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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY JULY 23, 1931 PAGE SIX Ci matron EDNA ' dm and Donna as children FERBER took him for grant-ie- So -- did do. d, Jmm Bickey, with his mind of a child. Tor that matter, Tancey took hia own re-tarn for granted. Hla manner wai aeechalaat, Jti spirits high, his as vbaranee infectious. Ha set the pitch. jTfcere waa about him nothing of the eVVnqaent husband. ;i He now strode augnincently Into 'the room where the children were at snatched them up, kissed j breakfast, I them. Ton would hare thought he .. had been gone a week. Donna was shy of him.' Tour daughter's a Tenable, Mrs. Cravat," he (said, and turned to the boy.' CSm, slender, graceful, .taller, than 'the ' seamed because of that trick of lowering hia fine head and gazing at yon g from beneath his flashes, reached . almost to Yancey's broad shoulders. But he had not Yancey's heroic bulk, his vitality. The Cravat skull structure was contradicted by the narrow Tenable face. The mouth was the hands and feet too exquisite, the smile almost girlish in Us wistful sweetness. ""Gods! How the son degenerates from the sire P " Tancey!" cried Sabra in shocked too-lon- over-sensitiv- e, from her husband, who after travail and sore bad come to her . . . to his own country.' " Ton and your miserable Hilton!" ; He Hooked' only- slightly surprised and did not correct her. One by one, and then In groups and then in crowds, the neighbors and townspeople began to coma la the Wyatts, Losie - Hefner,, Cass Peery, Mott Bixler, Ika Hawea, Orat Oetch, Doe Nlsbett the local politicians, the storekeepers; their wives. They came at-- ef cariosity, -t- hough" they - felt proper resentment toward this strange this baffling creature who had ridden carelessly away, leaving his wife and children to fend for themselves, and now had ridden as casually back again. But at eight of Yancey Cravat in his Kough Elder uniform of khaki, TJ. 8. T. on the collar, they were snared again In the mesh of his enchantment The Bough Biders. Remember the Maine, to h 1 with Spain! ThereH Be a Hot Time In the Old He became a figure Town Tonight symbolic of the war, of the Oklahoma country, of the territory, of the Southwest impetuous, romantic, advertur-lng.- J The renegade was a hero; the outcast bad returned a conqueror. Alaska. Oklahoma had not been so .1 HJJi'ni .. vUt i busy with Its own growing pains that It had failed to hear of Alaska and the fold: rush. "Alaska! Go on, you wasn't never In Alaska ! Heard you'd turned Injun.) Heard you was burled up in Boot hill along of the Doolins." r J He got out-the sack. him he round While they gathered poured out before their glistening eyes the-- ' shining yellow heap of that treasure with which the whole history of the Southwest was intertwined. Gold. The.hills.and the plains had been honeycombed for it; men had hungered and fought and parched for it; had died for It; had been killed for it; had sacrificed honor, home, happiness in the hope of fnding it And here was the precious yellow stuff from far-of- f Alaska trickling through Yancey Cravat's slim white fingers. "D n It all, Yancey, some folks has all the luck." "Luck! Call It luck, do you, Mott to be frozen, starved, lost One whole winter shut up cabin with the alone in a snow piled to the roof-to- p and no livLUck months. to soul to for talk ing to have your pardner that you trusted cheat yon out of your claim and rob All you of your goldln the bargain but this handful. I was going to see Sabra covered In gold like an Aztec princess." The eyes of listening Osage swung to, the prim blue serge figure of the cheated Aztec princess, encountered the level - gaze, the unsmiling lips ; swung back again hastily to the dashing, the martial figure of the lately dex, spised., wanderer. A tele of another world ; a story of a, .land so remote from the brilliant scarlet and j orange of the burning Southwest country that the very sound of the words he used In describing it fell with a strange cadence on the Yu ears of the eager listeners. kon..Chilkoot