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Show BAI RIVER VALLEY LiABE VOLUME 4 CITY COUNCIL HEARS MATTERS TREMONTON, I UTAH, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 NUMBER 21 M Men and Gleaner Bears Lose Chance to Letter to Taxpayer of GOVERNOR DERN Sugar Company Men Girls Hold Debajte go to State Tournament Will Offer Contracts County Gives Views INTERVIEWED BY Your letter of Feb. 28th, in which Hundreds of students and a large men are more Elsewhere in this issue, our readers Resolved, that young you discuss bills covering the following points, has been received and I am happy to report that I find no conflict in your recommendations with my own convictions; 1. Classification of property for Box taxation. 2. Salary increase for justices and judges. 3. Pensions and retirement funds. The Leader is in receipt of a letter 4 Branch University College at from Senator Tracy R. Welling which and Ogden Ephriam. we print below, believing the people We are working diligently for the of Box Elder county will be vitally bill (H. J. R. No. 9) by Mr. Jorgen-se- n interested in its contents: which provides for a constituI am happy to be able to send you tional amendment which will permit tonight a report of a conference I had of a reclassification of all property of with Governor George H. Dern, which the state for the purposes of taxa- I feel sure will be of interest to the tion. This bill passed the house yes- people of Box Elder county. The terday with only two dissenting votes. Irvine measure (S. B. No. 51) passed We hope that favorable senate action the senate yesterday and will no doubt will be taken Monday or Tuesday, pass the house either as an individual March 4th or 5th. measure or as part of the state buildIt was my pleasure as well as ob- ing program. This bill provides for vious duty to oppose the increase in the location and erection of a home justices' and judges' salaries. We for the feeble minded to be known as were successful in reducing the the State Training School.' The meaamounts from $7500 to $6500 for su- sure also provides for the creation of hoop. commission of five members, one of down the preme court justices and from $6000 awhom The final gun which run shall be the governor and the I feel to district for $5000 judges. curtain of basketball for this season, that this measure will not other four of whom shall be appointed brought to a close a year that has confident house. by the governor, whose duties shall produced some of the finest games, pass the to locate the new state institution. be creatto am I unalterably opposed perhaps, played in a high school and view of the obvious need for such In year furnished thrills a plenty. before any lease was granted the citi- our county and contract all the acreing retirement funds or a pension sys- an institution the bill boys of Riverside have organized passed the senobnoxious tem under the syszens of the town would have a chance age you, can profitably grow! present Our boys have had a successful ate without a dissenting vote. themselves into a Boys' club. The tem state. of in revenue this to be heard on the proposition. raising season and are to be congratulated officers of the club are Howard Having in mind the numerous reaIt is my honest opinion that the sons T. O. Harris was there according vice on the showing made. We had hoped Hollingsworth why Box Elder county should be Hales, president; Stephen bill providing for considered to appointment in .relation to, a proto see them go to the state tournain the location of the new president; Dean Hales, secretary and ment. of branches at the Ogden University The fact that they didn't does I secured a conference posal to lease a portion of the park institution, treasurer, and H. S. Tingey, leader. can never this at and pass Ephriam on which to build a dance floor. He with the Mr. Tingey is a married man, but he not alter the fact, however, that we After an hour's governor. meaof the legislature. The session was informed that iio actioiuwould be Joseph Manning, 71, pioneer farmer takes much interest in the boys of are still for them stronger than horse sure does not provide the educational general discussion of the whole mattaken until a meeting was called for and stockman of Weber county and this community. He not only is the radish. ter he is willing to concede that Box opportunities needed by the rural dis- Elder should the especial purpose of hearing any former resident of this place for a boys' club leader, but he is also the be represented on the of state. the tricts commission which is charged with the protests or recommendations regard- short time, died at his home in Boy Scout leader, and