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Show TaGE four BEAR BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1931 RIVER VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at monton. Utah, as Second Class Poultry Ass'n of B. R. This Week TreMat- ter. hj ARTHUR BRISBANE James Walton. Editor and Publisher Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rates One Year, in advance Six Months, in advance Tkree months, in advance $2.00 $1.00 .50 To Your Town as well as to your Country PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS The Senate Considers Niagara. (Continued from page one.) accordingly. Peeper feeding, he said. is very important, especially provid ing an abundance of green feed, chop ped alfalfa or alfalfa leaves, before the chicks at all times, was recom mended, using it the first few days To Kill or Not to K II Yes, Ve Are Docile Guessing Population Muscle Shoals Ve'to While Governor Urucker' signs bill to capital punishment in Michigan, California discusses, and will adoot. it is hoped, a bill abolish ing capital punishment. The State cannot discourage murd er by imitating murderers, and killing as they kill. Instead of death, the extreme pen alty should be life imprisonment, and it should mean life imprisonment with eight hours for work, eight hArs for Bleep, eight hours for regret and re flection. Two criminals recently received sentences aggregating more than 200 years, and it was announced officially that they would actually stay in jail about fourteen years. That makes a joke of justice. Other nations lack the "docility" Beauty and utility are so inex- that so impressed the late Lord North- tricably mingled in Niagara Falls cliffe when he came here. that a proposed treaty between the "The American people," said he. United States and Breat Britain "are very docile." for beautifying the Falls had to be He was impressed by our obedience adversely reported by a senate com when ordered to stop eating sugar bemittee. Water power proposals cause Europe wanted it. What North-cliff- e which were tied up in the treaty said of our people is also were unanimously disapproved by of our government, which takes ordthe Committee on Foreign Rela ers about its navy, war gas, etc., very tions, according to Chairman Wil humbly. liam E. Borah of Idaho. Not so with Japan. The London navThe plan embodied in the treaty provides for a contract between the al treaty "allotted," to Japan 52,000 government and private power com tons of submarines. Now it develops panies which is said to be worth that France Is to have 80,000 tons of $5,000,000 to the industry. Sena- submarines, and Japan says: tors felt that the government "Wait a minute, not so fast, we need should do this work itself instead time to think th it over." Uncle Sam, like a good tar baby, of contracting with private compan gays nothing. Whatever they allot is ies. However, the committee con ceded that reasonable action should good enough for him. He was not like soon be taken by the United States that before international finance, eag thinkto beautify the falls. Senator Bor er to curry favor abroad, did his ing for him. ah has been facetiously blamed for Rolph, extremely popular governor the recent caving in of land around the falls because he, as Chairman of California, tells a gathering of that California will have a f the Foreign Relations Commit of ten millions. of population in tee, was so dilatory '.Jung any course, is true, and California That, in will, action on the proposed treaty. time, have a population of forty miloo lions and more. Digger, and more fer tile than France or Italy, California's population will exceed theirs. And the airplane will enable every body to lire on hills and mountain Don't be too quick to claim your tops, keeping all the low, flat land tor descent from John Washington, cultivation. of the first Presi Governor Rolph says the greater dent. At least, stop and ascertain population "will help solve our probwhich John Washington you mean. lems." That Is wisdom, and this whole Only recently, it was discovered country, even its - near sighted law that the authentic John makers, wilj realize eventually how ton of Westmoreland County, Vir- wise it is. ginia, had a contemporary of the When this country had fewer than same name who resided in Surry four million people, in Washington's County, Virginia. When Elizabeth lay, it needed more population, to the daughter of John Washington, consume what it could produce. More married a Lanier, all the Lanier people came, wages increased, and family and related branches thot prosperity, with wages. themselves akin to the Father of President Hoover has vetoed the His Country. But recent research Shoals bill and Congressmen, Muscle has revealed that Elizabeth was to see their votes the child of the Surry County Wash many of them glad will bill for the vetoed, probably make ingtons, who were not related to do effort to the bill through. The put George. of a hundred and Thomas Forsythe Nelson, a gen public investment will continue to remain millions fifty ealogist of the Capital, was engag- idle and wasted. Farmers could get ed by Abbott Violett, one of the heap fertilizers from that plant. But Lanier descendants, to make the in- that would not suit the, fertilizer comquiry concerning Washington's de- panies. Manufacturers and householdscendants. He based his findings ers could get cheap electricity from on numerous documents including that public investment, but that would marriage contracts and not suit the power companies. of land. And even the weaning child should oo know that those companies and a few others are our actual government. That Is not a complaSit. only a statement of fact. It is probably desirable, Review -- on the whole, that intelligent feudal The following record of industrial Industry should govern, until the peosigns of