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Show RAILROADS. Utah Central Railway Blood Diseases axe cured bj the perseveririaT use of Ayer'c . Saxsaparilla. Time Card, October lOtli, 1888 INew This medicine ia an Alterative, and causes a radical change in the system PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE SALT LAKE DAILY, AS FOLLOWS ... ;"..jV;' The process, in some cases, may not be Gotmg Harth. . x. IT' m Pxiiraaa V at... 8.0A a.m. inuiuni un .eo a.m. quite so rapid as in others ; bnt,-wit...... ii)nlin ' jk pres. a. . Local at.... 11S.44 and l. ark City . .. .1 !..... .'l fin Express M n n Juab KxDresa at .......... ..... persistence, the result Is certain, Bead these testimonials : a- - Passenger Trains Arrive la Salt Lake daily, at follows ' For two years I suffered from 'a se j " j vere pain in my right side, and had t Fran Boat, North. ...10.00 a.n other troubles caused by a torpid lirer rark City and U. A N. and raclfie.11.20 a.m. UlUford Express at....... Juab Express at..... ........ ...... 1.10 pan and dyspepsia. After giving several Express ...... 7.20 p.tt.. Atlantic Express at medicines a fair trial without a cure, I ': Atlantic ami Pacitt:; Express at.... 2.S a.in.' beean to take Aver's SarsaDarilla. I was greatly benefited by the hrst bottle, JOHN SHARP, FRANCIS COPE, General Superintendent. and after taking- five bottles I was comGen. Freight and Passenger Agent. pletely cured.?'- John W. Benson, 70 Lawrence St., Lowell, Mass. Last May a larse carbuncle broke out THK on my arm. The usual remedies had no effect and I was confined to my bed for eight weeks. A friend induced me to try "Tki Oreritnd RiaU" Aess tnan tnree Ayera sarsapariiia. bottles healed the aore. In all my expeTha I7 LIM Carrytag -4 Caitoa rience with medicine, I never saw moire !( . - - b I rr.a 1 ' CHICAGO 9RTH- - ye union pacific nr. 1- fJESTERM in IX OUT 13 POPULAB unnwu BZfi3J TOJt FAST AMD " anTWaa Cun-i-l Onvtr,ChynR0, Kansas SImI, Omaha, Chieai , he. LaaJa ; Ci. - Llnaa. Ht A at Missouri Rtverwith hnv CHICAGO And Hastern JTo (Jitfe. T- PAUL, DULUTHc A TrVT .y JUL I OST. AWB KT-NT-- PALACE SLEEPING CARS Ajr 1I.LTH IHia Cart !7J rr fall iafonaatiea Mmsot WmttM Thraaarh family Mall Trawhaa. THOS L. K1MHA1.L, J. 8. TEBBETS,? O. P. & T. A AoUiitr Gen'l Man'ir'r. OMAHA. Express man ana .express ' DEPART. Mail and Kxprcss Mail and Kxpress Mall and IV OOiflCKCtlOS WITH Ft Worth R. R. FAN HiHOLE IOCTE) Sow Forms t!i Direct Llaa From 1 Tatar Sleeplapr Cars frost BsuTsr U Ksw Vrlrsss dally wit host cassss. aralsscrrea is 'lraant Pallaiaa Dlaiaf Cars A Ft. Worth. Fsrilitlm for Bpld Traaslt of l'aqsl!ea JMtk Paxseafors aa4 Frcigkt. f'!os connection mde at New Orloans iiti all rail acd steamship liaes, lncludiDg Hip famous CCOMWKLL LINE, FOR NEW YORK. f or rates of freifrbt, ticket, or any other Information regarding this IJne, apply to aivv, railroad spent, or to hetweta Dsavsr FlM-ET- . G. F. A . Dallas, Tex. P. A T. Dallas, Tex. , Dallas. Tex. ; A-- , I.v. Lv, Mill Creek, I.r.' Lv. AR.G.Depot, 11:00 a.m. (Morning) Penitontiary, ' 11:50 Ar. at Shale Ileds, Lv. Shale Beds, 12:40 p.mAfterh'n Lv. Penitentiary, Ar. at D. A R, G 1:10 o. 3. I.v. D. A B. G. Depot, 2:00p.m. Aftern'n Lv. s:at i or Liongias, "s at Ar. 2:33 Wagener's, T " :i:05 Wagoner's,' ' 3:10 lv. Fort Douglas, of the World! IX EFFECT OCTOBER K, ...Lv. ...Ar. ...Ar. pringvUle..... ...Ar. Denvcr ...Ar. ...Ar. Chicago tcilcn.i Rait Lake City. Provo...- TRAINS; No. 8: No. 10. 9.40 a.m.' 5.30 p. in 11.00 a.m. 6.50 p.m. 12.50 p.in. 1.22 u.m. o.OOtkm. 8.00 aim. Lv. Lv. 5.10 p.m. Ar. 6.30 p.m. .Ar. 7.00 a.m. HpringviUe Halt Lake City Ogdcn. San Francisco 9. a.m. a.50 a,m. 10.10 a.m. 7.00 ' General Manager. J. D. 'rkatrwrk's Coe Elixir, The Oreat f l.0. Teale, aoefs aard Munion A Co.'s Croup and Cough Syrup, mrlT. which baa no eonal ia tb treat nenlo'f C'roui sad general coughs, it give mniediate relief, and eure permanently rice per bottlo 33 cts. Cuidttni Frio Onr"omplele Homaop1M aonress. 10 i.itt is eni t.ruiu any THBl PATKJTT IS TEX LATEST IEPBOTIEkXT 0 Lv Lv Lv. D. A R.O. Depot, 4 :30 Mill Creek, 5:10 5:30 Penitentiary, H. BENNETT, Gen. Pass. Agt. I. F.AUERBACH&BRO Territory of Utah, County of Salt Lake. Notice to the Stockholder of Z ion's Savings Bank and Trust Company. IS HEBEBT GIY.EN BY T1IK COWBOYS IN E ARK ST. NOTICE KAvn .n v3 m.. il.ot o n in uiuv of the stockholders meeting of said "Arkansaw CbarleT" was always a held at the Company's Banking We Call Special Attention to the Many Attractions favorite among the boys afterward and Lake c,y ln V "0X?e'Jnu8a.U Territoo", on 28th day of November, one thousand of offered Departments. waarreatlv dreaded by the Indians. hundred and eight at the hour The roving life of a cowooy upon the frontier plains suited nis tastes e-laring said Company's Articles of Incorpora-tton- , ! so as to change the number of its Dibetter than the restraints of a mail rectors Irom nine to thirteen, and to name cort, while the opportunities ts score even with the redskins were equally slowly away. Orerfand Staging in the the Directors to fill the new offices thus OUR STYLES ASD " QUALITIES TDE LATEST MD BEST Rood. in the September Ovtrland.CS created. W1UOED WOODEUrr, It was during the general "round Fifties," President of Zion'a Savings Bank and Trust AND op" on the frontier border of Texas ivuipany, nu UI ,tg no.ira