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Show ,, THE JORDAN JOURNAL. MIDVALE. UTAH ~oxox~~xoxo.ocoxol ---- - - - -Hillllllll!lllllllllllllll MY FAVORITE STORIES .. The Cow Punchu·" .. The Homesteaders•• By ROBERT STEAD WNU SeTVfee bJ' Robert Stead By IRVIN S. COBB C.X.:rd~rht +1-H-1 I I I I I I I l I I I t I I I I I I I I Jo (Cop;yrl"ht.) arrested by a commotion In the rear. Ius of turkey with cranberry sauce ence. An' after awhile he says, 'J11ke, So the lloor was cleared: The door, A Scotchman'• Conscience It was .Take with the "Hying ants,'' and scnlloped potatoes jus' another and boiled mlruge; turyou know, those when opened, revealed a wedate of The purchasing agent of a big job-11and with Bella Donna and the minisnips and creamed carrots would have phenom'na'-that's what he called It snowstorm whfstlln: lty, but ln:slde the bing concern In San Francisco Is a ''Merry Christmas I" be crleu. "Tht> ter and Reddy In his cutter. He was stirred to gayety hearts much heavier -'on the prairie that makes you think wintry . weather was forgotten and the Scotchman. He rave an extensive merriest ever-ever!" He hl'ld out both arms, and we all shook hands at standing up. \'\'"nvlng the loose ends of thun ours, and It soon developed Into things Is what they ain't. I.et's go tremor of our ~;hanty's Umbers passed order-indeed, the total ran Into many once. and I suspect that the briue- the reins about his head, and imprecat- u nollsy and frolicsome meal. The tur- down town,' he says, an' on the way unnoticed. Reddy had mounted him- thousands of dollars--to a salesman elect pressed a chaste kiss upon his Ing his horses Into a gallop. In a mo- key was an enormous bird; the at· he tells me what's In the ticket. Well, self on our own table-the hi&" one had for a supply house. Although he had tack of all our hungry party left the I thought he was lea<lln' for a bar, been tuken out, In pieces- and was obtained the business In open competi- UQH, why can't I have a skin like cheek. But Jack, as lawful owner, ment he was upon us. other girls? Why do I have to ''Out o' the way, you old married skeleton not entirely stripped. 1 re- which Is the best place I know of to twisting the strings of a violin to tune. tion, and by virtue of the excellence could afl'ord to be generous. Jean have these ugly pimples, blotches and took no such liberty. That would people,'' he shouted. "I don't blame member that one of the little H.tn· raise a new mira:e when your old Presently his bow cut loose a dt·one of his wares and the low ligures he blackheads? )'OU fer goln' slow, but don' hold up sens, venturing up like Oliver Twist one goes bust, but dunged 1! he don' or danl'lng rhythm, and feet b!'&"an to quoted, the salesman felt gratitude at bave been dU!erent. "If I could only find something that the percession.'' with a demand for head more, me was Into soundly a jewelry store. And tap the plain j)lne boards of the floor. would clear up my skin and give me being f~tvored and sou~tht a way to ~'he lnslcle of Spoof's shack was alRut Spoof had no Intention that the back my so!t, rosy complexion, I know rapped on his yellow there head he huys by a dt·umthis." "Pardners all!" show Jake lt. commanded. ways an example of orderly overl would be the happiest girl ln the bride and t'l'oom should surrender the st!ck In the heavy hand of Ole, but Jake delved Into a pocket and It was evident he was to be master He knew he dare not otrer the Scot crowdir.at. It was full of useless furworld! "What can I do?" niture, Inappropriate clothing, fire- place of honor. With mauy strange the children as a whole were well be- brought out a little gold pendant, a of ceremonies; he had just taken a a commission; likewise a gift of Is that you talking? If It ts, you arms, saddles and bridles. cnrtrlllge adJectives he goaded the oxen, and haved, llllowlng for the example set chaste and dt>llcnte exomple of the great chew of tobacco to promote the money, he figured, would be regarded don't have to worry a. minute! Just