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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 tions. The club will meet with Mrs. J..W. Chambers March 15. Garland Personals Miss Blanche Haws and Wynn HanMonday evening at the Garland ho tel the 153rd and 187th quorums of sen were married at Brigham City Mrs. Jane Hughes was hostess to the members of the Ladies' Self Culture club Friday, March I., Vice President Mrs. M. E. Andrus presiding. The following program was carried out: Piano solo, Bertha Hughes; "The First Lady of the Land" was given by Mrs. Brigham Marriott; "The Senators' Wives" was given by Mrs. Louie Petersen; A delicious luncheon was served to about 45 members and guests. St. Patrick's day suggestions were carried out through the luncheon .also as house decora Seventy of the Bear River stake, with their partners, enjoyed a delicious banquet. The guests were seated at long tables extending the length of the dining room. Ezra Jensen was toastmaster. During the banquet a number of musical numbers and dinner stories were given, after which all adjourned to the Liberty theatre where the picture My Maryland was seen. There were 100 guests present and the committee in charge should be complimented on the splendid fashion in which the party was put over this year. J. Holmgren spent in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. E. the Farming week-en- d Miss Venna Bishop was visiting in Logan jrnday. Time Mrs. Nethella Griffin was in Lake over the is now at hand. . I have a splendid listing of large and small farms for sale, also several good sheep and cattle ranches in Idaho. JAMES BROUGHT REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Garland Utah Bell Telephone 31J2 week-en- Salt d. Mrs. David E. Manning is visiting with her daughters, Alissa and Julia, in bait Lake City during the week. I Mrs. Joseph Kirkham went to Lehi Monday to attend the funeral of her brother, James Stoddard. Mrs. Thomas Bummers of Bothwell is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. C H. Last. Justin Green of Hvrum is a at the home C. Butler. onioct of Mr. and Mrs. Heber ...WANT COLUMN.. Baby Chicks One of our customers at Garland, realized more in cash returns during the month of January from 500 of our chicks than 1400 chicks from an outside hatchery,. Ramshaw Hatchery Salt Lake City, Utah Geo. F. Sommers Local Agent Phone Garland 59.a-- 2 NOW LOCATED at J. H. Brown's residence. mash (the perfect feed) feeders all Poultry supplies, "ftpo color book FREE --come or write me. Ogden Hatchery, John Landvatter, Mgr., zzoz . Washington at., Ugden, Utah DIAMOND CHICK MASH FREE In order to introduce our DIA MOND poultry feeds and our State Accredited Pure Bred Healthy Chicks, we win make the following liberal offer to everyone. On your first order for every 100 chicks we give FREE 25 lbs. of Diamond Chick Mash. Better order en tire season's supply. Delivery as you request when you order. 400 chicks you get 100 lbs. Mash, etc. Come in and talk it over and see our sanitary Mammoth Electric Hatchery and Superior Chicks. Hatches on Mondays and Thursdays of each week. OGDEN HATCHERY John Landvatter, Manager. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Call 21tf WANTED TO BUY Small home in Tremonton. Call Leader office. 21tf WANTED Female help for picking beans. See W. M. Poulter at Midland Hotel after 6 p. m. Sewing Machine and . Typewriter Exchange Rebuilders-o- Oil-o-.S- tat J. H. Brown, Tremonton, Utah. ACME Servicers and DIAMOND CHICKS ARE CHICKS fif mialitv at. lnw 4nst.. WfinHoinl new broodpr. rnal hrinlor. fountains, feeder, Diamond chick LOST 1 bay riding pony, straight color, weight 1100, age 10, left two weeks ago. Call 5.y-- 4. Reward. 21tf Phone or call. E. H. JONES, JR. representative of f Sewing Machines Typewriters Phonographs Motors, Etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Inspections and Estimates Free. Have that old Machine made new. FOR SALE Very choice 40 power line runs by place. Call Brown, Tremonton, Utah. FOR RENT Rooms over Power & Light office. Call 16. acres, J. H. 20tfd Utah 16tf Bargain in an Edison phonograph and 61 records. This is a snap. Call at The Leader office. PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on the right kind of real estate. NOR MAN LEE, Brigham City. 7tf FOR SALE Good building lime Utah-Idah- c $12.00 per ton. Sugar 18tfd Co., Garland, Utah. Announcement In response to the many requests of our patrons we have installed a Fresh Meat Department in our store and are now ready to serve you in EVERYTHING TO EAT AND WEAR. Our Grocery Department is moved to a more convenient section of the store and for those who prefer to select the goods from the shelves we have provided baskets those who prefer to give the order to a clerk may do so. We have been too busy remodeling and moving to list our; Saturday Specials, but you may be sure we will have them on sale by the time this paper reaches you. Stony Meteorite May Bring You Fancy Price farmer once used as a weight Both are popular young forA'his Saturday. rain barrel cover, a stone of the people valley and we wish them worth a hundred dollars. A doormuch happiness. stop in a certain office, proved to be Mrs. John Benson spent the week- more valuable than the room furnishings. A stone worth several hundred end in Salt Lake City. dollars was used as a door step for Mrs. J. W. Thome of Pleasant many years before its true nature Grove returned to her home Monday was discovered. A Kansas farm wife after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. paid