is well liked The only issue mentioned in your responsibility of locating the new ing same. " Hooper of Brights' disease Tuesday, by the boys. Elwood to which I cannot give unquali school. The governor received the letter al5. There are this March in A protest was entered against eight boys fied and support is the ju suggestions from the senator from approval club Four this of 21 these boys, year. years He was born in Ogden April 15, a lowing girls under the age of The contest work last Friday be nior college issue. I feel that the Box Elder county with a very splento enter the pool hall and bowling son of Henry and Margaret Gilbraith the three officers named, and Ford is an inevitable did, sympathetic and understanding allev in the basement of the Midland. Manning, and has resided in Hooper Richards, will graduate from the tween the M Men and Gleaner Girls junior college insystem educational adminis- attitude and I am happy to four-yeM development Men success. was a The real course this with prereport year he marshal was instructed to ngiaiy for 60 years. to that Box Elder will, in my opinion, and I in converted am tration Utah Stubbins will sented "Mrs. their honors. These each boys play first, nforce the ordinance forbidding girls besides his widow, Mrs. high Surviving sevI its however, have, be represented on the commission and or boys under the age of 21 visiting Josephine Gwilliam Manning, are the receive a certificate which, in addi- Book Agent." Mrs. .Stubbins was eraladvantages. serious objections to the Cand-lan- d her interests taken care of. The govtion to the honor attached, will mean well rendered by Lloyd Jensen, while such places. following children: Joseph Manning an initial atB. which No. bill 206) (S. ernor promised that Box Elder's inpromotion' in college to Trent Thompson played the part of Dr. Odeen Luke, chairman of the of Hooper, George Manning of Ucon, two well. The book agent tempts to provide for the junior col- terests would be taken care of and I In this Amelia them. four time, years very Mrs. of David a made water committee, comprehen- Idaho; Ogden; Manning feel that a substantial start has been lege system. of boys have won scholarships, was well rendered by Edward sive report of his findings relative to William W. Wadsworth of .Tremon- andthese In the first place the bill prohibits made in securing the institution for Owen one Rasmussen an was for the alternate siholarship getting more water for the city, and ton; Alfred and Benjamin Manning their excellent work done. This has modest deacon, while Leslie Andersen the school boards from equalizing the Box Elder. I was determined to regexpressed his opinion that a pumping of Hboper; Wallace Manning of Og- been in competition with the boys did fine as old Mr. Stubbins. The advantages of theto system by paying ister Box Elder's demands first with Manning of Tremon- and dis the chief executive on the matter and plant installed at the base of our den and James outlying of the entire Gleaner Girls' play was a matrimonial transportation county. girls n main on the canal would solve the ton. Twenty-sevegrandchildren and I could never not be found sleeping on the job. The This feature tricts. ROBERT Mrs. H. venture Grace STEWART, Kroksh, by given problem for- - some time to come and the following brothers and sister also Miss Vera Hansen, Miss Verna Lar-se- support and the author is in a state bill provides for the early appointCounty Agricultural Agent. survive:. Dr. Jane Skolfield of Salt at a minimum cost to the city. while the masculine part was of mind to resent any amendments ment of the commission and also early Clearof W. Manning Other matters of more or less im- Lake, Henry action by them in locating the new well rendered by Miss Regina Jensen to the bill in this particular. Lawrence Manning of Ogden, School The number of petitioners neces site so it is obvious there is no time portance were disposed of and the field, Much credit is Rasmussen. and .Veda of R. M. and Mrs. Newman Ogden bills were allowed. sary to require the board to call an to waste in presenting our case. Be Given due Wra. Kroksh, who was a very election William and Moroni Manning is neither representative of coach. Miss faithful The were Before adjournment the council lis- Frank, judges Idaho. the district as a whole nor safe in its Edward tened to a representative of the Cen- ofBurley, Wilson, Thompson Phyllis SunFuneral services will be held "The Bell of the high operation. I prefer a reasonable pertral Trust Co. of Salt Lake City, who day at 1 p. m. in the Hooper chapel school opera, willHavana," be presented March and Wra. Ruitenbeck of Tremonton, of of the electors from 50 of his services 85 centage 80 to to the offer the come or liad score, points, being with Counselor Widdison in charge. 