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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 IPS H. SL Hunter, editor of the El Paso (Texas) Herald and of the El Paso Times, says: "Did you ever stop to think that although two may not be able to live as cheaply as one, they can live together more cheaply than they can live separately ? "Tat is what a good many of our employed girls and bright young man have found out. And that is why they say they can save more after marri-in age than before, each continuing When you his and her employment come to think of it, a score of economies are possible through the marriage relationship which do not come to the single individual. But if babies are contemplated, the situation is changed. Babies mean the mouier must give ujj ner ciuyivj uicu for a time at least, and home expenses mount heavily. There is where for comes in the justification Judge Lindseys companionate marriage idea in some of its phases. "T fViinV in tha nevt cpnpration or two the world will see practically all women employed outside the home, the same as their husbands. Children will be cared for in Families will live in great apartment houses whcih will have central cooking and dining systems, or with meals delivered to the family as desired. Individual homes will be grouped around another house or building providing centralized cooking and dining. This will be in residence sections where people prefer separate houses. "And all cleaning and other housework will be done under the supervision of the same management that directs the apartment house or the residential community dining ar' rangement. Carle D. Brown, National Advertising Manager of the Salt Lake Tribune, 6ays: VWhat has become of Silas, with his boots, baggy trousers, coat too short, old straw hat, and his whiskers, and hayseed in his hair? "Ill tell you! Here he comes with a neat Hart, iSteinblock & Kuppenhei-me- r suit on all pressed, a Stetson hat, Florsheim shoes and the latest in ties shirts and socks. Looks like a Kansas City banker (or better) don't he ? . "Do you remember when most anyone from a farm or 'country' town could be spotted instantly by their clothes? Sure some twenty or more it. cny sucicer couia,i A.nu we years as easily be recognized by his style. "But who can tell 'em apart now! The small town has its stores with merchandise the same kind of radios, top coats, gloves, shirts and luggage sold in the larger cities, and its workmen, farmers and business men are smartly tailored and group-nurseri- 1 A es. J well-groome- d. "And, by the way, the old 'hick' town is just about gone where Silas has 'went'. Across the country by motor or train or plane you can see small cities, smart, clean, bright, with concrete pavements, stores with fine lawns fronts, parks and well-kethat bespeak prosperity. "And these citizens well, they know all bout the latest talkie, the newest styles, best books, songs, and 'the last word in how to serve dinners and play golf. "Silas may wear boots nnd overalls when he works, but when he comes to town he rides in a modern car and both his wife and himself look like the folks you see In average New York, Seattle, Tulsa, Des Moines or Salt Lake City. "Question 'What did it? "Newspaper Advertising." pt well-dress- ed That a whole lot of people get the habit of spending money too freely, without thought for tomorrow. They indulge in too many luxuries which their incomes will not stand; they seem to have no thought for the future. Of course, it is their money and they have a right to spend it, but they have no right to forget tomorrow. Most of them are gaining much dividual exemptions to any figure found to be necessary to produce local government needs. The nation each state and all local taxing units will get their levy of tax on the total productive ability that is found in their territory no matter where the owner may live. Bonds and stocks like deeds will pay to each locality where the property that pro duces the interest on bond money or the dividend is located. The tax rate of each owner will be fixed by the equalization tax table for each person's income from all places. The national government has a vast amount of experience and data as to what a net income really Is. .No state need duplicate that knowledge and expense at the cost or local tax payers. Etta Assessments will automatically teach economic truths to the entire population. That learning will do more to prevent fraud than all the criminal laws that can be made. It will thoroughly supplant can economic theories. All private property as such is exempt from levy by Etta Assessments. For the tax is taken as a reasonable part of each owners net income when he makes reasonable use of his property and of his ability. Each person the head of a family should have a home, with not to exceed ten thousand dollars fixed improvements and as much more value in furnishings. This home exemption should include one acre of farm land or a residence lot of an area equal to 50 ft. by 150 ft. for which no income is to be shown. The Owners of Corporations Taxed With Etta Assessments operative in the nation and states the corporation taxes can be waivered to each corpor ation that will divide annually all net earning above an attractive limited income for the capital, reasonably Bet by the corporation at the beginning of this tax methad application to it Such earning limit for capital invested in the business will be sufficinet to attract all necessary capital to the Such corporations must business. maintain an edequate reserve against depreciations and replacement costs as well as repairs and other costs. They must furnish a list of the bond and stock holders and of the employes. Then they must divide all net corporate earnings over the capital wage, to the stockholders and to the employes in proportion to the annual earnings of each group as determined by the fixed wages and dividends. In this dividend no value of the stock will be considered, only its limited earnings ort a parity with the wages and salaries paid to all the employees. If all corporations choose to follow this plan after it is a law, then all taxes will ultimately come to be taken from the current creation of new wealth and will never under all circumstances destroy personal wealth. Neither will it ever be the cause of property changing hands at a reinous figure. There will be no double taxation. This Etta Assessment method will greatly reduce the number of questions that now arrive each year as to the exact amount which each owner and worker should pay prdperlv to help support his government in all Un-Am- main-tainan- ce an-ual- ly Garland Milling, Company its parts. Expiations of table A 1. Any rate above the five (5) per cent column will tend to retRrd prosperity if applied or appropriated for any purpose except to rpel an enemy or to wipe out public debt that would otherwise keep the tax rate higher. 