or Directors, in the faU of 188), that 'Arkansaw dtd BKICaTB M2EA3E. Our. One Price He Lowest Possible lor Drarabte Goods. ! Charley," in company in company stateThe with nine other cattlemen, wascaugnt ment from Kmeline Mrs. 1". Minwr of upon the plains bordering the headBurg Jttill, It;i la tbo Iattereat of Every larelMuer ta eaaanlat Oar Clooda asrd Krieea waters of the Brazos by a band of Ohio, will be of great inbefore Partlata; with tUa Monex. terest to those who suffer To the Stockholders of the Xorth Point thirty-fiv- e all well Comanches, from Brightta Disease or mounted ana armea ana lea oy one oi I have ng reCompauy. Irrigation GOODS the most daring "Curly solved that I would Bill" Thompson, also born in Arkan- of the dffj) ANNUAL MEETING OF THE We Overcrswded Is an CaawpeHed ta Kedaes Klk aaxl Offer wuwof oblifTRtlon whicfi THE a. bat much older than Charier. wa said Company will be I (eel There ;n nothing held at Thomson's oflieal He was a In charge of the "round-up.- " Estate Salt Olliec. VdT ! which I now enlov that JLJIDX. . k lS 4 2 Iilonotowetctliehapny Lake City, on Monday, the 12th uav of No cowboy of much experience, and was 10 a. at 1888, o'clock for veutber, the m., an two as Indian tighter. The famous purpose of electing o nicer for the ensuing Our two leading qualities of pure Silk Suralis at 75 and 85 ItovM Kennedy.' were intimate mends toe phrase transaction of any other business at a year, and comrt t ttvoi ue Koroeay goes out west, they were "partners" cts per yard. 1 was sufler- mat may . before the meeting. when jn,Une what was owned by one belonged to a n mau net JA.MK8 THOMSON, ail tori yng Hhodamt1 of Satin Black two t at cts Our 85 and dtd the other, and many daring exploits $1.10. cuul endure. My grades ing Secretary 'N. 1. Irrigation Co. Baa already maraea taeir career. two grades of Colored Gros Faille at DO cts and $1.25. Our over nine years T Kidneys' The cowboys were ail well mounted. rV3ofiji ago aud Iroui which and armed with a' long range OHiRLES W. STAYNER, Our three grades of Silk Plush, choice colors, at 00 cts, $1.05, to Beeover. I Sever Expected and the Winchester rifle, cowboy's I was compelled to use n cane when I walked. $1.75. They atMl I anally got ao weak that I could not stand friend, a pair of 41toruey aud Counsellor Our complete line" of Black Gros Grains at 85 cts, 90 cts, OVUJV oiono. in a lew monttifi my pnysieian iwiu i uatt picutj U1U1UU1,1UU, hail Urifrht'n disrate, wiiloh was tnilKl alarm at Law. Jerked beef, and a canteen of water. To add to niy affliction aftor $1.10, $1.20, $1.40, $1.50 and upward. not more lnginforroaio:i. tuouga Argansaw I had own 1)1 about two years, unariey, atI had a had . 1RACT1CKS THK IS COURTS THE OF was A the recognized leader tack or tiravet. Nix years airo, last Jane, how than 23, large lot of Silk Brocade, Velvet and Silk Plush Kem- TEKRITOKT. 1 Haw nr. ueviu ie?i when an Indian fight was on nana ;ana wen i rememoer ineOHV, liants almost half price. Kemoilv or Kondbut. N". Y. when the Comanches were discovered neity's Favorite PERSON'S II.W1.VG ESTATES TO In our paper. Alter u ing one bottle them from the down Our ALL upon 1 threw English Silk Wrap Henriettas, Black and newest colors, caU upon Mr. Stayner sweeping a my cane and went to New York l4'.forA irninirshould ...... int.-- I l.n Prnholn direction of skirt of timber several on a visit,away nn was SX cts; sells at $1.25 in all the and three bottle cured this ine. at leading houses east and miles to th5 northwest, Arfcan-sa- w r'x years ago. I have never had a retu n of makes no charge fer a consuliatton, and is ' nor ain or of the the weakness west. short gravel, after pains parley , Charley, iiiurvuginy experienced in tnis branch oi though I am over sixty years of age legal business. He will act as Counsel for with Curly Bill, but spurs to bis horse oacK, Iana wool 60 cts per yard; cheap at 75 cts. all Henriettas line of Our Administrators Kow am a comaad lor reasonable very Vigorous fttraag to secure possession of a piece of high, as I was Iri own ma auu work. imumuuu. my my i, niou Idos'l a prime. lor mile open ground' apparently about omce: jurvpareu ml rarely Know wnat it I to be. urea. I Keep xnree doors east of Ics Our line of Drap de Sebastopol , 10 shades at 05 cts ; worth 90 cts. in the hovne and give it to niv inedictiie away. the ' cow ' A lively race now began-th- e Lake City, Utah., NO SUCH TEMPTING OFFERS HAVE EVER BEEN MADE IN THIS CITY. bova to eain cood flsrhtinsr. ground of cau. What physician and alt of the many I not Kennecould taken hal do, Ir. EAKLT COMBK9 WIB.1, SET TUE BEST CHOICE t their own choice, and the Comanches remedies Favorite Remedy dial It stayed the disease LEGAL NOTICE. to cut them off. Arkansaw Charley dy's mr Miamsue u;uvua wuuinu, its Cloak Department has already excelled by one-thir- d was riding a snlendid black stallion. Dr, D. Keanedy's Favorite Remedy In the Piobate Court in' aud for Salt Lake Our anre of foot and very fleet, and the to time. we this sales Price tl; 6 for . Because last Kondout, N.J. Why up county. Territory oi Utah. year's rest of the boys had to put their horses z. cat. I. Drnar have a full line of Tailor made Jackets, Newmarkets, Aaents. to full speed to keep up with their In the matter of the Estate of Joseph young leader, whose long dashing Brown, deceased. Short Wraps, Modjeskas, Coats and Ulsters of latest axen hair streamed out behind him like the fan of an eagle. Not more Notice of time and place for the hciriug of Styles and best Materials, at ONE PRICE, and that price of the distance had x cimuu ior aammsion to xTOoate than one-thithe very lowest. Of WUl. one of their been made when A In a the cowboy horses fell,. tumbling lady, after fitting herself or her little or big Misses, need rsUKSl'ANT TO AN ORDER OF 8AID ditch and breaking one of his legs. InA- lose no time in asking tor a reduction. Every balesman Court in said matter, notice is hereby Bill baited No. stantly Charley aud Curly rather Second South. that 12th the 65 Novemof Street, given Kaat, Monday, day iii. every department will politely say, "We have but than to tight where they were, ber, A. 1). 188, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the tn loim one of their comrades in the House in Salt Lake Courf Utah County one TAJSLE City, (SAlVr price madame,." and state the truth. hands of the Comanches; but seeing in the court room of said court, Territory, other extra values which lack of space forbids has Besides been the time the disadvantage of the position, tney and for appoiuiod many TELEPHONE 213. place the heariug of a netition of Benjamin P. rdned the horse, placed the crippled Brown mentioning, aud Theodore McKean praying for A complete Wire Front and No Files. ' eowboy upon bis saddle and tade him tho admission to probate of a certain docu call attention to our $23.00 Plush Coat. Ladies who Order your meat and you trill get satia We follow toward the ridge. mcnt therewith presented, purporting to be d38m The delay bad brought the Indians faction. Will the last aud have compared it with their $30.00 Coats admit with reTestament of Joseph near enough for showers of bullets Brown, deceased, when and whero ail but at to and arrows fly them, happily interested mav appear and oppose the gret that ours is every bit as good. over their beads." The cowboys were probate of said will. Or the granting of let- Our Childrens Clothing and Blanket department offers ters teatamentarv to them as prayed tor in all expert horsemen, and were soon on said petition. , on Colored and White Blankets and Low Prices a sweepingirun, ana lucitny gaineu tue special Dated at Salt Lake City, October 29, 1888. summit of the ridge. Quickly staking Quilts. JOHN' C. CUTLKIt, tUC HUrBt9 VUk VI laugc, nuvj tuva yv MINERS AND SH1PITBS OV d lot rrobate Clerk, Salt Lake Co. sitlon flat on the ground at the highest Colored Blankets, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75, $3.50 ahd upward. the approach of the point and awaited one White about had Blankets, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $11.50, stopped Indians, who LEGAL KOTICB. thousand yards away. $14.00 and $15.50. $12.50. IN AND DEALERS the Presently, with a terrific yell, In the Probate Court in and for Salt Lake tnem-aelvsavages charged, of tnrowmg Batting Quilts, 90 cts, $1.25, $1.50, l.7B, .w, .SJO, V.oo, County, Territory of Vtahi Pleasant Valley, an the sides their horses.aad $2.?5, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00. In the matter of the Estate of Walton sending showers of bullets and arrows Down Quilts, $6.50 to $12.00 each, very light and very Eider Deceased. at the little band, but hitting wide of t). Sawyer, Rock Spring, the mark. The Americans held their warm and comfortable. Kotice of titnoaud place for the hearing of Are tilt the enemy were within two Petition for admissiou to Probate of Will. Red Canyon, and Our lines of Jerseys and Ladies' and Children's Underwear-arehundred yards, wtcn they sent volley after volley from their Winchesters, TO AN OHDKIt OK SAID complete, starting at 20 and 25 cts for Childs', and 45 "and mteen morses were seen tumoung PURSUANT m'$l Anthracite notice is hereby matter, cts Ladies' Vests. for and charging' in. the throes of death. 12th day of November, that Mondut-.thgiven For some time not an Indian seemed A. D. VS, at 11 o'clock a. ni at the County Childs' Hoods, in Knit, Plush aud Silk, fiom 15, 25 and 50 to have heen hit: but, before they re Office No. 40, Main Street, Court House in SMf Lake City. Utah Terricts to $3.50 each. of them were out ofTka treated range mtwo tory, in the Court. Uoom of said Court ha a trtr uvD aH hno vvvv W. TEL KPl ONE Xo JOo. been appointed the time and place for the rtllit vv A Uv ivvuiauv VUviUUnUf Our of a petition ot K. O. Sawyer, prayBargain and Remnant Counters are full of tempting Insouads and were gesticulating at a F. A. MITCHELL. Sec. y and Manager hearing ing for tbe admisHion to probutu of a certain frantic rate, then all at once lkey "buys" and it will pay you to come to document therewith nrescntcd. numortinir started in a run to gain the same ridee to be the last Will and Testament of Walter which sloped' to the north from the O. sawyer, deceased, when and where all AUERBACH'S ONE PRICE ESTABLISHMENT, persons interested mav nnnear and onnote occupied by the cowboys. A PLEASE REMEMBER point new danger now threatened, for as the probate of said Will, or tbe granting of noon ia the Indians reached the low rflHAT WE STILL CAKJtT A COM letters of administration, with the W ill anOur Wholesale Bnyers will fla4 Our Manamatti Slack Coaapteao nexed,' to Isaac M. Waddell as prayed for ridge the horses were, brought within ja. piste una at Went. said iietition. or tho the to in East with Prieea compete Arkansaw enemy. of the unaney range Dated at Salt Lake City, October 20, 1888. had them immediately removed to a ''Disston's Celebrated Saws, WE ABB NEVER U2f DKRSOLD. HAIL ORDER.H PBOMPTLT FILLED. JOHN C. CUTLEIt. secure place on the opposite slope of dlOt WOO EHTABLISHED Probato OS. Salt TO SHOW HO Lake Co. TROUBLE Clerk, ooKsraTrsa nr rixx or the bill, When the Indians discovered this, Ovass Cat, Braa, thev made another desDarate cbartre. