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Show THEJORDANJOURNAL.MIDVALE.UTAH CAPPER FAVORS COLONEL ~~ITCHELL Oa.--1_ _o_urPe_tP~_'t-~·10 HXAS SESSION IS .••••..._•••••.._..... ~ FARM ASSISTANCE I GUILTY OF CHARGE' ~~~f.... ~.·~Ak'f"· . TO AWAIT £VENTS; utah · i l•••••••••••••••o•~•~...: GENERAL SENTENCE OF SUSPENSION FOR FIVE YEARS FROM RANK, COMMAND, AND DUTY 8EEMS MUCH DISSATISFIE.D WITH PRESIDENT'S SPEECH AT CHICAGO MEET ON ADVICE OF ATTY. SPEAKER DECIDES TO DEFER SPECIAL CALL Findings Must Now Go Through Channels Until It Rear.hes President Coolidge For Final Action O.wea and Lowden Join Kansan and Politicians Talk of Possible Prealde,!ltlal Timber for Next Election j )TAESEM~N'S liFE BUSINESS GOANER IN AECEr~T DANGER BRINGS BIG SUM t:ak-, .. _ I II I I I j preserve your health. ltOSTETTEit'S Celebrated S~omach Bitten tone up the <h&"eot• v<. organs, •timulate the app~ti te and promote a feehn1r of Phnicat Provo.-List of men who will rerecive awards for football at Drigham Young University: Eddie Kimball, captain; Fred Hinckley, Richard Thorne, Willard Clark, Cecil Merk· No Money Available To Meet Exp.,n• ses Of Legislators And Same Would Have To Be Paid Out Of Own Pocket WaahJncton.-Farm relief legislation Washington.-A verdict: or guilty on ot a more comprehensive character all specifications and the general than that proposed by the Coolidg-e 1 charge, coupled with a sentenc0 o' administration Is advocated by Sena·l suspension for five years !rom rank. tor Arthur Capper, Republican, Kan·j command and duty in the army, war-; aas leader of the farm bloc In the found against Colonel Willlnm Mit eenate. chell by the court marital which ha~ The agricultural program of which; been ~onducting his trial tor insuborthe Kansas senator Is the exponent, 1 dlnation since October 28tn. Ulumlnates a rift develo~ing in. the The "military record of the accused Republican party on pollc1es to sumu· , late the chief industry of that west- during the world war vrobably saved ern region which is the traditional 1him from a mere severe sentence atronghold of the G. o. P. That was Indicated by the. cou;:t v:hen There is widespread dlssatlsfactlot It anno~nced that the flndmg is lim: In the corn and wheat belts with lenient. • President Coolidge's Chicago speech Major Gene!'al Rnbel't L. Hou~e, on farm conditions and with the lim· president of the court, and the mn( lted scope of the administration's 1 other .members ~losed the court. a• farm rellef program, the chief fea· 3:4.0 o clock for fmdingr.. At .prcmse ASSASSINATION OF FOREIGN MIN- SALT LAKE LOCATION IS PUR· ISTER OF GERMANY IS PLAN ture of which is the enceuragemer.\ ly 6:34, or two hours and fifty-four CHASED BY CHAIN DRUG of eo-operative markelng. This dis· minutes later, the sentence and ver FOUND IN LETTER COMPANY Is renected In the views of diet were announced in these words: Senator Arthur Capper, former Gov"The court, upon secret written hal emor Lowden of Ollnois and Vice jlots, two-thirds of the members pres Two Fascists Are Placed Under Arrest Four Hundred And S!xty Thousand President Dawes, each of whom, ent at the time the vote was takel! By Berlin Pollee; Plans And Dollars Is Price Reported Paid; tng a step In advance ot the admin- c.oncurring In each ~inuing of gull~. Methods Of Escape Are Building Will Be Immediately lstratlon is attacking the problem of fmds the accused gmlty of all spec! Discovered Remodeled the disposal of an export crop surplus fications and the charge uvon secret so as not to infiuen~ the price of the written ballots. product In the home market. "The court sentences the accu~er' Be!'lln.-"That pig Stressmann mnst Salt Lake Clty.