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Show THE SENTINEL, MIDVALE, UTAH FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1940. Where 1,000 More Men Will Find Employment SOCIET Y and CLUBS IVA E. BARROWS. Society Editor Club Entertained At Aylett Home Lovely garden roses were used as the centerpiece for the table when Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett entertained her Thursday bridge club at her home on Pioneer street. Following the one o'clock luncheon contract bridge was played at which high scores were won by Mrs. Louis Goff and Mrs. Harold Nelson. Mrs. J. W. Nibley and Mrs. Nelson were special guests. ••Primary Officers Entertain For Departing Member Officers of the East Midvale ward Primary entertained at a party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Greta Christensen, complimenting Mrs. Geneva Sharp who leaves soon for Idaho to make her home. Various games were played and a social evening enjoyed followed by refreshments. Thirteen guests were present. Page Five 1941 AAA Program, ~::::==:::::~~~~=1 P 1 a n s Emphasize' IRIS PREVUES Soil Conservation It's a hard riding, straight-shoot- ple. Its cenmtral figure is a diabo-lical doctor who discovers a way tCJ "shrink" human beings into miniscule creatures one-fifth their normal size, and its other characters are the scientist's five haping, two-fisted Jack Benny, a less victims. mighty hombre, who appears in (Contilnued rrom Page 1.) Subscribe for The Sentinel and the state committee the allotment "Buck Benny Rides Again," the may be omitted in the state and a newest screen vehicle of the fam- read all the Jordan valley newsr vegetable limit placed on farms ous film and radio comedian, having other crop allotments. In which Paramount will present such areas no payment would be here tonight at the Iris theatre. made directly on vegetables. 1 Wild Bill Hickok and Billy the kid were tenderfeet by comparison invegetables That commercial elude perennial as well as annual with the rip-snorting buckaroo, U I D VA J, E I vegetables, with processed crops the terror of' the plains, the mad classified as vegetables under the man of the west, Buck Benny of , program unless it is determined Bar None. Tonight and Saturday -athat they are in competition with JACK BENNY m Meet "The Amazing Mr. Wilfresh vegetables. Iiams." of payment minimum the That Said to be as amusing as he is · $20 per farm be continued in 1941. This allowance was first provided amazing. Mr. Williams is a supersleuth who solves murder mysin the 1940 program. - - - - - and - - - - That, because of budget limita- teries on the run, even while he is tions, the $30 tree planting al- desperately struggling to reach the "A STAR IS SHORN" lowance, as provided in the 1940 altar and marriage to Joan Blon- 1 COMEDY dell. He is Melvyn Douglas, as he program, be discontinued. That in order to assure orderly comes to the Iris theatre on SunPOPULAR SCIENCE a as hailed been has what in day maturity and marketing of wheat merry melange of comedy, thrills, dates of loans be staggered. SUN. - MON. - TUES. That wheat loans are made on mystery and romance. As fans will instantly notice, grains other than special crops, MELVYN DOUGLAS such loan rates be set at a lower Miss Blondell and Douglas are JOAN BLONDELL in percentage of parity price than teamed together for the third those established for special crops. time in recent months. Each has always been a top-flight funster, but Columbia was the first to sense their potentialities as a pair. The result was "There's Always A MOVIETONE NEWS Woman", which created a clamor COMEDY and SPORTS Lloyd Mclff, George Rasmussen answered by the combination's To Go Girls "Good picture, second and Lyle Mclff returned Monday night from a trip to the San Fran- Paris". WEDNES. - THURS. 1 I I I I I "BUCK BENNY RIDES AGAIN" Dr. Clarks Entertain Mrs. Arch James For Visitors Entertains Club Blue delphinium and white stock Mrs. Archie James was hostess to the members of'her bridge club were combined to decorate the Employment of an additional1000 mated will require an additional 100 at her home on North Grant street I supper table Monday evening E. Thomas Mrs. and Dr. when in Tooele and Bingham is vir- men In jobs supplementary to the men Monday evening. A dessert lunchmine, mill and smelter. tually assured when the Elton tuneon preceded the bridge games Clark entertained at their home The tunnel is now nearly twonow being driven toward the thirds completed. On June 1, the where prizes were won by Mrs. in Sandy in honor of Dr. Clark's, nel, National