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Show ' - .... BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH AT BOOTH'S ON XMAS EVE PREE GET TICKETS! .OUTH SALT AKE COUNTY IS A GOOD AND SPOT TO LIVE IN VOL. 1 NO. 33 .~.VIIDVALE CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1925. N w Books For ew ear Community Library SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 es S. jordan Missionary Given Farewell <C.. JORDAX STAKE ")1" MEN ~ The following book:; have been add- !co~Ii't! Ul'"ITY EFFORT Bl PROYED On Monaar, December 2~, in the BASKETBALL SCHEDULE HEALTH OF 110 CHILDREN ed t the l\lidvale Co.nmumty CluL Jordan Wardhou.se, the U5 QuoSouth FOR SEASON 1925-26 Libra and are available NOW. rum of SeventiP'l will givE a Barc·well CHILDREN'S party in honor of E der Jo::.. F. PalUtah County \Yomen Demonstrate .December 29, 1925 The Adventures of 'Jimmy Skunk. IntelliCooperation of Value mer, who leave.; on January 6 for u Jimmy Sliderlegs, Sandy 2nd. at Draper. gently Directed Peter Rabb1t and the Knights. mission to the E..1. tern l:;t<.ote:o a~ West Jordan at Riverton Grunty Grunt:; and Smiley Smiles which tim€. the folwv.ing proJrarr. will Union at East Midvale. LOCAL REXALL STORE Pu~s m Boots be ren<J eroo: !*lffiB!*l!*lffiB~~!*lffiB~:*l!*l~~!*l~:*l~!*l!*l~ffiB~~~rn Midvale ai Sandy 1st. M.AKES RECORD Peter abbit and Jack the Jumper What united efiort intelligently di"Thc.> Morning Breaks, the !:'hadows January 4, 1926 Old R J R~ynard, the Fox rected, can do to improv~ the health Draper at We.>t JorJan. Flee" - ..-Sou.:h Jorc.an Ward cho.r Thf• Gingerbread Boy m children undenve1ght of condition:; 2nd. Sandy at Riverton Little Joe Otter Hyrum Stockrng Invocation ·-·East Midvale at Midvale. an entire community, was clearly deThe ChelTy Tree Children Joscpu ;:;chm.c.tt and Duet .... Charlc~ , Q:<IQ::JQ::JR<JQ::JQ::JQ::JQ::JQ;;Q;JQ::JQ::JQ::JQ::JQ::JQ::JQ::J~Q::JQ"J' vale Drug Company's Rexall Store ,. <:! Sandy 1st. at Union. mon.>trated recently in the Spanish ~!*J§B:*l:*l!*Jlifulifut~ll~cl~:lliililifu!3:.!!!:i3.:ui~:llifu!!fulifu~t~lli~ll~lifu!~ll~filil and watch him bring forth proudly a The Land of Oz. Semor Pres. ArmanJ Remarks January 12, 1926 BOOKS FOR BOYS Fork district of Utah County, when' shown the world, when their works new time piece-a \\'altham. F. RunU-t.I-st by Lorus Hand West Jordan at East Midvale. J o~, the Little Machinist tne Palmyra State Helie£ Society of' Mr. present. Chri:,tmas a No it isn't Sandy 2nd, at Sandy 1st. come to the birth, that they have ···--· ..... Bro. Sundberg Pony Express The St k .,... I • A • B oai·d . R 0 a cllhave Solo ··-·---·. ·seen the most of truth. For much of . a e m. a~.>isted by Ruby Smith, disficers, union. at .Midvale k of the Roaring Camp The - Grace Mal~trom Readmg ----· Show. to sta.rt Janu~ry 12, w!ll be the music is useful only for amuse- Vmcent won the coveted prize by RiYerton at Draper. trict home agent of the .C.:xtension Dog of Flanders Hexall the all among sales Duet, ..-.. Lee A. Palmer and Ru. amc nd very Interes~mg mU!:'ICally. Some ex- ment aml is often light and frivolous leading in January 19, 1926 The Long Shadow Sen1ce of the Utah Agricultural Col- cellent soloit.sts have been secured in its character. People become edu- stores in the State oi Utah, 41 in all, Maxfw.c.. Draper at East Midvale. The Range Dwellers lege, and Doctor J O<;eph Hug he:; O• a~d . there w11: be also good chorus cated to this kind of music, it is ea:;y during the month of August, 1925. He W~Ht Jordan Cq!uart<t Selection ··Sandy 1st. at Riverton. BOOKS .FOR GIRLS Spanish Fork, carried th1·ough a thn:c smg1?g and n;tstrumental fe!ltures. • to understand, sensously beautiful; has just l"eceived notification of his l Union at West Jordan. Cha,.acter Sketch ----·· \\- m. J. Pt.Jlar Pollya a; Polly Put the Kettle On; Th1s entertamment,. featurmg the em~tional. But more serious work ex- achievement and the prize this week. proMidvale. at 2nd