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Show THE JORDAN JOURNAL the news Tony?" broke in Galeger. Doyle Lewis and baby of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D Ballard enter"I killed two of the Three Star and one go. Dan was to be hung thisltained at dinner Sun<tay. Covers were laid for nine. morning at sun rose.'~ Mrs. Franklin entertained at a party "Hurrah! Hurrah." Men, spurs and sombreros all joined in on the chorus. for her primary class Monday after"The cattfe are in Panguitch basin" noon at the home of W. B. Enniss. Refreshments were served to twelve exclaimed Tony. 1 That night just as the same old members• • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw and laughing moon cast its mysterious shadows over the Rancho de Lose children of Bingham are visiting at came Tony and Dot out of the big the home of Mrs. Shaw's parents, Mr. ranch house and stood under an apple and Mrs. L. H. Smith. Miss Mae Hibbert entertained the tree. "I'm proud of you, Tony dear." "I children of the 6th grade at a Christlove you, Dot." And then Cupid did mas party Monday evening. Games what other men have done before him. were played and refreshments serv--Joseph Francom. ed. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Ballard were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nielsen of Sandy, Saturday night at a 500 party. ' Miss Hulda Crosgrove, Miss Virginia Smith, Miss Stella Smith and . . . Mr. Lavern Smith and Mr. John Fitzof guest a was Milne Da1sy M1ss We take this oportunity of thanking the people of South gerald are home from Provo to spend Lake Salt of Mrs. A. N. Henderson Salt lake County for the liberal patronage they have given the holida~. T~esday of last week. Mr. Colonel Soffe returned home us this year and to wish you allSaturday evening from Promontory A MERRY CHRISTMAS after an absence of three months. A Farewell Testimonial in honor AND A HAPPY of Mr. C. I. Olson was held in the PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR East Midvale ward chapel Tuesday evening. An excellent progra~ was carried out and a purse of $60.00 was FOR SHOE REPAIRING, Harness Stitching and Auto Curtain Repairs, given Mr. Olson to help him on his call at J. Dwight, .West Jordan. way. He left Wednesday fot a six J-12-26 First Class workmanship months Inission to the North-western Midvale, Utah States FIRE INSURANCE-Don't Delay. Religion class officers met WednesSee H. C. Aylett, 320 N. Main. Tel. day at the home of Mrs. Louie Crestf Midvale 86. ser on Union Avenue. Mter the busirwss hour, a dainty luncheon was FOR RENT-5 room apartment at 169 North Main Jan. 1, 1926. Apply served to Mrs. Goldie Soffe, Mrs. LizJournal Office $25.00 per mt>nth. zie Jensen, Mrs. Annie Butterfield, Mrs. Olive Sharp and Mrs. Rachel LOST-PAIR of HORN RIMMEID Forbush. nose glasses with reel and chain, Mrs. Otilla Brown of Salt Lake vissomewhere in Sandy. Mrs. R. W. ited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Born. Telephone, Mid. 5. Reward. Rachel Forbush. Mrs. Erma Milne and Miss Ettie Milne attended the funeral servi~ WANT.ED-!-RAGS, 4 cents per pound Thursday for Miss Ivy Wallen who _a_t_J_o_u_m_a_l_P_I_an_t_._c_Ie_a_n...;.co;.;t.;.to;.;n.;.;.__ was struck by an automobile Friday of the previous week. Mr. W. H. Perkins and sister, Mrs. Andrey T. llruce left Wednesday fo1 San Diegt>, California. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dahl attended the Odd Fellows dance at Sand~ Thursday evening, Dec. 24. are being quickly Mrs. C. B. Davis was hostess to and capitalists. If you ba.ve an Invention, send us a. her Salt Lake friends and spomoretl model or sketches for search a.nd report the last of a series of open house teaF on patentability. d at her home on State Street Monday. over the summit and the Uancho . . • Our book 'l'>n patents and trade-marka U '. over bendmg nss a young gul was IIEARTS AND G NS tht tnen and bark Lose, came a low t th zed t h him He Seventy guests called during the afA elatter of flying hoofs thundered laxed. gaif h a er a mtomsf_end ' G ~In draws out shrill, tmgelmg how 1 " ternoon . h' e were sa I Ie . a- the L'n as re ....:._ la to the Ra eh d Lo .. _. 1 e W0 Ife. "0-o h" ' . w Isperec. se.l eger leaned over the cowboy. "Ted Mr and Mrs. A. E. Bateman attende n ""'e ...., ne 7th & E:-Sts., Washington, D. C. '~ou-1. mto closer .~~~huddled eyes of the cowboy opened, then shuL: ~:sas ed the Social Evening Club at the "8ouids like a horse a eomin'." Eatabllahed In 'i 880. t makes a cold chill g, home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Neilson · "Yes, and it ain't a coming veryleyes of tse cowboy opened then shuL slow," grunted Lee as he was about ''The rustlers, Dan and 'the Thr~ throu~~ me .