Tunnel & Mines property bore had passed the 14,500 foot Wilbur Walker and Mrs. Kenneth brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and at Bingham is completed. mark and was progressing at the Mrs. E. L. Parry of Portland, Ore., Dunn. Providing conditions in the metal rate of 43 feet per day. Total disformer Salt Lakers. White tapers mining industry are favorable when tance from Tooele to the Hood the tunnel is completed, it Is in- shafe in Bingham will be about burned in crystal candelabra at Glacio Park Scene of dicated that 600 men will be put to 24,000 feet. D each end of the table. Delightful Party work mining ore bodies that now Since this project promises to r. lie below the water level at the add so much to tile welfare of Attending the party were East Jordan stake officers and Bingham property. The tunnel will Bingham, Tooele and the state in their partners entertained Satur-1 and Mrs. C. B. Johnson of Ogden, lower the water table from its pre- general, every ef'l'ort should be day evening at a social at the Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sor~~s?n, with sent level of 1000 feet to the 2500 made to cooperate in bringing the lodge in Glacio park honoring Mr. whom the Parrys are VlSitmg; Mr. foot mark. tunnel work to an early conclusion. and Mrs. Nat E. Parry and the Besides the men In the mine, the As much as the tunnel has already an d M rs. J . P . J ensen, w h o are increased tonnage of ore will re- done •to cut the relief load in these leaving this week for the east honored gue-sts_._ _ quire the employmen•t of an addi- areas, Its contribution in this diJ central states mission field. M. I.. tional 300 men in the mill and rection will undoubtedly be tenA. officers planned a very splendid ' Carma Rae ensen smelter at 'l'ooele and it is esti- fold when the tunnel is completed. program and light refreshments I Honored At Party -<>-cisco fair and Los Angeles. In DISH NIGHT Miss Ejvor Johnson entertained Paramount's daring excursion were served to 72. Mr. and Mrs. Los Angeles they visited at the Jensen were presented with a at ~ party at_ the home of Miss home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Ay- into the realm of film fantasy, Wednesday Only! lett. The boys also visited ,Bryce 1 "Dr. Cyclops", the picture whose lovely gift in appreciation for Don~ B~rg m s_andy Tuesd~y services rendered. President Heber evenmg m compliment to M1ss and Grand canyons and the Boul- 1 background, plot and characters INDEX INIJCA NU..£11 40 <100 have been a closely-guarded secret J. Burgon, John A. Aylett and R. Carma Rae Jensen who left Wedder dam. MINING these many months, will have its H. Clayton, stake presidency mem- nesday evening with her grand• The picture made behind ~$0 3.$0 parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jenhers, were also honored. Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Jenkins first local showing next Wedneslocked doors! sen for Louisville, Kentucky. .300 of Midvale and Mr. and Mrs. El- day at the Iris theatre. Filmed in 3 IN TECHNICOLOR Games were enjoyed and lunchtechnicolor, with color effects and Midvale Ladies Idaho, Grace, of Williams bert eon served to 22 guests. Miss Jenphotographic illusions never at--ADDED-260 Attend Trousseau Tea have returned from a trip to sen was presented with many tempted before, the new advenAmong the out-of-town guests beautiful gifts. "SHORTSTOPS" Fish lake. ture thriller promises to be one of who attended the trousseau tea STONEAGE CARTOON 00 the most novel and exciting exaoo Dunn Kenneth Mrs. and Mr. at tbe L~mont Smith home in Salt J Birthday Club Entertained periences ever afforded filmgoers. COMEDY and family have returned hom Lake City Sunday were Mrs. P. At Boulter Home Illusion though it is, "Dr. Cyfrom California where they visited The Birthday club met at the C. Rasmussen, Mrs. H 0 w a r d •REMEMBER clops" has little in common with relatives. Phelps, Mrs. Leon Rasmusen and home of Mrs. Esther Boulter in such past fantasies as "Snow DISH NIGHT Mrs. Meta T~esen of Midvale. I Sandy Thursday afternoon honfor Travels", "Gulliver's or White" Only Wednesday Nite! . . . The tea was g1ven by Mrs. Antone Among out-of-town visitors this ormg her birthday anmversary. f S lt L k c·t . h the new picture is a story about N 1 week in Midvale are Mrs. Anna a e 1 Y m onor Dinner was served at one long a e son real people, played by real peoDutcher and granddaughter, Shirof her daughter, Maurine, whose table which held a bowl of variapproaching marriage was an- colored sweet peas as the centerley Ann Bole, and Mrs. Leo Shunounced recently. maker of San Francisco, Califor..