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Show ' ' THE! JORDAN DOC .\ll'::s. Wilford bennett had a~ birt'lday <!inner guc.-;k; Sunday, :\h. Sa11.h Bennett and l\1!·. <.end .\lr.·. Wilt am Erick,;en vf West Jordan. l\Ir~. B~ 1 :Vln;. Mary Van and daug-hter, Iv} nett gave thE' dinner :n oo np'Imer,t, tv h,r husoand' ,. bn~thda~ a.annive1·returned home ThuJ•><tiay aJ..ter an ex sary. Lendttl visit with relative~ in Idaho. * If. * UNION NEWS • ' m ea .JOURNAL rices • • MIDVALE eed & Seed * The Hclief SlEety J'l"le-t with the Mr. Pat Nowlan Jr., wa;; ,;cheduled president, l\1! '· "Jiamie Tnolan la . . t to lea,·e for California last Thursda). Tuesday and ;;prnt a n o;;t en}oyal>le * * "' aftern<>on. '1 he reg-ular work .a nd bu~ : M 1·s. Marian '!1homp,..on and bab) !nes,; hour wa-; takEon ap whid1 wa~ of Pro\co ar.e guest" vf .\irs. Dave f ollowcd by ver~· da..n ty refH June 1~+ 11 l'he guesb numiPrNI e•g-htoon. "' * "' Miss Arlhaleen Wright is vi;;iting :\.I.r,;. En;;! s ;~ am and thildren werE. with her ,;i;;ter, M1s. William Litson tlinnc1· gue~"b · Tue.:;day of l\'1 r,. l~<ru of Murray. ;n:-;on of Mitl\"ale. * • * ).frs. Sarah Bennett was a gue_,;t at :VIr. and Mr,;. Phillip Walker who showea· g-iven in lronol' of l\lr,;.! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - have spent the pa~t few month:< in aKenneth Dumt of :\1idvale, fon lE'rl~ Wyoming are g-uel'ts vf M1·. anti Mr,.;. M1s,; Vera \\-hetman vf Salt LakE> Charlie Van. :\irs. Walker was form- whose mam•iage took place m ::lalt erly Mbs 1<..:11a Harcock of Cre~Lt. uake la;;t week. 90c gross h~ss than Wholesale. Ke:T, Regular Mason, l't. Size ... 69c Kerr, Regular Mason, Qt. Size 8-lc Kerr, Reg·uiar Mason, Y2 Gal. Size • $1.17 You are Fortunate to Live in the Fruit Paradise of the World Econo~y Demands that You Can Fruits of All Kinds. Utah Fruit Flavor and Quality Unbeatable ONE TON OF CANDY, Value from 30 to 40c per pound. Special ... _ -· .. . ... .. .. . 29ctb OPPORTUNITY OF A LIF ETIME TO BUY GOOD DISH ES Fancy Dishes in sets from 42 to 100 pieces. No t wo patterns alike. Just like giving them away •... ·-co··-. ... ...•..... $12..)0 to $23.50 per set White and Red Gra pe Juise, Longberry, Raspberry and Apple Juice. Sdling Out this Line at One-third off. They Cannot Last at QUICK ! this Pr ice. QUICK! TURN BACK THE PAGES OF TIME TO THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN FOOD WAS Cheap as the Old Timers Tell us and you can't Duplicate the Prices Below. Save a day's wages on your week's supply of groceries * * * Mrs. Ruth J. Ander,-on retumetl to :VIr. and .:\Irs. Henry l\lansen and her home in Munay F1·iday afte1 family of Salt Lake . ,;pent Sund<t~ ;;pending four week:> wiltih her mothe1 afternoon with ~h·. Charlie Sharp. Mrs. Will J ohns.on. • * * * • "' ing, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Van, 1\h. an< Ma....te1· l<'ranc.:s Long of Eureka Mrs. Jra V~n of Midvale, Miss Iv~ visited la.;t wrek with hb oousin, l\Ii '"" Van and Clifford Van. Madith L<>ng. • * " • • * Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e W11ight ot 1\fT. and l\Irl'. W. A. Ganett, Mr. Bingham accompanied by Union re· and Mr:-<. Alex Dahl of Midvale, ::\lr. lath'"es are vi~iting in Idaho. anrl Mrs. David Dahl of West Jord::m * • .. motored to Nephi last Tuesday a.'1<1 Messrs Floyd and I van Ander:>on, we1·e dinner guests of ;:\lr-;. E. Tanner. Miss Rilla Anderson and Miss E. Tor· * • • rell