-The historic Walk· The politicians are alrel!.dy pricking to be suspcncle d t rom run l ,, commam 1111 their ears at the rumblings from and duty, with forfeiture of pay and ·,e killed" Is a vassago in a letter, the cr site, the northwost corner of Secagricultural region as envisioning allowances, for five years. li'lcovery of which led to revelation oncl South and Main streets, has been a_ possible Insurgency over f1..:m pro- 1 "The court is thus l.mient because ;f the plot to assassinate Germany's sold b\ J. R. Walker and associate tective policies that will crystalize In of tha military record of the accnse<1 ·oreign minister. heirs in the Joseph R. 'Valker estate a movement to make Capper, Low- during the world war, two-thirds ol Two German fasclf!ts, named Kalt· to Louis K. Liggett company, a na· den or Dawes a candidate for the Re- the members who were present at lorff and Lorenz, are under arrest. tiona! retail subsidiary of the United publican nomination for president In the time the vote was taken concur They are alleged to have perfect!jd Drug company of Kew York and man· 1928 against Mr. Coolidge, if the pres· ring.'' 'heir plans to the point of providing ufacturer of Rexall products, accordldent shottld decide to seek another Colonel Mitchell, standing as the ·or disguises and getaway in motor· ing to W. C. Watt, operating vice term. decision was announced, with 1\!n; The major Items of the proposed ll1itchell at his side, smiled. oars and an airplane after tho a~sass· president of the company and at pres"""ro'"'am S nat C&'""er ou''lned as I A 1' t # h t . 1 t i i1ation. ent in Los Angeles. .,. ... e or .,., -. uJaurnmen o. t e na au omat -:: follows; ally transferred the :Mitchell en.:~ That t"!:J ;:::s not the first attempt The purchase price Is $460,000, ac· 1. Legislation providing machinery from the old brick building near the ·\~riinst the foreign minister is reveal· cording to Eastern overatives of the segregating the surplus of any capitol to the war department. TherE Jd by his newspaper, the Taeglische company and Mr. Walker. crop, selling It abroad for what it will it will be forwarded by the adjutan ~ ·!undscl:!au. The price Is said to be the second bring, vresumably at a price below general of the army to the board ol On the anniversary of the assassin· highest e~er paid for Main street real that of the home market, and dlstrib· review in the judge advocate gener ~tion of Dr. Walter Rathenau (who estate. The site of the Continental utlng the loss among the producers., al's office to be checked for inaccu was killed June 24, 1924), the paper Bank building, which has a Main stret 2. Development of . co-operative raceis. Later the board will pass it 1 ays, sever<J persons hid In th"' gar· frontage of 46;.2 feet and 165 teet on marketing with the assistance of gov· on to Secretary Davis, who In tun1 len of the foreign minister and fired Second South, sold for $550,000, or ernment agencies. will submit the voluminous trial rec· 3. L!berallzatlon of the farm loan ord to President Coolidge for final l number of shots at Dr. Sressman, $9677.42 per foot, while the Walker plan and amvlification of the farm review and avt~roval. · bu without effect. Pollee who search· land brought $9583.33 a f ot. credit system. Meanwhile Colonel Mitchell re .,d the garden and the neighborhood The Liggett compan-y has included 4. Tax relief for the farmer, to be mnlns in the status of an officer un were unable to find the criminals. in Its plans for Far Western expan· accomplished by rigid economy in na- der technical arrest, since the cou-rt's Another plot was revealed a few sion to make Salt Lake the distribut· tlonal and local government and by verdict can only b-e made effective clays before the departure of the Ger· ing point for the intermountain terria eonstltutlonal amendment prohibit· by President Coolidge's indorsemE>nt. man delegation for the recent Locar- tory. lng issuance of tax-free securities, the ln view of this stltuation and the flat .w s2curity conference, but