-«• .... ...,. ,._ •II A. _. «Ut. • • ... - _.,., • - - - - piece. Covers were laid for Mrs. John H. Shaw, Mrs. J. William An Empire is as rich as its Indicates that manufacturing, live- nia, and Mrs. W. B. Jones of Price, stock and farming are dependent Utah. The visitors are the house resources. Thompson, Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Olsen upon the growth and development guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. welfare economic the Likewise, Mrs. J. Thomas Ostler, Mrs. E ntertain for Newlyweds any state is dependent on the of mineral resources of the state. Nibley. of . A low basket of pink and white Myrle Allsop, Mrs. Bert Hyatt, · development 'a nd competetlve posi- Hence, the economic destiny of the rosebuds combined with baby Mrs. Evan 0. Jensen, Mrs. Lena state is dependent upon a single tion or its basic materials. industry, as we have little forestry deMr. and Mrs. Elmo Christiansen been has mining Utah, In br<>ath formed the '1ttractive cen- Jackson, Mrs. Thomas W. Stowe 1 little and fishing commercial no Industry. leading the into veloped and family are home from a va- i terpiece for the table when Mr. and the guest of honor, Mrs. BoulMinerals were first mined com- commercial hunting. cation spent in Yellowstone park. and Mrs. James T. Olsen enter- t er. mercially in the Beehive state In forward look to much has Utah tained at their home on Third 1862 and since that the time the in- to, however, as her metallic re· dustry has made steady growth. sources are varied and unparalled Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson East in Union in honor of their Crapos Entertain To break a long silence and defend ourtelliIn the and nature of gifts The son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and For Jensens The in- left Wednesday morning for a 1 Union. the in sta.te any in gence of man have combined to dustry is well organized and operselves against unjust criticism. Mrs. James Marion Olsen, who Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Crapo enmake Salt Lake valley a great min- ated with a long range program vacation to Seaside, Oregon, and WPre recently married. Twenty- tertained at a "farewell" party at ing and smelting center. blocked out ahead. Moreover the other points. The accompanying chart, pre- state Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett eight relatives and close friends their home on Pioneer avenue in has vast stores of partially Dr. or undeveloped non-metallics around of direction the under pared are spending a short vacation this were bidden guests. I Sandy, Wednesday evening, for Dilworth H. Walker, economis proIn regard to our Subdivision Development day week at southern Utah parks. some Industries great which Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen fessor at the University of Utah. will be built. -South Grant Street-our efforts are: First, to shows the relative growth of min· Visitor From Mexico and family; the occasion also befavorable conditions or Creation industries lng nnd other Important Darwin Rasmussen will leave built a good neighborhood and attract good Honored At Luncheon ing Mrs. Jensen's birthday. to mining development therefore in Utah. vacaweek's a for end week this suewill Jensen Mrs. Mrs. I. E. Bushnell entertained Mr. and The chal't shows how mining has will be the creation of better of neighbors; Second, to increase the population tion in California. He will meet at her home in East Midvale Fri- ceed Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tew led the way for oth&r industries and conditions for Utah generally. of Midvale and make our community bigger - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - his brother, Duane, at Camp Ord, ! day afternoon at a well-appointed Jr., at mission headquarters. Mr. and better; Third. to increase revenues in our luncheon in honor of Mrs. Ralph Tew, who has been on leave from Sandy, were hostesses at a miscel- ous fried chicken dinner was serv- on Monday and then visit the He Francisco. San in fair world's Edg~l who_ is visiting here from t?e church department of educ~-/laneous shower at the John T. ed at one o'clock to the followfair city, and add to the business of local merMexico. Pmk and yellow rose- 1 bon for the past three years, Will Shaw home Frida e\!ening hen- ing: Mrs. Florence Fitzgerald, will return by way of Los Anchants; also many other things too numerous buds were used as the centerpiece resume his work as