Sandy Poll.t anna's Jewels; Chicken Wagon month's Health and 1 utnt!On Duet -··--- ho_ amond Maxfid.i and Thi.s • campai.gn was on duTing a very best talent as picked from the: pressing higher ideals,-that which January 26, 1926 Family; Em.ly Climbs; Cousin Jnne; ject with surprisingly goou results. "Factory-To-You as known drive of because truth, Golden Hott ":hole Jord~n cou.nty an_d fr~m out- i is full of life and Ea,;t Midvale at Riverton. Molly Make Believe; Barberry Gate; Dtscovering la:;t sprmg, through Side a~ractlons, Will be given m ever~ , the lower standards which generally week in all RexaU Stores. .. Remarks F. Palmer Jos. Elder l\Hdvale at West Jordan. The Quest of the Four Leaf Clover; .~Iiss Laura tiradley, tile school nur.;e "'ard ~n the stak~. Dan~ers, actor.,, 'j prevail, is not fully appreciated. Mr. Frank Egbert, also in the emRobai•IOnd P. Instrument ... ~ l\1l1,~ic. Sandy 2nd at Union, The Little Cockalorum finds Romance; of that di:;trict, that 1::!7 of their chJIU· hum~nsts, d~amabsts, ~mgers, com-. Light and popular music is nQt to ploy of the Midvale Drug, not to be Draper. at 1st. Sandy l\laxfleJU •anu Dei! a f uimeJ.' Helen and the Uninvited Guests; v.Tote rcn were untierweighL, the 1\elief :::>o- me<h.ans, artists, ca•·toomsts, all these be condemned, however, for it is g~od out done by his contemporary, February 1, 1926 Eight Cousins; Under the Lilacs; Reading -·- ·-·· ·-·-·-. 1\fr. Crawford an essay on "How the Sale was Conand very 1ecessary. . c.ety officers decH!ed to use ever) are mcluded. Draper at Union. Heidi; .Daddy Longlegs;. his in prize first won and ducted" recreations. best our of o~e is It support _mdeed The people sho_uld _ --·-···· Lee H1:.;ba1'i.f Solo ··-·-···-·-mean:; at their disposal to improve tne Riverton at Midvale. POPULAR J?K'TION participants all over endeavor, of line vigor-drivrenewed and joy gives It purthe to g1yen !his, ~s such move a Wrr•. l1. Cox .. l\1u:,ic Instrumental East Midvale at Sandy 1st. The Aruericanization of Edward Bok; health of the~e ctuluren be.1.ore school pose of furm_shmg enJoyrr.ent to all es away the blues and makes us know in the State. -·-·-·-···- Eis• J Dahl Solo ---··-Sandy 2nd, at West Jordan. Hose of Santa Fe; Rtd Pepper Burns; opened again in th~ fall. Realizmg and augme?tmg the funds of both that we live. No person can apprcThis live energetic pair of young eitller due usually is underweight that 1926 8, ·-- Clyde Raddon February -·--·-Solo Violin Adventure; Wildfiire; The Land of the the respective wards an~ t~e s!ake ciate a truth unless he be educated men are to be congratulated on the improper to or defects phy.>ical to Riverton. at Union To be concluded by a free dunce in the Blue Flower; Swatt~·; Dr. Nye; The Mutual board; money wh1eh IS given to its point. Education must begin interest th~y take in their work. It is Midvale at Draper South Jordan Opera Hou>e. Shooting of Dan McGrew; The Keeper famtly habits, it was decided, :fir.>t, to carry on the Mu:tual Improvement with lower forms of truth and advance good advertising to compete with all 1st. Sandy at Jordan West of the Bees; The Vanishing Ameri- to ascertain the exact physical con- work, for the benef1t of all. as one grows in his capacity to assim- store~ in the st~te and win fir.>t plp.ce. Sandy 2nd. at East Midvale. can; The White Flag; Swedy; The dition of each child concerned with a It IS also evident that the l\h~va~,e ulate and fully app!