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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY JULY 23, 1931 PAGE TWO Riverside I " Ha, a Fame Auto of 1905 Tour Roads On Good '" - u . trans-continent- al THINK WILSON Fire, Theft, Collision, Surety Bonds, ; Farm Loans,4 Property Loans, - BUILDING & LOAN Save As You Please, Income Accounts, Savings' Certificates. NOTARY PUBLIC -- CONVEYANCING All of the above together with the best of service can be obtained from JAMES BROUGH Office Tremonton .Res. h Bell Tel BVR. -- 101 4-- H al then-deride- , i pr.'.-o- t te i , Fronk Chevrolet We are the authorized agents of the famous . -- 31J.2 J. I. rm S:aU E?t?cac from Plantations to Firestone Service Stores ! and Service Dealers 'l- - "V , LOANS v . tfiTT vis-itin- estimate your needs in building materials matter how little or much. BONDS Tel.-Uta- . If so it will pay you as it has others to let Public Liability, Property Damage, Plate Glass Insurance. . -- isiLnnLPmG? Fire Insurance All Kinds, Automobile Insurance, Contract Bonds, Public Official Bonds. I Mrs. SoDhia Anderson who has been ill the past week is improving and is able to be up and around again. " Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Summers and ' - : i' family. Mr. John Whitmore and Clif ford Summers motored to Ogden and spent Sunday at the Hermitage in . ' ' Ogden Canyon. in was Anderson Mr. Rasmus on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsberg and Mrs. August Fosberg of Riverside visited Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson FrL Mrs. Mathew Wallace and family, jr of Salt Lake City, who have been Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Summers the past month, returned home Sunday, ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray and baby of Willard, visited Mrs. Geo. Stark, Saturday. Mrs. L. E. Allred and her mother, Mrs. S. L. Cox, who is visiting her fffom Lehi, were in Ogden on business Tuesday. Mrs. Lewis Anderson and small son visited and were dinner guests of Mrs. T. V. Summers, Monday. club meeting at There was a the: home of Virgil Forsgren, Friday. The afternoon was spent in canning vegetables and fruit. ' Mr, and Mrs. Evered Roach visited Sunday evening with Mr .and Mrs, ous public officials interested In Rasmus Anderson. highway development. Mrs. Edward Stark and baby rlsit- race The 1905 was far more than a sporting contest. rfed Mrs. Geo. Stark Monday. a test of the capabilities of the It wus Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson and d automobile. The fact these motoring pioneers sucthat son, Virgil, were in Brigham on busi ceeded in overcoming ail obstacles in crossing the country over this dim-cu- lt ness, Friday. route did much to advance the .' There were 24 Bothwell folk who atautomobile in the minds of the nation. The race rl?o dorronstrated tended the Farmers Encampment at the crying need for improved highall had a most Logan last week and ways and ;i crcUted with p'virvg the " first stimulus to road building in time. wonderful states. many i Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson and Conditions encountered by these ' early racers areinunbelievable today. daughter, Wanda, and Mrs. Sophia seas of water and They traveled mud with telcyruph polas as the only Andersen and grandson, Willard, were indication of where the road might at Corinne visiting Mr. and Mrs. John be ; they were forced to ford streams with vrnt.or above the floor boards; Nelson, Sunday. ","': puketi-cta- y wore roads ouca rutted, Word was received that Mrs. Willis set of tires in 90 mills; one day they scored 04 nilos in 17 hours driving; Tingey is permanently located in Wash for iys they drove over unmarked and deserts these were a .Jjington D.. C. Mrs. Tingey was for Iij.uk'3 few of the terrific obstacles they enmerly Miss Lola Madsen. countered. That they won through to the finish astounJbd the country. Miss Afton Hunsaker spent the tour Huss, During the week end at her home here. winner of that early epochal event, will speak befora civic organization Mrs. Lena Wells and daughter, Edna