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Show • RESULTS GIVEN IN SOFTBALL Ree~marks •By the Editor • Judging from the flood of political announceme nts in every issue of the daily press, there will be no dearth of candidates in the Volume 7-No. forthcoming elections. Th~re m':st ~ *30 * LEAGUE PLAY MIDV ALE, UTAH * * * * * * * * A Publicati on Devoted to the Welfare and Progress of the Jordan Valley Friday, July :£~:'!!~~~:,:.~!~::'·::I AMERICAN FORK 'Local People Har ves t Day s "Ki ng and Q eenII on es To :1!~v~~et~;! t~e~~:~~~/a~~~ INVITES All TO Seek Offices I u • ~~e~l::t:~i:~o~~:~ :::e~ ~~~;e 2~: "POULTRY 0AY" Mrs. A. C. Jensen c t 26, J940. ~~~r;~:?~j.~:r,g:~~ St t The Jordan district softball league is gaining much favor with ar tiD~;m~:yl:-~re played Monday I~;~~;d:~ ~:a:n~~:a:: :~!~:~e~~ 1Umon boys of the 'A' league won the weather starts to cool off. We A "King and Queen" contest, open to all boys over Draper with a 5-2 count when LOCAL PIONEER LADIES/ Asks Re-Election hope that this year will be no exyoung Beardon, hurler for the win' ' GIVEN AIRPLANE RIDE and girls of southern Salt La ke count y, lS American Fork has dusted off ception. Even a little snow right ners held the Draperites to three getting Mrs. A. c. Jensen of Sandy, I the "welcome" mat and is extendnow would be welcome. ' b h h · who has the distinction of being I Mrs. Bessie Forbush, 82, of un d erway In connectio n wit t e ig 'Harvest Days" hits. Union girls claimed a game ing a hearty invitation to all cen-o-16 9 'th g' ls from Drap A the only woman member of the Union, and Mrs. Annie Green- ce1e b ra t'IOn, to b e staged h ere a WI' er IT and 23 22 21, ugust • Mahlon B. Olson. formerly of tral Utah to join in celebrating state anhas term, senate last count after Draper girls were ' th • , , , , were Midvale, East of 82, wood, d e the 1940 edition of Poultry day, West Jordan an now m 2 compared nou~ced h~r c~ndidfacy for D~mo- among the honored guests of the 4 by the M1dvale K1wams club Wlth the cooperati on credited with 19 safeties Orient with Uncle Sam's navy, on Saturday, July 27. 10 The contest will select young with 11 safe hits for the winners. With something doing every' cratlc nommatiOn or r~e ec ~· Daughters of the Utah Pioneers of local merchant s. writes to his parents as follows: Bluffdale boys in th 'C' 1 g 1 " over " "I sure do enjoy reading The minute, Poultry day will be a real Mrs. Jensen ~tates t~at If she IS who took an airplane ride Union boys ;ith aealO~: downed events. eve- roya ty to reign over the festival Sentinel. I keep up on all the celebration.T wo mammoth parades elected she Will contmue to se~ve I Salt Lake valley Tuesday score. between be must • All entrants ·g . b the people to the best of her ab1llty nm h . t d happenings almost as if I were · d f 11 th an a grea evenmg s ow WI11 e f For the scheduled games ·played the ages of five and 12 years, and 00 0 ~ . . Mrs. Forbush, a member of the I. in the States and not a thousand the highlights. The parades will' or ~goo must have 100 votes to insure re- Tuesday evening of this week at Durmg the l~gislatlve s~ssiOn she Union Fort camp and Mrs. Greenmiles away." Mahlon receives offer a colorful array of street gistrati·on m· th e con t es t , c . E . Midvale city park, Tunnel won a 1 . /served . . ' the wood, an honorary mem b er 0 f th e . . . . on f1ve . committees ihe paper every Week • and is one pageantry and the thnllmg mUSIC Matthews, chairman, states. Regis- victory over Midvale with an 11-6 both of our man!' appreciative far· I of ten bands, and the big evening J~dJCJary, el~ufcabtlonk. socia~ rela- Sharp camp of East Midvale, tration may be made at The Sen- count in the Boys 'A' league. show will offer an entertainme nt- tlons andre 1e .