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION mm. rrright but were hgaia repulsed, four Indians Pataial, Up, Taaioa, and ten horses being killed. Over Of Salt Lake City Bonds of 18SO. lrwalaa;, Caoapasa, atatelier. half the Indiana were now afoot, and Coast, Kaystala, Xta., Kte. a council ensued, and resulted in the Indians dlviaing tneir xorce so as to To vrhom it may concern : AIAO cover the whites in a ebarge f rom both PL"C91TANCE OF LAW AND BY wet and south. which would again ClrenUr, both Solid and Chisel IN virtue of auliiorit ' vested in nie by a oring their Horses in- range. Curly -Paint aad Tooth, resolution of the City Council of Salt Lake "Triumph," Bill and tihree men at once moved rer City, adopted October 30th, A. D. 18s. I. are Tiwbar aad at relUat wtth, Salliag cover so as the stock to lower down, rranris Armstrong, Mayor Ot alt Lake with their rifles, while Charley and the City, do hereby notify and inform all perme un sons rest of the boys held summit, owning or hoidiug any of tbe coupon came the savages with defiant yells, Taaa aver; also a Full Stack af their rt bonds of ot8alt Lake City Corporation, liear-indate June 1st, 18S0, heries B, numaawaaa ana at A sirs charging Co foot and on horseback, but We ceatlaM te efler aally Ezrrserdlaary Bargalas la Kew an4 tieawnabls Ooeds. bered from 51 , to 400 inclusive, of tbe dealways aa aaae. strain were they repulsed with the loss nomination of in$000 and each, drawing -one wounded Indian of six horses and 1 terest at the rate of seven per cent sOA long parley ensued, and presently a A 1ST ZD that each and all of said Rer annum, dozen or. more Comanches were seen have been called and required Ladleaeal Plnah Walking Jackets at f 15.00; reduced from $20.00. horses ; for redemption by the City Council going over the hill with their TO TOE LADIES ASD HOUSEHOLDERS of Salt and half an hour later the same num City, and that the principal Ladlea' Hash Wraps, with Pom-po- n Fringe, Satin lined, at $16.00; worth $20.00. " t thereof will be paid in full on or after the of Salt Lake City and UUh : ber were eeen approaching afoot in a 1st A. of 18e8. December, day Bell Sleeves, good quilted Satia lining, at upon presvery stealthy manner, which was soon PLKAJBE LOOK AT THIS ! entation of said bonds atI.the Deercl Ka LaJlea Seal Plash Uodtrska Wraps, followed Dv like manoeuvres by the red need from 135.00. tional Bank, Salt Lake City, I tan Territory, II&09; THE other two squads. This change of and notice is hereby given to all persons tactics on' the part of the Comanche interested that all interest upoa aai4 baa da EuH2i Seal Plnah Sacqaea,r-- mada by one of the leading New York manulac-tarr- a, chief grektly perplexed Charley and PERSIAN CARPET RENOVATING will cease and determine and tbe coapea aua Si to ti, at 0 00; worta $27... attached thereto (except coapoa aaafaer AND Curly Bill. "They are tonow creeping 17, for interest fcr six months radiu Strisird Heavy Weight Walking Jackets, very good value, for $4.00. on us tirtfUgh the grass lay for every cember let, 1888 will become void aa4 of a La4ia man who exposes himself to their Color Co., value from and date. said Restoring after tt a lot of hut season's Ladies' Newmarkets, all in good styles ; the said Charley. "Crawl into the sight," Of Philadelphia, Pa., Witness my hand and tbe eorpetafe aeat 4 caracata sold last winter from $7.60 to $10 00; W have lot around if von can boys " coiata said city this SOtb day of October. A. o a bargalai coanler ia oar Cloak room and they will be cleared tarta psaem In this way the fight was- kept up till 1TTAVB COME TO CLEAN YOUR CAE of ' -- . "I witbaut taking them up from 18S8. at thick darkness covered the plains. I I floor pets, r4 FBAKCIS ABMSTROSti, Msr. or removing the furniture. They ' tbe Two of the cowboys had been killed, will . Attest: restore $6.00 to $4 50. from the rednced tbeir raise B&acA JackeU colors, Walklac original Beaver Lasw M. HEBEK Doth snotiiin we neaa. a no WEI.L, ana make them look like new. bov. a lad of seventeen; though napweagain, levAL City Keeerder. call special attention to the fact that pain, fought all- the if you have, unfortunately, had sickness ia suffering great t saaeh Oaarictta, good winter weight, aH colors and black, &mOm house, such as scarlet fever or while, but on changing his position EXECUIXJU'S 8ALX. Lrota tc. to Sic. to ease hlia pain, was struck dead by a etc., our process will thoroughly o disinfect your carpels. musket ball. We call tbe attention of those in charge IS HEREBY T D wiOtM at ISHc. ; warth 20c. all Ttt Alma, to the back coldra, tWUe Bill tilVt. Irt summit, crept Curly of churches, theatres, halls banks and NOtlCE aa 4 ta Pr of erder Ladlea Cloto. W at CQc. ; regular price T5c. owl La A men to Aa at the boraes. three guard sending was to this new enterprise; as your car- bate tjoun oi ail