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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 ' Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Bates entertained Friday, February 14th, in honor of Miss Ruth Getz, who was married to Melvin E. Castleton, of Mal&d, Idaho, February 16th. The employees of the J. C. Penney store presented her with, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Giles attended the Basket Ball Tournament at Ogden j ( Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Moroni Lundberg, of M .and Mrs. Golden Fnsby attendSouth Tremonton, entertained at a ed the funeral of the four year old Washington's birthday party, Febson of George Ross at Corinne, Satur- ruary 19th. A color scheme of red and white was carried out very atday. The following guests were present: tractively. 500 was the diversion of the Messrs. and Mesdames Alfred the evening. Whi taker and Harvey Heaton, of Brigham City; Joe Ray, Perry Stan-fil-l, O. A. Iverson, Park Stumm, and Ernest Cornwall, of Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Winchester entertained at dinner, Sunday, at 2 o'clock: Mr. Winchester's father arid mother, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Win chester, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winchester and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bramweil and family and Mrs. Wm. Winchester and family, all of Ogden. Mrs. Laura Beebe and family of Salt Lake City are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brenk-ma- Tremonton Locals i a gift in appreciation of her service in that institution. , , (Continued on page eight) n. JMSftta S4B(D! Plow at a Fast Clip and Have Plenty of Belt Power! Tafce the big job of plowing the McCormick-Deer-in- g will turn your fields at surprising speed. Three or four furrows per round, depending on soil and depth. g And this same time of the shortens speed all field operations; tillage, grain, corn, harvesting sail of them. you make your tractor investment, WHEN make the mistake of underpowering. Have power on the farm and you will be able to operate and profit in proportion. Co all the way in the power investment. Look over the Tractor the 15-3big McCormick-Deerin- g labor-savin- big-capac-ity 0, The extra power of the 0 will give you extra advantages on a score of jobs the year around. Remember it is a triple-powtractor with delivery through the drawbar, belt, take-of- L . and power v Remember that in this tractor you will own the modern tractors are engine for which McCormick-Deerin- g famous. That means vibration cut down, smooth and steady belt operation, and long life for both tractor and machines. 15-3- .In operation of belt machines, er nothing can qual the abundant .smooth flow of energy furnished 15-by the McCormick-Deerin- g tractor. Generous capacity for the larger thteshers, ensilage ratters, shelters, grinders, etc. It is seady for your peak loads, for new .machines you will buy in the future, and for the greater, acreage you may want to farm. See the McCormick-Deerin- g also show you the jsorpose, row-cro- p Tr EVERYTHING TUEPMONT'1 Jitrf&W 'IT at our store. We can 0 and the all 0 McCormick-Deerin- g 10-2- Farmall. m&wST Quality 15-3- Service FOR THE FARM "A-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edftar Winchester en tertained the employees of his service station and their wives, Tuesday evening at a seven o'clock dinner. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. James r, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bernice and Mr .and Mrs. Filbum A ft tin linnof fVto miacf c An. TVtncvn an informsl joyed evening, visiting, A Hun-sake- cr on1 Y1avin AQra The B. B. Bridge club was enter tained by Mrs. Harold Persson. of o Garland. Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hector Haight received hiprh honors. The Tremonton-Garlan- d bridge club entertained their husbands at Mrs. George Carter's home last Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. James Keller, Mrs. Gertrude H. Hansen, Mrs. Keller's mother, and Mrs. Sam Keller attended the home coming at Mink Creek, Idaho, last week, Mrs. Keller says they had a wonderful time feasting and visiting with old friends and rel atives. Chester Scof field of Layton, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Scoffield, who recently purchased the Eldridge farm. Mr. and Mrs. Londy Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Miller and Mr .and Mrs. Hamp Bradshaw, motored to Osrden Sunday evening and attended a show. Miss Mae Calderwood is the new charming post mistress. Little Jackie Anderson has been suffering with a badly infected hand the last week. A number r Tremonton Basket Ball fans enjoyed the game at Ply mouth Monday merht Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey of Brigham spent Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Red Giles, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Capener spent the week-en- d visiting friends and relatives in Tremonton. Mrs. N. E. Shaw and Mrs. J. Y. Ferry, served the Masonic Lodge, a chicken dinner Monday nieht at Cor inne in honor of Kenneth Shaw and Yoeman Ferry who completed their worK for membership. Last