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Show ' ' Tr ' - '"" - ' "' btate, the Count prepared to I invest!-H- a tao accord nfflv re Jits. Thomas, Eagle Eock,Jingham C'OuMmAo MALAD STAKE. BANNOCK STAKE, SEVIER STAKE. W. if. Porter. ....Effin, Ehtffkam Co.,- IHoho OLIVER C. HOSKIN'S, Presi ent. Prisldea it. . T. WM. H. SEE 9MILLER, President. BlCktn. with tha airenta D. II. Ward.;....;...ETbat Craaia Idaho 8a, Co., of the law and a priest to Abraham Ziindcl, Counselors? .Eden Wm. H. Gibbs, whom the story Jam ri A. Thompson the to V.'l'JZS&Ue rcrD,ic-n6cio- "-; neighborhood, V fr Wot. IVV jOoMl.. 10, ,; .Echo Batttrany, been ihad . R. Wicik.. ...... told. Z WARDS. aisBors ft ., IdaJs. BiBsrham .tovlor County, CtaJh. Oa arriving at the house the care James Brown.. . , . ...Cranston, Wyoming Cherry Creek.... .Joseph manors. in S. Sorenxen..:... taker endeavored to withstand -- ...Elsinors waih. the WAKDS. Bisnora. Malad George Stewart City.....x i ? a. O. Ineleatrom ' , SHE STOOD AL.OE. trusion, but j lelding to force, the gate R. r. Allen....... , , RsoVants Basalt... i.. f n .Isabella... William 8. Slakef JTeetyvUle... was opened, ana tae uount ana tne Ephrtdm Joseph Nccly O. P. Keuben lliatt . ...... Egln) Ephratm Brighton , lurora.. .. Alone she Blood in majcety, .Myron J. Richards Harry M. Payne ......j.. priest proceeded straight to the room P. JSasmussen.... Ephraim, Geo. U. Smith Plymouth Burton, (P. O. Kexburg) Ceto Con' Cow, jot ..Wm. II. Clowan! where the incident occurred. Enoch Harris BuriTitle..., On cither tide motley crowd, ....James Thomas Portage. E! inore.... .A 'I think." said the prlest.'UMs affair Mrs. S. L. Gots ,. ...........Eureka, Juab Co Eagle Ro O.k. Jens I. Jensen Thorn Isaac Men of all siationa, ranks of life, Rockland ..James E. 8teele ' at belongs more to me than to fT. Tavlor.jun... .....Ferron, Emery County Zona, (P. O.Eagle Rock). dentcood... II. Bell Evans Herbert Jonah Samaria........ They saw her not, each head was bowed. thepresent Allow me to spend the nigh Menan) . . Winslow F. Walker Is. Robinson Fillmore LabeUe, (P. .0 She looked them e'er with glance of Bcorn, herelaw. .Baraanl H. Greenwood ..James P. Harrison lurerury. .. . . St. John.... F. alone. All I require is a lantern .Richard Jardine Loutrrille....... Gideon A. Mnrdocl .Fntnktin, Idaho .Isaac E. D. Zundle Joseph. .... and a pistol. There will be force with IT. tv. Store ..Samuel A. Wilcox JTashakie....: Each was afraid to meet her eye, Monroe .... .. Sanderson. . Fairviae Lyman .. .......Thomas Coopel out in tne believe i . hfenan.. .1... nearing, mysteiy .Wo. N. Stephens lledmund... Imperious, regal, mighty, she will be solved more easily by One man If. J. Underwood. .. Fairview, Oneida Co., Id Parker .....Hans Kasmussea MORGAN STAKE. 6. M. Parker (P. Egin).... to ..Wyman mankind all of Seemed defy. Fountain Great RichAeld, First Ward. than by many." The brave old man's R. iZ. LewcUyn........ ..Poul Foulsen Bf nrgsan Csxsatjr, CftadB. Ward. . . .Thos. E. Kicks, Jr. offer was accepted. The Count and IT. Snyder. ..i.. HichftelJ, 3eci4 W'ri S. Horns .....Fairfield, Utah Co Eexburg, First ..Joseph Was she a despot, these her slaves . ... W. Q. SMITH, President. bis attendants posted themselves in John Bartholomew Roteburg, Second Ward ..Casper feteiner Salinu...: .. James S. Jensen Fayette ' AVho hntnbly bowed to do her will? other parts of the house, keeping the L. Third Ward.... Timothy J. Winter ...... Jeter Ootlfredson Kennard )ywjiUon.. . Farmington Rexbuvg, A reigning qncec whose anfrer fierce caretaker with them. Afire was" lighted A. J.II.AUred Riffbu, Louisville). .George A. Corden (P.O. ...And. J. Russell, P. E Co , Piute (iooielierry ..Fremont, in the laree room, and the Driest was With terror each man's heart did fill? uxors. Fish Haven Salem ( P. O. Kexburg). .Georgre H. B. Harris book. J. Stock..... .' left there the witu alone prayer Ftit Couaty. Goorge Knight Taylor (P. O. Eagle Rook)... William Priest Croydon.... Gtmnison , Ah, no. 'twas but a single case lie naa not remainea long when tne Qwmison J. K. Hall Blue falley.... Henry Giles ....John Donaldson Milton. aiendmle Teton....... That history does each day repeat-S- he figure appeared beckoning to him, and W. Foote. . ......... James .Ell White ar I'remorJ ...... .. A. Taylor be at os.ee rose to follow. It passed A. Hepler. George Davis stood alone within a car Glcmcood Wilford.... Xi. B. Anderson Cbarlcs Jeen Morgan, Croft from the Rock CyeeiP.O-.EaglWaiow Vai'ey... seat. his always )A.B.Simmons door, looking man W. . . . through C. reSfSed Peek. Gentile Where'erery Valley, Oneida Co., Id Klus II. Blackburn Morgan, South... ...Charges Turner Loo time to time to see that the priest was B. F. ...Grouse Creek Cock....;.. Petenon. behind. it leatne way through a long Oarrigan Teasda'e. ...... .............garnet George Coleman B. Johnson. Goshen J. LAKE BEAR STAKE, then Into .a room which still PorterHlle. East. J. R.' Porter Tliu. ber ..r ..Wm. Meeks TIIK MYSTKRIES OF CBIMK. corridor, T. WUliams..... a GrantsvUle contained all the appearance oi Wat. BUDGE, Prwident. PortervtUa, West. ...... ......Annuel Carter was a small stair B. B. AUred In the corner Garden Cit .A. D. Dickson Bichrille.... The following story was told me ky ladv's.down which the ST. OEORCE STAKE. B. A. Lewis..... Georgetown GSiTSrmind; a ladv. She was the wife of neb. case, or D. T. MOALLISTER, President summons tne 4. to tne in obedience Seth C Johnson... Garfield after aouire In the east of England, ' Bar Ealc Cowaty, Idak. ONEIDA STAKE. n apparition. It led to aa small vestibule If. Jeft..... .....Georgetown, .oer City , r whose death she married a Counnelnre. which openea into ine cnapei. remarkwoman of sxors. wards. was a ................... Co.. A. Batch Italian. She asjfeber Ct GEORGE f C. PARKIN SOX, President walked slowly up the aisle, figure R. WaahlBKlon Mo MMtv and of ereat information. cended .....A. Wright Coaaty, Ctaa. Bennington. the steps of the altar, then B. W. Manning ..Booper City Berne Solomon II. Hale, eccentric; Sna-ba- d E. P John Counselors. Knntx, WAKDS. BDIBOPS. though somewbatwith ., G. Crane J. Berrima Matthias F. Cowley, disappeared. dates and names suddenly beard the etory, Wm. BnlmS Bloomington. lan The his with Charles P. E priest ue following fiellei Andrew ....Euntingtoti Pulsipher... bad Gregerson, she WABDS, of persons. These BISHOrs. forgotten, Saaanel Hurapherys perceived after some search a James A. Daines...... Pari Dingle B. Ott, P. K. ....Hyde David and bad never been able to supply tern, Duncan.... M F. Wm. Clifton Gamer wncre on tne tne Fish Haven............ very spot brass ring .......John Stock FronWtn.... C. Wood.......:...... Bolde them. Wm Cbadbnrn.P. K, L. L. Hatch Fosters had vanished. It was evidently B. B. t7eoretowft..... ......... ......If. A. Lewis Fairview. Khn fippirpi. however, that she was figure ...... Tolman.. BoneyviOe Edwin Hamblin.P. E a how of Moroni W.. Pratt Glen Edwin the handle trap door, which, N.Austin nnnltivnlv aasnrt d that all the details ever, resisted all ...E .Hynsp Liberty... .James M. Ballard Rasmus Rasmussen Grafton attempts of the James UnsiPorth Wm. L. Rich Mink Creek had been verified toy the French public Driest to raise it. the ifontpelier..... Robert Jones. ......Hemteer bis nred lie Franklin O. Holt pistol. Ounlock C. Preston... Wm. Parkinson events the !; rejatedhad authorities where Vfwnon. ............. ,.oaa Sk'.nner, P.E. and scon the Count and big attendants Peter Later.. exA. Holt, P. E. Riverdale s Leonldas A. Meecham .George occurred.aqA that ine recoraa etut ............... Ovid... Jensen came helD. ....nf.wPwtar his to W. D. Pace:.. ...... ffamtwf could D. Paro Wilson Weston isted somewhere, if the place II. Clark ....John Rarmong.. a m. ' ladder West ...VI The door raised, ' Paris, First Ward. steep' W. Felt.:...., Orson B. Adams, P. B. only be found botAt a the led vault. staircase Barrisburg...... into .... Second Price IdiUio. BUas;nnini Ward, .......Robert Paris, County, French ;, Revolution, iinrir.tr tna first Terry Thomas S. Terry of the ladder lay a human skele- - T.8. . Pteeton... P. Willcy Bebron. ,.JL H.Dalrymplt Chesterfield two Frenchmen of high birth.Count A. tom ....Farley T. McMnllin tlVlfrury St. Charles in clothes similar to those F. M. Chritlensen-,...- .. Leeds Brigham nri viarnnnt R . were desoatched by ton.dresstd J A. Hast Garden Creek ...Joseph E. Cassell Middleton Richard I'nnce worn bv aDDaritl u actF with a Hy,fBftlf . ...... Indiana. " the Rovalist oariy on a mutsion w .u- - beard still the Marsh Cbas.M. Vtaa-auaaA Valley Squires Mountain Dell Wm. Isom, P. E. Cwwaitjr, Idas. ring a. a: MvraocK.... banging to the chiu. ..josepn uu. i.iii Mormon on the nnser. ...John B. Thatcher Pint Valley ..F. W. Jones John hlorriU "Sods Springs.. on uorstunv was F. ijunctiot Lan. P.K. Daniel During theirwort journey made litMe dilficulty Joseph Warr...... Mound Valley .Robert II. Williams Pinto. no .Robert Knel ooo .'.Kamas Star Valley, Wyoming of France, where a inThe caretaker Cazler D. C. to a northern ne mar facts, j. N. R. Lewis Price. Oxford confessing tne real N. H. FawcoU Kanab ........Xanal vessel awaited them, they were on one quls, kindeBt man of the who was a Kleti County, Ctata. ...C. N. Smith Rockville in iuo ujiuuio occasion nenignteu KaysviBe bad treated his brother WiSard Bishop, Garden Robert Caldar aiAa heath . liininST BiOWlV 1U1HIUU olsnosition.and Ciiy PANOUITCH 8TAKE. ...J. G. Haroa ..A'anorre. Santo Clara.. B. A. Griffin had dis unwonted with Indulgence, what from thvr nprpivtd a a lliht and .Ira Kebeker Oliver Do Mill, P. E. ...Eoosharetn Laketown. that two intimate relations A.C. Kelsen. Shonesrurg... J. W. CROSBT, Jb., President lorea solitary covered inmwi nnt to be Veadowille Win. 11. Crawford Kiaball wife. Aim hi and between existed ..Joseph uKanost A. Springdale... Kadauld. i M. M. Steele, steps Friehtened at his orders to them to chateau. After some knocking, . Thomas JadO ............... St. Ward. Counselors. ktckinaon First ......A. George. Randolph.. ..Lewisto me Allen. 8. David J. Cameron. were heard slowly coming in jaru bad . ..Waiter Granger murdered two leave house the the Ward. ................... Second ...YT. St. Leo H. cauwas Woodruff...., George, door William Yates.. ..; .......Leti within, and at Jaat Athe SaurSteM Coausay, CI tab. C. A. Terry or care- him as be slept in the Urge roam ana George Morrison.... ............ ..Leamingtor St. George, TMrd Ward. porter: tiously unlocked. the his body along conveyed narrow WABDS. openSt. George, Fourth Ward. ...TUw. P. Cottam BlIBOrS. the taker peer-- through Laketow BOX bad STAKE. led ELDER which the Irwin.,... the figure Joseph Wm. A. Bringhurst William J. Uenderson Toqumville Cannonville. ing and asked tae reason of the knock- through priest. The caretaker was taken into C. B. Bobbins.......... ..4.. ..:..,. Logan . BUDGER President. CLAW80N, Kscalante Andrew P. Schow ing. . . .Leioy W.Beebo look to after the J. W. Shepherd....... and left .Jtaft We have lost our way ami are urcu confidence, Marcus Fnnk Marlon.. ....Culbert l Washington trie Madson. while King criminal honse and Adolphus ana Y. property, McMuUen B. .......Leeds shelter We Connselors. and hungry. require CharVes Kelly, were Charles Westover.P.K. West over....... and had left the AUa WjSer country 'Panguitch couple ana Dorses. food for ourselves ..Lay ton ln Belgium under an assumed Barton f Co. L Box Elder Coamty, ITtnh. lAaeola Coaaty, Kovastsw Plate Coomty, Ctak. Mmpossible," was the churlish re-be living La jar a. Cot 8. C. BertheUen the with by name, money supplied to was about ply, and the door WARDS. Edward Buuker, Jr Co BISHOPS. CirolevVle T. .Jmes E. Peterson BuxkerviUe. woman's father, the caretaker, from J. ...Loa, Piute Lazenby closed when one of tffe travellers in- the L. Woods, P. X 1 Bear River City which to A. AUen Rufna of Co.i resources the Jardine Clover R.F. Louisville, .Lyman Bingham Carl property, Jensen Valley....... .'Mm, tercepted It with his foot, and, pro- the was the natural heir. T. E. Jones.... Lehi, Maricopa Co., Arizona Brigham 'City, First Ward. . . . K. Hammond. P. f..Jotn 4k iTa;s a Valley..,.. said Tingey .Henry pistol, ducing He and the woman were brought back Overton Lake Shore, Utah Co Brigham City, Second Ward... Alvin Ntcnols Store Brigham Whitmore We are quite readylo pay for our to PAROWAN 8TAKE. and executed. France, triedwas Milton L. ..MiilvUU John A. Panacea ktadsen Third Ward... lodging and supper, out we cannot go King City, Brigham told nearly forty A. K. This story Ctaai. Iran Millet P.E. Artemua further I'saatr, Creel .Mink Fourth ftosenfraum Ward. Valley Hansen ..Jens City, Brigham the Spring at year moment years ago, Jersey, during care-takpaused for alast in Kd. Burgoyne C Dewey first THOS. J. JONES, President exhibition. of the Arlsona. ...J .Montpelier, Idaho Dewey rille Though, said: OFFICE: WASATCH BLOCK, COR, 2d SOUTH & MAIN. asThe 'Coaaty, and at Yavapai reflecting, though .m. ...Abraham Hansaker Matad, Idaho ttoneyviUe. language, it was related with F. E. Jones. E. Dalley, John I will give you shelter for the night, simple ...John Alger, P.K Beater Dams ( Counselors. dramatic force and undoubted D. Van Wagenen.. P. 0. Jensen JrM ' .Midway Mantua.... and food lor yourselves and your ereat faith. Moigan Richards, P. B Clabora 1 Elder, Trumbull r' me to declared The lady X. R. Peterson Vorth... ....Manii .Thomas condition, viz., that you good Harpe WARDS. beasts, oa oneword.ofoouor BtsBors. bad tnat she fnllv believed the story as gentleMendonCo-o... . ...E. D. Heeoham Cedar City.... ....Mendon "rk Valley . 