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Show page pour RIVER BEAR BEAR RIVER VALLEY IX&rmL THURSDAY JULY 23, 1931 -- VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at Utah, as Second Class Mat sr"a James Walton, Editor and Publisher Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. wi BARGAIN DAYS THIS WEEK ' re . mn aJ Tlx: only place in tha U. S.- what catalog xhatuma matter eorernia- anjr ime of boamaM ObHiatioa ia the AaMneaa kdoatnal Ubtary. Write lor BuaineM Adveitwiiis Matter in; same will be promptly forwarded. irtrr-ftm-A mn AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBRARY aWnexijUBaildU,CUea,nUai j ' V;; C?f v 'low J. TV5V A Mnlr hoe .nf5Tifn. Wet Iv hahv annrrf btwwi TVprfiAritnii and Malad. Finder notify office1!- - the Idaho Enterprise at Malad. Reasonable reward ' Shumway, Sec.-Trea- Call No. 10. , s. In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten had as Utah, In and for Box Elder their week end guests. Mr. and Mrs. r JOHN SCHRENK and ROSIE SCHRENK, Plaintiffs. nrt--i"-- ; 1 3 - Red Astrican J. Y. Rich, President FOR SALE Garland Personals Robert Sweeten and son, Owen and wife, of San Francisco, California. Mr. and Mrs. George Nye and daugh ters, Faye and Cleo, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hales and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Huish and son. J., attended the K,en- nard family reunion held Sunday in Logan Canyon. Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway spent last Wednesday and Thursday in Salt Lake City. Miss Orpha Davis of Malad, Idaho, was a guest last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sweeten. Mrs. Nichols, mother of Mr. Mark Nichols, and daughters,' Mary and Mrs. Lyman Morrell, of Brigham City, were guests at the Nichols home Wed nesday afternoon of last week. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers had as their guests last Wednesday after noon, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Shaw, of Brigham City. Miss Anna Wahlen, of Ogden, visit ed here with friends and relatives last ... ...WANT COLUMN;. AH holders of the Box Elder County Warehouse Corporation will be granted free" storage of their grain during the present season. This is an action of the Board of Directors and is dona to encourare the storiiur of Train rather than placing it on the market at prevailing prices. Box Elder County Warehouse Corp v P ','ppies. t2p -0 HEMSTITCHING dime at FisKburn's store, Monday and Thursdayafter-noons- . Mrs. Nels Anderson! - U modern ihouse, FOR RENT B. Y. Westmorelanl, phone 8Q. ' vs. V,, ! 7-- 2 tf, All the unknown heirs and creditors of FOR SALE Leave your orders for Elizabeth Freeman, deceased; also all Raspberries and gooseberries now other persons unknown claiming any t3p ready. Call 96.a-right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real property described in the complaint, adverse to plaintiff's owner- WANTED To rent, 4 room house, fur nished or partly furnished. : Must ship, or any cloud upon plaintiff's title 2 tf. be modern. Phone 111. thereto, defendants. 4. 7-- SUMMONS THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID PIANOS AT REDUCED PRICES In an issue of a week or two back of the Journal an article written in defence of the school boards action claim ed that the movement was to over come a crowded condition at the Bear River High and that to avoid building in order to take care of these students they, were transferred. - In conversation with a school board member .we learn that for the past three or four years recommendations were ..made to the old board and perhaps to the new for a library room and a cafeteria. If the students were reduced to half the number .these requests would be continued ta be made, and why ,not?.v Any man that has been fortunate enough to enter the library of the Box Elder High School is struck with its beauty, fine furniture and pic ture.s, its convenience and the wonder ful opportunity it of feres to the students of that institution. And it should be there. The school is entitled to it and should, have it The cafeteria of the Box Elder High School is a very splendid and much needed department of the school and offers every advantage to the student in that particular department . Compare the auditorium of the Box Elder High School with painted walls, carpets on the floor and drapes at the windows with the one at Bear River High, just as the carpenters left it. The agricultural department of the Bear River High, which school has been termed