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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 SETITLDWfir:- .- of the By w.M.u.fen.vicc Sage. Hal G.Evarts "Don't you know that the albino will kill you for thatr she asked. "Not unless be can stage it as a per--j sonal quarrel," be said. "Hell never 'follow it Hp as coming out of what 'happened today by taking It out on me as temporary foreman of the Three Bar for ordering him off. There's a good majority of folks that I I don't relish seeing Harper's bunch ride up that feed them through policy. But whenever you make it plain to a man that he's compelled to do a thing whether he likes It or not it's ten to one he'll balk out of sheer human pride. If Harper kills the Three Bar foreman on the grounds that be refused to feed all his men why then, right off, every foreman and owner within a hundred miles starts to resenting the possibility that maybe the albino feels the same way toward him. Harper knows that "But if your theory had been she persisted. "What then?" wrong "Then," he said, "then there'd have been h 1 and repeat I wasn't Just acting as me, a personal affair, but, as I took pains to remark aloud, as the foreman of the Three Bar. Every Three Bar man would have gone Into action the second Harper made a move at me. You know that and Harper knew it." She realized the soundness of this statement The one unalterable code of the country, a code that had been fostered till it eclipsed all others, decreed that a man should be loyal to the brand for which he rode. The whole fabric of the cow business was based on that one point. "But now they'll work their deviltry all the stronger against the Three "They could Bar," she predicted. wreck us If they tried. You couldn't get a conviction In five years. Not a man would testify against one of Harper's outfit." 'Then we'll put on a fighting crew and hold them off," he said. "But that's not the layout that will be hardest to handle in the long run. Slade is the one real hard nut fcr the Three Bar to crack. He can work it a dozen different ways and you couldn't prove one of them on him to sav your soul. He's one smooth hombre Slade." Harris rose and headed for his bed roll and, the girl sought the shelter of her teepee for a rest Her mind was busily going over the events of the day. She reflected that Cal Harris was at least possessed of and that procrastination was certainly not to be numbered among bis fallings. It came to her that his interests for the present were identical with 'her own. As half owner in the Three Bar it would be as much to his advantage as to her own to build it up. Waddle's warped legs prevented his acting as foreman on the Job and It might be that the oth er man would find some way to pre vent the leak that was sapping the life from the Three Bear. His entitled him to the place. Blllle Warren loved her brand and her personal distrust of Harris was1 submerged In the hope that his shar-- r -- r i Farmer What are you doing up in my apple tree? Small Boy: Believe it or not, mister, I just fell out of an aeroplane. "So you've landed a man at last?" "Yes, but you should have seen the ones that got away. Ames Green Gander. Twin Float SOL HOT Oil Burning Brooder Raises More Chicks For Sale By Bear River Valley Ass'n. Poultry L. WEIDMANN. J. Phone 12.3-- 5 James Brough Tremonton, Utah Garland FRUIT TREES You can get all kinds of Fruit Trees, Vines, Shade Trees, Roses and Shrubbery from us at lower prices for high grade stock. Write us your wants and we will be glad to quote you prices. Anderson Produce Co. Brigham, Utah HAL6.EVAR.T9 lng theTuH TesponsIbHIty "wRE "herself might be a step toward putting it back e on the plane of prosperity. She fell asleep with the crooning TOlce of the nlghthawk drifting to her ears. It seemed but a few fleeting moments before Waddle's voice roused old-tim- her. "Roll outl" he bawled. "Feet in the trough!" There was instant activity, the Jingle of belts and spurs and in five minutes every man was fully clothed and splashing at the creek. It was showing rose and gray in the east when the meal was finished. When most of the men were mounted Blllle urged Papoose over near Harris' horse. "Do you know how to throw a cir. cle?" she asked. '"After a fashion he said. Tve bossed one or two in the past" "Then we'd better be of," she suggested. "Since you're the Three Bar foreman its for yoc to say when. d that Job for ten "I only minutes or so," he explained with evi"Yon surely dent embarrassment didn't think I was trying to boost myself into the foreman's job for keeps?" "No," she said. "But you're half-ownand yon can handle men. I'm giving you free rein to show what you can do." Harris straightened in his saddle and motioned to the men. ''Let's go I" he ordered, and headed flank of the his horse for the left-han- d valley. They ascended the first slopes, pre-empte- er mingled with the odor of steaming cows, the acrid smoke of the sage fire and the taint of scorched hair and flesh. In a short space of time the herd had been worked, the last calf branded, and Harris led the men op the bottoms. Five miles np the valley, at the spot where be had crossed it a few hours before, they , found the wagon waiting at the newsstand, the corral refashioned and the remuda inside it It was but ten o'clock but the first circle had commenced at four. The noon meal on the round-u- p was served whenever the first circle was completed. The men fell ravenously on the hot meal, changed to fresh circle horses and started again. It was falling dusk when the herd gathered in the third circle had been worked and the last calf branded for the day. At the end of the first week out from the ranch Harris pulled up bis horse beside the girl's and showed her his tally book. ,t, "We've run Slade's mark on more calves than we have our own," be said. "That's one way he works.' "But that's not his fault and it doesn't mean anything," she said. "His cows are sure to drift This first strip we've worked Is the southernmost edge of our range and his north wagon works the strip right south of us. We're sure to find a number of his cows. 