Lake umst, Twnm A council held as to what was offices after they have been cleaned by this oi nan, maae oa toerJta av BnjIcISTiaECXlJrCSr beat to be cone. The darkness now pets, ber. 1888. in the natter o tha process, will last as long again. ' Please send your address to 29 COMMER- Charles S. llarmoa. Ueceaed. the Base at gc; worth 40c. gave the savages the advantage; they, Bait Lake City, Utah, and we signed e.ectitors-o- f the said eatate. wil 8TRKET, being below, could not be sighted, but CIAL Culared Derby Ribbed Fashioned Wool Uoae, very beat value.at 33c. per pair everv time one of the cowboys raised will call and show you samples and give at private sale, to the hirbert bddcr. fuv Lad which of estimates cost, you will And to be cash, gold coin of the L'ailed (Haten, aad his bead it was outlined' against the reasonable. sublect to confirmation by said Probate sky so plainly as to become a good tar- very A. VAN HAAGEN, Manager. Court, at IS o'clock ia.,on Saturday, tbe Ktk Ladiea Black Eaglish Cashmere Uoso at 50c. ; usual pride 73c. marksmen. Comanche for the All work get warranted. lt&S, at tb office of J. IL day of November, twenty "They an now creep within Moyle, 4U Main Strfcct, Salt Lake Cilv and Miaaea All Wool heavy Ribbed Hose, best we ever sold, far 25c capture our horses, yardskillof us, canman By special permission we refer to Major County, Territory of L'tah, all tha rigbt, who pokes op his U. L. Erb, Proprietor of the Walker House, title, interest and estate of said Charles K Genu EagUah Taa Colored Merino Half Hoae at 25c; worth SOc and every Brieacher, Proprietor of the SU Elmo, Harmon, at the time ot bis death, aatf all head. They'll kUl us by detail," said It. Mr. II. C. Janes, of David James A Co., of the right, title and interest the said estate Genu Silk Scarfs and Boy Windsor Ties at 25c. ' f!harlv. E. M. Murphy, 457 First Soutb baa, by operation of law. or Otherwise, acTheir situation was Indeed a critical MainforSt.,allMrs. of whom we nave done workte quired other than of in addition to that of Ocnts' Unlanndried Shirts at 50c.; greatest bargain ever offered. one. . To attempt to get away from the St., the said Charles 8. Harmon, at tbe time of entire satisfaction. dim Indians then seemea me merest lolly, their his desth in and to all that certain lot. piece Ladies' Natural Mixed Wool Vesta and Paata at 41.23 each ; reduced front $1.50. was even and to wait the coming of day or parcel of land situate, lying and being i in said Salt Lake Countv, Territory of Utah, Ladies' White Vests and Pant at 50c each. worse. and bounded and described as" follows, to . . ..... ... . "It's a ran for life any- way we take '. iov. mvu.. wit: Commencing forty eigut (48) rods Laaiea " ocanet ah r ooi vests ana nun Charley. "We'd better OPIUM it,"tocontinued of corner north west tbe southeast tbe ot our horses, mount, and scatter half Ci) of northwest quarter (Ai) of see Ladies' Scarlet Bcgular Made Lamb's Wool VesUnd Pants at $130; reduced frem f;et chances." quails, and run our tlon twenty-seve- n (27), township one (1), $3.00; half rniCK. one answered the beys with north ot range one (1), west Salt Lake D"Dne," forty-eigvoice. A Lot of Odds and End of Corset, embracing $1.50, $1.75 and f2.00 qualities, which will IN ANY OF ITS FORMS. meridian, and running thence north, (48) rod, thence west thirty-tw- o (oi) be, cleared out at $r.oo. Crawling tike a snake in the grass, rods, then south forty eight (IS) rode, each man reached the picket which sethence east thirty two (32) rods to tbe place Our Regular 41.25 Foster 5 Hook and roster 1 Hook Kid Glove (in plain backs only) will cured hlar horse, then to his feet, and No .v.. of ue ciearea out at two. ana i w, vmj re ir legunu Inconveniences beginning, containing nine and tnree-liftFrom Treatment. were mounted and off, in an instant all (9.3 i) acres ef land. Terms and con. each man. taking his own direction offered are at 85o. W Aatrachan of Cash sale: 20 and Trimming ditious coin of tbe piece rieces Feather Trimming gold Cu ly BUI leading the United States, ten per cent of tho purchase Charleyofand off comrades rode tbeir dead horses money to bo paid to the executors on the X 1ST S of sale, balance on confirmation of sale savages, however, were EEFEREflCEiNOCURENO PAY! daysaid together. The A3STD 2ST Ji. IE ZKI Probate Court Bids for said propas soon as es whi the and not by 50. asleep, from $2 reduced doa. ; at $1.90 Towel Huck Extra per Quality el y will be received in writing at the said showed themselves began a vigorous office of J. II. Moyle at any time after the Bleached Damask Fringed Doylies at 60c, ; reduced from $1.10. " Damask Red Bordered Deylie at 65c,; worth $1.00. shooting. But the cowboys were off Cream 12 of first notice until this publication like a flash, leaving the Comanche I Bleached Damask Napkins at 60c; reduced from 73c CALL OK OB ADDRESS, o'clock m,, on tbe said 10th day of Novem0 chief bitting his lips in rage over the 1888. 