·eciate the hijSher • • • anti defects; of correction the to view .February 15, 1926 and Keeij.er of the Door; The Power most of forms. Thus popular musk is one Drll;g_ Company holds a very enviab.l seen has which soul "The conmothers the instruct to second, Sandy 2nd. at Draper . th" Glory; Women; The Son of His a philo- step in this arts educational climb, a posttwn among the leaders o~ the as birth to come shall truth nutrition. child better cerning West Jordan. at Riverton Father; And They Lived Happily Ever which ha~ no end, neither has Rexall Stores of Jhe State of Utah. climb and musical some or artist, or sopher, between children llO Subsequently at Union. Midvale East After; The Story of My Life-Helen La:st l\1Jnc'ay mo. rung was th! music being one with beginning, a it -Socrates nature." loving examined were 14 and 7 of age:; the Midvale. at 1st, Sandy Keller; The Nervous Wreck; The 8th Grad<) Wilma Peterson :;cene of will enthu ·!::..:;m around :::>alt Bust musiciam have not alway.;; all truth. February 2, 1926 Cou ge ro Marge O'Doone; To the by the physician, health specialist~ School Midvale 1925 22, Dec. Lake City depot.. (.rowd> :;torn.ed West Jordan at Draper. Last ·an; The Goose Woman; Little and p ~rTeaders, revealing the fact Jc J time. Christmas nearing was It the ticket gate.o to get aboaru. for tbe Sanely 2nd. at Riverton. Ships; Wil11 Animals at Home; Laven- that all of these childrt-n were from Ann was working diligently, so that and underweight, cent per 33 to 10 Midvale. East at Midvale Merry X~ras in Californ a for $:.!0 00 der and Old Lace: IU>vised Editior of she would be able to help the poor requiring defects 44 were there that 1st. Sandy at Union Midvale City Ordinance:;. per round trip. O.w con~oling thing 1all she could. She was very rich, but ention. Of the de- 1 1926 professional 1, March about this ou.s•ness is th{ fact that she worked hard anyway. She livl)(l Jordan. West at Midvale East Mrs. E. R. Benson entertai~ at fects, 38 were later conected. tne fa1·e also pre"''"!" from l alitorin a beautiful house. Every ni~ht Having ascertained the physical Sandy 1st at Sandy 2nd dinner Thursday evening of last week nia to Utah ani many <-v<..st rf 11lents u pa1<sed f:he home, cam she when Union at Midvale. on the occasion of her husband's birth condition of te children the women will snow ball in L tah llountain · for poor. Joevery was who girl little next took up the more difficult task Draper at Riverton. day. Covers were laid for ten. Chri ;tma:s. Turn about 1, fair play. poor because was she tell could Anne of educating mothers concerning child March 8, 1926 • • • her shoes had holes in the:n and her at Draper. Midvale East nutrition. The campaign to this enu LARGE FA.:\IILIES Mr. W. H. Perkins, accompanierl by · coat was ragged, but her clothes Riverton at Sandy 1st. ENCOURAGED BY PETERS was launched with a public program his sister, Mrs. Bruce and Mrs. John were clean. given during HealthWeek, featured Union. at Jordan West Watson, left by auto /Vedne:sday morn One night, when JoeAnn came home During the last days of the year by a health play produced by a la•·ge 2nd. Sandy at Midvale for Covina, Califomi... Mrs. Pering from work, she stopped this pool' 1925, Mr. Peter.>, Midvale's popular group of children coacheU by Relief 1926 15, March kins is at pre::.ent in Covina. Tney little girl and after learning that hf'r phobographer will pay especial atten- Society officers. There were also Midvale. East at Riverton will spend the winte:r in California on I name was Mary f'he asked her tn , tion to the ph tographing of family health talks by nutrition specialists. West J orclan at Midvale. vacation, returning to Utah proba her.: with dinner have and come I groups. The Health Week program was :;up Union at Sandy 2nd. in the Spring. ably eating were they While went. Mary 1 One picture mounted ready for plemented by a talk by the Home 1st. Sandy at Draper 1 • Mary asked mother oeAnn's dinner, J hanging with each dezen pictures and Agent before the Union meeting of turnnl out a 16 Press Journal The if she had a father or mother. Shr~ the largest family group will get a Relief Society officers and teachers, for tnc Bmged,twn Christma:-, page Quite an agitation is being created substantial reduction on their order. replied that she ~ad not. Joe~nn's in which she advocated the planting ed t10r. for pav,e twC'lve a One of the most cherished heirlooms of more hom~ garden,; in order that mother as~ed he_r If 1:he would like to throughout the State relative to the ham News, in futut· years is the old family pic- plenty of green vegeta~m,!g!:lt.,.be stay and live With them, so that Joe inoculation of school children against the Hellenic, The Utah P.