principal of oring Mrs. Grant ~haw formerly Mrs. Helen Jensen, Mrs. Jerry geles, accompanied by Duane, who • officer weeks' sixa completing is Miss Elaine George whose mar- Wellington, Mrs. Eleanor Martin, where dainty place cards marked the Springville seminary. to mention. riage took place re~ently. Com- Mrs. Jane Jensen, Mrs. Pearl reserve training course at Camp ~la~es for eight guests. Those enpetitive games were enjoyed and Kemp and Mrs. Maxine Lunn as Or d. JOymg the afternoon '!'ere the Newlyweds Honored luncheon served to 35 guests. honored guest, Mrs. Wilham Edgel, At Series of Parties special guest. Prizes were won by :::ruoscrlbe for The Sentinel now To develop a subdivision like this takesMr. and Mrs. Harold Shaw en- Mrs. Helen Jensen and Mrs. Jane Mrs. Jack Greewood of Murray, Mrs. Naomi Pearson, ~rs. Emma Lake, Salt of Rogers Clara Mrs. Mrs. Brrd, Bryan Mrs. Butler, tertained at a social and shower Jensen. finance, patience, energy and sacrifice. We Rose Greer, Mrs. Willa Despain, Mrs. John W. Shaw, Mrs. Udell at their home on West Second invite the public to inspect our property, and to George and Mrs. C. L. Boulter of South street Monday evening and Mrs. Elsie Jorgensen. To remove mustard stains from GET YOUR WINTER SUPview its possibilities from all angles. We behonoring Mr. and Mrs. Grant table linen, boil stained part in a avoid and , • • NOW! PLY Shaw. Games were enjoyed and quart of water to which one tealieve we have a location that is most desirable rising prices. , •• We deal in HEADQUARTERS FOR /luncheon served to 24 guests. QUALITY PEERLESS and spoon of washing soda has been for those who wish to build good homes in Mr. and Mrs. Martin Prigmore added. SPRING CANYON COAL. with prompt and dependable of Bingham will entertain honorfine location. ser-vice. Saturday Shaw, Mrs. and ing Mr. •Remember: A Dollar Saved Sometimes perspiration stains evening at their home in Bingham. Is A Dollar Earned~ on dresses can be removed and In the J orda.n Valley So Order NOW . . . at . . the color restored by holding the So we invite the public to pay us a visit at S. S. Club Entertains We use the best quality vegetable parchm~nt, stained portion of the garment For Mrs. Jensen the South Grant street subdivision, and especiand give you first class workmanship and service. over a bottle of ammonia. On Bingham Highway The members of the S. S. club (opposite school gymnasium) ally to inspect the new MODEL HOME now on entertained at Jeanne's Tea room Jordan West 222J2Mid. Pomanders, oranges stuck with PRICE LIST: display and open for everyone who is in the on Highland drive, Friday afterdresser drawers scent will cloves, noon honoring Mrs. J. P. Jensen, Unprinted: market for a new home, or who intend to build closets. clothes and left who club, the of member a I I I I "THE AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS" Personal I I Growth Of Utah's Basic Industries I _,. ''DR. CYCLOPS" ° I --- I * * l I I I * I COAL Butter.-Wra ppers Olson's Coal I Per 100 --------------------·--·--·--·---·----·--· 25¢ Printed: 100 ·-·-------------·--------·--------·-- $1.25 200 -----------------------------------··- $1.7 5 500 --·--·-·------·-----··-------- $2.75 1,000 ···--------·----------·---·---------·-·--· $4.50 WHENEVER YOU NEED BU'li'ERWRAPPERS. Remember THE SENTINEL Phone: Mid. 178 Midvale, Utah during the week in company With Wash the leaves of a rubber her husband and granddaughter, Miss Carma Rae Jensen, for mis- plant with warm water and castile sion headquarters in Louisville, soapsuds. When dry, rub each oil. Ky., where Mr. Jensen will preside leaf with a cloth wet in olive over the east central states mission. F 0 R ••• A social afternoon followed the luncheon. Eighteen club members were in attendance. Mrs. Jensen was presented with a beautiful traveling bag by members of the BUY Your CLOTHES club. -from- Style, Quality and Long Wear Pinochle Club Entertained At Parker Home Mrs. Vanda Parker entertained the Crescent Pinochle club at her home Thursday, July 18. A delici- H. F. Rasmussen Mercha.nt Tailor Pressing Cleaning Alterations A BANKING SERVICE THAT HELPS THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY • We stand ready always to help local business and individuals with sound loans. This puts our depositors' money profitably to work-and supplies the funds which mean more jobs in our community, Branch ~f BANK MIDVALE Sandy C1ty Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation All information will be cheerfully given to all callers. Come and see us anytime. Yours sincerely, |