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Show ,. MIDVALE CITY TAX LEVY FOR 1925 IS FIXED AT TEN MILLS ----- The Journal Prospers iecause Its Leads The Way For Future Devolopment For All Towns In South Salt Lake Co. • I The Jordan Journal And The Jordan Valley Progress Combined In This Issue -Two Thousand Copies In The County VOL. 1 NO. 11 liiiDVALE CITY, UTAH, THUHSDAY, JULY 23, 1925. SUBCRIPTION $1.50 YEAR -~-- LOCAL-BALL CLUB OFFERED BERTH IN COPPER LEAGUE YOUTH ~ FATALLY BURNED WHEN CLIMBING ELECTRIC POWER 11,000 Volts Fatal To IJ.\;lany Octegeniarns Ten Year Old Boy At Lagoo~ Outing· .By Joe (.;ushman Last Saturday at 4:10 p. m. Jessie La 1•'ay, stepson of C. H . .Bullock 1rom Bingham Canyon climbed a tl·ans· l'or•n~.or pole o spans West of 28 We;;t <>n the tltngnam road and \\~lie reach• ing fot· a l>1rd's nest came in contact • with the ll,OUO volts and the 110 volts at the same time, burning him from the neck to down around the hips. The boy did not fall from the pole when hit by the high voltag..! because hi:s foot was caught in a cro,.;::; arm br·ace. 'l'he brace' held him there until a Mr. Bas~in with three <>ther men re· lea.,;ed htm and brought h.iJ,n down the pole. He was given treatment at Dr. A. J. Hosmer's and latet· taken to the •eounty Hospital w:11ere he died the .same night. The fact that the 110 volt system is grounded at this point caused the: switoh at the Midvale Substation t.o trip out, and prevented the boy laying on the wit·e:s longer carrying current through his body to the houses :sen·eu otf of this tra.rsformer. In :;hort it is a known fact that the ~ high voltage coming in contact wit.th. a low voltage system that is properly grounded will not carry through the low voltage system but will go to the neare.~t ground causing either the fu1>e to blow i>Ut or the trip coils at the ~llbstation to open. Only yesterday while driving thru Sandy I saw a small boy about half way up an electric light pole. Getting t¥ boy down and into the home, 1 was surprised to hear that the par· ents had seen the boys up the pole, but had not thought enoug~ about 1t to make them get down and .o;tay down Along the Concrete The annual old folk" <la~· at Lagoon last Thursday was h1ghly succe:-dful. '!'the folLowing nallle.s were honored guests, being 70 y•ea1·s of age .or over, of the Old l<lolk,; Committ.ee. I :\11·. an{l Mrs. C. l. Ol;,on, :\lr. C. Lildjeblad, Mr. and l\lr;;. J. H. Weaver ~ Mr. Jacob Rate, .Mrs. Sa.rah Bennett and Mt . Sarah Alexander, the 1113...-,t named gett:ng fi.r~;,t pr,ze for bemg the olde.-;t per.~on present. Mr1S. Alexandm· ~s Hi·m:ty years of ag·e and .at present makes her home with Mr. and .M-rs. Fr~d .Alexander .orr South State Street. I Primary Presidency . L EnJOY awn rarty HUB THEATRE MGR. SHOWS THRILLER Sandy Cemetery Wdl Have Sprinkling System - I 11he Presidency of the Ward Pl'imary er\tePtained all officers and their partners at a very successful law11 party a.t the ho.n.e of :\us. LeQJJ.ard Milleruurg on Social Avenue la,.,t Fr.iday evening. Various games and <Lancing· were enjoyed on the beautiful illuminated lawns and refre,.;hments were ,erve..l to twenty tlu"OO. l\lr. and Mrs. \\'. T. Belliston of MmTay, were s~ial gue:sts. CROSS -(oVNTRY Completion of improvements to the Sandy city cemetery, at an e.