> thian, the ture. Get yours today. An~ would ~ave l'lomeoll.e .. to ~har~ 'diphtheria. Many cities, towns and Chrio;tmas edition of t 1e Jordan Broad mclusion made easily accessible. Chnstmas with. Mary wa~ overJoye( districts have already arranged with caster, greatly enlarged and thouoanus in the dietaries for the underweight · RALLY ROU, 'D THE COM~IU~ITY children. their physicians for such inoculation. of Christmas cards the past week. and eager t~ stay. 1 • The matter has been considered bv When C~nstmas came, JoeAnn anl Other lectures followed, and these CHRIST:\tAS THUm·~mA Y Christmas window decoration,; are Mary had the_ best time of their li_ves. the school board of the Jordan At se ;in o'clock p. m. the Civic were supplemented by visits to the evidence this week. Among the in gifts f lot~ nd t b " Th h 0 such The material for use in • trict. :' ey a·.1 a Ig ree a Committee' of the Commun.ty Club different homes in the Stake. Some They took ma!ly of these g1fts to ~he treatment can be furnished by the more prominent with suitable window Will conduct a program around this of these homes were visited several poor. !loth girls declared Qn Chm;t- Board. The doctors in Bingham Can- dressings we find Morr.son Me:n-Hl beautiful emblem of community spirit times each. In one case, a ·ingle submal! mght that they had never had yon have signified their full coopei·a- Co., E. A. Gildner bakery, Wc!b & The tree was procured by th~ Lions ject was discussed in 593 home visits. Co., Midvale Barber Shop, Midvale tion with the movement and stand Near the end of the summer the ..., sueh a g I a d day · Club, lighted by the City, and decorCo., Corner Meat and Grocery, Drug "" ated by the Com:nL·nity Club, which mothers were instructed in preparaand others up ancl dov;n the main ready to render such services. organization is justly pround in claim tion of school lunches, the purpose Favorable replies from the doctors stem. ~ • • • ing to be the initial factor in starting being to insure proper nutrition of the valley have not yet been rein '.·; · d Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jones of She!• the bail rollmg for a Community the children during the school year. The Community Tree is profw::ely · t h' h d' .._. t I · ley, Idaho, have vi lited friend;; and ceive At the close of the three months, Christmas tree. and presents a 'll>aJ'<>stic aplighted y mne as Ig as s IS•r·Jc many n h b · d h relatives in Midvale recently. Mx. .• Jones Short and appropriate talks will be all the children were examined and on the Corner of CentPr and pearance e t to llllt su ents stu e is a former resident of Mid- per c;nt. oft l.' made by .Mayor Cahoon and Dr. J. S. scored again for comparisons with Lions Club procured the The Main. student, per doll~r a At mo~utatiOn. vale. Alky who will represt.llt the Lions the results of earlier examination. The furnished the elt ct:city City the tree, usual t~e ~~ understand which we records made at the close of the proClub. Harold Lat·son, Deming Wright, and charge for such ~ s~l'V.l~e, 1t w~uld and the Ladies Community Club d ,_ Community singmg of Christmas ject work showed that: Glen Mitchell left Monday to spend cost the Jordan d1stnct m the ~e1gh- corated the tree Th< Spirit of coforged a big link Fewer cars will be "laid up" this Size 95 per cent of the children had carols w'i1 be led by D. W. Jessup. borhood of $5,000 to have such moeu- operation prevailf lhat wins over all two weeks in California. an all-year vegained in weight from 1 to 11 pounds. winter than in any previous winter, it in making Friday evening of last week the lttion performed. The Board feels obstacles ' 3 children had come up to normal was predicted