an .agricultural school, woefully lacks when compared with the other school. These things will be continually brought before school board members until they are at least somewhere comparable to the other school, irrespective to the number of students who attend. By way of comparison we give below the number of students attending the Bear River High since the school That year 617, 1926-2year 1925-2- BY ....ADJUSTOR OF COLLECTIONS: Cambridge piano, rebuilt .... $ 75.00 Kimball, mahogany case .... $150.00 Gulbransen, like new ........... $165.00 And others. Monthly or fall terms. For details write J. E. Brown, Gen eral Delivery, Tremonton, Utah. DEFENDANTS: You are hereby sum moned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, Piano for balance on contract. judgment will be rendered against Terms years to pay. For peryou according to the demand of the mission to see piano, write, Baldwin complaint. Piano Company, Denver, Colorado, This action is brought to recover a t3 judgment quieting plaintiffs' title to the land described in said complaint Lewis Jones, Plaintiff's attorney, P. FOR SALE A young Jersey or HoiO. Address 1st National Bank Bldg., stein cow. Call J. A. Pack, phone t5. Utah. Brigham City, 15 or 54.a-tf. : 6. 643; 1927-2- 8, 7, 714, 646; 1929- - 1928-2- 9, (registered in spring WG6lCe for first time) 618. This record Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Swinyard had as shows that at one time there was as their guest last week their grand many as 96 more in the school than are registered for this year. Just why daughter. Miss Dorothy Jensen, of all the crowded condition all at once ? Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roosendaal As for the Tremonton school it is and small daughter, Marilyn returned crowded, and to the limit, the superintendent has seen fit to consolidate the Wednesday of last week from a trip thru Southern Utah. schools and that much faster than he Mrs. George Carter was hostess to has made room for them inside or put. the members of the Garland-Tremon-tThis paper takes no part in the movCARD FOR SALE Deering McCormick Har ing of the Evans students and has said bridge club, last Thursday after noon. vester, 12 foot cut, in 1 condition nothing in favor or against the moveat a bargain. Call Leland J: Han ment as something has Lo be done to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Peck had as their Verm Wood, who had the misfortune 72 t4, meet the crowded condition. The wise sen. phone 70.0-dinner guests Sunday, Mrs. J. T. Erick son and daughter, Fern, of Murray, to have his home destroyed by fire thing would have been to have left Mrs. A. G. Burton, son, Leon, and last Wednesday, wishes to express them where they were until a place LOTS in new had been daughter, Virginia, of Duchesne, Mr. through the column of the Leader the UHOluJfi prepared for them in the Smith addition. $150 to $225 per first and Mrs. Millan Peck and small daugh thanks and gratitude of his family for place. Call 23, Jas. Walton or Spen ter, Sherry and Mr. and Mrs. Delos the valuable assistance rendered in lot There has been of improve4 tf. ments in the southplenty saving their household furnishings by cer C. Taylor at Bank. Thompson. end since this Dr. H. Y. Richards, of Salt Lake the neighbors and friends who respond crowded condition was discovered. City was a guest at the home of Mr, ed to the alarm. wasn't something done before? Why FOR SALE Used ice boxes. Utah The school and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite, Friday. children of Tremonton have & Power Co. tf. Light Mr. Colen Sweeten of Holbrook, Ida the week. ; trespassed on the property of private ho, was a Garland visitor Saturday. individuals on the streets and where Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite had Donald Chambers and Evan Gee re- as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and CASH PAID For Dead and Useless ever they could, risking their lives turned home Saturday from Southern Mrs. W. B. Barnard of Hansel Valley, Cows and horses. - Reverse call from passing cars and incurimr the dis Utah. tf41 pleasure of nearby residents in the Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lillywhite and Brigham 493J2 Miss Francis Knott, who has been at small daughter, Joyce, of Ogden, and search of room for the needed recreatending summer school at the U. S. A. Mr .and Mrs. Lynn Hodges, of Logan, FOR SALE Good building lime tion during the recess hours. C, returned home last week. Miss Franke Beal and