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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 pu saioas qanj uom. epjwprjj aaQ Those Mrs. Sterling Huish low. A. Mrs. F. Mr. and were: present Driggs, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Huish, Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Harold James Walton, Editor and Publisher Richards,Persson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fel-ste- d and Mr. and Mrs. Delos ThompPublished at Tremonton, Utah, on son as special guests. Thursday of each week. and Mrs. J. J. White motored E2AB RITES VALLEY LEADER Entered at the Postoffice at Tremonton, Utah, as Second Class Svkacriptioa Bates One Year, in advance. fix Months, in advanoe Three months, in advance f Z-- o -- Garland Personals Mrs. P. C Petterson and children were Ogden visitors, Wednesday of last week. Mrs. J. R Burriston of Glendale, California, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Harvey last week. Mrs. Burriston is a sister of Mrs, Harvey. P C Petterson motored to Idaho, Wednesday of last week, returning home Friday. for the Musical entertainment Lions at their regular luncheon Wedweek was furnesday evening of lastson of Mr. and nished by Otto Nye, Mrs. Geo. Nye and Dr. S. Blake, both of Salt Lake City. They presented an excellent program of cornet and trombone solos and duets, which was much appreciated and enjoyed by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nye had as their there guests Wednesday, of last week,Samuel son Otto and Dr. and Mrs. Blakejjill offialt Lake City. and Mr. and'Mrs. J. J. Shumway Mrs. J. J. Thompson, were Brigham City visitors Friday. n Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Peck, Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Delos Thompson, were visiting with relatives in Ogden Friday. Melba Nye, who is attending school in Salt Lake City, spent the week-en- d visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mil-Ia- ' Mrs. Geo. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. '" George Nye and family motored to Ogden Saturday. Jack Shumway, Hunter Gaddie, Floyd Lillywhite and Don Chambers, at Logan. spent the week-en- d Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lillywhite and family, of Salt Lake City. Harry Reading, Blaine Thatcher and Odell Thompson of Logan, were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delos Thompson. Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Harvey motored to Salt Lake City Friday evening, returning home Sunday evening. J. M. Gaddie went to St. Anthony, Idaho, last Friday, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baron of Brig-ha- m City were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Thompson entertained a few of their friends A Thursday evening of last week. Red buffet luncheon was served. carnations and red candles made the serving table attractive. The Valentine idea was carried out in the color scheme, favors, score cards, etc. The evening was spent in playing, "Hokum,". Charles Wood and Mrs, Milan Peck won high scores and Harold Persson low. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harod Persson, Mr. and Mrs. Millan. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rich, Miss Belle Benton and Charles , Mr. to Pocatello, Idahot Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Millan Peck and little daughter, Sherry Jean, were Salt Lake visitors, Monday. Alfred Bishop attended the basket ball game in Logan Friday night, between the B. Y. U. and the U.S.A.C G. G. Sweeten was a Brigham City visitor, Monday. Three hundred seven, attended the Sacrament meeting Sunday evening, which was held in the Tabernacle. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lillywhite and family, of Brigham City furnished the program which consisted of vocal solos, and readings by the boys and splendid addresses by Mr. and Mrs. Lillywhite. Mr. Lillywhite was formerly president of the Netherland Mission. The ward choir under the direction of Mark Nichols, furnished the singing. - All plans are complete for the ward reunion which will be held Thursday, Feb. 20th in the stake tabernacle. All fourteen years of age and over are invited. At 6:00 P. M. a band concert will be given, at 7 luncheon. At 7:45 music, stunts, and surprises. A three act drama will be presented at the Social Hall and dancing at the Palace Hall at the same hour. On Saturday, Feb. 22 at the Palace Hall at 3 P. M. all children under fourteen years of age are invited to dance and lunch. -- I I -- ( East Tremonton I FOR RENT 4 - room house. Close CARD OF THANKS of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill Z2tl in. See Ray Holdaway. to We take this opportunity express of El wood and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Garto oui rrtny mends ana neignoors field. house, George Brough celebrated his 76th birthday on February 8th. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brough, Mr and Mrs. Amos Hansen of Elwood and Miss Zina Barkle of Tremonton, spent the day with them and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. Mrs. George Beal visited the Tremonton Relief Society on Tuesday. A great many from this community attended the Farm Bureau Social, Saturday evening 'at the Bear River high school and report it a success in every way. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Abbott were in Logan Wednesday and while there visited their son Emerson at the Cache Valley Hospital N. W. Olsen made a business trip to Salt Lake City Wednesday. Mrs. Irvine Jones was a visitor in Salt Lake City on Wednesday. Mrs. Ray York spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. N. Neilson of Tremonton, who has been quite ill for several days. -- You want to hurry and get your membership paid up one iron man and then be sure and get in on the big elk banquet at Brigham City, in the new armory, on Thursday evening, March 20. Carl Peterson and family of Providence were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson, Wednes- day and Thursday. J. A. Atkinson, of East Garland was a dinner guest on Frdiay of his cousin, Charles Peterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott and son J. L.; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abbott and Zane and Stanley, visited in Logan on Friday and while there attended the Basket Ball game between the Aggies and B. Y. U. of Provo, George Abbott made a business trip to Ogden on Monday. Mrs. Charles Peterson and daughters Arlene and Mrs. Dan McComb of Tremonton, were Brigham visitors last Thursday. Mrs. L. E. Abbott went to Salt Lake City, Monday and will remain for a week visiting relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Grace Christopherson in Brigham City last Thursday. Mrs. SDent Charles Garfield Wednesday with her son Glen, who is a student at the U. S. A. C. and has been ill for a week wtih an attack of appendicitis. Zeb White had the misfortune to lose his car by fire Sunday night. It is tnot it caught fire in the night by defective wires. Lewis Abbott and wife visited his sister, Mrs. Joe Crowther of Honey-vill- e on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough entertained on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Roland Waters of Salt Lake Citv.-Mrand Mrs. Clarence Broncjh of Ogden, Zina Barkle and daughter Jane, sLicc-r-i the-- 5. ...WANT COLUMN.. Deweyville -I- - The family and relatives of William T. Hudson, who passed away at the home of his sister at Tremonton Mon day morning have the sympathy of 19-2- ' - School from Deweyville were: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Germer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer, Mr. and Mrs. N. B Marble, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen, FOR SALE 750 Brooder. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Heusser, Mr. and T. P. Meister, Tremonton . 23tf Call Mrs. LaRain Marble, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marble, Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter CATTLE DEHORNING Call A. L. Marble, Bishop and Mrs. M. G. Perry .. Madsen, Phone 6102. 25p and the Rusty Sixteen, tveryone en themselves. joved Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harwood and 3 H. P. John Deere, Stationary Gas children of Salt Lake were guests of Engine, for sale. Call Blue Light 22 their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Station No. 9. Lish and other relatives of this plaee ' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller and daughter Virginia visited the week end in Cache Valley Dee Loveland. of Salt Lake City visited his family "here the week-enMr. and Mrs. B. S. Burbank of Brigham City were guests of relatives ' here Sunday. Monday. George and Martello Burbank of Mapleton, Idaho, visited rel atives here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marble and Mrs. M. M. Gardner, Jr., visited their mother, Mrs. A. F. Loveland at Lo gan, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen of Petersboro were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beeton, th first of the week. C. J. Dewey, returned from $alt "Everything to Build Anything" , Phone 11. - I Monday night, the Rusty Sixteen, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr's and gave Mrs. Norr, a birthday party. Rook was played and mncn was servea. Better business for your home mer chants and neighbors lays the found ation for a better and more depend-Mr- s. ' able city. silently ex-- cans, when we erect a dwelling-placexpect it to LAST. That is why it is important to select the BEST in every form e, of building material. Wilson Lumber Co. is