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Show s. Ha. iiua 150 J. a..w, mua. TUCtER. SELLS & COMPANY; ft iSi W. First South Si, OpposiU Htii Wird AJTD WHOXJESALX UJilBER, BRAIL DEALERA Df LATD, FLOORING, ksmblj Snfnrda', Roj. iron prices wast rj PICKETS, SIMGLES, TO .SUIT THE TIMES. ON IIS BEFORE Nov. lO viTTiOWARrva WHITE & SOI Y EARTH. Hl'SSIA FEEDS HR TRSKCIIKS. j v AH U3T OF LKTTKR3 Rernalning in the Post Office at Salt not. tnn, lass, which iam called titan, if notuitT, for within one month 1 was enabled this morniDg to Inspect will be sent to the Dead Letter Office the lntArn! arrtnirtmentii nf t.ha lini. at wasnington, D. U.: I 1aB' convict tranaoort Nizhni . LADIES LIST. rt'ovgorod, which rails hence this with 460 criminal deportee for the Atkinson Lottie Marsh Miss Ethel Russian penal island of Saghalien. The Miss Josie Nizsni Novgorod is an iron steamer of JUarron Miss Mann Mrs J tie aoout a.euo tons burden ana is es Brown JessleMartln Mary T .Miss . I . ,,.111 . r . . Mrs . pecially fhted as a convict transport. oaran siitcueu wua a nit campleraent oi convicts Djiua uxiaa Acme Mrs Bartholomew Myers Mrs L K the vessel, carries box. The more des Noah McKee Mrs P characters are manacled and Ooadr perate Abo McDonald Mrs chained ta iron staples in their berths. Crawford Geo Kmma from which they are released, when Clements JM Nelson Mrs Mary necessary. Among the 480 convicts Cushlnr Kate S'.ha E carried by the about Crawford Nellie Olanson Annie M Pnd itw are msraerers. upon tne greater Coon Mrs Sarah Pierce Clara numoer 04 1 icse mnroerers, in audi Parker Miss Carrie tion to tte various terms of hard la Kvaas Annistelie bor in thei. mines and quarries, will be Ekenstaine Mrs K9ed Mrs Cars Harritt Il9uniree Miss J inflicted upon their arrival a number ot blows tirom the knout, varying from Foote Mrs H E liosberg Miss Lil HO,W CONVICT There are no Shadows where there no Son; There is no Beauty where there is no Shade; And all t hings in two lines of glory ran. Dnrkness and ligfcl ebon and gold inlaid God comes among, us through the shrouds of air; And his dim track is like the silvery wake Lcf' by yon pinnace on the mountain lobe Fading and reappearing here and there The lamps and veils through heav'n and ' earth thiit move, ' Go in an out, as jealous of, their light, Like sailing stars upon awty night. Death is the shadow ot coming life; and ' Love . Yearns for her dear ones in the holy tpmb Because bright things are better seen iu Mat-Murp- hy f T Nizhni-Novgor- to TEUM OF THE PBESKNT THE SECONDTear of th ltrirpaitv iit open Monday, Nov. 12th inst. A tall line of "Winter Coomi" atn.iiM i. provided to begin with this term, besides others in continuation of higher courses of study. for furthur information relative to the School, or far Annual or rrogiarame, address, in person or by letter, the President, d7 s2t , JOHN E. 1'AliK. od Lamoerson ar f Lumber, Lath, Shingles, UNIVERSITFOF - DESERET. 1 to JflSvlES W. EARDLEY, GOODS m Oar new JTll.nci'K drill tactics and full laformation about drilliair Marchinir OIiiIm organuungand ILWTBTRATEU OATAXOGCK FRKE. A. G. orALDINO & BROS., j HKW VtKaC. CH1VAUO. eve-nlo- sr BV F. W. FABF.B. & MOULDINGS, A SPECIALTY TtLL .... 1IKAVKN AND Cedar Posts, Nail and Window TTeiffht. MORS. WINDOWS, TRANSOMS " . RU&1AX COSVICTS. EVENING NEWS. DOORS, WINDOWS; OEIDJEfc POSTS, Eltc. 340 South, First East Street, ESTRAY NOTICE. lian 125, according their crimes. Frandsen Hannah Miss OR HALF BLOCK NORTH OF THE EIGHTH WARD Manacled tand at tbe end of arnsworth J A Russel HAVE crouching 535M8SKSSIo:fj" Babins Mrs JSophia SQUARE. T one of the cages was a convict about Alice (ESTABLISHED 1873 ) Seldemridge Mrs J years ox age. mere was nothing Ooltton M red E Mrs Girdner BUI'L.wth two white spots T i?kark particularly vuiamons in tno man's 8 Simms Mrs H J lace, thoneh it was bv no means well Qlbbs Mrs One Une Mrs Ann back roan COW, no brands Solomon Mrs M L visible. iavorea oy nature What strncK one Howes OM to We . Staunter Mary . T . .1 especially was his pal id look and ap Hess MrsMiss gloom! to we Vie auoro aescrioeo Lvnn Jen animals are not Haight ; genera Doauy languor. parently .auuou mu utaen away on or- - before nie Sundholm Tilda to !even years a 20 this man. had com. Jones November 18S8. 