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Show THE SEN:r'INEL, MIDVALE, UTAH Page Two FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1940. WEST JORDAN Salt Lake City being the most benefited. Walker Brothers ran a large commission house in Fairfield. The store building, however, still stands, three rods from the monument Rumor has it that I B ·gha ·Young bought $5 000 n m . . . ' worth of beneficial matenal from the soldiers, placed it in the community store, the profits from which was used to built the Salt " (Mrs. Irena Olson. Reporter) eluded Mrs. Ed Beck, Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs. Esther Brackett, Mrs. Barney Berretto, Mrs. Wilford Silcock, Mrs. Daniel C. Coy, Mrs. Wilford Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bonecher announce the engagement of their daughter, Pauline, to Jack FisJ:.er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ade G. Fisher, of Salt Lake. The marriage will be performed at the church of the Little Flower at Midvale on Saturday, July 27.' with Father Toursney performmg the cereLake theatre. mony. After a honeymoon trip to The western part of the Soldiers ! Yellowstone park they will make camp was allowed to fall to waste. their home in Riverton. A wedThe south and eastern part, being ding receptioz: will be he~d in their • . honor on their return tnp. under water, IS now farmed. In Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Miller the western part the old founoa- returned home Wednesday after a tions still exist. The parade ten days' trip to Jerome, Idaho. grounds, streets, wells, etc., can They were accom~anied by their grandson, Larry Nielsen. be located. . . I Miss Lois Miller, who has comWhen the soldiers were home It pleted her training at the St. is rumored that these wells were Mark's hospital left Friday for a recipients of various articles such week's trip to Sommerset, Colo., · she will visit at the home ~ as guns, household utensils, etc., 1 where of M'ISS F ranci·s M·I.1·ni'ck. ,. including a b_rass cannon. Efforts Mr. and Mrs. Emery Berrett, will be made during the coming Melvin Berrett, and Pete Bonesummer if consent can be obtain- cher returned home Monday after ed, to dlean out several of these ' a thre~ days' trip to Marsh Lake, . . .t Wyommg. wells to satisfy our curiOS! y. Mrs. Nettie Ray of Union spent At the extreme west the old the week end as guest of Mr. and barracks foundation is plainly ~r~!larold ~r~~nd family. marked. It was built of rock, 65 x 1 85 feet, an 11 foot wall 5 feet thick. The guardhouse was 20 x 48 feet with a wall 3 feet thick and 10 I feet high. Numerous large rocks SHIRT and PANTS can still be seen in the founda· MAKER tions, some of them weighing a ton or more. Data from old settlers claim these rocks were haulPants.......... $6.75 and up ed by man-power. A large cart Shirts ..........$2.00 and up with high wheels was used, and the large rocks were chained unGaberdins • Madras - Woolens der the axle, being hoisted by an Silks - Collie Cloth old-fashioned windlass. A long rope was matched, pulled by man MADE TO FIT YOU power, about 30 men, for about 5 miles from the quarry. When a • Have your old shirt repaired soldier disobeyed orders, he was with collar and cuffs fined so many days on the rock All work done at home ••• rope. Fairfield has gradually dwindled at down so that at present only 107 souls live in the town. There are a few of the old buildings still 7570 South State standing. The hotel, which was one Phone 296 of the first built in old Fairfield, EAST MIDVALE and the Walker Brothers store The Egbert family enjoyed a canyon party at Big Cottonwood Saturday evening. Those present included Mr. and Mrs. Wilford E. Egbert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Egbert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Egbert and family, all ' of West