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Show t i; '-- SatarAitr, RELIGIOUS ; IN JUDICIAL ClUCtES. r EVENOQi NEWS. Events of S InUi-es- t In District and Folio. Oorts, THIRD 1I3TBICT SERVICES. WHAT PEOPLE SAY. , - ' COUBT- - ! ! lor plaintiff. First.... ,...0 p.tn Twelfth...... .5:30p.m Adeline Andre w vs. Isaac A. Andrew ; Second., ...0:30 " " Fourteenth.. 6 :30 " smbmitted on report of referee. Third... ...C: Fourth . ...G;30 " Fifteenth. ...8:30 J. M. Benedict vs. Elizabeth Toms, Kifth " .6 Sixteenth... 6 admt ; Judgment byj consent for Seventeenth. B ?lXtli..k..'...0 " fcovcnth.,.,.611:30 200. Eighteenth. .6 'Nineteenth:.:SO: Kifihtb Fritz Kiepea vs. E. N. Williams; " Multv.. Twentieth.. A:M iXwentv-lirsU- i v, " Ttti and Jadgment for plaintiff. default C. Eleventh. ...i Samuel M. Morris vs. Charles TurMeetings convene In the country ner etal.; demurrer to coriplaiBt arwads as follows: gued and submiited. R. C. Chambers vs. Geo. E. ChandSugar House p.m. r arniers.. ........... . ler, admr. ; Judgment for plaintiff. Mill Creek........... Frank Wright vs. M. S. Aecherm et Kaxt Mill Creek Hijr Cotktiwood.... al. ; by consent settled and dismiised. South Cottonwood.. t'moii. FIRST DISTRICT COL'BT. . Niorth Jordan .. t n , ! . , - - Before Jndgo J add, at Ffovo, yesthe session was held with terday, ... close d doorr, on account of the trial of , Draper. ....... ....... Ed. Joues acd two elber negroes, for m. ...u trrnnitc........ said to have been committed at Herri man rare, a.m. ...10 m. cst Jordan ,..U Tne defendants were soldiers Ashley. ... 1 . Brighton In 2 ... Pleasant Green acccoraDy quartered at Fort Da p.m. Grander..... in. ..li and the testimony; went to Chetn?, ... 1 p.m. ' North Point shew that the" trio made an assiult Hunter., p.m. Mountain Doll,. p.m. upon ajamily named Reeves, knocked Services lu foreign lauguaes are dowu the two men present, and out' raged the mother, and two daughters. tonductcd as follows? r The trial was In progress at the Scanuina-viunSocial ll;iH, 10 a. ui. last evening. Ucnnan.City Hail. 10 a, m. In the O.'den branch of the First Hawaiian, rcbiuenc of Kauclinamoku, - , District, Judge Henderson presided, Nraetcenth Ward. 8 a. m.' and the following Cases were brought Untidy liliverlon . 1 H .. iT .1 .. jwufman South Jordau i FRAGMENTS. If. I'kmdkokk, Main Street, has Z nl kiel's A marine umi lrn. p'ae tic Messenger for Thk Third Quorum ol'Seventles will bold Us regular monthly: meeting next Monday, tve'ntntr in the .Fourteenth Ward Assembly Kooma, at 7:30. Tuk Thirteenth Quorum of Seventies wljl meet in the .Twentieth Ward School House, on Monday evening at T2 1 . o'clock. Thk Deseret Hospital cflicors return tnanks to W. J. Beatic and other employes of Z. C. M. I., who haye presented the hospital with an $80 kitchen 8:50 ranc. Tin funeral of the little daughter of Captain and Mr?. Wizard Youn' will bo held t T. W. JtniniDga rtsUence at 11 a. m. tomorrow,! Unfortunately Captain Younjj has not been able to obtain a release from his duties to funeral. ' Kksiuknts along ' houth Temple Street, east, should read, the advt. ia today's Nkws, relative to laying a cement sidewalk along South Temple Street, from East Temple to II Street. The local tax for this improvement will amount to $i 05 per foot frontage. Tnat ja, for a lot ten rods front, .J1.25 the is the; tax. ' ;i On Monday and Tuesday Bliss Myrtle reek,1 who Is heralded as' the champion long distance riderof tho world, is to give an exhibition aV the Jordan Klver race track. TU? races will be . !; ". called at tlailyj The Denver papers ro into ecstacLes over the lady'a exploits in that city. Read the advertisement for, program mo and prices. 2 pTm. : In the case of Martin Garder vs. Hiram Goddard ct al., an order was entered taxing costs at $70 60. In the case of A. N, Transtromvs. S. L. Swecson, an order was entered ; taxing costs at $96,4 . In the case of A. F. Danlelson vs Mrs. Wheeler, the court ordered that the child be committed te the care of Rev. Frank Bsrnett during the pending of the divorce suit of Mr, and Mrs. Danlelson or until further ; orders of the court, Mr. Barnett to take the child next Monday, and that the parents be permitted to vitit' their child when they so desired. In the case of John J. Kelly and wife vs. A. J.Kershaw and wife, a motion for sale of other property was argued, at the conclusion of which the court took the matter under ad . ! vlsement. Wm. H. Maughan, charged with unlawful cohabitation, waived the reading of "the indictment, pleaded not guilty and trial was set for Wed nesday, Nov. 2lst. N. Tanner, Jr., stated that Richard Thome, indicted for unlawful cohab itation, bad given himself up expect ing to be ready to plead, but was suf f erlng from a severe spell of sickness, and asked that the taking of the plea be put off for some time, j He was given until the second day of the No vember term to plead. Oliver E. Smith, Samuel W. Obery, Thomas W. Obery, Wlllard Hansen, Robert Baxter, Charles Bailey and Charles Henry Barrett charged with unlawful, cohabitation, waived the. reading of the indictment, and took the statutory timo to plead. Absalom Woolf pleaded not guilty to unlawful cohabitation. James Henry Brown pleaded guilty to unlawful cohabitation, and sentence . was set for December 1st. Daniel Hill pleaded guilty to unlaw ful cohabitation. Ho had nothing to eay before sentence. He was 43 years of age, a native ol America, and bad but one jplural wife, whom he had married in 1SS0. vllad been absent from his home at Wellsville for three years; bad spent that time bpawllns Ills yauqgest child was aoout two and a half years old. Defendant bad no property. The court sentenced him to six ' months' imprisonment and to pay a fine of $100 and costs, to stand committed until the fine and costs are j paid. Thomas Duce also pleaded guilty to He had no unlawful cohabitation. to nrnmlae make, but asked the leniency of the. court, lie. presented a Certificate from Dr. Orms by .showing that he was suffering from the effects of a severe accident which hoppened some nine years ago. He said he was 43 years of age, and bad one plural wife, whom he married In 879; his youngest child was but two years of age. The court sentenced bins to three months' imprisonment and to pay a fine of $100 and costs. The udge stated that' the three months were remittee owing to nis state ox health. Bilk of those sentenced are "Mor mons;" they were taken to the peni tentiary last night. 