4. , ber, Quau at $1.00 and $1.20; We offer two number of Extra Heavy full. bte Honey-comhim. Three-fourtBENJAMIN M. HARMON ' alip they had given Hiiml, 1WVM si.u ua 11JUL UUBKUT HARMON of als horses were dead upon the plain, Dra. Wheeler & llasbrouck, Executors of tbo stato of Charles 87Har- many ot his warriors killed and mon deceased. d7t wounded; and the whites gone and not 260 S. Mill ST., S. L. CITT. a horae captured. Long was the night to that scattered buncbXot cowboys upon the silent plains. ;xTae Comanches were not idle. LL CO. PATEST The chief grew desperate, and taking IDtAl, nilOILIXG. six warriors was soon upon the trail ot can be done ua the oven of Ta Broiling the four horses, going in a northeasterKaat Bt. Temnla Horth Va. Oak Villi 58 Charier Range or Store with the ly direction, trailing them by the sound Door, mora perfectly WlreGanza Ovea coals. tramoinsr the earth. of the shod hoofs Offloa: 31 South Tample St. WeaL thaa over the live Just at the approach of day Curly Bill's , steak tbe chops, haul or Ash cat a I,ybroiler . snarp eye discovered inoians on me or meat rack, placing it la aa wire track Being unable to determine in from Farley's Park to Salt Lake City bake pan to catch the art W"?- HIQH PAT! NT, Allow'it to remain it. the oren with hi what Bomber, they quickened their traversed by the Park City Stage. Four No. or SO minute. No turnlna I. AKERS'S direction It la what they scarcely fait Soon losjpg sight of the pur- miles below Park City is the Kimball amsrurB wiou wheat nor a. STreuulred. " At tbe end of will be fonad. nicely cooked ready te suers, and thinking perhaps they wero Bench, which waa formerly the breaknerve, .rt fast station for the westbound over is rnn ioxai. wat to nnott. mkats and rod leisurely along till about 10 land stage. This road is traversed JlaSEST CaSH PHjcOllinO! t his ' There i no Uin of coal ra and tk; o'clock, when they stopped at a water now by the stage line of the Kimball Kill Teleshea Ho. S71. Offlce Telepbon. leader and the meaU are more hole to Quench the almost killing thirst 'o.S37. tn flavor than those broiled OTer tneeoais. Bros. Lynn Kimball, who waa interof themselves and their horses. ' THewnencaofliroiUng nt ILIAS MORRIS. Stated that for a Tmnkiag they were sue. they staked viewed will be appreciated by erery out their horses and prepared to break- years bebyhad reporter. aid add another to the toany caso with afflicted been or fast on jerked beef and water, after tarrh aa to be almost unable to attend why tbe ChartcrOak Range looia Stove with tha Wire Gauie Ovennow whicbathey s tretched t bemsel ve s upon should be preferred to all other the grass to rest while their horses to work, and had about given up all the market. were grazing. In was not long, how hope of being cured, as repeated trials Lists. tiaa taa luaaraATaa Citcm an paiu ever, before the tramping of horses' of catarrh medicines and medical ad- -' . feet was beard, and the chief and aix warriorsi were upon them, shooting vice had failed to give him any relief. and velliaar at a terrible rate. Instant The catarrh had produced prostration, Z. C. INI. ly they went for their horses. Cnrly IOss of flesh,' loss of appetlte.hls breath Bill mounting first, tamed on them and began shooting his revolver as only a was offensive. rjEW-cWhile In this condition, through .the Arkahsaw Charley, by a cowboy can. mishap In attempting to catch the solicitation of W. C. Burton, he was NEW GOODS JUST AHRIVED! i rope while firing his pistol, advised to put himself nnder the treat-- ! picketWed stum and fell. For only an Instant ...... TOJJAVB . OP JAPANESE SCREENS though was he dowa, bat long enough meat of Drs. Wheeler and Hasbrouck, A LLandKINDS Banners: also Ladies 8ilkW ran for an Indian to put a ball into his since which time be haa been rapidly tieri. and Gents' Smoking Jackets; Chinese body before he trained his saddle. The and now considers himself Water Lilies; Beat and Bamboo curtaiaa contest now became fierce between the improving cured, and would recom- and Chinaware; all ainds of nve savages for two of teem had al completely EmCantonexpensive and Shawls, and Crepe broidered Silk Handkerchiefs. fancy APPLY TO tha desperate mend all those afflicted to ready been killed and v H. HOP. were combatants Never cowboys Sfi7 S. Mara Street, Salt Lake City . more deadly in earliest. The chief, P. O. Box lOtiS. . the cowling upon gallant Charley, fixed his bow. but from the American's t Process t Steam Carpet Cleaning, Feather flOO S. 9Xniu CUBE FOB KICK 1XEABACHK. qoick and steady hand went' a sudden Mattress Renovating. O. M. I. Dti Store Free Baraplsa ' fZ.Ur. ball, aad the chief rolled dead upon (RAYBOULD ULtM'K.) Uuaa's. Liver PUls. Cure without the plains. Bat two savagra now reia raiaovea fail; Pimples tbefafa; rejiavas mained, ana each singling oucbianian BiUioeues,-as. taiproraa Ilitaatia aaJaiy www FREE ana it so caaia a aox. rushed upon flm, Again, the Ameri CONSULTATION dAa iur a foUo-,vln- 1 eighty-eigh- Our Assortment Beingthe Largest g NOTOCOB.. OUR 1 O.-av- sub-cble- fs. a;-jr- ie "W OIOIalT i rs. r-- UI At-r- 1 - rt. J.W.WEST, rd BUTCHER, per-sou- s . HOME GOAL GO. Weber Coal ea c trn ' . . - " It rrocaea Praetleal BesalU is Bskiag as JL. leattlag sever before attatat4 ia aay IT IS . Cookiag Ipsarataj, aad nil! Salt Lake to Fort Douglas and return, 25c to Mill 25c Lake return. Greek and salt EiTohiiaioitattet Mods of Cosldsg It ' Salt Lake to Siurar House and return. 