Pass, Skagway. little-leathe- snow-blinde- one-roo- 1 She Wat In His Arms. It was as though the five Kuskokwim. ' Klondike. Moose. Caribou. Huskies. Sledges. Nome. Sitka. years had never been. "Do you want to see my dog?" Clm Blizzards. Snow blindness. Frozen asked. fingers. Pemmlcan. Cold. Cold. Cold. "Have you got a pony!" Gold. Gold. Gold. To the fascinated "Oh, no." figures crowded into the stuffy rooms "I'll buy you one this afternoon. A of this little frame house squatting on d Oklahoma prairie he the pinto. Here. Look." He took from his pocket a little soft brought, by the magic of his voice and leathern pouch soiled and worn from his eloquence, the relentless movement of the glaciers, the black menace much handling. It waa laced through at the top with a bit of stout string. of Icy rivers, the waste plains of blindHe loosed this, poured the bag's coning, treacherous snow. Two years of tents onto the breakfast table; a this, he said ; and looked ruefully down little heap of shining yellow. The three at the stump that had been his famous stood looking at it - Clm touched it trigger finger. with one finger. They, too, looked. Two years. Two "What is it?" years, and he had been gone five. That Yancey scooped up a handful of It left three unaccounted for, right and let It trickle through his fingers. enough, The old stories seeped up In 'That's gold." He turned to Sabra. their minds. Their eyes, grown ac"It's all I've got to show, honey, for customed to the uniform, were less dazzled now. They saw the Indefintwo years and more in Alaska." able break, that had come to the mag"Alaska !" she could only repeat, nificent figure not a break, really, feebly. So' that was It "I'm famished. What's this? Bacon but a loosening, a lowering of the reand eggs?" He reached for a slice of sistance such as comes to steel that bread from' the plate on the table, has been too often In the flaming furbuttered it lavishly, clapped a strip of nace. You looked at the massive coldish bacon on top of that, and de- .shoulders they did not droop. The rare glance still pierced you like a voured It in eager , bits.. Sabra-sathen, for the first time, that he was sword thrust The buffalo head, lowthinner; there were hollow shadows in ered, menaced you; lifted, thrilled you. d s cheeks; there was a Yet something had xanlshadn ,. the "Wbere'd jou.Joip up, Yanceyrw scarcely,. perceptible sag to, the mas-- J snve:snpuiaen. , inert was semetning L(f8aa (Antonio. B. Xeonardl Wood's ' about his hand. The .forefinger, of the dowaj there Colonel Wood nbw-Ja- nd right hand waa gone. ' She felt sud- young Roosevelt, lieutenant; colonel. denly faint, 111. She reeled a little and He's been drilling jtlie ys. I Most of As always,' he sprang stumbled. them bora on a hiTse'and weaned on toward her. Hla lips were against a, Winch ester. We're better Equipped than the regulars that have been it It ? her hair. "Ohra dt How I've, missed, your for years. JTpung Jtoosevelt's Jo thank C for that They were all for Issuing us abra, augarr .. i; Tancey I The children !" It was winter clothing, byv Crd, to freer .the prim exclamation of a woman who throngB , f summer eampjaiga lot the had forgotten the pleasant wayaof tropics these nincompoops la dalliance. Those five years had served they'd have done It Jf It to accentuate her splnsterish quali- hadn't been for hlra." Southwest Davis spoke up from, the ties ; had made her more and more powerful ; leu human j had slowed; the crowd. That case, you'll be leaving machinery ef her emotional equip- " right soon, went youT Week or so." "Week !" echoed Yancey, and looked ment A man in the house. A possessive male, enfolding her In his arms; at . Sabra. . "I go back to San Antonio tomorrow. &he regiment leaves, for touching her hair, her throat with urgent fingers. She. waa embarrassed gamp next day." almost Besides, this man had negHe had not told her before. Yet lected her, deserted her, had left hia he, aald nothing, gave no sign. : 8he children to get on as best 4hey eonid. bad outfaced them with her pride and "She shrugged herself free. Anger her spirit for five years; she would leaped within her. He was a stranger. give them no satisfaction ,'uow. rive fDont touch me. Yon can't come years.'