-pendi· of $3000. This sprinkling: system is about a 'o\'eek f1'0m now, according to Mayor W. W. Wilson. A new patent sprinkling system is being instaled at an estimated cost of $3000. This ~pt•inklnig system is being installed in the entire used section which has been seeded to gras:;. Young Base Ball Fans Take Notice The American National Game oi base ball loses none of it." ~ignificance because the youth of t.he land are as .much interested in it as the grown ups. Realizing that this spirit exi ts tJhe Journal wishes to aid and cooperate with the boys in this sport. , All boys intere;;ted ia base ball are urged to call at the Journal Office and get the detail:-; of our plan to fumiSh them with a baseball outfit-bat 1st baseman's glove, Fielder':; Glove , Base ball, set of ba:ses and pegs, Spauldings Book of Rules. M W II r. Joe e s is donating the se f b d d o ases, 1st, 2n am1 3r , official Spauldings ba:ses made of heavy can'th J vas wr straps anc1 pegs. The our· nal office is furnishing the bat:;, and gloves. Personal l\'lention Mr. an<l Mrs. Albert Watson and small tlaughter and Mrs. Kate Wats'On are spending two weeks at Yellowstone park. Mayor Cahoon and the City Coun· Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Carl::;on and cH held the regular July meeting of Helen We;;tlond returned early in the the city council last Tuesday in the week from a trip to Bear Lake. While Council Chambers at the City Hall. there they were the guests of Mr. Councilmen Wright, Mutch and and Mrs. R. T. Bloomqutst of Salt Lind were present. City Treasurer Lake. A. L. Anderson was also on hand. Mr. and )irs. Gt"l()ver Clyde and Any live boy can easily earn thi,; CouncU.Hen .Allev and Rasmm;sen tsmall daug•hter, Virginia, of Spring· ' valuable set of base ball paraphenalia were absent. ville were the guests Sunday of last · by de\1oting a few hours a day to tht. Councilmen Lind was rl'Cently ap·l week of Mr. an.d Mrs. E. W. B. lue~l. project. pointed tp fill the unexn red term of Mrs. D. A. D.rov.-n en.tertamoo t " t<'red !ills_, re;;i_gned. . 1member,:-; of the Birthday club Ji'ri.day Calf at the Journal offtce for par· h C ticulars. The resignatwn of J ust1ce of the at er noma on enter st1·eet. ----------Peace P. S. Ho.berb, was accepted anll Clarence Mitchell and his mother, 1 El" M h 11 I ft I t k to ~~:· ~~c~·n!~e~e~~l v.~:c:Y:bo:~t~~1, t~l!~~~ f ~L~-;~ po~n~s i~f e i~te~e:;t ~ .::~hern [ There has been some tlt::;cuss1on as Utah. • 1 to the propnety of an otticer ol Dr. and 1\lr::;. J. S. Alley and chil'la f I t k f ~h~r~t~h:~:;~n~~;~~~~toa ~~t·:.~·~tr: ::~~I ~1~~~. t;~e Ft::~y g:ne t~sree 'o\:eks. or the City and the re:;ignatton of :\lr. :\lr. and Mr:;. C. L. Ander:;on and b M tl M J H liVI t 1 t • FROZEN NORTH CITY COUNCIL HOLD PICTURE AT IRIS REGULAR 1\iEETIN G "The Chechahcos" (pronounced as Chee-chaw-koz) is a motion pt'cture best described by the brilliant critic News in the o f the New York Dail'-" ' words ''that something new for which The Utah State Fair g-rounds will frenzied directors and producers are be the ><Cone of the pre;;enta.tilon of ever· ~eekt"ng." ~t. r·lrewot•k s spectacl ~ th e mmn,r~:ouu · e · T 1 A t 4th N t The production is a powerful epk .-rtllll'tmg ue.~t ay, ugus · · J. 0 · tl L t D ,.1 p · · of the frozen north, photographed on .-;mce re as ays o ·ompeu wa.