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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER age stamp in the United States, of Perry's opening of Japan, of the Alas- lean purchase and of the battle of the Subscription Rate 42-0One Year, in advance.. Monitor and the Merrimac In closing, abdicates in 1.00 Six Months, in advance . March . i - . wun ner Vl Three months, in advance.. pru, moving .50vor snowers, tuiu garuen maiuiig, Entered at the Postoffice at Utah, as Second Class Mat THE BOY FROM ter. THE HICK TOWN hick town has lately The Published at Tremonton, Utah, on bcfnme n Kmirp of PTPflt infinirat on Thursday of each week. to our professional humorists. A hick town, say the various users Published by of this convenient formula, is a place THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. where a backfire is never mistaken for a nistol shot! where hpHtjm is Incorporated orthodox; where woodpeckers eat up the depot; where central can tell you SOUND ADVICE TO whether it was a girl or boy: where THE MONTH OP MARCH . Let March come in like a lion if it the neighbors will supply you with a , wants to. Let it get up on its hind conscience if you lack one; where , lees and roar until it shakes the dome there is no parting proDiem; where a One who claims to be a perfect 36 is not speaking of her age. fa-itvf- I 1 I - V ,, i;v t, Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Ferry of :were calling on friends here Wednesday. f Co-rin- ne I , v I - Tremonton Locals d. Bothwell f ZVS I 4 hr,r 1 A. V EXPERT HERE X! SSlffSj' r. rtM '" uiaiwiii i&y interest you m T na-LiIr.- s: 7 A J ... e New Party Dresses just unpacked. You'll surely want one when you see them. Matchless Values Snappy Styles. " Special Showing all this Week n,A CHARMING NEW Save Your Money FROCKS Right Here In Town Interpreting tke newest Paris II I 3 Dozen n : u f i Lettuce Oranges I for I 2io-Pou- nd sack Tremonton 5c Jello or 3 35c V Packages V;k Ja "tinguislieol Paris-de-igne- J" v o! - "lilt .raoramaruy durable and so tukfast and fadeproof. 1 te prices of Peter ak-olut- elj vill amaze you-- for tkey permit you to ke smartly dressed, every day m tke year, at a cost of 6 cents a CALUMET Cans day. 26c 25c They T Eack is fashioned Modiste. in the latest of tke tdtra-ck- ic Peter Pan Fatrlcs, 0" Jell-We- ll Baking Powder Large Packages tW areaeLsktfuI.reveallngexpression, ot tke style trend in Paris. Each 21c Quaker Oatfr Fatrics fail to see mgly smart creation. pONT $1.27 Cans II in Peter Pan 48-pou- nd heads Sweet Pickles Mode Flour Large, solid I I 13 , GENUINE mmmm Spinach Fresh and Tender 3 Pounds 25 Fronk Chevrolet Co. Tremonton, Utah Phone 20 4 tJ v I see what you're getting. You don't have to wait for the tire. We put it on for you. And we're right here where you can depend on us to stand back of every tire we sell. 'wM' Turkish Towel --" ji.i. time-honor- et You . x..:nS. - t-.- GOODYEAR PATHFINDERS! . . L?! genuine yy Colored Borders . . You dorf t have to write letters, pay mail order fees or waste postage stamps to save money on tires. Right here in town we have exactly your size in i nn a " 1 ,.a nJu Soft Fluffy trt rwv Standard-Examine- b Big Silc?6 RSL P.-E- TOWELS IT gr Gltsre.M. i- sented their play, "Playing the Fiddle." The show from.All appearances was very good and was put over in a delightful manner. .Mr. and Mrs. Nichols and daughter Gloria and Miss Gertrude-Nichol-s were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kupfer Sunday evening. Subscribe for The Leader $2.00. TURKISH RUPTURE ;yr, l?1" City-Monda- " L pni I ! ni Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Christensen officially reported that deaf- - and family spent the first of the week ness is increasing. The information at the home of L. C. .Christensen. who had ?Lh?I!C0,ne from,,people A birthday dinner was given at the home of . A. Frazier in honor of Bud Frazier, whose birthday was on the 4th of March. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Frazier, Mrs. Mohr, Mrs. Celeste Martin and daughter, day evening was the big event of the and Mrs. J. E. Gillespie visited and Buell A sumptuous dinner was . Mr. season. Frazier and children. over the week-enin oaI served on two long tables which had lni1 twirp After the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaw and fam the tables were cleared away and a invpH bv all. music ny of Connne were guests-oMr. ana Mrs. N. E. Shaw Sundav being furnished by the Balladeers. A very enMiss Afton Hunsaker of Brigham large crowd was there and a all. had by Chester Schofield and daughter City spent the week-enhere at the joyable evening was and The Misses Lynn Lydia Peter Bessie went to Layton Monday for a home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. iew aays visit Bert Hunsaker. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stokes of Tre . . . . , M1 Mrs- - Arnold Kosenlund Of monton were calling on Mr. and Mrs, bureka are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Newman Sunday. Ctr.w,orth and Mr and Mrs- - Duane Mr. and Mrs. i. v. bummers re turned home from Salt Lake City , , ,1 Sunday, iheir daughter, Mrs. Matui . .. , x,,a , . ytsden ana sons thew Wallace, is reported to be much Monday better. Z1?? baJ??ay wincnester. tt,,u """" "gar Mr. and Mrs. Bert Firts were vis at Ogden Saturday and Sunday n. iting "auc, ouii ui mr. ttnu ours, Kulon borenson of Salt Lake Citv e 111 wlin Pneu" en was visiting with mends here Mon ween. ' barometer and filled the tube with rtswn arts) whara eoiran ri rf 11 It ranted, raved, the immortals in New Yorks' national nitroglycerine. v t i iv. ui iiiabvu. t. luw. ivwu threatened, roared and shook its mighty mane until we went into a wa uuiii. iiaoc a name uiuuuccu huddle under a cover of star dust Lincoln. Hick towns gave us most that could not be distinguished from of. our great literary figures of the snow. If there ever was any element Dast and Dractieallv all of those now of weather timidity in us this runt of i the calendar has taken it out We sons. j If we may, then we would like to defy March from 1 to 31. We dare it to do more damage to the coal pile RiicrireRt that, a hiVlr town i o nla day. than February did. Let March take where a boy has an excellent oppornnora aiarK oi Howell is ivirs. Mr a tornado, a cyclone and blizzard and tunity to lay the foundation , of fuStarhn Stanfill and spending a week here with relatives throw it in our faces. We will not! tnre Mrs. Londy Harris were Ogden visit and friends. flinch. We have stood our ground in " luo"uay' ADVERTISING reDruary and did not even duck for TrC Aft California. vauais NewsnaDer advertising and the an- "":rca maJ At the same time if March wants maae a Business trip tomobile combined to brinir have the to be decorous and decent and come 10 "2aen Wednesday. in like a lamb it will find us strong Pitv Rhona t. the verv Hoor of thi. . m i a for scrapping the weather armament. farm house and the suburban home.. . k th xayior enienainea ai ner ,cn0te We are perfectly willing to trade a v.arh F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phila CiK carload of snow for a hand full of complete quotation of what can be famous expert, will delphia, d'nnfJl. Leaywhere it can be purchased . violets and no questions asked. But bought, i .. mi mrs. licLii loiman. mrs. i,iaretta himself nationally m.. personally be at the Bigelow we are not going to be bluffed. We Hotel, and will remain in Ogden have been under fire and survived tually made through the advertising S?i W' LOMtllyand columns xnursday only, March 14th, from of A the visit newspaper. the ordeal. A flock of lions would . a. m. to 5 p. m. Mr. Seelev savs: J look like a herd of contented cows "The Shield will not only CXChange now that we have our dander up. money for and Elmer G4tz visited with Mr. and retain Spermatic any case of ruDture Derfeetlv. March, don't do It Straighten up How much more convenient is this Mrs. Fred Getl at Brigham Sunday. Dut contracts the opening in 10 days and be decent Consider Mary's little on the average case. Being a vast of modern commercial and. lamb. It has rheumatism, lumhaco contrivance Miss Hulda Meister spent Wetines- - advancement over all former : . i e methods .J..i..'.1 and jthe'gout from trying to ine .inerilcie.ni day in Otrden. "A"y,.,B?!"u,L. instantaneous effects exemplifying 01 wno r a rural ioreDears i'v.: "Zcr..rime-nik m..,, immediately appreciable and withknew only their Personal needs. With afforH Miss Grace entertained standing any strain or position no AH-' them there was no alternative for the the members Thompson ., .u., uu.1, tame m witnthe rerT Pan club matter the size or location. Large or R onA disappointing ex- - Si. w fDA n .."i out any manners and went out in " Mes' dinicuit cases, or mcisomal ruptures pedient of going to town by wagon or n p Eleon' disgrace. Ogden (following operations) specially soliccart and trusting to diligence and a Ruth and ary ited. This instrument received the Sce"kelV stout pair of shoes to seek out the THIS VERSATILE The . husbands i at only award in England and in Spain, appeared . buis , which BUfu ii.i .n umi, wiucn uiey were MONTH " producing results without surgery, inneed of acwhich sold and an at in it JL All of the evidence considered, it is jections, medical treatments or preif not at the lowest Needlework was the pastime. price, ceptable that the agreed month of March is scriptions, with distinguished personal the dissenting member, the erratic obtainable price. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Prisbv and patrons of all nations." "His method Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hill were in has always been most revolutionary, the most fickle and the satisfactory." most irresponsible of the undependa-W- e BEAUTIFY cngham City Friday, Dr. n,dward TREMONTON ijmppen, former among the 12 major divisions of . I. i! TO- .Medical Director, U. S. Navy. " Wm. Storrer of Salt ..Lake City ine calendar year. It is born of both whe though and This instrument is the same as supwinter and spring by virtue of the directed to the to Surg. Genls. Bureau, U. S. plied par of nature J2i by calendar and weather tradition. It is n ont ni, tfoae aiding Naval onA nnnre uvuuci. okntk. Hospital. Penn. R. R., Etc., f v.v.o, i.ui.viiji auu oiixuuo. natures sample case. There are ousu T..c.vip, 111,1,1c Etc. tt i;ti il. a un care me aiiu oiun ! weather reasons for the existence of He will be glad to demonstrate part of the citizens of Tremonton, in pqV Lundb7 &M without vne crazy March hare" and the the S)tUmm charge or fit them if desired. and culture of such or- r;,an( planting n propnetic association of March with Business demands prevent stopping at nits uon ana tne lamb. any other place in this section. i rrti bta.Ples N. B. Every statement in this noinrougnout the major portion of rarI to unfair Uia manifestly ourselves, the United States the month of March tice has been verified before the Fedme ir?i. vvcuornea Decause it marks the ojiu moic uitrutuiaiiy io inose oi eral and State Courts F. H. SEE- Wah0i ayZl death of winter and the birth of future, i.sto fail to do that which will 'gL who h, ouite xt- 1 u; ' r ill at mane nun wily lliuic tttLiaLUVf. ia-... LEY. j spring Among the 18 CAUTION All cases should be ture is to entitled from mankind. t1S1 help days of the year none is quite so Make Tremonton so attractive that U?g Aerelth fe?. brothers, E. J., B. cautioned against the use of any elaswell-mand joyfully received as hom choll ho oil that Jo A tic or web truss with understraps, as mzeier. ' a"u "'"c March 21, the first day of same rest where the lump is and not Sometimes the first day of spring. the city so beautiful to the visitor R?ss L" "urphy left last week where the opening is, often he can spring that sav that truthfully resulting does not live up to its calendar desig- ture and man have united in a won- f "oncpeiier, ldaho, in Mranguiauon. nation and harsh winds strive for Wltn hei mother' Mrs suHome Office, 117 N. Dearborn St., premacy oyer the urge of spring, but derful work. There is no easier and p imcago, ill. to no avail. direct individual effort in the propa March was made famous by the gation of trees, flowers, and shrubs first day of spring, but to many was de famous by the income tax, for , A word to the wise is often re March 15 is annually as sented. the final day on whichdesignated income tax returns may be filed without Some boys are small for their age penalty of the 'ear brings ao are some men. 'sf Patrick's m?nth Haw ,: . xuarcn vuoc,"cu 17 you start doesnf matter. It month of the'fntroh,6 annAversary the post- - is what you start. a. son of Tremonton were guests of I 4 "llSli, I. 0..J uoroiny Aiiuersua ouiiaay. Miss Pearl Nessen of Tremonton was visiting at the home of Mr and Chris Schoby Sunday afternoon. Joseph and Llame, Mrs. and daughter, Mrs. Schoby, who has been quite iir Mrs. Mr. and of were dinner guests during the winter, is much improved Leslie Stokes Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. La Von Stokes and Mrs. George Stark was painfully of Tremonton were calling 0n family hand her got when injured Tuesday Mrs. M. P. Jorgensen SunMr. and machine caught i n the washing little im- day. wrniger. She is now but Mr. and Mrs. Milton Marble were proved. Ray Stark is spending a few days transacting business at Brigham with relatives and friends at Willard, Monday evening in the Bothwell Ogden and South Weber. The ward banquet and dance Thurs- hall the Riverside Dramatic Co pre nFiu Hust and Miss RaBmiissen spent baturaaj. w- and Sunday in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stokes and son d tailed month of February, 1929 A. D. cap socially, and so on and on. With no intention of becoming ter That sawed-of- f hammered down little roughneck took the mercury out of riblyAAheavy over the matter,J we want . .1... the thermometer and replaced it with t. wu tknt UIOVCI w vuv a dynamite. It took the sap out of the whera 2(5 of our 29 nresiMonfa w ww with tha 18 ed tobacco is no handi nfuco.w - girl of yesterday, Tre-noonto- n, of Ben Lomond. It holds no terror for the grizzled veterans of the bob-- where fine cut trnnhl ThA main U Kh J 0 , Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Allred and Mrs. S. L. Cox spent Sunday in Ogden. We Give Green Trading Stamps ? |