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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY JULY 23. 1931 . -- Penrose . nr . a. A mi I anai East Tremonton j onunian mr, ana were visituur in. Kauman O.L. Brougfa and family attended . a soumin . "ll a v the Farmers Encampment at Logan v r :i i rs. James miuer. last Thursday. Mr. arid Mrs. Fred W. Peterson were The K. K. Klub held a meeting last week at the home of Melba Jones William Rogers and son, Dean, of when one half the girls served the other half a breakfast, and then this week at the home of the Miss Mr. arid Mrs. Ryman Peterson were Rae Abbott, a breakfast leader, was served to the other half of the girls, so that Mrs. Frank Muir, Mrs. JNels Nielson, all had a part in this demonstration. and Mrs. Jacob Leak were Brigham Mrs. Lewis Abbott had as her guest visitors on Wednesday. for a week, her sister, Mrs. R. L. Floyd Rogers spent the past week Snider and T .V. mHi Ilia foftiav Willi.m daughter, Dorothy, of .AVU XMUV. lltUMMU 111 0M UIAC Great Montana. Falls, Hogers. J Mrs. H. L. Childs and son, Harold Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Petersen were are on visiting her mother, Mrs. Jane Tremonton in Monday. shopping Mr. and Mrs. William Bosley and Abbott. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Abbott, of Morfamilv and Mrs. Maud Nelson and daughter, Norma, were Sunday guests gan, were Sunday visitors of Lewis Abbott and family. Their son Marsh of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Shuman. Bishop Fred L. Peterson and Mrs. returned with them after a two week's Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. wmora stay here. Miller attended the dance at Blue Miss Virginia Carter, of Morgan, is Creek on Thursday evening. the house guest of Miss Maudell Sea-ge- r, Mr. Harmon Granger is sporting a this week. new Chevrolet truck. Mr. and Mrs. George Brough had as The many friends of Lenard Berch--tol- d Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Saturday are happy to know he is home Anderson guests, and two sons, of Salt Lake the from hospital. Mrs. Joseph Berchtold and daughter, City. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ault had as Urs. Leo Young were Brigham visitors dinner guests on Wednesday, H. L. ' on Saturday. Burns and sons, Gordon ond Robert of A large number of people from this New York. ward attended Priesthood and Union Miss Franke Beal, daughter of Mr, enand on Sunday meeting at Garland and Mrs. George Beal, was married to joyed the musical treat given. Vernal Johns last Wednesday in the Logan Temple. Immediately following the ceremony they left for an extended trip thru the Northwest Congratulations are extended by their Sunday School 10 a. m., Mrs. P. E. many friends. Ault Superintendent. Junior Church 11 a. m., Odess Wy-:a- tt preach. The Fourth Quarterly conwill give "a reading at this serwill be held at the close of the vice. Special music by the Girls Jun- ference ior Choir. Union service of both de- service, Sunday School at Corinne at partments of the Epworth League at 2 p. m. and sermon by Dr. Hancher at 3 p. m., after which the Fourth Quar7:15 p. m. Mrs. "Shaw leader. Evening preaching service at eight terly conference will be held. The public is invited to all services. o'clock. Dr. C. W. Hancher, SuperinAlvin R. Dickson, Pastor. tendent of the Utah Mission will Airs, a 1 clt FARM BUREAU NEWS r ; . w . I I Riverside and luncheon of ice cream and wafers was served by Mrs. P. E. Ault and a group of dub girls. Shall the Taxpayers Of Utah Strike? An official Farm Bureau Board The July issue of the Taxpayer, ofwas held Saturday evening at ficial organ of the Utah Taxpayers meeting The Home and Community Section Association, will raise the question of the North Box Elder Farm Bureau the Midland parlors. whether or not people on the public held a social on the Bear River High Pres. Brough, who had recently re- payroll should be subjected to the. School lawn on June 10th at 2:30 from California, where he at- same economic laws respecting income turned O'clock. . ' i ; j the tended Western Farm Bureau con- as are the taxpayers who supply the M. Mrs. A. were Special guests ' In this issue it states that ci C. G. Reeder of Brigham City, Mrs. ference, gave a splendid report of his money. tizens divided into two classes are Adney, of Corinne, Mrs. Oluf Jensen trip and the sessions of the confer- the sheltered and the exposed. .-'of Bear River City and Mrs. Pearl ence. ; , The publication calls attention to Hunsaker of Honeyville. The ladies He also attended a State Farm Bu- the condition of the farmer whose tax are the officials of the Womens Farm bill constantly increases year after Bureau organization of the South end reau meeting on Thursday at the Farm while the prices of his commodiof the County. Roll call showed sixty era Encampment where it was voted year to have a committee appointed to look ties are lowered. While it demands women present. 