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Show THE SENTINEL, MIDVALE, UTAH Page Six FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1940. 1'1•••--..'ll'll..-"'••...,.,~,,..~.~~~·--..'11'1..1~••a...-11f,,.eiiiR.,...'11'11"~;•a._lllll'll':-~uiiiR-.o.l~ ..I'I>-IIIRIII-'tl¥"-•••-rl11.,.. • .,....I'I•III•._,....,,.,"'tllll••-rl'll.,..l'lullla....JI'If'l,."'••-rl11.,:-l'ls111R-...JI'IIII:t"';'-11-'11'11,.."'•,.....,.rl'11,..~siiiR-...'11'11"~s••._lllll'll,..~._lli-1111-'11"1f..'-u111R._11111'1I'If''t••••...,'11.."-•..•._,....,,.,,..,..,.-,.,.,-l'lsiiiA.__ri'II., • ..... ..-I'I;IIIR._,...,.,.._.,.., ~--~~~~'1lfllt"'tllllft•..I,, - - - COLGATE-PALMOLIVE-PEET --~ ' SOAP SPECIALS PEET'S CRYSTAL WHITE Granulated GIANT BARS BLUE or RED SUPER SUDS Palmolive 3 bars 1'7c Lge. 20e PORK &: BEANS ........... 4 for 25c VARNEY'S No. 2 size cans SANDWICH SPREAD .... qt. jar 25c TUNA, White Star, halves .. can t6c JELL-0, all flavors .......... pkg. Sc MATCHES ........ 6-box carton t3c Carnation Wheat Flakes ... lge. t3c CAKE FLOUR, Swans Down .... 25c MARSHMALLOWS .. cello. bag toe Peppy Hot Muslard ...... qt. jar t2c SPAGHETTI, Sonny Boy .... can Sc Bananas .. . (FIRM. RIPE! ··A ....... BUTTER COFFEE FIRST QUALITY SOLID PACK ......... Ih. 32e M. J. B. REGULAR OR DRIP .... ~ .... lb. 2Se SUGAR SUGAR, powdered ...... 3 lbs. 1'7e FRUITS for SALAD ....... can lSe ...... ·- SALT LAKE CITY-With the U. woultl henefit from ~ut:h a project S. Bureau of Reclamation pushing will br dr•Prn•in >rl. Prrliminary es· to campletion its soil surveys in tim:~te·s place the land In this cla~s Ut~h and continuing a series of ifica •fon at fiOO n IG acrrs-approxi· surveyR on the Green and upp r matelr errual •n '1e an a now under Colorado rivers to determine p s· irrig:l i n ir, th • state sihlq location of clam sites for wa"Thb figure alonP" :IT•·. I!ichard· ter am! power development. rtah son sn;ri, "pn•sents an ldE'n of the should kuow ·ho~tl - whe:her the benE'fit .s•tch· ~ prn.iect would bring Cohr tlo River·GrPat Basin Jlroject om· r-t'l•e. \Vi•h the \ e"'crn states offers thr opp0rtunity to secure constantly lne•·e «ing in population. th se nP 1. d r •sonrr:es for thL; there will con· inn,, to h!' on incrf'as· stat£'. ing m r'' • f.Jr og:;cultural proThi" is thP COlll'11fllt of F. H rlucts 1 o> ~in the West. ThP only Rlch<trtls:m, sr n•tan of the f''JIO· way \ot) can rrcrluc more goods • Herriman Bishop rado River-G•·e·it Ba~in \Yater l',;e;·s from the farm i. to Increase the AssoC'Iation following a~surance acrea\r on which they C«n be proRuns for Legislature from Commissioner John C. Page ducer!." Milton Bodell of Herriman has that hoth survey:-; are being hasGreat Importance announced he will be a Democratic teneri by his department. Undr·r :11:-.• 'i lsen'• direction, ap· ''1'hP departml'nt has been active candidate at the primary election making . oil 8111-veys In our state for proximately 1~0 men were en~ged for state representative from the nearly a year," :\Ir. Ric-hardson in making soil surveys last sum· It is td1 1 rstoorl that a similar eighteenth legislative district. Po 1.nt Pd ou t . "U n·d er th e d"1rec t•10n mer. · · tl1e fi eld m force WI.11 b e I'1UCN1 111 t · l ·· G · 1 E of Mr. Bodell has been engaged in 1 ~ s~~· ~ssSocJaB e. en-_ an. attempt to com pi 'te this work g ine~rw~~ <:h.;rg · · meau th1_s vear ' operating mine leases for many · ' · of Reclamation investigations, much years, and believes t~at the. p~e- of this work already has heen com· In addition to this survey, recon· sent l a w s concernmg mmmg 1 pleted. I undPrstand that it is naissancc sun·cys have been con· should be changed. Likewise he 1 quite po&si!Jle ).fr.