belts, smoker's equipment, tobacco presently noted n slight acceleration them by their elders. Then we bud goldsmith's art. He held lt for a flow of lan;,'"lla~re. The Insistent note as an Insult. He h11d an Inspiration. build up the rich, red blood in your tins, phl'tograph·s, magazines, and nn In their movements. "We're making plum pudding and sauce and apple moment to the admiring gaze of all of the violin brought Jack and me, The Scot, he noticed, constantly body, Then your skin wlll be as clear So the s11lesman and so!t as anybody's. endless nssortm!'nt ·or miscellaneous nenrly four knots an hour," he shouted. pie and cheese, and nuts and candy present before resuming his narrative. with Marjorie nnd Jean, Mr. and Mrs. smoked cigars. "That's nothing," the minister shoutThat's what S. S. S. has been doing " 'Give for that,' everybody. my frienu Jean says, and I 'wlrh mentally Burl•e. and Mr. and Mrs. Rrown, to eX('USed himself !or a minute, slipped knlcknncks, all cart>fnlly placed and for generations-helping Nature build ed buel;. "I made 11 lmot In less than my good wishes an' a touch ricochetted o' my rebetween amazement at the the center of the room. The dancln: out to a cigar store and bought a box tended. Even when Spoof orcupled It rich, red blood! You can build reJ• ten minutes." grets, to the young lady on generosity Twentyof the meal and speculnwould be of the "square-dunce" va- containing fifty of the finest Havanas blood-cells alone It was something of a mystery so fast that the lmpurltle!f But for all of Spoof's urging our tion as to whence It had come. No two, with the compliments o' Serg~;ant riety, which was no novelty, to us or the tobacconist carried In stock. The where he fonnd space for himself In that causa breaking out on the skin the midst Df his possessions. But now o'l:en plodued stolidly along the one ever told us the secret, but we Brook,' he says,'' and so Jake -placed to the Burkes, and which the others price for the fifty was fifteen dollars. hardly get into the system before the wintry trail, now barely distinguish- did learn that Spoof had a tnt check the little ~tolden trinket In Jean's would soon pick up under the guid- He brought the box back under his pure blood annihilates them - kllls Jean and !\Inrjorle and Jack and I able from the 1;ray whiteness or the from England just before Chrlstmus. hands. . . . It was a difficult situ- ance of Professor Jake, arm and asked the purchasing agent them right out- stops them trom were crowdeu in as well, only to find breaking out through the skin. plains. !•'Iukes of snow were falling, and that Mrs. Burke's cooking of tur- ation. Jean's first Impulse was to to acc!'pt It wlth his compllment11. "S'lute yer pardner I • . , Pass a number of others already there. And then this rich, red, pure blood and on every stile the pall of night key and apple pie was the talk of hand It back. The latter drew back. He explained 'er by . . , Balance to the next." Our eyes had not yet become accusfeeds and nourishes the tissues of the surrounded us, drawing Its cll:cle clos- Humboldt county In Iowa, and that "B~tter accept It,'' I whispered to And we were off. Jake and the fid- that It was against the policy ot his skin and keeps it looking healthy. tomed to tte semi-twilight of the Iner and closer. 'l'be trail was firm, lllrs. Brown positively refused first her. "The !ewer explanations the dler wnrn1ed up with the dancers, house for its buyers to accept pre• That's all there is to terior when a familiar voice saluted but the surrounding snow was loose place to anyone when It came to better." and presently the shanty was rock- ents of any sort from those with lt. Healthy, vigorous. us. "Merry Christmas., ev'rybouy," It and deep, and to pass us Jake would making plum pudding, and so we "But It-It's a wedding present," she Ing with the stamp and the swing whom the concern did business. He red blood such as S. S. S. Mid. "Diun't I warn you'se what 'ud have to plunge bls horses through It, formed our own conclusions. remonstrated. "Ilow cnn I . • . ?" of It. • Those were not the days wo.s sorry, he said, but he could not belps· Nat u r e buDd, happen?"' at conslderal.Jle risk of upsetting his ''Keep it until you need It,'' I sug- of dancing that is little more th11n take the cigars as a present, even makes you healthy all After the meal the table was It was Jake, He was sitting cutter. 