100 bushels of wheat this to pay A program consorting of readings into the wheat situation in Utah with his debt when wheat is $1 year bushel, per by H girls of Dewey viile and a dem- a view of assisting farmers to hold it will require 200 bushels of wheat onstration on naking of salads by their wheat instead of selling at har- to meet the same obligation next year Miss Valoy Iverscn and Miss Pearl vest time at such low prices. It was when wheat is selling at 50c per bushJohansen of the club of South Tre pointed out that there was not enough el.. And so the question is raised wheraised wheat in Utah to this year sup- ther or not monton was given. public officials should reThese young ladies have represented ply local consumption, so it is urgent main immune from the fluctuations of Box Elder County at the State Fair that all the wheat be retained in the prices or whether they should be callstate. -- for the last two learj, ed upon to share the fortunes or misMrs. Reeder, President of the South club girls from South Tremon- fortunes of those who pay the tax Box Elder Ladies Farm Bureau was ton and one club from Tremonton at- burden. The publication contends that called on and gave a short talk ex- tended the Farmers Encampment at if this obviously unfair situation conpressing her appreciation of the cour- Logan last week. Mrs. Heaton, Miss tinues it will lead to the complete contesy shown their officers. A short Vaudis Zessiger and Mrs. Leland Crys fiscation of property. Commendation is given to the school period of games was enjoyed under tal accompanied them. the direction of Mrs. Karl Welling of superintendents and school boards throughout the state in their recognition of the present financial distress and lowering the tax burdens almost invariably throughout the state, as result of the co operative action between the organized taxpaying groups and the school people in the 40 districts of the state. The editorial of this issue raises the question whether taxpayers .should strike. The answer is in the negative since the contention is put forth that the time to strike is while budgets are being prepared and bond issues pro--' posed and higher levies advocated, and that the only tax relief lies not in a. taxpayer's strike, but in expenditure . control. Tremonton Locals 4-- 4-- - Rev. and Mrs. Dickson entertained the members of the church board at theParsonage, Monday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Arson Coy, of Oxford were in Tremonton Tuesday. 4-- H A. N. Robbins, who was taken to the hospital with an attack of appendicitis, is well enough to be around again, but because of the nature of the case an operation was not deemed advisable. -- Methodist Church rMfSt ; I ; rruiM, limit 'Qti .Don t brag! -t- EH changed to Goodyears today (Those old tires may have gone farther than you have any right to expect, but don't trust them too far. And you know your next puncture will tripe out all you're "saving". Better change to new Goodyears, THE leading make, today. That's safer, wiser. Let us show you the big value we're offering for little money. YH PATHFINDER Back IIS and Indeed, not! It's so easy to "Switch to comforts in your home, just as enjoy many thousands of others are doing. All-Electri- c," ute Big tavinft on tubes Here is a service that costs no more than the kind and what a difference in comfort and Fronk Chevrolet Co. : B-A-N-C- : old-fashion- Electric Cooking, with a Hotpoint or Westinghouse Electric Range Electric Refrigeration with a General Electric Refrigerator and Electric Water Heating n all on our Combination Rate a source of I -E Step-Dow- real economy too. as AT THE Moonlight Gardensj Utah E Tremonton, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY.NIGHT UNDER NEW; MANAGEMENT You can purchase all or any of these appliances on a very liberal 5 f: s : a : : i 3 E il Biff dance : July 24th with special features W-i-t-- mm ill- - I UTAH i PQWFR K I IGHT CC EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE ' a Rhythm Kings plan. j h- ter Conshaf Frank AND HIS ' time-payme- nt A suggestion: Phone us or visit our store and let us give you full information. You'll be interested, and in no way obligated 5 5 Um Extra Ladies Free ed convenience! Tremonton, Utah 9 ' O j i . (31x525) 439 30x3 Ref. CI. 17.95 30x5 HD. Truck Other tizei equally low ; ed 5.60 8.57 (29x4.50) 825-2- 1 : : M2 old-fashion- GOODYEAR Phone 20 jinii''r Is it worth while to endure the burdens of household drudgery to worry along with cooking methods to deny your family the benefits of perfect food protection to be annoyed with the problem of hot water supply for the household? lifetime guaranteed 4J0-2- 0 MAHN xI OJtXB Lattit Sit 9 When You omorrow you may wish you'd j |