Jordan, and Mr. and Mrs. (Mrs. Rachel Forbush, Reporter) (Mrs. Rachel Forbush, Reporter) John Krogh of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Wilcox A large and very apreciative Mr. and Mrs. Soren Dahl at- of Copperton, were guests of Mr. audience enjoyed the lecture Sun- tended the funeral services Thurs- and _Mrs. Hugh Finlayson Thursday on ,"Our Pioneers", given by day for Mrs. Lizzie Gardner held day evening. Elder Charles A. Callis, member in the West Jordan ward chapel. Mrs. Lee Irving and mother, of the council of the twelve Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Pate and Mrs. Emma L. Taylor of Salt apostles, and also musiccal num-, Mrs. Harmer of Mapleton spent Lake City spent the first part of bers by the ward choir and vocal Sunday afternoon at the home of the week visiting relatives in numbers by Mrs. Lucille Ross Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Pate. Nephi. Bowen of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar WennerMr. and Mrs. Dee Case returnChaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. strom and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. ed Saturday from Antona after Clyde Proctor, Mrs. Del Newbold, L::ngdon of Bennion motored to spending part of the week visiting and Miss Winnifred Babcock, Bmgham Sunday and were guests relatives. members of the Beehive and Jun- of Mr. and Mrs. Merle E. DotterEd Wheeler of Los Angeles has tor groups of the ward M. I. A. er. returned home after spending a left Friday evening for a trip to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell week visiting with his father, Yellowstone park. and two children, Areta and Joan, Joseph Wheeler, of We~t Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Theron Smart and of Provo, visited Sunday afternoon and his brother and family, C. W. two children, Sandra and David, at the home of Mrs. Rachel M. Wheeler of Midvale. of Richfield, were week end visit- Forbush. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones anors of Mrs. May Smart and family Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Terry and nounce the birth of a baby girl. of Union, and relatives at Kays- baby son of Provo, spent the holi- Mother and baby are doing nicely. ville. day with Mr. and Mrs. Parley Mr. and Mrs. Vere Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ewell have Glover. Mrs. LaMar Gardner and bab:y- of -had as their guests the past week, In honor of the pioneers the Salt Lake visited with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Bert Adams of Los ward bishopric presented a fine in West Jordan Sunday evening. Angeles, California. program at the regular sacramez:t Robert Gardner and son, Alton Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Haskings service Sunday afternoon. Music of Salt Lake were dinner guests and son, Gene, of Los Angeles, was furnished by the choir and of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Goff Sunvisited last week with Mrs. Ches- congregation. Talks on pioneer life day. T ter Baker and family and Mr. and were made by Ernest Millerberg, Bishop and Mrs. Laurence . Mrs. Ted Fenstermaker and fam- Parley Glover and Ida B. Sharp. Dahl visited Jam~s H. Gardner .lly. A scriptural reading was givefn at his home Sunday afte~noon. Members of the "Good Times" by Golda Sofie. Prayers were o - Mr. Gardner has been. serwusly club and their families enjoyed fered by President R. H. Clay- ill but is slowly recovermg. Saturday afternoon and evening ton and Ada Pate. . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bateman, at Millcreek canyon. A basket• Miss Evelyn Pate IS visitmg m- acompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack lunch and a very social time was definitely with her sister and fam- Winterrose of Heber, left Sunday enjoyed by 40. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Longhurst, afternoon for a •week's vacation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brady of Paris, Idaho. trio to Yellowstone park. and family spent last week at Mr. and Mrs. Don Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bateman and Yellowstone park. En route they 1 who have spent the past year at family, Mrs. Lydia Bateman, and By James H. Gardner ed in command March 1, 1860, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Logan where Mr. Greenwood has Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and Brady at West Yellowstone and ! been attending the U. S. A. ~·· children of South Jordan and Mr. This monument was built in changing the name to Fort Critwith Mrs. E. J. Peterson at Cas- are spending two weeks here With and Mrs. Arlo Batema~ of .Sait Fairfield (Camp Floyd) utah, by tenden, February 6, 1861. It was per, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Greenwood Lake Citv enjoyed a family picmc . . ' abandoned July, 1861. Mrs. Norma Parker and daugh- and other relatives and friends t at Libertv park on the 24th. I Bishop Andrew FJeld and Olaf An overland stage station esters Della and Darline left Mon- before going to St. George where pa;,_i~red c. Furse celebrated his ' Holmstad, two rock-building arttablished in 1859 was operated unday' for their home ~t Seattle, Mr. Greenwood will b!! employed birthday anniversarv Su~day, ists of Lehi. Bishop James H. Washington, after spending the teaching school this wmter. July 14, with his family.d~ ditnhn~r Gardner of Lehi supervised the til 1868 and a pony express stapast two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Olive Sharp, .teache_r of the was prepared and serve m e1r . . tion from April 3, 1860, to OctoL. C. Greer and Mrs. Della Gas- first class of Beehive Girls entd00 · living room to 18 mem- construction. Much credit Is due ber 26, 1861. The station was 539 kell and other relatives here. tertained at her home Thursday ~~rs. Mr. Furse was presented the good people of Fairfield for feet east and and 210 feet north Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Godfrey afternoon in honor of Miss Mar- with a very unique family album£ delivering rock sand and all buildand son, Dale, of Colusa, Califor-1 vella S_harp. ~amtes Mw:;~:l~r:ff The album con~ained fp~~tur~ 0 e ing materials 'free of charge, to of this point. This monument was nia, are spending a month with and pnzes gomg 0 I n ' several generations o e rs . k built of rocks from barracks and Mr. and Mrs. Horace T. Godfrey Marvella Sharp and Donna You g. f ily at various ages including the monument site. The wor was guard house of Camp Floyd, the and other relatives. Refreshments were served to the t~:Se of himself and his immediate done under the auspices of the Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brady en- guest of honor and her "'!lother, family. This was prepared an.d Utah Trails and Landmarks asso- Fairfield Fort wall and Indian hieroglyphic rocks from 5-mile tertai'ned at d.inner Monday eve- Mrs. Geneva Sharp; Sher~Ie Ann presented as a surpnse by his ciation. are the of most Ninety ;;.~=============~ nlng for Mr. and Mrs. Evan Mad- Bishop, ~enee. Swap!?, JamceenJaennd- children. A t 24 pass. d L h' percent the prominent. present population sen of Thatcher, Arizona, and Mrs. sen, Marwn Bird, Lois Hans Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Steadman, It was dedicated ugus ' Citizens of Fairfield an e 1 are Carsons. Five Carson brothers .A. 0. Madsen of Sandy. Mr. and Donna Young. LaMae and Joy, and Mr. and Mrs. 1939. John D. Giles of the general Oregon Trail Memorial Associawere among the early settlers. Mrs. Madsen have spent the past Lavon Whitney were dinner ~ests committee was in charge of the tion •be weeks with relatives and of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitney , dedication. The dedicatory