• 'ielsen and his duct.ed to determine probable routes st:;.ff will finish this survey before for bringing water from the Colo· said, many laws should be repeal- the end of the current year." rado River basin to Utah acres. Preliminary lines, for instance, have ed where they cost money, for he The soil survey and the survey been run to two of the discussed added. this state must have lower planned on the Colorado and Green dam sites. Ono of these is at Echo taxes. river" have been ordered in con· Park at the Colorado-Utah llne. Mr. Bodell is bishop of Herri- nection with the program to deter· Another is at C\iinnie Maud where developments of the Green River separates Carbon man ward and is an active ciyic mine the poqsible resources for the and Uintah counties. water and power and church worker in the com- benefit of the upper basin states. The geology of the possible tunmunities comprising the eighteenth Far-Reaching Importance nel sites through the Wasatch district. "We believe," Mr. Richardson range has been studied. The found· said, "that if there is a possibility ation possibilities of the various more water for Utah acres and dam sites have been and are being of Bingham Publisher more power for Utah Industries, we explored with drill rigs, and the must discover it and then take capacity of the various reservoirs Seeks Senate Seat is being determined. The history steps to develop it. of the streams flow, since records Leland G. Burress, Bingham "Many o! the major developments have been kept, is being plotted to Canyon publisher, has announced j of recent years were once thought the amount of storage determine his candidacy for the Republican · Impossible and impractical. There capacity needed to assure an ample nomination as state senator from are those who say that damming water supply. of the Green River at, for Instance, Salt Lake county. "Our association Is pleased that Split Mountain, Echo Park or FlamImmediate past president of the ing Gorge and conducting water to the Bureau of Reclamation Is going Utah State Press association, Mr. 'j areas west of the Wasatch moun- forward with this work," Mr. would be a project too tremen· Richardson said. Representatives Burress has been editor of the talns dous to undertake. But when we J. W. Robinson and a member of Bingham Bulletin the past four · realize that such a project-If It the House irrigation committee as years and prior to that was co- can be accomplished-will benefit well as the entire Utah congresslon· publisher of the Helper Journal more than half our counties direct- al delegation have done a oonsfs. ly and the entire state Indirectly, tently fine job in Congress to help at Helper, Utah. I !eel that we owe It to ourselves push this work along." He was educated in Carbon to find out If such a plan can be Mr. Richardson also expressed the hope that all citizens of the county schools and the University j put into action." &tate of Utah would "realize the of Utah and was a charter member Apparently the bureau of re- tremendous importance of such a of the Castle Gate local of the clamation agrees with the associa· project to them." "In my mind, this, would United Mine Workers of America. ~on, for the surv~y work already Is without a question of doubt, ssured. The ent1re reaches of the be the greatest single factor In He is president of the Bingham Green and upper Colorado Rivers Utah's permanent growth that could Canyon junior chamber of com- ar~ to be ~xplored for water-and· ever happen," he said. "I sincerely hope that the surveys will