1 Heber KimUll.. V. Tha Life of Hebar C. Kimball," by Orson F. Whitney, ii out and will soon be in the bands of subscribers. As this excellent work was only, issued from the hands of the binder this afternoon, we are compelled Xo defer comment upou it for the present. Ea&l. Mr. J. W. Cltwson, who presides at the box office of the Salt Lake Theatre, leaves for a trip to the eas on Monday. He will not be idle during his muBKusx, a u num- micuus; vutiuagi ber ef the leading theatres for the inspecting the latest.styles of painting ia these histrionic temples. The Salt Lake Theatre, which is soon to be repainted, will receive the benefit of his. observations! Being a first-claartist he 13 thoroughly competent to glean the desired information, and combine it with suitable ;! ideas of bis own. pur-pose:- of ss . 1 Alosed the Term . i ThelSth District School closed its first term of the present school year yesterday with an entertainment, which was well rendered and gave great satisfaction. It consisted of songs, dialogues, tableaux, etc., and a scene from the comedy of Lord Dundreary. The latter; performance especially created great amusement. The school, under the efficient direction of Mr. G. M. Mumford is In excellent condition. He is assisted by Misses Faust and Merrill, the former conducting the intermediate and. the latter the primary department. There is still room for a law m'jre pupils In the highest grade for those who wish to take advantage of the opportunities it afford. : . "Evangelinc'I Oa very few occasions, in the history of our city has thc jTheatre been crowded to the same extent that It was last evening to witness Rice's "Evangeline." Long before the doors opened the steps In front of the building were crowded, and after the auaience oegan to ui in there was a perfect Jam so thaS It vas next to Impossible to get through Once inside of tho building there was nothing but standing room except for those who had purchased reserved seats, and the house was literally packed from top to bottom. That portion of the audience in the lower patt of the house were compar atlvely quiet and undemonstrative throughout the evening, though' they enjoyed all there was good la the per formance; but the portion tbatoccn circles gave piea, ine upper vent to tht ir feelings by frequent and boisterous applause,wbich seemed to fairly shake the bnilding. .The central figure during the performance was air. Forteecue, as "Aant Cather lne," urs Immense 'size over six feet in height and weighing nearly 300 pounds-rw- as increased by "padding' until he appeared, In comparison "with the other members of the company as. Gulliver might have dona among - the Llliputiaas- In "vange'!ne' there Is bright music; soma, good singing and some not so good; beautiful scenery, manipulated to perfection; good dancing; fine cos tomes, some of them so scant as to be hardly worth naminsc; some new Jokes, and some that are rather weak and tired out. Xti all it Is a burlesque of burlerques, and this alone gives it its popularity, which cannot be said to be of a durable kind, yet good enough for th managers, who are coining money by It... It will bn rtven aaln this ' ! ' . evening. . . ; . Tbe following appears In tie Hation- at JourndlUt, of Indianapolis, In Its account of the Dakota Press excursion, last September: "The next stoo was at Halt Salt Lika City, which was not reached until nearly noon on Tuesday. The ride from Garrison was over the Union Pacific road, and through one of tbe richest mining countries la tbe world. We were accompanied by J. A. Lewis, of Butte, general passenger agent of tbe Union Pacific Railway, who was unceasing m his efforts for our comfort. Through the efforts of J. V. Parker, general passenger agent at Salt Lake City, assisted by Mr. Lewis, we were royally entertained at mat place, k drive to all points of interest In tbe city, a visit to the Elk Club, a magnificent recital on tbe Immense organ in the great Mormon Tabernacle, a visit to tbe church and tbe celebrated 'Temple, an investigating tour through the Des-- k kit News olllce, where paper and type are made of homea manufacture, from home material ; peep at tne first newspaper press to cross the Missouri River: and at last, but not least, an excursion to and an exhilar at Garfield Beach, in the ating bath Lake Great Salt itself, will give some idea of tbe enjoyment during tbe time wnicn passea an too rapiaiy. i ne Data was one of tbe wonders of tbe trip, and to think of ladles anda gentlemen who could not swim stroke calmly floating about in water much beyond their depth ssems more like a dream than reality. Garfield Beacb Is surelr destined to become one of the great resorts of the country. While instinctively condemning tbe distinguishing feature of Mormonism, the whole party were deeply impressea with tne nign intelligence wnicn nas lindustry planned, and the Increasing