'l'he old lund guide, however, knocked to pieces and carried out so gested. Jean was very lovely in the a walk; one danced with all his hPart though he felt sure his young friend over. It beautifies your perched like a toad on the wood-box hesitated not a moment for such a 1\Way plm· that there might be more room, and heightened color ot her embarrassment, and body, and was not atrald to shake had tendered tpem with the best ot skin-drives pies, blackhead blotches, rash, liolls where he could expectorate with con- consideration as that. Swinging his as the bridal Intentions and In absolute good faith. and eczema-gives you back your apcouple stood about won- and as her hand fell by my f.lde I the floors and ceilings. venience Into tlle ashpan of the stove. horses fro1u the trail be cut out at dering what was The salesman had another idea: to happen next they seized 1t surreptitiously In my own. petite-builds firm, plump flesh and I The end of ~he set !onnd us per'Ve dragged him Into the center of the them with his whip, and they rushed suddenly found th.emselves the objects "'Veil, he said, "I hate to throw fills you full of new life and energy. "Oh, Jean, why not make 1t tonight?" spiring and happy, floor and In the melee that followed by us, throwing n snowy spray llke a of a number of All drug stores sell S. S. s. Get the these cigars away. They are of no use presentations. Mrs. I whispered, mad with her beauty and And so the evenln&- worn on. Ole Jake lost )lis footing and at least three torpeclo boat passing a liner. larger bottle. It's more economical. to me-l ~;moke only cigarette!!. I Brown made hers first; six wonderful her nearness. and Olga jo!ned the dancers In the of us were precipitated with him. But as It is so often the occasion pieces or Limoges china, hand-painted "It's quite Impossible," she answered, third set, and thereafter never left wonder If you would ouy them from "Oh, save my husband, save my that makes the man, so now was it by the squire's daughter herself, and but she did not immediately withdraw the floor; Andy Smith ventured Into <lle?-there's no harm in that, I'm Remembered ""Young Man" husband l" cried Rella Donna, In mock the occasion that proved Spoof's re- presented to Mrs. B. on her departure her hand. She left me marveling 1\larjorle's arms, and In !he minutes iure." Who Had Helped Her alarm, while Spoof gravely remarked sourcefulness. ''What would you b& askin~ for Climbing over the for C11nada. more and more over the tantalizing was feeling younger than In the days Nearly that perhn11s the co:;itatlon nut had dnshboaru of the jumper he ran along two years ago Willlam T. "Our present Is outside, and rm complexity of her 11ttltude towllrd me. o! his apprenticeship on the Clyde; them, laddy?'' Inquired the prudent come loose. Bailey, nBslstant city attorney, In the the tongue and threw himsel! upon a-goln' to bring it In,'' said Burke, Fortunately, the interest of those Spoof dattced with Jean as mu•:h as Scot. course of charitable work he carries "I 1un th!) mlnlstt!r," sald a stral;ht, Buck's ample buck, which Immediate- puttln: on his cap and coat. "I'll sell the whole fifty to you for r altout us bad been quickly rearrested S<'emed necessary. When SJlOOf was on In connection "1\.ith his other duties, dean-looking young man, when the up- ly begnn to heave 11nd .;yrate with •an "Oh, I wouldn't bring it In, Tom,'' by Jake. "Havln' a Uttle we:tlmess o' not monopollzlnl:' her, Burke or Brown a nickel,'' 11tated the salesman. advanced $20 to a young widow who roar over Jake had suhsicled. "My entirely new motion. Whether it was his wife suggested. "Let them see It my