19th, wA be sold t Mrs they Carrie Taylor Mrs H C ' j rait ted murder and was sent to Siberia PAPKB MATERIALS. the hro.?2lon' Ue,C1J7 Ksttsy Pound, to the Miss Miss Ada lor nie, ths nrst rive years hard labor, liarson responsible bidder, at 8 p.m. 11a S Wood Miss Fannia After the Lambert mines. HOWTHSY ARE MANUFACTUEKD IX to be worked in the M. SHELMEKDTNE. . Adelia Ward Mrs Helen he man expiration of his mlae-labDIFFERENT PARTS. Ward A Mrs 8 Salt Lake City. aged to escape and Was only rearrested TO FKIEIDS OF after committing a second murder. He ever been offered to the To GENTLEMEN'S LIST. :s now sentenced to mine labor in of bamboo: bat from the bark the they F have some kindd made lrom linen rags. Saghalien tor life, to receive 125 blows ArgyleQ MUlerTE We we some from the outer case of tbe silk with tne anout on arrival on the island: Acken J 8 Morgan T H to aud chained be his to thereafter & SONS REFRIGERATOR BUY Alexander some Julia. from the paper barrow or McPhersonCP worm's cacooD, n for the first Artkln Jno , McClnrsVYES tree, some from toe cotton ear no, ana twelve months of his sentence. In Andrew Wm R McOovern Michael some from ,rice.r. The Japanese paper these be convinced Goods t is no is there ' caBes the unchaining Alfred ana made from tae mulberry tree, Birgis McCarty Chas tlie we on chains welded the convict's are; Brown Max is MoComlck fashioned W which H it the material from ' . limbs. A in of snr.h strength that from it Cord . McCart H OS WOULD. the "flow' ldnz do you imagine this poor Brooks Charlie 7 rne Japanese wrecea goods in m&nniactnrea. Arch McGregor BI6UEST JURKliT PRICE win exist nnaer tne conaiuons BaprayJnol 0 Nelson N manufacture paper. for a variety of or nis tvstc year's- punishment i"' I Banrae'Josebh Oudrest Prof domestic par nosea,-- And froar.it paper my Kuiae, wno nas spent some. Branson Jno ' SOLOMON Parlaner Albert cloakB, gown3, tents, ntaoreiias Dea- - asaeo 01 in cuyciai service Bagoaiien Bryan Jno raison Chris nanzincs. etc., are ceaue in excellent years 4 a Beef Carcasses, No. 1, j. or cents per lb. two. Th month "roesiblv Bonderson Peter Paramore Geo imltaUons of silks, satics, and other shorter wo. a, 4 cents per rb. theJbetter for itue poor devil.' Cram A D ruts fabrics. The Daoer is rendered im 4X cents per lb Mutton Carcasses, No. 1, ihlSi not Champlin Edward pickleJos it is to theQuestion' which does JW nervious to water by painting and appear "humanitarian" defend Cheshire G colored varnishes, aud they, a e ad ers of the Russian PhUllpLZs Citr patrons tcarrvouraiiiiriuii r, penal code, whether Carter Henry mlrnhlv mirii to deceive. Smartkwmlte, Rich usurer WfljlUB Win f"ju rvr IDem.- -i were, not an un CoolldgeJE C The Cingalese write on thVaves of capital punishment lssm quaimea mercy taIs such criminals in Crocker Jno O ' Kotheke Anders J the talipot palm ; the Brahmirrfal MS8 number terribly large Ed on the leaves of the am- - and their roe are .written Cowley Wnlf Ray Hussia convict's horror and Dubendorff A T RmerJ pana or Palma inalbrania; in the dread of having to live ont these ae Davis Calvarus N RyanJ Maldives the ordinary letter paper Is tences is shown by the desperate at Donnelly Gerald Komer Peter the macquarlan.the leaf ot which is nine Cai&rrh Sail feet tempts at self destrnctio h laeror Daniel Jno fl Rigby Mace feet loner and one and one-ha- lf acenc to mafce.Tbar board 00 ready Frank Kosenfleld N after beiu' Davenport broad, and the plantain, AND dewartlBT shins is altogether Dahl A St John Dr dried in the sun, in some parts of the and Davis Scott Short Mr Indies answers tne Dseot