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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1931 Bothwell , Leaks in the Larder Amount 'to Big Sums Mr. Leland Anderson returned Monday from Fountain Green where he has been visiting friends the past week. FARM BUREAU NEWS Mrs. Earl Firth had Mrs. Bert Firth for her Sunday visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Summers LuGene, were visiting Mrs- - Summers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Childs of Ogden Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Childs returned home with them for a few days visit. Miss Rhea Johnson of Fielding spent the week end visiting Edna Christensen. Mrs. Reed Peterson visited Mrs. Dick Anderson of Tremonton, Tuesday Mr. and" Mrs. James Summers and Norma and LaVera Summers were dinner guests of Mrs. Louis ChristenRY EDWIXA XOLAV able to afford waste. sen Sunday. There are many women who Director of Home Service, General Electric Kefrigeration Department pride themselves on never using rVr- - Eli Anderson was in Brigham Sfcfiday, on business. TT ha 3 been estimated by various any eggs but the very best and who John Anderson and children Mrs. authorities that the average would be Quite horified at the idea of buying eggs, yet returned home Friday from Ogden American family wastes approxiuse many eggs tho actually they where they have been visiting the past mately 15 per cent of the food pur- quality of which has become week with Mrs. E. M. Krumperman. chased. This is due largely to lack equivalent to one of the lower Mrs. Anderson's mother. of proper facilities for food grades. Proper refrigeration faciliMrs. George Stark and son, Joe, and preservation. ties, constantly assuring a safe tern Even the thriftiest housekeeper perature of below 50 degrees, would daughter Delia visited Mrs. Stark's would be surprised at some of her keep these eggs up to high standsister, Mrs. Lena Wells of Willard own extravagances if she were ard, as well as preserve other foodand Monday. Sunday shown in figures the dollars and stuffs in wholesome condition. Mr. and Mrs. Rudger Fosgren were cents she wastes. Then, too, foodstuffs not properly "visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fosgren The pint of milk that turns sour, preserved may look good or taste Sunday. the butter that gets an "off taste" good, but at the same time they Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firth and small and has to be used for cooking-fat- , may be contaminated. Bacteria in children attended a birthday dinner in , the tomatoes that become foods increase at a tremendous rate honor of her father's birthday, Mr. the last two or three eggs that in a short period of time. Health John C. Childs of Ogden, Tuesday. start as Grade A and end in a authorities in all sections are atdubious grade, the imported cheese tempting to arouse housewives to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin .Summers and that sweats and grows mouldy, the the importance of proper refrigerachildren were visiting Mrs. Summers B. soup that begins to smell tion because they realize better N. Mr. Mrs. and of Marble parents foul these and other small larder than others that the partaking of Deweyville Monday and Tuesday. leaks go to make up the 15 per cent food which 'has not been properly Mrs. Sophia Anderson returned And food costs too much preserved has taken its toll ia the spoilage. from Cleveland Wednesday and left these days for any family to be tens of thousands. she Friday for Weston, Idaho where Is spending a few days with her daugh H. FrOllk lhich the factory officials will take ter, Mrs. Henry Miller. Mr. and Mrs. . . the part of actors and show by actual I Miller are rejoicing over the arrival OnVentl011 demonstration the correct procedure o3I6S of a baby boy. Mrs. Miller in any given situation. Instead of lec- "was formerly Miss Hazel Anderson. Local participation in a move to tures, the class of dealers and Mrs. Francis Stokes of Black Pine business back to the level of pre men will have points under discussion and son, Dick, visited over night with is to get under way Mon-- 1 emphasized by seeing them presented vious years "Mrs. Sophia Anderson, Wednesday, when in a dramatic and effective manner. H. Fronk, local ChevroJ. day fcfiss Mary Ellis and LaVera Ander-let dealer leaves for Salt Lake City Every phase of the automobile indus who have been spending a few with four members of his organiza- try as it affects the retail salesman weeks in California visiting Mr. and tion to attend a novel retail sales con- will be included on the program. Mrs. Mack Ellis, returned home Tues- vention This meeting is one of 52 to be