prove merce, a member of the lOth pre- po er possibilities. the projects economically feasible. under now work survey soil The cinct Republican club, is Republicway throughout the state under Mr. It they do, Utah must assure itself an secretary for district 334, a Nielsen's direction Is of far-reach- that it can and will protect its member of the Bingham volunteer lng importance, Mr. Richardson rights to the water of the upper firemen and Bingham Lions club. pointed out. Through this survey Colorado river basin necessary for the amount of lrrigable land wllich thla development." I r 1 1 I I Midvale Garage ARNOLD TROESTER, Prop. TIRES and TUBES AOOESSORIES -Phone Midvale 48 - VEAL MILK-FED • CHOICE ROASTS ........... lb. 20c LEG ROASTS ............... lb. 25c Veal for Sfew or Sluffing .... lb. tSc OVALTINE ......... largecan SSe -----------------------------GRAPE JUICE ........ qt. jars 39C MILK, all popular brands . . . ~ . can '7C Miracle Whip Salad Dressing . qt. 31C SNOWDRIFT .. ....... 3-lb. can 48e lb. 11f2C wATERMELONS ~~~;~YKE the week by the visit of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Larsen and Mrs. Pauline Berthelsen of Sweeny, Texas. Mrs. Christensen's granddaughter, Miss Audrey Halstead of Council Bluffs, Iowa, has been the guest of her grandmother for the past month. PORK CHOICE ROASTS .......... lb. tsc LEG CUTS ................. .lb. 22c Side Pork, fresh sliced ...... lb. t9c PORK SAUSAGE ......... 2lbs. 29c COUNTRY STYLE FRYING CHICKENS, fancy .lb. 23c Prime Rib Rolled Roasts .... lb. 2Sc. Free Delivery Phone Mid. 200 ••• ..""' ··A Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Royal and Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Ferguson of Salt Lake were dinner guests Saturd;)f' evening of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rich at their home on East Second South street. Mrs. Margarette Christensen was pleasantly surprised during POT ROASTS, Neck Cuts .... lb. 12c Chuck Culs .................. lb. tsc Choice Round Bone Roasls .. lb. .18c Short Ribs lo Boil ,.......... .lb. tOe GROUND BEEF, fresh .... 21hs. 29c (2\lz lb. Can) - A CLEAN-UP Surveys Will Show If State's Acres Can Benefit By Upper Colorado Rive1· Water Projects S. Riverton ward bishopric, Mr. Page has been active ~n the church for many years. While never having held political or party office, he has served as delegate to many county and state conventions. Mr. Page is a director of the Sandy City bank and is a member of the Jordan district school board. The candidate and Mrs. Page and five of their six children live in Riverton. BRANDED QUALITY 100-pound bag ..............................................................$5.75 10-pound bag ................................................................ 59c 25-pound bag ...................................................... ..,......$1.48 LOCAL PEOPLE UTAH'S SOIL STU E BY SEEK OFFICES U. S. RECLAMATIO BUREAU (Continued from Page 1) BEEF FOODS SPECIALS for SATURDAY, JULY 27th LARGE BOX 2Se SUPER SUPER MEATS • m,Art __,.,. • r~~~~~-••"n"Jtrl-ill~bi-tll,.fii~-••""%JII'alillr~•-•IIJII,-011_••AIIA!-.-~ give praise, even with my glory in no wise lift up herself. And Health with Key to the Scriptures" \TRUTH HELD CAPABLE ONLY OF HARMONY . . . For thy mercy is great above when Jesus saw her, he called her by Mary Baker Eddy: "Truth the heavens: and thy truth reach- to him, and said unto her, Woman, never made error necessary, nor "Truth' is the subject df the les- eth unto the clouds" <Psalms 108: thou art loosed from thine infirm- deviSed a law to perpetuate error. ity. And he laid his hands on her: The supposed laws which result son-sermon in all Churches of 1, 4). Included in the Scriptural read- and immediately she was made in weariness and disease are not Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, July ing is the following: "And, behold, straight, and glorified God" (Luke His laws, for the legitimate and 28th. j only possible action of Truth is . . The golden text is: "0 God, my th~re wa~ a. w~man. which had a 13:11-13). . 