15 and 16 at the Bear River High 6 or the o company in case the city needed more Interment will be in the Hooper ceme school auditorium. Because of the ef- in favor of the boys. The Boy Scouts the voting precincts or stunts school board member districts. In money in order to get an adequate tery. Sunday afternoon of last week the forts Mr. Nye is putting forth, we rendered some cunning little Scout this way the cost of the election could Primary organization held their conbetween their assisted water supply. acts, by can assure you that it is one of the Don Hunsaker. The program not be forced upon the taxpayers by ference with Mrs. Jane Hughes of best operas ever presented here. The master, M. ended a dance. There was also a few enthusiasts until it was fairly Garland representing the stake board. with cast is as follows: the junior Each class took in on the program matinee the afternoon for the certain that they desired Don Jose Ramona (a Cuban envoy) This desire would be reflect- which 'was givenpartin an interesting college. well which children attended. was Marriner Morrison About $40 was cleared which will be ed in the petitions from the various manner. Dr. Luke of Tremonton was A bare present and M. H. Harris, re Donna Mercedes Ramona..Marie Smith a fine help to the organ fund started voting precincts or districts. to Dr. According gave an interesting ad In this issue of The Leader Anita, their daughter of the votes cast is not a dress on Your Aim in director search of Utah the .'. majority last TaxpayGirls. the Gleaner Life." by year ; Irene Famsworth are announcing the opening of ers association, who will deliver a of the Miss Emmeline Hendricks has re Mr. and Mrs. V. L. satisfactory provision because Last Saturday deGaddie a to their Pedra line meat already large a Lapeza, spy....Malcolm lecture in the Chamber of Commerce Hansen had the pleasure of attending foregone conclusion that those desir- turned to . her home after spending partment store in Tremonton. The quarters in Brigham City, Friday eve Esteben, their son, a bull fighter.. a college will vote yes and those several months in Echo canyon. Dean Hales a wedding breakfast at the Bigelow ing store has been completely rearranged one may stay home. Past not o to which 7:30 at the desiring in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Neeley were honor of hotel in the clock, Ogden, given Mat Sterling, American, lover of to give the greatest display and ad- ning this statement. last week-en- d taxes school is justifies Miss experience Blanche visitors with relatives of invited, their general public niece, marriage well as Anita as Kirkham Joe to the company vantage The total vote cast may be only a in Brigham City. in Utah in 1916 were $4,000,000. In to Hansen Haws of of Wynn Garland, the greatest convenience to the pa- 1928 they had grown to $10,500,000, Dick Wendal, his chum with red fraction of the total electorate of the Mrs. Leo Famsworth was hostess hair Cranford Taylor Last Garland. trons of the store. As you enter the or an increase of Thus 501 favorable to the members of the Social Devel school district. Dr. Harand of Lake Mrs. Salt Edna City Zitting 300, Don of view who abhors Manuel full red a have Carillo, store you every ris asks the pertinent question: "Were home visiting with votes out of 1000 cast would require opment club Thursday afternoon of the week-en- d hair Veryl Henrie spent department and at once are able to our schools 300 in 1928 Mrs. Hyrum C. a junior colleee to be built even ast week. Mrs. Gertrude Hansen Mr. her and improved parents, Bell, his daughter, who loves red locate the particular department in than tWey were in 1916?" though there are 6000 voters in the presided, after the business hour the Christensen. hair Eleanor Jenson which you want to make your purdistrict. two Beck Owen Mrs. children and If thev are not. then the claim by Don following program was given: LecAlfredo Corilla, brother of chases. There are no provisions in the bill ture, "Not What, But How We Eat," the Association for Retrenchment in left last week for California to join Manuel Willis Hess The fixtures, including the ice box, Public Expenditure, of Cleveland, husband who has accepted a posi whereby two junior colleges may be Mrs. T. E. Betenson of Garland: se his wife .... her established in one school district, oth- lection, ladies' quartette; book report, are the very last word in style and Ohio, of which James F. Walsh is Donna Madelina Corilla, tion there. Mae Calderwood er than by inference. This is not "Pride and