which bas reared, upon a barren sagea Dlain. the of brush magnitude city aad prosperity of Salt Lake. Tbe un usual broad streets, jarge residence lots, luxuriant trees, tine buildings, and high morality of the population, as compared to other mining towns, is to tbe credit ox tne Mormon unurcn, no matter how reluctantly we may ad mit the fact. In tbe Galvesten, Texas, Opcrq Glass of Nov. 3. Is an aitlcle describing a visit to Utah, from which the follow lng Is taken : Our first pilgrimage next day was to the Deseret Musenm, which is full of quaint rel interesting articles, juany ics connected with Mormon history are to be found witbln : odd specimens from foreign lands, ancient oooks,p!c-turemanuscripts and carvings. It Is a veritable "old curiosity shop," through which one might rummage for days, or it. studiously inclined for weeks. X pleasant ride out? to the Hot SDiintts save ns soma charming views of the suburbs of Salt Lake City, and the springs proved very tateresung to We drank from the sulphur us. to bathe, but bad no time spiings, the water had ' a refreshing though look and tbe rooms neat and comfortably fitted. At 2 p.m., wua a lew mousana others, we were on tbe train whirling along to the urcat oau L.aae, wnicn lies some miles from tbe city. It chanced to be labor day, and tbe vari ous nnions were giving a grand excursion to the lake. There wai too great a crowd for real pleasure, but making the best of everything, we this brief rnn to the sincerely enjoyed inland sea. Tbe salty air greeted great us with familiar savor, but lacking the dampness of the Qeast, was pleasan-te- r. The name. Salt Lake, bad conveyed to none of as a sense of beauty. We had imagined It as gray and lifeless like the desert, having no charm save that of singularity. But the tbe azure line which metour eyes was that of heaven's own blue. Its water Is of a clearness which caanot else where be realized. We are surprised. fascinated by its glorions beau-y- . Near the banks it bas a latnt pearly iiat. bat as yon recede from its tldeless snores, the hue deepe- s and gains in intensity .till tbe sky above cannot rival Its radiant, delusive blue, Captive sunbeams float fathoms deep on tae bottom In waving lines and circles ; lizht scintillates through every drop : little ripples make shadows which chase the sunny circles down below Patches of green moss are spread here and there ovecthe wbite strand, ad- Mountainous dinz to the beauty. islands on which are springs of fresh. clear water rise from tbe lake ; they were fcrmerly used for pasturing ck. and it is intended to build on them pleasure resorts. A dip into this enchanting lake is a delightful surprise. Of course every one knows that its density upholds the body so that it is easy to reenne n its surface as li oa a comiortame lounge, bat tbe experience is new and pleasant. But tbe bather needs to be ware xor nis montn ana eyes. j.ne or waters of Marah are not more bitter ' burmnir. Tbe sua swings low in tbe west like a glowing censer throwing out long flashes which rest lor a moment on the radiant waters of the lake, and like la cense there floats a gokien mist which envelopes and glorifies mountain and shore. elusive. " .- -r three-quarte- ' - 3, THE RATIFICAT IOK. Tonight at 7 :3J o'clock the j torch light procession In honor ol Harrison's election will be conducted by the republicans in this city, the 'bonfires will be lighted, and the general din commenced. Transparencies have which show the line to been prepared, be followed by those engaged in the Jubilation. Among the sentiments are: 6TATEuiop. For Dakota, yea. for Utah, : KO. j' .... . . "inc mopolitical Chicago flatt-okm- cnurcn in power ox line Mormon in tho nut is a menace ia to be too icrn-fsit-in- a to free institutions, long suffered." At tbe Close of dangerous the parade a meeting Is to be held, in tbe Opera House, at which the republican orators will make speeches. The following programme has been issued lor the evening: ten-minu- order: Chief Marshal and stall. fort lou3laa Hand. . Colonel Henry age.' Chief Marshal. nasT division., Liberal Committees, Members of Alta and Elk Clubs in fall " . dress. Treweek, Marsha?. secojjo' DIVI8IOS. Merchants and Bumaeaa Men in full drees. IJnttornicd organizations. r rea eimon, siarsnai. - 1IEAHI Now the tints change into umber, Twilight shadows creep along Slowly, like the sense of slumber,. Through the solace of a song. rilib, Chief Marshal. Discussion Among Teachers. as follows : Virginius... Appius Claudius Caius Claudius. Dentatus. Icilius. Kumitorius... WHITK Louis James ....Errol. Dunbar dtf ..Edwin Boyle .. ......II. A. ........... .F. C.Langdon Mosley 7 TO LKT. HOC8E, 8ECOND HOUSE of Eagle Gate. Apply W. A. BOSSITEB, President's Oroce.,- - ! Br ssjlu Productionm EVANGELINE the In a Magnificent pf Horse's Feet. 1 Direct from Baldwin Theatre, where six weeks to as they have played large receipts as have ever been taken in that Theatre. BTRAYKU OR 8TOLKN. ...... ....T. J. Lawrence FROM THE ..Edward Eisner SPRINGS NINE MILKS of Lelii, last a The above drawing was made from n ninl. chestnut sorrel MA UK, with blaiospring, face and The cast embraces such nrtila as showing tho larcttianon of Iron ia the. colli Streancer one of her hind legs stiff Said Maro is 16 ........Volney Boiled and Shesruvg jrr( ("i's. Maurice Clyde years old and has no brar.1s visible. Infor- GEO. H. KS1UUT, FAYTE.H PLKTOJV, mation that will lead to recovery of same, Louise Edward Montague, Morris, .........Harry LeighUm given to Angus M. Cannon, La It Lake City, ueo. K. r oriokcuo, i.eo. A. Schiller, Miss Kate Meek will be rewarded. da & wtf Edwin S. Fair, etc. Jas. L. Moffit, Miss Alma