paper. sMMirtBg GERMICIDE Rat mors one does notperhaps so that depressing, bear a- Kvaas Geo L, The Alirerines were wont v aate a tbe EH Saba roBstltattoBsl a ad murmur or lament from the stolid- Rvelner Jno J W G Stevens nitner of the llbes mt ttie aiijave or tbe looklaz ioei ttcataaeat. and broken-spiritwretches Kdwar ds M co oa try puroi, .wmcn Jas Standing vriuauy behind the bars of these cages, Fulber Jos B Cares Catarrh, tstknu. Stott lirst crowded J 0 a native of Mexico. The uomans tbe spectator only too Foye Robert nay rarer, made cse ol liny rolls of the thlu which remind Sandberg Nils J of wild beast dens we are Gray AJ the some forcibly, Sorenson Wm trees in found membranes to see in a traveling men GlannvilieWW dlaeaset of the air Smith J D between the bark and the wood, the accustomed sassagM. agerieJ; Gerod Taos Sunbacb C J maple.plane.clm, beech, lime and mul Husband W J Banford Wm berrv trees being the principal ones For Sale bj DrsKgi-itsm FICTION OUTDONE. H olden A F 2 made use of. Thorp Thos was K C HarcustonA when Catarrh not nrt known . paper It is Pal aad IU 1 TaylorA ine Aiacnias lieoubuoan tell of a Hants II P made frm linen raps nor to wnom we I'oaivaar, Udlaaaf- Tyler owe the invention. Dr. Prldeaux is of Maine man who spent a night in HicksUarryA u, maiana. Taylor CJ (IA Thomas O Vf paper was Machlas last week. The hero of the Hedges Jno II opinion that liuen because ! Roofing, GaK the Ulses Wm 2 many remarkable series of adventures is Hopkins L broneht from the. East, P. "who are was he writIndian Harvey Osgood, Vinter T II of tho original manuscripts Agent umnimed corn in rriuceton in 1828.saysIn 1843 he Ivans Wm Vllson Ludvig ten upon it. Mabilon iscf the cpinioo ran and enlisted to in the away Bros United the Johnson Wilson D that the Invention belongs GARDiN HOSE AND LAWN SPRINKLERS States com in E of various earliest Welch EB2 Johnson army, One the J serving twelfth century. M M Williamson sr,pc.imerjs ol paoer from liaen racs' mands UGtili the close of the war of Kirtson eraun Wheeler Edwd discovered is a document, wilh.the toe . rebellion, being several times a Kime yet 'VYl,yr5'Y Winn Harry W seal pressrved, bearing aatc a. prisoner, and, in fact, escaping from iiurserson F fl . Wilks J jl v. eitrnea oy Auotpaus, cuuui ui lilrby 8mitbracross the Hlo Grande In Larsen J Z asserts tne last days of hostilities. Bat Os- Land Commission Wirthlin Leopold Schanmbarg. taeitl. however,s numoer ers ' good was no; sooner In Mexican terri are Wlckersham L G in the uscunai there that . bauT.Utunr. u man ne came the captive of a Linford JH . Drnjacroas: cotton and both Williams Morti tory of upon mannscriptf, ttoorr Iabim. K. Tartar, Geo. H. Tartar. Assistant Maai oano 00. N I.anir of Oreasers. to mer J 8t VfalnSYoun marauding inen paper.wnica weie written prior l O. D. Ronvaey. Secretary aard Treasurer. F. ratstrear, II. J. Romasy, to Mr. a. P R claims have L9 ffleur The invention Osgood passed the tbirtheenth centnry. i IJ W. T. .Armstrong. was early introduced into England.for twenty two years of his lite with these aiaycock J II YarnoldJJ he men, to time learned uaxwen of some which, acts are John Cranden, Zichschwert caring Karl there jas made cn linen paper, speak their language fluently, which he Y-Rprior of Elydate5 in the fourteenth year says, was tine chief cause of his Ions which bear To obtain any of these letters the an- Of Palmyra, If. Y., has Just arrived of the relicn of King Edward II., A. I) captivity, ha having been retained for pllcant must call for "Advertised Let to 135ft. and in the Cottonian libraty are an interpreter, claims lie have ters," and give the date of the list. WTTh! A this kind maae irequenr. trials ror iiDeny Dot S said to be several writings oh1085. C. It. Bahratt, ox some CARLOAD as OF tnese success, wiinout THOROUGHBRED as ior ot paper early the year Postmaster. roving bands were sure to recapture aim Deiore ae couia reacn tne