Prejudice, Miss Alta convenience and positively sanitary in president, that the tremendous in Lubv Rasmussen Miss left Sunday Lanta Villianos, Spaniard, Captain satisfactory because of the fact that Hansen. Luncheon was served to 28 week for Lake is "sanctified squander" may crease Salt after spending a every respect. lover of Anita Marion Clarke Box Elder county is now eligible ror club members arid Mrs. Meda Gleason, H. Mr. Mrs. her and parents, visiting Herman Landvatter will be in have some basis in fact. Maria, his sister who loves Estiban two colleges under the high school en Mrs. T. L. Betenson, Mrs. Cecil Has- Wilthis P. touch will Rasmussen. Harris Dr. and upon this of department, charge Hazel Famsworth Mrs. J. W. Francom returned from rollment and assessed valuation pro- kel and Miss Alta Hansen as special liam Potted will iserve you in the phase of our taxes. All citizens and Antonio, a plant tool in the hand of are California last week after spending a visions of the bill. I think it would guests. meats. taxpayers, both men and women, Duane Archibald villains Mrs. J. S. Mason of months visiting with her be folly to establish two at present is in Willard, All in all it is a great improvement cordially invited to be present. couple Chorus of Cuban patriots, masque-rador- s son and wife. When Mrs. but I do not want to be prevented where she was called on account of to addition a and Edgar store in the worthy and populace made up of Glee Francom saw all these big snowdrifts from having two when it is desirable. the illness of her aged mother, Mrs. their lines. And incidentally another club and the music class. In the special election called lor Rachael Morgan. of in the the forward progress A group of dancers will feature she was about ready to go back again the step purpose of issuing bonds (Sec. 15) Mrs. Annie Dalton has recently re- -. and children of Mrs. of our business section Love Cyril Wright fast growing three Spanish dances and one ballet vote. Who turned from Chinook, nronertv onlv holders may week-en- d her the Mont., where spent visiting little city. dance. The dancers are lone Conger, Ogden are thev? Every eligible voter. It she spent several months at the home Mrs. Kim and other Mann, sister, Louise Box Elder's Loretta of Hazel two The marriaere of Heusser, Innes, sounds all right but it is not. And of her son, Eugene Dalton. here. most popular young people took place Jensen, Rosella Carter and Margret relatives then the bare majority prevoils. A Mr. son to born and Mrs Miss Jane Alleman went to Spnng- was at Brigham last Saturday when Miss Harvey. Sec. 12 is obnoxious to me because ville Friday to spend the week-en- d Howard Andreasen on Feb. 17th. All Blanche Haws and Wynn Hansen were it places the stamp of approval upon with her parents. doing well. united in the bonds of matrimony by th theorv that the eeneral property are Mr. Mrs. Hansen Joe and sport Friday evening a dancing party was The Ladies' Farm Bureau of the County Clerk P. Russell Wight The tax is the oroner and fair tax ana given in honor new a Ford of Ward Welling, who sedan. ing accomand is 16 Commerbride attractive met local the to the at Tremonton Verian Andersen and Norma Ander that it may be increased from time leaves March 14 for a mission for the Mrs. Grace of cial club rooms last Thursday for the plished young daughter sen accompanied Herman Andreasen time. I do not subscribe to sucn an L. D. S. church to Germany. The is The Tremonton Relief Society will to Bothwell Sunday where they ren inconsistency. purpose of reorganizing. The follow- Haws of Garland and tne groom Balladeers orchestra furnished the There is an obvious attempt to dom- music, everybody present had a de ing officers and project leaders were the son ofof the late Senator W. S. commemmorate the 87th anniversary dered two musical selections. Hansen Fielding. chosen: of the Relief Society of the Church Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Petersen have inate the secondary field of education lightful time. A purse of $125 was These young people are already of Jesus Christ Mrs. Ulalla Cornwall, president March 16th at moved into their new home at 2556 by the higher institutions as evi presented to the missionary. He was well established and fitted for their o'clock in the L. D. S. church amuse Sharon Mrs. N. E. Shaw, vice president. denced bv the prohibition of instruc accompanied from Salt Lake where avenue, Detroit, where of college he has resided for some time by his Mrs. C. R. Steffen, secretary and new duties of home building, due to ment hall. or in honor shower their marriage tion above the second year their proper attitude of life and its