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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Jesse Pure Pork Sausage 15c Saturday Housewives - prefer like old fashion e d farm - day. soned Grand- sausage r Mr. and Mrs. Parley Archibald were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jesse Lamb. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nish, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Hess and Jesse Nish at tended the funeral of Mrs. Madsen of Tremonton, Thursday of last week. Mrs. Lawrence Hess and children, Dewey and Nelda Ray, were visiting Mrs. Hess' mother, Mrs. Robert Nish last week. A number of our people visited the ixgan xempie Jpriday and Friday eve ning' oi last weeic. A number of our people attended priesthood meetines at Garland Sun , day. Mrs. Andrew Archibald is in the L. D. S. hospital in Salt Lake City for father used to make. We will sell our own sausage all daj Saturday for only 15 cents a pound in our Tremonton market, because M we know many people will want to try it Our sausage and fresh hamburger blended make a pleasing meat loaf. Some may prefer a roast. You can buy some choice cuts from a fresh shipment of corn fed pork beef Saturday. A meaicai treatment. Bishop and Mrs. R. T. Nish and Mrs. Jumps Estpntr maHa a Imcinoca v triD to Salt Lake Citv SatnrHair re turning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willara Silvester's baby is very sick at this writnig. Mr. and Mrs. Don Riifna T.omk or, A Mrs. Edith Hawes, were Monday or Bargain OU1 Some stores make a practice of holding sales or running a special; they may even sell an article for less than their cost intending to "hook" the customer on some other item to offset the loss incurred. O. P. Skaggs System Stores never offer a bargain unless they can well afford it. Our Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah m . Snowrille Foy, the 5 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Cutler, died Friday morning, following an illness of two weeks. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in the ward chapel. The music was furnished as follows Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen sang, "Sometime Well Uunderstand," C. B. Gun nel of Howell sang, "I Have Read of A Beautiful City", and "Sonny Boy. a quartette of little girls sang, "Beau tiful Isle" and Wm. Hurd Jr. sang, "Your Sweet Little Rosebud Has Left You." The speakers were Jos. Larldn, Willard Smith of Stake Pre .Stake President C. H sidency. Sweeten and Wm. C. Peck. The in vocation was offered by Warren H, Sweeten and the benediction by Will ard Smith, Jr.. Interment was in the local cemetery. Miss Tressa Garn of Fielding is visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Reed Larkin. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Cutler spent the weeK-en- a in ugden. Mr and Mrs. H. J. Robbing were Salt Lake visitors over the week-en- d Mary, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horton Hurd underwent an operation for appendicitis at , Osrden last week. She is reported to be re covering Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hurd are re joicing over the arrival of a son at their home, February 6. A baby srirl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. H Daley. Feb. 11. The local basket ball team went to Black Pine to play Wednesday night 3 The score was favor of Snow 20 ville. Mr. und Mrs. Wm. C. Nelson DAIRY MASH store offers to the and POULTRY FEEDS the five flavors at this price. TREMONTON MILLING CO. OlRSKAGGS STO8B Utah Tremonton of Idaho Falls, visited friends here last week. The Gleaners presented a vaudeville Monday night. It was well attended and enjoyed by all. Howell FLOUR pub lie Saturday, Jello at the fair price of 7c per package. Get one or a hundred of .any of "A Surety of Purity" like Elk? If you do yea can get your filL and then some, at the big elk feed of the Box Elder Fih and Game Association banquet at Brig-haCity ao .Thursday ..evening, March 20. UTAH FAVORITE Tremonton FOOD Phone There will be a dance at the Howell Ward. Saturdav Fhnmrv 99nA Tho music will be furnished by Benton's Wight Larks. .Everyone invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. (1 Aniterspn nre re joicing over the arrival of a baby girl. airs. Andersen is at uariand Hospital. Mrs. J. H. Robinsnn rvf I,ns Ancroloa California