the vigilMr. Liggett, in a message to The present aad Increasing volume of refusal of the accused to comment ance of the Munich and Berlin police Salt Lake Telegram said, "Liggett which Is becoming an unbearable tax ;mblicily concerning his future plans prevented the attempt. company will open a Liggett store on burden to agriculture. until after the president bas taken __ • Second South corner as soon as the "In enlisting the interest of con· final action, there was some belief on Gov. Dern Talks In Washington remodeling !s completed, probably cress in his behalf, the farmer is not th_e part of the Colone~'s close~t Washington-Oppo!lition to the con· about April, and will rent the remain· asking nor expecting special favors," fnends• that he v.:ould quu~tly awa.t 'ltructlon of the Boulder canyon dam der of the property.'' Senator Clipper began. "All he asks t~e ou.~ome, and If th~t failed .to re - I ;>r any other project on the Colorado Mr. Liggett said he cannot say pos· Ia that his business be given equal heve h1m froim thef five years sus· 1iver until the seven-state water com· itively what will be done later as with other business. 1n p~ns 1o~ he m ght o fer the president .-act has been ratified was expressed some leases have about two years to 150 far as legislation can contribute h1s resignation from the army. lle;ore the senate irrigation and rec· run, but present intention is to tear to this end, the farmer is entitled to The general charge on which the ;amnlion committee by Governor Dern down the building at the end of the o.nd I am convinced, will get favorable 1 court based its finding of guilt was .-f lltah. The committee was told lease period and build a fine large ud friendly consideration. th:lt Colonel Mitchell had violated the 1hat the construction of any major structure. 96th article or war "to the prejudice projr;ct on the river before the rati· Mr. Liggett said he will proba.bly Mitchell Touted For Pollee Jo'b of good order :md mH!tary disclllline." fl('aUon of the agreement would jeop- open other stores in Salt Lake Inter. the 1-L,.htr The site has a Main street frontage W ashington.-Appolnmtent of Col· Tho eight specificuticns set out in the 1t"dl'ze · ~ '' of the upper b-asin onel William Mitchell, under sentence appended charge sheets were found· .>tatrs to a fair sha1·e of the river·~ of 48 feet and rn<"' 1"<: feet on Second of five years' suspens!an from his ed en particular char~es a;:minst the waters. In fairness to the other states South street. 1 i . war and navy departments made by .r the rivu· basin, Governor Dent The LiggP.tt chah, vf drug stores army ran k , pay an d d ut1es, as po1ice th ff' . h' bl" '· -d t t s a e- \aid that Cal!fo.-nia should compose has recently added links on the Pa· eo mm iss Ioner o t N ew Y ork c Ity h as 1 e ta 1r fo SIcet m b IS PU d1s...., Th 5 an 9 · ese its '.<.J..r.i'!•rences with Al'izona over the cific coast. Throe hundred stores aro ....en proposed to Mayor-elect Walker men s do th ept em der t f "i by Representative Bloom, Democrat, accuse e w.o . epar me~ts o ll· 'lhision of the river's waters in order operating In the' United States, forty New York. It the former assistant competency, crm:I~al negligence and '.hat the development of the river stores in Canada and 700 in Englanrl. ehlef of Ule air torc~s was acceptable almost treasonab.e adml~~s~raticn of might be vut under way. After com· The stores in England are operated national and disgraceful pleting his testimony before hte l or the post, R e Pre3en t a tl ve Bloom the d . . t" defense, f i .. ' com- under the name of tho noots Pure told Mr. Walker, he had no doubt . a mm1stra IOn o. aeronaut cs. mittec, Governor Dern oocupied a, Drug Company, Ltd. eongress would enact any legis~tlon scat on the senate floor beside SenaThe campaign or expansion on tl necessary to make the 2.;;;pointment Guardsman Facing Trial Shot tor King (Democrat) of his state, dur· west coast opened \l"ith the pure. tt.le possible. Colonel Mitchell, whose senSan Francisco.