who is instructor of Home EcMrs. Erma K. Milne ~ was a Leh' ·onolnics at tJhe Un.iverf;i.ty of Vermont vi,itor Tuesday. left last Friday for a weeks tr1p thru * • * Zions and Bryces Canyon. Miss TerMrs. M. J. Thorn.to.n anLI Mrs. Be'1 rell accompanied the Messrs Anderson Huntsinge1· ,;site<! in Sanely, :Vlonda~ , home and will be in Salt Lake indef- afternoon. initely. • * • Mr. and Mr:<. Henry Joh~on of • • * The Messrs Ivan and Floyd Ander· Union and ~Ir. and )lr.,;. F. Oggswalson, so~' .of Mr. and Mrs. ~1artin An- ler of Salt Lake were gue<t< o~ l\Ir. d<!r,;on returned home during the week and :Mr.~. S. W. Sharp, Sun<lay. and will spend the summer with theil' • * * parents. T:hey have spent tlle pa.-;t Mr. and Mr~. Lester Fod)Ush JOlll te.l1!TII at the Ha•rvard Univer;;i•ty. ed Mr. and l\lr:>. F'. C. Bunlick and H * • • M1·. and Mrs. Raynold Brady viOF RADIO si'ted in SaLt Lake Monday. This summer marks the inaugura· * * * Mrs. Edith C. Van entertaine..l at tion of real portable radio receivers. Now radio need not be .Jeft at home. dinner Satuvday evening. Cover~ were I The sum,met· vacation this year to lx: laid for fifteen relative,; frvm Mill complete and up to the minute must Creek. include radio equipment. It can be se· cured in a compact ca:>e which wil. Mrs. Jacob Jen~en tender~t~ an Ice. provide endless ente1tainment am• Cream _Fe~st _to"" SIX, of" hel: frlem~s o~ bring the news of the day to the )loll(lay .e' ell!m.,. 1 ho .. e who enJOYet mountain camp as well as to the sea- the affe.u we1·e: l\lr~. H y .Monteer, _ shore, hotel, bungalow, houseboat, ~lr~. Dave Smart, _Mrs. LawTence Freem-an, Mrs. Carl'le Johnson, Mr:>. canoe, yatch or automobile. The greatest factor in making tht. Florence Oliver and Mrs. Goorge Nowportable radio receiver a practicabl£ tan. possibility has been the dry cell tube~. Mrs. M. L. James had as he~:, gue~-t~ The WD-11, WD-12 and UV-199 type' have pe1,nllitted the use of as many ab l-ast Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William a half dozen tubes in a single radi<l Hall, M~·. and .\1rs. Joe Ander.son, Agnes James and Archie James and £ecei ving set. .\lr. Anderson of Bingham and :\-Irs. "Dry ceLls of a standar<lized siz( Hallett and chil<h·en of Salt Lake. are a universal commodity." H. T. J\-1elhuish, of the Radio CorporaJtioL of America says. "They have so man) different uses that they are founc not only in the stock of the larg( radio shops but in the general store Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett of of the cross-roads hamlet. A few ex Bingham were guests of lVll'~. Sarah tra dry cells ·will insure satisfactor:Y Bennett Wednesday evening. radio reception for months.'' Mrs. Rachel Forbush entertained on Thursday aftemoon for ~irs. .\1. THE LAW OF CONPULSION Householder of Midvale, Mr. Frank DO WE WANT lT1 Garnes of Salt Lake and Mrs.· Ma.rian dand of Sandy. Insurance today is purchase<! with· out the pres,;ure of public authority. Bishop and Mrs. T. F. Greenwood Premiums axe voluntary paymen·t~ <md family returned home :Vlond<ay made by the buyer for protection to afternoon after a ten days sig-ht-seehis person Oi' property, or both. It ing trip thru Yellowstone N ati<mai i.:; this absence of compulsion and en- P-ark. ervating influence of bureaucrac) " which has permitted insurance to de · Miss Margaret Forbush was a gue~t vclop freely and to become a potenl of Miss Lena Burmingham of Bounfactor