•. an mg an co.m- , report a most delightful half hour away subscnbers. tinel off1·ce or at Judge M a tth ews• be will books following The . . th merce and mmmg and smeltmg spen t m Union downed West Jordan 9 . _......____ e a1r. packed program of vaudeville acts who All Shop. _____,_ Apparel the store, of branch Midvale the to added co-sponwas also tra'ght committees. She t t . to 6 in the Boys' 'C' league when • Midvale has two "cronies" who 1 f t . t l'b th s lt L k . . s I ea urmg en er amers desire to compete in the contest sysrary I Y coun e a a e • I bills. maJor several of sor new A ·ts . t' b' th the winners collected four safeties are opposing each other in the, f t em, M on d ay, J u 1Y 29 : . M an t'1 · crrcm 1me are urged to register as soon as e Ig1 rom m born was Jensen Mrs. at away gi·ven be wi'll off F. Borden and R. Jones, while automobi'le Clarence Judge ensuing election. "Ch a d H anna " , b Y wa lter D · possible. h f er ore Be parents. tat pioneer. of I h held the losers to Matthews is running for s e th · Edmon ds- A nove1 w h ose pJCaresthe first places- G. Pugmire of Winners ow. s e & was she Jensen, C. A. to marriage the t f three safe hits. Th d , l'f · representati ve on the Democratic A . d t . . e ay s program eat ures m an instructor at the Jordan high que e ai1s mirror mer1can l e "king and queen"-wil l each red th Herriman triumphed over Sandy t f' Bagley Ben Attorney and ticket, t'U ·t Irs mammo para e a 10 a. ·• school. Mrs. Jensen has been an as a prize, . bicycle fine a ceive ago. ry cen a was 1 as Emthe of outing annual The 11 - 1 count is aspiring to the same office on thousands of free chicken sand"Hello Life!" - A choice col- and it is understood that other Third ward with an . . cus at 1 P active worker in the Democratic ployes Welfare association of the t . h the losheld the Republican ticket. Both are Butterfi'eld J when lecti'on of poems, edi'tori'als and awards will be made Further de · . . ch airman . a nas t v1ce . party, and IS CIT arr noon, a es WIC h Frih' held t be k t' will . smelter Midvale hits. safe 4 to ers · unopposed on their 1c e s • w 1ch m., Utah Industrial league base"' bits of prose from the writings of tails will be found in next week's means .that they w ill b a tt1: ea~ ball game at 2 p. m., evening par- of both district and precinct or- day, August 9, it was announced Elsie Talmage Brandley, chosen Sentinel. Although Midvale girls were t ganizations. She now represents 1 this week by John Wheadon, h t d' t 6 other m the general election m 1 d to one hit by Nelma Johnheld A. I. M. the on Juniors the for S alt L a k e . chairman. The usual fine program Progressing Plans a ow s Celebration IUm a s p.d m., a e a the in ll f district her ff' . d t November. These two e ows are/ According to Joe Warner Earl son, hurler for Crescent, Gene's 0 JCI~ 1h' a~ce~ county committee. 8 .~h ~B' .~~ will be held, and it is expected reading list. good friends and business associ"Forty Years A Country Preach- Smith and M.S. Peterson, g~neralJ Confectione ry girls of Midvale Mrs. Jensen is also past presi- that large crowds will attend. ates, and no matter who wins, he Wid H y d ~ 1 ury a~ h'Is band with Assisting Mr. Wheadon on the er", by George B. Gilbert-"T he committee in charge of the cele- edged Crescent out of a win dent of the Democratic Women's I will still retain the other's friend- ~ t o~ar , e s~~ an ;s ha:~ Tront~~ also show0 bration, plans are being worked 1 a 4-5 score. w~~ ;rovi~~~ ;~de~h:;ls f~r the Stu~y group of Sandy and _past outing committee are Henry Gos- Typical Country Minister" writes out ship. very satisfactoril y for a great ed outstandmg ability . on the include I president of the Sandy coordmat- man, Clarence Palmer, Charles of his experiences which h' d d . g th d . 