treasurer. A good program will be rendered, was given by their friends on Sunday in Sec. 1. and indirectly prohibited in sister Lila and brother John. Home management leaders are Mrs. real meaning previous to their mar- also a one-aSec. 10, by prohibiting state aid after play entitled "Mother's Feb. 24. Gus Pierce. Mrs. B. F. Winzeler and riage. two years and also by the rigid tuiHunsaker Influence. Wm. Edward for left Shown The Leader joins their host of Mrs. N. E. Shaw. An invitation is extended to all the Canada Sunday morning for an in tion fees required under Sec. 9. We not do what know yCS," Sewing leaders are Mrs. Robert friends in wishing them a long and married people in the ward. may emergencies definite stay. v Calderwood and Mrs. Arthur Wilson. happy union. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Creager of Raw arise. These matters should be left Immediately after the program The last Thursday of each month 50 there will be a dance. Admission lins. Wyo.. came for a visit with Mrs to the board and not be prohibited by The department of commerce at was chosen for the regular meeting cents a couple. Creager's parents, Mr. and Mrs. An law. dav. However, a meeting for the These various items have been Washington has announced a death drew Romer, and other relatives. Mr, not given rate decrease in Utah for 1927. In Home Management class will be held NOTICE TO BEET GROWERS Creager returned Sunday and Mrs, hastily assembled and are 2 should I o'clock. All like. that year the rate was 908 per 100,000 15. at March as detail in as great Friday. of the SUGAR Creaeer will remain for some time, Representatives with 999 in compared ladies interested are invited. The North Box Elder County Farm COMPANY will be at Tremonton Mr. and Mrs. George Burden of I trust that I may have an opportu population, A social hour followed and light re Bureau desires to thank the following Banking Company on Wednesdays Brigham have made quite a visit with nity to discuss and clarify any point 1926. The decrease, the department exfreshments were served by Mrs. Corn business firms and individuals for and Saturdays during March. 1929 Mrs. Burden s parents, Mr. and Mrs mentioned in which we do not agree, was largely due to a decrease to be wall and Mrs. Pierce. plained, I inter have will your happy their contribution and personal serv- l for the purpose of making Beet Con M. L. Hunsaker. Mrs. Burden is still in the death rate from influenza tracts with those farmers who find here, while Mr. Burden has gone back pretation of these various points. ice eiven for our annual banquet: I wish to repeat that I am convinc from 43 to 20 per 100,000 population; Mutual Creamery Co. and J. W. it convenient to be in town on those to Brigham City. 4; all ed dethat the junior college syptem of whooping cough from 25 to G. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen spent McDowall, G. Sweeten, Gephart dates, and to give any information 90 to from of 72; forms pneumonia, in and with Mrs. Jensen s par educational administration Stores Co., Richards Market, Bear sired regarding' the growing of the the week-en- d from 68 to 58; cancer, from River Valley Leader, Filer Seed Co., beet crop. ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker. struction is desirable. My objections nephritis, are to S. B. No. 206 which is an at 72 to 63, and tuberculosis, from 37 SUGAR CO., The Box Elder County Fish and Rocky Mountain Packing Corporation, to 27. NOTICE tempt to accomplish the change. By John P. Holmgren, Game association will give an elk ban Overland Lumber Co., Tremonton Increases in 1927 are shown In and Mrs. E will meet club yours, cordially Economic at Jensen Otto Sincerely March Schenkcl, Steam the at Bakery, armory, Tuesday, quet rates from measles, from 7 to death WELLING. R. TRACY at March H. Co. and home Scott NOTICE White's 8, 8 m. Co., Furniture Friday, Drug 12. at P. diseases of the heart, from and 22, Edwill take 3 Will Drew Board of m. the Ice who .Mrs. borrowed Cream Co., the person p. Harry There has been a sppcial program Brown 137. 