~ --' · h" •t • t the death-lu1·king glaciers of Alaska, present~'" m t IS CJ Y ,wen Y years . ,__ ~,..,.., 1 the firat production ever actually filmago has a f rrewm·..s ..... ~~cu 311' pm. · ';t-·' ...L!s c · tv "n<l •' 1e '"a· 1. ed there. It was more than .six ' Iuct·Jon VlSI "'-' '"' 11 1 • " "-' r · -~• th ..-. .:. months in the making and. the cas-t t manage-men secur"'.1 IS auu.acw.on . foT fiYe nights only st:a.tting .August was recr~tted almost entirely tro. '·· 4!Jh breaking their jump between • clle speakmg stage: Spokane and the Ohio State l<'a.ir. The ~pectat:or Slis ::;pell-bou~1 ~ a~; 'fh.r,)C hun<a·ed pC'Ople are !l·e~.l·in thl the sectiOns of glacier, each we.~gnmg ca.st A beautiful ballet from Chicago thousands of tons, crash away into Ci\·i~ Opel'a, 10 Circus .Acts, Band of the ;;ea, carrying death and disaster. 35, 50 Hol·,;e;;, and a Gor~eou,.; IIi ":"as on these same treacherou:s 1 play of l"itreworks are all ·nclu.ded in glacter:; that a great deal.of the actron Fireworks Spectacle At Utah State Fair Good Ball In Pinches . Next \Vedne:;dar, July 29th, the good people of }iidvale and the Jordan Valley will have an opportunity of witnessing a reel and thrilling picture depicting the Younger Bros., in their true life historr. This notoriou, gang operated over the :\lis::;is;;ippi valley about tile time the James Boys made history. The producet·s of thb picture carry a $10,000 lo~by display, with their own trucks, including wax figures of the characters in the picture. We predict that Mr. Wil~on will pack the house three times W edne~ day, since tlfe first show starts at 5:30 p. m. and he will run three complete show::; during the evening. One day only, Wednesday, July the 29th. Mr. Wibon, of the HUB, says its' . the· biggest event that ever hit Midvale. .. 0 POLEJ~Iidvale Shows Some I CLOVER LEAF DAIRY E()UIPS A COOLING STAKE RELIEF SO·lit CIETY PLANS BIG ~~= ~~~~n~~ &~00P~:~~tio~~~f;~~d!~ ~~~~/~~~~~~:h;t 1\~:~~ i~heshao~~e~ ~f1~~=t~~:r~:~;:n:::lv.::a::e d::.P::: w~~~~:\~~~~~1~der~::era:enchi::. PLANT IN RIV[RTON a;·o~fucoationa~ o:.n,s~e~: r~u:~~:: mee~:; ~·en l~t Tues~lay vi~TIME FOR AUG. 5 I I DRAPER DAIRY STOCK I ro HOlDS HIGH RECORD 0 By Joe Lushman Midvale got first call for a place in the Copper League when Apex withdrew last \Veek. ~o doubt Apex was ask to recon:;ider arid did reconsiJer when Midvale found it necessary to ask the league ior $25.00 a week in order to carry on that cla..:;s of ball. The local team felt that with the increased attendance we would be able to handle that cia s of ball wit11 the aid of the $25.00. The Copper League standard calls for some expense for players to strengthen our team, two umpire::;, ~I::L50, six base balls $9.00 and about ,;5.00 miscellaneous expense. If Midvale wants that class of base ball there seems to be a desire on the part of the Copper League to have us m there next year. The troublt> at Apex was ab::;olutely the players fault. They had jobs being paid by the month, and when ~hey failed to show up for work but once or twice a week, the management went to the mat with eiglht o! them and won when they cut otf the long green. Benny •Schmiett voluntered to help Apex by loaning any or all of the .Hidvale players to them whi.ch Apex might accept for tlhe balance of the year. The game Midvale played Arthur .a.st Sunday and lost 7 to 6 was a .htiller. Arthur used 15 players including three pitchers. :\Iidvale was given a good write-up 1n the Salt Lake papers for their go<><l. showing. Midvale plays l\lun-ay today at six p. m. A good