intelligent thinkactivity lists items showing invest- ple develop will power. ing, plus ment of capital, employment of labor and business activities and opportuniDr. C. G. Shaw, who specializes in ties. Information from which the par- culture, art and such things, says woagraphs are prepared is from local pa- men, soon, will write all the best pers, usually of towns mentioned, and books and paint the best pictures. The may be considered generally correct. statement pleases ladles, does no harm, is absolutely inaccurate and Park City Star of Utah Mining will remain inaccurate for centuries. Company making rapid progress in de Nature arranges our work. Men work externally, women work internally. veloping new ore shoot. Payson Plans being considered by Women will continue to produce the Megnesium Metals for construction of capable men and the men will continue to produce the greatest books new magnesium plant here. Salina Extensive street improve- and pictures. That need not annoy ment program being carriad out here. women. Michel Angelo, creating his Manti City Len Hansen of Salt Mof.es. or decorating the Sistine ChapLake City, took over Stamos Vulcan- el, is no greater than the mother that produced him. He is her work, as the izing plant on South Main Street. Moses is his work. It is, at the same Extensive be Helper improvements her mental grandchild. time, ing made by city on water system. Price Plans being considered for Idle workers, rioting in Albany, laying new pipe line on East Street. socking to influence New York's legislative assembly, made it necessary to call out the State police. They came to suggest a dole, $25 a week for marSALE ried, $15 a week for unmarried idle Six Weeks Old Pullets for men. Our best minds fear the dole, Spring Delivery and, with returning prosperity, will find a way to avoid it. Otherwise, Why brood your own chicks direct giving of money to families in when you can purchase pullets need might eventually seem wiser at six weeks of age as cheaply than handing It out through charitas you can produce them yourable organizations that need 30 to 60 self. per cent of the gross for "overhead," Then you are assured of a which means salaries, hotel bills, traveling and Investigation expenses for superior quality bird because an army of employes. of the methods employed in Pruning The Family Tree. great-grandfath- er ts Utah Weekly Industrial I -- FOR brooding. Call and inspect my plant and be convinced. Place your order now to insure getting pullets at a time most suited to your condition. C. Elias Jensen Brigham, Utah - Phone 43S Hopl Indians of the Grand Canyon. Arizona, have adopted Professor giving him for a tribal name "The Great Relative," as tribute to his "relativity" theory. In spite of his pathetic struggles, ft seems impossible for Professor Einstein to keep out of the limelight or avoid publicity. Eleu-stei- (, 19)0, ht Kiat Fuiurw Srodicnt, lac) n, ALLAH FULTON VIT HIS 7lO for litter in the brooder house, and there after in hoppers, so birds can easily get what they want. Mr. Warner delights in answering questions, and the audience took ad vantage of the opportunity to ask numerous questions which were satis factorily answered. In adidtion to the above program, spicy readings were rendered by little Miss Wanda Pedersen, which amused all present. We will call on Miss Wan da again. Mr. Mark Nichols, popular vocal so loist, also rendered some pleasing numbers. The Road Show was being present ed in the amusement hall, and furnish ed applause and some competition for the speakers, at times, but they were out winded and obliged to adjourn be fore the poultrymen finished firing questions at the visitors. Finally a motion to adjourn pre m tut Ml PI HON I TKOOT I i If. life Uncle Sam's Waltonians. The streams in the districts north of Quebec City provide sport aplenty, while those la I 0006 HtHNS vtiTtt A o. - Elwood Mr. and Mrs. George Wade and chil- dren visited with Leo Petersen last Mr. Wade and sons, Jim Wednesday. and Alton, went to Snowville while Mrs. Wade and small children stayed and visited here. Mrs. Jack Erickson is spending the week with her father, Lewis Larsen, at Corinne, while her mother was called to California, her brother being seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hansen and children went to visit Mrs. Hansen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, of Lo- gan, last Sunday. Mrs. Leanord Miller visited her motn er Mrs. Robert Holman, last Wednesday at Bear River City. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wade and chil dren of Montpelier, Idaho, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Petersen. They will now make their home in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petersen attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Lizzie Hing- - ham in Brigham City last Thursday. Mrs. Henry Wagstaff of Perry, spent the week end visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Wm. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Andersen attended a social and unveiling of the picture of Ex Bishop Valentine in the second ward of Brigham City last bun day. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Petersen and Delphia, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jensen and children left last Friday for Wendel, Idaho where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Peter the newly-wed- s, A. Petersen and other relatives. They returned home on Monday. Kay Brookman called on J. P. Chris tensen and J. M. Mortensen last week, after spending the winter in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petersen and Lewis Hunsaker were Logan visitors last week. Mr. Kidman's and Mr. Larsen of Collinston were the speakers at our At this season of the year the trout fisherman spends ol his long evenings overhauling his oiling his reel3 and looking ovei his flies in preparation for his annual journey in quest oi the square-taile- d speckled brook trout, considered oy many anglers to ce the stoutest-hearte- d warrior tor his sizs anions North Amcr::' sh. ' Cans:!