today by B. J. O'Con- hicle. These big tires pro- J unioi: Girls of the M. I. A. and their that it is not justified in expending TWO BIG DANCES • payers tax the of amount an c;uch any the at met Goff, AT RENDEZVOUS weight. Cora Miss leader, would that ds 'f on ease riding vide Firestone Midvale known ner, well According to biP'l out Wednesday 3 decreal!ed on account of illness of Helen Hughes. Gifts were money at the present time. morning, Hoover and Ben Franklin have been practically b · ossible to home Dealer. exchanged and refreshments served. Christm~s night will be a Red let- and defects not corrected town. another i"~ safety Their beJore. travel statement his bases O'Conner Mr. Ruth Maycroft of Salt Lake was the children are visiting relatives in Los are in 2 remained the same, as no effort ter Night ~t the Hendezvous. ManaAn~es. t ·1 on three factors-the increaRe in the factor that has robbed winte~--lriv ger .Fred Reese is preparing to put on toward improvement was made. So many people ldt f~r California l\Ir. and Mrs. Rollin A. Pallanch • gues specia 13 as the result only, showed im- number of closed automobiles, new ing of its drawbacks. some specials as a fitting wmd up the first four day· of the pre"rnt Miss Katherine Forrester and Mis~ provement ( 1 gained 7 pounds). to the Chrbtmas day festivities. illian Whelan, of Salt Lake were will entertain at dinner Christmas week that we he:;itate to name the'l! and improved roads, and the wide- treads of Firestone Balloons grip am • . . . s Sunday at the home of Mrs. Day for Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pigott 1 f 1 had its tonsils removed during g People fr~m Midvale and vicinity hold to the road, providing extra trac- uary some one am1 cau ;mg tires. tmssmg or Balloon a of use their and spread Murray of children, and Stokes. B. pounds 11 gained and month, first the tepthis miss cannot well afford to a holecaust-whatever that mean~. steering under the most J.u "Motoring is no longer seasonal," tion.. and easy • • • of ., Hook, Van Mrs. and r. M LguesAts, during the summer. Wednesday left Aline Caroline Mrs. sichorean treat. difficult driving conditions. 1es. nge os I An Lo . t 't fi d . m~.;ny have leaders Local project he said. "The automvbile is a· neces'!'hen on New Year's eve, December "All indications point to this be- f or. an 1~ e m e s ay m Did you notice tha• an ea»tern c.r.)SS l\frs. Andrew Larson left eal"ly in ge es: s 31, the dance will begin at nine and interesting stories to tell in conn6.!- :;ity for all year use. The davs when, ing the greatest winter motoring Cahforma. h word puzzle man ~<hot hi· wife be. d k I · dancing will continue as long as the tion with this project. For instance: at the first touch of winter weather, season on record." Mrs. A. A. Larson will entertain at ~h~Cwleife t? spen the wmter ~out s cause she wouldn't te:• him the word · "One mother of four children who the motorist put his car in the garage orrua. a and m Mr. crowd cares to stay. Dance the old · t mas Day. f I out a puzzIe. to f'll Mrs. P. C. Rasmussen will a a~1·1 y d'mn:r Ch ns year out and the new year in at the- were all very much underweight, for the winter are gone forever. • • • F.· d' Ch .· t t t t · Fnday evenmg of last week Mr. and when asked to send them for examiRendezvous. ns mas mner IJ- A preacher in Florida, that me-cca "Over 50 per cent of automobile Mrs. H. E. Phelps were dinne,. guesb ~n er am a a Therc is no better dance floor in nation, sent the children to the beet production is devoted to closed models. of the 20th ~n<;ury, wbre 1· "e is inay. of Mrs. Geo. Wells, of Bingham~ in believe didn't she saying tax free, has provided rock fields, on heritance dance Wedne~day le.ft literally the state. You l\lrs. ~ate 'Yatson Many of the open models are equipMrs. Neils Lind left earl\• in the CHIUST'S MASS slept and ate They noncsense. such springs. ped with winter tops while those that week to spend the holidays 'with her fcorl'fan ~ndefimte stay m San Dlego, ing chairs in his churth for church lt't d I be . . 