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Show THE Fair and Sound Compensation Speedy and adequate compensation for an injured workman is a sound and basic principle th11t must apply to all hazardous industries in the interest of both employer and en1ployee. It is not a fair test of a workmen's compensation law to base an argument upon an isolated case of an injured workman having difficulty in .securing compensation. The compensation laws in different states differ in some 1·espects and also differ in efficienc~· of administration. Very few states have what is cal- Q.K.LUCE 103 N. MAIN STREET Midvale City, Utah Successor to Fred Rosse Phone Midvale 159 Job Work Promptly Attended To · Black and White A BREEZE FROM IRELAND It' Da gerous J career as a fiction \\Titr:r to the reub In discu::;sing the ever imporwut led a complete state monopoly of inMidvale, Utah, July, 23, 1925 of the unknown. dustrial accident im;urance or exclude highway que:;tion, a bituminous ,urHe wa,; to Iowa and the l\Iiddk Editor, r. l\1 refexreu u:.ually is base le.gitimate casualty con.pan:e,; from face on any .,..;ch a chronicler of its tnK West Sir: Dear range may It vavement. to as ''Illa~k" competing with the state. The salutary principle employed from a half-gallon 01' so of tar or o:, The othe1· day I meets me frind life • a,; wa~ the late Emer. on ·Hough who wrote The Co,·erc<l \\lagon am . . in the interest of indu:;tries and labor- 1 per square yard, ";;lotrped" onto an immortalized the conquerors of th( Cmter of corner the on Flyn M1cker 'Cl'S is C0.1)puls0l y compensation in alii ol_d earth or :\1aca<.lam r?ad, up tO _th, West. Far I sez M;ckey, Hello ~treet~, l\lain and h1ghe:>t tyve of a,phaltJc road >:CJen ... hazardous employments. Hough •and Quick Wt.>J'e all Both • the how and he s1z htddy Helio '• An ideal industrial insurance law 1t.ifically. const~·uctcd on h ig·h cia~. 1 should provide that comper1,;ation ap-; foundatton, wh1ch for a quarter of :. ~u.vel are ~ e '! 0, I an1 10.11e mc;:;EJ.J, around Amencans and :;~: Jlpatheti, plies in all such employments in catse: century or more under traffic te..;t~ "ez he, and where have ye been the.:Sc with the struggle;; of the pioneer. foine _~·eaol's '! I haven't been at all who made this nation a reality. of injury, rcganlle:>s of whr:-ther t.h~ has ;;tood up to all requi1eme11t~. Their :;tol'ies are clean a,; the wind. 1 . tate, or a :-.'tock company carries the 1 "White" pavement is a constructio: says he I've been conung back iver the Iowa pra.rie~, whole,;onw an< of no es the1 sure away wmt 1 since mod the Concrete, Cement t:.and Po1 'Of insurance. as the lives they dep;c. ipvigorating and lrelantl, ould and Utah like place A compe•tsat;on law centering a- ern introduction of which is compa for reprodue:ng- de excuse no leaving lve I, say" doin been ye have wi1at round a state fund as the all-import- Ltevely recent. for Amcricat1 fan• literature generate sez ladder a up bricks carryingJecn ( heapest I 11> uranel'To the average road u~er ever. ant thing is a weak ,;.pot in any inread. to ilies tonte the all up going ye was and 1He, its calleu thing which is asphaitic rlustrial insurance system. Exi~e Gout! Oils and BAJHRif~ In nine-tenths of the states the law "Black" pavement and everythint .~z l, no sez he half. me toime 1 wa& co-mpels compen,ation and permits in- which is Portland Cen.ent COIICl'e>t coming down, and what wa:; yer pay'! STATION S.ERVII;E G-reases Twinty five dolar:> a week, no :;ez he, 1\IINNING AND OIL surance in any .·ound way that the b called "White" pavement. BATTERIES BASIC INDGSTRIE . It seldom occurs to him to diff~1 • ure 1 wouldn't work for that I got employer selects and on the best terms in the interest of the payroll and en~iate between cheap roads a~d sc1en dUy dolars a fort-night sez he, welt Never have oil refineries been callt1f1cally constructed roads wh1ch pre· "'ez l, lets take a look around the town those who get the money. :E. E. ELIESON A wurkingmen's compensation sys- sent an ideal surf:tce ami which 1na. nere :;ez Mick what,; wrong with that ed upon to supply such enonnou. B. J. OTO, ·~oR the1-e. tiure S-treet, ;)'lain of ind South gasoline. of quantities tem that requires all cau~altv insur- have been in use much longer than in ance to be cani.ed by the state a.nd all ferior patched roads which he has oh not a bisine:;s house on 1t, maybe ther~ New mines will have to be opent:L would be !;ez I if they would put u compensation to come from a ,;tate served. and new fields developed to keep pact. The taxpayer and public officia pavement on ot. Well we sta1ts ofJ fund is unfair, unsound and socialis~hould avoid opinions based on offhan• and we has a look in O'Brien's Corne1 with the greatly increased world tic. impressions and before accepting o Grocery, sure i very thing in thert wide demand l'or precious and :;enu .:\liDVALE, U'l'AH condemming either "Black or White· .ooks foine and we goes on aml a~ precious •metals. Phone 272 25 E. Center companiet mining and oil in Shares Disappointed :6a~rE Mic~ Caffey, Stewarts based on superficial impre~sions, in· we passes jud Tnnkins says It llt·nts him to vestigate the following conditions, in .ha:; wthere I ate but says he I a)n not represent owner~hip of basic miner· rintl out how much pett·oleum ther~>. Is eluding: stopping where hne uvmg now i als. Strict organization laws in th. in tlte world with none of It repre(a) How long has the road been in .