Mr. Vernal $12.00 per ton. Utah-Idah- o Sagar If we are correctly Informed there Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite and Johns were united in ., I8tfd has been enough money slip through Wed Co., Garland, Utah marriage small daughter, Joyce and Mr. and the hands of the board, at least' the old of last week. nesday Mrs. Lynn Hodges, of Logan. and Mrs. W. W. Richards WE PAY Highest Cash Prices for board members, to go a long: way in Bishop Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson motorHides, Pelts, and Furs. Garland furnishing these, improvements. It is Garland visitors Sunday. ed to Clarkston Monday, returning were Hide house, J. W. Garrett, mgr. Bell reported that a large sum of money home Mr. of Dinner the at guests 146 and 26: Valley ohone 81. phone. between $5000 and $6000 was canreturning home Tuesday. ' ' ; ". . Stf celled on a bond issue of a city in this . Mr. Leonard Bishop returned home and Mrs, W. G. Carter Tuesday even-in- g included, Mrs. Wesley J. Carter Sunday from Southern Utah. county, and that $1000 more than1 an Dr. J. W. Chambers' and son Max, of California, Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Rich WANTED Office girl Must be ex- - agreed price was paid for a certain Carter. Lawrence sad Mrs. and Jesse Moore and son, Clyde, left and Mr, pert stenographer, and know some building bought by the board. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson and son, a fishing trip in Idaho. lor Saturday thing of bookkeeping. Address JSL K. this la true, it seems that vthe in' Mr. and Mrs. Dixie Shelton and Burk, Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck and Norman Lee; Brigham City, Utah. terest. being shown by the people at and Mr. and sons, Guy and Elmer, of Preston spent daughter, Sherry lean, the present time should continue. .We the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Tracy Welling are leaving this believe that the people have full faith Yellow in days Thursday for :, Carter. V.. FOR SALE Cheap. Bouse hold fur in the integrity 0f the board. This stone 'Park. . Mr. and Mrs. confidence baa been built up from George Henri, Mrs. and Mr. A. had Mrs. Carter as T. niture, C A. Holland, Phone 55.0-- 2 years ' Clytia Gunn and Clayton Francis atof acquaintance and dealings tended the Clayton family reunion in their guests Wednesday afternoon of witjl them but some times things apMr. Mrs. Burns and last week, Harvey Bait Lake City Friday. much worse in the dark than FOR MONTMORENCY CHERRIES pear oeLMapelton, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Spillman of when the light is thrown on them and Call Elias Anderson 66.0-Peters of Brigham spent Mrs, M. Hi the real JLogan, were Garland visitors Monday. truth is known. miles east of Elwood School House. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Carter had as a few days this week with her par When a letter is sent out instructing t their dinner guests Monday evening, ents, Pres. and Mrs. J. J. Shumway. t2p the movement of a teacher let that Mrs. Wesley J. Carter, of Long Beach letter, be signed by the party writing California, and Mr. and Mrs. Alison it, and not create s lot of suspicion Smith, of Ogden. 1 by sending an unsigned letter of such Mr. John Benson motored to Preston importance "and invohinir the school Idaho, Sunday. board who claimed they knew nothing Of tt. Secretary of State M. H. Welling I". or salt Lake City, was a Garland vis All the people of the Valley want is to be treated fairly in the matter of itor Sunday. Miss Mildred Carter entertained tho these schools and all will be welL We Misses Odessa Wyatt and Lillian Mor cannot afford to be Quarreling one FARM MUTUAL with another but there are times when I ris, of Tremonton at her home Men the public feel that they have some day afternoon. Mrs. E. N. Austin and daughter, ijKiiuB auiu auv nr Huauni wnen Marine and Miss Bessie Austin were three hundred taxpayers go before a school board 'and receive the rebuff Ogden visitors Monday. Mrs. James Fraser and family moLOCAL REPRESENTATIVE just handed them when they know tored to Malad Sunday. full well that all that Is needed Is a Call 70.0-- 1 For. Rates , ; Mrs. wesley J. Carter of Long f i ; spirit of cooperation and not of "We r have made up our minds and that Beach, California, visited here with ' relatives and friends the fore part of that" ' 7-- 30, 657; 1931-3- 2 8-- 6-- 3. OF THANKS a-- 1. 