1 orma. thin, . L os aAnnouncement . and L en ore, m Remember these two dates, Dec. 25 well. They were just naturally orlciaal fel'lll et Oltrllltdaug h ters, Ce I1a are not are, as a rule, curtained and is made· of the mar- gomg s urn rmg mu 1 u es. ••• she said. However, the mother watch- warmed with heaters. The car owner and 31st. Popular prices. mas, ~ays u autlllerlty, was A nge Ies. f M'ISS Mar· F · S · th t k t B t'- , h "M t f r~age m an ranc1sco, o . 11 D . G ed her children more closely after no longer wories ove rain, slush, snow Mr .. an d "[ "Ohrlst'1 maSI," an( •• addle a~ a en oo .• s ee me a o garet Porter and Charles E. Annis, on emmg, . e ranvi ~· rs. Alexander Dahl, David T. )Tall! and that, and later she actually accepted or biting winds. the tiona! pe•susln was used who • the country by storm as rvidenre:d by 1\~ . 1e •s . tm as E ve. Th e b rH Coalville, Will. spend the wmter at the Ch rts Soren Dahl, left Wednesday evening a diet guide from one of the leaders, wrltln& flf the ne of Cbtlst'1 "The miles and miles of improved home ?f then· daughter, Mrs. George daughter of Mayor elect and )frs. L. crowds storming their counters. "r. for a · ·ation in Calif~rnia. They used it, wei~hed her children, became roads that have been conRtructed in mass, Christ's mass ne. The 'd t f Booth was wondering if tt woulJ Ia :t d h be A p t . A. Wnght. en a rt~SI en Mo during the coming year. Honor ' have many relatives on the Coast. Al- a convert, and all her children im- the last few years have aided in creatpo~sesshe was &Tadually elided Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Carlson will en· S · oFr el ~n fas exander Dahl's son, E'der Paul Dahl, proved. an 1\ rancJsc~ 0 ~ somek Im_e. h r. Just think o" the rich people in Midand the word shortened to tertain at dinner Chril>tmas Day. ing winter use for automobiles and in is also in that vicinity on an L. D. S. Mrs. Annie Nelson will spend the 1 ~nelS irsF. An~IS wlll rna e their orne vale if such a thing were true. But Christmas, and hence Christmas popularizing winter motoring. New th e to wn ' s b ctter, tb a t f ac t no on e · 't'mg a t th e m an ranCisco. · Los A nge Ies, VISI · Mission. Eve. A close parallel Is crl!!s· roads have established inter-city highwmter m 1 deny. same can the by which pattern, cross rigthe Bert despite Mrs. way communication home of her daughters, Clem: Tell me you love me. • • • Christ's of pattern a .>fore Interesting Di•appointetl Is process 1 and aveMurray, Mrs. Jack Livingston, ors of bad weather and opened Howard: I love vou, enbelnapossessive the old crosselll, J~e He1ningkamp: I ran into an· Jud Tunklns SllYI It beats him to ~ Have you rece ved your quota of I She: Say it as though you meant it. nues of travel with communities that Mrs. Vincent. she centutlrely lost through the friend today. Can you guess who I formerly were practically isolated. He: I love you. A Christmas program was givPn at tlnrl out bow mu~h petroleum there l1 'Christmas cards. Here's hoping you rles. Vlas? Farmers, too, now easily commute the M. E. Community Church Wed· In the world with none of It repr&- , do and that you return each greEting She: Say it with more feeling. Vince Henningkamp: No. But what ! I ·entcd In his bunches of o11 1tock.- with a card furnished and printed by evening. nesday He: What the -·-- it this, a rehear-! back and forth. 11 "Firestone, by developing the Full- 'Pr.-;;;;;.~.~~F.;;>~;;;~~~;:;? the Journal Press. was the fine? :<al for Penrod'? Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Smith and Washln!.!lon Star. ~-·· May the blessedness of the Holiday ... Spirit abide wrth you and the glorious promise of a bounteous New Year be given unto you. Vi~':~' t~~m:,:~.;! ';;,..,A;~ u.:·%~~1 ] 0 RDAN ,MUSIC I Late Pick-Ups Her 'Dream of Christmas • I I Dis- Ii.,· • • • MIDVALE .. .. 1 • • • I I THE I I' |