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Show THEJORDANJOURNAL,MIDVALE,UTAH . Evolution Case Profitable for Bryan Anyhow ~++++++++t+++...... +++++++••• f : Two Institutions ~ t in Pennsylvania + ; Ready to Combat More Shanghai Rioting I Sport patrons are often con- : fused as to the Identity of two lnstitutl<>ns in the state of Penn- + sylvania. They often vote Penn : •> Stu·e and Penn as one and the + ~ + + same school. + + Penn Is the nickname for tht + t+ University of Pennsylvania + + ; which Is loc..~ted at Philadelphia + Penn State, or Nlttuny Lions, a another term for- Pennsyl vanlu l : State college, whk!1 Is located ... at State College, Pa., up In the :... Nlttuny mountains, some 300 "'i'.t + miles from Phllurlelphla. :; t+t t *:t t f + <(• +++++++++++++++ot•ot..:..,. +.. +++• ., ONE-BASE HITS (By JACK SIMPSON) Fairly Batted Ball. The confusion arising over the question of whether a batted ball Is fair or foul can be overcome by applying the fol:owing simple rule. "A legally batted ball that settles ! on fair ground between home and fir-st base or home and third base or Is on Eusily the dominating figure of the :Scopes triul ln Duyton. Tenn., William .Jennings Bryan Is certain to come fuir territory when hounding to the out winner, whatever may be the verdict. Besides the publicity gained as leading evunsel for the pi"Osecutlon, outfield or- hits the person of a plnyer he wlll receive very considerable royalties on the great number of his books that are being sold ln the town. The or umpl re while they are on fair terlllustratlon shows one of tbe bookshops, and Mr-. Bryan opening his voluminous dally maiL ritory is a fair- ball.'' The above rule covPrs every ball that is hit regardless of how compli•·ated the ~<ituatlon lllfly seem. A line drive hitting the pitcher's slab und bounding buck on foul territory between home and first base or "ome and third base is a foul hull because it hasn't reached the base. ' A hutted lJnll that hits the ground on foul territory but re-enters the dlamonrl anct stays there is u fair ball. A gromui ball passing to the outfield on fair territory may roll outside the foul lines beyond first or third base an!! would make thnt a fair- bull. All hatted balls that hit the first or third hags ure fair regardless of where they roll. It will he noted that llll of the above cases at·e clear-ly defined by the rule. U I :: Commander- J. P. Olding, United :States navy, inspe• tlng u machine gur. nest high above Nanking road at Shanghai, China, during the recent rioting of students. One sallor Is ready for action with an automatic rifle. J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---------------------------------- Monkeys Are Favorite Pets of Dayton Girls Getting a Statement From President Coolidge Flack Is Still Good A group of society girls of Dayton, 'l'enu., with the pet monkeys they nll carry. Of course, the monkeys are not the r-eal thing, but they are the ruling fad in the town of the evolution case. Presidellt Coolidge Is seen reading a vrepHred statement to the newspuper correspondents on the Ia\\ n of the summer White House at Swampscott. These meetings are regular events, as In Washington. FRANCE'S NEW QUEEN Meade Memorial Being Completed Bust of LaFollette by Zeitlin I REAL AMERICAN BEAUTY I '' • / Max l•'lu~k. veteran ~ationul leugu.outllelder:-, now with the St. Louis Cardin,Jis, continues to {Jut up an ex<·ellent game, both In the tielu and at but. [#Jo.rtffilles] . ! Mlle. Adeline Ea&sot, who has been lj elected "Queen of France'' by the national comlte des fetes. Her corona- I tlo In the Tuilerles gardens was an ehlborate spectacle. WINS WHIST TROPHY I John C. Bulger of Chicago has been elected captain ot the 1926 golf team of Notre Dame. I I I '!.'he memorial to Gen. George Gordon Meade, hero of Gettysbut·g, which has stood 40 per cent completed In the Botanical gardens In Washington for Miss Floating Cloud of Cult..tdfl., near two years, Is being completed. The memorial is being erected by the authentic Indian princess ot the Ir«r state of Pennsylvania, but has stood Incomplete for lack of funds. Now the state quols tribe, who wlll participate In t'be has allowed the $250,000 necessary, and work has again star-ted. national beauty contest for "Misf America, 1925" at the Atlantic Cit1 pageant In September. Miss Floattnlf Cloud, though n full-blood lndlao maid, Is a modern, up-to-date younf lady. Her tresses are now bobbed. • • • Lowell high school ua t a tors of San Francisco have held the swimming title for the last 18 years. • • • The University of Pennsylvunla bas awu'r:-cted vnrslty letters In athletics to twelve women students. If He Can Smile, So Can You • • • The bust of the late Senator Lal!'ollette submitted by Alexander Z~itltn. the •.sculptor, to the legislature of Wlscoasln as a design for the memorlul that: wlll bo erected to the late senator. Ameril'a: A land In which It 18 frequently less than one generation from ax-handle to nihlick. • II TO MARRY RALPH INCE • • K C. Quig-ley wlll referee the flbr- May Sell Russian Crown Jewels vard vs. Yale football game at Cawbridge, Saturduy, November 2!. • • • The annual three-mile varsity eight· oared shell race between Washington and Califomiu will tul<e pluce at ~eat tle !.\lay 10, 1920. • • * The seaRon of prnfes~lonal football In l<~nglund nsuully beging ~lle lust week of Au~ust and rontiu<-:J until nearly the middle of l\tay. • • • S('Ane men are born meek, some acquire meelmE>ss and others marry the kind of girl who shoots 36 holes of golf after- lunch. I • • • * 1\Irs. W. D. Thompson of Racine, Wis., won the associate members' trophy of the American Whist league at the thtFty-tlfth congress held at the Greenbrier hotel, White Sulphur Springs, Va.. She has won many trophies throughout the country, but thla Ia her first dlamplonshlp. I 1• Fathers suggested pit, when that It Is 1011! II • The diplomatic representutives In Moscow wer-e invited by the Soviet government to a prlvare showing of the crown jewels of the former <-zar ot, Russia. The collection Is considered the richest In the world and lt Is under.,. stood that the !lovlet Is contemplating lllil sale. . . I will r:-etu rn to spanking as by a minister from the pulsome authority annonnces excellent golf practice. • • • • Steven Donoghue, who r-ecently won the British derby at Epsom Downs Is tredlted with winning this class!~ t.lw H' t t't 1 SFI:._. A esl. Ish nea resft codmpbe t or. 8 •~ 1er, W 0 \Y_On ve. ,er ~·s. I - rc I Lucilla Mendez, danrlng beauty ana screen actress, who Is soon to marry Ualph Ince, screen director. Ince wa• recently divorced from Lucille Lee C. F' • .MrGenuegal of Grund lo'orks, N. D., finds life sweet, tilough he has Stewart and, when the decree becomes no arms. His artitlclal limbs do the work, as shown above. lie was disabled final, will wed Miss Mendez, who Is during the World war-, and has received many decorations for his gallantry a daughter (ll the late President Clprt, In action. ano Castro of V~:nez~ela. |