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Show • THE =~~~~~!1ffij~!1ffij~~!M}j)~~~~~~~lliffi!1ffij~~~~ I :l HUB THEATR;:!lE · Mrs. Laura Turner returne~l ~! ~:~~~~l:~·.m~a~~. extended stay m JORDAN JOURNAL Murray 'Society Mrs~ M~ L~ Miss Lexcies Sun..'itrom has had a·s M\j Tuesday English enter- iher guest for the past week, l\1 io<~ ~ taine<l at a birthday party fo'r her Mary Mineer of Salt Lake. ~ small son, Billy, on the lawn of t!he • - ~. rue Perkin~ h~me on State ~treet. Twelve Miss Lillie Ho1m.g·reen had as her ' 2f1J gue~ts en;oye<l the affa1r. ~uest lrus't Tues.day, M~ss Mau·jori(; ~ • * • C)~ ) !!:ffij Miss ll~ma Malstrom left Saturday M·alstn.xm1. J"':/" ~~ to return to Los Angeles after spend• * • pre#ntJ ing two months wit>h relatives in Sal, M1ss June McCloy has as her gue::;t l 1 Lake and Midvale. Miss Zelta Larsen of Provo. * • * 11 IUE Mrs. J. E. ;ob:rts;n and childre.L The Gt,ant Ward relief society of2f1l 1 of Santa Monica, Cahf., former reslficers entertained tJhe old f,olks of the Jll2C'tlff1hc.J/JCeJ j ~ 1 dents, of Midvale, are vis!ting at the ward Tuesday a.ftetl.'rlloon. A p.nogr-odlrt ~· ..,J I !!:ffii I home of Mrs. Robertson s mothel wa.s enjoyed followed by 1·ef.reshments. ~ Mrs. W. B. . Trifp, *of*Sandy. Meiss Helen Lundskog entertainal l., Saturday evening of last week Mr. t'he members of the Glea:r~or Club at and Mrs. K. A. Carbon and Mr. an< . her home Tuesday evening. The evenMrs. Virgil Goates were guests at a ing w.as spent in sewing and later a IUe dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. mncheon was .served to twelve gues,t.s. ~ E. Allen Bateman, of East Midvale. • * • ~ • * * Jean Bringhul1St motored to Mil1 ~ Mrs. Erma Cook and children, o. Creek Cany.on Sunday and spent th, IUe Salt Lake spen~ Sunday ami Monda~ day. ~ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. * ... * Mrs. Veu:n Smith was the gue><t 0 1 Mr: ; English, ol her mO'bher, Mr:,;. L. Kenny of Sandy, Friday of la~t week. Dodge City, Kansas, are visiting at • * • ~ uhe home of their son, M. L. English, MQ·. ·and Mrs. Eugene Wattts wil ~ Friday. Mr. and Mrs. English left fo1 leave thi.:; week for Idaho to "pend tw~ ~ Price where they will spend :somE w·eeks visdting- wi Uh rel·a.ti ves. time before returning home. • • ')VjJ/jam 1 f:ilaJJn) CarterJ J...!, ~ /, Fri. and Sat. July 24 and 25 I ){eloaramq ,r ":J· Tom MIX IN ''The Stage Coach Driver'' I r' • • • ~~ ~ Je:~~s~nd ~ Don't Miss the New Serial "Wolves of the North" Starring Wm. Duncan Starts Friday & Saturday I J~ * * * ~als:rom Mrs. llo Erickson was the guest o Mrs. Clarenc: and child- he1· mo.ther, Mrs. Or<Son Ba.11:etl o, ren, of Jamestown, Calif., are here Union, Sunday. on a visit. They are the guests ot * • • Mrs. Malstrom's father, Jos. Wt·ight. The members of the 0. N. 0. CluL spent Wednesday evening at Salta.;! " ~ ~ and~ Who Spoke About ---------.:.....;;T;.;;U;.;E;.;.S;.;;D~A-Y..... .Ju•l.;;;.Y...;;2;.;;.6~,-.27.._,28 ~ Alladin' s Magic Lamp SUNDAY, MONDAY ~ Biggest Event Ever in Midvale-Stupendous, Thrills YOUNGER BROS. TRUE LIFE HISTORY in Reels $10,000 Lobby Display. ONE DAY ONLY Wednesday, July 29, 1925 Same. Popular Price:.' Three Shows-First Show Starts at 5 :30 p. m. July 29 lOc and 25c ~ ~ ~ ~ !Mhi IUE if;Qj ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · sa 1t L a k e Th urs d ay f m· 1unc heon m Mrs. w. c. Goff of Salt Lake and Mrs. Mary Holman, of Los Angeles, Mrs. Frank McCame and children Calif. of Pocatello, Idaho, spent Tuesday in * * * Midvale, 'guests of Mrs. Wm. Waters. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollis Aylett spent * * * last week at Brighton. Mrs. Annie Neloon, has returned * • * from a visit witJh her daughters in M r. an d Mt·s. B . S . G r een, M·~s B• 1., Los Ang-eles, Calif. Green and Douglas Green, of Magna, * * * spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Wm. Waters entertained at a Mrs. Marv B. Stokes. MIDVALE MURMURS I The portable super-heterodyne is the portable receiver. ~his type, :-v.ith its six vacuum tubes, 1s so sens1t1ve that the motorist at Niag-ra Falls can 'tune in New York and Bosto~ one m~ ment and Chicago and Mmneapohs the next, any summer's evening, while the receiv~r is restin~ on the runni_ng board! W1th everythmg self-contamed, this receiver which is available in two types, is ready for instant operation. An extra piece of luggage, small than a suitcase, weighing less than fortv pounds, strapped to the runnil1g boat:d, means a world of entertainment on your autO'moble tour. Dances Music, talks, comedy, plays, travelog-ues, sports, news, weather forecasts stock reports-who can afford to leave radio at home'? I • * • • Suits Made To Order First clas:;; work guaranteed Ladies Tailoring A Specialty H. F. RASMUSSEN TAILOR Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired 6! VVest Center Street Phone Midvale 117-W ~ ~ idvale, Utah FRIDAY and SATURDAY Buster Keaton in "Our Hospitality" 7 Reels of Joy and .,!In IJnlimit:d Train of Liiu..fhter! MACK SENNETT ~:(i{fs LUCK O'THE FOOLISH'/ fEATURIN/; Har9' Langdon Whether Pauper or Millionaire Pa~~fP!!!edY SUNDAY and MONDAY A Good Meal is Worth 35c "The Famous Mrs. Fair" featuring Huntley Gordon, Crellen Landis and Marguerite ~;;.. De La Motte and the Gang in "Sunday Calm" "As Clean as the Cleanest, As Good as the Best" U. S. CAFE ··- - - - - - - - !:= 'H ."' 0 <1) SAMAS & THOMAS, P t'Oprietol's. lVIidvale Utah 0 .... Dr. and M1'~· L. P. Monson 'havt.. <1> g•one to San Francisco v.1hene Dr. ..c: Monson will do interne work at tht; ~ United States A'rmy hospital. M11:;. Monson was formez'ly M~ss Marg.are., Simons oi .this City. ..... * * • Critics from coast-to-coast have unanimously termed it "The Wonder Picture" -So you will when you see it. - * * .. Mr. and Mt1S. Marr D. Sinton.~ art. The children of :the Baptlist anti at home at 1917 SOou·th Sta!te St·reet. Methodist Sunday Schools were en • teliained br their tea.<.hers at the Mm Mil'. and Mrs. Pugh announce tht. my City Park, Wednesday afternoon. nJanriage of their daughter, Florenct. ... to Laurence Dav.is, W!hich took plact Mr. and Mrs. Uarl Hansen eruter:n SaJ t Lake, Wednesday. vained wednesday evening of last * • • •veek at their home on State Street Mrs. Truman Carlisle entertained 01. n comp.Lirnent to their sister-in-law, Wednesday aftern()l()n alt. her ho.me .i11 _vlr~. Ivan S. Hansen of Los Angela> Gra.nt Wmxl in 1LOn01· of Miss Doria .dto has been V'isiting relatives hel'<Stelphens.on olf Oaklaru:l, CalifOil'nia. che past few weeks. Five hunure,. • * * .;as played during the evening, followMiJss lone A:twood has had as he1 1d by dancing and l'adio. RefJ·e:'ihmen r.:; g-uoot, Miss Blla Carlson of S·alt Lake. .vere served to the twenty-•wo guest>. • ~ 0 • • •• • •.( TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Al1:1hur Yeager and M~·. and Mrs. R. Nielson announce <.>hildren spent Thursday at ::>ara.tloga t!he m.ariage of their daugltte~·. Ro,.;, .Springs. to Au;;tin S. Ball of Salt Lake. 'l'lu ri1aiTiage took pl~ce Wedn~uay. Mr. and Mrs. William Preall have ... • * returned ho.111e from a five week'l:> Mit'IS. Edger E. Atchel en.te1·taine(, V'isi;t w~th relu.tU ves and friends in at her ihome on North State StJreet, J.ohnstown, Ba., and otili.er easteru Saturday aftern.010n of last week in cities. While away they ahso visitoo compliment to her sister, Mrs. Feny ill Chioa.go, • Denver and Oolora.do Kemp CYf Los Angeles. Springs. * • • Harry Langdon in . . • • • First Picture Ever Actually Made in Alaska A Story of the Days When Gold Meant More than a Women's Honor Of Course At the · IRIS THEATRE "The House of Quality" * * * Announcement i·s made of the mar· Mr. and Mirs. A. To"'--ru;end anl'iage