in scores of citie-- and towns. Ho w:ll of Willard visited Mrs. George Stokes contrast the road3 of 1905 bci.s-fltwith s those of 1931 ai: l describe the Friday. They also visited Mrs. Ervin derived from improved highways. Summers later in the afternoon. Mrs. He will be acixupar.Lcd or. lii t jur by a convoy of Oldsmobile? which, Stark also accompanied them. when compared to h!s 1905 "Oi l Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson and Scout," wiil forcefully depict cars t's advancements riai'e in motor son ye Verle visited their parents. Mr, as well as in highways. and Mrs. Eli Anderson of Bear River Sunday. Full time crews working three shifts City Mrs. Melvin Harris' health is still a day to complete Castlegate-Rola- p improving. She visited her parents, project on Highway N. 50. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Summers. Sunday. Mrs. C. 0. Anderson and children Logan Building permits for June totaled $24,800 as compared with $24,- - and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Forsbere vis 550 for June, 1930. ited Mrs. Nels Anderson, Sunday even- Beaver--- R. J. Finley of Los Anget. tyig. . . i i l i j mr. and Mrs. .Lloyd Forsgren of uuge uouy oi gaiena? ueveiujjuig e, lead ore near Fortuna mine, which also Brigham visited Mr. and Mrs. Rudger carried good silver and copper values. Forsgren, Sunday. Dinner was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson made Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rhead motored a brief visit Wednesday with Mr. and to Salt Lake Last Sunday afternoon Mrs. Bert Firth. to see Mr Rhead's mother, who left Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Summers pisited Oregon, for an their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hen Tuesday for Portland, ' extended visit. ri, of Garland, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Summers visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Summers, Mon day. OUfe Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson and children visited Mrs. P. M. Ivorsen, of Bear Kiver Sunday. ' Keith Anderson was the dinner guest of Rulon and Deron Hunsaker, Sunday. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Mr. Bert Hunsaker has been work Co. ing the past ten days at Honeyville, Mrs. Leslie Stokes entertained Fri Phone 21 Tremonton, Utah day in honor of her little daughter, Jene, it being her birthday. The af ternoon was spent in swimming and after games were played and refresh ments served by Mrs. Stokes. There were 15 children present and all had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. J. C. Wood, of Howell, Utah visited Mrs. Louis Chnstenson. Sun day. : Russel CTjristensen had the misfor tune to break his arm last Wednes day. He was playing with the dog and stumbled over the lawn mower. He was rushed to the hospital where his arm was set The doctor stated us it wasn't a very serious break. Mrs. Eli Anderson and small chil no dren spent Monday and Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Enoch Hunsaker of how Honeyville. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Kupfer and chil dren left last week for Portland, Ore gon where they expect to visit for a Edward Tubbs and son, Blaine, of Ogden wore the week-en- d guests of Mrs. Francis Tubbs. Mr, and 1ft?. Walker and daughter,, " ft x. Betty and Mrs. E. W. Ward, and son, Paul, left Monday for PocateUo. They will spend the week in Idaho. Rulon Lefler and his sister, Inez, Leo Wicker and a lady friend, of Salt Lake were the guests of Joseph Had-fiel- d, Sunday. " DeVerl Hadfield came inup with them and will remain here ' definitely with relatives. Mrs. J. : H, Ward spent last week with relatives in Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tingey and children and Mary E. Tingey and Howard Capener went to Logan Canyon, Sunday to attend a reunion of the Ken-nar- d r ' ' family. ''' f Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis and Mm S F. P. Davis, of North Garland, went r to Logan, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and Mis Florence Olsen accompanied them