Aiken Miss Marie Wainwright Note. Notwithstanding the enormous STRAYED. expenso of this organization, Mr. Rico and OVEMBKB 6, FROM FIRST SOUTH Mr. Clawson havo agreed not to iucrcase Ix the. report cf Mr. Elias Morris, This drawing was mnde from llic .i:;i eircet, a nay jiokk witn naitcr on, tbe prices and leave them, at taken from tho hoof and cotliu bouc the sugar industry .published regarding SOe., 7ft., 91 oo, for both nights 2e., on loft iu branded e and H btar and malliiee. Fig. I aud 2. yesterday, the day labor is spoken of forehsad, with small shoulder, white strip in face. The Only ' HALE SEATS THCRSniY ami Hnniaipr IN. hit as $11 per day. It should read $10 per Any information of where be is will be reed Horee-ShoNail In Hie World 11 :.t - i warded at 66 e. First South Street, bv cut, clipped, or sheared from the point day. 8 ALT LAKE dlw not split in driving, iri J. W. Ji).Eg. A rival to the phonograph ha r- H. B. CLAWSJN. MASAGKB. in London. The new Instrupared A LB 8 FOR ment Is fixed on a stand by a treadle J Sec that your horno is shot with Hits uul IVIfcrlitw A WHOLE OR IS LOTS TO SUIT similar to a sewing machine. A holand avoK'all risks. COMMKMCING r on North corner The low rotating cylinder of black wax, 1 emple-an-purchasers: West Streets. Also the $jmr TUIRNDAI, XUVfnUEH 13t FDH SALE BT HU OEALERS IS K3RS1 KAILS varying from three to six Inches in Cedar Post Second corner Third South and length and about an Inch in diameter. Sixth West,Corner, of 4 two story brick anin consisting tukes Clawson Manager pleasure Is placed on a simple revolving annar- - house', 6 aad 8 rooms each, with City water an engsgemcnt with two of the Samples sent free by mail, by aUdrvs-.ratus. To this is applied tbe point of and stables on J lots. Terms eay. Apply nouncing of the leading artists on most prominent to an engraving needle or cutting stylos A. KEYSER. tbe American stage.the most versatile actor 443 West dlw uxeaona mica disk, which receive Temple Street. . living, Lucius Titus Marcus first Holdier. . Servia Female Slave. Virginia N Hot-Forge- e i.- THEATRE. Tliroe AS an-w- ill THE PUTNAM NAIL. Only 2 the voice through a speaking tube and records tbe tich and timhr. lienm. rOR NALEI0. duction is effected through the medium oi a smaii ana sensitive receiver atSUCH AS Til MARRIAGE LICENSES', tached to ear tubes. law requires I'robat Clerks to issue in caso of every marriag to be. obtained in any quantit performed, DfcSKRKT JNkws TUB NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL H YftUI at the Oiuck. BOOK. The Deseset Sunday School Union takes great pleasure la announcing tbat it has now readv for sale a new Hymn Book, especially prepared for tne use of the Sunday Schools of the Latter-daSaints. For some years the union nas contemplated the publica- a h,aW annT, m inn rt ou.u """" uuk UU1U1CDCCU cirenmstances barer delayed its com ubtu the present time. pletion A great majority of tbe bymns con tained in this book been com posed by our home authors, are tbore with which tbe children are familiar. and to which the music bas been ub- usoea. The selected pieces are favorites in general use; those it was thought tbat It weald be regarded aa a to omit. A few original frave error appear, which have never before been published. the schools to use taejpub-iicatlolo enable In which the music is nnh- lished of those hymns to which music bas been set, the index of this Hymn book is go prepared that the work in which the tune can be fonnd is shown by a special reference. This will enable the schools to ae tbe Union Music Cards, the Snndav School Union Music Book, the Primary Tune Book. .and other works referred to. in con nection with tiis book. A few of tbe bymns wbicb are somewhat long have been shortened by the omission of oae or two verses, and a few verbal alter. atlons have been made whleh we trust the public will agree with as are improvements. The Hymn book contains 250 pases. well prln'ed on srood. stont naofr. and boand, and is sold at tbe low strongly rate of $3 00 per dozen, net, postage paid, by Tub Deskket News Com dfcal pany, salt Lake City, Utah. NOTICE 0 Use laleauon of tue t lty Cooaell tm Pave NldewnlM C'cueot lne wlb oa the Sferili Side of South Temple Htreef, between East Temple aad II St reef y I' Vt OTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THK i City Council of Salt Lake City, of tbe intention of such Council to make the following described improvement, to wit: To pave the sidewalk on the north side of South Temple Street, from Kant Temple Street eastward to a point six rods west of II Strset. with a pavement of English Portland Cement eight feet ia width, and defray the whole of the cost thereof, estimated at Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Thirteen and KV100 Dollars, by a local assessment upon tho lots or pieces of ground within the following dcuoribed districts, being the district to bo affected or benefited by said improvement, namely: Ixts 1, ?, S and 4, block SS. plut A ; Lou 1, i, 3, 4, S, 6. 