game is expected. Junior Band Gets Full Quota Of Support A conunittee raided Midvale last Saturtlay morning in the interests of t\lidvale's Junior Band and the propos.tion went over about 99.9 aer cent perfect. We publish with pleasure the foliowing names and amounts donatcd oo date; C. J. Ride! .Motor Co . • --·- .. .. $11.00 utah Power & Light Co. · - · $22.00 JJan RadoviCh - -·-·-·-·- -·· .. __ $12.00 Geo. E. Saris, Boo! Hall -··-$ 6.00 West Jordan Milling Co. ··-··-·-- ·· 22.00 Booth Mercantile Co. . ·-···-~ $22.00 Mornson Menill Co. -··-·-- ... $22.00 Stewart'.,; Cafe _ .............................. ~Hi.OO J. C. Penney Co. -··--···- ···· $22.00 J. S. l\Iorgan, Jeweler _ _ _ $11.00 Wells & Company - - - - - _ $10.00 McNamara Feed Store ··---· . $11.00 Leon L. Olson _ ----- -·-- ···- $2:-l.OO Corner Meat & Grocery -·--·--· $22.00 H. P. l'Iiller Drug Store . _ _ $2.2.00 C. E. :\latthews ·---·-- ·---·-··-· $22.00 P. C. Rasmussen & Sons, Inc. -· $22.00 We,1; Jordan Lumber Co. _ __ 20.00 E. A. Gilner, Bakery _ .. _ $ 5.50 l~rank Soter --·--····-···- ---- -· $22.00 Midvale Drug Company .. ··-· ·-···· $22.00 Utah Pool Hall -·-·-·-·-- ···..·•·· $11.00 U. S. Cafe ·-·-·-- - ----····-· ··· $22.00 Ross Rizzuto Pool Hall - - - · $11.00 L. A. Sumbot, Shoe Repairmg $ 4.00 Jordan Publishing Co. -····- - $22.00 Drs. Hosmer, Alley & Quick -·· $22.00 0 & E Electric ---··············--·· $11.00 We hope to publish an additional list next week. 111 picts the :;pectacu1ar career of the State of Utah at .1\lt. !-'lea _·sant ,. Jor an entended [ famous Egyptian Queen, whom hi.s- 1 . th t . t p "th July 29 and :Wth Midvale snoul.d It wtth relative.~ m Pasadena, Call· torians !have dubbed the "Se11-pent of a one, 1 or e s ory 1.s ense w1 l · . 'f . •he Nr"le." dramatic moments and clutche. at the have a representative there anti tt Ol'ma. . I t week th Cl Leaf Dai·r~.·, v • . . "' • b · b f tl ·1 • Announcement IS made of the mar"as e over • heart stnngs. It IS a story of the Hr.aJ e some melll _er. 0 re counct . . · - ~· of Salt Lake installed considerable . , · ," ' . can arrange to officially represent r1age of }!Jss Melts:sa Bateman to Mr. . . . . . Plans 6f the Jordan Stake Relief ha1 tly pwneers of 1897, of the days 1 1\i"d 1 C W h h t f Parley R Glover of East Midvale nulk coolmg eqmpment m the River£ooeiety board for the celebration it when gold was everything, and a wo- 1 tdva e Ity. t et. a vet ehre 0 01t-·e We 1 e da.y evening of last week Mis~ J ton Canning counpanv's plant. The will stage on August 5th, at Sandy, 1011 man's honor was merely a pawn in ra no represen a a :;uc mee , tin '"' . d Dean Bateman sisters canning plant was le.ased Wednesday are rapidly taking from. The celeh f l"f mgs. ses ..auta an , f I k h . . t e ga~ne o I e. The tax lexy J{)r Midvale City for of tlhe bride, enteitained in her hon~ o ast wee to t e dan~ untrl Janbratil.m wtll be held to raise. funds See It at the IRIS Tue:;day, Wed- the year 1~25 was fixed at 10 mills. or Thirtv guests were present. Out- uary 1, 1926, and the datry has the defray the expense;; of the new Jornestlay and Thursday. dan's Baby Health. center which was \ Ve must give credit where cred.!t is of~to"·n " ,.,~'e.~t.