1 1 were -<>-mound when Cresce n t g ITs • th'mgs b esJ'd es preac mg. '1 . . e ay. four-show festival and it is excarniva crow s urm many Henry Jensen, William Cockayne, counc1 mg shape taking • Plans are rapidly "Working With Words", by Lor- pected that there' will be plenty limited to 2 hits. She is a member of the Salt Nelson and Walter Wright. The events have been arranged for the greatest four-day celeThe program of events for Smel- · ine Pruette-A survey of the vari- of entertainme nt to attract thoubration ever staged in this city. so that out-or-town people may Lake Council of Women and the in a ous occupations in which the abil- sands of people from all parts of The Kiwanis club committee on come aft~r work ~nd still "get in" "Order of Women Legislators" , ter Day will be published ity to write well is a primary tool. the county. "Harvest Days" is really going on the big attractiOns, the parade, • d a member of the Democratic later issue of The Sentinel. The Hildebrand Bros. Carni"The Living Thoughts of Volio town with a program that will stadium show and official dances. ~omen's Club of Sandy; the Salt taire", presented by Andre Mau- vale has been engaged to show Lake County Dem,ocratic club and give Midvale and surrounding roise, who tellls of this great man's here during the entire celebrathe Central Democratic Club of territory something to look forand selects the essence of his tion. Their attractions consist of life Salt Lake City. ward to. Remember the dates, many rides. concessions and acts thought as shown in his writing. Mrs. Jensen is also active in the August 21-22-23-24, and hold evA brand new 4-room "model "Fix It Yourself", by the Popu- and will be located at Dahl's various auxiliary organization s in erything for the grandest time I home" is on display on South lar Science Monthly - Equipped field on North Main street. the L. D. s. church. you ever had. Ball games, band concerts, races Grant street by George Boskovich, with drawings and diagran;s, this --o--book tells you how to take care of and sports, and other attractions the man who has developed the Midvale Justice Files • There was no merchants' softtoo numerous to mention will be South Grant subdivision in MidTomato grade improvemen t will hundreds of home repair jobs. Next year's AAA farm program ball game this week for two reabe discused at a meeting to be l "Radio As A Career", by J. L. featured during the celebration, vale. sons: Wednesday was a holiday will continue emphasis on soil For Legislativ e Seat 14 at Hornung-H ere are all the sub- M. S. Peterson said today. I The house is modern in every c. E. Matthews, justice of the held at 1 p. m. August and practically everybody was out conservation , give increased oprespect, with a full basement, and county jects necessary to know in order celebrating; and, besides, the boys portunity for adapting the pro- peace at Midvale, since January 1, Draper, V. L. Martineau, is an ideal home for a small famagent reports. Grow- to get into the various kinds of WEST JORDANIT E ENDS arc resting up for the next en- gram to fit the individual farm 1939, announced Saturday he will agricultural ers, pickers, canners, graders, and ra d'10 work · ENLISTME NT IN U.S. NAVY ily. The public is cordially invitcounter and some of them are requirement s and provide features be a candidate for Democratic sortcrs are invited to attend the h "TI1 e Th cory 0f Pl ay " · b Y M't 1c ed to inspect the home, which will nursing sore hands and fingers that strengthen the ever-normal nomination as state representati ve be offered for sale by Mr. BoskoI arrived Furse Yeoman George P. Mason-Pres enting, as a granary program of balanced from the Seventeenth legislative meeting.school is sponsored by the ell and received in the last fray. problem t'me ure le· th f lt The ' home July 16 after completing a I vich. - 1 e Js rcsu 0 district. abundance and production. --o-con - four-year enlistment with the the of pretat1'ons te · d service, inspection