• 1 thin~ coyotes soul, . of Sandy, Saturday evening. awrul.. Three lonety howls echoe~.. Mrs. Ethel Milerberg entertainer· to open the bunk house door. Sud- Stra.'' gasped Ted. .n their ears. _ denly ..... at her home on Union aveMonday "Dot dear shake my ha d f In fifteen Jninute11, twenty-five "":"' door flashed open through n or goo, nue for Mrs. Andrew Sugdeon and '. : . an outside power. 't- blood-thirsty cowboys burnt up the1luck, I m gomg to get lJan ana tu, Mrs. J. P. Terry of Stilt Lake and Mrs he .,, "I Gal t raJ'1 toward t he 1'wo-Bar-M Ranch. I. "Th r~e Star B and". eJrel an came . re eger s ed yell from a cowboy. Charles Oborn of Taylorsville. Ton. nor ~olfe, ~one the Neit~er s<>mbrerol last the watched Galeger house.'' ranch "No, bit's over to the Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett left '1lbe Cowboy staggered into the melt into the cloud of dust and then and his beautiful . pmto horse wer, Tuesday for a visit in California. taDah ~ouse where Forman Galeger he returned immediately to the house fheard nor seen agam that year at th , . . aDd "Bosa' Wagaell-were disguBBiDg and talked silently with Old Wagnell. Rancho de Lose. "Do you know where we could find 1" One bal~y June evenmg, to a httL raDCh affairl. "GaJeger, for Go-on the ..one-horse, town,. came. Tony, th.. cowboy's banda went to his left Tony?" asked the Foreman. "No, dam, if I only knew, oh dear!" Gun Man, holdmg h1s impatiem aboulder :be IJW&)'ed forward theta Galeger struck out f<>r the Two-Bar- stead to a prancin~ pace as he roa, fell to the floor uneonaciou.s. 'Many important miDutea dragaed by before M to assist his ranch hands in find- to the Three S~r Saloon. Mrs. Irene Terry of Price is visitflickerinh were hghts street The outlaws. the and cattle stolen the ing reof signs any ~~)lowed the cowbOy ing friends and relatives in Union. CIOVtn"J. Evert thing was a black blot, Weeks latter, high up on the rolling peo~le, horsemen and all moved im· Mrs. Nephi Gregory was a Sal! lftilllou of ideas flashed through his summit just two !niles from the patiently up and d?wn the dust) Lake visitor Monday, guest of Mr m!ml Oh yea, what has happened, Rancho de Lose, rode a young "Dare street. The saloon wmdows were dim. and Mrs. Louis Westbrook. where was he darest he open his Devil", mounted on a prancing, wild Unshaved men of all western type~ Mrs. Rose Greer was hostess tr ~-! When he recovered conscious- pinto stallion. The youth was a no-. grouped around outside. Men and members of the Unity club at hf'! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ticeable being who attracted Dt>t wom~n came an_d went from the saloon home Thursday. Those enjoying th ~ Wagnell's keen, brown eyes when they The ~azzy strams ?f music bolted to afternoon were: Mrs. Goldie Soffe POPULAR met on the summit. They rode side Tony s ears. . H~ dismounted casually Mrs Lorie Baker, Mrs. Melva Evam by side to the Rancho de Lose and and stepped ms1de the saloon door. Mrs. Jessie Berrett, Mrs. Carrie Coom· EXCURSION FARES discovered that they had met at col- . Fumes of liquor and stifling smokt ber and Mrs. Alice Burgon. " TO CALIFORNIA in Boston several years before ~llled the room. Several large lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Burgon left time when the handsome youth ht up the hall. The clinking of glass- Tuesday for California. They will visDBNVBR & RIO GRANDE 1g1anc~a at Dot, she had a. questioning es an~ bottles, the shouts, laug:hs am. it all places of interest and gt> by on her pretty face. "Your name ~earmg ~ro~ drunken men, the sing. steamer around the Gulf of Mexico. 'WESTERN KAILROAD Phil Noot, is it not?" Tony turn- I~g and g1gghng . from the danein6 Mrs. Sarah Ray returned Monday a..JOHN BARLEYCORN'S LAST to her suddenly but said nothing girls and the noise of the orchestn. from Price where she has visited .....,_ ORDER WAS BIER made the Three Star a perfect hell. some time with Mr. and Mrs. Henry a few minutes. "Yes, Dot, but call me Tony when Tony sto.od ~ilent and studied ever;c Parry. DEPENDABLE SERVICE AT LO\\ around, please.'' "I face until his glance rested- .at onl ...uyu••c else is Miss Iona Oborn left Tues•lay for COST · tell you why I'm so secret, but ta~le. A tall hairy man walket a visit to California Mrs. George Wright and children of Our Shop is equipped to handle all a sport and don't ask questions." swiftly to the table and sat down, tht When Dot and her new friend three other man at the table leanecl Bingham were week-end guests of kinds of Battery and Auto repairing. 