>leeps at a frinds place. Well we goe~ diHerent We!:ltern states mean strong •ente<l In hits hunches of oil stock.- use and to what extent has it devel- on and comes to Mister Phelps plac'- er companies '\V:i.th more safeLy fv. \\'a!'lhin~ton Rtar. oped imperfections antl neeessary re· an goes in and has a nice cool drink, the investor. Condition:; are right for new sue thin we goes on <lown the street 01 SAND\ pairs. MIDVALE MURRAY (b) Was it high grade, ,;cientifi< maybe it wiuld be up, l don't know, cesses in the mining and oil f1ekL picture Thayater, Well~ and mi·llions of dollars will be inves• con~'truction or a "cheap" construe· past the a lot of other stores whe11 ed in new mining and oil dcvelopmen. and ~rocery tion to meet immediate nece~sities. its that the Post Office in the West. ;;ays Micky There are "wooden" house:; a111 Few industries uistribute so mucJ "brick" houses, but one would no ' ovex there'? It is sez I, well its a grea. for wages and ·upplte;; in th money condem the wood bccautse of obser- place sez he whin ye have to get on Lee Stauffer. Manager where they operate a;; dl · territories vation of "shack,;" built of wood. The the other side of the street to fin<i oil. and mining :>:>:iO South State Street same principal should apply to con- 1t. Well we walks on past the Furni· mre Store, Feed Store, Jeweh·y Stort Free Camp Grounds »ideration of types of road. corr,es to Booths Store, thats a and Groceries DEMOCRATIC PUHLIC '-'''HOOLl. "'"' sez Mick, it is sez I and ye place Jig Bli.. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE can bu~· anytiung ye want in there One becomes u.;ed to tile frank dis befon. is:;ues greate~t the of One from a pair of sox to an Automobile Office- 6:JOO State Street plays Of marital lellclty, pre un•i post we walks on down that side the American people is whether ou and I sez that occur on the t.op of F Jfth uvenut Phones-Midvale 173-J, Murray 445 public school system shall re.Lan busses. Here Is a slight variatic.n. 'l'h•· of the street till we oomes down b~ democratic, or whether it :;hall b. roung man had just visited the 'oarbet the Telepih.one office. Do ye see that used more and more in the d1rectio. and was descrii.Jing the cletall~ to bl. sez Mick, that place i:; nearly out o, of equiping a professional c1as;;. If It'~ Related To Plumbing l!'lnnlly words failed hlltl-()ft ,own, so we crosses over and start>. wlte. The new:;papers are 1ull of pro oack on the other side and we comes It's Kin To Me" came his hat anti Ills shining head wu~ .o that high schools, college~; ant. test~; the printing place, what de the~ placed nuder hi!> wife's uostrll5 tna1 emphasize too much ac universities she might Inhale the a•·o•na of th• do there, sez Mick. Well sez I that;, ademic and professional equipment hair tonic to which he had tsuccumbe!l where they print the Jordan Jouma, when about nine-tenths of the citi the best paper in Midvale sez I. am. -New York Sun. PLUMBING and HEATING we goes on past the Jordan Lumbe1 zenry of Our Country must work fo, Co. and a lot of other places and Wt a living in industries, in homes an, Must Not Be Overdone Midvale, Utah Admonition mu~t •lt>S<"r:'nd. as tht comes to the Bank when Mick sez, on farms. A remarkable union high school i1. Repairsdew upon the teniiPr lterh. or lik~ .hut place didn t grow a bit the last -Jackets Cleaned ml'lting- Hake~ of t<now; tl1e 80fter !1 t'oive years, how oould it says l unle..-., Calif·ornia-Jthe San ;)Iateo-HUl·l·.:l Your Friends Eat Here fnlls. the longer It dwells upon an•• they built out in the stl eet, well may- riame· district-is attracting wide al First Class Workmanship ..>e they will find a place where they tention of educators by giving em J t11e •leeper It sinks Into the mind.I. will have mOJ·e room then they wu. ploymen.t to more than half the h1gL ~!'l'd. -- build a big place, and we goes 011 school boys outside of school houn ---...,., --/l,!J-- - ·--:;;;'-------··-~past the Power and Light, the Posl :~.t good wages, doing all the work o. 11 N. Main St., Midvale ..