-I.i~uten~nt Beard lng a del:;ate upon thP world court. of four stores of the Kress Dru~ om· teace !'-:>.Lllains to be passed upon by J. Dupree of the Callforma national pany in Los Angeles, five the war department and President l guard, who may face court martial England's Wine Consumption Growil"g the B':lwu.an company Coolidge has not been approached on 1on charges of having posed as a war London.- Britons are reTerting eight store:. of th~ Sto •.Liyons Drug the proposal. He is out of the city hnro and won the distinguished ser· more and more to the habit!' of their company on the eoa~ . Deals are un· his long confinement to the DilJ. vice cross and the croix de guerre rorefathers in the mattor of drink. dcr w.ty fer th.~ Pllf"Chase of ten B<.r· of Columbia, during the court . without nuthority, "·as fo;md s].ot ant! The con"lumption of wine in this tel drug stores t;ifll'scattle, Wash., and martial trial which ended In his eon- severely wounde•l in the f'tate armory. eountry is on the increase. A report three stores Sif'i-he French Drug com· vlctlon 011. charges of misconduct "to Kear by lay an army revolver. Dupree of the customs and excise for the ye::rr pany in T~~vma, Wash. the prejudice of good order and mil- was rushed to Letterman Gcmeral hos· which ended kst March states that Poct!ap.1, Oregon, will be the headdiscipline." Mayor-elect Walker, pita! and ls being attended by army 15.633,703 gallons of wine were • eon· of a further string of stores takes office January 1, has an· 1 surgcons. He drclared he shut him- 1 sumed during that period. This was wl,· • the company expects to ac· ~Jlc>UI!ce'd the personnel of his admin- self accidentally while clo;aning his re· an increase o! 2,000,000 gnllous :Ire in every Important city on the volver. the previous twelvo months. Pudfic coa~t. Twenty-one drug stores are now in operation on the west coast. Messenger Bests Bandits World Court Issue Is Brought Up Man Who Knew Lincoln Dead Washington.-Andrew Beckett, 51, 'Vashington.-Tha woi'ld ·court isMadison, Wla.-L. S. Hl!.nks, 87, re· messenger, with a department sue has finally boon brought before tired president of the SU1te Bank of Students To Fight Military Tralnlng Tuscon, Ariz.-Oreanlzation ot a s· •.,~nr·A'A $6000 pa;yroll, vroved a tough the Bonate with immediate indications Madison and world authority on the to three highwaymen of his that the long and bitt•"r league of slumbering acthiiUes of Abraham Lin· "league for the abolition of compulrace who attempted to hold him nations fight is to be renewed. The coin, died at his home here. Mr. sory military training" was effecte:i He grabbed the pistol of one ot chief point ot controversy is whether Hank!! t'JOk keen delight in tel!ing of here by University of Arizona stuthe robbers and hit hlm over the adhesion i\> the court Bieans affllia· the ~t in 1859 when he tried to dents. This was announced by Rob• Then he shot the other two Uon with the league, and the forc01s sleep with Abraham Lincoln, hut tail· ert E. Pettengil, vresident or the orwhen they tried to get away in an in the senate are arrayorl in much the ed because the angular statesman ganization, who said the members automobile, wounding one ot them same fashion they were during the snored so Ioudely and threshed his would seek a!filiat!on with similar societies through the East. •erious.l;y. months of struggle over the cove:t::o.~t. lges about when he slept. ' $600,000 Will Fight Ended College Prnldent Dies Francis Retiring Bootlegging Profits Are Large Chlcago.-Charles Albert Blanchard Chicago.- John Francis, general Los Angoles.-Contest or 'th11 will Intllanapolis, Ind.