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Show THE SEN-I'INEL, MIDVALE, UTAH Page Four FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1940. A lONG-DElAYED CHANGE THE SENTINEL 15 YEARS AGO PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoffice ai Midvale, Utah. under the Act of March 3, 1879. HOWARD C. BARROWS - - Editor and Publisher u~;si~i!lrsiiifi~N SUBSCRIPTION RATE: GUESS 1 DIDN'T One Year (in advance) ............................................................................ $1.50 Advertising Rates Given on Request. ANY 1'00 NOTICE TI-llS SOON! ALL OVER THE COUNTRY ... LOAN SHARKS RUTHLESS It's a big country, the United 1 Investigation a year ago of States. K o map is big enough a double murder in San Anto show· all of the tens of thou- tonio, Texas, disclosed a motive sands of cities and towns and incited by America's most vicitiny villages that exist in every ous racket-loan sharking. The :part of it. But even a casual victims in this case were a glance at any map of the whole young electrician and his wife. nation or of any single state or t5iclmess in the family brought section in it will reveal one sur- a need for money, and the husprising thing. band was foolish enough to borThat's the number of towns row from a loan shark. He borand cities in America that have rowed only $50, but at the been named after some indus- time of his death he had paid try. Names like Steelton and a total of $256 and still owed Valley Forge and Tannerville $78. Dismissed from his job bedot American maps by the hun- cause of in efficiency, and dedreds. serted by his wife because of These names offer quiet but surliness from his "worrying, he convencing testimony to the finally lost his reason and shot Z90 importance of industry to the his wife and himself. Let this Cop,ril'hl 1940 Lincoln N~w•papor Futures. tnc. general scheme of things in this be warning, that money should country. The communities in be borrowed only from a wellquestion have been named af- established bank or loan organ- n-=:=::::=~-==~~~:::::::==---==11 "Independent Willkie ter men who founded those ization. Club of Utah" Formed towns. And there is outstanding evi- DEFEND AMER--IO_A_ _ _ "Win with Willkie" is the bat€len_!:!e that industry has had a tle cry of the Independent Willkie lot to d9 with building up the NOW! Club of Utah, an organization community-and through that, _Once again,_ Americ.a is faced 1 i By Mrs. Dorothy Shomaker composed of both Democrats and ~ i Republicans, organized for one the national-life of this na- w1th the v1tally Important problem of defending itself tion! The chains of habit are too weak purpose, to elect Wendell Willkie. a_gainst possible foreign inva- to be felt until they are too strong "Wendell Willkie was the peoSion. ple's choice as a candidate, now to be broken. SPECIAL PRIVILEGES The average American, howit's up to the people to see that he --o-MUST GO ever, must realize that the is elected," states Dan W. Moffat, Vice leads, however fair at first, president of the state organizaThe role of labor in national thousands of miles of salt water defense is a topic which is which separate us from Europe to wilds of woe. -o-causing much thoughtful dis- no longer are a bulwark of security. As William Fredrick He that lies with the dogs arises cussion these days. And labor's best friends have come to the Bigelow, editor of Good House- with the fleas. . ~ conclusion that it, no less than keeping, points out in the Aug1 ust issue of that ma""azine imt ls astomshmg how soon the capital, mu:st make sacrifices o , I hl b · t pregnable defense may be ob- ~f o ~ consci~nce egms o ~ave1 in the interest of liberty. tained only by thorouo-h mod- ) 1 a smgle stitch drops. One smgle No longer can we afford costernization and enlarge~ent of I sin indulged in makes a hole you ly industrial tie.