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Show THE JORDAN Murray Society Mrs. William B. Erickson entertained the Ladies of the S. s. Sewing Club W ednes<Iay afternoon at h er home on Vine Street. Luncheon was served to twelve guests, after which the :>fternoon was spent in making glfts. . d · d Mrs. George D1mon entertame at a Children's party yesterday afternoon at her home in Mill Creek in honor the daughter, ninth birthday sary ofof her Fern. anniverChrist- IVLIJclg, hlr. and ••H<> • .uuKt ~ - a~>"• ••u. auu lvH.:;. ~-o1anu .C<~!$c anu 1\H. 11'1"' · ..;u.~n .!:'age. •u•. auu ••.u<>. uOnHHl ;:,. b;.H.:; ww """"'"a"'' ~·•'-'•1 <>u"" allu ua ... gHcc•;, aHu '""u· ..:HHU<-.:11 ac a u... ,...,. vu vlll'H''"w"'" """''. hH" u1nnuu.Y• ~ aumu'-'1· v1 H"·"'-'" :.u;._pll:;cu .L~ von 1 ,,..,,wo:a· a• 111" HVUI<=, ..11" v~,;<-<.· ,.vu JJ"•il6 ''"'" .t:.t''' u•nHc.aj, •u•u ~11, evc•l•ng wa:; "i!"'n~ u1 lHUti•C anu 111 ,·amc» auu reHc:.mucilLS w"'" :,o.:rveu "'w "'"" guo::s,::;. A 1a1ge cah.c w1LH cau· u•es ronneu we cemo::l· pHece. Wives, by Gamaliel Bra1ford-Har per and Brothers. This most prominent of American biographers offers portraits of the wives of seven famous Americans. The Glass Window, by Lucy Furman Lillte, Brown & Co. of sketch es of the An oth er senes · Kentucky mountaineers, told with Miss Furman's inimitable mixture of humor and pathor. The Fruit of the Family Tree, by AIbert Edward Wiggam-Bobbs-MerA rill. clear and reasonably exact descrip- THEATRE I The Ho.ne Keaumg anti L1brary I tion of the laws of heredity and the ;:;erv1ce o.r we -"'X~eHtilOH .UlV·"·o•' u... possibility of applying them eumas colors ilecorateli the rooms. He· Lilt! u 1u v~>•·:;,~,v o.r ut-aH "uou1us '"" · genically. The most popular nonh t f res men s were served to twelve. ' -. · G 1o11ow,ug u::.t a~ aruoH,. we ue:;~, oou--~ fiction book of the season. •rllss race Bateman entertaine,l o th Star Six Club at her home Monday O.l Wle ::.~.:asuH. l n1:; :,..:rv•<:e 1S t'-1!$'-'1 evening. Luncheon was served ~:> w a:s:;L:sL rl.!auers ~nu uooh.-•ove 1·,, U.} The Relief Society entertained at a · sugge.;Llllg uooK:s, uy Help•H!5 pt:U"1t: bazaar and 1 act play and prog1·am SlX. .Mr. and Mrs. David Platt are the to Huormal-1011, l)J' a•dlllg 111 vrepara- at the ward house on Tuesday. Reparents of a son, born to them durin~ twn 1 paiJen; or spee<:Hes, w "11\Jn, freshments were served to 150. the past week. by an:;w.,rwg any que~mon::; connect.eu Mr. P. C. Christensen returned to Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Wright will vis- Wltll books aH<.l reau1ng. it relatives in Logan the co.ning week. Ch1l<tren s twoKs, 10r Tllly ToLs her home Saturday after spending a Edward Jackson, who is attending Sama IJ!au:s m ~umnu~r, oy vou.p-l week at Payson. school in Logan arrived home today ton Jrlackenz1e, lJrawmgs oy A. a. 1 Mr.' Joseph Butterfield, Mr. James for the holidays. \'V atson-.>:iwll:e:>. 1 Steadman and sons, Jay and John, Mr. Mrs. Julia Kelly, of Ogden, was the Broomsticks, by Walter de Ia Mai·c-~Clifton Dens_ley, Mrs. Edward Marguestfamily of Mr.Tuesqay. and Mrs. Charles Whit'.l 'J'he h.nopl. and t;rst collection oi the tales oi th1:s gan, M"lSS. OJ'lVe Crane, ""'1rs. Lyman JOURNAL I ''The Center of Amusement" ° Mrs. Kate Gilbert will entertain the cnamung autnor. Butterfield and son, Ernest left Tuecimembers of the 0. N. 0. Club Wed- Doctor lJoouttLe·s .t.•o, by Hugh Loit- day for Caliiornia where the:,· will "t k visit for two weeks. nesday evening at her home. mg-.., o es. Mrs. Ralph Chamberlain and son All chHm·en who know Doctor DooMr. James S. Ferrell returned to hi::; Elliott, and daughter, Cary, of Salt llttle w.H b• ~;:ager ior tms booK. home from Canada on Thursday after L k d" Those wno uo not Jtnow hun ::moulu being away for several months. a e, were mner guests of Miss Mrs. z. T. Butterfield was hostess Daisy Simons Sunday at her home on no longer delay malung h1s acquamVine Street. tance. . to the officers of the Genealogical So1 Mr. and Mrs. James M. WaHace, of '!'he lJu;appointed Squinel, by w. H. ciety at her home la&t Wednesday, the Taylorsville, are receiving congratulaJ:iuuson. !Hustrate<1 by J.Harguenw evening was spent with music and tions over the arrival of a son born h.Jrrnse--!Joran games. . to them Tuesday. ' A beauclfully gotten up, as well a" The 9th grade, asststed by _ Mi:o; ~ Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Smith and exqu1s1tely wntten book. vne o£ tlle A_llen entertained at a pal;ty M?nday two little daughters, Floria, and M"aulovt:uest oi the seaso.a. mght at the school house. Gam~s rine, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith, !