own,'' Jake was The purchasing agent lifted one ot continuing, "al- or Smith was. But at Ien:;th she had appealed tor ald. name Is Locke. This Is our good a protest against the liberty which out there." though I never said nothln' about It, "lmrned us :.1! Ifi order that sl•e m! ~ht the cigars from the top row, smelled _He had forgotten the !nddE>nt when friend Retldy; prrdon me, by the way, Spoof bad taken, or whether 1t was It, rolled It In his flntErs and eyed It But Burke was bound to do It In not wishing to start a scene with win llr. Sneezlt to the ftoor. The he was reminded of It by a letter showReddy, whut-whnt Is your real name? that the legs al>out his sides brought style. "In It comes;" be in~lsted, and Bella Donna, I bought Its mate fer Russl11n hesitated, tearing to BPP<'nr closely. Ing that, although she had not reI should know It tor Introduction pur- back memories of youthful days when plunged into the night. In a few min- the lady on Fourteen." "Very well,'' he !laid, "at that prlc• And wltb this foolish, but he would hnve been more membered his name, she continued to poses." I'll take four boxes." some bare-legged urchin on a Mani- utes he returned with a heavy sack little speech he plnced another pendor lesl! than human if he could have carry n mental photograph of: "A "I left It clown East," !:aid" the Indi- toba farm roue him In wild triumph on his back, which he set In the mid- ant In the bands of Marjorie. resisted Jean's entlcem'ents, and prestall, gray-haired but young gentleman vidual addressed as Reddy, a slight, through pasture field of the parental dle of the floor. Again and again be "When 1 came to Canada to farm," ently she was leading him through tU All According to Specifica- In the office where they help poor peoboyish-looking fig1lr6 with a shock of herd, matters not; the fact 1B that made the trip until five sacks were said Spoof, after the excitement over simple movements of a cotillion. ple In the City Jtnll, Indlanapolls, Ind." carroty hair. tions Buck presently broke Into a most un- In the pile. Jake's gift had died down, "I came At length they went. The ~urries The young woman inclosed n snap"\Veil, Reddy It Is, then," said the precedented gallop, and his mate, wll"Ten bushels of seed wheat," he ex- equipped tor everythlnl:' but !arming. "Now then, children,'' said the Sunof snow bad driven by; the moon shot l)hoto of herself unu promised to minister. and we shook hands all ly-nllly, followed suit. They were claimed proudly, "and may every ker- l could have started· a second-hancl day school teacher, In her best Sunpoured Its silver radiance on a world remit the loan soon, explaining that around. "Reddy is an Important per- just ln time to prevent Jake's party nel yield a hundredfold 1" store, a curiosity shop, an arsenal, or a of downy ivory, and the bigger sturs day 8Chool teacher's manner, "the les· she had just opened her own millinery sonage in our town,'' lllr. Locke con- getting on the trall ahead of us, and "Wee!, Ah'm thlnkln' Ah'll be next,'' music ball much better than I could !on for today is about the Prophet remarked the placid .Andy Smith, tap- start a farm. In !act, I feel like all blinked stolidly from a H<'el-blue Elisha. Can any little boy or llttle girl shop nt Cleveland, and neetled her tinued. "In n sense he is my chief lri great glee we careered by them. ready money for financing the busi"li'orced draught I" shouted Spoof. ping his clay pipe and returning it to of these things, except, perhaps, the heaven as our guests bundled them- here tell us anything about Elisha 7" competitor. He runs the village pool selves Into jumpers and slel~ths and room, and, 1 am afraid, draw·s "Fourteen knots!" his pocket. From somewhere he pro· music ball, when I look around my "1\Ie," answered a ten-year-old ne~s.