of Miss l\llargue1·ite Foord ':lll(J •lounce the eng·agement of their dauJ•oseph Bo:t.alitih, of - Beatrice, .Neb., ,.;htH, Ruby to Howard Hausknecht. FOR RENT-Apartment- -5 room the mariage took place in Salt Lakt l'he wedding will take place in Aumodern, 156 N. Main St. See Wm. 1 Wednesday. gu>~t. fox, Cox Market, Midvale. • • * The Grnnt W<a:1xl primaa·y office1·, A BARGAIN-one and on e tenth M~·. and M1·s. Jene Bl'inghurst have heM a s.ocial and dance at the wan:·t, acres on State Street for sal e cheap. ..1.s their guest, her mother ,Mrs. J. DISTRICT AGENT WANTED-A amusement hall for the children 01 .::>tewart of Payson. }~our room frame hou se. OutbuildReal Opportunity for the Right the w-ard. ings and orchard. Call Perkins at Man. Experience in selling desiraMidvale 128-M. * • * ble but not necessary. Write, giving M-rs. WiJliam Breeze was surpris full particulars and reference~, to ed by a number of her fq,iends Wcdne. SALES DEPARTMENT, STATE day evening at her home in Grange1· E. R. Benson, manager of the J. C. BUILDING & LOAN ASS'N., Dethe 00031Sion being her b:rthday an· ,>enney Midvale Store, i;; taking a seret Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. niversary. Ga.mes and music were en- .nuch needed and very enjoyable vajoyed .:lind refTeshments were serv~ . ~ation. He will spend the time around FOR SALE-4 room modern house. to thirty-five guests. .he valley. 172 First Avenue -16-2f.f * • * "Jack" Hosmer, :son of Dr. and Mrs. Thursday evening of last week a r~ Mr. and Mrs. Es:t:ihet· Taylor of Rex· A. J. Hosmer is putting; in some val- LOST-Pair of men's eye glas~es in ception was given for Mr. and Mrs. light brown leather case, in Union . blll.'g, ldaiho are here vis~ting I·ela-tive.< .lable licks at the Journal plant, getJack Crane at the home of Uhe bride's Finder,- Phone Midvale 62R-4 and f'l'iends for a few days. Ling first hand inf01mation on the parents, ~Ir. and Mrs. E. F. Lennberg .. * • }lrinting business. "Jack" will be reat their home on Sugar Street. T-he Mr. and 1\In.<;. T. W. Dimond aa·t .nembered as the onlv scout from Utah For Sale-Spring Cockerels. 39-4th bride'.:; maids were Miss Hazel Crane spending a few days at Zi.on N atio1ua •laking the trip ~ Denmark, lasL Avenue. In heart of Midvale. and Miss Ada Oldham and Mrs. E. W. Park and Bxyce Canyon. _;ummer. OIL BURNERS-Agent wanted this Bluemel, sister of the bride, was the Mr. Robe1·t "'oo1·d, fol'nler·ly of Mur• • * Territory. Greatest heating device Matron of Honor. 1·ay is filling inr at the local smelter a,; Mrs. H. J. Hunt and Miss Cora Hurut 'l'he bride wore a dress of blonde known. Fits in any furnace. Price have returne.d to their hom.e in Sa1 . vacation man. He came to the Geng-eorgette over coral satin and carried cheap. Call at JOURNAL office. a bouquet of roses and lillies of the Dieg'O, Cali!lorn~~a, after a v1sit of sev- .;raJ Office from the Machine Shop eral w.e~ks witJh M1-; and Mrs. MaJ.·, and is now in the Warehouse whilt FOR SALE-McCormick-Dearing c01r valley. · D. Simons. Mr. F. L. Noah is taking his annuai bined harvester cheap. Albert 0111I usic was fumishcd hy Mr. A. A. ,·est cure. son, Tel. Mid. 182-Rl. Sandy, R. Beckstrand, Miss Alice Olson, and Mr. D. W. Jessup reports that h~c D N o. 1, W e st J o1'(an, I Utah . Mr. ·and Mrs.• A.