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Show i BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 - J V - '"JU'.-- J --T,' harvest ATwfetn tho art boing crops . ond prices ffl tim frtsh connod art . low, . contacts for tho itason'i supply. Cannod foods or pvrchostd by tho bo'mload ol prion that: dy an - organization of llo mognituot of Sofrwoy con obtain.., Safowoy Now at dto noaviost consuming prriocf of canned foods, Softwoy Stores Kavt vast quonfitiss M hand and in order to rtduot our stocks wo or offering thorn at xtrtmtfy low pritos. Tim if your opportunity to stock tht pantry at tromondous saving You can't go wrong vtry item is unconditionally guaranteed. eres Valine In WearaHcs For Particular Men! aa cfcpssvb wajrthmg die jmi w3 need WUSS BOH 1 SiBJlO-PTTlS- ri tWO-Ot&tO-B, jtith peak or ootch Upd is especially poptiltf &S yctr . Choose from natnbtr of cxcdlcBi tt&ftfc$ b fei ltfr and medium dude o Spripj, inclusive BEAN HOLE BEANS - Tomato SOUP I 2 cans Van Camps CAMPO TUNA EL 23c 2 cans 3 Cans Del Monte Spinach 3 mo. 25c m cans 25c TOMATOES 55c Blue Bunny Solid Pack No. 2J Del Monte Peas 3 wo. 2 PEACHES I Del Monte Halves or Sliced. No. 2J4 cans I 3 cans cans 49c 3 cans cans 39c PEARS CORN Del Monte fancy Bartletts Del Monte t i. Country Gentleman No. 2. cans No. 2 cans . 65cJ 3 cans 79c COVE OYSTERS 2 cans -- 4oz29c r 3 cans 49c PINEAPPLE Del Monte fancy Sliced 2y2 cans DEL MONTE KRAUT 2 cans 2 no. 2ji cans cans 23c Libby's ASPARAGUS 2 cans it Oranges Tremonton-Local- Salmon 59c CAMP'S HOMINY 39c 39C 3,No. 2 cans and VEGETABLES Sunkist-Siz- e 126- - BANANAS 31b doz. 53c 19c Lettuce Solid Heads 2 foru 15c We reseve the right to limit quantities ' r EAST MAIN STREET, TREMONTON,. UTAH VAN FRUITS 3 Chinook J. C PENNE Y GO 59c 2 tall cans Del Monte Medium, Picnic Size cans M MMW$M? mm:($: II I s (Continued from page five.) .). Mr. and Mrs. Sam Getz entertained at a 7 o'clock dinner, Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Kichard Anderson had as their dinner guests last Sunday: Miss Phylis Wilson and Wm. Ruten- - beck. One of the most attractive social affairs of Tremonton this season was the miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. W. E. Getz, Mrs. Demot Mrs. B. F. Ellenson and Grace at the Fraternal Hall, Thompson, Monday night, in horor of one of our most respected and loved business women, Ruth Getz Castleton, who has grown to womanhood in this vinicity and occupied positions of importance in the business life of the city. The esteem in which she was held by her friends was manifested by the many beautiful and expensive gifts she received at the shower. A mock wedding created much after which bunco and other vrames were played followed by a delicious tray luncheon served to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Castleton, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Getz, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hone, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Watland. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Winzeler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drew, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Winzeler. Dr. and Mrs. 0. D. Luke, Mr. and MrsJoe. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. iSteffen, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stander, Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Lower, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Getz, Elva Getz, Mary Getz, Anne Miller, B. F. Ellf.nsen, W. E. Getz, Chris Thompson, Louis Thompson, and out of town guests: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Castleton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis, of Malad: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castleton of Garland. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Getz entertained at dinner in honor oftheir daughter Rftth and Melyin Castleton, who were married in Malad, Sunday evening. Besides the guests of honor those en Dock-stade- r, mer-rieme- joying the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Castleton of Malad, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Castleton of Garland; Mr. and Mrs. Demont Dockstader, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Getz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hone, Grace Thompson, Hulda Meister and Margaret Jenkins. While visiting in Tooele the fore part of the week, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor, of this city, attended the funeral services of James Gowans, whom they had known for many years. The deceased was the father of Mrs. John Marsden, former resident of the city. Eighty books were loaned from the library last Monday. Tremonton Lions' Make Whoopee Wed. (Continued from page one.) Isaacson, Harold Perrson and Miss Omha Sweeten. T.J 4 rl An tt Last, Ralph Kirkham, Joe Kirkham, Mrs. Grace Haws, Ezra Jensen and-P- . I C. Peterson. i From Ogden camec- W. C. Carnes, D. B. Graham,; Frank Frances, J. O Hughes, C A. Ackerland, E. R. Buck-maJack Crpsley,-- , John Houston and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore. From Pocatelki: Mr. and Mrs. Parry Harrison, Mrs. W. E. Dohse. r - n, Mf.d ' and Lyon Heatn. , From Pleasant Grove: C. 0. Jensen ' H. N. Thorn, J. M. MacFarland. From Fountain Green: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holman. From Mt Pleasant: L. Holman, Madsen. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. P. Mrs. Joseph f , From Salt Cake: Mr. and Mrs. D A. Skeen, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson, Carl A. Arlab. Lewiston., Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs. . P. B. VnnOrden. Richmond: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Forrester, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Alvm Baird. Bear River City: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Holmgren. Malad: Hyrum J. Hansen, Leslie T. Foy Mr. and Mrs." I. C." Kendall, Mr. ndMS J- K feeler, Mr. and Mrs. - A. R. Pric, |