being held there for all Chevday. rolet retail salesmen in the Salt Lake held throughout the United States Dr. Eli Hawkins left Saturday for Zone. during March. American Fork where he visited his More than 200 are expected to at- "The object of the meetings, Mr, week father the end, returning aged tend the convention, which opens with J. H. Fronk explained, is to give our home Monday. aluncheon at Hotel Newhouse and con retail salesmen a better appreciation Mr. Rasmus Anderson and Wallace sists of a full afternoon of instruction of our product which is better and Anderson were in Brigham on busi- at Kingsbury Hall. A feature of the priced lower today than at any time ness Tuesdav. luncheon will be the installation of of- in our history, and to make them bet Mrs. Boyd Hansen and children of ficers of the r Club", a star ter and more energetic salesmen, Union were visiting her mother, Mrs. salesmen's which in turn will add to the good honorary organization. Isaac Burnhope a few days last week. A carload of special scenery, and will of our business and our atproduct, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Anderson other theatrical equipment including as well as increase our volume. tended a birthday dinner of Mrs. Hen talking motion pictures has been en"By participating in this meeting ry Newman Sunday. to put on the presentation, we feel that we will be better equipgaged visited Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson which is said to be the first and larg- ped than ever to get a larger volume Mr. and Mrs. August Fosberg of est of its kind to be staged in the of business from this territory than it Riverside Thursday. automobile industry for retail sales- yielded last year. Already business Roland Christensen of Brigham men. is picking up, and by taking advanspent Saturday visiting his parents E. W. Fuhr, Chevrolet regional man tage of every extra means of adding Mr. and. Mrs. Louis Christensen. with headquarters at Oakland, Mr. and Mrs,. Ezra Harris were in ager P. M. Seese, Salt Lake City California, Brigham on business Friday. zone manager, other members of the When You Think Mr. and Mrs. Mack Ellis of Califorand zone staffs, and a factory region HARDWARE nia are here visiting their parents, from Detroit will conMr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis. Miss Mary representative which will be attend Ellis and LaVal Anderson accompan- duct the meeting, ed by dealers and sales managers, as ied them here. 'Everything To Build Anything" well as retail salesmen. Miss Vida Sandal was the week end Phone 11 Business sessions in the convention Mrs. of her Payne George sister, guest will take the form of playlets, in Maynard Summers entertained vfiTa family dinner for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Childs and her brother, Mr. John T. Childs of Ogden. The drill has arrived at the school and a new well will be driven. Roy Ellis was in Ogden visiting rela tives and friends Monday and Tuesday. Marjorie Stokes visited her friend Dorothy Anderson .Sunday. Mrs. Rudy Scholler entertained at a dinner party Sunday. Plates were laid for 10. Mrs. George Summers accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hen ri, of Garland, to Ogden to attend the funeral of a relative. Miss Leola Seelev and Miss Lola Madsen visited their homes in Brig , ham Sunday. Reed Anderson and Wendell were in Brigham on business Sunday. Mr. Bert Hunsaker was in Brigham on business Monday. Mrs. Francis Stokes and Dick Stokes of Black Pine visited Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson Wednesday. Mr. John Fosgren of Blue Creek In 8 months time oy.ir company has paid $15,000.00 to Utah visited his brother Jared Fosgren policy holders to fife wrecked cars. $1238.00, of which was Thursday. Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sandal paid Box Elder Ctunty policy holders. Ask the man who were Vida Sandal .Sandal the STATIC MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE and carries Jflfcmas iVfsiting at the home of George Payne J LELAND J. HANSON Phone Local Agent Monday. Mr. Bert Hunsaker was in Ogden on business Saturday. A very pleasant surprise party wa3 tendered Mr. George Payne Monday evening. The evening was spent in playing games and charades and afTHE VALUE OFl YOUR INSURANCE PROTECTION IS MEASter, delicious refreshments were servURED BY THE RELIABILITY OF THE COMPANY BACK OF IT. ed by Mrs. Payne assisted by some of THIS AGENCY REPRESENTS ONLY WELL KONWN AND PROV the iadies. There were 32 guests EN COMPANIES, OFFERING EVERY NEEDED FORM OF IN present and all had an enjoyable time. SURANCE PROTIECTION. IT WON'T COST YOU ANYTHING TO ASK US FOR INFORMA- TION AND ADVi IICE. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO TELL YOU EVouu ERYTHING WE CAN ABOUT EFFICIENT, DEPENDABLE INSURANCE PRO! ECT10N. And daughter cold-storag- left-ove- Attends sales-brin- j : "100-Ca- THINK WILSON 2rs. H. G. Scott Drug Co. 1 - - 1 er 50c Tooth Brush 25c Jooth Paste Special V9c i 70-0.- 3 for $1 .00 - - -- tht comntr 57 Phone TODAY PHONE U Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah MES BROUGH J B3BSSSm MAKE GOOD Oil WE DO 20 Tied and Dyed Radio Tub fast Prints, 36" wide, Ladies silk Scarf s, newest 98c plaid designs 49c 40" wide g Bonds I Insurance B. V. R. PHONE 101 Notary Public 98c Scarfs ... I2V2C large assortment Sport Satin, Pastel shades Just arrived, large assort- Figured Flat Crepe, latest patterns, 36" - 40" wide ... 98c ment of Spring Dresses, plain and $6.49 and $9.90 figured k Flat Crepe, large assortment of colors, Fancv Silk Crepe, newest 69c designs, 36" Oil Cloth, all colors, 48" wide, formeryl 35c ... now 26c All-Sil- 40" wide ... 98c ....... Boy's blue Overalls, 59c all sizes 10c Boy's work Socks 10c Men's work Socks Men's grey moleskin now $1.98 work Pants Men'a Kahki work Pants ... 98c 19c Men's fancy Hose Last While They Last word in men's silk four 25c in hand Ties Men's silk Handkerchiefs, large selection of 25c to 69c colors Men's work Shirts, extra 79c heavy, full cut In Our Grocery Department SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY MARCH 14 LETTUCE LARGE SOLID HEADS 05c CARROTS bunch 05C RADISH 3 ORANGES 20c DOZEN BANANAS 4 TOMATOES SOLID PACK, Size 2'z Cans CORN WELLINGTON COFFEE RED & WHITE, Steel Cut BOOTHS SARDINES tomato or mustard PEAS EXTRA SUGAR GRAPEFRUIT shavers, PEETS GRANULATED SOAP large package 10 BUNCHES FOR EXTRA dozen 05c 19C lbs for size SOAP P. & G 10 CLOROX each SALMON TALL CANS 10c 10 CLUB, Can 3 - 39c 3 for For 29C 25c 19C 29C 27C 13C 10C 2 bars In Our Meat Department 1. DEPENDABLE PROPERTY INSURANCE 'an OK )ont UveriooK i nese Unusual Values r J. Hun-sak- 4-- H e over-ripe- i-- to our volume we hope to make this week, and report a wonderful time, and are full of enthusiasm for dub one of the best here that spring years work. Indications are that this year Chevrolet ever had. will see many more clubs than at any "The move of our local field offic- previous year. ials, he continued, "ties in with thej The County officers of the Farm Bu On next Wednesday evening at 8 ' aggressive policies adopted by the reau held a meeting Saturday evening o'clock at the Bear River City Amusej ment hall all leaders of the County Chevrolet Motor Company to bring at the Blidland Parlors. will meet and be trained In the Recreto were visit Committees autoappointed back business to normal. The ational work that was put on at the mobile industry is the largest user of all merchants in the North End of the club school last week. ProHome in of the behalf County raw materials in the world, and by ducts All communities who have not secampaign, which is being waged lected their leaders, will please do bringing out the 1931 Chevrolet nearly over the whole state. two months ahead of the annual sched This campaign is put on by the this at once, so that they may have the benefit of their recreational meet. ule, the company was able to put mills state Farm Bureau to ascertain how Miss Izola Jensen will meet all Utah are being products to work which had ain idle for months, extensively deHome use influence to in used and their Management leaders at the club and to start the ball of general acthem and the rooms in Tremonton, Friday, March a demand for veloping steel to The iron miner, tivity rolling. 13 at 2 o'clock. of all kinds. worker, cotton picker and mill hand, exclusion of substitutes Mrs. J. 0. Hadfield will assist Miss R. Rodent Mr. Scott Zimmerman, the lumberman and glass blower, end the many other employes identified specialist of the U. S. Biological Sur- Jensen in putting over he lesson in "Clean Up, Paint Up, and Keep Up." with industries which lean heavily vey visited Pres. Brough last Wedneson the automobile to use their pro- day in Interest of the rat drive. Price Tom Anest received license Mrs. Leland Crystal, Park Stumm ducts, felt the effects of the early announcement in greater employment and Evan Gee returned Saturday from to open soft drink parlor in Loffbor-oug- h club school held at Logan last the building in Main Street. and increased output." Young Steer Beef 14c Pot Roast Steak, any cut 25c . Rib Boil 11c y y ' y fy X Choice Lamb Leff of Lamb Chops, 2 lbs 23c 45c Lamb Stew 10c 45c PORK ROAST PORK CHOPS, 2 lbs BELOGNA, WIENERS or MINCED HAM BACON, Sugar Cured ... 18c 25c 23c GEPHART STORES COMPANY TREMONTON PHONE 33 |