ral-state e fed mo ern m r · Born in Taylorsville, Mr. MatThat is the prediction James H. • It is regrettable that the HarUtah State extension service, and st rue t'tve v alue of play · United States navy. About four GARDNER FAMILY HOLDS tt vest Days celebration wasn't rep- Jensen, chairman of the Salt Lake thews has been in the mercantile the cannmg industry for the purWest", the of Throbs "Heart REUNION AT w. JORDAN · d business in Midvale since 1917. He months ago he was made a pe y .m S a lt county AAA comm1'ttee receive . resented in the big parade Carter B Kate Mrs by rompiled farmers to out pointing of pose officer third class of the yeo· · · ' Lake City July 24. Practically all from those who represented U t a h served two terms as president of the possibilities of increasing their Deal1'ng \"I'th 24 def1.n1'te ph~ses of ' · · work. doing office man branch u y the old Midvale Lions club and income from tomatoes. The Gardner fam1ly reumon was ' / recordensuing celebrations throughout at the national AAA conference. pioneer life in Utah many For the past year George has held at West Jordan Saturday at. . ' Mr. Jensen said that according now is a member of the Kiwanis . the state had floats in the parade, . Representin g the federal-state ed by Mormon PIOneers and their / been on the east coast ' stationed 1 ternoon and evenmg. A fme prowhich afforded some very fine to the information' he has received club. ·n b e L · W · d escen d an t s. · t' · · . at Norfolk Virginia. Last year he He has been active in local civic mspec JOn servtce WI gram, under d1rectJon o. f Mrs. ._ . advertising. However, we learn- from those representativ es, several ' . ,· "Unknown Ethiopia", by James I "ISited Brewer of Salt Lake City and the San Francisco expos1 Mark Gardner and Ml'ss Lile Brad. that the local committee did not new soil-building practices have and church affairs and favors some of his assistants. Dr. A. L. E Baum The account of a sci - tion and recently he visited the ·· < at 2 p. m. have time to prepare a float-a been recommende d for the 1941 "common sense legislation for the Stark, extension horticulturis t, expedition which uncover- New York fair and other places of ford, was held t'f'c . 1 1 en of instead people the of majority was served to 400 dmner hot A . job wl'jich requires plenty of time program. will represent the state extension ed romance and adventure in this mterest d t th e war d guests from 54!.to 7 a • Principal recommenda tions of trick legislation for the few". and hard work. and little known land · strange service. an George 1s the son of Mr. · after wmch ·a ptcture show interest to farmers of Salt Lake Dennison Co · Mrs. Alfred C. Furse of West J or- chapel 'Fun For All" • bv Mr. Martineau says that U. S. •ts . . · portra1 of senes a of cons1stmg Runs Page Gwynne for ideas clever of full include: book county No. 1 grade tomatoes are worth -A C of the various branches of the dan. 1 That in designated areas a farm$12 per ton while No. 2's are party decorations. n ommissio County For of percent 50 maintains he if er, family was shown. Dancing follow"Your Baby's Care" - An atselling for $5.25 per ton. He points GIRLS JORDAN WEST Gwynne Page, Riverton business out that most of the difference in tractively bound and arranged I a 1a t e h our. ed un t'l I t~e cropland on his farm in pere~1 h · D S INDUSTRIE L. S. VISIT on G ard ner was genera c air• mal logums or grasses, be permit- and civic leader and active for grade is made up in the harvest- duplication of the government man, assisted by David Gardner. Members of the Salt Lake coun- ted to earn a part of his soil-build- many years in the developmen t of ing of tomatoes and that pickers pamphlet, "Infant Care". M rs. Ed na G . H ogan, M rs. Cl ara Maurine Beckstead, Fay Rea Lake Salt and county Lake Salt supty fair board Wednesday