7 and 8, block 1, plat I ; Lots e ns LOUIS JAMES beautiful and ;reat evpoucut I 33 W A I NR ICHT, a unusual I And the of Shokspearti's leroincB, A-- HR. 1 by company of Supportedunder the management of lence, A. MORTIMER. GUSl'AVE Marie Wainwright Friday, November IStb. fa TT X.XTfVi XT'? Mario Waiuwight Louis James Louis James are the the by Fifth Avenue, 'i heatre. New York. They are Dresden made from original designs in the Art Gallery, by Chas. Hawthorne, of New xora.. ) THI3 MISS JIIKTIE PEEK FFair white n . as .1 1 a siaii CIS. il : . Bright clear com pie XlOll skin. healthful Soft " ML His Ertd English Scld ETerrrtsra." tejlsxim SPAP. IRIS, M 1 S T. LEWIS ia?16 M A: X UST Running Horste, Trotting and Banning Baces, IJidT Biders and Drivers. MISS PEEK In the Greatest llace ever witnessed, riding BEGAL against the $3,000 Blderlcss Horse LONG VIEW, competing in a race with her tbe same as though he had a rider to guide him. he makes a race of it and at the flalch of the race he turns around and comes bark to the Judge's Stand and stops perfectly still aad looks up in tne judge's etanu at uie judges as mucn as to say, did I win. Also HUi PEEK'S Daring Feat of Standing np on two horses with ono foot on each horse's back while Gait. running better than Two Minute BLUE Miss PEEK rode GHOST and SIRING at Providence, B. I., on May 30th, 1S8, one ihile in 1:47 '? and at Pawling, N. uuo-um- i uiur in ui-- .. I., AUgua: thisduvn, mi,fastest is tbe seconds time, this way or )ing, ever accompusnea ny any numan ben Those races will be given each day. TUESDAY, NOV. 13lb, a match race for Five Hundred' Dollars a side, half mile heats, two in three, to 65 pound skeleton wagons. MISS PEEK will drive GHOST and EDOIE SMITH against BEGAL and ATHOL driven by the Great and Only JOHN s PLAN. This will be a race worth going miles to see. TUESDAY, NOV. 13th, by special request, MISS PEEK will rido a Five Mile Change Uace. to beat Ten- - MianAes. chanrinir horses at the end of each miloTn front of the grand stand without touching tne ground. Baces called each day at 8 p. m. Admission 50 cts. ; Children 25 eta. Mies Peek was one of the special attractions at the Grand Circuit Bacca this season. IS BTBT1E PEEK, Proprieties NEXT TO SAVAGE'S ABT BAZAR. OFEEB A FULL LINE OF at J. j; Kit E KM N, Pound keeper. Its causes, ane a nAr un suocesfui Cure at yoar sun hoine.lwone who was vnars. Treated by mast desf twenty-eigh- t without beaeSt. of the voted Onrtd aimiliu three months, and slaci than buadreds of other. Fall particulars at ea anpnoeaioa. T. S. FAti. K. Al Vast (1st St., Htm lUFilESS suet-iali- Ten oar. cvbe ro riLEl . itching Piles are known by moisture Ilk perspiration, producing a very dissgreeabi itcaina- after getting wtrn This form as well as Blind, Bleeding protruding or at. Piles, jleld at once te tne application bosaoko's PUe Bemedy, which acta directly u ef- upon the parts anecieu, tusorumn and allaying the inlente itching u- feotinr a normanr nt cure. c cnu. - . a-- a, br. 4rss The I. n M Bosanko Medicina Co . Ploua. i llmr tr A fl I C O g pttHLt55 LU I DYLo Lfl Oo Yoar Owo Dyeing;, at Home. M U I Tbey will dye everything. They are fold everywhere. Price 10. a package. They have no equal for strength, Brightness, Amount in Package or TorrFastneM ol Qualities. Tb y do, not Color, or crock or smut: 40 colors. For sale by Mooro Alien A Co., 12S S., Main Street, tharp Younger A O. H. McCoy. 372 8.. Mala St. . non-fadin- g WniTELAlV nnOTHEIM IXP0BTEB3 AND JOBBERS. OILS, PAINTS and CHEMICALS. ' Supplies for SOAP .RAILROADS, MIXIX1 COKFAK1KH AKEBS A5D WOOLLKM BILLS, A SPECIALTY. dcod fWASHBURR 65 ? - srr'ii Ti-- .- Finaai toned, most SuraWe, and possess theoplyab- warranraa M nana in mlntely arractcoaie. ;tti .tA Auk your denwr for thm. 'atalyry4 frm, ; STATE 162 STREET. CHICAGO. .VON 1 KEALV. m 1 J.&P. GOATS General Merchandise, Ail Explanation. MARK. 9 or 10 vears old. branded p on left hp; has u cucking colt. If damage and costs on said animal be not paid within fifteen days from dulo this notice, it will be'sold'to the bighot cattb bidder, at lierriman estray pound, at id o'clock a.m., Thursday, November 21st, 1888. Hated at Jlemman Precinct, Salt Lake Co., Utah, tnlt "III day of November. PS8. k 6 UACEH EACn DAY Thoroughbred HAl.l. MUSIC THE ou first South Street, twand a half blocks west of K i.'t Temple. Tbo building and location i ono of desirable in the city for lnHnufucluno purpose. Kor terms apply to Anitas M. Cauuou, at 1'reciJent Woodruff's Oillcc, or lo Ooore d M, Cannon. Office of County Heeordor. halo Wed PARK -- B.VT.LOl" i C All the co3lumel are new, and V" this company at same as used 1 1 1 I Ota 1 1 Lot Lots 1 4w TO ItKXT. "AV IOno listit grey Kichard Brinsley Sheridan's Comedy. nesday, November I. v O..TUC E IN MY POSSESSION": SCI lOOL''8CANDAL ....Mario Wainwright Iadv lt'Hile will be on FReserred Scats 14th. For salo)by SB. vranch stores. KSTHAY NOTTCK. November 17tb, Charles Surfac.0. P. 0. Address, Neponset, Mass. tin-mo- ...Louis Jamog fentnt-ilny- , . - VIHGINIUH! A W V Rosalind Orlando BOSION, MASS. OLD Thursday, November 15th, Virginiud. Virginia Putnam Nail Co., excelMr. and S, block It, and 2, block l.l, ! JORDAN RIVER and 3, block 12, IOts and 2, block 11, and 9, block lu, and 2, block 9, Monday & Tuesday, Nov. 12 & 13 and e block s, Lots 8, and-thwest 4 rods of lot 1, block To tho citizens of Salt LaVo: 7, plat D, Salt Lake City Survey. All protes s and objections to the carrying I will furnish Three Days Attractions such out of such intention must be pre sen toil in as never weic shown in Salt Lake before. writing to tho City Becorder, on or before Tuesday. December 4th, it&. being the time Newest, Most Rovel Attraction Ever Heea on a set by said Council when it will hear aad Baes Track. consider such objections as may be made inerato. Br order of the City Council of Salt Lake City, mado November 6th, 188. HKBEB M. WKI.L8, City Becorder. Salt. Lake City, November 8th, 1S8S. RUNNIIIG' COMBINATION! Lots LoU RoefrPrim." The regular meeting of tbe Teach Wholesale and Retail, "Bed ers' institute convened in tne mir- Editor Deseret News : A FULL LINE OF teenth District schoolroom at 10:30 Your reporter credits me with having this morning,, with a very large attend said, at the Democratic meeting of ance.