Doruer. J1ERIS0 EWES, i be last tnaj ne made lor this par OTP WOOD BUFFALO IN IIIR pose, was aiarcn i, letm, out he was 1 Atwood NORTH and Mostly Blood, Straight PASVISQ Large ALL IN READINESS FOB THB purs tied and when he found escape im Vigorous, and well wooled. Call and ex Trlvate Lessons in Danclng.by possible net threw uo his bands to amine my stock; H block west of Tribune A FEW OF TnOSE GREAT AXIMiLS STILL u. ii. vxift, oi a. xna south. surrender, bint was too late to avoid omce, becond south, or enquire for J. w. tne enects or a volley bred bv the nar- EXIST IN BRITISn COLUMBIA. sulng party, iwhich caused the loss of J. W. IIA.UVX. There sttlliremain some of the wood nearly one siait oi the right foot, anbuffalo. This Is an animal larger than othsr bullet (splitting his scalp. Still tne American bisou of the plains. They another entered his month, knocking d stralsht-e- r out. iuree oi nis teem ana oreaains nis are larger 35 , ana is now loagca anaer. the. ear.i Jiorccd. 1 mention lh3 peculiarity jaw CO No. -i iO ol difference in ths torus because it is ..m St. One Bloc& U. C. Depot. belltvf d that the shape ana the broken nun in-- toe sine passing arouna tne and crooked nature oi the harns of the body; and is now lodged in the breast been caused by his and, beios poiaonous, causes him mhch prairie buffalo-havhabit of digging into the gravel, where- trouble, it iis by reason of this that FRESH BREAD, as in the ruoru northern species thwy he travels on loot rather than by rail bad to contend with other conditions or carriage, as any eerious jar wlM where stnueht horns would be of more bring on hemorrhjage. BUNS, CAKES . TT use; as, for instance, they use then Shortly afier Osgood's recapture "T" TTi TVT there for clearing aside from their Mexican troops raa down tho Greas luxuriant ers, and the American's long cap. The DENTAL ELECTRIC VIBRATOR. pathway the brush and These animals would tivuy was at an ena. tie mace bis way for the Painless Extraction of Teeth, is a to offered webrh at" least 150 pounds more than to tne City of Mexico and then north grand success. Try it A hundred testi monials in the past six weeks. the buffalo of the Saskatchewan plaits. through the United states to Maine. m In addition t the loss of a of JURE CANDIES, GROCERIES. In the northern regions the vetches OfSe. 64 WmI, kX-os-a Sonth St., one hand and one foot, Osgood part And hi asses are so high and the snowWMt oi tarries upers aiotia. Eta. fall not being unduly heavy, they have seven bullets in various places in b ' .not had to paw and break the crusted oody, some of which cosld doubtless ?r STOCK OF ALL SIZES OF ALSO, A KOnCK TO CREDITORS. ' snow, as was the habit cf the buffilo, have been taken out had be been in a sBsM ssIbs to have treatand that may account tor their supe received proper position m8pecialty, Estate of John W. Jenkins, .Deceased. rior eize. In the .country where these ment. lie has papers from the com are found horses caonot be used in manders of various, army posts EDWARD GIVEN BY THE 8CBACB. nursnit and thev are stalked In the throughout tbe country, stating that NOTICE f S HEREBY Admiaistratnx of the Propria 1st same manner tBat the moose and tae thev have examined him clesely, and Estate of John W. Jenkins, deceased.to ths other laige animals arc. It isdifllcclt believe the account which he gives of creditors or, ana ail persons having claims to form an accurate estimate ot the himself to be trne, and recommend the said deceased, to exhibit them against AT . GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! with ths neeessarv vouchers, within ten number of these animals that may Vet him to tae ( consideration of commonths first of after tbis the be left. But perhaps investigation rades farther on. lie has also dozers SOUTH publication GOCANAL - notice, to tho said administratrix, at Salt live or six hundred of papers cf a like nature from noted yet may show ttat LAke City,in