23c. to Sugar House, Mill Creek anc Salt Fort Douglas and return, for school cnuaren, 10c. I that all Food Bakerd or Cooked, should be cooked ia fresh air freel v ad mill ted to the even. This is done discarding the clooe even door heretofore by used, and toubstitutiag WATSON for it a door containing a sheet of Wire uauta nearly aalarge as tha door itself, Tkroaia-k- i Ibis jlaaz Door tbo air Stonecatters aHd Builders freely etrealatem, facilitating the process oi eooung, ana producing ioou inai is nn Tomlistone. Monuments Mantels. Iron in flavor and nutrition, aad actn equalled Mautels, Urates and. Hearth Stones. ally cooked with less consumption of' tue m oven with aelooed door. an 37S Sc 12SO MJXTH 1XPLE fT- thaa makes an enormous saving .in the It Ovnotite AurmU'i Halt. weight of meat.It ml prwdttres lararer l.oava f Bread, requires less attention from the 1. cook, and uromotes the health of tha familv BKtiVIW by the acrxuioa QUalitt or thi roon OOOK2D IN IT. BrowcrraoaiD.CIwB. A tvPu OPINION OF AN EXPERT.! AUT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Mae. Mart B. Welch, Teacher Domes' tic Economy, Iowa State University, aays: A Telepacae ta Brewery, No "My deliberate Judgment is that the oven of P. O. Box, 558. the Range, as. compared with others, ia not only more equally healed in every part ironi ani rear out as a result or its tupen-- r We are bow prepared to promptly sup 'Ventilation the food placed therein i (he publie with Keg and Bottle Beer' of better cooked, while retaining a sweeter a parlor quality, at popular prices. Savor, aad a larger proportion of its best hiMes. I And. also the eoosnmntinn of fuel tea a, Hala gt. Toleahooio ia. aty ia this Range is much less than any other or same won. A; FISHER BREWING CG. jb4 for Iliattrattd Clrealar ai4 frlea LUI - - (t, ..(!. ?. Bft EXCELSIOI MlirCKB., ST. LBfllS von saxji st .C If . U'SoU A jrents in Sal t Lake Cii SHIip!. al F.AUERBACH&BRO - ' OE Sr . .'B JA. JEZ. C3r JSl. 1 3NT S n3 - S:Do IEIA.lT,T2rElVT FOB. i p.m.CAItcrn) . our in all t, Xo-A-I2- Til " Ar. "at D. & It. G. Depot, 3:35 mW& BINGHAM AND ALTA TRAINS Leave Salt Lake City, 7.50 a. ax. ReturmTng, ' Arrive Salt Lake City, 4.30 p.m. D C. DODGE, meat reliable Stock of Medi ines. Books, Cases, aad otker Homoeopaths ioods ia the Weil. sar Our Goods sro asod by all prominent 'bviiciaas in Salt Lake City, and ia the Territory. aw Orders from the Country are prompt 'v ailed, and Goods sent by Express. BROS., 1S88. TRAINS. No. 7. No. WEST-BOUN- liOTJIS. SI' Larcett tad MO. . Rio Grande Western EAST-BOUK- a. Ar. at D. A K. G. Depot, RAILWAY. lomsopaihic Pharmacy, No. 4it Locwst Street, Wire Gauze Oven Door S:U0 Mo. AJIU Scenic Line 7:50 8:10 Penitentiary, Ar. at D. A K. G. Lv. OICXVER 1. A R. G. Depot, 7:00 a.in.(BIornjfng) 1. auktaurdUay, ISftS. . o. T.v. veaaber CITY. MTJNSON & CO.! ARRIVE. J f Texas Points, New Orleans nd the ; Southeast. GKAST.deu'l Kxprcss....... ST. LOUIS TRADK. p.m. 3,15 p. m . 8,03 a.m VI'BTIIL' I, VrtTir-- TUW 41 k T 1 Lake A Fort Douglas llaifway will rut trains as ionows : Wyoming & Nevada, I SO. A. 10.30 . SALT LAKE k, ? FORT DOUGLAS KY. Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs & all Pwits in Colorado, Utah, U. W. McCCLLCUGH, G. . DirAKi. s The TEX1S&PACIFIC RAILWAY VT. .ll.-20a.r- 1120a.m and Express. dkpakt. 3.15 p.ir and Express..'. 11.30 Tbe p.m. train, leaving Salt Lake and the 10.30 p.m. train, arriving at oai LMtc. carry tnrougD ran man sleepers be tween - Salt Lake City, Cheyenne. Denvei and JvauHas City. Other trains carry Sleep era loih east and west bound betweci Otrdcn and Council Blurt. bleeping car re nervations can be secure for either east bound trains, or for the Utal A Northern and Oregon Short Line train oy application to ine union '.ticket umc a fail iaxe uiiy or uguen.V. PAKKKIJ. t J. d Division Pass. Agt. t Soi. . BY J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast race f i ; sis sotties, sa. vvona f s a oottH. Dr. ARKITK. s Mail aaaxv WWD)fc.-ff- Ayer's rSErARED Sarsaparilla, Mail SALT LAXJt CTTT. T. F. A I. AT Denver, Colo. a.m. p.m. 8.0:1 .11.30 NORTHERN AND OREGON tUORT LINE. I 1. 1THIIIM,I.C. WICUB.S.P. WUMR, Ucn'l Uaag'r. Tr'Aa Haa'a'r. , raa. At WALLACK p.m. iv.su p.m. ECHO AND PARK CITY. 1. -- TO , iBSllWrMaH 7.20 Accouiiuodalion j. n. Tomo. Tha Denver, Texas & & Mail and E.vpret-ccoinuioduliOD apply ta Short Line OMAHA AUtlVE.Z Mail and TriTeliaf Pawenger AgenL ' ; AtUlIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF UNION . PACIFIC TKAIXs Main Line.'o 'UTAH ' ; f Castsra Liaea, itajl Trala Another marked effect of the use of this medicine was the strensrthenimr of ur sight." Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly Texas. Springs, M I had a dry scaly humor for years. and suffered terribly ; and, as my brother and Bister were similarly afflicted, I presume the malady is hereditary. Last winter, ur. Myron, me jrernanuina, to take Ayer's Fia.,) recommended Sarsaparilla, andxcontinue it tot a year. nve montns took is aaiiy. l nave iror not had a blemish upon my body for the T. E. Wiley, 149 last three months. Chambers st., New York City. . " Last fall aud winter I was troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I did not notice it much at first, but it grew worse until it became gradually almost unbearable. Durinir the latter of this time, disorders of the atom. part acU and liver increased my troubles. I ocean laaiuz Ajer a Daraaparuia, ana. of use after faithfully continuing the this medicine for some months, tha pain and I was completely disappeared cured."