an inspiration to everyone of us. the pages of history we cannot help but realize the greatness of this man. He arose 50c up LADIES' We have just put in SPECIAL EQUIPMENT for hat cleaning, so there's no reason why you should send this class of work away from home. U. S. CLEANERS Jno. E. Lythgoe, Manager course, latest shirt. I picked up the classiest shirt I ever saw right ;here at Fish- burn's. Just the thing to give your costume that added bit of snap that it needs. DAPPER DAN As we we look upon his deeds recorded forever in to the occasion to save his country a new Spring outfit wouldn't be complete without the Of Passport fo fhe Realm of WEALTH The Life of WASHINGTON up I really didn't expect ' to buy a new suit yet just went to Fishburn's to look around and see fold I 75c DAPPER DAN Because Solidly Built YOUR MEN'S without one. DAPPER DAN "Everything to Build Anything Phone 1L HATS CLEANED fee man. "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING'' bullfrog wouldn't their tents tell us, THE Arabs, they steal away. But we Ameri- THINK WILSON zt I found at Fishburn's. Of f course L purchased Lako Monday. When You Think HARDWARE are fepo&Z-l- , what they had. But here I am, all decked out in one of the latest models and feeling like a new , fimes ference a new hat makes. " Especially so the new Spring creations such as LUMBER THINK WILSON c If you're game you'll be at the big elk feed of the Box Elder Fish and Game Association at ..Brigham ..City, Thursday evening, March 20. tJoe WTiat a whale of a dif- When You Think d. Edwin and Kenneth Austin spent Sunday in Salt Lake City. Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Betenson enter tained the members of the Clicquot Club and their partners, Friday eveAdelicious hot ning of last week. dinner was served after which the evening was spent in playing "Five Hundred." Harold Persson and Mrs. !fr r Oil-a-st- Wood. piWiiiiiiiiiwnimri!iiiiiii,iiiiiiiimhir 3 L over-ridin- Utah-Idah- Deweyville. . his many friends inthe Farm Bureau Those attending banquet at the Bear River High ! frame rppreciation and thanks FOR SALE screen porch, coal house and other many kind and loving acts Tremonton. shown to us in the sickness and death buildings. Call 5.y-24p of our beloved wife and daughter. Jos. L. Mad sen. OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS T. D. Holdaway and family. Clear--0 effectively prevents ice, snow and mist from obscuring vision through auto windshields and and advertised highly endorsed by learing authorities throughout the country. Retails at WHERE CAN MONEY be invested to 1.00 Every motorist wants it. Reprebetter advantage than in (rood farm sentative qualified to market product land at present exceeding low prices. may secure exceptionally attractive nave you city and county franchise on substantNearly time to plow, g basis for very small bought yours. We still have some ial very good buys. C G. Adney, Corinne, investment Write National Chemical 23tf Laboratories, 509 Fifth. Ave., New Utah. 6 York City. TOR SALE One 13 tooth orchard wheel cultivator nearly new. One Me- - GOOD BUILDING LOTS For Sale. Some right in town, others two Clellan type military saddle, nearly blocks out. Also two homes for sale. G. new. Both half price. C. Adney, 23tf Call Leader office. Corinne, Utah. BIGGEST CASH PRICE paid for 1926 FORD - ton Truck, Stake body; bides, pelts, and furs. Garland H. P. John Deere Station and 1 Hide House. J. W. Garrett, Mgr., Gar "The Adam Imthurn, ary Gas engine Z3tl. land, Utah. Bell phone 146 valley Gas Man." ou phone 31. FOR SALE Baby chicks, all kinds: FOR SALE Good building lime Leghorns, 10c to 13c: Heavy Breeds, o Sugar 14c. Poultry wanted. E. D. Hogan, $12.00 per ton. 18tfd 612 E. 2 No., Logan, Utah. Phone Co., Garland, Utah. 820-25p CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Reverse call Cows and horses. WILL sell all or any part of the tf41 493J2. Brigham , ,, John Schutt, 38 acres at Elwood, at $140.00 per acre. D. J. Borup, Rupert Good Second Hand 22tf FOR SALE Idaho. ranges. Call Utah Power and Light 9tf FOR SALE Apples. Oluf John Co. 22 son, Tremonton, R. F. D. Will buy veal, cows and hogs. Phone 36tt FOR SALE Good Home in Tremon- 44JL Garland ton. Call 23. our for and was victorious. Such is the fame of Washington not a rapid road to riches, the way or'" . But it's a sure, straight road. Every 3 months your interest . is ..added Jn, and in the meantime your money is SAFE and growing . . growing . . One dollar will IT'S open an account wtih us. Some ...footwork, say. ..They 0 I AA Hlltil KM Tremonton Banking Co. like no- look body's business like you have always wanted your shoes to look and such it wlil ever be. fit ..I'll and are priced; oh, why bring prices that up? The at Fishburn's are always reasonable. DAPPER DAN FJWMJm ' ' |