing for auxiliary department workA i son, Jr. of New York. Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Miss Norma Hansen of Washlnc-to-n Mrs. J. W. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. C. is visiting relatives and friends W. Larson, Jr., of New York, Miss - Assorted Flavors packages 1 Ice Cream Powder FREE! P6t RoaStS 1 UC - IOC East Garland ? for DEVILED MEAT 3 3 Pints 3 A, IvC Green ....::li.23C BECCO Cool 07 Lt C Selected Size . OLIVES 5 oz. Can 27C . CUCUMBERS OC OLIVES Pints Luncheon Delight 2 lbs Firm CORNBEEF can .... aCiOv GRAHAM Ripe, Pound 25 f27s TO MA TO ES QQ. W PICKLES CANTALOUPES H!fts Gd OC ORANGES thfh ttwmJ BUYTODAYorLAYWAY 25c CATSUP SARDINES yiHy ArrfrfttH TEA 45c 25c 2V2 PENNEVS wthwm 15c BUTTER CERTO Dills ; MILK 37c Selected, Juicy Dozen Here's a blanket to hdp you welcome cold tretthert So soft and warm as can be I Selected cottar qjfccect with a small amount of wool to insure wear. Extra sixal (72x84), extra weight . . . irH pay to btrNOWWaqlS of this quality are possible at this low price ONLY because! fluffy, so Phone nton, , Utah Louise Simmons of Salt Lake Cify. Conrad and Clarissa Larson. Mrs. Meda Gleason of Salt "Lfcte City is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Oyler, Jr. . ...... ; Rulon Steed of Logan and Miss Jennie Stewart of St. Anthony, Idaho were calling on Mr. and Mrs. David Larson. |