selected in-g allowance by carrying out and sorters can "make or break" Subscribe to The Sentinel now. Webb, Bernice Atwood, Ruth Richards, Miss Virginia Haun and August 29 to 31, inclusive, as dates plemental practices not normally City Thursday announced his can- a farmer. Webb, and Myrtle Steadman, Mrs. Irma Evans were on the din· of the 1940 fair, to be held at the carried out on the farm. This didacy for the Democratic nominamembers of the Lucky Seven 4-H ner committee. fairgrounds, adjacent to Murray would allow farmers to use prac- tion for county commissione r, twoclub of West Jordan enjoyed a tices needed on the farm, but year term. city park. to various department stores, tour "A common sense administraAt a meeting Tuesday night in which are not provided in the JORDAN DISTRICT the Singer Sewing Machine comprinbusiness sound on based tion, the Murray city hall, the board program. SOFTBA ll GAMES parry, and the General Electric That allotments on farms con- ciples" is Mr. Page's pledge. "I I . named to preside over the fair as last City, Lake company of Salt "officer of the day" the following: sisting of newly developed or would seek to save wherever pos- 1 Boys' B League week. I First day, William Kasworm of I cleared land be limited by state sible and to expend only when July 30-Midvale vs. West The purpose of the tour was to I Three construction projects in library room, which will house the Taylorsville , first vice president of committees to make them rela- necessary," he said. suit- Jordan, at Midvale. A son of the late Thomas P. 1Jordan school district totaling Union branch of the Salt Lake select patterns and materialsd the board; second day, E. 0. tively smaller than allotments on · J u 1y 31- H err1man will be able for school dresses, an a 1so vs. G ran· nearb y " old f arms , w h ere sub - Page, who served in t h e stat e 1 more than $77,000 are proceeding county public library and B ro th ers o f E as t C rescen t , pres1D t •t open to the public. raper. to get ideas on making curta·ms 1 e, a · . 1 a dj us t ments are b emg house of representati ves for many acording to schedule, Dr. c. N. d ent of th e b oard · stant 1a 1-Sandy 3rd vs. SanAugust tables. dressing decorating and fibeing is project entire The years, the candidate is a member made by old growers. d f t · t d' 1 h b d disthe Jensen, superintend ent of Mrs. Drake, club leader, accom- dy at Midvale. un s, IS ric Y sc 00 nance That if sugar beet acreage al- of a pioneer Utah family. A naDESCENDA NTS HOLD SOCIAL Boys' A League panied the girls. with no federal aid. Granddaugh ters and great- lotments are necessary in 1941, tive of Scofield, Mr. Page has Iiv- trict, said Sunday. The projects July 31-Riverto n vs. Mid- · Construction on the underpass and regranddaugh ters of Robert Pixton they be on a county basis instead I ed in Riverton practically his en- include a $70,000 building at Draper. vale, school, from the Union school building to Sandy Schoool Band and Elizabeth Cooper Pixton met of the factory district basis, as at· tire life, engaging in farming in his modeling program at Union August !-Union vs. Tunnel, To Give Performa nce a $4,000 pedestrian underpass con- the new playground site across youth. at Pioneer hall in West Jordan present. Midvale. at While still maintaining his in- necting Union school with a new Seventh (700) East street was Tuesday, July 16. Luncheon andl That three practices be adopted August 2-Draper vs. South · labor is WPA Saturday. heating started first band concert of the The Th t . th' d · games were enjoyed by 85 per- for orchards featuring mainten- terest in agriculture, Mr. Page playground and a $3000 high b ledmgl use ond lSt prfOJtehc · h ~~season by the Sandy school band Jordan, at Drap~r. sons. The event was held in honor· ance of permanent cover in irri- started in business, managing