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Show PAGE TWO BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. MARCH 12, 1931 en by domestic marketing agencies. California markets were quiet with Abbott and daughter, Katherine took Dewey and children of Brigham were Price of tash grain were held practic- prices generally steady. Growers were her home, calling on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ally unchanged. ,Xo. 2 hard winter selling more slowly since the. first of Charles Peterson was in Salt Lake Jos. L Dewey and Mr. And Mrs. Jos. KITCHEN LORE all of this place. was quoted March 6 at Kansas City March with present prices City averaging there Monday and Tuesday, and while Hausser, visited Albert Mr. Persch and Mrs. AJvin Norr motored and at Omaha 70c,' at Denver around 0 per cwt. F. O. B. JANE ROCERS to their Farm in Blue Creek one day c at Ft Worth and Sacramento Valley points. Mills and at St. Loui3 at 77'ie per busheL No. feed manufacturers were taking only Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton and son, last week. Paul, Mrs. Ada Garfield and Mrs. J. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. John treatment actually saved my life," de 2 soft red winter was quoted at Kan- sufficient wheat for immediate needii. O. Garfield rowi of preserres arc attended an Becker old folks of Ogden were guests of their clared Mrs. Elizabeth Benson, 306 parof wheat to ahow wld empty San at Francisco sas City 73c, at St Louis 81c and Receipts ty at Mona on Wednesday. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. paces, there la still plenty of Cincinnatti 77'se per bushel. Mills since the first of June have totaled Mrs. J. O. Garfield and Mrs. Ada Lish. to fill np the caps. True, were reported to be buying or !y mod- 71,166 tone of which 43,000 tons were lfa too late to put np moat of the Garfield were in Provo on Friday and Mrs. Paul Gardner, Edna Loveland of Northern wheat for the erate amounts of wheat and to be Receipts fresh fralta, but there are any DumMrs. J. O. Garfield w Saturday. Mrs. Duett Loveland were in Treand total vear last period corresponding stocks to in order ber of delicious preserves that caa utilizing storage called there the illness monton tons ed her by of of 59,400 wheat, consume their supply of old crop Tuesday. be made from the vegetables with only 22,000 daughter, Wanda, who had a severe which the mar Mrs. A. A. Loveland of Salt Lake grain by the new wheat is a vril :ble. tons were of Northern wseat Bay re attack of appendicitis. ket ia well No. 1 dark Northern spring wl.eut at gion stocks at the first of March total and little grandson. Ray Stazsrles are Mrs. ed C. E. Anderson and children tons through15,546 with 23,072 compared to continued sell 3c at Minneapolis relatives here. , visiting out the winter. under to lc over the May price of tons a year ago. Receipts of wheat were Brigham City guests, Saturday. And where Mrs. A. Fryer was shopnine in J. 76'c. No. 1 and 2 Amber Durum at Los Angeles during February - Mrs. George Abbott and Mrs. P. E. Ogden Tuesday. economy ia a 316 Ault cars. Prices Draetiealheld attended the closing sessions of were quoted at that market at the necessary Mr3. Duett Loveland was in Ogden to 5c less ly unchanged with no. 2 soft and tne li club school at Logan, U. S. A. watch word, Duluth May price of 73 X V Wednesday. western of ail white from Washington and C, Saturday. this years an! at Duluth at 72 ner Mr .and Mrs. Sunday, ia the year for Lloyd Lish Mar Beal returned from his mission bushel. Canadian sDrinc wheat mar Oreeon emoted delivered docks San Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland were in extra special $1.22c-$1.2Francisco 2 hard in Canada, Tuesday. On his at no. kets declined about home no. 2 with l'ic trip home preserving activities. ForManitoba quoted March 6 at Winni- winter 13 per cent protein at $1.27MsC he journeyed across the continent Ogden. tunately the deeirable vegetables Andrew Nielson Jr. has returned 1 01.30 and no. dark Northern spring from visiting many points of interest, peg at 56 'jam cheap and abundant. T from his visit to"California and he $1.371,2C-$1.4from Manitoba at had a and M sugar, the c&ief ronr' very enjoyable trip, but is Pacific coast market continued dull himself as having a very expressed Mc& food and energy but prices held about unchane-ed- . Mar Western feed wheat was quoted $1.25- - very glad to be home after an absence nice trip. aessed by preserves, la do delivered Petaluma. Local of over two years. ketings at Puget Sound and Colum- ?1.27c r o level. Preserve to... 1 Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault Mrs. R. G. Broueh returned Satur bia River terminals increased sharolv no. hard and soft white wheat quotcut tomorrow's food bill is a slogan had as their euests their children. Mr. ed 5 at San Francisco and day from her trip to SanPete, stop to 751 cars for the week largely as a that will be adopted by wise