• L. Simons a1re vi· laughtet·, now in a Salt Lake Hos-v _ _• _ _ ....;._ _ _ _ _....:...._ _ _ __ Gordon Olson. siting reLatives and · friend~ :lit Delta. The guests were received by Mr. and tJital, is improving, after a major op- FOR SALE-Z% lots on 3rd Avenue. Mrs. E. F. Lennberg, Mrs. C. W. MH* * * Sewers and sidewalks all paid. See ler and Mr. and Mrs . Frank Crane. Mrs. Ivan S. Hansen of Los Angele1 ~ration. Everyone certainly hopes for Dan Radovich, Phone 274, Midvale. has been a gue.st at t:ihe home of Mr. .l speedy and complete t·ecovery. The young couple left later il'l tAle and Mrs. Carl Hansen of thiJS City. week fur Yellowstone Park. MIDVALE Hotel and Apartments. M11S. Hansen was £orme11ly Mi·ss Ail· 39 Main St. Remod~led and Reeen Parker. fumished. NMv Manag·ement. Mrs. A. P. Rasmussen returned • * * ·~service and Cleanliness" our . early last week from a montJhs visit TJJ.e members of the N. H. CluL motto. tf, jn Los Angeles and vicinity. were the guests of Mrs. Eva Bishop , Two men prominent in world afW eJnesday of last ~ek. Stung wa~ fairs have passed away. One a leader played during the eve ing and Mrs. of organized labor, the other the F1ay Stauffer WOOl a prize. Refresh head of one of the world'.s greatest melliiJs were served to fourteen guests. railroad systems. ... • * Both rose to commanding position::; Mr. and Mrs. Feny Kemp ant.. hy hard work and ability. family fOil'merly of this city, lllOW 01 One, after 20 years as a locomotive LIAs Angeles have been visiting a\ engineer was made President of th~ ·llhe home of Mrs. Kemp's parents, Brotherhood of Locomotive EnginMr. and Mrs. Raymond Millet· tht eet·s. He opened the eyes of labor to past two weeks. the possibilities of using its financiai res.ou1·ces in the banking busines::;.. • A BRUNSWICK PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH He was labor's first banke.r and labMr. and Mrs. Spencer Reid left on or's greatest banker. W ruiTen Stone !Sunday by Auto f~r Denver, Oolo .. w.here they will be tihe guests for twc would have made a success in any To take along on your VACATION or on a trip u1> the weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs calling. CANYON? Julius Kruttshnitt was a railroau R. J. Bevernge, formC'l'ly of Salt Lake. • * • genius anu an exceptional scholar. Ht We can sell 'i!OU a Phonograph and Records MalS. M. Malden has retw·ned to was a walking encyclopedia on 1·ai1 On Easy TERMS ·h er home in Pasooena, Calif., after ~ and transportation questions and acvisit oo sewrul weeks witih Mr. an<, tually gave his life to upbuilding a M~'S. A. H. Richards and grand.c.hild· railroad system. He was the deen o" ren, Delbe1i and Delmo and Mis< American railroad executives. It is hard to replace such characEdith Richards. ters, but ,the mere fact that the~ • • M'l'. and Mrs. Orson Saru.ie<rs and lived and carried on means that they <la.ughte·r, Mi&s Elsie Sandell's and son, transmitted their spirit of endeavo1 Earl Sanders have returned from a to others who will make even greater Ylisi<t of sevet'al m10nlllhs to Honolulu. strides in the interest of the public Everything for the Homt' "Service Our Motto." Mr. and Mrs. Sandens met their son welfare as the result of the training they secured under such master minds. Earl who was on a Mission to the "H. GRASS FURNITURE STORES" lslan<is. En~t'()Ute home they visited California, t·eturning home by Bryce Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watet·s and sons Canyon, Zion National Park and the will spend the week end in Pocatello, Grand Canyon. Idaho. ---------------:1 July 24th WANT ADS • • • 30 Years Ago the Merely Mentioning Wedding Reception Honoring The Cranes BOOTH MERC. CO. was inaugurated Midvale then was practically a DESERT. TIME-HARD KNOCKS and the WONDERFUL PULL TOGETHER Spirit of the Sturdy PIONEERS have wrought wonders. MIDVALE today is looked upon with PRIDE. • rheir Service Records Live Long After Death • • MIDVALE-The HUB of a most beautiful smroundirig territory is one of the GARDEN SPOTS of ALL The WEST. MIDVALE today contributes her vast wealth to more people in the way of SUBSTANTIAL PAY ROLLS than does any other City it's size. / The BOOTH MERC. COMPANY have enjoyed at least a goodly part of this PROSPERITY and wish to thank the good PEOPLE for their part in this great play. oot Midvale ere. o. Utah • Would You like Midvale Furniture Co.· Box 367 Midvale 119 MIDVALE, UTAH |