-pitable neigh bor to i'. many hun dreds oi u. it streams where s, brook trout abound. The sylvan fastnesses of Ontario. Quebec. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia are ideal spots in which to spend a week or two whipping the streams and rivers. Quebec's trout streams are numerous ? a readily accessible from the makine them popular wt.i -- ;d-.- I The Poultry meeting held at Tremon ton Saturday was appreciated by all those who attended and those who did not attend missed some very valuable instructions. The meeting lasted three hours. The Relief Society will present a pageant of the Book of Mormon here Sunday evening at 7:30 in the amusement hall. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker and Mrs. George Burden went to Whites Valley Monday to visit their daughter. Vernon Hansen spent the week end hojme from the U. of U. On Sunday he and his mother, Mrs. V. L. Hansen met with some of the Relief Society Stake Board at the home of Mrs. Munns in Garland, where he explained the "Passion Play" which it was his good fortune to attend while in Germany on a mission. It is only given every ten years. Better Vegetables respond wonderfully when they are fed the complete, balanced plant food. It contains all the elements needed for full, vigorous growth and early maturity. Vii;oro is clean and odorless. And so i!xxpc:isive! Get enough for everything you grow. Results will a:naze you. Vigoro is sold where you buy your lawn and garden supplies. lime Sgar IStfd GOOD BUILDING LOTS For Sale Some right in town, other two blocks ost. Also two homes for sale-Cal- l Lender office. Cash Prices for Hides, relts, and Furs. Garland Hide house, J. W. Garrett, mgr. Bell phone, 146 and 26; Valley phone 31. 3tf WE PAY Highest FOR SALE Good Home in Tremon ton Call 28. Free to Public eloe n! Th only viae in h U. S- - wne" III of btmncM m titer envenns dwtin can obtained Without Fr. b a4 ot product Ohlicatioa u lha Amwican rnduttnal Library. Wnta lor Bummm AHvrtnint Mttet you ara intararted in; cam will beprompiljrforwaioVd. " AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL LIBIARY KaiUaariat DaUdias. CkleMe.IUlMU Red Cross for distribution. DO YOUR BIT Come and see our new and complete line of J. I. Case farm machinery. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1200 capaci ty Buckeye oil Brooder, new last year. Will take wheat or hoifer. 25tf. Phone 7.y.4. WILL BUY VEAL, COWS and hogs 36tf Phone 44il. Garland. Utah. the benefit of the drought sufferers. All proceeds of this show go to the Attention Farmers Middle EMPLOYMENT WANTED work on ranch. wants woman aged Good cook. Will accept small wages at first Good references. Call 23. CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Reverse call Cows and horses. rf41 Britrham 493J2 stirring drama will be presented at the Liberty Theatre, March 19th for A E3E ..WANT COLUMN.. Garland, Utah "WILD COMPANY" ing. 4 Co., -- and Mr. and Mrs. George Burden and Mrs. Orson Nielsen, mother of Nor guests of Mrs. V. L. Hansen Saturday baby of Harper were guests of M. L. man Nielsen and her friend, Miss Lot They also enjoyed the roadshow at Hunsaker Sunday. Olsen tie of Brigham City, were the Tremonton .Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen enhontertained at a Sunday dinner in or of Mrs. Wagstaff of Perry . The M. I. A. feel highly honored of III having won second prize in the road show. A large house seurely enjoyed 1: the performances here Friday even- Sunday evening meeting. Wm. Petersen, Lawrence Hansen J. W. Orwin, Fay Hansen and Deon Christensen, rendered the program at Beaver Dam Sunday evening. Phyllis Kelstrom, iShirley Nielsen and Venna Petersen enjoyed a trip to Logan last Tuesday in company with Wm. Petersen. Vanita Dusten of Riverside, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Steffen of Tremonton Good building FOR SALE $12.00 per ton. Utah-Idah- o the Laurentlans northwest of Montreal also have their champions. Quebec's trout season opens May 1 aa closes September 30. Ontario, long a favorite playground for sportsmen from all parts of States, particularly for those living in the eastern and middle-weste- rn regions, has a trout stream in the Nlplgon River which Is celebrated the world over for producing the largest 6quare-taile- d speckled brook trout in the world a 14' pounder taken by Dr. J. W. Cook oi Fort William, Ont. For the convenience of anglers and their families the Canadian Pacific Railway has erected a comfortable bungalow camp in thl beautiful Nlplgon region, and thl rendezvous is becoming increasingly popular as the fame of lu trout spreads far and wide. Nipigon is lu the vast Lake Superior country, 921 miles west of Montreal and 742 mile northwest of Toronto. The trip from the bungalow camp by fast motor launch to St. Ignace Island is one cl the most beautiful short water journeys in Canada and it is generally productive for the anter, too. for tbo waters adjacent to the island harcnc huge "coaster" trout genuine square-tail- s which have left their native, rusliir.j streams to make their homes alor LAke Superior's rocky shores In 19123 Al'an Fulton, a youngster from Truro. N S.. caught a 74 pound rainbow trout while trolling for "coaster?" o:r this beautiful Island. the-Unite- .; vailed. tre assig-men- American Flies Socn to Tempt Canada's Speckled Trout Valley Elect Officers VIGOR plant A Complete product of Swift & food Compvy A Tool for Every Requirement A complete line of Lumber and for every purpose. 1 Farm and Garden Seeds of every kind See Us First AA "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" Farmcrs, Cash Union Tremonton, Utah Phone 35 |