. One day. Ban Antonio TamShe twine like this after years after pa Cubar-th- a. PhlUppiaeir-Wa- r. ao sign. Curiously, the picture jrears-- " gave ' . , that was passing fa- her mind was this: "Ahfc,Peneloper ,V . She stared... "Who r,. ho saw. eTselt, as though; It were "'Strange lady, surely to thee above some one she ,had known la he dim, ymplans-aa- va tar past aUndlag ,4A Jthe fool, "hady ; all ptMnMnd (the) cannot be softened. corridor of the mission school in Wlch-van a that heart (I Wo ethers wfttatt la Jhe world wOtfld She lew,1 through the open door, Harden hef Tieart to stand thus aloof Ike oblong of Kansas sunshlnt and sky aed tardea ; thorp twerl ever her protest sun-bake- . . , -- pock-marke- , XL1 c. Wash-lngton-n- f -- r i,tt.X - i - miserable creature like again that wave or nostalgia ahe had FEe paper. felt for the scene she was leaving; she that! Your own wife a laughing was shaken by terror, of this strange I stock for a Indian country to which ehenras going V The territory's rotten. But, by O iL.every citizen's still got the legal with her buhaiKL ( . . but here In this land, Sabra, right to fight for existence 1" He put , ' v. - . my girl, the women, they've been the her gently aside. She mad. became a wildreal hewers of wood and, drawers of She went water. You'll want to remember that" cat She tried to hold ; bins. 8he Sabra remembered t now, well beat herself against him. It waa like ' t : an Infuriated sparrow hurling itself V enough, ' upon a mastodon. "If you dare I Why Slowly the crowd began to disperse. did you come back? I hate you. The men had their business ; the women - their housework. Wives linked What's she to you? . I say yon wont their arms through those of husbands, rd rather see you dead. I'd kill you and the gesture was one of perhaps first That scum! That filth! That not entirely.. unconscious. cruelty, ac- harlot ... Her dignity was gone. He lifted companied as It was by a darting her, scratching, kicking, clawing, set glance at Sabra. down in the chair In front "Bough Rider uniform, aack of gold, her gently golden voice, and melting eye," that of her desk. The screen slammed. glance seemed to say. "You're wel- His quick, light step across the porch, come to all the happiness you can get down the stairs. Crumpled, tear- from - those.-- Security, permanence, stained, wild at ahe was, and with her home, husband I wouldn't change hat on one side she reached auto matically for her pencil, a pad of places with you." "Come on, Tancey !" shouted Strap copy paper, and wrote a new head. Buckner. "Over to the Sunny South, Tice Again Triumphs Over Justice west and have a drink. We got a Then, with what composure she could terrible lot of drinking to do, alnt summon, she sped down the dusty road to where the combination Jail and we, boys? Come on, you old longhorn. crude wooden building Wo got to drink to you because you're courthouse broiling la the sua. back and because you're going away. "And to the war!" yelled Bixler. "And the Rough Biders 1" , "And Alaska !" ) Their boots clattered across the board floor of the newspaper officfe. They swept" the towering figure .in its khftfei uniform with them. He turned, ' You will get more waved his hat at her. "Back in a min ute, honey." They were gone. dignified idea of the Sabra turned to the children, Clm red man than Is and Donna, flushed, both,, with the un wonted excitement ; out of hand. Her comprehended in face set itself with that look of quiet the term, "Injun," resolve. "Half the morning's gone. But I want you to go along to school. by reading anyway. Now, none of that! It's no use your staying around here. The paper must be got out Jesse'll be no good to ine the rest Of the, day. It's easy to see that I'll write a note to your teachers. . . . Run along now. I must go to court" ' She pinned on her hat saw that her handbag contained pencil and paper, hurried into the back room that was printing shop, composing room, press room combined. She had been right about Jesse