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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 J. Y. Ferry, Yoeman Holley, W. R. Holmes, Angie Ferry, Wm. Johnson, C. G. Adney, J. R. Owens, and Misses Enid Murphy, Stella Fay and Grace Bosley. tMr. and Mrs. David Nelson were Holley, Card has lately returnAlma Mrs. visitors Monday. Brigham home ed at Corinne after a her to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson and three months' visit with relatives in John Haner were the Sunday dinner eastern states. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradford. ;Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Older drove to Fair West Sunday to visit Thos. Pledger and family. In order to accommodate all who : Mrs. N. E. Shaw and son Norman of Tremonton visited Mrs. B. M. Shaw care to see and hear this wonderful and daughter Mayme Sunday after- talking picture and 6 acts of high cla& vaudeville, we will conduct a noon. A son, the fourth child in the fam- continuous show, Sunday, March 10, ily, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kingi from 4 p. m. until our regular closing hour. Sayama on Feb. 26th. You will hear and see such artists j Mrs. L. W. Kling has lately return-- . d from Carlin, Nev., and is now at as Arthur Neely, famous soloist and l, the home of Mrs. A. T. Gregg in Salt Victor recording artist; Helen for three years with Al Jolson lake City. i Allen Carter, who has been living in his big shows; Jerry Kronke, Maron the Poulsen farm six miles west guerite Brandon and others of equal of town several years, is to be in ability. charge of the Sugar Co. farm at Appledale this season and ijll mova his family into the company house just south of the school house. Dr. Charles W. Hancher will be the Mrs. Ross Owens, who has been in the Cooley hospital at Brigham some speaker at Corinne Methodist church time for treatment, has just returned Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and at home much improved. Tremonton at 8 o'clock. Dr. Hancher Lorimer Allen left the last of the is the superintendent of the Utah misweek for Magna where he has emsion of the Methodist Episcopal ployment at the smelter. Tom Bosley made a business trip church, and at the close of the servto Ogden Wednesday. ices will preside at the second quarMr. and Mrs. Willard Brown and terly conference. All members of the , Itwo children of Harnsville spent the quarterly conference are urged to be weke-en- d with relatives in Corinne. present. Other services Sunday It is reported that A. G. Woodward Sunday school 10 a. m. and Epworth has bought the corner pool hall which League 7 p. m., Tremonton. June has been closed for some time, and Winchester will lead the league servthat the place will soon be open for ice. Sunday school at Corinne at business again. 2 p. m. i F. W. Klock, who for the past six and j years has been the pleasant "Don't grumble, don't bluster, don't dream and don't shirk, , railroad agent at the Corinne station, has been notified by Don't think of your worries, but the company that he will be retired think of your work, from active service on March 31st. The worries will vanish, the work will be done, Shortly after that time Mr. Klock f'and wife expect to go to Salt Lake No man sees his shadow who faces the sun." .Selected.. City to make their home and perhaps engage in business there. During the We extend you a cordial welcome 'time Mr. and Mrs. Klock have lived ; here they have made many friends to all services of the church. who will regret losing them from the ALVIN R. DICKSON, Pastor. community and wish them many INCOME TAX REGULATIONS pleasures in their new location. This month's meeting of the LaUnited States Internal Revenue dies' M. E. club was held at the home Regulations No. 74, relative to income of Mrs. F. W. Klock with Mrs. Sarah tax matters under the revenue act of Allen as assistant hostess. A short 1928, are now off the press, and obbusiness session was held in charge tainable by those interested or desirof the president of the club, Mrs. ing the same, upon application to the Wm. Johnson. A reading was given Superintendent of Documents, U. S. by Mrs. A. R. Kafton, recitations by government printing office, WashingJoyce and Betty Jane Acmey and ton, D. C, at 50 cents per copy. This : issue of the regulations comprises a Margret Redelinps and a- song by Bradford. Games were enjoyed volume of 463 pages, classified into and a most dainty tray luncheon serv- Divisions 1, introductory provisions; ed by the hostesses. Mrs. Klock, who 2, general provisions; 3, supplemental is leaving Corinne soon, was shower-- , provisions; 4, miscellaneous provied with a gift from each lady present. sions, and an appendix of 60 pages on f Those Mesdames sundry income tax matters. This isattending were Klock, Allen, Lorimer, Wm. Baker, A. sue of regulations is not for gratuiG. Woodward, A. L. Shaw, E. W. tous distribution, but can be obtained R. Kaftan, C. F. Shaw, F. at 50 cents per copy, as above stated. E. Bradford. Corinne At Liberty Theatre Har-rel- Utah-Idah- o Methodist Church Notes ; , ; . ( , i , - De-lo- ne A. The New Majestic and Sparton Equasone When you see and hear these new Majestic and Sparton radios, you forget all but quality quality of performance, quality of appearance that you can really feel. Let us give you a demonstration I IN " J.C.PENNEYC. mis TREMONTON, UTAH COD LIVER OIL AIDS EARLY CHICK Three Tests Made at North Carolina Station. Three separate tests made lately the North Carolina experiment I LD TIRES 30x3 12 29x4.40 29x4.40 30x4.50 30x4.50 30x5.25 32x6.00 32x6.00 11-Pla- 13-Pla- te te and TUBES Over Size 4-P- ly 6-P- ly 4-P- 6-P- 6-P- 6-P- 840 ly .... ly ; ly $ 7.50 n.33 :Z"Z"".."T" 9 95 12.0r r 2 ' 1795 H. D LIZ""" 43!45 Prices on AH Sizes accordingly Exide Battery $ 8.50 Exide Battery 10.90 lv Tremonton Phone 104 PIE NO IN A Delightful Assemblage of Important Fashions and Accessories for Spring and Summer la every department, all over the