-Euormous prof· forty years president of Wheaton passenger agent of the Burlington Its ct the bootleg business were re- of the !at& Dr. Georgia Sackett Rug:e.)ll•BII:III, and for years a leader in re- railroad, with headquarters in Chica· vealed in the testimony of George Re· gles, disposing ot her $600,000 estate and educational work, died oo. will retile January 1, after forty· mus, Cincinnati rum king, on record has been settled out of court, a s!tpuhere, a few hours before he four years' se; vice with the company. lation announces. The settlement proto have conducted a funeral ser· In 1881 Mr. Francis be~-ame chief in federal court here. Remus admit· Dr. Blanchard's father, the late I clerk in the office of the division su- ted making nearly $3,00{\000 the first vides that third of the estate go to the 1 Jonath~tn Blanchard, founded Wheat· perintendent at Lincoln, Neb., next he year he was in the business. He testi- Christian Science church, to which I college ln. 1860 and was Its first was chief clerk In the passenger de· fied as a ~overnment witness in the the estate was left In three wills ! Dr. Blanchard was born I partment and later assistant general trial of twenty-seven persons charged made by Dr. Ruggles, a third is given I Galesburg, seventy-seven years a~o passenger and ticket agent tn Omaha, with conspiracy for the theft. of whis· to Mme. Tata Don·e, foster sister of Ills father was vrest1ent ot then followed his appC'intment to the ky from the Jack Deniel dil'tillery at Dr. Ruggles, and t11e renmining third college. position he now hold.s. will be divided among t1velve cousins. St. Louis. I l}ou114 Take care of your stomach and tlble11. AI all l>n4ggi,la, ley, Golden Romney, Don Corbett, Or-~ in Howard, Reed Swenson, Vernal \\·orthington, Wesley Lloyd, Kimball Mcintosh, Lawrence Peterson, Lavonia Fuller, Clarence Knudson, Donald Lloyd, Lowell Biddulph, !<'red Dixon. I r~==~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boschee's HAS BEEN Austin, TeY.as.-Lee Satterwhite, Provo.~The fifth annual leadership Relieving Caughs speaker of the Texas house of repre- 1 we~k will be ~eld at Drigham ~Yo~ng j 59 sentatlves has declined to call a spec- UniVersity durmg the week begmnmg . ial session of tho legir;lautre. January 25, and ending January 29. Carry a bo in The session had been soug;ht by ' Twenty-six departments of instruction 1 your car and always keep it th~ some legistators to ascertain if there have been organized and all will make house. 30c and 90c at all druggists. was evidence on whieh to file im· their work centribute to the theme ~;;~~~~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;; peachment charges. Governor Miriam ef the "week" which is "better teach-j A. Ferguson said her mamie!l wore ing of religion." All people of the in- 1 Fair T enris Player trying to find something against her termountain west are invited to at· ! • and declined to call the s::ssion. te-nd. There will be no registration Laughs at arnrng• Satterwhite declared It un wiE<<:~ .to is· fee. 1 That strenuous play in. ten toursue a summons for an extraordmary Salt Lake-Preparations are being 1 naments Is fatal to femlrune beauty, is seRsion at present, as it might compl!· , made for the entertainment of more · a warning usually given to good-look· cate litigation filed b! Attorney Gen· than 2000 farmers during the annual i ing gi~i:-: ":~10 aspil·e to tennis honors. eral Dan Moody agamst s~me high·j m.eeting of the Utah State Farm nu· i But ~II:'Is I:1leen Bennett, who won th& way constructiOn compames. The rC'au and its affiliated co-operative \Yomen s sm~le,; at the new Cromer call s~ould await future dovelepm~nts 1 marketing associations which ,will be e!uh, Lomlon, En~lnnd, sh~·u~s her he said. · held at the Newhouse Hotel in Salt ' shoulders at the gloomy pre<lictwas of The speaker's statement referred to Lake City during the four days of her friends und arlvi!;er:-;. She Is tho opinions from the attorney g.:;noral, January 20 to 30. 