a tunnel between Sandy junior Boys' C League e sc oo will be presented Wednesday, o. P aygroun eas o of Robert Pixton's entrance into gated orchards and vineyards, large county general store for and elementary school buildings. July 30-Lark vs. Union, at Six new classrooms, including ~Ill be abandoned, and condstrul c- July 31, at 6:30 p. m. on the lawn the Mormon battalion on July contour irrigation on sloping vine- more than 10 years. The expeMidvale. ·t d · · h' h h h an Pay ball park of a new D of t e 5 an y Junior 1g sc oo1, 1 yards and orchards, and contour rience gained in merchandisi ng a shop and music room, are being fhon'lit' h tl ill b . 16, 1847. July 31 _Bluffdale vs. West d b y B enny b h r. Y, or s w Th egm was the incentive to Mr. Page to 1 added to the Union school. All J ac1 1es .d .11 as een announce d planting of fruit and nut trees. 1 at Draper. Jordan, e P aygroun WI Schmiett, instructor. That a practice for the removal organize the Riverton Motor com- but six of the remaining class- ensen sm · *HONOR ROLL August 2-Draper vs. East Mr. and Mrs. Schmiett returned re be built with school district funds. New subscribers: Mrs. R. A .• of diseased and uneconomic apple pany, 20 years ago. That com- rooms are being completely at Draper. Midvale, The 600-foot heating tunnel con- during the week from a month's pany today is one of the largest modeled. Bush, and Earl Smickle, Midvale. trees be provided. Girls' Teams 1 That, as in 1940, a commercial in the county. Among the innovations students! necting Sandy school buildings vacation trip. Renewals: Cook Coal & Lumber vs. South 0-Riverton July -----3 Mr. Page, as a member and will see on the opening day of will be built with a $3000 NY A Co., and J. w. Vranes, East Mid-~ vegetable allotment be established Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Pix- Jordan, at and appropriatio n. The application for vale; I. M. Shaw, Ruth Meisner, in counties designated as commer- past president of the Riverton school are enlarged toilet July 3 l-Union vs. Crescent, their three daughters, a ton, faculty this sum has not yet been approvHenry Jorgenson, L.A. Beckstead, cial counties. That this designa- Commercial club, has sponsored locker rooms; a new men's Draper. at of office; ed in Washington, but an okeh is grandson and granddaugh ter, Mrs. Glen W. Richards, John T. tion apply to counties in which many movements designed to de-1 room and superintend ent's August 1-Gene's Conf. vs. and expected this week, Dr. Jensen Blackfoot, Idaho, were weekend Bolliger and Paul Boyce of Sandy, more than 400 acres of commercial velop Salt Lake county as well as new quarters for the cooking at Midvale. Riverton, Bateman guests at the James A. stair- said. and Mrs. Mary Orton, R. Franz, vegetables are normally grown on. Salt Lake City. He is a taxpayer sewing rooms, and concrete August 2-Union vs. South In the meantime, the tunnel was home in West Jordan. While here ways throughout the building as William Hurd and George Bos- farms producing more than 31 both in the city and county. at Draper. Jordan, lj Saltair, Lagoon, at excavated by a private contractor they visited A former member of the L. D. a fire hazard precaution. kovich, of Midvale, and J.P. Jen- acres. Upon recommenda tion of Mill Creek and Bingham canyons. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ , ; Plans are also made for a new last week. (Continued on Last Page) (Continued on Page 5.) sen of Louisville, Kentucky. I 1 New B ks Listed ( For Local L•b rary Smel•&er Qu•Ing & Se• f Or A UgUSI 9 ;: '?· I Model Home On 1941 AAA Progra m p I an s Empha size Soil Conser vation South Grant St. Now on Displa y Tomat o School Sel By County Agent I For A U gUS I 14lh I 1 I 1 1 1 I Dales Selecte d • For CounI y Fair I I Jorda n School Head· Reports • ts p rogress o n Three p rOJec I ' . |