'As we double back on our next lap we'll not find the same proportion." "Not quite but plenty," he predicted. "We've marked more calves for Slade in one week than all his three wagon crews will mark for the Three Bar in a year. The first three weeks of each season your men do a little more work for Slade than they do for you. It's a safe bet that the Halfmoon D does the same, and so on through every brand that joins his range. That puts him way off ahead." "But that is pure accident" she said. "It's pure design," he stated. "His boys are busy shoving his cows from the middle all ways so that when fall comes he has a good inside block that's only been lightly fed over. They fall back on that for winter feed. Last winter, when cows were dying like rats, his men were out drifting Slade's stuff back toward his middle range." "That's true enough," she admitted. "But" "But you thought he was doing it as a favor to you getting his surplus off your territory so your own cows would have a better chance. That's the same kind of talk he floated all round the line; playing the benevolent neighbor when In reality the old pirate had deliberately planned, year after year, to overcrowd your range and feed you out" "But his men would know," 6he objected 9 it They Ascended the First Slopes. picked a long ridge and fallowed it to the crest of the low divide between that valley and the next. As they reached the head of the first draw that led back down Into the valley Harris waved an arm. "Carp," be called, and a middle-age- d man named Carpenter, abbreviated to Carp, wheeled his horse from the group and headed down the draw. A half-mil- e farther on they reached the head of another gulch. "Hanson 1" the new foreman called, add the man who repped for the Half-moo- n D dropped out One man was detailed to work each draw and when some five miles up- - the divide there were but half the crew left The fore man led the way to the opposite divide and doubled back, sending a man down every gulch. Harris and the girl worked the last draw themselves and when they drove their cows out of the mouth of It they found a herd already milled, two hun dred yards above the wagon. Harris left her and circled the bunch, esti mating When the last rider appeared with his bunch and threw it into the herd Harris signaled all hands to change mounts. Half the men repaired to the rope corral and caught up cow horses while the balance of the crew held the herd, each one relieving some other as soon as he had saddled a it "Not many of them would grasp the whole scheme of It," he said. "You hadn't thought of it yourself, and what if a few of them did surmise? They're riding for his brand." The girl nodded. That unalterable code again the reliiun of being loyal to one's brand. Not one of Slade's men would balk at doing it knowingly; each would do anything to advance his interests as long as he drew his pay from Slade. As they talked Harris detailed men for each draw but when they reached the point where they were due to drop down and cross the valley he pulled up his horse. "You take the rest of the circle, Carp," he instructed Carpenter. "I'm going to ride off up the rise a piece," The girl regarded him curiously. No less than three times In the last week he had stopped midway of the circle and asked her to complete It Now he had turned It over to Carp and he signaled her to remain with him. "Where are we going?" she asked as she watched the men ride down toward the bottoms. "And why?" "Back the way we came," he said. "And maybe I can show you why." He headed back the divide they had just followed until he came to the saddle at the feead of a draw that led down to the valley. Far below them they could see a rider hazing a bunch of cows out into the bottoms. slope of the High on the right-hangulch lay a notch, a little blind basin watered by the seepage from a side-hi- ll spring, and there on the green bed of It a dozen cows with their calves grazed undisturbed. For perhaps. five minutes Harris lolled side-wis- e In the saddle and watched them. Then a rider appeared on the ridge that divided that draw from the next dropped in below the cows and headed them back over the ridge into the draw from which he had appeared. Even at that distance she recognized this last man as Lanky Evans. Harris resumed his way down the divide and she knew that he had discovered some Irregularity-fo- r which he bad been seeking. "Who was the man that overlooked those cows?" she asked. "Who worked d that drawT fresh horse. "Morrow," he said. "His eyesight A sagebrush