houseMrs. John Becker of Ogden, after and 2 hard winter from Utah and Idano. in for visseveral days, Ogden ping wives In all parts of the country. result of buyers moving their purchas Mr. and Mrs. Becker motored dinner ho $1.26V2;$1.35 delivered California iting her son, Clarence and familv. es from Country' points to terminal Carrot Conserve to Logan. No. 2 13 hard winter who cent points. her home Saturday. per brought Cube enough scraped carrots to markets, domestic mills were taking was quoted sacked at Los AnPeweyville ward will hold a homeO. I.. Brought visited Portae-on makb i wo quarts. Cook until very only small amounts because of the protein and ward reunion Thursday, Ms - and sales of Farm at coming around $1.37 geles Bureau business, Wednesday. tender and water has almost evapvery dull domestic flour trade. Ex- no. 2 March to which all former resi12, dark hard winter Drain and to liquid add orated. less with than Tremonton hast port mills were reDorted to have soli! 13 MRS. ELIZABETH BENSON dents A program and dinare invited. tne Ju'ce and grated rind of two cent were per Mr. and Mrs. Horace Noakes, Mr. protein reported some flour to the Orient and were takner be will be served. targe lemons. Dissolve four and There will sacked at and $1.30 in bulk. $1.27Msc and Mrs. James Green, of Riverton, en moderate amounts of wheat. No. a half cups sugar in tbe liquid, add in the evening. A number of Emery St., Salt Lake City. "For four No. 1 soft white wheat sacked sold visited over the week end with Mr. dancing are export sales of wheat were reported carrots and cook until syrup thick1 hard around guests $1.32Msc no. and mostly expected. Arrangements years I suffered torture with stomach since domestic prices were well above and Mrs. Geo W. Koford, of East ens. Pack in sterilized jars and are in charge of the officers of the trouble and an export basis. Cash prices held white of the Baart variety at around Tremonton. seal pains and numbness in my M. I. A. and other ward authorities. Chronic practically unchanged compared with $1.36 per cwt. left leg. constipation added Mrs. John Eckley was a dinner a week ago with Western white ouot- to I was so weak I and my misery, guest of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph ed at Seattle 68c, Western red at 65 Ms was invalid. an I started Knudson, Tuesday. practically nard winter at Mc and hard white Devveyville I. his Joseph Dewey accompanied Blue .Stem at 68c all sacked basis no. improving almost as soon as I began WHEAT MARKET WEAKENED BY 1. Soft and western white on same brother, C. J. Dewey of Tremonton to Mrs. Zeb White had as Sunday Mr. Mrs. taking Sargon. My stomach is in and Moroni Keller of Ogden .Salt Lake HEAVY OFFERINGS CORN Tuesday. basis quoted at Fortland 67'ic, hard the" homes of Mr. and Mrs. her condition now; my leg seems norvisited W. A. fine at guests West brother, HIGHER AS MARKETINGS winter, Northern spring and Western moreland, wife and three children. Paul Gardner and Mr. B. P. Gardner mal FEED OTHER again; and Sargon Soft Mass DECREASE; red at 61 Vic, and Blue Stem hard Cedar City Ed Grouse opened new Mrs! Ira Fridal spent Monday and Sunday. GRAINS STEADY. Pills absolutely rid me of constipation. white at 69c per bushel. Fourteen Tuesday with her parents, Mr .and The road show was enjoyed by a shoe repair shop here recently . 1 I'm no. hard winter in Mrs. U. W. Merrill of Bngham City. large audience Thursday percent protein gaining health and strength and Plans being considered for Nephi night. Heavy offerings of wheat and sharp bulk from Manitoba was quoted at I'll be glad to tell anyone of my untest artesian well near here George Abbott was in Ogden SunThursday Mr. and Mrs. Charles drilling competition among exporting coun Seattle 70c and dark Northern spring day, and his bounded faith in Sargon." Mrs. Delia sister, Grow, tries in marketing there surplus grain at 73c per bushel. returned with him, and on Monday Mr caused continued weakness in the wheat market during the week ending March 7, according to the Weekly Grain Market Review of the United States Bureau Of Agricultural Economics. Cash prices in most foreign markets and domestic new crop futures declined but domestic cash prices were mostly maintained through MEATS purchases by domestic marketing agencies. Corn strengthened slightly as marketings were reduced by unfavorable weather and road conditions in the Centra West. Oats and Barley were fairly steady but demand was dull. Rye declined with wheat and flax closed slightly lower than a week ALMOST INVALID; SARGONTRIIIMPHS 69c-70s- c,' 95c-$1.0- 48-55- c, 80c-81- ryour . 1 ed sr.