there are store, thrilling things to fee and to own! Each one is s triumph of newness, an authentic fashion that will make your fpring and rummer season a- style success. - rs vigor. Coccidiosis Is Very Destructive to Chicks Until about fifty years ago chickens were fed only grain and since they were permitted to range at will they secured their essential requirements so they could live and lay some eggs during the spring. About this time It was discovered that additional protein in form of meat or milk fed with the grains became known as the balanced ration a ration In which the surplus carbohydrates of the grains were balanced in better proportion by adding a protein concentrate. It was the balanced ration that first made commercial poultry keeping possible, bat In the light of recent Information on the nutrition of chickens, the feeding problem of today Is to complete the balanced ration. Printed and Plain Frocks . . Jacket and Ensemble . Costumes (Coats . . Sport . . . Dress Coats . . Tailored Suits . Shoes . . . Millinery . Hosiery , . . Handbags New Creations In Prom Frocks $9.90 and $14.75 Vivid Colors -- Gay Prints Rule Spring Silks-by-the-Yar- Shiny Patent Slippers for Girls d! It's to be a colorful spring if styles in silks are an authentic forecast! It will be a season in which home dressmakers revel in more and smarter frocks for our silks, as well as being irresistibly lovely are irresistibly low-pric- ed 1 Flat Crepe Crepe de Chine and Georgette in Plain Colors Printed Crepe de Chine and Georgette A Yard Attractive with smart slipper Sturdy one-str- ap cut-out- s. soles. 12 to 2 8 to 2.69 2.19 11' 5 to 8 ,....1.79 A $-.4- 9 poul-tryman- 's With Leghorns, Anconas, Mlnorcas and birds of this type, the hens of the right type may be kept until they are three years old. It Is not usually advisable to keep them after they have reached three years of age. With the general purpose breeds, such as Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, Orpingtons, etc.. It Is usually best to sell tliem after they are two years old. Extremely valuable hens can sometimes be kept five years, but this Is Hosiery for Every Need! Service Weight d $1149 Whenever there Is a late spring with a great deal of cloudy weather, many d flocks lay eggs. The eggshell quality from such a flock will begin to Improve as soon as the hens get Into direct sunlight. It Is a common observation that when a flock Is laying eggs and Is, turned In the sun, the shell qnal-HImproves. It Is very Important In managing 0 flock to open the windows on sunshiny days during the winter or early spring Patent Oxfords 1 Eggs JL One of the new Spring shades Lido Sand of soft1 kldskln with cutout quarter. $4.98 Smart Shiny Let us help you keep your hosiery supply complete and correctly modish . . . 'thriftily! The chiffon hose have the popular picot-to- p And all come in the popular shades I quite unusual. Thin-Shelle- Semi-shee- r and Lovely Sheer Chiffon! , 10-P- ly McComb Tire& Battery Shop Attractive Economies - Age to Keep Hens KELLY-SPRINGFIE- Offers New Things and at tion prove the value of 1 per cent of cod liver oil In the mash feed supplied to early hatched chicks. "Chicks reared in our laboratories where we could control nearly all conditions have proven the value of cod liver oil in the mash feed," declares Dr. B. F. Kaupp, head of the poultry department at State college. "One lot of chicks fed a complete ration except for the vltamlnes, broke In health In the fifth week. The chicks receiving 1 per cent of the tested oil In the same kind of mash did not break in health and were strong and well developed. In a second test, the chicks which were not allowed to run nor receive direct sunus exactly the same results. light gave Those receiving the oil were strong and well and were sold as broilers. Those receiving only the straight mash- and grain feed broke in health at the end of the fifth week." Doctor Kaupp states that a third flock was carried on the basic ration without oil Dut were given all the tender rape that they would eat. These broke in health in the seventh week indicating that they secured some vltamlnes from the green feed but not enough to keep them in good health. In another test, at the coastal plain station, one lot of chicks was allowed to run on a fresh, green pasture three or four hours during the middle of the day with the result that they did not break in health but were not so large and strong as the chicks In the cod liver oil flock. Doctor Kaupp states 4iat those chicks which run pick up other thinns which are required for good health and development, but usually this is not sufficient as the tests with the cod liver oil show. As a result of all the tests, Doctor Kaupp believes that the expense of using 1 per cent of this oil Is well worth while. It holds up, the health and gives stronger constitutional rtment Every sta- Balanced Ration for Hens Very Important FREE SERVICE New Low Prices -- Coccidiosis Is a disease of the Intestines and while it affects all birds It Is especially destructive to chicks up to two months old. The cause is a microscopic organism. The transmission of infection from diseased to healthy birds occurs by contamination of the feed, water and ground. The coccldia multiply with great rapidity In the intestines and enormous numbers are discharged In the droppings. The most prominent and characteristic symptoms in nearly all cases are white, diarrheal discharges and the rapid wasting away of the affected birds. Adult birds have considerable resistance to this germ and the disease is frequently seen In the chronic form. There Is no satisfactory cure for this disease in young chickens. HEAR AND SEE EASY TERMS P0DH1Y n thin-shelle- thin-shelle- d Smartness at Low Cost fcure silk hose . . . . . . . . . mercerized top and at a welcome low price 1 pole . semi-she- er Miles of happy play In th stout soles of these shoes I lull-fashion- ed y 98c to 2 S'a to 2.49 11 5J4 to 8 2 to 5 .2.19 1.79 . $1.49 V |