- Saturday night, tbat I "wanted to After , the usual opening exercises, BOOBS, smash the .People's Party." What I President Stewart announced tbat the said was that the Democratic party aent of the Educational Journal was ' Etc.. for Service Unequaled. . would smash both the other parties if in town, in the interest of that peri- :o: it could. The People's Party was not odical.and recommended tbat teachers OF OUR WE ENTIRE OFFER singled out for attack. I simply meant subscribe for it. He spoke ot the exto express the opinion that, since a cellent work done in countiy schools LADIES', MISSES' AND CIIILDIIEN'S large majority of tbe People's Party which he had visited since the last and a portion of the Liberal Party are meeting, and maila seme timely sug ! POLICK ITEMS. Democrats, the Democratic Party geatlons to teachers. Miss Youngberg, and the would Nels Nygard was arrested last night ultimately prevail here, the assistant secretary, bad banded tlie time to secure for being drunk, and today was fined old parlies would cease to exist, being him her resignation, and be thought & Now absorbed by it and its chief opponent. another Should, be elected at once, lie $5. Desthe explained that 9 There was considerable crowding in I regret the construction placed on my also the recognized University as nothing was further eret front of the Theatre last evening be words, district ischools as feeders to that BUTTER AND EGOS ALWAYS ON HAND. fore the performance began. An in from .my intention than making institution, and tbat pupils graduating would be admitted to It dividual named John Lnitz was in the war on any party, and especially on from them without it xamiaation. The University throng, and getting angry at not being tbe People's Party. My unfortunate Annual would inform teachers as to able to push bis way along as quickly use of the offensive .word smash is tbe degree of proficiency expected of probably what placed a hostile aspect pupils lntenciojz to enter tne univcr as be wished, he began to pour forth a on the other woras. latpertera, remon was He torrent of profanity. I was to speak on tbe tariff, and bad- sitT; tae on oi miss motion, resignation strated with, but would not cease bis prepared a lengthy essay oa tnat suo- TonoeberK was accepted Maaafaotarnj Miss iar fix) us, there Lucy VanUctt was elcctei and Ject; but when my turn cameme aaS aealera la! Assistant usgentlemanly conduct till a police on Secretary. was time enougn ten ior t3T QBAIJf, man tapped him on the shoulder. - His that not however, as the chairman topic; a ueau tar seeds. tnat air. sugzeatea insisted on my saying a lew words. 1 box" would be an: interesting"question improper action coat him $.")., feature John Ells worta battered Ben Ulea did so with some embarrassment. Tne ot the meetings and the matter was of tbe harried and.unpremedl tar obk, ver In a saloon last night. Today Ells report to the programme committee remarks produced an idea the referred tated aosence or ot tne tne tne in lined principal was $30. worth very opposite of what I had In mind : 411 side of the debate to he Four verdant youths were arrested and has placed me ia a false position aflirmative OAC PRINTING held tooay on the question-ogovern towara my demo irienas. ijeriaia dla at an early hour this morning for ' lng schools by purely, mild means, tbe A SPECIALTY. crats have make I that tbls suggested open for turbing the peace. They created a dis explanation oi a remark wnica they chairman threw the question mm ana tea out general! discussion, 1EYT AUIrator ratUaars. (Safttyl S BAGS with attest WOIK, turbance by going along the street, say bas done Injury to the Democratic self extract Afromh AAlle'f lit ana eeeaoasy by A'fllfiilS reading an securea.) Offlce ana Maaafactory, Iff ilf a7ttMK, Vra1 1t shouting at the top of their voices and cause. ea va. ' I u au axsia.a am a a oiwhi Yoors truly, KKY1CB J.H.Paul. method and adding a fewviremarks in if fn fx Nnrth flflin At T inillC Ilfl arousing the neighborhood. Tbey were wu wtt.B He same a strain. wi., the that oa own to their thought released recognizance pieasare must accompany tbe cue appear in the Police Court this after School Hymn Book. of ceasfatt Sunday acquisition knowledge. noon. Pcntahment should not ba aubatitnted Too Deseret Sunday School Union for ? 'A i . good teaching. :i , George Saowell, for putting rubbish Mr. Bludsoe thought cbattlsement through the medium of the Juvenile in the street, paid a fine of $10. The CARY, 0GDEN & PARKER CIII0AG0 Instructor offlce, bas issutd a new should be given mote to impress the Epb, Kelly was in again for drank idea with child is that the ' punishment enness. lie toia tne conn that u he Hnnaajascnooi nymn dook. it is a an inentaoie consequence oi oaa con- cfedlUbly yolume, highly or admirably off him disooeaience of re he woold dnct, would let right laws. light for the surpoae for which it ttan aa a means to force him to learn form, but this promise bad fbeea made adapted bis lessons. and broken so often that the court la Intended.. Mr. (Jammings said teachers could a to here reference We tbe append learn the .true method of governing could not entertain it, and Kelly was aetloa ef waiter laa It will resist tkaa work In a circular Issued by tbe human: beings by studying those used a. sent ap for 23 days, apa, after wnica pussuoar mediately Sacred Creator. their by -, ee F. S. Fernstrom is under arrest for Union: A p5u?shother It all fron after XualltydlstlnulaBthat patient forbearance, a great maioruy oi toe nrmm con. la a certain follower of continued palate. It la tha P Deat maintaining a nuisance. aad f Cheapest nave com- disobedience. laioeu in tois dook Natnre teaches tbe An individual who