in the social and industrial tiful last Thur~day evening. development of the last century. To • change insurance from the status o1 Mr. Ralph Robbins and a pa1·ty vf a voluntary association for self pro friends are enjoy-ing a fishing trip in tection to the status of an involun- Wyoming. tary associataion for protection of • others means the prostitutlion of inMr,;. Bell HunL~inger was a guest surance to meet political needs and of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Alexander class demands. If insurance can be last Friday. made compulsory and used for the • • * purpose of providing indemnity for Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Davis and family certain highway accident victim.:;, it of Salt Lake spent Wednesday evenmay be made compulsory in a variety ing with MT. and Mr6. H. D. Schrader. of other situations. • Master Orson Wright of Bingham 'Ls spending the week with his cousins Laura and Melvin Young- on Social Avenue. I EAS'f MIDVALE • • • • Whtn You Refrigerator The Best is the CHEAPEST In The End That is Why We Recommend the Alaska Refrigerator. We know t hat it has every conceivable feature for the successful preservation of food at the minimum of ice consumption. It is a beauty and it s sturdy con~truction is • • • • Buy a guarantee of many years of satisfactory SERVICE. For Sale By The MIDVALE CITY, UTAH Midvale State MIDVALE, UTAH . .. are being quickly sold to manufacterers and capitali•t.s. If you have an Invention, send us & on patentability. Ottr book on,r,atents and trade-marks o:tosnW fF T 1£ co. 7th & E. Sts., Washington, D. C. Established In t 889. BE WISE .. And Buy the )irs. James B1'Udy a111d .:\h. ani l\Ir, H. l\lilnc of Sandy were vtc·.wrs o"" 1 l\Ir~. Robe1t ~Iilne, Sr., Ttle><ti<'l)'. 1 FLOUR * • * Mr~. W. A. Garrett e'lterta.inec. foT her nephew and wife, Mr. and ~h.·. David Bigler of Pay:;on Ia i Frida~. * • * THAT SATISFIES • West Jordan Milling Co. 1 L.te 1·, J>os~ an< 1 <lnu."..,u " , .... m.r. D. T . All e 11 spent Sundav in B:ngham. • • • * ~l:r. and Mrs. Alfred Robbin.~ hatl as their guests, Sunday, :\lr. and l\il">. John Garbett, :\Irs. Annie Hughes and child1·en of Salt Lake, Mrs. Emily Brown of Crescent ant! l\lr. a11d Mr". Jaoob Brown of Sandy. Phone Mid. 108 • • * Visit Mi&<> Mae Bell Hug-hes of Salt Lake is a guest of l\hs. Alfrrxl Hobbins for, I a few days. ' * * Midvale Frank Soter's "The Handy Place" Mr.-<. Thomas C. Sherman of( Billings, Mon<tan left la..;t Friday morn ing for her hvmc, after spending· the 1 past month vhiting with her mother, at the Bob l1arson home on South State Street. Ford Accessories, Oil, Gas, Tires, Tubes Small Hardware, Brooms, Miscellaneous Items ALWAYS OPEN Main and Smelter Streets "Vve must talk less," says Thot Midvale, Utah sky. Another has been studying Pres iclent Coolidge. No man ever know>how far his influence may reach. . • • ·PATENTS. Bank • * * Mr. and ~1rs. W. J. BE"nnett and family were gue.