6-- " Valley, and regoiled ourselves in real old Puritan style. At that time Brigham City wsu cow pasture "For Hell sake, Ole, shut me gaie." oa mere, Ai, what's the matter with you 'Tor Hell sake shut the gate.? Maggie, look out there. "Good Hell shut the gate.". Ever body in town from the boy, "who delivered the groceries, to the .most punctilious visitors was hailed on all sides alike, "For Hell sake shut the gate." There was no Tremonton or 'Garland. A few struggling dry farms' existed. The canal had just begun to deliver water, but farmers were only partly converted to its use. The water was too expensive and there was no market for irrigated products, v, u . Malad was a little collection of log houses on a sage brush flat You could stand in the doorway of the p store pr. the J, N. Ireland bank and flip, peas into the sage brush in any WE'RE READY jgee our Fruit and depart- VegetVUe ment Thursday. It has a variety. Each the best obtainable. The prices are low. consistent with qual ity. We have antici pated every whim of appetite potato chips, marshmallows bananas, cookies, ol- ives, peanut butter, V crackers, candy and an extra supply of that good 16 ounce' O. P. S. Bread and Butter. T i Co-o- 1 MEATS . TOO We not only boast of the best quality beef in town, but the best large assortment of lunch meats and sausage. You'll want both.' You'll be serving several hot meals and at least one picnic dinner. Those appetites on vacation days are big ones. Visit our V store early; Thursday and be prepared. Potato Chips LARGE BAG its-stea-d ,. Pork and Beans 7c 25c MED. SIZE CAN ............ Watermelons EACH ....... SOUR OR SWEET Pickles - 39c QUART PREPARED Mustard JAR Pot Roast POUND Wieners POUND Minced Ham POUND ., 10c 13c 15 c 9f "V : QRSJtACGS STUBS . Don't Insure Your Car ': Until You Have Investigated the Low Farm Group Rate Offered by the Leland J. Hansen ' . sirable conditions. ' - "For thirty-si- x years in this locality,, men have studied, learned and improvk ed upon dry farm methods until of getting two years moisture into one year's crop is well nigh universal knowledge. No failure has mar red these years and our methods - Purity" are better today than at any time past For some cause, which seems to .understand and none can furnish a remedy, farmers, during the last year have been compelled to furnish the public with bread at a cost of a penny a pound, ; They have paid the miller for grinding? the wheat and mak ing the flour, paid the baker for making the bread and furnished the bread to the public for one penny a peundL They cant endure this condition.' Thfsr The building is a protest against farmen think, that price should be doubled. They are willing to go on Indefinitely Htfting the wheat, paying; the miller to grind it and the baker t bake the bread, but they must hay two pennies a pound for this service-Tpenny a pouny of last year all our credit and sapped some of our vitality. To ? continue' longer with this as the current value' in--th-e SILVER FOXES THE DIAMOND OF THE FUR INDUSTRY . ; h never failing profits-- There are still risks to take in both of these de- no-on- ' 4. '. "For thirty years this precious harvest has been poured into the lap of business in Box Elder and Oneida. Counties. Brigham City has become quite a smart town. This harvest has been a wonderful help. This Inst year it furnished nearly all the "dough"' Brigham City had. Tremontoa and Garland in large measure have been built by this harvest. Malad has secured its railroad and has become the greatest shipper cf wheat in America, through this crop. Lampo is the great est shipper of wheat in Utah. "Now friends, men ask 'Will this har vest never fail?' It is just as stable as any values on earth. Ever since Job's sheep were destroyed by fire his camels driven away by vandals and his opportunities of creating wealth reduced to nothing, the world has sought a safe place for property, a business-wit- the-tric- A Surety of , f. . There was; a . pole fence around the . bank to prevent the boys and doing business with from riding-ithe cashier while sitting in their saddles. The Malad people thought they ought to. have a..rail road. They stir red iip some enthusiasm among the natives and sent a delegation to Salt Lake City to wait upon officials of the O. S. L. JL R. Co. The rail wad representatives received this delegation courteously and selected a return group of rail road men to go to Malad, investigate and report. This group went to Collinston by train, then to Malad by livery. ,They made a thorough, impartial investigation and notified the people of Malad that the 0. S. L. would not be