prayer Utah Pioneer Trails and Land- They are a very fine class of people and in addition to some fine -triends here. They are leaving at Gardner was offered by Wm. Beardshall marks Association. -Monday for their home. (Mrs. J. T. Ostler, Reporter) . ht ... ests f th f" t farms, they are employed at AND Mrs. Reid Thompson and chiland fa,mily were overn1~ ..u whose father was one o e ITS -o-Mercur, which gives a good op..o.cen, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jensen of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hogan settlers ill. Fairfield. Speakers were ~M an·1 ee an d K a thl een, o f Th1's monument marks one of portunity for life and prosperity &It Lake are spending this week and granddaughter, Miss Carma Sa£:{daJ..udrey Keeler of Freedom, John D. Giles, Dr. William M. the most historic spots in Utah. with Mrs. May Smart and family. Rae Jensen, left Wednesday eve- Wyo:ing, spent last week as Stookey, Joseph Wirthlin of the The old immigrant trail to Cali- in the beautiful old Cedar valley. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jones are ning of this week for mission guest of Miss LaMae Stea?man. general committee, and Howard R. fornia, known as the "Simpson .visiting relatives at Heber City. headquarters at Louisville, Kend M 0 on Pnce are f d .... .•.ur. an d M rs. J ones were f ormer tucky where Mr. Jensen has been Mr. an rs. t rsf b by gir . 1 Dri·ggs' national representative o Spring Route," pony express an usidents of East Midvale. They appoi~ted as president of East ~~~np~~~d~;~~r~ ~nda ·Price · all Overland Trails and ponty e~- stagecoach roJuthe, tan~ also Nthet (Mrs. Maude Butterfield. Reporter) are at present occupying the For- Central States mission. were formerly of West Jordan, press and stage coach rou es m home of the o ns on s an:ny: o bush home on Union avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bartlett but now reside at Blackfoot, Ida. the United States. j being allowed to locate Withm 40 Leonard Berretto, Lorin Miller 1 • A service conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bates and returned Friday after spending Mr. and Mrs. Glen T~rn~r and William Snyder and James H. miles of Salt Lake City, Johnston and Douglas Miller ~eturned home us is a fitting final tribute Mr. and Mrs. Reese Davis of Twin the past five weeks at Logan family of Chicago Illmois, are t C d V Sunday after spendmtt two weeks k 1 l"alls, Id;~ho. were week end guests J where Mr. Bartlett attended the . •t· · f ·ends and relatives in Gardner were the loca spea ers. immediately came o e ar a 11ey at the world's fair in New York to a loved one. T h e VISl me: ri · • . a son of one m · July, 1858 WI'th a b out 3•000 · Brown an. o~~ M rs. F · D · B a b cock · summer course at the Utah Sta t e W~><:t Jordan and Midvale. . Wilham Snyd er IS Mr. and Mrs. Merrill 1 Mrs. May Smart, Mrs. Mary Agricultural college under direcMr. and M. rs. Lavon W~!tney of the soldiers of Johnston's army men, 600 wagons, and about 6,000 nounce the bi~th of a ~on ~unday, people of South Salt Lake 'l'hompson and children Mr. tion of Ralph Pearson, noted art and son, of Honolulu: Hawau, ar- who was a member of the famous head of horses, mules and cattle. July 14 at their home m Riverton. and Mrs. Pete Dow and children 1 critic and writer of New York, d · s lt Lak City Saturday 0 · A 1 tt 1 Vis ited Sunday afternoon with 1 and a di·rector of an art school in rive m a e k th · h ~ "crack" lOth infantry band which It is located in Fairfield (which Vernon S<;>renson, rgie Y e • County recognize and apThev expect to rna e err om . the army. He. at that time was but a small Eldred Hamilton were held speakers at Mrs. Mary Sorenson of Draper. I New York. More than 50 art in- in Utah. Mrs. w~itnev was form- came to Utah WI~h the pioneer execises at the 1 preciate our desire