Friday evenine. Mr. and Mrs Rudy Miller entertained a group wKir inenns wiin a very pleasantly arranged valentine party. The Val entine idea was carried otst in the luncheon as well as decoration. The evening was spent playing "500" Mr. Wuenten Allen and Mrs. Wm. Randa! received high score and LaVon Stokes and Kendall Burnham low s've Those present were: Mr. nnd 1WW Kendall Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Hamo Bradshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Qnonin A lion Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sandal, Mr. Mrs. iavon stokes, Mr. and Mis Let us point out to you some of the advantages of trading with us. Boys Ero.diiLC.es LeRoy Bishop, Miss Ella Stokes has returned from .Profits . d, .' ; ; INTERMOUNTAIN PORK WEEK 1-- 2. Men ! ! We offer you the Hawk Overalls at This is the best fitting, best made, bib overalls you ever saw at $1.29. Then we have the Moose overalls. Only 30c per pair more. Made of extra heavy blue demin worth more than $1.59 Girls' - i r - t There's nothing tastier than intermpuntain pork the richtnd luscious ham, the crisp bacon, the wonderfully, flavored roasts, chops, sausage and other pork products. The week from February 21 to 28 inclusive has been set aside as Intermountain Pork Week a week in which the Ogden Chamber of Commerce and the Utah Manufacturers Association invite you to join to eat the wonderful pork products from intermountain meat packing plants. Ask your dealer for intermountain pork every day of Intermountain Pork Week and every other week. 98c Thousands of Yards is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Parley Archibald. The Mozart club met Friday. Feb. 14 at the home of Shirley Watland. . r t oixieen memDerg were present. ixib Davis, Jennie and Billy Lomer were invited guests. Special feature of the program for evening was a Valentine play read by Mrs. Watland, characters were Loprv and Fappy. two rag dolls in an old attic waiting for the valentines in an old trunk to come alive on valentine eve and talk. They also waited for the little girl who used to play with the valentines to come up to the attic and while waiting, tried to attract her by the following piano numbers cleverly interwoven into the story. Nodding Pines Agnes Wright Emma Lou Stander Miss Bums WakenI Lords and Ladies Gay McLacIan Marererv Hansen Marigolds All Aglow Norman Shaw A Jolly Party Geraldine Beard Little White Butterfly A Fairy Dream Boat Publicity Campaign From tiny tots sizes to big d. Lois Rohde OGDEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dresses parents. Mr. and Mrs. GenrirA field. The young couple expect to rnaxe tneir nome in this vicinity,. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schenkel Riwnt. Sunday in Salt Lake. Mrs. Ldllie Hill is visitino" h- daughter, Mrs. Guy Bradshaw at Le-urande, Oregon. Phillip Pack and Georsre CroDlev attended the Basket Ball game at Logan. Saturday night t Mr. and Mrs. Adam Imthurn and family accompanied by Paul and Albert Miller enioved the Snorts at Ogden, Sunday. Mrs. Ida Nelson of Provo and Mrs. Myra Ogden of Helper were visiting ooiden msDy and family over the Mrs. Edith Haws of Los Angeles February 21 to 28 Wash Mr. and Mrs. Sevmore ScnffJpM nf iayton visited at the home of their week-en- , fast color. Choice of this lot. on ice. Omaha prices plus a premium. California buyers need more hogs and are seeking them on the Ogden livestock market. There is profit in raising intermountain grain-feFarm- meat type hogs. Ask your county agent;-Mradvise er. He will ; you. , girls. Each dress guaranteed Clifton. Idaho, where she has bm visiting the last two months and has accepted a position at the telephone Meat packers of the intermountain states are anxious to buy all, the alfalfa raised and grain fed hogs that Utah, Idaho and Wyoming farmers can produce. They pay ' 98c, $1.09 and '$1.15 Tom Sawyer shirts. Both dress and work. Guaranteed Priced from absolutely fast color. Sizes 6 to 14 59c to 98c , af Just like Dad's, only they Priced as low as the ordinary OVERALLS. k kindv t Pork Super-Haw- don't fade when washed. Benson of the Newest Spring patterns in percales and prints. Boil proof colors. Make your selections now and get the newest. V , i Per yard f 25c Gephart Stores Co. TREMONTON - PHONE 33 "Good Things to Eat and Wear" Bilbro Piagt Irene Rogers Shirley Watland Somersoults Dorothy Gaynor Blake Burke Gephart Dream Castks Renee Miles Alice Crockett Massenet Arogamise Cole Winzeler Following the program the children played games after which a most delicious tray lunch was served. Valentine decorations were used on trays as well as the ice cream. The Club will meet next week with Cole Winzeler as the host DERRICKS SERVICE We have a number of good derricks reasonably priced we can deliver to your farm. If in the market for repairs see us. If you want derricks or repairs we have them. " We can f unish you gravel, cinders and how, reasonably for that new chicken coop or machine shed. ; We will move your house and not evert crack the plaster if this is the service you wish. , For fast, reliable, insured transportation caU or scd that TREMONTON TRANSFER CO. T. O. Harris, Prop. |