2. There are only eleven rates of levy or assessment possible on each income by the Etta Assessments. Those levies are represented by the eleven columnse of the table. The per cent of tax refers to the column in the table and not to the tax rate, for every line of this table and all ones except line one of this table. There it refers both to the rate and to the column. 3. In this table reading down the first column, the minimum rate of 1 in the first line becoomes 9 in the ninth line. But if this is the total tax for any year the rate will be spoken of as one per cent The fluxations above and below being on account of the amount of individuals incomes and not on account of the rate. For in The membership committee of the what about tomorrow? have your dollar for them and If they woudl slow down, live with- dont' fail to get inready on the big elk banin their incomes and save, they would quet at Brigham City in the new be happier tomorrow. on Thursday evening, March 20. Not is the time for these people to their way of living and Rtart in to spend their money judiciously. It may be too late tomorrow. Money made hmestlv should be spent honestly. Throwing it away to gratify every wish and to indulge in things that they cannot afford only brings grief Tomorrow, People, like cities, should build for tomorrow! ar-mo- This should be collected each month ct the souce by an Economic Helper provided for each one thouThis economic helper sand not a prosecutor. will be a He wi protect children away irom home and greatly aid the small and transient wage. Each will have available a person who is to be provided with means to help them calculate profitable plans for each year's earnings. Those economic h pers will be alowed to take fees from all producers in those precincts who acquire their assistance in computing costs ana making personal plans. They will be agents for the proposed Product cost Assurance Company, in which every producer who believes in the plan will buy protection for his estimated cost for each unit of products that he plans actually and delivers to market. If he cannot get this protection he will change his plans so as to get such protection unless he can afford to experiment or is determined to take large chances. Etta Assessments will greatly stimulate farm operations so that this cost assurance company will need a reserve construction program financed and operating that may be speeded up to use any idle persons and any surplus goods for which the guaranteed cost of production is not obtainable in the open market. So long as productivity continues to increase it will be inevitable with even complete facts from every thousand people in the world, to avoid getting some of the goods for which a cost is assured. Why cannot this plan of preparing ourselves to pay, each an equitable part of the cost of government and to reduce the cost of living so as to make better living attainable by everyone, be combined with the census enumerations put on an annual basis? Each enumerator could be paid about $300 per annum by the federal government and allowed to engage in some business locally that would tend to develop his contacts with the thou sand people he is to assist in produc tion and financial planning. All the Economic Helper precincts should be devided up so that there is never more than one thousand people in one pre cinct. That way the enumerator of home. r'T''. 1 water control work not needed imas to mediately for commercial purposes. On this work every needy person will be employed at a slightly reduced from their separated rights keep commerthose of migratory or transient per- wage when they cannot find financed is do that work to by cial sons. market conditions. ThA FVnnnmir' Hdoers will asist If such a plan is put to work whateach person who at times finds difficever help I have or may contribute do to to best what is in deciding ulty But we might be forgotten. should economic Each helper earn a living. PerAssesssments. Etta the call be plan must before attempting to do this Goddess of the method is the it haps provided with facts ana must iurnisn have us use to support data on his precinct to a national or- - Liberty would nrpnared to estimate the her public institutions. world's power to use. In this way the ETTA ASSESSMENTS, THE BASIC world's needs may oe uiumaieiy supTABLE A. plied in the best and cheapest manner. Thia acimatAl met. nf nrnHnrtion can The Equalization Tax Table Approbe sold profitably to every producer assess their I or mi ma acuviucn uuiv uc raumir priations automatically ability tnbutry ul tit ha nMdexi tn keen the world cost on the productive all parts of the government can supplied and to have an abundance for and , alL This will require world wide use the method without duplicating work. or. any and that planning organization, The step rates on increase between ganization must be affiliated with thousands are: some another financed to carry on ahilitv ran twyome acquainted with his people fvwlinainr 9 19 39 70 150 319 639 1279 2559 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 10 Thousand are and 20 Thousand are and 40 Thousand are and 80 Thousand are and 160 Thousand are and 320 Thousand are and 640 Thousand are anH IfiSfl Thousand arp. and 2560 Thousand are tu u i 2,4,6,8, 10. 