-In<llanapolls Jliews. took their departure. Their cries of urchin, bigger crowds than 1 do Wednesday But our triumph was short lived. duced a kit of steel-worker's tools; shack. holding up hla hand. "I can Particularly well was I nights, and perhaps on Sundays, too- lJnaccustometl to such speed, the oxen wonderful pieces ot British workman- equipped against sayages, grizzly bears, good wishes and good luck were tell about him." presently began to wobble In their ship, they were. I believe Jack still and mountain lions. I remember the wafted back to us above the crunchbehind the blinds:• "Very well, then, Eddie," answered ing of the snow. We watched th!'m the teacher. "Now, then, all the rest "Not guilty," pleaded Reddy. "There course and suddenly floundered oft the curries some of them In the back seat days I spent In picking out my rifles, until they faded out of sight In the of you be nice and quiet while Eddie trail. of his automob!le. .ue no tllnds on the shop." weighing the qualities of this arm and Y.i.\.\:1\"S FOil tells us about the Prophet li:llsh11." "No ns much as .Ah cou1d o' wish t,'' that, and the penetrating power o! the white moonlight. "I believe,'' said the minister, gen"Hard a-port, hard a-port!" Spoof INDIGESTION Soon after Jack and Marjorie and "'Veil,'' s11ld E<ldle, "Elisha was an erously, "that Reddy's competition Is shouted. But he was too late, or his snld Andy, modestly, "but rlcht guld dlll'erent bullets. My biggest game so z~ CENTS of n very honorable kind, and his directions were misunderstood. Over In the "makln', and they'll come gey far has been a badger, whose hide Jean crossed the snow-filled vallt>y to old bald-headed preacher. One day he their OYercrowded house, and left me wus goln' along the hlg road nnd he presence here today Is proof of went the jumper, flinging Its freshly handy . when you buy that threshing now adorns the den of my Immediate to one that was overcrnpty. For a his bign<'ss of heart. As It , was married and other contents Into the mill for the neighborhood." and admiring aneestor. Out of the long tim&, I stood looking Into the cume past where some children were playin' in the sand, and they laughed Just then we observed the color 11bundance of my def<'nses I now bt·ing not convenient !or his customers to snow. The ~veed of the o:xen sto\·e, with lid and lifter In my hand, at him and poked fun at him and mnntllng to the tawny hair of Ole come to him, he has rome to his ens- wrenl·hed the ton;,'Ue from the wreck, to you, John Lnne, this piece of artil- In the act of putting on more wood. tomers. IIe brings with him. I be- and they continued homeward In grent- Han~en. lery, with the Injunction that It must The glow or the coals went gray as I called him names and hollered, 'Oh, look at that old bald-headed man!' "Ay tank by Ylmmlny Ay mak mylleve, a Slllall tray of plain gold bands er haste than before. never be polntec.l toward ~ection Two, watched, and, tor the first time In That mnde Elisha hoppln' mud and SPit muybe a yoke (joke)," the tall and a blank rr.nrr!age license or two. Spoof jumped tree and barely esnnd, preferably, not nt anything else. my llf.!; I measured the rll'pth to ht> stopper! and turnt>d around and Sweda confessed. ".Ay sny to Olga, I prevnlled upon him to bring two or cap('d n deliant flourish of Buck's heels Hang It over your port11l, as evidence which the plummet of lonel iness can shook his tlst nt 'em and he said, 'Don't 'By dam, Olga, what you tank, Ay tht·ee extra llcenses; It !q always well as they flipped by him. Ruefully he that you cnn be a de~perate man upon plunge. you kl<ls make fun of me any more I It tak 11 load o' hay?' She say, 'Ole, you occasion, and let It go ut t11at. I han• to be prep~tred for emergencies." . . . gazed upon the wreckage. Water in Steeples (TO BE CONTINUED.) you do I'll rail some bears out of them I looked at Spoof and found him "I told the bally bullocks to swln:;: get more fool all the tlrne. Ilay for been thoughtful Pnough not to bring Being desirous of u ~ lng tl•e steeples woods yonder 11nd they'll shore eat looking at me, and then I looked at hurd a-port," he explained, .. "and In- n rhnrriaging! What you tan!; dey any ammunition." S1100f then praof Its um1serl