the County of Salt Lake. bands. O winii men in various places, all of which uav remain in rcattt-reto fact that he horse seem to be genuine. Whether the Principal place of Business, Salt Lake City Dated October 23, 183. the ELIZA JENKINS. in be n3ed cannot vian. Administratrix of the Estate of John W. pursuit, story whicha he tells is true or not.he Is Remarkable man, and has d oaw4w it In more diftlcult lor the In certainly Jenkins, deceased. ! dians to hunt train, and Indeed to find undoubtedly seen rough times some- NOTICEtheTIIE RE ARE DELTVQTTKNT on stock described followinglevied them, than it was iu the old da? s of where. lie says he has. not slept In a accoDnt of assessment NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 13. WE OFFER , bun tin: up on tbe plains. So rank is bed for thirty years, and wants nothing 1888, the several amounts set September opposite tbe Estato'of. David Love, Deceased. the unatirprowth of tbls rich country ostier mau ta oianaet upon a na.ru names ot the respective shareholders, as 23 naor. to and so ditilcult is It for the Isdiaas I HON IIOOF1XO PAINT, follows: IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE get at these animals T&at, perbaps.just SOc. PEBfJALLOXi NOTICE PflODF, Last the Executor of on now any attempt the rart of the There Are Ifo ChillfcnB Will de David Testament and of Love, Ij1 Illegitimate tUlcate. a Kovernment to fi nd protection to i to ths creditors of, aud all persons dren. All Reduced in them would be $ eta. ceased, If, however, the saiddeceasd, to 1 1238 Reckstead T. Wesley 60 having claims some regulation which would prevent them with exhibit the A court in California has lately de necessary vouchers, 169 6 Brown Rupert. 3 00 within ten months after white sportsmen from deliberately f the first publica 1 20S ...... that a man's child is his heir, 50 tion of this said to at the comlee into tbe country" to hontr these cided notice, S ...... " . "!.Executor., 738 50 2 arr i was n.1 n oorn or am , u wedin out oi wneiner w irst nest animals for mere pleasure it might re sail, uiae Kjivj, 1 1020 SO m.ptoip, ...... to Richard and awarded lock, Jessup, xaao. oi ait " 11" sult to advantage. At present it would an illegitimate sob of tbe late Gresham 1 00. " 2 "iy -25th, 188S. brISAAC IStf 40 20 00 be vexatious to tte Indians and of no P. Jacob K., 9 M. WADDELL. $100,000 of property Butterfleld about Jessup, 1 " 891 66 " , creat use as the animal has become in that bekDgef to the fatuer at the time Last Will and Testament 1 " 630 ta, habits so much like the moose that of his decease oaw 4w u deceased. n 28 E. South 73 4 Bennion Samuel II., City. he is able in a great uuature to proI no "P0J 3 This is absolutely right.' The inci"' feet himself. SO 939 CREDITORS. OTICK TO 6 3 :. dent of marriage or the accident of ' r"T " ... 1 00 2 " ,1133 appearance in- - tbls world without a ' B0 733. H. of Deceased. 1. William Estate George, ceremony, has nothing to do Egbert, Joseph 10 50 64 Rich Find of a Mule. 21, with the creation ot the child who lfoward.SamnelL.. 60 " .. " 2.9 ' 1 ' HEREBY GIVEN BY THE IS In obedience to God's law. 544 .. 3 150 NOTICE administratrix of the It not the fashiod to deify animals comes no 1 and the law 601 The is 60 parent, parent William H. estate of George,' deceased, to la this country," said Frank Chatileld 1 059 " 50 the creditors of, and all man can sever the persons having; of Silver Ciiy, Idaho, to n j'ostr or actTheotchild 1 804 .. " 2 0 claims atrainst tho said deceased, Is an and in to exhibit chain. no them with the 1 " .. 932 Dispatch report"but two years ago I the iutare cannot possiblyheir, " within be other vouchers, necessary 1 saw someiDtog very iikc u ia rne (. asar 1034 50 ten months after the first publication of this than an heir no matter what laws men Uaruian, Benjamin." .tJ 2 50 notice, to the saiti administratrix, 5 d'Alene country. Two prospectors do at the it. The parents can21 10 50 office of Jas. H. .. ltNS " had been at work in the Wind Kiver notfor or against Attorney-at-law- , Moyie, have the 101 15 00 80 escape responsibility they Holt. Matthew. Main Street. Salt Lake City, in U County mountalDS for a long time and had called " ...... . 