----Mrs- . Augusta A. Furbush, iiaveriiiu, Mass. i (i and all Nebraska, Calorada, Uaha, Montana,- Oraaen, Washington Territory, and Northern Paoifla Carnal i Xorlh- - Western Wonderful Results.1 j Caeckta TfcrGih t tad fram aK irrtg Paints East aaa West, and eosaeetrsaa crmr t.mtto TSM WMIT THE DIRECT UN MaAL DIRECT CONNECTIONS Ualea Dews! ffiueh maiei el loans with threagk tratas Dana ..fZ Overlaa Through Pa'lmaa Blaaacrsaad M 4ra uaacaa iraxa us mi arl SUvax, Oyerlanil Express- - -- artaSea . cans were victor? and seven Co manches lay upon the ground with their sainted faces hideous all in death. The conflict ended,' and. swooning, Arkansas Charley fell from his horse. Curly BUI Thompson in stantly caught him in his strong arms. "water water" wmsperea me wmie lips, and he swooned again. The two frienda remained for an hour at the water bathing the wound, which proved to be only a bad flesh cut in the side, it was carefully bandaged, and Charley was to ride. Cutly Bill collected theirready own and the Indian horses, and, after scalping the dead Comanchee, they mounted and rode EVENING NEWS. Long-standi- ng IOWEB PBIOES niBS o. 25. g ax. I. CLOAKS. WHAPS j , . 0rtx ; DB3!lSS QOODS. - dipb-heri- rac4 j .. jJ-Inc- h " m-- ? i - UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CCOORAPHV OF THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE WE ADVISE OUR FRIENDS NEED AXTTHIXO IX THE line to call upon Barton A win nna a well vo., oi.,ofwnera uayand men's selected stock boys' suits. overals, hats, caps, shirts, etc., at very low prices. This firm is reliable and will treat ou right. dtf WHO uis CHEAP FARM LAND! 49 an acre for 20 acres good land, mostly '( is crvpi, u ouin mm Mil 17 an acre' for 160 acres,- adobe house, aooue granery ana Darn; two nowing wells; 7 miles from Main Street; very cneap ; atrjotns k. it. traca. 37 an acre; 16 miles south; water right uu, - 69 an acre for 32 acres or White Bridge, 4 miles north-wes- t st Alain. Olilnn conUnuoui Unea at terminal point Wert, Northwest and Southwest, make it the true raid-lin- k in that trarLBcontinental chain of ateel which nnitea tha Atlantic na xia main line and brancheoj include Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, La Baile, reoria, Oeneaeo, Molina and Bock Island, in Hlinoia; Davenport, Knaeatina, Washington, Fairfield, Ottumwa, Oakalocxia.'Weat Liberty, Iowa Clty.DooMoine, Indianola, Winteraet, Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harlan, Onthria Centre ana vouncu Jiurrs, in low otnstin, Trenton, Cameron, St. Joaeph and Kansas City, la Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in .Kansas: minneaoolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown and Sioux Falls, in Dakota, and CHOICE OF EOUTES tof and from tha Paciflo Coast and intarmediata places, making- all transfers in Union Depots. Past Trains of fine' DAT COACHES, elegant DLNLNO CARS, magnificent PTJLUEAN PAIJLCK SLEEPING CABS. mm - THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y REAT RXCK ISLAND i , ROUTE) Extend r r 20 aa acre for 8X acres 4 miles south cast oi aaain. Also acreage at larger figures in desirable iocaien FULLER ; & YOUNG, llOHaln Street! Vulcan Powder Co., OF CALIFORHIA, JOUR WILUA3I 8NXLL Agtat. 1 Xo. 1 Dynamite, No. l No. 1 , No. i - " No. 8 Bend for Clrealar, Strength A Prices. CO. ASKBCT, CHICAGO All kinds of Scales See me. west and aouthweat from Xanaaa City and St. Joaenh to Fairbury, i Harinrton. Hutchinson. xopejta, One Large Hale, Large Horse and ;a wicnita. caiaweu. and ail l( VY1 poinU in aouthern Xebraaka, H Bl ai auu OTlTVlMIt , Entire passenger equipment ltediam llorse. ubovs ..Bur,,, of the celebrated Pullman manufacture. Solidly bat steel lasted track of heavy nut. uonaiuistoBaitrMM SALT Af2D BLUEING DEPOT; All safety appliances and modern, improvements. Commodious, Well built stations. Celerity, certainty, comfort and luxury assured. BVILDIXG ROCK AT QUARRY OR Lei?P. J THE FAMOUS ALDERT LEA ROUTE j .DELIVERED. , la tha favorite between Chicaro, Hock Island, Atchison, Kansaa City, and win neapolis and St. PauL The tourist rout to all Northern Summer Keaorts. Its 15 Toss of Wrapplnx Pasajt ol Watertown Branch traverse tha most productive lands of the great " wheat and Three or Four Kinds. ; al dairy belt" of Northern Iowa, Sonthwestem Minnesota and Dakota. a no snorxnne, via Seneca ana Juuikakeev offers superior ALL KINDS OF FAY WANTED. facilities to travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, fcafa-yttt- e, j ast-Cntr- and Council Bluna, St. Joaeph, Atchison, Leaven-wort- h, Kansas City, Klnneapolia and St PauL For Tickets, Map. Folders, or anv desired information. applyL to any Coupon Ticket Offloe in tha United States cr Canada, or address, E. ST. JOHN, , tfcneral Manssor. i r j i VllluAUUi IL.U. E an1 A. H0LBR00K,' A sea hot rar "Tit . a Dealer EH ht , h TOWBIiS -- 1 b hs 55 an acre for 80 acres 7 miles south-eaor ine city. S0 aa acre for 190 acrea 2 miles west of ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RHT. CHICAGO, nA It central DOaition and cIom eennaetion witlt "P.mmtrn TArm mt EMIT Cedar reats, FeJea auiol Wood, by Car Lota.Kte. 1st IDAHO 8TORE. hox aia. GOH PIONEER THE OLD RELERf OVERUIIDnOOTE IliSDIt . Ml houae-keepe- -- JAPANESE BAZAlt r, wPOB 8AIiB ;BT I., Sole Agents in Salt Lake City. r Aim as imvcznAxvs ab iife tx cor.iETHirjc Glean Beds, Pillows and Carpets, ! calIjOX THEboirron, At WlilTKHBAD'a 04 O. St., end -- -- un s. e. iiui'Too., n. n, cuf |