asoff the farm mortgage by sellspecimens, stones which, had ing Leo Walker. been considered worthless. Meteorites are rare, yet there may Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Petterson mobe one on your farm or one may be tored to Salt Lake Friday. brought into your office. Study the description following and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Isaacson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Leo be prepared to recognize these rare visitors from space. Oyler enjoyed a fine birthday dinner How to Recognise Them home at the of their parents, Sunday There are three types of meteorites: 1. Isaacson or East Garland. stones, irons, and stony-iron-s. Stony meteorites are most likely to be overFriday evening Mrs. D. H. Manning looked. Yet, most in cases, they entertained 18 guests at a birthday could be recognized with affair departy in honor of her daughter Hazel, who was 11 years old. Games were gree of certainty, by the layman. Hold your suspected stone on the emery enjoyed, after which dainty refresh- wheel for a few seconds and see ments were served. whether grinding reveals grains of metal. Sometimes these grains of Dean Andrus entertained 14 of his nickel-iron are so small that a lens is young friends Saturday evening at a needed to see them. theatre party at the Liberty theatre, Weight it being his 12th birthday. After the Meteorites are usually heavier in theatre the young people were treated to refreshments at the Blue Bell proportion to their size than terrestrial rocks. They are black on the confectionery. surface if freshly fallen, or they may become brown by weathering. NOTICE Shape Emil Hansen, of the state extension In shape, meteorites are quite vadivision at Logan, will be present at but the surface is nearly ala meeting of the Home and Commu- riable, marked by certain depressions nity section of the North Box Elder ways which look somewhat like thumb-markCounty Farm Bureau on Wednesday, March 13, at the Commercial club Size rooms at 2:00 p. m. The size of meteorites varies from Mr. Hansen will discuss, spring to many tons; but the planting, care, pests and diseases of tiny pebbles also flower shows. flowers, DELIGHTFUL SOCIAL AFFAIR This is a public meeting and every- - Another delightful social affair was one is cordially invtied. given Thursday evening in the form MRS. P. E. AULT, of a party. This is the Chariman Home and Community fourthprogressive of a series of parties sponsored Section of Farm Bureau. by the Entre Nous club of Bear River City. A lovely supper was given at NOTICE the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph JenTo all Growers for the Rocky Moon-tai- n sen with other members of the club Packing Corporation. as assistant hosts. Covers 'were placWe will contract for peas and to- ed for Mr. and Mrs. W. Iverson, matoes anytime after Feb. 1st at our Mr. and Mrs. A. J. J. Taylor, Mr. and office in Tremonton. Mrs. Ralph Jenson, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Rocky Mountain Packing Corp., Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. By W. W. Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holmgren, Mr. arid Mrs. Aaron Christensen; honor Experts Should Build guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen. Windows of a Home Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Mr. and The casement window ranks higher Mrs. Rast Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. After an hour of In favor with the European home own- William Gribble. conversation pleasant party moer than It does with the American. tored to the home of the Mr. and Mrs. This Is not through any fault of the Bernard where the last casement window, as such, for It Is an course of Hansen, the supper was served. extremely efficient affair If It is well Then dancing in the ball room with made, but because It Is so often poor- radio music was enjoyed the remainly made that It has not appeared to der of the evening. Root beer was give the service that might reasonably at hand in the serving room. be expected of It. Subscribe for The Leader. Only When you hang a window sash on a $2.00 year. In It out wind the and swing hinges you should be prepared to say that the hinges are of material, well put on, and ,that the adjustment hardware by which you are able to fix the sash Id any position Is substantially and soundly secured, or else you may as well expect to find the sash, some day after a gust of wind, torn away from the hinges and lying In the flower bed at the foot of your wall. , Furthermore, If the locking hardware has not been put on so that the sash may be drawn up tight against the frame you will have wind leaks, heat losses, rattles and general dissatisfaction. Toor workmen cannot make a good casement window. Good u majority are less than a hundred pounds in weight Ounce of Finding One In mountainous regions prospectors and assayers are most likely to meet with meteorites. In farming country the plowman is most liable to discover them. More have been found by the plow than by any other means. According to careful estimates, any area the size of an ordinary county has probably been the landing place of one or more meteorites. If largely in cultivation, there is a fair chance that these will be found. Do Not Deface Specimen The value of meteorites lies in their possibilities for scientific study. They should never be seriously broken if it middle-weste- Via otrAiiloil all of a meteorite be delivered to the man who is to study it. Meteorites come from "God knows where." They arrive from