1reac11ed the ranch, Foreman Galeger forwa~d:. "Get your guns ready fel- Mr. and. Mrs. Nephi Gregory. Tony to his private room. where lows, Cnckets here, probably to settlt Up-To-Date, dependable, Service at Wagreil was waiting. They told · up for Old Wagnells cattle," gaspe( Low Cost. about the cowboy who was shot Dan, the leader of the Three Star. TonJ to given of the cattle that had been stol- "Cricket" was a name We are always glad to serve you. by. an old Indian Chief which mean. and never found. • That night just as the laughing quick as lightning with guns, bod) Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Francom and Come in and let us install an EXIDE BATTERY baby of Salt Lake were the week-end horse. ~Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;i east its mysterious shadows andTony strode leisurely to the ba1 guests of ~s. Hannah Terry, Mrs. ~ IN YOUR CAR but kept his eye on the corner table. Francom's mother. 0. & E. ELECTRIC , Several Ininutes pastted then Ton~ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burnham. .an- 24 E. Center St ...... Phone: Mid. 272 loosened his gun belt, folded his arm~> the arrival of a baby boy born Midvale, Utah ! and walked slowly to the windo\\ nounce Friday, Dec. 18. Mrs. Burnham was about ten feet from the corner table. formerly Miss Pauletta Terry. ARE YOU CONSIDERING All eyes watched him closely espec- Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bailey had as ially the four at the table, even smnt A SUIT AS A GIFI'? . left the hall. The name "Cricket" 11a<, their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. If so, you cannot eome to passed to every person. . Suddenly Tony faced the men at tht (Chiropractor) better plaee than this shop table and spoke quick. "Dan and thl Three Star." Bang! Bang! Bang! . to JDake your seleetum. A Bang! Two men fell. Dan's gun was spleadid display of the new- shot from · his hand. Buck grasped his hand. When the smoke cleared awa1 . • • est distmct1ve styles for there stoOO Tony with two "forty. fours" covering Dan and Buck. "My gosh, he carries four guns,' IDeD and young men awad said someone excitedly. "He carries your approval. those under his vest," said someone else. Opens New Offices in Midvale "Dan, I want you, Buck, I'll give · SPECIAL SUIT SALE at Main and Center Streets, Suit made to your order you another chance, the sheriff wants you but if you can make yt>ur escape over Comer Meat and Grocery with extra trousers free. alright. Go Buck. Bang! Bang! Bang! Over Comer Meat and Prices $25 00 up Sale now Crach! The room went dark. Three lam1ps splattered to pieces as they feR • • Groceey Store. 011. Alterations, C)Mning to the floor. The next afternoon brought Tony "SERVICE" IS OUR MOTrO galloping down the long lane to the and presseing. Rancho de Lose. Every ranch hand Coae in and get acquainted. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Thompson engathered around to hear the news. H. F. RASMUSSEN, Tony dismounted and walked straight tertained at dinner Tuesday in honor The Tailor O.iee baurs daily 2 to 4 p. m. of Mm. Thompson's birthday anniverto Dot. and5to7p.m. sary. Covers were laid for nine · "1 did ft.'' he said. "Did fOti pt the rustlers?" "WWaat•s KUeaP. EAST MIDVALE ---- WANT ADS Famous Clothing Co., Inc. ------------ LOWE~T PRICES PREVAILING AT OUR STORE SATURDAY We Cannot Here Quote Prices F.or Reasons Best Known To Ourselves. AND COMPANY Midvale, Utah Phone 221 ---------~~~~*1'Mf"m.jiijQI6N AthatGIFT--Spreads Christmas Cheer for Thousands of Miles. -PATENTS :It 111:11' ° FULLER PEP Union . DRAPER DOINGS • Dr. C. K. Berg a MOVING I An ultra-practical gift-just the thing for dad or brother. o:tosniiFT A co. I I GUM-DIPPED TIRE .-; PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE Call Midvale 28 'Moving is our Business' BING'S TRANSFER Two Trucks Day or Night And so sure to please, t~you need but know the make of car and the size marking on the present equipment, to be absolutely certain when buying help you select His most weloome gift. us let ; in Come o.& E. EI. .EcTnicCo. 25 East Center Street Phone: Midvale 272 ~~~~I~~~~~m~3E*:I*3E~llilf*JJ.3lgf*~ "'· IS ALWAYS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION PRICE IS A SECOND CONSIDERA'riON To Those Who Demand The Highest Quality We Cater In This Connection We Are Reminded Of ~The Story About The LEMONADE And 'l'he Cat, Which Runs fl'husly: Two Boys Were Selling Lemonade On The Same StreetOne ~t A Nickel A Glass-The Other Two Glasses For A Nic"kel. One Customer After Drinking Two Glasses Full Of Lemonade (Or Rather Empty Of Lemonade) Remarked-"Sonny,'How Can You Afford To SeD Two1Giasses Of Lemonade For A Nickel When Your Competitor Sells ()n. f ly One For A NickeL" ''Well, I'll Tell You," replied the ~at rate youth, "A ... Cat Ji'ell In My Lemonade And l've.'Got To Get Rid Of It." In Every Story There Must Be A Moral Corner Meat &Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. Midvale, Utah BE WISE AndBu,-tU FLOUR THAT SATISFIES Weat Jorclaa Milliq Co. , ....... 108 ..... Try a Journal Want Ad |