>< - ., "'er·e " -Mrs. Jane Am· option to_ buy the plant f q at that time. 0 due. Look at the improvements m.ade und:;en, Miss La Von Amundson, Mrs. At this seaso~ t_ le year_ a gr?t instituted by tlhe stake Relief society and then remember that the levy is Hazel Cassidy, Mrs. A. W. Bird, Mrs. percen_tage of the mrlk leaving RIYsome time ago. Inasmuch as this free Dus·t, m "~~"t" v~s -"' "'·.·~·ma Dust, !u u 1· "S e_ rto_n rs of second_ grade and much ol ..,.. •• ~ t h e same as last year. There must ·"'r·ed !health center is something Which will During June a total .0 f 464 cows ~ economy somewhere along . the Hazel Peterson of Salt Lake, Mrs. AI· It 18 ~ctually spoiled, due to the wa· greatly benefit every part of south- were under official test in the Salt line, or else there was no economy in ma Fairbourn of Crescent, Mrs. E. te; berng not cold e~ough _to cool thl ~rn Salt Lake county th~ committee;; Lake County Cow Te:-ting association, previous year:;. Allen Bateman, Mr.s. M. Swenson, mrlk prop:rly. Durmg this hot wea111 charge of the celebratt~n feel that it is announce<! by V. L. Martineau, Mayor Cahoon will confer with l\1r.-;. Albert Glover, Mrs. James Glov-. th.er as hi~h as 40 per cent of the they ought to ha_ve the umtetl suppor, county agricultural agent. 9f this Several business men have sugge.s.t. of Ea~t l\II"nlvale, )Irs. s. C. B.: nulk IS spotled_ and has_to be_ thrown or every ward m the ::;take _to !help number thirty-six cows produced over ed that the Saturday evening ban<! Ma~·or Wilson of Sandy, and the el • ~ • Th d t f ·enson of Riverton, Mrs. Nelso.n away.. e a1ry _som_ e nne:; ts orc,Hi them make both the .celebration anu fotty pounds of butterfat. High cow concerts begin at 6~30 p.m. and ter- County Officials on the ma.ter of Sol th h h 3500 I patroling the water supply m Little and Mrs Maughan of Cedar Crty, 00 row away as rg as ga · the health center a b1g success. . for the month was Madges, a purebred minute at 8:00 p. m. .. J . · M HQlt of South Jordan !Qns of milk daily in Salt Lake. The Paarll_lount orche::1tra . wh1C!h Hol::;tein, owned by Andrew Sjoblom, Thi~ is agreeable to Mr. Cox, the Cottonwood canyon. This is an im- M rs. os. · ' Th Cl Le f D · 1 t k Mrs. Jeanette Muir of Sandy, Mrs. e o_ver a au-y as we_e plays at Brtghton resort twtce a of Draper and her record was 2184 bandmaster, and beginning Satunla~ week, ill be engaged for the ~ay. pounds of' milk and 69.4 pounds of J u.,y 25, this sy,-ten• will be fol- ::::::t a~~o~e;~ldd~~:~~fve t~~~~~~:t~~! Chas. Beckstead of West Jordan, and sent tof Ritvherton s,.ome oil the equTthpattention. )lis:; Portia Rawlins of Honolulu, who men~ or · e c?O mg P ant. e Most <"·eryone knows ·the rn~"1cal butterfat. Mr. Sjoblom also had the lowed. is visiting relatives in the state. coolm~ plant \\'II! be able to h~dlc highest her average for herds of~ A crackerjack of a band conc~rt abilitJe,; of thb orchestra. u • d .,.. 1. . J~ Holmstead and the nulk from Rwer.ton and possibly 1 The program and refreshment:-. twe.lve cows or more. His herd of • has been prepared, augmented w1th chl~~~ :e:,n 1 Mt:: • ~re;~· and Jack Green Herrima~. and part of South Jordan. committees have been appointed and eighteen Holsteins averaged 1043 V'OCal selections and you are mis:;ing left Saturday for England where The dan·r wrll m the near future are wot·~ing on plans to make the pounds of milk and 34 pounds of but- II some treat ~f y~u do_ not enjoy this 0 they will make their home. use th_e large thermo:; t~nks to haul day a ~Ig success. . terfat. William Woodbury of Gran· free. attractiOn