129 to LONG FOR Burn-haNOT arranged for the occasion and those ucation, C. E. Smith, Miss Edna city s force pump from me last fall up Rome of the writings of Charles It's the little things that bother us Subscribe for The Leader musicians and others on the pro- kindly return same at once and oblige Dickens. Miss Mary Burns and wes in charge of the same promise all who only will the club furnish lev from music, club P. you can sit on a mountain, but not T. to Gephart MEISTER, Ag girls, boys eat gram, attend a real time and plenty a $2.00 year. &now. on a London tack. to All be invited are Water as helpers. Master, rassing present All sportsmen are welcome. that representatives of the courteous to young ladies than young Sugar company will be at Tremonton ladies are to young men, was the subBanking company on Wednesdays and ject debated between the M Men and I Gleaner Girls classes in the Mutual. Saturdays during March for the of making contracts for beet The M Men were represented by RichW. C. T. U. Organization acreage with those fanners who find ard Calderwood, Clarence Brough, it convenient to be in town on that Richard Westmoreland, Hampton Proffers to Buy Play date. Bradshaw and the Gleaner Girls by more favor- Aileen Calderwood,- Grace Madsen, past winter is even1924-2Equipment for City ableThethan when Mrs. Clarence Brough, Pearl Berg-strothe winter of Thelma Harris. harvested the The regular monthly meeting of the the average tonnage At the conclusion of the debate the was this district fall for following city council was held Monday night. 16.48 tons. That the growing two men judges thought the boys won, yearas Mayor Walton and Councilman Gep- - season we recall that the one lady judge favored the girls. progressed," t being absent. Harry Woodward In view of the nature of the subfarmers expressed regret that many s appointed mayor pro tern. A debated one could not expect any ject acrea not had larger planted usy session followed the reading of they other kind of a decision, and after look we forward at and of beets, the minutes of the previous meeting. age hearing both sides and listening to A committee representing, the local this time for a bumper crop this year. the comment the other lady judge, will be the farmers is to It hoped "W. C. T. U. was present to inform favorable con- who was "courteous" enough to grant the council that they had $500 they take advantage of theand a tie, while the men insisted on a now ditions existing plant suffi- "win." would like to spend for play equipAnd then read the question two to plants give the ment if the city would install the cient acreage again, our guess would be that the run. a in the valley capacity same in the city park, where it is ladies won, in fact and actual demproposed by this same organization . Think what this would mean!" A onstration if not in argument to have supervised play for the chil- minimum distribution for beets and And the men judges perhaps lost a dren who come to the park for their labor alone in the operation of the golden opportunity to demonstrate recreation. They also stated that factories of '$2,500,000, equal to $125 the subject of the debate with a dethey have $75.00 in addition to the for every man, woman, and child in cision to the gentler sex. $500 mentioned above for the purpose the valley. of building a cement tennis court and Taxes' paid by the Sugar company Club Riverside expressed a sentiment against the in this county last year amounted to Boys over lease for the $2.70 city making any per capita. purpose Names New Officers of building a cement dance floor in Contemplate what this industry the park. They were informed that means to you and the prosperity of For the fourth consecutive the will note pur-Do- se - m, 5, number of citizens of Tremonton and Garland aid surrounding towns motored to Ogden Tuesday evening to see the Bears tangle with the Davis game to decide boys in a play-owhich team would enter the state tournament as a runner-u- p entry. While we did not like the way the game ended at all, the score being 42 to 22 for Davis, it was as fast a game as one would care to see. The boys played like lightning and showed all kinds of endurance. Cropley had about three men on his neck all the time. It was very evident that they had a healthy respect for his ability to hit the hoop. Our boys did not have much luck in counting the ringers while it seemed no matter from where or what angle the Davis boys threw the ball it sank through the hoop. Not being satisfied with this sort of luck, while endeavoring to catch the ball, just ticked it and so accustomed was it of going through the hoop, it just naturally glided off his finger ends and slipped through the Davis TRACY WELLING Elder Senator Asks for Representation on Important Committee ff Lilly-whit- e, ; at Ca-pen- Death Takes Respected Man;, Well Known Here v 4-- H 4-- H ar -- Hun-sake- r. . 4-- H n, High Opera to Best Ever Fielding Dr. H. Harris Will New Meat Market Is Discuss Taxes Friday Opened at Gephart's Gep-har- ts ... Cupid Unites Popular Dart Couple With Ladies Farm Bureau of Tremonton Reorganized Annual Relief Society Program On March ct Decrease Is in Death Rate in Utah Farm Bureau Members Thank Local Merchants , Fish and Game Ass'n to Stage Big Banquet UTAH-IDAH- O |