--pli- to-tol- ed f43 4-- l-- ) 5. -- c. - 0. . pre-wa- $1.20-$1.2- c- Weekly Grain Market East Tremonton j than Mow new crop. Exporting countries continued to press supplies up on the market and at the close of the week were offering grain in European markets one to two cents cheaper than a week ago. .southern hemisphere shipments total ed over 7,000,000 bushels and near 5,000,000 bushels were shipped from North America. Black Sea shipments totaled over a 1,000,000 bushels most ly of Russian wheat. All together world exports totaled nearly 14,000, 000 bushels and stocks on ocean pas sage were increased to 57,800,000 bush els. At the close of the week 03 pound Argentine Rosafe wheat was be C. I. F. Liver ing offered at 59 pool and f3 pound Barusso afloat at lV4c C. I. F. London, trade reports l state that no Angentine export be assessed during March. Australian wheat afloat sold during the week C. I. F. Liverpool 64 He, while Russian samples were being offered 62 per bushel.' No. 3 Manitoba from Vancouver was offered 70 and no. 2 Manitoba from Atlantic ports 75 per bushel. Domestic wheat marketings continued heavy, reflecting the relatively large stocks remaining on farms, which according to trade estimates are 25,000,000 to 30,000,000 bushels larger than a year ago. Receipts at the principal hard winter wheat markets totaled 3,576 cars the largest week's shipments since September. Receipts of wheat at Minneapolis totaled 1,496 cars. The protein of the current arrivals continued relatively high, re ceipts at Kansas City testing 11.53 per cent and at Minneapolis 14. 4 per cent The protein of the seasons receipts at Kansas City has averaged 12.23 per cent compared with 12. 15 per cent for the corresponding period last year Mills were fairly active buyers. Fair amounts were also taken by elevators but a large percentage of offerings, particularly of Durum wheat, were tak GROCERIES Specials for Saturday, Mar. 14 a Mew Fwall ago. WHEAT: There were no important changes in the central wheat market situation, domestic winter wheat received beneficial rains but domestic ring wheat areas had only scattered precipitation. Needed moisture was received in the Intermountain states and conditions for seeding of spring wheat in the Pacific North west were excellent. Liberal rains and snows were reported in western Canada. European crop conditions continued favorable with plowing for spring seeding already begun in south ern Russia, The Indian wheat harvest is underway which marks the begin ning of the 1931 northern hemisphere harvest. No official forecast of the outturn has been made but trade re ports indicate a crop of about 50,000, 000 bushels smaller than last season Stocks of old wheat to be carried over in to the new crop year are roughly estimated at 36,000,000 bushels, which may partly offset the reduction in the American Food Stores Inc. TREMONTON and GARLAND STORES THE substantial worth of the new Ford is reflected in its good performance, economy and reliability. Its stamina and endurance are particularly apparent in sections where Lad roads and severe weather put a heavy extra burden on the automobile. In less than a year a new Ford Tudor Sedan was driven more than seventy-thre- e thousand miles over a difficult route. The operating cost per mile was very low and practically the only expense for repairs was for new piston rings and a new bearing for the generator. The car carried an average load of 1200 pounds of mail and was driven 230 miles daily. "The Ford has never failed to go when I was ready," writes one of the three mail carriers operating the car. "The starter did the trick last winter even at 31 degrees below zero. The gas runs about 20 miles per gallon. At times I pull a trailer whenever I have a bulky load." Many other Ford owners report the same satisfactory performance. Every part has been made to endure to eene you faithfully and well for many thousands of miles. ORANGES FRESH 2 3-- CORN 3 No. OcT mJv RIPE .. TISSUE 3 Rolls 2 Pkgs. 2 win n iv o uAIS Cans 2VZ PICNIC Cans BEANS 2 Lbs. COCOA K. K. 1 Lb. PkK. GERMADE 29c 23c 29c 33c 10c 13c 19c 9Z 9 Lb. Bag MALT SYRUP II (ALUMINUM) Cans OLIVES OC. Tall Cans 2 No. 2 TOMATOES tq7 1 IC iq TOILET PAPER, Urge Cans GOLDEN 1- BLUE PINE 25c PER PKG. $430 to $630 OYSTERS COVE BEETS "1 5-- 8c Bars 1 IOC Pounds 29c 25c CREME OIL SOAP 4 VJJ BULK MACARONI LB. PKG. A Real Good Coffee 1 PER DOZEN Per Bunch 2 Bunches A. F. S. SPECIAL PER DOZEN cT RADISHES SALMON, OF FORD CARS 25c nel UOC CARROTS Per Bunch PIXK PRICES STRING BEANS UV Lbs KIN'GSFORDS LOW CANS oi- - STARCH tax-wil- PEAS Large FIG BARS COFFEE 3 Extra Large ORANGES 3 The New Ford Tudor Sedan 25c 10 BARS ... l-- 3-- CORN SOAP it can 49c (One Can FREE With Each" Can Purchased) MEAT DEPARTMENT FBATUltES OF TUB NEW FORD "T''JiPV hield, "nd eotor' rlcfc' lent, fully eneloed uphohtery. fouwheel brake, four HoudailU .con alloy ralte,, torqueiube drive, in'Zl .are long-wearin- g threeuarter floating rear TPor many exterior metal hM T0Uer beari"gl and b"ht In addition, part. you many dollar, beraute of the low firH co,l of the Ford low coit of operation and up-keand low yearly depreciation. ep OUR MEATS ARE THE BEST THAT CAN BE PURCH ASED S. (U. Inspected) Pure Pork SAUSAGE PER POUND 15c BACON ROAST Sugar Cured per pound Fancy Beef 23c 15c PER POUND M M |