rn Mrdvale Saturda) M . B an Ruth and Genevieve tl:e milk to Salt Lake. l'hese tank>A t• ball ga..n~ w1ll be staged ger had high herd under twelve I everung. Some time ago ~he Community, B • r,;. e:p~t Monday in Heber can· ! will hold from 750 to 1500 gallon;: Mr. Cox authorizes us to say that between two ~hamp10n teams of the cows, the average production of his Club distributetl "eeds and announced ergman 5 1 and will keep the milk cold for a 1 he certainly appreciates tJhe stand of valle~· ~ ; m ~arge of th~ stake herd being 976 pounds of milk and· that during the late summer or full Yon· number of hours. the Lions Club, the Business Men, and recreatr?rl""' commrttee.. The ~1g pro· 34.4 pounds of butterfat. Ten herds a Flower Show would be held, in This coming winter the dairy exall other organizations that have congram Will take place Ill the afternoon in the association averagoo thirty or which childt-en could entm· the pr.o· pects to ~eparate Uw surplus milk at tribute<! to this worthy cause. and the dance in the evening._ wau:h more pounds of butterfat during the ducts of their summer's labor:-;. Hiverton and the skim milk will be Mr. Cox is very sorry tlhat there are for furtlher announcements m tlns month. Armouncement was made that this u~ed by the farmer.,; for fee<.ling purpaper. show would be held in July but the poses. some people in this town who are deA drive for funds and books for the Community Club ha~ now decided that By Special Corre,;pondent It is pos~ible that a cooling plan~ pentlent on the business of the town new Heber J. Grant Library at Brigit would be unwise to hald the show Mis,; Portia Rawlins formerly of and thermos tank will be installed in for their livelihood and well being, ham Young Univet· ity has been open· so early and have decided that Satur· Draper, but now of Honolulu, spent Crescent later. but cannot appreciate the time and ed. In re.-.;ponse to tlre suggestion of effort he has put in to keep the MidThe freaks of lig~htning do mani- friends and alumni of the University day, August 29th, will be the date. Thursdav in Midvale. 1\liss Rawlins was at one time a vale Junior Band going and make it fest them:selves ev611 in Utah every the drive was launched and is receiv- This \VIill give the child.!·en additional time in which to mature the flowers. teacher in the schools of our city and tihe asset to the community that every now and then. . . ing much .support. Already many valut live business man knows it to be. The time oo day and place will be in this capacity and also on account n lSI"t S • 1 The Midvale Junior Band, under Sunday a bolt l7f ltghtnm7 stn.uck able books an.<! documents with a gen~e ·n M~ ''ell Proctor s f1eld ' decided upon by the Olub and anof her great musical talent endeared He believes they v.ill yet see the 1 1 the leadership of Wm. Cox, Band- a t t"' • • ' ' Ol'{)US aJilliOunt of money have been • .,. •' light and contribute at least "the 1 master, will play at Liberty Park, in Fplitting it and throwrng the hark l1·eceived. Letter:; have mailed to nourn~ed 'i,n clue time. . hers~!: to t.h~ community. ·~ . . Mrs. W. S. Mettz, \\ife. of Walter· widow's lli.ite.' Salt Lake City, Sunday, July 26th, around for about a hlmdred feet~ . many friends and former students in Parents should cooperate w1th I MIS:; Ra\\ lms a:'ld her sr~tei' l\lr". 