ehur<"he;; f''> wntcr towyou up.' Ancient ''Strong Box" Jean and found her looking nt the stead of that they slithered ot'r to r.re, o:xes?' Den Ay say, '"'ell, den. dncE>d, out or the bt>droom where the ers, the village of Pollmoshl<>, in the "And they did and he did and w'at else?' an' she say, 'Dere ain't nod- llrown, acting us his agent, had seHas Intricate Loch bears did." 11oor, and n faint flush of color slowly starboard." Dmitrovsky district just out~ide of spread about her face. The fiat rt!At last the shack on Fourteen came ding else,' nn' den ·"'-Y say 'Dab hay cretly cached It, a repenting rille. Heave to, reader, and Utl!e a look at 1\Io~cow, has applied to th<' Moscow ception of the minister's pleasantry Into view, and, to our great surprise, gE>ts It', and so It doe~." which Jack handl!'d \Yith ns IDU{'h ad- an old ~en chest. One thllt any old-time Soviet for a ruling. The village au"I hope' you're not goln~ to bring It mint tlon as :\Iar jurie spent on her pirate In good standing woulcl have was relieved by Jake, who dedareu a light shone from the window. When He Lacked Storage Space thorities argue that such a utilitarian In fa\·or of a total embargo on the we came up close we saw a number In, too." said Lucy Burke. penrlant and then placed lt lovingly given three yards of hil:l mustache to Congressman John K. Hendrick of diY<!rsion woulcl greatly rl'cluee the "Ynh !" snld Ole, opening his mouth away. marriage license buslnt>ss. of jumpers and bohsleighs about, nnd po>~sess. f<::entucky, now deceased, was notorl- cost of the new water-works ~y.s1 r•m. "At least It should take ns long to the tracks 6f many feet in the snow. In a g-rell.t circular orlftPe nnd laughln~?; "Now I believe that's nll,'' said It rests in the front room of the ou~>ly soft hearted. He was sl ttlng In The provlne!al Soviet decicled that get married ns to prove up on u homeThe scene lnslde was an anlmnted silently while his head rocked In ln- Spoor. . home of li'. S. Allen of Los Ang-eles. a courtroom one day when a young churches that are not used for divine stead," Juke Temarked, "an' most fel- and amazing one. In the principal warl! appt·eclatlon of !\Irs. Burke's "Not J·et," Reody Interrupt<'d. "I ~Ir, Allrn dnot!'s lois time to collect- and sti·ugg-llng member o! the local sen Ice:; cnn he converted to seen! ar lows have a ludu Interval once in room a tuble had been built and now joke. "Ay tank she mnke good betl· want to t,e in on this, although 1 didn't ing antiques nncl when he saw thf« old har, who W;)S not especially renowned pnrpo;;es with the consent of t11eir conthree years.'' groaned beneath a load such as I had ding, hut not tonl;;ht. Ay pitch 'lm eome p1·epured." He had written lrou chest over in Italy h!' hou;;ht lt. for ment:!l brilliancy, undertook to gr!'gntlon~, they might he emhodied In When the formalities about the 1!- not thou:;ht the country-side conl•l off beside dab barn." It';; n battered old ho'l: made of Iron. rend a petition In a dlvm·ce suit and the water system IH'OYiued englnN'1'8 sumethlng In 11 notebook, which he We found It was true. Ole, having now tore out and lmnded to Jack. It It was brought up from the lwttom of speedily got himself badly tangled up pronounced ther.J sa.fe. cense were completed the minister had supvly. It wm; covered with snowy Jack am! l\larjorle stand together lu linen, and nn assortment of chlnawnre nothing to bring but a load of hay, In was a receipt for the price of his wed- the ~Iediterrane:m SPII, where It re- In a <'Onfused maze of !!'gal phrases. ~,the eenter of the sha<·k, and spnke of ~everul \'aricti('S of pattern threw the fullnE:'SSI of his heart hrongbt that. ding- rin~. Jaek jlrOtE:.