>I flee, a Drug St01-e, Coxc's GroceJ.. , maintaining the :;chool plant. ~~~ -~~~~·-.l<'or about 15 years, several hun.he pool place anu comes to when. .hey are builuing a new place, tha. dred high school boys have built ne'' will be a fine place sez Mick wh•J. buildings, maintained all 1 epairs ant coo}, they get it finished. Next we comes ,<ept the D'l'ounds in a .a1JOdel condiL ~8~=====~~===== ant labor manual actual .on-doing that at look well to Penneys ::.tore, now sez l\lick ye do be seeing one o1 !eaming the ordinary trades tha. ..num Penney store.; ivery town ge get make community life poss,ble-Prin I into. Well we goes on till we come:; to cipal Glassocock ha:; accomplishC(, Rasmutssens store, i:; that the Ras- this and the commu11ity likes it. His ideal is a useful contented self ,nussen that had the store on Cinter citizen, who can eum a' respecting Street foive years ago'! The same, build a home aml sup· living, honest sez I, he must be gettmg on ;;ez Mick family. and himself ort as he has a fine plac~ now, then wt. goets on to the Electric Home Baker) o.~.nd buys a foive cint packet of c.hewr. AND .MILLERHERH ,ng guw, and then we has a look at OPEN 8ERYICE ~TATIOl\ ~he pictures in fronrt of the Movv1e Show then we walke~ on to the corner. C. 0:-;car Peterson and W. W. l\liller•f Well, sez Mick the Tov•n is sure gTow- berg have opened a Service Station I ing but it wil have to grow a dive! at the intersection of 4Sth South ant., of a lot yet befo1-e it is as big as ould Hyland Drive. a imny-need your car right away, Dublin, maybe sez I when it is "'s oultl Mr. Peterson is well known by hi" 1 it will be as big there is plinty ol high class of auto mechanic work at and ~omething goes wrong, we give you Immediate l'oom. Well Mr. Editor the next toimt. the Midway Service Station on Stat· ~cnice, so you will not be delayed a minute longer than I meet Mick I'll tell ye about it, in Street at the intersection with Cente1 the meantime I'll remain Street. absolutely necessary. No exti·a charge for this service. Yours truly, .Mr. Millerberg is employed at thl Paddy Miles. U. S. Sm-elter in the "Sodium Arsenite" divitsion and has that "smile" am, 1 agreeableness nece;;:-ary to meet amll iMMORTALIZED THE make a hit with the public. 36 W. Center Street PIONEERS When sojourning on Hyland Drive l 1 "drive in" at thL station and get that I The newspapers of the United :>ame high class ,;crvice an<l treatment· r:.n::::::::::~E::::::=:::::=:::::==:=::::=::3E:::~::::::=:~:=::::::::::::3~ ~ States are handing compliments to that Peterson always g-ive~. the late Herbert Quick who has recently passed on from his brilliant To Neglect Your Car INSURE YOUR CAR - 0 & E Electric Service our Foot Comfort Expert is in charge of our Foot Comfort Department. He will gladly show you how to rid yourself of all your foot troubles. If you sutler from tired, aching feet, weak and broken ®wn arches, weak ankles, bunions, cocns or callouses, you should see him with0111t delay. No matter what your foot trouble may be, he will show you how to get prompt and sure relief. His services are absolutely free. DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT-EAZER HOT DOGS and HAMBURGERS I. LESTER Artificial Ice "DRIVE IN'' positively relieves weak and fallen arches, tired, aching, burning feet, weak ankles, and cramped toes, etc. Light and comfortable •. _. Worn in any shoe. $3.50 per pair. Satisfied stomachs are our best advertisement. Barry Wride Why not drop in today when you are down town and lrnow the joy of foot comfort again. c. JOURNAL I MIDVALE PLUMBING & HEATING COMPANY P. I JORDAN Rasmussen & Son, Inc. ·- ---------------------~---~a.------------------------· -= ,. I L STEWART'S CAFE 11 IMMEDIATE PETER~ ..... ' .' SERVICE 1 i No Ashes-No Soot-"'" No Smoke·-No Fumes·- MIDVALE GARAGE j --------------------------------------------- I f.. ........ ... !,,' •·;.., , .. Thrilling ~. ·, ..... Little 1\feekmnn- I feel \'ery elated this morning, Lust night my \\'lfe ml~ took me for a hnrgl:tr. nnd It's thf' only time In my life tltnt ~he \\'1\S actually nfruld of me.-London Weekly Telf' .. . > ~rraph. H. E. Phelps Floral Co. t. Special attention '· ~ " j~l ·~. . . • • _:.II .~:·· t \1 4. .. ·. t . U'I'AB POWER 6- LIGHT co~ "ISI!.EJCI/iNT PUBUC SBRVlCii -- • You Can Enjoy Thi3 given to JEWELRY Summer Funeral Designs The better sort of Jewelry, which we offer for your choice here, is the kind of Jewelry you can enjoy. It has the quality appeal you will like. J. S. MORGAN PRACTICAL WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Midvale City, Utah We deliver flowers to any part of the count. y. Telephone Midvale 49 On-Time Delivery--When you order Groceries from us, yon can count on their being delivered when and where you want them. The (tuality of our products at our e, onomy prices will prove an added advantage of trading here. Corner Meat & Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. Midvale, Utah • |