1Scott }leLtz employment drrector and for the Liberty Stake Conference. (Signe<.l) Wm . .M · Cox Mr. an.d Mrs. Joe l\Io1lteer occupiall all the states of the intermountain their children in this commendable Louis Johnson w1ll_ lea-:e to return , paymaster ~t the U. s. Smelter, left The band w:ill also play tlhe accom- a camping tent directly under ~he country a5king bheir support. As a work an<l ·make of this annual flower to Hon<>lulu :;ome time m August. 1last week for a visit with her mother panyment for all Community Sing- tree and a.ll membel'J< of the family, resu1t of the dTive it is hoped to in· show event, one that will be !Jhe talk in Hebron Nebraska. for a few moments but i th l"b faoilii't" f th ing in addition to the regular con- v.•er'e 'tunned Her bt~tiher, Mr. L. -L. Fowler, of . . . . crea::;e e 1 rary 1es rom e of the State of Utah. Let's Go! other'o\~se not scnously lnJured. feren~e. 1 40,000 volumes now cataloged to 70,Seattle, Wash., has be-en visiting at the :\Iettz home at 1045 East 17th o;~·--~-----C-·--~-·-·--d·---·5---h-~---------t--R !I ~~da~~.ic~~~ n:7. 11 tm~~~~~:i South Street, Salt Lake City, after a arranged in time fur the opening of Joe Zamora, a smelter empl<>yee of 'l tour of Pacific Coast States. West Jordan has had a good rep1 Mexican descent met with an accident Mrs. Mettz accompe.nied her broth-· resentation at the Jordan Stake M. the Univer. ity in Se1Ytemeber. "Your• gTeatest neecl is more books," The residents of Union have coop- last week which nearly cost him two er, Mr. Fow.ler in his car, and they I. A. summer camp below Wafatclt is the opinion of Dr. Henry David erated woholeheartedlv on a real eel· of his fingers. will motor through to Hebron. in the nnouth <>f Little Cottonwood Gl-ay of Stwrford Unive.r ity who is ebrati.on on July 24th. : He caught two of his fingers beMrs. F. R. Kemp, of Los Angeleo;, canyon. This wan! visits at the camp There v.ill be all the old fiashioned tween some timbers and got a~ay Calif., was the guf!it last week of Irs. until tomorrow. Number This Week .... ~---··-····-- ·-..··- ·- ... 20;) Carloads v.isiti:n.g Provo this summer. "Y~mt· lucky with the loss of the finger nails. 1Chas. 0. Watson. Mrs. Kemp and Crescent antl Bluffdale warda will Number Last Week ··········-··········· -·······-······· 183 carloads new l.uu··br~ry ~tuild.indg ~t af~lr·t tol features of a g'OOd time. your ruverSl y an i il nent s; Hitch up the old grey mare, pile 1n Mr. Zamora has been employed on-,.Mrs. Watson were entettained Satur-. visit the camp from July 24th to Same Period Year Ago ...... - -·· ··· ···- ······ · 192 Carloads hope they'!! not pass by the oppor- the k.iddies and come {)Ver for a <klys J ly since June and speaks very little day of last week at the home of Mr; 27th. South Jordan will have it:; outcelebrati.on. English. Edgar Eatchel, of .:Vlu!Tay. ing there from July 27th to 30th. 1 - -~-·· • · - · - · - · - · - -~~·.· tun-ity to fill its shelves." Band Concerts At 6:30 Instead of 7:30 I I Community Club Will H ld Flower Show I t L"b At ran I rary Provo Needs Books G Junior Band Goes To Liberty Park ~~-·- "d t Union Residents Barely Escape Death Employment Manager's '''"f I e V· In Eas · I ar oa R Honolulu esi en VI'si'ts In MI'dvale · · d Ipmen S ece1ve A t Sfie Iter .. I oo:m Union Planning Celebration For July 24th Smelter l\'lan Meets With Slight Injury West Jordanites Enjoy Outing At Camp i -·-· & a -·-·- ··-·-• |