rave his name as posea Dy our nome authors,pecn V1 lntT fntolconaldera- are those same lessens. Crim always palat kaown( tsJc- ) its brings cnuaren was . AnpATtlllf are lamlilar, nunisbment, and the sooner the child tloa lt eorerxas fined $10 lor mazing a witn wnicn tne Johnson wnicn the music has been to and slstaneo to Fire re of tue nuisance. . oeiier. mis net powers (o uoa's sya !.,.! The select pieces are favorites jearns tern U one of rewards and punish Cold, Frost And It doe Dajupneaa. become has notorious Newton Sam. in general use ; taoe it was thought and eraek or not blister off, wonm oe regaraea as a grave pro peel, it uaesmro a far his quarreling propensities. lie that ur. saia there should be to omit.. A lew original hymn recognlaed surface. s hard, (loaajr dam behind tbe the power has been before tbe Police Court fre- error pupil 9 alxalt ly appear, wuica save never oil jre oeen as there tne to se quently, and today added one more to paoiisnea. cure gooa trovernment.citizen, Tbe experthe list. His offense on this occasion is enauie tne acaoois to use tne ience ct nations shows punishment to was battery. Last evening J. Mahl-stro- m publications in which the music la be a most potent factor in controlling those nymna to which numan oeinzs. was walking quietly along the Duoiisneaot music has been set, the lnderof this Mlasiraust oreierred nunlshinr to street when Newton walked ap to him llyma hook is eo prepared that tbe Coaxing the latter requires so much and struck him four or five heavy blows wurk In which the tune can be found time, rupus sntuid ooey from a la shown by a special reference. Tbls sense of duty. In the face. Mahlstrpm shouted "mur . will enaoie the schools to use tbe 108 The discussion grew quite animated Street, Oaden, Utah. der," and Newton was Jailed. Today Union Music Cards, the Sunday School sexes en and of teachers botn many he entered a plea of guilty, and in de- union music u joa, the ivi gaged in it. Most el them were in Tune Boor, andJ other favor ol punishing after a reasonable fault of $100 cash to pay the fine as mary works referred to, in coonec-tlo- u amount of moral suasion.' sessed, will work in tbe chain gang for with book. A few of toe this Tbe discussion wss allowed to occu 100 days. hymns which are somewhat lonir hava py the rest ot tae time, as Mr. Crapo ; 1 been shortened by tbe omission ot one was unaoie to ne to conduct present or two verses, and a few verbal altera uie viajse in auuu otuuies. have been made, whieh we trust Last ereplng, aboat 8 :a0, a Are broke tions The following la the programme for "VtrHOLEHAI.K AXD RKTAXL DEALXRS IN rlREARnR, nSHISO TArHLC, out lo a room over Martin Lannao's a puouc wui agree witn ns are im the next meeting: or aeyttuna UT Iiumll Kopnltea. Vests, rieii uiaaej, Biryre, Primary Readies, by W.J. Dan: In C'tc tlry, batcher shop on Jast Tefople Street provcuenia. u v sv y rmr toe urfeit line. swcirn Saootlnrvt lahmr ana CUinpmg : Advanced Ksadlor by aturlc-in-toethat " termediate and f ' ' beat team all.' The nrsraeo exungmariea tne oisae d ia wen pnuMMj on gooi, stout paper, Miss Itacbel YA wards; conduct-oi rocv aw Kreat i wur .muauy mi i7i .i rsie nsenta ior Lfta auu airuuxiy uuuna, the c ass iu Mind studies, liorace Vi2vl seat le free (ore much ds raise was dose. Illustrated any t feed SQWlpji Macbkihf eaulogue : O 'CT 27 "V A - - TO Manager. A UXEAT E.VEST WASTED. THIRD DIVISION. . . H. B. OLAWSON. IX OB EIGHT GOOD BRICKLAYERS. 2 Nights Qnly, Nov. 9th and 10th The. event of next week at the Thea A good long job at Kc AND 8ATCB0AT M1T1MEE. f tre is the appearance of Louis James lorm immediately. ocnooi, oguen. J. JACKSON, tad Marie Wain wricht, who are so well known In the dramatic world as to GOOD GIRL FOB GENERAL. HOU8B-work- . make commendation unnecessary Apply S West Sixth South St. dU BIG BURLESQUE .COMPANY. "Yirglnlus" is their opening iece, on Thureday evening next, the cast being riHTH s PEARS' l'cderson's Band. Business and Worklnjruien bcaiing Transparencies. It. 1". Whittemore, Marshal. TOKCiiLiunT .raoccssioK. Jkocte or rnocESsios. Risrht wtnir meeting at tbe Walker lloftse facinir sooth to fourth South Street, thence west to W est Temple Street, thence north to First south street, thence cast to aiam South street, Street, thence south to second thence west to the opera nouse. Tno several bands participating in me parade willl bemuconsolidated atvi- the Opera rvicssvr i louse unticr ivuuerBiup l'ederson and there furnish appropriate ; music aunng me evening. LOOK WELL LAKET1IEATRE. SALT 10 f , Praver te Head of column will form on Main Street nt Walke Hubc. facinir south. Chief Marshal and stall wui meet at tne Cullen Hotel at 7 n.m. The column will lor m in me ronowing - 1888. LOST. - ST XVXNlHfVA PAlBiOT GOLD Moanted Spectacles. Inclosed in an inenamel ease with pearl forge laid. Return to this Office for the owner. "Virginias." ' ' to 11 in II. ccxMtHos, secretary. rv ... rs C , Adjourned until Nov. 24. by J. B. Moreton. Today the novel wager between Deputy Marshal D. W. Bench and the saloon keeper, B. F. Whittemore, was settled Shortly "before 12 o'clock, Mr. Whittemore appeared near the Council House tomer, dressed as Uncle Sam, In a emit made of striped red and white bunting. He wore a wig and Har rison hat. He took his seat in a light baggy, which was gaily decked with Stars and Stripes. When the . noon hour arrived, calls were made for the "Jerusalem pony," and M.r. Reneb was soon visible. He looked at the arrangement and remarked, "No you don't; democrats don't pall' republicans; they push 'm." "Polling's easier," was the response, bat Dan. wouldn't yield; so the change was made, anat 10 