-ups. wb,ile lab1 our present equipment. could put your head through. or leader:s and management -o-Over seven billion dollars wrang-le and get nowhere. No Truth is the gravitation principle longer can production be deli- have been appropriated in the of the universe, by which it is berately slowed down to con- , past few years to accomplish supported and in which it inform to the ability of the least this end, l\1r. Bigelow says, but inheres. efficient workman. And no our defenses, as they stand to--o-long·er will 1the public approve day, are unforgivably weak. Laws are the silent assessors of a legislative policy which, in \Ye lack raw materials; anti- God . ..,ffect, :starts with the premise aircraft is outdated and insuf-otbat the manager is always ficien_t, as are our w_arships and Expedients are for the hour, wrong and the worker always bombn;tg planes .. W1th new aJ?- principles for the ages. right in indnstrial disputes. j propriations bemg mad~ _it 1s 1 --o-:-rrlJe tragi~ experience of the fervent hop; 0~ all Cltlzens Truth and justice are the immutFrance con tams a hard lesson th_at the moue~ \\ lll be spent able laws of social order. fur America. In France, work- wisely. I -olng hom·s were not increased Truth, like light, travels only until the last m,oment - and in straight lines. that was largely responsible for SENTINEL WANT ADS Every misery and every crime is the na.tion's incredible military evidence that nature's laws have ·weakness. Politics pampered qet results because ev· been transgressed. the worker- and politics thus erybody reads themll --omade defeat inevitable. Poverty and shame shall be to This does not mean that the him that refuseth instruction; but worker is to be exploided.. 1t Our rates are very rea- he that regardeth reproof shan be simply means that all factors in sonable and a few cents honored. --oour society must give up spe- invested in a SENTINEL Follow the river and you will cial privileges- that no man WANT AD will pay big get to the sea. can escape the necessary sacri- dividends. fices. That is the first step toward security. I --~ -·---- ••• - - - ~-~--..o:_..- I --- l l PHILOSOPHY I CORNER I !.!:::::. . . . . . .-.. . ._.:::::..--:::--·-·. . . . _. . . .II • - - - - - - - - - - - - - • when the Apex team withdrew last week. The Copper league standard of baseball is the best in the state and the local team conItems taken from the files of siders itself highly honored to The Midvale Journal receive the bid. July 23, 1925 -o-Sandy city has installed a $3000 The Old Folks day at Lagoon sprinkling system at their ceme· last Thursday was highly success- tery, and will be used in about a ful. The following were honored week, Mayor W. W. Wilson anguests: Mr. and Mrs. C. L Olson, nounces. Mr. C. Liljeblad, Mr. and Mrs. J. , H. Weaver, Mr. Jacob Pate, Mrs. Sarah Bennett and Mrs. Sarah Utah Power Company Alexander. The latter, 90 years of Warns Against Dangers age, received first prize for being During Harvest Time the oldest person present. --oUtah, Idaho, Wyoming and ColoMiss Portia Rawlins, formerly . rado farmers were advised today of Draper, but now of Honolulu, by the Utah Power & Light comspent Thursday in Midvale. pany to use extreme caution and --o-not permit derricks or metal proAnnouncement is made of the jections on hayracks to come in marriage of Miss Melissa Bateman contact with electric power lines to Parley R. Glover of East Mid- during the forth-coming harvest. vale, Wednesday evening of last William L. Cone, safety director week. of the company, said that every --o-I year there are numerous fatalities Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holmstead in the country through failure of and children, Mrs. Green and Jack drivers in lowering derricks when Green, left Saturday for Sheffield, proceeding under power lines. England, where they will make He asserted that he would like their home. to see the intermountain area this --o-I season hang up a safety record Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Goff and I which will be unsurpassed in the daughters, Melba and Carol, ac-1 country. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Neil There are two grave dangers Olson of East Midvale, are en- when derrick projections strike joying a fishing trip in Wyoming. power lines, he explained. Wires -o-are likely to fall on the driver of "Jack" Hosmer, son of Dr. and the vehicle and cause fatal inMrs. A. J. Hosmer, is putting in juries, or the vehicle may serve as some valuable licks at the Journal a conductor of electricity thereby office, getting first-hand informa- sending a fatal charge to those rid· tion on the printing business. Jack ing it. will be remembered as the only --------Boy Scout from Utah making the Subscribe for The Sentinel and trip to Denmark last summer. read all the Jordan valley newsr J tion. This club is unique among political organizations, in that it has no paid workers, nor are there any politicians connected with it. Similar clubs are springing up spontaneously throughout the nation. Last week Oren W. Root, Jr., -o--The Midvale Community club Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ _ _;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of New York City was appointed by Mr. Willkie to act as the na- has distributed flower seeds and tional coordinator of the indepen- announces that a flower show will ARNOLD TROESTER, Prop. dent movements. be held in the late summer or fall. STANDARD GASOLINE Headquarters for the organizaand OILS Midvale for a place tion have been opened in 300 Utah -Phone Midvale 4 8 Oil building, Salt Lake City. the Copper baseball league Mid vale Oarage g~l I I * .:. l'OIJ KNOW THE LE/&DER ~ Ill TRIJ(K SALES IHIJST BE THE LEf\DER II TRIJt:K I'ALI/E * WHY NOT TRY IT? t 1 Sentinel prints Butterwrappers. ) We Call It ltlllllllrrt""'""'""'"'""'l//1111/////////////4 ~HiniuP-~ and enjoy the whiskey that' ' Ia omanue ~ ~CHEERFUL AS ITS NAME" -~ ~ ···•· ~ OLD SUNNY BROOK I BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY := ::a ;:: Make yourself a cool drink with this grand, genial bourbon. Savor its mellowness and fine old-time flavor! You'll cheer up-instantly! -:;;::: ;;::: ~ ~ ~ § ~ ~ This Whi$key is ~ 4 YEARS OLD ~ 93 Proof ;§! National Distillers Prod. Corp., N.Y..~ 1\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.\.\\~~~ For Best Results this Season Start Your Pullets on Draper Oualily Laying Mash AND SEND YOUR EGGS TO DRAPER EGG PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION W'. E. Cain fl Sons 4004 So. 5th East Phone: Mur. 535-W IT'S JUST a can of soup. But during a long lifetime, the man who made it found some way to advertise it. At first, just a sign over his little soup kitchen, a few newspaper ads, a few billboards. But as the adv-ertising grew, so did the business. Now the business employs thousands of workers, helps to support tens of thousands of retail clerks and transportation men, and gives the housewife a better, cheaper soup than she could prepare at home. Back of every heavily advertised article is a romantic story of this kind-the kind of romance that built America. Courtesy Nation's Businesa Truck buyers are careful buyersthey thoroughly analyze and compare all types of trucking equipment-they want to make certain that they'll get the make and type of truck best suited to their business requirements. It is a significant fact that more truck users choose Chevrolet than any other make of truck .•. because Chevrolet trucks could not have established their record of leadership in 1940 and maintained it for six out of the last eight years had it not been that Chevrolet trucks deliver more dollar-for-dollarvalue than any other make. All models and types of Chevrolet trucks may still be purchased at today's low price levels, so it would be wise to consider replacing some of your truckina equipment with new Chevrolets now. TRUCK BUYERS DEMAND fACTSChevrolet Gives (J~h c' .n Truck bu e ~ f-'h~t.-.1 about the r!sra are often bombard -_, trucks. Bntwi:~ve merits of var'J:: With claims ~-!Uvemeproot luck-buyerssay "Gts makes of ~g to acruaJ {; tmustrunmyb~si vemefact81 t e same kind ot/ and figures andissaccordacts about the tru demand WR"f FOR ck I buy " fRlE BOOKLtt ng . ~ /}{/luJ.?" In order to !e.PendabJJity, conclusive Proo fncks, Chevrolet my, and value of Cfh of the o a stock Ch recently spo evrolet test run ever evroiet truck Whic~sored a test run the America c~nducted Under th Was the longest Aasociation. n utomobiJe e supervision of The .Perfo compiled f l'lnance facts toty-makin rom this hisaU containe~ ~est run are eating bookJin an inter''Says Who?"etyentitled obtain one f ou may Chevrolet d rom Your Writing to Ch ealer or by Division G evroletMotor Saiesco;por~~;:al Motors Motol'l:l BuiJdin n, General Michigan. g, Detroit, :::;!ode RIVERTON MOTOR CO. Phone: Midvale 92-R-2 Riverton, Ulah |