hast returned tn lier hums after spending a week at the home of ner sister, Mr. ana Mrs. u. rJ. Snnber. Mr. Frank Stevens anrl Miss fWs Forsgren, both of Brigham City spent ,aunaay visiting nere with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. flnnnplK Mr snrf Mrs. Ellis Wood and Mrs T. P flun- nell attended the funeral of the infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cutler, Sunday at Rnowvillp. Mrs. J. H. Forsgren and daughter LiOis are snenmnc a tew rinva at Unc hain City visiting with her mother, Mrs. Clara Wood. Mr. ard Mrs. E. P. Sorenson enter tained a number of friends last Friday ever.insr at a birt.hrtav Hi'nner in honor of their son Grant The follow ing were guests: Mr. and Mrs. P. B Gunnell and son Jav and Mr. and Mrs Ellis Wrood and Hamrhtors T.iHn aTiH Mildred and son Lynn. lhe following attended Union meetinsr. Sunday: Mr. anrf Mrs Wm Andersen and daughter Florence; Mr. ana mrs. t: u. uunnell Lynn Wood, Misses Lola Gunnell and Mildred Wood. J. Riverside i (. FRONK CHEVROLET CO. State of Utah Special Session 1930 Do you 30-1- MAKE GOOD OR WE DO 18th Legislature of the day. 24-1- nothing but fresh, pure pork, and just the right amount of spices and salt. It is ground and sea- , Jesse Lamb, Jesse Mason and Clea Lamb, were Garland visitors, Tues- .Mrs. Geo. Jesse Mason and grandson Jesse and Mrs. Don R. Lamb, were in Garland shopping, Thursday. Mori Hess and Jesse Archibald were in Garland on business, Thursday, Mrs. Van Peterson of Salt Lake City returned home after visiting here with her mother, Mrs. Fred Silvester. The Plymouth school boys played basket ball with the Fielding school En favor 6 boys, the score being of Plymouth. Mrs. Edith Hawes, of Tremonton who has been visiting in California for the last three months was visiting with Mrs. Don Rufus Lamb for a few oar sausage because it is made with : Mason. Plymouth State Capitol The Special Session of the Utah Legislature Is to be adjourned on Feb., 25th, and a great deal of tax measure work to necessary of completion before adjournment time. Tfuk umnntm fiaa hMHi vanM In f fa i progress having passed 8. J. R. S, ere--j ating the tax commission ; 8. J. B. 2, : classification of property ; a providing ' bill appropriating $20,000 for the cap itol grounds; another providing $50-00-0 gas tax money to be used to pare the roads around the eapltol; the bank resolution la on third reading; the Byan plaa to drop the multiple system of mine taxation has bees defeated ; the senate Is considering the McCarthy proposal to let the tax commission handle mines as the utilities commislon handles utilities. Should tbe house committee plans carry in the house, the senate and house will differ on some points. The principal difference being In the matter of mine taxation. After mueh discussion the senate finally wrote a provision Into S. J. R. No. 2 that the mine multiple of three could not be changed for six years. Members of the house bava deolared that the mine problem will be kept out of the house bill and if it gets before tbe people at all it will be as a separate amendment and must stand or drop on its merits. Ren. Critchlow introduced a proposal to tack mine taxation onto II. J. R. No, 1, the clasification measure as a rider but lost. It is likely that the subject will be brought up again. As a last resort the multiple adherents may endeavor to get the six year delay clause written In the house bill. A strong onslaught on the offset provision is to be looked for in the house. Tbe senate has declared that the legislature must provide offsets or deduction. This means that a part of tbe property tax will be applied on the income tax in cases where the taxpayer has to .pay both. The amount of offset is left up to the legislature. The tax commission and its expert, Dr. Lutz, has asserted that offsets will kill the income tax plan in actual operation. The sponsors of the offset plan declare it will prevent double taxation. The senate is sure it wants offsets and the house has not yet acted upon the question. The senate has evaded the matter of limits on income taxes. The bouse committee wants the limit on personal Income taxes placed at 6 per cent and the business excise at 4 per cent. This is a question on which an agreement between the house and senate will have to be reached. The senate killed the plan, which would have meant