home. Miss Beth Macfarlane went to Og den, Monday to visit with Miss Glena Packer. The Relief Society was entertained last week by Mrs. Ethel Richards and Mrs. Myrtle Capener at the Richards home. Mrs. Myron Richards of Gar land was a special guest Same Driver Piloting One-Cylind- er Miss Roma Tubbs returned home where from Holbrook, Idaho, Sunday Oldsmobile she has been visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sorenson," Jr., Across Country were Sunand small son, of Brig-ham-, day guests of Senator and Mrs. Tracy : One phase Welling. Hew York City. . of the remarkable progress made ina Mrs. Jesse Anderson entertained at this country in the past Quarter of of individual transa birthday party for her son, Ted century that demportation is abeing strikingly week. of last Thursday onstrated by convoy of automobiles which has just started from this Riverside ward mutual organization route of the first city to retrace the automobile race. sponsored a swimming party Tuesday led is caravan car, The by the same at the Udy Hot Springs. same driven by the man, who won Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forsberg, Mr. and in 1905. that first racecross This first country automoMrs. August Forsberg and daughter, bile race in 1905 was sponsored by a federal goo'l representative of the was Ruth, went to Salt Lake Saturday to won by It roads bureau. visit with relatives. B. Hubs, driving a curved DwightOldsmobile with a atdash powered children and Hales Mrs. George power single cylinder, seven horse tended the Kennard reunion at Logan motor. The route from New V'ork to Portland, Ore., was traversed City Canyon Sunday. in 44 days, Huss arriving at Porilai.rt an hour before the opening of Miss Alton Hales accompanied her just National Good Roads Conventhe sister. Mrs. .Lloyd Vravers to Salt to tion which he was a delegate from two Michigan. weeks. visit for Lake to The 1931 tour now being made ny Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt and Huss and the same little Oldsmobile is a tribute to the building onJ exdaughter, Silvey, were visiting with tension of modern highways that and Sun have made present day motoring relatives at Hyrum Saturday possible. It is endorsed by Thomas P. Henry, president of the American day. Association, and numer Automobile of Washinglone, Stanley McTigue ton, is spending the week at the Wm, Bowcutt home. The J. H. Ward family were the UTAH WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL Kuests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaw of Brigham Friday evening. Alvin Smith and family, of Ply Brigham City New curb installed mouth, snent Sunday with Mr. and east side of Main St. in busialong T. Mrs. J. Udy. : ness section.": ''(I iV.V Beaver 'West Ward chapel nearing Bountiful Improvements planned completion. for local water system. Ironton Production of Columbia Co Briggs-Layto- n Ford Layton Steel plant here to be suspended to rebuildiner improved. furnace. blast pair Two truck loads of legal Manti About $4,000,000 worth of business Manti size trout planted in Canyon. transacted in 1929 by 113 hotels in Brigham City Improvements com Utah 25 or more guest rooms. having at Csmp Beylmia. pleted Salt Lake City, Deseret News. Salt Lake City Renovation and rein voted citizens Smithfield Local modeling of present office building to favor of $500,000 bond issue to im begin in near future. prove water system. Brigham City Plans underway to resume work at Ruby Mine in Box Elder canyon. Cedar City Hyrum Kunz received con When You Think tract to erect mechanic arts building HARDWARE at Branch A. C, to cost $20,000 when completed. Salt Lake City Riblet aerial tram"Everything To Build Anything" way to be ecerted at Major Evans Phone 11 neake, behind which is mine operated by American Smelting & Refining Co. We All Want to Know Where We Can Find Service Bothwell Monday from Black Pine, whore ha visited a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark, of Howell, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Stark, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John, Nelson