<;t.::> la,;t Wednesda~ of Mr. and 1\lrs. SylYe~ter Walker. • • model or sketches for search and report West Jordan Lumber Company A satisfactory ba tance in your Savings Account will g·ive forth the most wonderful tune you can imagine. It has the rhythm of satisfaction that makes you glad yon are alive. It carries a message of happiness and contentment you will ever enjoy. Start your account with us today. family of Salt Lake and enjoyac:l lunJYI.rs. spent Monda) cheon and the band concert at Liberty wibh Mrs. M-ay Smart. Park Sunday afternoon. • • • Printers and Publishers A Wonderful Tune--- * * • Emina Nicol • • • jordan Publishing Co. * * * ~Ir . . . .. THE )lARY'S LAMB . ' .and :\Jn,, H. Latey and family Miss Agnes and Grace James who joined a p.arty vf Salt Lake f1iends ~re emplo~·ed in Bingham, joina and spent 'fuE"."'tla~· afternoon ana evfriends and motored to Ephriam la"t ening at Lag'O<}n. Sunday where they were the gue,;ts o * * "' Miss Thelma J\.Lortensen. ~1~·s. Rachel F'Ql<bu,-h en.tertainl"<l M11S. Nora W. Van entertained at Sa.ttmlay and Sunday f(Jl' Mr. lUnd dinner Sunday, her guests included Mrs. David Hiatt and f.amlly vf PayMr. and )hs. Phil Walker of W yon'· son. TRADE AT HOME Stationery is one of t he items of personal use which every true woman desires dainty and tast y. Let us show you some of the new designs just received. .. * Mr. anti Mr,;.* A.* J.* Rat•k of HolliMr. Lawremce Brady cnterta,ne.: day were dinner gutst,• Sund:c~y of • a number of friends at J1is home laH 1 1\:IJ·s~ D . \V. ~1cJ)onald. Sunday, complimenting his birthday_ • * * .anniversary, arn.vng whom were: Mr. Mi~~ babelle Cole of Binghw.n is and 1\hs. C. J. Brady, Mrs. Jo,;epl"l "1)€'nt!ing t~1e \W:ek with .l\'lis., R<X-e Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brad) Allen. I and Walter and EI.J:Q Bratly. We Run No Humbug Sales. We Do Not Imitate. Stock of Groceries Second to None in Salt Lake County. "Always the Most for the Money * M. L. MeN a mara, Prop. Phone Mid. 4 7-w Midvale, Utah * • • 2:ic Size No. 2 Yz tb Corn Syrup 20c 93c " " 10tb Corn Syrup 78c " 5 tb Corn Syrup 48c " 39c 9c l:Jc Size Potato Cilips ...... ·····- ···- . · Soap . .... .. .. ...... .%c 10 Bars S unny rMonuay 10 Bars Essex Peroxide Soap .. ···- . 69c 15c pkgs Arm & Hammer Washing Soda . .... ..... . ·- .... . ···- ............... ·····- ·9c lOc and 15c Powdered & Cake Bon Ami ... 9c 2;)c Size Can Sani-flush ·····- ...... ..... 15c .......... . -· 9c 15c SizeHooker Lye ..... 35c 50c Size 2 Vz tb Vernal Honey . ··ilc Bars Diamond C Soap ... ........ . . -······ .. 3 Yz c 2ilc Can Imported Hering ·-···-- ..... ...... 17 Yz c Dainty Stationery STORE& * • * Profit From Experience Experlenct•s a1·e stt>pp·n~ stv1w~ in life's progress. said Eruer,..on, hut !JP Implied that one must (H'uiit fro!ll '"'" perlences In order to nd\.:.lllCl'. Th" great trouble with most :~e"ple 1\"tH> stand 3t[IJ is that they do not profir a~ they should.-Grlt. Thought and Action The greatPst events of an age ;r 18 hest thoughts. It Is thE' n!qur·• thought to find Its \\uy Into u<·llon Bovee. C. J. Ridd • • • MOTOR CO. * * * Lincoln Ford Fordson Last Thursday, Mrs. W. A. Garrett entertained f<>r a numbor of out of town guests, including Mrs. Spencer Burton and children of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellison an<l child-, r6n of Nephi and Mrs. E. T.anner al,;o of Nephi. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leafquist of T·aylorsville spent Friday evening with Mrs. Leafquri·::.t',; parentis, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cox. Personal Service Phone 205 l\lidvale City, "L'tah U. S. A. ;y;!§i!fiY-1!:: ~ !:fi !fi !fi Yi ~ ~ 1.m MIDVALE BAKERY ~ The Home of Home Made Bread and French Pastry Yi I!:Fi !fi 43 N. Main ~ y; ~Bread, 3loaves for Phtne 47.J - .. ~ Cinnamon Rolls and Doughy; nuts, per doz. - .. .. 'y; .. 25c 20c ~ !:fi ~~~~~~~YiYi~~~Yi~Yi~Yi~~ |