interested because the contemplated revenues would not justify the outlay. One member of the rail road representatives was. can did enough to say, "You need a rail road all right with two trains a year one to go up in the spring to carry your supplies. for the summer and one to come down in the fall with the things you have for market' "These early conditions have al been changed by a progressive process; of dry farming. The work: began in 1890 when Suvis Grant raised a small patch of rye near the head of the Blue Spring. Time and cultivation changed that rye patch to a wheat field a field of-- 100,000 acres with a normal yearly production of 1,000,000 bushels-o- f high grade milling wheat Thfe Shepherd's Paradise is gone. In we have a cultivatd tract of land supporting 600 people directly from direction.-.- peanuts-watermelon- s, 6-- - snow. which was the onlv a water supply. Here we spent Thanks giving day in 1891. Twenty-seve- n Sheps met at "one camp on what is now Bishop P. N. Pierce's farm, in Pioneer Day is Friday. O u r O. ? P. System Skaggs Store will be closed all daj. This makes Thursday a double shopping day. There will be picnics, home comings and company. Be prepared. V , j N-I-C-- sti Free to Public ' j JULY24TH ex- - moved. pur-inste- ad """"iiii us istance whereupon ine eviaence w produced by Mr. Harris confirming this statement. Who put it in the bud members get and why didn't the board know something about it? Other things could be recited with tti same lncuisistancy. sucn as me fact that the movement of the students in the interest of economy was a spon taneous act after a brief discussion in a recent meeting. When as a matter of fact long before the school clos ed this spring instructions were giv en, we are informed, not to register the students that are now haing trans ferred from Bear River City to the Box Elder High, as they were to be dur-goo- 3 t get, denied any knowledge Two big days are ahead for thefer TWO pieces of THRIFT SCRIP people of Tremonton trade area this with every dollar cash purchase or week. As a part of the merchant'swith every dollar paid on account d Subscription Rates $2.00 Dm Year, in advance will program and T H R I F Ting the two days. Remember you get fix Months, in advance f 1.00 SCRIP auction campaign now in prodouble THRIFT SCRIP on these two EVree months, in advance ... .... .50 r. '. only. gress, Tremonton stores have unusu-day-s al bargain prices on the various items Folks of the Tremonton trade area advertised on another page of this pa-aaccumulating all of the THRIFT per. It will pay big dividends to come SCRIP they can. so that they may bid to Tremonton, Thursday 23rd and Sat-o- n the many items of valuable merch-urda- y 25th. andise to be sold at auction August The THRIFT SCHIP will be'used Not only will you find such a splen-1-5. of currency at the sale. The on save to did your opportunity as well as to your Country chases Thursday and Saturday but theauction is not far off so attend The in thebargain days and be sure and " ask merchants THRIFT SCRIP auction campaign of -- your merchant for THRIFT SCRlf, PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS (Continued from page one.) Continued From Page One) ( Will Issue "Double" THRIFT SCRIP During The Two Days Only; Offer Opportunity To Save To Your Town . Firm on uecisions .....,. Tre-Biont- ter. New Warenouse at Blue Creek Completed School - Board Stands STORES INVITE ALL TO ATTEND The United States Department of Agriculture, ia bulletin No. 1151 says "Am & fur animal propagated In captivity the SILVER FOX has no rival and both live foxes and their pelts are in demand... Probably sis other enterprise pays larger returns for the money invested." vV'iS, ,' live-sto- ck Special Depression Prices June per pair .... $250.00 July $300.00 per pair Aug. per pair $350.00 Sept. per pair $400.00 Oct. per pair .... $450.00 Nov. per pair .... $500.00 i FRANK MUNNS 59-Garland H. W. LAWRENCE 184-Garland will consume all our remaining vitality and the farms must go back to sheep . pasture... '; , "As farmers, we call upon you, "fends, nd Pn our friends everywhere to assist in securing and maintaining a "cost of production" prica for our commodity. , nt Cedar City Frank Miller Melville and Lloyd Allen established regular flying service to cover bmuiIa 1vm of southern Utah and Northern Arisona. W W he Arm, Bill Eldridgg Thompson ' ; CALL : it: -- H. D. Thomas, of thu 1nAo fftTV (s the proud possessor of a new Dodge Coupe, purchased from Reitg A Win-ier Auto Co. |