to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown an-i structors were in the class, ac- erly Miss Lucile Steadman, a and a Mr. McClam were the only. settlement of several hundred), on Riverton First ward at an open nounce the birth of a baby girl cording to Mr. Bartlett who re- dau~hter of Mr. and Mdrs. C.ME. two army men that remained in the south side of the spring rim, door meeting. • make a service simple, born Thursday of last week. Mrs. I ported it a most exceptioz:al . ~t Rdman of West Jor an r. v s son of Dr S B rown was formerly Thurs Berrett course. Mr. Bartlett is the art m- ' e. · f M. and Fairfield when the soldiers re- the only water in the vicinity. The ernon orenson, · · dignified and beautiful. Wh1tnev IS the son o r. . . c B Sorenson. returned home of Union. structor of the Jordan school dis- Mrs. H;o~rvey Whitney of Maple- turned to the States ill 1861. . civilians took the north side, the la.st Thursday, after spending the trict. ton. Utah. . The size of the monument IS little creek dividing them. They oast two years in Germany and Mr. and Mrs. Lavell Swenson Sunday evenmg th_e West Jor41Lx4ILx10 feet high, gradually 1 1·mmediately laid out a town about the eastern states mission. was announce the birth of a daughter d R 1· f soc1etv was rer• "• h' He f th Sunday, July 21. Mrs. Swenson is dan ~ard Me lew E Egbert was tapering at the top to two feet. It 3 miles long, bordering the water, accompanied home by IS a er, ) · rs. succeedmg · · . M rs. is located JUSt . meetAlvin him. E. Miller (Mrs. S. Peter Petersen, Reporter the former Miss Vera Stran d · M r. orgamze made president, sou th of th e. Fair- which flows in a southeas t er1Y d"1- who Mr.went and toMrs. 1 MORTUARY and Mrs. Swenson reside in Salt Albert Olson; Mrs. S. yv. Bateman, field hotel, on the south s1de of rection. The parade grounds, left Sundav to make their home in Accompanied by friends, Miss Lake City. first counselor, replaccmgd~rks. Eg- the county road and facing north.! shooting targets barracks, guard- Salt Lake ·city. 1 Erma Despain, left July 17 for a Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Weaver bert· and Mrs Sam un Ic • sec- · ' M d M Ed dB kstead MIDVALE. UTAH -o-weeks' vacati·on to Alaska. of Oaden announce the birth of a ' 1 · d. g Mrs C It is placed at the southeast corner / house officers' homes were locatr. an rs.. war ec .. w " ondsteadf!lan. counse or, Mrs. suceeRue m M. Leak · · of the old fort, w~I~h . w~s b UI'lt b Y ed in ' the western part, ' . the birth Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hand daughter on June ~6. Mrs .. Weaver E. J~st op- announce Monday, July . of a daughter Phone Midvale 152 22 had as their dinner guests Thurs- ~ the f ~r~er ~~sw;1;~~~ h~~~ was retamed as sec~etary. Mrs. the citizens at Fairfield m 1866-67. / posite the spring. The maill part f Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sullivan of day evening of last week Mr. and I am 1h ad Y·ghter Olson . has been president forrJhe The fort wall was 4x4 rods, ten of the camp, with their stock, was Salt Lake were guests of Mr. and ; Mrs. C~arles Anderson of Salt j on~r~ a~~ ~~s. Th~mas Estes of past five an<i,/ h~f y~ar:;,. ha~s~ feet high and 3 feet thick, as a in the south and east About 600 Mrs. Z. T. Butterfield on Sunday. Lake · Mrs · Fern Egbert for andoverrs.threeeayears. m Mr Mr. City. and Mrs. Elbert Despain of Mon t r.ose, C a l'f I ~:m;ua, . served protection from th e I n d.Ians. On homes built mostly · of a d ob es . · and Mrsd. hRolandM Page d and f RIDE THE NEW ••• f K nd Wayne . family returne ay aGranite, and Dr. and Mrs. A. V. en~ungs o M ISS Ion. Beach , Cali - James A . Ba t ez;nan ada school the monument f rom th e. t o p .down housed the soldiers. ter a nine days' orne trip toonGanado, Lindsay of Midvale motored to forma. M_rs. R~lph Sipple e~~GJ~~= G. Olson took t~err StuSn Yt is a