<or Older Uutdren we:e played and refreshments were will leave the coming week to spend Questers oi the lJesert, by James Wil- served to 45. . . the holidays in Los Angeles. lard Schultz-Hougnton-.!Vlnflin. Mr. ~~nest Gabnel~on and Mrs. A~ Mrs. J. Premo entertained the Star A story of the Hopi !ndtans. , G. Gabnelson spent :::iunday, guest 0 1 Six Club Wednesday evening at her 1J uay's l'eriect ). ear, by .t:thel Hume I.Mr~ and Mrs. Lenard Lovendahl on home. A two course luncheon was . :Bennett-Houghton-Mifflin. Su day. served. The guests included Miss Lu- A story of a gn·Js' school. Occasional minor earthquakes ar .. cetta Malstrom, Miss Bernice Watts, Every-day Sc1ence, oy i!.dith Lillian good things for the people of Uta:1 Miss Rachel Gibbs, Miss Thelma Hunt, Smith-Houghton-Mifflin. and the intermountain region, accon,and Miss Grace Bateman. The Christ A how-to-do-it book. ing to H. G. Mitchell of the geology mas idea was carrierl out in the decorFiction ations of the rooms, Tally Cards and Thunder on the Left, by Christopher department of the University of Utah. Minor earthquakes occuring frOJ 1 Luncheon Table. Morley-Doubleday, :Page & Co. Miss Bernice Watts will entertain Portrait of a Man With !ted Hair, by time to time are an assurance agaimL larger and more destructive tTembl the Club next Monday evening. Hugh Walpole-Doran A good adventure story by on of ings of the earth's crust, he explained The earth's interio1· is hot, b..tt is England's best story tellers. • gradually coo!ling off, and in th The Perennial Bachelor, by Anne Parcourse of this process, some area. rish-Harpe_r & Brothers. . . Mr. Edward Orgill, Mrs. Harry Page A most dehghtful novel of V1ctonan must shift to lower levels, just as do parts of the surface of an apple whe:. and daughter, Geneal Jeffs, Mrs. Carl days the fruit dries and shrivels up. Madsen, Mr. Thomas L. Densley, Mrs. Glorious Appolo, The Divine Lady, by Most earthquakes are caused by the Roy Glazier and four small children E. Barrington-Dodd,Mead. dropping of an area of the land a!on1': Mr. Vern Morgan, Mr. H. B. Jense~ Biography, in novel form. Authentic a crack in the surface of the earth, and Mrs. Sarah Nokes left Monday for j and told with grace and beauty. which is called a fault. If this slid California where they will visit for The Venetian Giass Nephew, by ]<;lining along the fault plane is gradual , two weeks. I or Wylie-Doran it is not so disasterous for the in The Primary Officers entertained A fantastic tale in oo. early Venetian habitants of the region about, as in at a Christmas party on Monday. A setting. It has been called a poem case the movement occurs less often. program was rendE'red a Christmas in prose. But it is more severe when it do e tree was decorated and Santa Clauo Biography and Belles Lettres gave out presents and refreshments The Romantic 'O's, by Richard Le coo:ne. Thirty-five years aKo, G. K. Gilwere served to 300. Gallienne--Doubleday-Page. bert, authority on the geological cor Mr. Thomas P. Page was pleasant- Autobiographical. Anything that Mr. ditions of the Great Basin, predicted ly surprised by his sons and daughGallienne writes is delightful. When ters on Monday, the occasion being he talks of himself he is irresistible. that Salt Lake City would suffer a his 75th birthday anniversary. Th~ The Doctor Looks at Biography, by great earthquake "within a fev. years". But since that time it ha~ evening was spent in a social way and Joseph Collins-Do1·an. been found that a gradual movemen refreshments were served to, besides A Neurologist's view of current litof the Wasatch fault between Neph the guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. T. erature. B. Sleater, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slea- Yule Fire, an Anthology, by Margue- and Colliston, Utah, is occurin_g an servE'3 to protect against any great deter, Mrs. Thomas I. Page, Mr. Gwynne rite Wilkinson-<Macmillan structive quake in the vicinity, acPage, Mrs. Hattie Freeman, Mr. and Contains all the familiar Christmas cording to present opinion at Utah' £ Mrs. Hans Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Z. poems and carols, and many that State University. T. Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. John I. 1 are difficult to find. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ,, YAKIMA CANUTT, the World's Champion Cowboy in omance • -=3 and = ust ers" SANTA CLAUS WILL BE H,ERE FRIDAY NIGHT. ALL THE KIDDIES WILL ,GET A PRESENT SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY l"h 1:,:: '="' 'Cf 1... 0 ':.; = !-~ --------- !I! I One of the Greatest Pictures Ever Made. Don't Miss It with George O'Brien. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY - THE GREAT HOLIDAY ATTRACTION • Clearest and Steadiest pictures that it is possible f\lr human brains and ingenuity to produce. See them and .be convinced. NEW SHIPMENT OF NEEDLE WORK HAS ARRIVED for YOU oot ere. o. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAy Corinne Griffith in "CLASSIFIED" "The Ho~ West Jordan New Battery of Projection Machines. Midvale's a Good Place to Trade. You can get most Anything at BOOTH'S, and We make Shopping a Pleasure BIG! of Quality" Of Ceurse ~/lfifi!:fi!fiYifi!fi!fi!:h!fi!h:nlfi!fi!fi!filfiYififiYllfi~, and get a FREE the BRUNSWICK WE GIVE CHRISTMAS EVE WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, A PROSPEROUS AND HEALTHFUL NEW YEAR 1 Milton Sills • and Doris Kenyon. See it-It's :::;; c1en The more ti<'kets you getl the greater your chance of WINNING like IRIS THEATRE ,. ' combination At the I Midvale's Big Department Store a great scene drama get a great ' I Riverton Only once in a long time does Just a word to call your attention to the fact that we appreciate your · patronage and ,,,.e are callin&" upon every resource to satisfy your motion picture longings. And at this particular season we wish you A MERRY CHRIS1rMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Erma Winters who has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shephard the last year and Albert Jensen, of Salt Lake, were married Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, at Salt Lake City. Mrs. G. G. Bywater and son, Dav:d, of Westwood, California, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Goodrich. A large crowd attended the fun eral of brother Fred Cooper, wh1ch was held in the Ward Chapel Sunday. Mr. Cooper was loved and respected bv everyone who was fortunate enough to have known him. Mrs. Lydia Bateman and daughter,•. Lucile, spent Monday in Salt Lake. Our Xmas dance will be held Saturday night, December 26th. Good music and a good time assured for all. 1r1rs. Charles Hogan is home after • ;;pending several weeks at . ~oldier ' Summit visiting her daughter, 1\.In .. Alden Barrett. Ezra Milier and family, of Riverton, were dinner guests of Mrs. Ernest .:>1lcox Saturday. Gwenth ~1lcox and Grace Malstrom went to Salt 'Lake last week and saw the "Trail of the Lonesome Pine" at the Wilkes Theatre. Mr:s. Leonard Severson and baby, 1 Louis, Mrs. Joseph Bills and children. · of Riverton, visited Mrs. Ernest Sil- ' cox Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Jones announce the engagement of their son, Less, to Edith Wengren, of Murray. The Marriage will take place soon. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Todd are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a son, born Friday, Dec. 18th. Ottis Yates is home after spending several months at Tremonton. Wednesday night of last week the Parent Teachers Association gave a dance in the Auditorium of the New School house. The school gave a most entertaining program and operetta Monday evening, every one present felt t~ congratulate the teachers on their successful efforts with their pupils. The little bady of Mrs. Parley Spratling is improving after being seriously ill for some time. A large number of the ward are taking advantage of low rates and are1' spending the holidays in California. Seth Nordberg is takin,g charge of ~ooper's Store while Frank is spendmg several weeks in Caliiom:a. Thou61at and Act 'on The createat eTents or nn "!:"" .. 1t11 belt thou~hta. It Is tht> nattJrt thought to tlnd lts way Into n<'tlon Bone. RENDEZVOUS DANCE HALL MIDVALE'S OWN USUAL SPLENDID MUSIC December 25th Christmas Nia-ht. December 31, 1925 The last day of the year, The first day of the year. January 1st, 1925. Dance all nia-ht if yon please. BE THERE! So many special features space will not permit enumeration. • r • This Time Of The Ytar 'For Everyone To Wish everyone else a MERRY CHRISTMAS, we eonsider it a privilege to wish our friends and customers a l\fcrry Christmas. We hope that we may see you in person to extend our best wishes to you, but if not, please consider this message as direct from our hearts. Midvale Drug MIDVALE, UTAH |