that a vote of the legislature would be needed to change tax rates. The house and senate will have to agree on the wording of the amendments to the state constitution. On one amendment, that proposing to create a tsate tax commission with strong powers of control over local budgets and tax levies, the two houses are largely in agreement and little difficulty is foreseen in working out the small difference that does exist. This amendmeut as proposed in S. J. R. 3 has been passed by the senate and with only one small amendment to clarify It, the house has practically completed its consideration of this plan and is ready to vote on the proposal. Agreement is yet to be reached on the classification of property amendment. The legislature also has before it the following questions: Amendment of the state building program to allow the use of inmate labor on bulging projects at state in-- MAN i BRAGG AST Man ia an inconsistent animal The and beat And he is s large bundle of party men condemn are their own." the times. all at Associating boosting There ia an ancient fable contem- two traits of men boast in one breath and call their fellows braggarts in the next Though our dual standard of human appraisal will not permit of the tradesman, the manufacturer and the auctioneer boast of the sueperiority of their wares and are not charged with complacency even by their competitors in business. in individuals is not pardonable even of such individuals who can prove their boastful claims. The business man is never charged with braggadocio but he must make good his claims or bear the indelible stamp of the cheat and fraud. The boasts of men will always find them out Continuing the analysis this duality of boasting may be carried to communities, nations, fraternal orders, religions, racial distinctions, automobiles, horses, wives and so down to and whatnot Boastful beings Eigs up their country, town, church, automobiles, and pigs and accuse the other fellow of prejudice and parti self-prais- Self-prai- MARBLE TEXACO STATION Tremonton You can't buy for less, anywhere as we sell price as the association and mills. at the same YOU'LL NEED SEED GRAIN The present mild weather, harbinger of Spring, should remind you that seeding time is at hand. Better get your, order in NOW. Tremonton and Globe laying mash, also all kinds of scratch feed including corn and Purina calf chow with prices as low as can be found. Poultryman Headquarters Tremont Coal Co. Henry Bowcutt who has been ill with infection in his foot is recovering nicely. illliluvOte La, Listen In Monday Night N EVEHY femaus race track in every outstanding endurance ran process has patented played its part in victory. Firestore CuTi DipcJ Tires hold til world records for c;:id, Eafc'r, asd endurance. Gum-Dippi- Utah Auto and Implement Co. Tremonton Phone 28 - H. G. Scott Drug Co, ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Phone 47 - Tremonton, Utah Where Savings arc The Greatest Exclusive Agent for SARGON The Great Tonic Relieve that awful Cold with Turpo, 95c Complete outfit At Our Soda Fountain Nut Sundaes 2 for Milk Shakes . Ice Cream Sodas 25c 10c 10c Malted Milks 15c College Malts .. fee Cream, pints .. 25c 50c Quarts FINEST LINE OF CANDIES IN THE CITY MOTORISTS, USE WHO CLEAR-- KNOW 0 ICE, SNOW, SLEET, RAIN, AND MIST ON WINSHIELD AND CAR WINDOWS OBSTRUCT VISION AND MAKE WINTER DRIVING DISAGREEABLE & DANGEROUS CLEAR-- 0 d Best Line of Feeds grandson. Take the world record judgment makers cn the choice of tires! - Phone 20 A. A. Forsberg and son Joe, went to Saturday to see, Mrs. UmvrJA PntArann an A her new nan. This is Mr. and Mrs. Forsberg's first Salt Lake VDCMPIBY of B1 Iks The Magic Windshield Cleaner PREVENTS THIS CONDITION , It forms,alfe permanent, g, transparent film on glass which effectively sheds these elements. It is chemically correct. There is nothing else like it. CLEAN - CONVENIENT - ECONOMICAL CLEAR-- 0 has a base of sofe, pliable felt. Will not soil clothes. Women Carry it in pocket-bookLasts for months. UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED s. CLEAR-- 0 is endorsed by leading taxicab, transportation companies and insurance men thru-ou- t the country. TRY IT Special offer durnational ing this camadvertising paign. Mail Coupon Dealers & attractive chises NOW Agents fran- offered responsible to al, YouH miaa the time