bronze plaque picturmg a 1 It was a beautiful valley at that Arizona as guests of Mr. and Jackson Hole Wyoming last week dale. Cahforma, were gu classes for a swim a ara oga on 'd k' g the h D, D Ad d f '1 ' , ' t• Th ing the week of Mrs. Rose Stuart. Thursday evening. There were pony express ri er mar m . time, having no sage brus , no ·Mrs. . . . ~mson an am! y. end a few days vaca Ion. e Miss Shirley Dean Crowther of bout 25 who attended. Refresh- trail through Fairfield. The trail ' greasewood just one whole valley They also VISited New Mexico, Despams returned Monday eve- W lt . C l'f ·a is spending a d . 0 f t fr I • ' d Bryce and Grand canyons and the FAST THRU SERVICE TO ning a er1a, a I orni . ments were serve . itself IS only about 10 ee om ! with wavmg grass everywhere an t T d fore t and Mrs. C. R. Hawkins the summer as guest of The Book of claJs the monument. The little bridge! soldiers stock had plenty of naturKeith Mason I I ALL AMERICA" are moving from Salt Lake City mother, M_rs. Stua ' TathetohdeorheomBoeotho crossing a nearby stream is sti.ll 1 feed during their stay in Utah. Doyle Nokes, Jack Stephensen and back to Granite today where they other relahves ill Sandy. M C 1 ft S t d f 111 Depot and Ticket Office · · · d f' ·t 1 Mrs Don Stuart and daughter, After the study hour refreshments in use. Next is a cement block m Fairfield immediately became a r. rUfi?-P e a ur ay or a t th R s 1 10-day tnp to southern canyons will l~ve m e illi e Y a e . . Nancy. Lou, of Fillmore, visited d . b ll h' h . . d Hawkms home were ser~e . . which a large cannon a w Ic rustlmg busmess center, an a and Los Angeles California. · · · with relatives Sandy and BingA special t pwneer program A number of· lady miSSIO?~r!es ham during theinweek. th t wa-; eet was picked upon the camp grounds town was built on the civilian side 1 Mrs. Arthur Olson was hostess TURE PETERSON from Salt Lake City ~nd vicmio/ The officers of Wasatch Rebek- presented a e s~cram~I?- h m - and was donated by John Hutch-~ of the stream and soon one solid to the members of her school class SANDY Phone Mid. 275 who.formerly ah lodge were installed Thursda.Y ing ~undll:Y ~vet~mgtwthic w~~ ings of Lehi The block is given block of stores hotels saloons and oa~t~h~e::r~h~o~m~e~o::n~F~r~id~a~y:_.~G~u~e::s::ts~in~-~===::::::::::::::::::==::::::::::::::::===• f L D Sserve.d.m the Calitl especially mteres mg o ose w · . , , . = ornia. · · ·. ffiiSSIO?, recen Y evening at the I 0. 0. F. hall m attended. the date 1939. Next IS the large l gambling houses, dance halls With orgamzed a soc1al sewmg club to Sandv, bv DI'str1·ct Deputy Kather11 t Th ·1 d t· f 1a Ives rom a plaque containing the his ory. A of reId convene every two week s. L as t 1·ne N. Wright, as follows: Mrs. rt number f th tat h and Wyo ·e all of their accessories prevai e W e d nesd ay evemng 0 mings oattended ser-- monument number I·s 82. It IS and flour1'shed. Fai'rfi'eld became 1 · th ey me t at Marcella Eck, noble grand: M rs. pa e s e,the a funeral the home of Miss Clara Ebert of Agnes Setterberg, vice grand; Mrs. vices of Mrs. Carrie Andrus Gard- shellacked and is. considered .or~e known as the one lawless town _of I Granite. Dainty refreshments were Myrtle Poulson, treasurer; Mrs. ner, and Mrs. Elizabeth Irving of the bost beautiful and artishc 1 Utah. It was the third largest c1ty served. Hazel N1'choll, secretary. ld 1 t k f 11 · · th · h b't Officers and t each ers o f th e MI'ss Mabel Larson of Sandy Gardner, he c ld as wee · St in its series. The o owmg IS e ill. Utah, containing 7,000 m a I G ranit e ward S un d ay sch oo1 and and Miss Lucille Bailey of Draper · full p orage ·ty wordi'ng on the plaque: The West Jordan ants. It 1's also told that owing to th e1r · par t ners were feted at a de- in company with frien d s. re tu rne d Persons plant is wishing running lockers ill ca