outer space traveling at velocities averaging not far from 30 miles per second. Thjy often fall in showers which sometimes result from the explosion of a mass while in the air. Large stones sometimes' bury themselves deeply in the earth while smaller stones seldom go below plow depth. Some even remain on the surface. This bulletin has been prepared as Weid-man- n, a source of information to assist In the recognition of meteorites. The author has found that even assayers, while usually familiar with iron meteorites, are frequently ignorant of the nature of stony forms. The latter are as valuable as the former. The writer is' a student and a collector of meteorites. The circulation of this bulletin is a part of a project to make, as nearly as possible, a complete survey in respect to meteorites. In order to encourage the search for, and the reporting of all meteorites, he is willing to pay top prices for them. Send very small samples of suspected stones for examination. This will make possible identification. We do not wish to be obligated to return whole stones unless of small .fise, therefore send only small fragments. The value of a meteorite is influenced by so many factors, such as chemical composition, knowledge of fall, location, resemblance to other ' meteorites, size, etc., that it is entirely impossible to list any prices until a specimen is examined; but if your specimen represents a fall heretofore unknown, and is of a moderate size, it is safe to say that it will bring a price of 1.00 to $10.00 per pound, and it may bring more. A farm boy once paid for a year of college by the sale of a meteorite found while plowing. Address H. H. Nininger, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas. , . Attention Bridge Players . high-grad- rn Kiit a fwemManf fa better than nothing. So, if a specimen is broken, every particle should be saved. It is very important that on s. For prizes you want something that is distinctive and attractive, and some1 thing that everybody hasn't got. You will find just the gift you want for ANY OCCASION in our large and varied stocks. And the prices are very reasonable. Stop in and look them over anytime. We also sell playing cards. V Wilson Lumber Co. "Everything to Build Anything" Tremonton, Utah Phone 11 SEE OUR WINDOWS e NewPliilco Console AN exquisite LouisilL XVI cabinet of thor- high-grad- - ; ; con- - e struction and elegantfinish. Walnut panels carefully selected for ex- - .' - . : beauty of grain and pertly matched. Contains the workmen can make a thoroughly satisfactory window of this type. The market affords many types of special casement windows, and of casement window adjusters that are most excellent devices. If you like this kind of window make sure of what you are getting. be (including rec-- ,''t tifier) Philco Receiver; power supply; built-iaerial and New Type n, Electro-DynamicSpeaker- .1, Also other hand-- r some furniture models come m ana see mew. Colorful Ceramic Tiles Add Luxury and Beauty If you are building or remodeling a home you want it to have beauty and a measure of luxury. Even If It Is a very small house It must be the best, the most beautiful you can afford. Ceramic tiles permitting an endless choice of color, design and texture, g you will find to be a beautiful, material. Water and steam do not harm them. Many years of treading over them does not wear them down. Furniture dragged across them does not scratch or mar their surface. Ceramic tiles, produced at very high temperatures, resist the heat of the ordinary flame. The materials used In setting tiles are also fireproof. Tiles are non absorbent, sanitary, and easy to' clean. K m 14 nII A "4 1. New Model 1 V'i't long-lastin- Rusty Pipes Rusty pipes never get any better. They gradually fill up until water can barely trickle through. Meanwhile, lingerie and linens are ruined from the rust in the wash water. And the family's disposition is wrecked from seeing red every time the water is turned on. COME LOOK OUR NEW STORE OVER It Is Just as possible to overfeed a cow as it is to underfeed, although It Is more uncommon. One extreme Is just as unprofitable as the other. Gephart Stores Co. People who have been underfeeding their cows generally go to the other extreme whenever they are convincd that thlr present method of feeding is not correct "Buy for Cash and Pay Less" Phone 33 Tremonton, Utah L Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harvey motored to Salt Lake City Saturday. The calf should receive the first milk or colostrum from Its mother. Colostrum Is thick, very yellow In color, and contains nearly six times the amount of protein contained In ordinary milk. AIXEtHITRIC RADIO Ji ml 8 Tubes, including rectifier. New Type Speaker. Push -- Pull Amplification. Electro-Dynam- ic Jio Aerial Needed All -- Electric; entirely dry. Exquisite Console Models. The Philco "Neutrodyne-Plus- " famous Radio, everywhere for vast tance range, split-ha- ir dis- selectivity and superb tone NOW greater than evert Greater, power, greater response, even sharper tuning. And, in exquisite furniture at surprising low prices. with NEW TYPE Electro-Dynami- c Speaker At last, a Dynamic Speaker that gives you music as it really is high notes as well as the pleasing lows. No unnatural rumbling; no blurred tones. Speech clear and distinct And tremendous volume without distortion, Startlingly true to life! Free Home Demonstration I2ASV TI2RHS, If You Decide to Buy "Neutrodyne-Plus.- " It-- No Come In-H- ear Obligation Tremonton Harness & Accessories Co. Phone 48 Tremonton, Utah |