1 the production of harmony" (p, the mcludes readmg Correlative years, etghteen mftrmtty of sptnt heart is fixed; I will sing and and was bowed together, and could following from "Science an d 183). WANT ADS -P. *NOW is a good time to fertilize your lawn. For best natural fer- 1 tilizer see J. A. Alcorn, 281 E. 4t.l Center Street. c.- ' *BATTEH.Y CHARGING A T ' GAMBLE'S. 40c. Rentals 15c per day. *EXPERT RADIO repairing at Gamble's. P rIces reasonable. 1 Free estimates. All work guar- an teed 90 day~ ~ubes checked I *HIGHEST PRICES PAID for useless animals. Ph,ones Midvale 280, 328-R1 and 318. Fur Breed- , tf ers Agr. Coop. Ass'n. - - - - - - ------ *CARDBOARD. BOTTLE CAPS. Butterwrapper, etc. for sale at . The Sentinel Office. I *FOR SALE-One 5-room bnck house; one 5-room stucco house. Inquire 424 Second North St., 2t. Sandy. *BARGAINS in second hand cabin furniture, radios, ice boxes, dining room and living room suites. H. Grass Furniture Store, 4981 South State. Phone Murray 669. *FOR RENT-New house, full basement, furnace, garage. Good location. Call Joe Ruby, 3839 So. State. Phone Murray 337 or Mid-· vale 345. *FOR SALE-Large iron bed, complete; %. size iron bed, complete; bath tub; 50-lb. ice box; Will sell all for $25.00; or by the piece, or trade for coal. 8002 2t. 7th East. *FOR SALE-Two coal ranges, with water jackets, in good condition. Very cheap. Inquire 95 Third Avenue. * SENTINEL WANT ADS qet results because everybody reads themll Our rates are very reasonable and a few cents invested in a SENTINEL WANT AD will pay big dividends. * WHY NOT TRY ~MARKET~ PHONE MIDVALE 252 FREE DELIVERY SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY,JULY 26-27 SUGAR .......... tO lbs. 59c Corn Flakes ... 2 pkgs. 23c KELLOGG'S - 1 DISH F R E E ! BUTTER, 2nd gr.... lb. 3tc MILK ............... can 7c COFFEE, Monarch .lb. 24c (ALL POPULAR BRANDS) 3-lb. can ........ 69c SALAD DRESSING............qt. iar 19c MATCHES .......................... carton VARNEY'S WAX PAPER. ............... l25-ft. roll PORK & BEANS ........3 No.2 cans 25c TOILET SOAP.................... 3 bars STAR-KIST TUNA....... .lge. cans 17c PEN-JEL ..............................2 pkgs. CRACKER JACK....................3 for 10c J A M ............................. _5-lb. can JELLY TIME.......................... bottle 10c PEACH or APRICOT ---AIR-COOLED CARROTS, new, uncl.........3 bun. 5c CABBAGE, unclassified............lb. 2c TOMATOES, Utah, uncl•....3lbs. 14c LETTUCE (ice-packed)........ 2 for 15c ~~aHJGH 13c lie 10c 23c 59c VEGETABLES--GREEN PEPPERS, uncl•......... _..lb. 7c CUCUMBERS, unclassified .. 5 for 10c GREEN ONIONS........5 bunches 10c POTATOES ........ ·-···········-····10 lbs. 10c QUALITY MEATS~~§ Pot Roast, neck cut .lb. t2c Pork Chops, loin ... lb. 2Sc Pot Roast, chucks .. lb. 1Sc Veal Leg Culs ...... lb. 25c Pot Rsl., round bone lb t8c Pork Shoulder ...... lb. tsc Ground Beef .... 2 lhs. 29c Pork Sausage .....2lbs. 25c Lamb Stew ......... lb. tOe Veal Roast, leg ..... lb. 2Sc Leg of Lamb ........ lb. 25c Veal Sh'lder Roast lb. 20c Lamb Chops ....... lb. 27c Veal Chops ........ lb. 2Sc IT?II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I |