fruits aci. · No. 82 the move from Salt Lake CI'ty for lightful lawn party and weiner Friday from a trip. t~ San. Fran- or vegetables, inquire of Donald Erected August 24, 1939 {on account of the soldiers) Fairroast at the Clifford Green home ci·sco, where they visited with re,f R d d road CAMP FLOYD h d in Wasatch last F ri'd ay evenmg. latives and attended the worlds Hogan, corner h'o h e woo · FAIRFIELD - field, including soldiers, a a Chinese checkers, bingo and croand Bingham Ig way. FORT CRITTENDEN. larger population than Salt Lake fair Many West Jordan residents atquet furnished the evening's enMrs. Luella Voorhees and Mrs. tended the rodeo in Salt Lake and In 1855 Fairfield was settled by City for about one month. For 1 tertainment followed by the toast- Art Nell of Manti, were guests Ogden, and the parade in Salt 1 John Carson, William Carson, about three years the city was, ing appreciation of weiners and during the week and of Mr. and Mrs. Lake during Covered Wagon Days. David Carson, William Beardshall known as Camp Floyd, Cedar In formarshmallows. services ren- J. M. Woodhouse family. 10 A. M.-Mammoth Parade-100 Floats-10 Bands dered as organist in the Sunday The mothers' and daughte_rs' and John Clegg. A rock fort 4 rods county, the legislature having deschool, Mrs. Emerson Hand was annual outing of Sandy Third square was erected in 1856-57, this signated this western valley as NOON-FREE CHICKEN SANDWICHES presented with a lovely crystal ward, sponsored by the ward Y. monument being at the southeast Cedar county. Everything boomed 1 P. M.-Stunt Flying-Air Circus-Thrills-Chills salad set. J. M. Whitmore, accom- w. M. I. A., be held Tuesday ay YOU corner, which was the entrance. ! here, the buying building Bishop afternoon in will Cottonwood canyon 2 P. M.-Baseball-Provo vs. Helper-League Game panied by his sister, Mrs. Melba under direction of the ward Y. w. FISHER'S, SCHLITZ In 1860 the population, including material, foodstuffs and also dis6 P.M.-Mammoth Parade-100 Floats-10 Bands Deming and also an aunt, Mrs. M. I. A. officers with Mrs. Luella and soldiers, was 7,000, this being posing of their surplus supply for Ellen Bernard, of Oklahoma, at- Hardcastle, president, in charge. BECKER'S BEST BEER utah's third largest city. almost anything they could get, 8 P. M.-Big Stadium Show-Ford V-8 Sedan Given tended reunion of the Grange - ON DRAUGHT Camp Floyd, adJ'oining Fairfield which proved a great blessing to family aheld last Saturday and 9:30 P. M.-Official Dances--"By" Woodbury and His Sunday in Huntington canyon. Mr. on the south and west, was estab- utah. 1, N. B. C. Band at Latona; Howard Nelson Whitmore's mother was the late lished July 4, 1858, by Bvt. Brig. Johnson's army remained here and His Band at Poultry Day Gardens Elizabeth Grange Whitmore of ARNOLD TROESTER. Prop. (, Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston and three years, and in July, 1861, Huntington. They returned home Good Line the Utah expeditionary forces were called back on account of the Sunday evening. . s f ofs 1 ALL DAY - MONTE YOUNG'S RIDES and SHOWS Dr. J. Fred Potter was a bus1.USED TIRE or a e numbering ::ibout 3,000 men. Col. Civil war. They sold their sur'll th Ph Mid ale 48 Phone Midvale 298 ness visitor at Minersv1 e IS one v Phillip St. George Cooke succeed- plus equipment as best they could, week. UNION EAST MIDVALE I I J I I I I I OLD CAMP FLOYD I I FRANK HICKS HICKS Cleaning ANDY S SIMPLICITY ~~~~~o~~s~n~:friham BEAUTY RIVERTON • M:s. I J an~ . I I GRANITE C. I. GOFF & SON I I I':=:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;::: f~r M~. BURLINGTON DieseLiner Buses ~ose he~gra~:d ~or~?n {f!~t Sundra.yaneveni~g: pe:J'A1~ Free~~n Utah Oil Station I POULTRY DAY ° American Fork, Saturday, July 27 Something Doing Every Minute! FOOD TheW Ml•dvaJe G arage Like It JACKS Deluxe LUNCH ~~ ~oldiers |