of Corinne, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Tuesday, u Mrsv Roland Allen visited her Mrs. Rasmus Anderson, Monday. few weeks. Mrs. Kupfer received word of her mother being quite ill and left immediately. Her condition is slightly improved. Mr. Louis Christensen and son, Rus sell and daughter, Edna and Helen were in Ogden on business, Monday. Mr. Eli Anderson was in Brigham on business, Tuesday. Carlyle Anderson returned home CASE FARM MACHINERY Full line of Hardware, Oils and Paints We give $5.00 in SCRIP for REMEMBER every dollar cash purchase or paid on account ASK FOR IT ' Don't Neglect your Eyes They mean too much to you. We have the Experience and Equipment to give you the Best in Optometric Ser' rr vice. v-t Contti?oH Evoi?y Ottop FlRESTONE control every step in the manufacture of of ihdr 'product. They nave their own rubber preparation own cord fabric factory ead warehouse in Singapore theirthe -most efficient factories own tire their lactone great im Ik world. Tn'e million of dollars saved annually hy nrmiiine from these great economies are passed cr. io you im Extr Values. , You get the full benefit of "these values because every Firestone lire bears the Firestone name, and is doubly guaranteed by Firestone and Firestone Service Dealers. Why take ' dunces with special brand tirea, built juat to sell without ika manufacturer's nanic guarantee or responsibility for rvicev Come in Today and make your own comparisons with cross sections of Firestone Tirea and special brand mail order tires. Get the facts yourself about tire quality and construction. When you see the Extra Values you get you will feel secure only on Firestone Tires. COMPARE PRICES Firesteas MAKE Fort Chtvrolet Chevrolet. rr Cherrolet Whijtpet. Grtkln ... Plymouth Chandler. 4.40-2- 1 4.50-2- 0 4.50-2- 1 4.75-1- 9 4.75-2- 5.00-1- IKI, Oldfleltf Type T,RE S,ZE OF CAR "' Cash Prici Each "w" 4.8 Firestone Firestone Stntinel Oldfleld Type Type Cash Price Cash Prici Each Per Pair .S 6.65 C .7S 6.75 W.xo 9 ?t M sntlnel Type Ossh Priee Ordei Tire Per Pair 4.3f $4.35 M.fO 4.78 .S6 4.85 4.85 .4 S4.98 5.60 XO.OO 5.69 IX.lO f.0 S. Firestone (tSaeelal 4-- 7 S.S X.jO 5.68 lt.14 5.75 XX.S 5.95 n.4i .IO 6.10 it.eo .3S 6.35 12. 19 7 7.37 S DeSeto. Dodie Dvrent ... .. Grahant-Paig- t. Pontiar ReewreK 6.98 S.$ J Willys-Knii- Essex Nash Ess.x ' ) f 5.00-2- 0 ) Nah 5.00-2- Oldsmobile Boick 1 7.10 13.83 7.35 X4.30 7.IO 7-3- $ ) 8.57 X6.70 S.S7 5.25-2- 1 Firestone TIRE MAKE XS.e OF CAR Baiek-M'rat- e. Oldsmobile Oldneld Oldhtld Typo Cash Priee Hail Order' 7. 55-1- 8 .. F.r.sttne cS3Cial Brand Type Cask Price Each SUE X4.SX r Tire PerP.-.i- $7.90 $25.3 Aabrn Jordan Reo 8.75 X7.00 M S.90 17-- 8 it.ao 11.2) 22.7 6.00-1- 9 xx.4 11.40 S1.IO 6.00-2- 0 xx.so xx.es 23.30 ae.so 5.50-1- 8 5.50-1- 9 6.00-1- Oardner Marmon Oakland.. Peerless. 8ttdebaker Chrysler Vlkinr ... Franklin nadson Rtrpinobil LaSalte T.. ) fackard rieree-Arro- ) ;. 30-2- 0 X3..XO 11.50 11.6" 13.1 J 00-2- 0 Xf.3f 1 5.r.i 6. 00-2-1 w Srati Cadillac Lfneoln ) f (. 7 3 at.e 2 5.40 TRUCK and BUS TIRES Fires tens Oldnshl Type Cash Priee ' Each SIZE 30x5 H.D 32xS H.D x H.D. lMO-- 2 Fire&ioits 17.Jf a.7S H.D. 3a.s Xf.3S . Brand Mail OrdK Tire Otdfttltt Type Cask Priet . Per Pair $17.95 29.75 32.95 15.35 $34.0 7 3.70 ae.s COMPARE CONSTRUCTION and QUALM 4.78 Tlre$tone nrfn " Give You Width, fjftf?. . mZZL--I 4.0'1 Tire Knsal T,rfon Mail Or. dor Tiro Sen.lnol Typo . Tire Or- dwTho M"a 18.00 17.80 17.X f 16.10 .658 .60S .598 .561 .281 .a$ .250 .254 . 6 5 $ 5.20 5.20 4.75 4.75 $6.65 $6.65 $4.85 &.S5 "VL? " ... s.77 " I7. Fiw. ie Tyw Mora 'Weight, poands Morel Thickness, Moro Non-Ski- d Depth, tawhee Mr Plies Under Tread . . - -- ,. ' b m"f ' -- : aw oai rerjr ur y1.? (araaits ZTiJi vlfif tub "i msnafsctuw for df.' . .... unatr ."c antej uuicra, . re Hnaer rui own name. Btake. ii"d Mrric Fire, tone', unlimiled prefeeted. . MrtMM Urn DMteft .(Mi Sorrie store Ooto T Moaojr mnd 8rr yon Better Farmers' Cash Union UTAH AUTO & "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" HP. CO. Phone 28 WINCHESTER SERVICE Phone 103 |