12, i, ni V. w. jenmns YOUR EYES let us examine a 52 Week Year for the Farmer your eyes NOW. Be sure they are right so can enjoy reading these long winter evenings. you Tractors get work done that 'Caterpillar" Track-Typ- e needs to be done in the shortest time, working with sure-gri- p traction in wettest soils or driest. non-sli- We have the experience and the equipment to make your eyes better and your vision clearer. Add bad weather days to your productive days and Landes Company & 3 Branch Houses at Logan, Tremonton and Nephi, Utah. Malad and Preston, Idaho Tremonton - Utah WHEAT Near the Depot Garland :: :: Utah Unlimited Money to LOAN on Irrigated Land. 6V6 per cent. No commissions. AM ELIDES JOHN J.SHUMWAY Phones: B. R. V. 69.a-- 2; Bell. 129 re-adj- .MHg Color , TREMONTON MAN SUBMITS PLAN FOR TAX EQUALIZATION BY D. W. JENKINS (In the article which follows, on 'Equalization of Tares, the word Etta, for simplicity, is used as an abbreviation of "Equalization Tax Table ApThe basic propriation Assessment" of the plan submitted is an argument against separation of the individual's capital from earnings and, property, personal or real, and the placing of a uniform tax on the individual's productivity, whether that productivity comes from earnings or ownership of The opinion advanced is property. that of the writer, for which the Editor of the Leader accepts neither credit or responsibility. ED.) PART "C .In adopting the Etta Assessment the national government need not make any changes in the basic exemptions under the present income tax. Each estate can be expected to leave the national exemptions for dependents untaxed and to lower the in Now rules the home A full line of Paints for the home and out buildings, Roof Paints, Lacquers Brushes, Kalsomines, Wagon and Imple- ment Paints, Varnishes, Motor Car finishes, Enamels. Cheaper because it spreads fartherest. Con. Wagon & Machine Co. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS (The Largest Implement Retail Dealers in the World.) Phone 90 Tremonton, Utah it Just keep working when DEALERS I p, makes a "Caterpillar" year. other farmers fret. Highest Cash Price Paid for GOOD g. BE KIND TO Better - 14,16,18,20,22 Y. , 3, 6, 9, iz, 40, 44 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 28, 32, 5, 10, 15, 20, Zi, au, so, u, to, w, 66 54 60, 6, 12, 1824, 30, 36, 42, 28, 77 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 8 16 24, 32, 40. 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88 o ifi 97 sfi 49. 54. 63. 72 81. 90, P9 or,ri T,?ffc lino nf this ha sic table erive the maximum tax possible on any income by Etta Assessments. In extending the interline rates for incomes in excess of those named in this table each column will cease to increase at 99. FLOUR Also all Kinds of Mill Stuff. The Best Mill in the Bear River Valley. SO Well " Manufacturers of the Famous "PRIDE OF UTAH" suple-menta- ry Box Elder Fish and Game Association perience and what thev call "joy," but will drop in on you any day, now, so ex- each thousand not shown in this table, interline rates wlil be worked out and furnished to each tax payer with a line of rates extending through each of the eleven columns for each thousand of income he is likely to have. Within each column the difference of raise in this basic table will be divided into as many parts as there are thousands of dollars difference between the respective lines of this table. 4. No person's net income will have any compounding of rates to compute his taxes. The one line rate levied will be the one he will have for every part of his income located in each taxing unit Each tax payer will furnish corporations of which he owns securities his income line and they will pay his tax on his income from the corpor ation together with that of all their other owners to each county in which the corporation operates property. 5. Owners of large incomes are in better position to promte high taxes. For they do not feel them so much as do the smaller income owners. Even when modified by this scientifically computed table the larger incomes bear a relatively smaller tax as com pared with their personal necessities. 6. This is not an additional tax method. It is designed to replace obsolete tax methods. Each state and the nation can adopt Etta Assements methods and put them to work at once without waiting for the others to adopt the plan. Each state will event ually save a great part of the cost of collecting an income tax by thus making possible the consolidation of collection agencies. When is complete much taxable income that now escapes between the state lines will be recovered. And when other nations adopt a similar measure like savings can be arranged by treaty between the nations. The present national income tax will need Little modification. And the national income tax experiences are surely available for states that care to use them and thereby save tax expenses. 7. By the Etta method each government can tax without any evil results every mature person gainfully occupied and tax every person's net in come derived from the possession of capital wealth. To do this in a popular way we must abolish the present property tax that in many cases con fiscates property of loyal and faithful citizens. This obsolete tax system would have long ago become unbearable for indingent funds and other un sound ways to modify them. Those unsound ways lead to a general dis regard of property rights and to crim inal dishonesty. Each state can take justly the total Etta assessment on all incomes not exempt and derived under its jurisdiction by collecting at the source for non residences and part owners or corporations. 8. Consistent and in suDDort of Etta Assessments we should have precinct registration of and a special tax of not less than $3 per month for each elien and migratory person or minor child working and living away from comes between o 6) With roomier bodies ...... full force-fee- d lubrication . . . . silent timing chain . . . high compression motor. S9. . TFingcr -Tip Control HEITZ & WINZELER AUTO CO. PHONE 16, TREMONTON, UTAH |