~tutl. but Reddy -JIOSt>d hundred;; of sears. As far as The j11<lu:e undertook to set the young Hall for Women's Use ~he few simple words that made them haek the .vel!llw glint of two great oil But an evt>n more striking tokf'n of would have it no other way. ill1·. Alh n ean trace its histot·y, the In w~· er right, but the only result wM The Dominion goYernmPnt has n1an and wife untler the law. We paid lamps, one of which I recognized as that community ~pirlt which was the The only one not r('flresented by n clle~t apparently was rm board lllle of to tangle him worse than ever. The gnmted u sHe ln Ottawa for u nn· them the usual hackneyed eompll· ha,·ln;:: recently decorated a shelf In sah·ution of these PRrly days wns now prPsentatlon wns the minister, but he the Rhip~ that made up u Stlllnish ur- judge was showing sl6nS of losing his tiona! woman's memorinl hnll w!Jich ments, and then stood around lnol•- a corner of Spoof's shack on section to be presenr ed. Sneezit had f<llpped proved equal to the ocr-asion. nJ<trlu of sixteen ships that went t<>mper \\ h!'n Colonel £1E>ntlrick arose. will be used to house the gcnc>ral uf1ng rather she<>vish and wonderln~ · Two. I had just time to catch u out while the hay was under dls<:ns"1 hope, your honor," be said, !n dowu In a storm In the St mlts of ··~ry chilrlren," he saic.l-he was not fi<'es of virtually all the Pl'Otninent what to do next, until H!'dll)' produceu glimpse or n frosted wedding <'alie In slon and now came tl:und.,i·in~ In, his ruuch older than .Tul'l• or I, perhavs :lle~sina, in l~[)S. llr. Allen cliscon>recl • his cont·tly ~'<)leaking ,·olce, "that you a hox of chocolu tell anu presented it to the center of the table and a steam- bmnrl back beut·ing a whole dr!'s!.'ecl about the n;:;e of ::-;rwof-''I am not a It umol'~ a lot of ot!H'r curio:; in the 1 will L•PH r patiently wHh c:>ur youn.: national organizations of womPn In Canadn. the hrlde. It "'as a. simple thin;.;, but lng turk<'Y at one end when .Jean eareass of pig. Sn!'ezlt did not trust man of the worlcl, and consequently Sun ~Iateo monastery up In the bills friend ht>re. He ls clolng his best." In some way It loosed om· ton:;ucs, and brought me out of my trance. his English to make any remarl;s, but cannot give ~·ot; of the goo(} things bac-k of Jliupl<'s. "I know that, Colonel Hendrick," pre:;eutly we were all laughing an1! "Isn't It wonderful, I<'ranlt-wonder- he smiled broadly under his bristly which the world proYh!~"- The theory It has a lock on It that !'prC'nds all said the jud;;e. som!'\\·hat tt>~tlly, "und wlshin;.: each other .\lerry Christmas. ful !-to think of It, and all of them mustache. . . . But what I saw thut a mini:;ter shoultl !ny up his over the under shle of the lid like n hi:; I itltenil to bent• patiently with him. I By this time the. sun hnu set on the so poor! Why, even, there's Mr. was n dug-out full of <'hlluren, with treasure in heaven I~ taken rather llt- metal s;Jiller web. \\'hen the lid is um mel'ely trying to give Mr. So-andt;ltot·t December day, and ni:;ht was Sneezit !" <>yes pePring through the g-loom, and !'rally In these times. l a1n not quar· !<hut there are u r·ouple of ha.s{ts that So an idea.'' 1 drawing her gt·a~· curtains acro>;s the It was true. The whole community little, wistful, Bllf'nt mouths. "Your honor;' GRid Colonel RendI (:OliiC d0\\"11 on the fJ·ont side of the reling with that. ~lnteriulism Is the plains. I puid for the license on was present. 'l'hey had swarmed to "Now It's my turn," said Spoof, but munlerous outlaw of the age, an en· l'hest, through \\ hlch u hlg Iron bur Is rick, "don't do tt. He's got no place to put It." Jack's behalf and gave the change to our pre111Jses In our absenc~>, bringing Jake interrupted. haar1em oil has been a world· emy that goes hull~·ing through the run and u padlock attuch!'<l. the minister, and "\\:~ "'ere u!Jout to the nec(\~Sul'ies of the wedding dinner You remove the big pnrlloek, nndo wide remedy for kidney, liver and "As It happened, I was down In land, outragiu;:; our liner nature!:>, oYerthank Spoof and say good-by to tht> lit- with them, 11nd ·now they were !In ~d Region on business connected with turning our Ideals, polluting our am- the hasps and lift, hut your lift dopsn't Not This One: The Other One bladder disorders, rheumatism, tie company when they announeed In up around the walls, guilty-faced l·ut my este~G -nben news o' this approach- bitions. I hope I am not envious of get you anywhere. The lld won't lumbago and uric acid conditions. There formerly were two Covelescon<>e.