fire was burning fifty is getting bad. That's the second time man each and yards above the wagon this week and the last." rode past It, leaned from his saddle "Then Morrow is an inside man for his iron la the and dropped running she said. "Drawing Three Harper," flame. and working against us, too." Bar pay worked men round the edge of The he's an In"Yes," he said. the bunch and slipped a noose on side man for Slade.""Only every calf that was thrown to the "But how could his leaving those edge of the constantly shifting mass, calves behind benefit Slade?" she defirst the Morrow roped calf and manded, dragged it to the fire. "How could it benefit Harper?" be , round-upshe loved the as As much countered. "Can you tell me thatr Riany times as she had seen it Blllle She could not and motioned for him Warren had never become calloused to to go on. the brutalities rerpetrated on the "None of Harper's wen has a brand calves. She withdrew and sat in the of his own," he said. "They're living shade of the wagon. Bhe was down on the move. They can't wait for raised the wind and the dust by to grow np. The way the calves trampling hoofs floated down to her, work Is to run a bunch of beef steers across into Idaho. They'll pick np another bunch there and shove them across the Utah line and repeat by moving a drove of some Utah brand np In here. Only beef steers quick turning stuff. . Yon know about the reputation of the O V and the Lasy H Four." She knew all too welL There was a a smoldering distrust displayed between cowmen on each aide of the three state lines, a triangle of 111 feeling. It was current rumor that the 0 Y and the Laxy H Four, ranging far southwest of the Three Bar, would traffic In any steers that fame from across either the Utah or Idaho line In the corner of those states were similar outfits that were receiving stations for rustled stock from the opposite sides. The triangular feud had been fostered to a point where the thieves were immune. Even If a direct complaint should be brought against them they had but to ride across into another state and a sheriff following them would be helpless, the inhabitants resenting this intrusion into their affairs by an officer from another state, truly having no right there, and refusing to aid him even if they did not actually oppose his passage. "But how would It benefit Slade?" she repeated. "Why, suppose that Morrow overlooked a nice bunch of Three Bar calves all along this first strip next to Slade's range," Harris said. "Then some Slade rider happens to drop along after our wagon has moved on and he hazes them off south. Later another picks them up and shoves drivethem along another way beyond where our boys ever work, even beyond the trlp covered by Slade's north wagon, the only one that carries a Three Bar rep; what then?" "The calves would still be with mothers wearing the Three Bar mark," she said. "After they leave the cows they're slicks, fair game for the first man that puts his rope on them and Slade wouldn't risk running one of his own brands on them before they left the cows." "Not one of his own, no," Harris said ; "only one that's going to be his later on. Did It ever strike you as queer that Slade, whose way Is to crush every new outfit, should suffer a streak every year or so and befriend some party that had elected to start up for himself right in the middle of Slade's range? And later buy him out? That's the way he came into nearly every brand he runs. Several of those dinky little owners have moved out right sudden with a dozen riders from some other outfit fanning along close behind; McArthur didn't even get moved, for Brandons went on the war trail before he had time to start - But It transpired that he was all set to go because Slade showed bill of sale for Mac's holdings, dated only the day before. That's how he came to own every one of those brands that match up so close with those of every outfit half-fen- half-day'- s soft-hearte- d that overlaps his range." They had turned their horses down a long ridge that led to the wagon In the bottoms. "Ill mention to the boys that Morrow sold out the Interests of the Three Bar while he was drawing down your pay. They'll pass sentence on him right sudden. Four hours from him so now they'll have far from nowhere that even the coyotes can't find him." "Not that," she said. "Turn him over to the sheriff. You caught him In the act" "In the act of missing a few, cows d on his detail. The sheriff would hold him almost an hour before he let him go." "Then give him his check and send him off the Three Bar range," Bhe said. Harris waited till the herd had been worked and the men had gathered round the wagon. Then he handed Morrow a check. "Here's your time," he said. You can be leaving almost any time now." Every man knew that Morrow had been caught at some piece of work contrary to the interests of the Three Bar. The discharged hand gave a short ugly laugh. "As soon as you pussyfooted into the foreman's Job I knew it was only a question of time," he said. "Pack "Exactly," Harris returned. your stuff." "A foreman has a scattering of a dozen or so men to back him up," Morrow observed with a shrug of one shoulder toward the rest of the men. Harris turned to the girl. "I resign for about sixty seconds," ha said and swung back toward Morrow; and again all hands noted