1\L s. vnnder, exe·j prettiest of the tlrst-clafs pi ers in given some time ago, that any sessim~ cutive secretary of the state farm guglmul an_tl only eighteen. e has called by other t~1an the gover_nm bureau announced. The co-operative l shingh,_ll laur and the face. und figure would lack authonty to appropnate associations which will meet jointly 1 of a film ~tnr. Her tE>nms game Is mo<1ey to defraw expelllles, and that with the state farm bureau includes modeled on thnt of 1\llie. Lenglen an() such expensE> could not be finance:! the Utah Poultry Producers Co-oper· thE>l'e is every promise of he1· inning by private or Individual sources. ative association, the Utah Sugar Beet ehampionships. She chooses to i ort "This made It necessary fu~ each I Co-operative a£sociation, the Utah the WUI'uin;;s of thrC'! wi1o tel her member of the house to pay h1s own Fruit and Vegetable association, the that no regular woman tournament expenses in event a session thus was Utah Dairy Exchange, the Utah Co· player has pre:o;en·ed her good looks cal~cd: and th_ereaftor m_or_e. than a operative Livestock Exchange and the j for m~;re than three OJ' fo:Ir years. ma]onty signlhed their Wllhngness to Utah Canning Crops nssooiation. ---.----pay their own expenses. But, after There will be three sessions held each 1 Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. giving care~ul ~onsiderutlon to all the day of the convention with the excep· On rising an_d retlrl~g gent!~ smear legal comphcatwns and the tart that tion of the last when no night meet- the face w1th Cutlcura Omtment. the attorney general has not been ing or entertainment is scheduled. I 'Vash off Ointment in five minutes able .,to conclude the suits Involving Two business sessions will be held with Cuticura Soup and hot watC'r. It the matters to be consider'ld in the J eaeh day. The first will be called tc. Is wonderful what Cuticura will doevent such a session is c.t.lled, and order at 10 o'clock and the other at for poor complexions, dandruff, itching ~e~ming it unwise to c.:>mvllcate this 12 o'clock. The first evening a vaude· and red, rough hands.-Advertisement. litigation, I have reached tho con· ville program will be presented with elusion that the call should not be 1 each county organization contributing Fu.ture Arrangements issued at this time, but should await a stunt or act. On the second even· Two Shortr!d<'e high school girJg, future developments," the speAker ing a banquet will IJ3 held while a on their wa~· home from sclwol, ·er& said. 1 grand ball will be st::;;-ed on the third , discussing the play "'.ropsy and evening. Each of the co-operative as- 1 Eva.'' BC'tty made the remark that Go'-!ld's Son,,Tells Of Stock Loss sociations will conduct one session of ; she hop!>d they would play "Itt>memNew York.-The la~e Geo.rge J. the convention. The co-operatives will b'ring" at hei' funeral. Dorothy whoGould lost $4,500,000 m the sale of ~ also hold special busin~ns at was not snc·h a sentimental type, ra!lroad securities belonging to him· which time t .e program for the year J said: "Well, I hope they pia, 'Linself and the Gould estate in handl!ng will be outlined and officers elected. I gE>r A while' nt mine.''