Rickey. That consistently irresponsible one was even now lean ing a familiar elbow on the polished surface cf tl.e Sunny Southwest bar as he helped toast the returned wanderer or the departing hero or the war in the or the snows of Alaska " or God knows what I" concluded Sabra, In her mind; Cliff Means, the printer's idevil who, et fifteen served as Jesse Rickey's role assistant In the These stories, wit-te-n mechanical end of the Wigwam office, ' looked up from his case rack as Sabra by a Western .'d .:. entered. woman who has "It all right Mis' Cravat I got made a lifetime the head all set up like you said. Tice Gets Death Blow. Reign of stur!y f h.Tsubfpet, Scarlet Woman .Ends. Judge Issues will appear in the Ban.' Even If Jesse don't even if he ain't why, you and me can set up LEADER THIS WEEK the story this aftarnoon so we can start the press goln' for Thursday. BOTHWELL NEWS We ain't been late with the paper yet, Mrs. Roy Ellis entertained at a have we?" "Out on time every Thursday for family dinner Sunday. The (guests five years," Sabra said, almost de- were Mrs. Robert Wilson, son William, and daughter, Virginia, of Ogden; Mr. fiantly. Suddenly, sharp and clear, Yancey's and Mrs. Guy Bosley, Mr. and Mrs. voice calling her from the office porch, Clifford Stark, of Howell and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ellis. A delicious dinner from the front oflice, from the print-shodoorway; urgent, perturbed. was served and enjoyed by the guests. "Sabra! Sabra! Sabra!" They all visited throughout the after He strode into the back shop." She noon and evening. faced him. Instinctively she knew. "What's this about Dixie Lee?" His d eye leaped to the form. He read head, upside down, expertly. "When's this case come up?" "Now." "Who's defending her?" "Nobody in town would touch the case. They say she got a lawyer from Denver. He didn't show up. He knew better than to take her money." i . "Prosecuting?" a" This Week Plymouth hy AKTBUB BRISBANE . r t minis Tales of the Tribes ByEdithaLWatsofi Q semi-tropic- s, -- '; ; . p news-traine- the-et-u- p 1' "Pat Leary."r Without a word he turned. She caught him at the door, gripped his arm. "Where are you going?" j' "What 'for? n;t ...for?";if What But she knew. She actually . interposed her body between him and the street door then, as though physically to prevent him from "going. . Her face was white. " Her eyes" stared, enormous. , vtTou cant take the case of that woman." hotl" 'Why "Because you - ean't Because I've been fighting her, Because the. Wigwam haa come but against all thatshc stands,for.i & i "Why, Sabra, honey, where ara you tr thinking of sending her?" "Away. Away frem Osage.1 "But where?" "I don't know. I don't care. Things have changed since you went' away.' Went away and left, me,", f "Nothing's changed. It's all the same, , Dixie's, Jboen, stoned-- In- - the market place for two thousand- - years and more. Driving her out is , not going to do It You've got to drive the devil out Cravat, rt you preaching to met--Yo- u who left your "Wife-Anchildren to starve, for all you cared! And now you come back and yoa take this creature's part against every re spectablo woman . In Osage against me!" "I know It I can't help it gabra." you what I think,!, criod Sabra the - Sabra Cravat whO 'had been evolved In the put five years. 1 think you're, crazy!. They've all safdso. ;.And. now I know they tra of" d right" "Maybe to. "you dare to think Tlf me her. by" of dtafitdnr And your defending fonght her tojLBjOBthcJa chtl-tou-- lJ 5 TiHE ! I "What are vitamins ? ' We know that wo can't live without them, that they cure rickets In children, what foodstuffs contain the various vitamins and scientists have just discovered that two of them Vitamins A and B, give off some kind of strange radiation. Rata deprived .of, certain necessary vitamins .have no children. J Deprived of other vitamins, they starve to death, although supplied with abundance of - Mrs.