1 00 ot bait iaae. 37 existence, and in all these . ,2 been most unsuccessful. They had cases! into 1 520 60 no difference to makes 8 AR AH ANN GEORGE. God, ft none from bad to worse, and in the the : ' " 2 00 Administratrix of the estate of William H. con,1 ot order the and organizer ' ...... i 8U1 .11 winter oi isfco. went out ol tne moun 00 whether there la a Georre, deceased. 1368. 60 ' Dated ll49 tains most wretchedly provided with troller oforcreation d law 4w November 2nd, : result is The the M marriage 245 3 50 9 Albert.. provisions and with ragged clothrs. same and the child Is the netr. Society ' . " Ml 50 I rneir irienos aavisca tntiu not to iace NOTICE TO CRF.DITORS. 8T4 2 00 the winter storms in this condition. n nv combine' to do cruelty to tbe helpi or less' not, JTha) ;ls one, aJTS .responslblf . bufcihev persisted -? aud. wilh oqe haif-- ; Estate ot John Henderson, Deceased. 12(!7 50 t or, ouruoais starveff' mule to- carry Implo- - wrWltfTCHOiCtontroi 1 763 50 "John ana aTI haman laws Should be. onents they set out. After some two just 1 OTTCB ia HEREBY GIVEN BY TIIE " .... . ' 870 50 . Children axe, children, no matter 40 .... " mt I months spent, in proopectlng, with where uudorsicned. Administratrix of the or who their born : parents. . .... lost 60 Estate of John Henderson, deceased. i .... ' 60 their usual ill success, and wnen their The envif ornaents ot parentagtt do not , 1 .... 979 tho to creditors ot, and all persons pgpnr-9,?.- t . were reduced, to the lowest count la tho creation or in the provisions so 7 William V2 3 tbe said decensed, to exnatural, Untchlnson against eoo, a iresn misioricno ocieu tnem. 114 n 00 hibit them with the necessary vouchers, Henry .pgnta oi tne cniia. in Ulgjfins On ja wakening: one mdrcing they found 1 304 CO wiuun-iou- r " " . monins arter tne nrst puunca heaven : ' ia God's plan there is ne " FLOEMCE SILK ' ' 91 1 that their muie had broken loose and distinction ...... WEAR, HOSIERY, HiTTEHS, Elc. 00 tion of this notice, 4b the said adminis unmarried between or, was nowhere to be found. This was a 11M 3 ...... office of LeGrand Younft. at the 100 Hans.. tlansen tratrix, is alike creation . Each 50 Attorney, Main Street, Salt Lake City, is the m 1 disaster of great magnitude and tbe married, anjl must be so recognized". Jelta Eluu O AO 557 I " . " !. men were in despair. Packing up their legitimate riot so oi sail lue, can that It. 1 ...... pure 836 00 uouniy ' 9 is smalt etock of provisions they set ont Society October 8th. 1888. Dated nor disof SO 1 all 018 " 3 to the " dictate purest to follow tne trial of ihe mule in the MART ANN HENDERf ON. fH6 ' 2 00 of by I any an eternal principle turb wow. After a long day's march they Its edicts.. Jtis every act against a ' 1 1028 00 Administratrix of Kb tale of John Hender "" saw their animal asleep and as quietly 1 AO son, aeceasea. 864 an act fl ird oaw 4w as possible moved toward it. But the child born oat of wedlock toIs the 323 2 Samuel..;. Jackson, incruelty ! 7tfl 2 00 male was aroused by their coming, ot mean, cowardly 4 Whoever is cruel to the Jones, David, Jr..... 614 5 2 50 . NOTICE TO CRKDITORS. and, regaining its feet with a, great nocent. .... 5 Ml 9 IA "guilty of aa offence scramble, set off at foil speed. The innocentGodIs and !i . 1094 .... 