-Indiunapolls: the affairs of the Denver & Rio Some nationally known agriculture News. Grande and Missouri Pacific railroads men including Preside. Samuel H. his son, Kingdon Gould, revealell Thompson, the newly elected presi· in superior court in the suit brought dent of the American Farm Bureau by minority stockholders of the Den· federr,tion, a representative of the ver & Rio Gro.nde railroad for an ac· United States department or agricul· irritations. Usc counting. Some 150,000 shares of 1\fis- 1 turu and the United States forest sersouri Pacific stock were unloa<led, vice are being invited to take pai't. Glngdon Gould said, by his father be· Reports on the actiYitics of all of the fore the "Gould boartl of directors co-operative marketing associ;nions was deposed in 1915." Dou you ~:now and their accomplishmen:.s will be where the stock wail sold?" Abraham given durin~ the meetings. It is es· TO LADIES ONLY Benedict, counsel for the minority j timated that through the eF ..Jrts of '"fhy waRte dol1ar3 paying high prices tor stockholders, asked. "Yes, I do; it was these associatioP.s several hnnured ad- complexion paw~l~rft, Jottons, toilet goods,. sold to Wall street. I helped father ditional carloads of farm prodm·U ar~ etc., wh~n you <:nn make them at hotne at in executing some of tho orders." bein~ sent out of the state each year one· ten h tho cop;;t? Send stan1p for liter .... Subsequently he testified that the which are bringing increase;] pricas ture. F. l,owell, Box 4:23, Berkeley, Calif. shares had been sold in [.mrrll lots tc to the producers. Dur;I.:g- the past faw Hi\IUIEU COT.LEGE3 avoid upsetting the marl:et. weeks the sUite farm hurcun !•as bef·n L(!aru barb~r t1 nde. Cata!oguo free, 1Jlploma1 con£1ucting a membership campaign i:J. Issued. :\lol~r B>rber College, 114 Regent St. Judge Lindsey's Ri?ht To Bench Cl~!!r all crnm.ics ef tho state•. It is esti· wou··. coYO'lE. KAT A:>.IJ t(E Denvcr.-Judgc Ben n. I.!nl!;<>V'R n·~r;., .... ~•.th<> m~mbeJ~hlp has n~:r.r·' K'TJ~U'!l.' \TOH · 1It tO t 1le D en>•er JlH · . ent·1 0 ]·.:1 ·1~ . ·~d •• I'Ple In trucllons. Sol!l r1g "e.·.,]1· : p 1Y b CCU (1OU b E as Corup,l! "' WI'th I•.l."t Ed\\·anls' for $511. l'ormt.las, (:ut 9 coynt~" one night; Cu•s was upheld in effect when tlw su,,. , yc,ar. The work will co"ltinuc until • hrou<;hl $121.60. A'•·• 2-balt trappmg- system. • . _ · ') .. 1 Trappe;l 3 ~ny11tL~n one- n1.;ht, sa!H~ p!..tce. supreme court dtsm!sscd an !jPP ·a! Ihe greater I' art of the ~5,000 or the J;Jinl proof. F .. rrr. 1 :a . In•t,·uctlon• an<l •rrapby the lil.te Roval R. Grailam con to :t- state become members of the bureau, 1 p;.,g ~Yst~m $~.60 Fr~~ c'rculnr. lng Judge Lindsey's election a year it is said. c;~;o.,ra.;•;::nwA f'T>~. T,Tvr..• ,.,,~"· MON~ for I Years I =--- . w I i l I I I I I I I 1 I ! (LEA~di!s~~ b~t~! ~ Resi ol I 1 Wa;ohin;l;ton.-The president has 1 ser;.t to the senate the nominations of ago last Novemb;or.' The diHmissa! was made on motion of Cllar!ee L. Laney, realtor in the case. who citcr1 that Graham, who opposed Lindsey i;-J the election had died several mon:Its New Diamond Mi:tes The diH'OY(•ry of lll'W diamond mines the ~ollowing postn;asters mostly re- I in the llPl!.::inn Con;;n, in Soutlt .'\fricn, nppomtments: Utan-O;;den. Rufus has IJeen hailt'd a,; vPry Important, be. A. f<r· III'lll\' ,·ears experts ha\'& a7,o. Graham·s counsel arnKa!.~a ~:~t: . Garner; . T7' . . Drigh::m, Rolnnd .. A. Ma<l·. '"::J.ll'<e · • .' - . · .,~ . sen, ''"P1Iraim, Ant 11ony \V. T,wm~on, l'ai<l that dmrnmHl.. pro1lnrtwn Is dE'~casa aft"'!' Judge Lmdsey l'<!tl h:;::n K J h '~' G ·1 . • ·1 1 a mas. o n ". •Ul <1, K"m wort 1, tined to de<T<>ase st<'·tcliiY The new uphel< Y _tha lower court m_ h!s c.::>.•m j Etta Moffit; Montlcellu, Charles E. mines nre .heli~vc<l b~· 11otentlnll~· to off1ce. In the elect10!l Jud~·e . · • . · \Valton, Jr., VJ'oods Crans, John A. tlsP I'Ir"PSt in thP wurl1l whpn [lrOpl'r,;ey defeated Granum by a mn.~or- 1 ·r , . 1 h" L I· 1 · ' " · ,e 1, e .m< Powell (new ap· lv rle1·e1opell \II of the llcn>lopntl'nt 1 t utcn, of aboat U7 votes. · ). s tan d a1·d vill::>, · · • done since · 1 pei.nt~ent , Agnes thus fr.r l~:1s· ben thP c!tMa ,. t 1 IJa.rnson. of the \\'nrlll war, althou~h It was Woman Found Drowned in H;:r r-,:J ~ . . ·. S"tl' Lake City -Herbert 1\1 Schll· • known there were diamond deposits San Fr:tnci~c.,.