-Davi- - d Reracte Vi Miss Virginia Mortain, of Tooele, is here visiting her grandmother, Mrs;. Vilate Archibald, for an indefinite: ' i Period,..;; Mr. Leslie Pierson, of Ogden, was in Plymouth Monday on business. The people of our community got quite a scare Monday afternoon about 3 o'clock when Mr. L. A. Rose's wheat food. Three Important things we possess field got on fire. About 60 men and without knowing what they are, elec- boys rushed to help put out the fire. tricity, vitamins and the soul of man. Two acres of wheat were burned up and a number of sacks. Neighbors Vice President Curtis will not run and friends came and helped fight the with President Hoover in 1932, prefer- fire so more damage was prevented. Whom ring to run for the Senate. would you recommend as a running mate for President Hoover, what name How One would add strength to the ticket? . . 20 Do a dosen names come to your mind, or do you wonder that, with Lost Her Prominent Hips people around there are so few Double Chin men well enough known,' sufficiently Sluggishness esteemed and trusted by the public, to Gained Physical Vigor make a nomination equal to an elec- A Shapely Figure tion. We have many powerful men. that " attend to business and making money. If you're fat first remove the Few that attend to public affairs, out- cause! " side of the crowd, that goes into I . Take' "one half teaspoonful poliof ' ' KRUSCHEN SALTS in a glass of hot tics, also to make "money; water every morning in 3 weeks get ' Dean Hanford,: of Harvard Univers- on3 the scales and note how many-poundity, says students are "not spoon fed." of fat have vanished. They are expected to be responsible Notice also that you have gained in for their own education, and, to a great energy your skin is clearer you feel degree, educate themselves. Truly, younger in body KRUSCHEN will Dean Hanford says: fat a joyous surprise. give person any "The most Important type of educaGet an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN tion Is The students SALTS from Wallace Drug Company, grasps, retains and masters what he Tremonton, Utah or any leading drugworks out for himself.'! V ,s i America (lasts) 4 To educate means "to lead out," gist anywhere-in- from E out, and duco. to lead. All that weeks). If this first bottle- doesn't safthe Is ,this you convince; easiest, can do Is for a boy to bring out of ybu him. to "lead out" ttat which is In him. est and surest Way" to lose fat your Informa money gladly returned. ; Stuffing him with ready-mad- e tion does little good. , Woman Lost Pounds of Pat - - s ADVERTISING IS Coal Oil Johnny, who used to bathe in champagne and hire an entire Fifth "Advertising is telling others things; avenue omnibus, with its two horses you would like; them to know. to carry him alone, would rub his eyes "Speaking to the multitude instead II be could see the oil business as it is of to the few. today. "Telling a story in a day that would Big companies, buying in Kansas. otherwise take a year. refuse to pay more than ten to twenty "Saving time by multiplying your two cents a barrel for crude oil and sales-appeo twenty-twthousand wells have shut "Letting everybody know what only down to wait for better times. a few people knp rbout your goods. There is so much oil that no one worl 1 why you are proud knows what to do with it. Leadine oil "Telling the of your goods. companies, driven by their own foolish "Going to the public instead of waitness, and coerced by the antiauated for the public to come to you. ing Sherman Act, have driven competition . "Making your business safe for sucIn retailing to the point of insanity. ' That, plus price cutting, is "wasting cess. i "Sowing the news of ideas that tne country's oil supply. The public will realize it some dav when thn grow into sales and what is more will pendulum swings and 'gasoline goes to good s "A wholesale reminder to the public fifty cents and higher. By that time the Diesel ensrine mav of what you have to offer. have made the gas engine a memory, "Telling again and again the things like the horse and buggy. In which that the public ought to know. in the minds of the case, oil will go from ten cents to ten dollars a barrel, n ; :: public, the sales ideas in your own: mind. Professor Frost director : of vw ''Increasing the radius of your sucTerkes Observatory, finds indications cess by increasing the radius of your that there exists a "mind" in the .unil. verse. He is not like the French "Telling the story in print instead scientist, who replied to Nanoleon's of in person. question: Coneernlng God f!1 hive "no JntiMthc-of multiplied telling of v& IUM facts that is the most economical. uyvuiVBU. If a cockroach In a skyscraner eould '-- "Airieans of making personal effort talk and say: "I believe them la mum. more productive. . body running this skyscraper, you "Making your voice" reach from wouia ne amused. house to house." enwHnn Somebody, somewhere'-f- a : Greater Clariton (Pa) Progress.. is amused when one of the little germs on thla earth grain of dust discovers Delta Oak Creek Canyon officially-opened.,'Indications of a guiding intelligence In ;:j the untverte. 2i I &'& i 'Milford Local streets and mains I Samuel Sablno, IB. sat at hla news being improved. A r passing taxicab slowed r Heber Wm. O. Ritchie opened jewstand. down, two bullets from the cab untmA elry and watch repair shop in Heber the boy's chest, killed him. The oab City Exchange Company store. went on. Police say that for a boy of 15 to be "put on the snot" is nnumak but there 1 nothing puiillng about It A When You Think m .m buv. urn, in,! U1U IU QQ had something, refused, or failed, and HARDWARE , - al. ."Re-creati- r thm hrtv " . ' wu Irlllsil w a. wassi obe3exttini.f . a est .Tifj u Somebody stole 21 canarv hlrda they sat in their eagea, singing swoet- . And. havlna-- stolen them, turnip onvlooso V U I It as mlatakea kindness. Tan might as well take 28 sons of very rich men from tneir yachts, automobiles or nolo oonlos and turn them loose in thm struggle for existence. They wouldn't thank you. WILSON "Everything To Build Anything" Phone 11 Itpir-- It ctets Dututtleto Start Being Successful i Bc;i!dri3 Co. ' '. J well-know- Tremonton A huge whale plowa the northern ess, swallowing millions of tiny ma rine " creatures, on .which - he lives. knowing nothing of his past Little does ho dream that his ancestor was a little creature, the "tree shrew." that you could oarry In your vest pocket Still less can he Imagine his future, or know that hla body will be polled down, 'and the J oil sprayed ' on 'park trees to kill an epidemic of plant lice. From tree sheew to whale 90 feet long, and from giant whale to plant lice destroyer. Is a considerable change. We human being know about our past and future as little as the'" whale khowa about his. ii power that lies within a . bank account to open the ' door to success is not orae of magic It is simply applying in aT practical n manner the law of psychology confidence r Inspires success. " . sales-appea- :H9 v. What VVhalos Don't Know. Three Things We Knew Net Why So Few Great Men? HarTaroTa Teaching Plan. Mr. Charles Hess, of Rupert, Idaho, and Mrs. Jack Lamb, of Fielding, Utah were Tuesday afternoon guests of Mrs Hannah Hess.! of Logan was . Mrs. Annie Burnett, visiting Mr. and Mrs. David T. Bur-nett-e, last week. Miss Knettsj Burnett, daughter of T. Burnett, who Mr. and has been working in Ogden, was visiting her mother last Thursday. Mr. Clifford Mason of Ogden, was in Plymouth on business Thursday. Mrs. Edna Mason and children, Ruth and Deloros, Mr. and Mrs. Patric, of Garland,, were, guests of Mrs. Don R. Lamb Friday" evening, t y Mrs. Robert Lish, Bishop , Mr. and and Mrs. Clark Rudd and children were Saturday guests of Mrs. NIsh's daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Hess, of St. John. The combines are busy harvesting the grain in this vicinity which is turning out good for such a dry summer, averaging from 20 to 25 bushels The lUv. Mr; Baadlfes. ef Louisiana. Baptist, soldi the long distance preach ing onampioasnip, wiu a sermon lastand a half hours. ing fifty-eigAt ue sane tana, the Sermon OB the Mount, real with conviction thxoa, asiaatoa,, might troduee Zm tM longest ptteohlng ? .AiiMKaei Unlimited Money to ! : LOAN ob Irrigated Land, 6 cent No oommlBdoiis. per JOHN J.SIIUMWA1 Ihoto. R. V. 'f-T- , Oa-t- r. 'V k"1 Bell, 13$ ';;!' |