miftntss past 12 he took up the buggy shafts and began pushing tbe vehicle with its gaily decked ocenpaat down the centre of East Temple street. At the same time tbe band struck ap "Hall Colombia." Tbe procession proceeded down tbe street, a band on either sidewalk, piaying alternately Buch airs as "Yankee Doodle," "Sherman's March to Georgia," iiio fnnnnorlnv llprn PnmK." the Flag," and "Star Rally Spangled Banner." Every! five or six rods, Mr. Rench would stop to rest, and Mr.. Whittemore would lead in three cheers for Harrison, to which the crowd responded heartily. While the wait were being made, solicitors for the Orphans' Home and Day Nursery passed among the crowd and into the stores on cither side of tbe street. It took of an. hoar for the accomplishment i the feat Mr. Rench bad undertaken. There were not less than 5000 peocl on tbe street to witness tbe proceed ing, and the. crowd aronnd the prin cipals was so dense that at times they Tha ""music, could hardly , move. cheers aad groans combined to create a terrific din at times. Even some staid and sober citizens seemed to grow wiild and commingle their voices with thej noisy street urchins in tbe yells that went ap from two or three hundred! tbroats, Most i tne Business nouses on tne streets were decorated with the national colors, and from every window and balcony the populace looked upon the strange scene. 1 ' Cummlngs'i lesson, chapters The Bench WMttemore Wager Programme for' Tonight. ,i- - 1 before him The Views of Visitors to Our Mountain Home.' . The following cases were heard be lore Jndge Boremao today 4 Religious services ol the Church of Sarah K.Coltrln vs. John U. Col Jeans Christ of Latter-d- y Saints will trin; default of defendant; plaintiff be Jield in the Tabernacle allowed to amend complaint; case afternoon, commencing continned. i (Sunday) at 2 o'clock. Frank Hoffman et al. vs. Northern t Home missionaries will preach In the Chief Mining Co.; Judgmont for plain' city wards on Sunday, tiff. In the city wards services are held in Karen Anderson vs. Nikolai Ander tho various ward meeting houses at sen ; .decree of divorce and alimony named : the hours POLITICAL BUBBLES. ' BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BOBBER i -- . COATS, WRAPS, Etc;, AT COST is :.'; i CYCLORAMA THE OF THK of Battle Tbo decisive struggle of the late Civil Gett-sbiirp'- . War now on exhibition- - on West Temple Street. South from Temple Block Corner. Open from 10 a. aa. till 11 p. Bargains. ies ies n? piX-COR- D Spool Cotton i BANKS. WHITE, BUCK AND COLORS, DsieretllwM, Hand and HaGhineUsei FOR SALE BY - (t3-ClIOI- CK BAGS FOR ll(02;lJaUUajUf f7?i n erwootveu. MS. f T ' ij iiiiir . - 47 j . eav-a- nd put-lisn- ed. r '. m ... jm Balt. m : , Mailt . . -- j 1 O nn ! ad-Ir- e - m SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, $200,000. $290,000. SURPLUS, O.Sw I. Si- JO KM TATXOK, President. DIKBCTORS: B. H. 8CHXTTLXB, Aas't Cashier. I JOHH 6HABP. Pnr.sroairr, THATCHEB,Vic1)-Pbesidkkt- , MOSES Zion's Savins Bank W.W. BITES, J. R. BABNK8. J. T. LITTLE, . I J. C. .' CTJTLEK. JAMES SHARP, UKNBT mXWOODEY, J. A. GROE8BECK, D. IL PEEBT, F. W, JENKINGS, GEORGE BOMSEV, L. 8. HILLS, Casiiiek. TRUST COMPANY, Vo. 63 8. East Temple St., A riTT POORS SOUTH et BUILPIKD, CO-O- P. v ' E. DOES 1 ;0; A- - SMITH, Ass'T Oashixb. h:im E:;:::ts SEIE1IL EM1IB BiSIIESS. ' Pays , hih ca lem&l Buys and sella exthange on Xew York, San Fraacisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, London, And all the principal continental Fir per cent. Interest on garter Deposits TO LOAN Oa - approved Secnrities at LOW RATES oi interest. ADYKRTISI9Q BATES. Accord in ft to spaee occupied and length. f time tbo Advertisements run. Quota- for Display .Advertising aivea cpon ions j application. i ir same aa. is mseriea simniianeoaaiy J. H. BACOH. Treat, F. 1 HOLLAKD.CsshY. Daily ner cent, "is- end count frem regular rate allowed. Ulnar three editions at same tune.flfteen per cent.,, discount allowed. NoitCKS in Special colcik fin same type as body of paper) la Daily, 10 cents per nae, nrst insertion, anas cents per line each sabsequentinsertlon. or $1.00 per lino S5 cent per per month. Ia line, -trst insertionand IS oenta per line subsequent insertion, or J1.03 per General Bankina Business eachmonth, la Waekly. as cents per line, first each subsequent insertion, SO cents per line insertion or 79eeau per line per month. ..... ..'V ; Professional cards la Daily IX cents per line Srst insertion aad 4 enta per line each tasertlon. Proportinate rates subsequent Active Aeeovats Solicited. aad WKKi.y. tor Advertisements onder recular headings Cryr-Jaterepaid a Time Sepoalta. ot Wanted, Fob Sal, etc, inX Dally I cents cents per linSi flrst Insertion, and Bold. aad Bought Exchange Mr Ha. fnr aAh anbseoueat Insertion. 6 and aa ProporUnate rates for for less .than aooepted Wibklt. TITtlT Tl TV I TJM II 9A ..nta HAliniri 10 inim xiRSOBALa. at soliciUtion ef parties In tAWM hmU 0a XAI.au LOlAia .... ; and aot valued as news, SO eels terested. from One to five Tears time. per line. Cards or Thaitks, to eents per llneto Kotioes of Soolablea. Festivals, Parties, PDBIsIO I Concerts, KOTlCi: TO etc, for which admission fee is to be charted. 10 cents per lino. comment BiropleDiATH NoYlOBS.fraUs; WILL KOT BE BESPOTf BIBLE AFTEB 10 cents per line. a tnls oate ior auy ucuh ooirow u thereon or sketch ef life, 11.00. KOTICB. MASaiAOB my name wtuooi my muws orrei m N otic a or Birth. 80 eents, ODU CIHIKUI wwv. iddress; T8 Daixbxt Kxws Co.. , . clues. - " - B A1IK of SALT LAKE Semi-Weekl- ..'- Transacted. .. ip 6aMi-tVaai.- T it No-A- . THE if Bait Lake City. Kov. 8. r" 1SW. W fialt Ue City. |