-A llmousm ~. vnth ' • · · • I tl . . 1 .. ler 1~ns n:~med P"esid -nt o• tlv> gradu· 1 lei e as E'ar Y ns. 1"07 •1 • the body of Mrs. Hazel A. SUl!lY, at. .: .·. ' ' ,-~.. . --------..,., tractive young matron, at the s~eel'ing atm,., c.ass of 191~ at the ~ nn: erslty 'wheel, was llftcd from tha hay here of Utah, at a meetmrr held at the ~oTraffic Stufl after she had been miasinr for two tel Utah for the purpos~ o~ form1ng ''Cholly hatl a fielrl day yesterd~.'· ,, T' tomobile had , ~~e·l ~ a permanent ckss or;;amzatwn. Mrs. "How eome?" uays. ae au 1--u~., El' ,, h R bb" ' • :! d r; iflto the water at the foot of Powdl • !Zauet . o ms '' oor war wei "Collid<·d with a pretty Jirl driver. strot recently, presumably while Mrs.j e;;c.tcd VI~e pres1dont and James L. While they were PXe!Ittn:~ing-,car 1 ls, anSelby was driving home after an even· ' ' hlte sec!etary. 1 othPr prPtty girl hael;c<l Inti!' h!m. • ing in a North Beach cafe. Wh('n Salt Lake City.-Out or the fund 1 · found Mrs. Selby ,;·as still wea:ing- to be SP€nt the coming Yi?ar by the , the diamond riu:"; and OtlHlT g~~lS l"P.ion P~lcific System for advertising ; D with which f.he hurl gone to the care ~ncl scenic improvements, expend!· 1 I party. J!(rs. Selby was the mother of tures amounting to $2ii0,000 will be ' three small clddren. She wus divor- rna on improving accomniodations Ph!!rmaclsts say that when all other ced from W1lter J. Selby, candy mr>n;:..{ in pouthern Utah's wonderlands, it so-callcu remedies fall, Joint-Ease is nra-:turer. Selby aided in the sear'!b "1\as announced by officials. sure to spee11ily succeed. for her. It's for jl•lnt nilments only-that Is Logan.-The Cache. vnllcy councll,' why you nr·e a<ll'ised to use it for sore, noy Scouts of Amenca. one or the ! rt·eaky, painful, infimned rheumatic Gasoll ne Price Raised smallest councils in population in the I jl'i"ltil. Los Angelcs.-An increase :l!1 the . twelfth region, which include!! Cali·! .Joint-Ease limbers up tl!e jointsprice of ~asoline by 2 centR fo:- Lrs · rornia, Arizona, NC\·ada and Utah, is n1akes yon feel younger-Is rlean and AngelM and sont!Jeon California hus placed first in Utah and graded as penetrating nnd quick results are asbeen announced by the Standard 011 high as any council in the entire re- sm·<·d-Sixly cents a tube at druggists Company of Southern Callfornl:t. The ' gion by an official bulletin of the re- i ev!ry;vhcre. • increase, makes gasoline 18¥.! c-cntn a ozion issued recent!)'. I h\!tys reme.mher 'l'ihen Joint-Ease gallon, including the state ga:~ tax. I ~ets i~ !oint misery gets out-quick. lllf! · . . ,. t;, I F0r t•ff J01• ts I I I Britl£h Officer Denied Adm'ssion New York.---A ';TJ~clal h:m:-d oi' in· quiry at Ell!s IElanll deni.,·l C<!.pt:\in Sydney H. Po•·tuno, former Brltinh army offieer, ed·n!ss!l'n to the linitl'd Statos. "Moral grounds" h'tsed on hi~ divorce in l!l 18, wue gh·en u11 the cause of exclusion. No furthl'r o::pL-ln· atfon was given. Captain Fortune ar· ri"Ved at quo~rantlne and was taken to Ellis Island by immig'l'ntlon im;pectors. He was formerly a memher o~ the Oravcs commission In th9 Ne!U' East. Loo.'~ing She- -Ye~. df':Ir, I BATHE YOUR EYES Ahead I'll at<·ept rln~. I'OUP .. Jll'--How WOJllld'flll r Thrn you'!. murry me? ~he-Not yet; I'm to marrv .\lr .J OJJI's nt>xt week, !Jut vou'il h~ nex~ after him. _______·__ l Fixed for Life "You hnYe be.:n plnying Little Eva now for twent~· year'S. Why uot get 011 •~r~ t~~e ~;~t~~w to change." !1 OseBuy Dr. Thompson'e Eyewat<>r. at your dl"u~.ri.st'& or · U88 River, Tro.r, N. i. Booklet.. L. D. S. Business College SCHOOL Of' EffiCIENCY ::n: All commercial branches. Catalog free 16o0~o=-~·olns~ SSAL:n~4=0~·~~ 1\. -by mrul, C. 0. D. · Deseret Book Co.. 44 East So. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah I ~. -~. U~ s~lt Lak~ City, fl~. 52 -1925: |