his queer quartering stand. "I'm not foreman right at this minute," he said. "So if you had anything In particular to address to me in a personal vein you can start now. Otherwise you'd better be packing your stuff." Morrow turned his back and headed for the rope corral When be had saddled one horse and packed his effects on another he turned to Evans. "Yon helped frame this on me," he said. "I thought I saw you messing over into my detail a few days back. One day right soon I'll run across you again." "Then I'll take to riding with my head over my shoulder surveying Lanky promised. "Because well most likely meet from be- my back-track- ," hind." Morrow started to snarl an answer, OBual self repression deserting him, but Harris waved an Impatient his band. "Drag It J" he snapped. "Get moving. If I had my own way we'd lead your horse out from under you and we will If T ever hear of your turning Bo: Let's go to Labrador. Zo: Aw, why do you want to go to np on the Three Bar range again." Labrador? (To Be Continued) Bo: Well, I hear the girls dont wear any bathing suits there. Pitt Civil . Panther. Federal Service To Gixe Examination Receipt of applications to close March 22, 1929. The date for assembling competi tors will be stated in the admission cards which will be mailed to applicants after the close of receipt of applications. The United States civil service com mission has announced an examination to be held at Brigham as a result of which it is expected to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy in the position of fourth class postmaster at Plymouth and other vacancies as they may occur at that office, unless it shall be decided in the interest of the service to fill any vacancy by reinstatement The compensation of the postmaster at this office was $555 for the last fiscal year. Applicants must have reached their 21st birthday but not their 65th birthday on the date of the examination. Applicants must reside within the territory supplied by the post office for which the examination is announced. , The examination is open to all citi zens of the United States who can comply with the requirements. Application blanks and full infor mation concerning the requirements of the examination can be secured from the postmaster at the place of vacancy or from the United States civil service commission, Washington, V. c. Applications must be properly exe cuted and ton file with the commission at Washington, D. C, prior to the hour of closing business on the date specified at the head of this an nouncement "Great mackerel, Fishby, why do you call your gas wagon by such a queer name, Charleston? "Egad, Freud, 'tis because of the play in the rear end. Cornell Widow. There Is No Guesswork About It When we fit you with glasses we KNOW they are right We have the experience and the equipment for properly fitting the eyes with glasses. Utah - Tremonton Burnsright LOTS OP LOW ASH HEAT SUMMONS For the next few months you want the highest quality coal obtainable for comfort and cleanliness. Carroll, defendant Summons. The State of Utah to said defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear with in twenty days after service of this summons upon you ,Sf served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint This action is brought to recover a judsr ment dissolving the marriage contract heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. Lewis Jones, Plaintiff's attorney. P. 0. 1st Nat'l Bank 7 Bldg., Brigham City, Utah. Let us furnish you that highest quality coal with unsurpassed preparation and service. In the District Court of Box Elder County, State of Utah. Edna S. Car roll, plaintiff, vs. Charles Augustus 23-2- SUMMONS ' In the District Court of Box Elder County, State of Utah. Tremonton City, a municipal corporation, plaintiff, vs. F. K, Obray, W, H. Wood-yat- t, Buhl Frazier; also all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien, or interest in the real property described in the complaint adverse to plaintiff's ownership or any cloud upon plaintiff's title thereto, defendants. Summons: The State of Utah to the Said Defendants: Yeu are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of this court. This action is brought to recover a judgment quieting plaintiffs title to the land described in said complaint and for equitable relief. Lewis Jones, plaintiff's attorney, P, 0. Address: 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg., 5 Brigham, Utah. Block North of Tremonton Milling Co. One-Ha- lf BROS BESSINGER Phone 36 Tremonton, Utah We Contract Acreage on irrigated land, with good farmers to grow BEANS at guaranteed prices from seed that we furnish. FILER SEED CO. 324 South 3rd West SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH N. W. OLSEN Resident Agent TREMONTON, Phone 73-0-- 1 P. UTAH 0. Box 267 21-2- A Permanent Record A Convincing Receipt YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT IT'S safe it's convenient a checking account at Tremonton Banking Company. A complete record of income and disbursements, it relieves you of the necessity of keeping considerable cash on hand. And cancelled checks are an airtight receipt. Today You can open a checking account with us. A deposit of $10 and three minutes are all you need. ,. Tremonton Banking Co. The Bank Best Able to Serve the Bear River Valley |