of your life if of yon fail to attend the big elk feed the Box Elder Fish and Game Aaood-atio- n at Brigham in the new armory on Thursday evening, March 20. .. Lc-pr- and ard-m- se ds Mrs. Francis Tubhs and rati Clerirrra returned home from 6g!e.n where stitutions. mey spent tne winter with Edward To provide an additional $175,000 Tubbs. for a building at the mental hospital. A laree number of neonl fmm feero To authorize a separate building attended the Farm Bureau social at at the mental hospital instead of au tne a. K. H. S. Saturday. Miss Iris Lillywhite of Brigham addition to the main building. To authorize a gymnasium at the wit.n ripr cia- City spent the week-en- d Industrial school instead of an adter, Mrs. T. R. Welling. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Capener of an ditional building and hospital visited the A. A. Capener home The memorial urging Congress to durine the week. amend the federal bank tax act. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bigler of The memorial urging Congress to orienam Cltv were viKirmor federal aid for old age penprovide here Saturday. Mrs. Jesse Davis was Khnnninn- in sions. The proposals for classification of Briirham Monday. and creation of the state tax property Senator Tracy Welling spent the commission are the only two fundaweek-enwith his family. mental changes in the organic law reThe ladies of the Farm T?n meet Friday at the home of Mrs. commended by the tax commission and Clayton ueck. Kug making will be their passage was the purpose for calthe project sriven. ling the special session. Josenh Lillvwhite visited at flit. T The near future will have to see R. Welling home, Monday and Tues the passage of these measures and if day, miss ins returned to Brigham the senate refuses to accept the amendwith her father, Tuesday. ments made In the house on the prop Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Cleveland anA classification, the working out of erty Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Center- a basis' of agreement will have to be vine, visited at the A. A. Capener arranged. home Sundav. Mr. Cleveland ia Considerable interest is centered on brother of Mrs. Capener's. Warren Felsted and Charles Clay- n. J. It. No.. 7, by Rep. Chas. Redd of ton of Osrden were here Tuesday and San Juan county, which proposes to shipped three cars of steers from the amend the constitution to read: "AU Hadfield feed yards. metalliferous mines or mining claims, Primary conference was wnll nt. both placer and rock, shall be assessattended Sunday evening and the ed at full value by thetax commission children rendered their parts in a as provided by law. pleasing manner. Mrs. Vera Austin and Mrs. Vida Manning were the All other mines or mining claims swue visitors. and other ifcluable mineral deposits Y. Rich Wall f! W. and nf Port J. Including lands containing coal or age were here on business. Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Sevenson f Salt Lake shall be assessed at is visiting at the home of her mother, hydrocarbons, their full value. All machinery used Mrs. George Bowcutt in mining and all property or surface Miss Florence Newman, n from the I D. S. hospital of Salt improvements upon or appurtenant to Lake is caring for little Elaine Bow- mines or mining claims, and the value cutt, who is suffering from blood of any surface use made ot mining noisoninc. Miaa Newman la a oiotnr claims, or mining property for other of Elaine's mother, Mrs. George Bow- - than mining purposes, shall be assess cute ed at full vaKie, The state tax com Mrs. Delta Marsh. nf WillorJK t. w. i0 mission shall assess all property herevi si tine her narenta. Mr. anH Mra in enumerated. Wm. Bowcutt plates boasting in this manner: A man walking with that noble the lion, showed the lien in the ostentation of human superiority a sign of a man slaying a lion. Upon which the lion said very justly, we lions are none of us painters, else we could, show a hundred men killed by lions for one lion killed by man. e, two-thir- two-thir- sanship when he ventures to narrate of his country, political at the fine points faults which wife. NATIONAL CHEMICAL LABORATORIES 609 5th Avenue New York, N. Y. Enclosed find $1 00 (bill, check or money order). Send 1 special package CLEAR-- 0 to Name ................... Address ... ...... "."... ......w. ...... |