-t that th~y were coming over to delighted. In' tleup on Fom·teen reached me, by hls followers. And to you, I give come up. If you are clever enough ~-ou Fourteen. In ,-aln we protested that I said the whole community was means of a note from Spoof,'' Jake something that monPy could not buy- discover that one of the rivet henri~ on kle !Jrothers playing In the big the roarts were bad. that the night was present, but I was wrong. Mrs. Alton explained. "At fit·st I couldn't mnke my hlesslng, with a promise of my top of the chest moves on a spring, leagues. One day Harry Coveleskle settling down, that the sky looked llke aud the little boy, Jerry, were not ht>ad or hinder o! It, it was so had minl~trations, without chargl!, on those revealing u big k.-.yllole. You Insert was pitching a game tor Detroit ~ HAARLEM~ •.- - . a ~tom. All these per!eetly good rea- there. I mentioned their 11bsence to wrote. So I took lt to a young fellow future o<:casions upon which 1t wny the key, give her • twist and eleven against the Yanl1ee.:; at the Polo grounds ln New York. As Damon sons why they should stay at home Spoof when I had an opportunity. I know with lots o' learnln'; gut to be a!'sumed you will be In need of bolts are sprung b .. ck, releasing the Hunyon sat in the press stand an at· were couterted Into arguments why "They must not have known about know him ou account o' tbe lnt'rest them."' lid. There is a dummy keyhole on the tendant hnnd!'ll him a note which hai> they should come. Spoof, as bost, It,'' was his explanation. But Spoof he usta talie In the people nn TwentyThe minister had esraped from a front side of the chest. It was put been sent hy one of a group of specyol•eu up the oxen a!la Insisted that had evidently been at pains to make two; he found out I located youse smuewhat cmharrns~lng position witb there to tense the plrates.-Los Antators In a grandstand box, he would drive the bridal party; our sure that all the others In the district boys an' girls anrt ustn come ronn• the dignity that herame his calling, geles Times. The note rnn as follows: Jump.,r ~,.,1ld carry five as well ns should know. Why had he omitted pl'etty reg'lar askin' quc>stlons rasual- and with a gentle joke that showed "To settle a het, nlease state Try our. "Tt was hullt for two,'' he a r !\Irs. Alton? It was one more tangle llke, an' I says to him, 'How many how very human he was at heart. Fear a Corpse whlt'h one of the Coveleskle boys this ~ed, "so ona more will make no dlf- in the puzzle or Spoof's peculiar at- shirts does a fellow get on this laun"Clear out the pork and the seed Sallnrs are belleve;: to be the most l"Pllow !;;/" ference."' , tltude toward the widow on Imghteen. dry tlcl;et?' Well, he read it over wh<'at," Spoof ordered, ns there superstitious of all people. Often thPy Huuyon turned the note over and Finding that ~Jere was nothin~ else When we were settled l>Ir. Locke slow to hlmsel f, an' then he jus' sits Sl'etlll'd likely to be a lull in the night's have aeen known to ~oesert ship whPo 1 macle Ills answer on the reverse side for It '' e &c..,eptecl the Inevitable nod arost~ and asked a blessing. The ae- loo!l:ln' at noth'n' till I begun to lhink enjoym<'nt. "Ole, It Is fortunate t1111t . Freely Latherintr a rorp~e was; tuken 011 uoard. Mtu!ll-~ of Jt, crowtled ln. \\ he~ we WPre well un- rious wordll sobued us for a minute, mnyhe there was some bud langwiclge ll.!rs. Hurke persuaded you not to brino; tens . Medicimd and Emollient are not lllred on board. Thq &L"t "This," oo wrote, "Ia the otbez der "'•I\" 11nr att~ntlon wua Rude~ 8ut lt was only a minute. The stlmu- such as be couldn't repeat in wy ores- In ~·our wad ot bay,.. crl!dlted with brlnatlni oacl luda.• OllP. !'' CHAPTER XU-Continued ss.s. - I u"' I I ~o\DMEbA,~ I the New I j Cuticura Shavina Stick |