1 50 Innocent. ' S tbe r !.f'A 'i Estate ot Mary Uodsall, deceased. end of the broken Hate, which It still against a e:.3 chilB no John can be 150 Kidd, illegitimate As there carried about its neck, caught in tbe 737 "' 1 tO are alike objects of .13 HEREBY GIVEN BT THE dren, aUxfeffidren brushwood and the acimal was capt- our 2 ' 12B100 XTOTICK love'ard H adults are alike tntl-tle- d Jensen, Mary undersiirned, Charles V. Williams, ured. On going back over tbe trial 1 so Executor U C,..., assistance the Estate of Mary Godsall, deof onr respect, to regard, to the place where the mule had 734 s l CO to' the creditors of, and all persons frieto 'ehilp In i rnorUon as they Mavne. Thomas 1 50 ceased, scrambled up it wss seen that it bad anJ claims egardless against the said deceased, to 603 2 50 bavins; alcked the now away from a ledge are free from error, entirely Marsden, Cbas.T4... iTi rirwiri ti t exhibit them with ' 5I the necessary vouchers, V called them into .... 708 50 of mtans the which showed most promising indicawithin ten months after tho first publica- entitles 60 individual as existenca this notice, to the said Executor, tions of ieing very rich In silver, 7 . 8 M tiouoforuce 71 i-Mabey, Albert...... tromi the same at tue oi u. u. w nutemoro. Attorney Camping at this place the men went to 1 50 853 ....... " 3 and society lloom 4, Trilmna ltailJinn, Salt " Atnonjf kins work and 1 the course of a week con" ,1 vt t10 ' A, 3 00 ft s 'in r, t been n. 'it ' have tne county or bait Utke, in frequent T4 vity, ....... vinced themselves that they bd dis- leaders there 1 6rt of Utah. of results which tbe .old iom 60 covered a veritable bonanza. i One of outbursts Cn ARLES F. WILLIAMS. 813 fl S 00 " Presbyterians call illegitithem set out for the settlement. A Scotch 285 4 3 00 Executor of the Estate of Mary Godsall, mate. Whena son cf a landed family MaynardIosam'l.. mining expert visited the camp, and-t-o deceased. s far Ig1 ... .. . 4 j?AI 60 make a long story short, each man re- or ot entklledt possessions 1888. d oaw 4w .. 745 ' 1 60 f Dated October 24th, alized 1300,000 from the mine thus ac- nored the heritage of mariul disci- Peterson, Ole ' ' 'a oo ' 453 s an alliance outside as to form 1 00 The mala pline 9 tt7 cidentally dlscoved. became the hero of the hour. with - some attractive damsel and in 1 00 673'.. 2 take pleasure in announcing out patrons have added our Establish' that and public ment a Refrigerator, which enables us put befort MEATS a OJJIl in public 50 J -- 1 Ame-We- FAR SUPERIOR CONDITION! SOLOiON BROTHERS. bb or ANY MEATS that have SALT EAKE CONSUMERS. WHITE MEATS; And that UTAH BEEF and MUTTON cared EQUALS ANY BEEE and for, properly MUTTON IX THE NovembeV.T.r DRIED APRICOTS 1eOQ! band-waxo- - - WHOLESALE PItlOE LIST. TEE IME WHU'SISE: would say that MAKE BOOTS and SHOES, in and equal Style Finish, and MUCH MOJtE DURABLE than any Imported brouqhl into Market, and all Seams, and guarantee that Jrice is as Low as any that are First Class Material. Solidly Made BEOS. AT fVTEASDEL'S, CZT ' WHITE AcSONS. DB. CTJIJBEBSON'sl T70 STREET'' THE FOUR STORE: 1VIA.IIV hi -- the p. ed wm, m m im& fitters -- I tuu . NEW! - FlumUny Material, Pumps, Pipe and Fitting COME SUam Heating Supplies, Tin and Iron Iron Cornice, Guttering, Etc. BOOTS AND SHOES . JF uf CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, H LUMBER GROCERIES. STEAM FT, A XING MIXI, TAYLOR, RMS and A.ID. AN AXtSrY ROiMEV East of - EXCELSIOR BAKERY East Temple coareer-halred.ao- It. R. M. DONIELSOU all & STOCK, CLERH8, f. - CO. FAIR & CONFERENCE rxt. o. h. keys ore, 40 oO 0 0 ' . F- T in 0RA0KEBS. I I Bought beore the advance in price and now in lots suit at Prices that defy Competition. Buttercup Crackers sll POUNDS I Crw? 1 Strictly Pure e C. A MUG-I- . ARMSTRONG CO Sir SEE ITV A.TVI FULL ' , Wl N DOW G LA . . MM - Ladies' Jackets, Modjeskas, Newmarkets, Jerseys, etc., Children's Cloaks PAINT YOUR MOUSES WITH CULMERS . Enamel Ready Mixed Paint BAnUF.fJS,Ili:.lY5IIIEI at FIRE uties. DRESS GDDDS AfJD TRIMflliNGS. Paints aa-ain- a. G.F.CUL1E a. no-eei- - . 20 to & Iiadies,' Gent's' and Children's Underj wear and Hosiery. - :'. pre-nat- at. Price First - St., Salt Lake. - " r .. al . 1 C. & I. DOHELSOW MAIN 158 '... CO. . ' . . I M . STZREJET.; SP06l SILK AND EMBROIDERY SILK . nt. . THRU FLORENCE KNITTING SILK tm , . - . . having-claiw- " God-give- . - " .3 UADE I : mi : - v - It fit. .'''rvZ!r fim - , . r i. Jr. " - ;mrim 63-- t a m mm 3 tat - out-budd- All-Fathe- - . r. . lM ed . - - d 1 4 . -r- at-La- - . "Nay flllii - . . time a littla-- . child led them, it was damaelddm thai was not forgiven, man was not hurt. In though the Scotland all each outside Issues were named Fltz. The outside children of Uugh,CmerontMeQregor, or others of the upper class were called Fttz Hag, etc., to Fits Cameron, Fitz McGregor, signify that while taej were of the family blood on the pateraal side, thev originated outside of wedlock. And yet they were recognized as heirs or Vs entitled to 'a share. In England the oatsldcr heirs ot kings and queens have for centuries. tnn were In ror a divide. Offices created for them. .They were saddled on the treasury of the people for support, they and their tfescesdanta In turn. of all the official positions la England today are retain-mem- s I yonr father aTlanstlaa?" asked ot place, perqaUltes and sinethe minister. "No," rtTpMcrf the boy; cures to children oritanally born out cf "ae sings In the choir." wedlock, but stlilj heirs. Jlrick Fome-toy- . owners took it 'to Silver City, where the animal received a regular ovation. It was decked with ribbons, provided with a palatial stall and treated as an honored paet of the municipality. An enterprising shoirman got posses-slo- n of it and carried it from one csmp to another, at each of which the quadruped met with a royal reception. The male that i: had discovered the best' mine in ; the.CVear d'Alene range was petted by every one sod caused tbe most prominent citizens to siuk Into a position of 'comparative obscurity. I believe the animal is etil alive and living on the fat of the land, its gratt-- ul worshipers amply provld - . ing fo its comfort.!' ! - Its . . ' gV' , ,r- -- .yWn..,,. v .. ;r Comhlnation Fence & Fence Maclunes FIRST SODTH STREET. OFFICE AND SALES ROOMS, 101 & 103 FACTORY AND YARD, CORNER EIGHTH SOUTH ANDSTATE ROAD reecg-nized- f One-lour- th ..j - ss Si5 " - 104S as Pearson, lAwrenee.. " . ... ? - " . . . ' .... : ., - .., .... 38 . W0 . 1097 7 1 00 ' 50 " 60 so SCO . 1 " 1 60 '. v 4 50 3 00 . "wee 00 6 00 o so .. 1 " . . law ,, .s s oo i oa. 3 60 . KOTIOB. Halt Lak Canal Company. Principal Place of Business, Salt Lake CTty. Utah Jb uuu i em lory. 60 1 . 47 9 6t)9 ' IS cio - li e foi 1017 7 . .',." 13 5i1 . - 1 1 . - 423 8lleoekK.T..':. ' ... ; 2 SrtO ' N the OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT at a meeting of the Trustees, held on 13 in day or October, A. D. 18S8. an as aessineatof two dollars and fifty cents per share was levied on tha Capita) Stock of the Corporation, payable on tha 22nd day of November, A. D. 1888, to Ellas A. Smith, at No 123 West. North Tempi Street, Salt Lake. City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on tha 82nd day of November, A. D. left, auction, and unless payment la ma fore, will be sold on the 19th dav of Decern ber, A. D. 1888, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with oest of advertising and '. 923 1 00 3 BmUhbonC... And In accordance with law, to many JUS hares of ach parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at the company's office. Mo. 8, Ilosper and Eldreufre. Block, Salt Lake City, on Tiov. 90th, istrt. at One o'clock p. m. of sneh day to pay dellnqnent ELIA8 A. SMITH. Serretarv. assessment thereon, together with ths cost Utah A Salt Lake Canal Com Dan v. of advertising and expence of sale. GIDEOH A. tirBBS, Location of Office, Salt bake City, Utah 20 d oaw 4w dA Secretary. Territory. . - HTIGELLI SILK MILLS, rii3 Oldest and Greatest Works of their kini in the World. ..... . .... ...... ... . TBI . .... 1UCMAXKABU . 43KOWTII TUB aPJCTCnrix.x.X IS EMPHATI0 TESTIMONY TO THE SUPERIORITY OF TIIE PRODUCTS OF THE C0RTICELLI SYSTEM. II."SACK0II. Ageat. 4Q8. north Broadway, ST. IQUiS. |