10TAST II OFFICE. DEEDS. M33TGJI5ES. LEASES. ISHEE5IEITS HI8LEMI PAPEB5 DHA'Il give me your am sure Henry Lnat been officially recorded in the archives SUMMIT STAKE. you are, that of . Goodliffe men, which I n. Snoterille.... stou ......Moroni de or ...... onme P. Willis mnnlcioal j. Kanarra provincial .......William W. W. CXrjFr, to leave the will induce President you A . . Three Mile. nothing LaurUz Larson ......O. Mount was Pleasant birth She in France. by William E. Jones New brick four rooms, c irnei lot, 7x10, room I give you, and mat partment HOUSES AND LOTS. . . of Faeor Willard Oonnselore. and members of considerable Stott Tiew of city. Price t2500. W.B. City ..George rank, .Meadou Charles Adams Parowan..... at daybreak you will gq on your Jour- her family had been in close friendship M. Christensen.. ...... Manassa, Colorado 8. Hulet any questions.' without 1 UesideniA. iitmwit asking Sylvester East ney on No. 8ixth A to unanalt County, ClaJ. She manv With promised qt.fAn g - ice h0 .e 0f; e rooms, oath emigres. Th nrnmlae eiven. the door was John Williams, CACHE Meyfield New brtck bouse, 4 rooms, corner lot, east tpuuvu STAKE, 11 of It heard me she know again let WABDS. a to the take horse BISHOrs. the and nnened 8x10 well rods. $2600. room, Anisned, goo.; lawn, stable. ench, I saw little of her afterward, and Casper Christiansen. ...Muddy, Emery County SALT LAKE 8TAKE. Catch Cmty VisJa, Coalville........ cry cheap stables, which were within the court. but Saiaios splendid treee, etc Lot 4xffl- Robert W.A. Pierce........ County ...Moab, Emery is now dead. It would be interest Lot 10 x 10 X block from South property. ; The porter then led the two travellers she to JfoA..... sOa l4Uto Coaaty, Vtah. C O. CARD, President, W. K. Stevens... Menan, Bingham Co., Idaho ...EIia Aapai had narrative ber know whether ?UUU Templio, in 21st Ward. a Ing and through House of three!' rooms, good up a splendid, staircase Rennefervilie. Obarl.'i Ricnens Monro ; any foundation, some one wno may 8. Simonsen. at $1200 ANGTJ3 M. CJANNOH. President with summer tapestry, ana corridor etc, aitcnen hung (Connselort. sutDies, ..... 9 HoytsvUU. Jew brick, rooms, modern style Lot SXxSO. 16th Ward. have heard this tale maV suddIv the in lng Sargent William Wood, ten fiQflrt .....MinertriUe into a large empty room formation. iPW i UUud flniwh, length turning IotSx 1SX, well fenced, ... .........Vat. Xamas.... I have never heard itinfrom W.J. Jolly ..S. F.Atwood Geo. O. Pitain, Acting President. and Mt Carmtl as a drawing-rooConn.el.ra. furnished ruit, e tc. , on 7Ui ast Street, part Um. source nor it 'read any ahv other Park dtp Jao. Holmberg, P. K. to the dwelling of book. The narrator told me that those P C. Jensen...:.......... .......Mantua BISHOPS.. WAKDS. evidently belonging SALT LASS CITY WARDS. Park BtorT brick store and 8 rooms a wealthy noble. Parley's .......G. M. Paca .... Fonts S. r.Mona ft7000 Two J. Harris Alma were Benson........... the related had first who story and four tenement houses atwas a large door Near Peoa, ine WABDS. Walket . BISBOrS. R. at of n CUy Us truta. south ..............Stephen lust larbston. In rive believers n acres.' city Jardl tached. Cornflr lol in 6th Ward. Joh platted Fry ..Morgan soon blazed. Candles evidently First Ward 1250 per acre. Cheapest land in market at ln which a fire .J. M. Mahs Rockport Warburton MM John L. S. C. Creek, saw Larson County Morgan. ....Joseph J. travellers the were lighted, and . Second Ward , ..Jno. Clark Kewton ........Samuel Peterson Dton J.B. Barker. S. M. Molea fftirum....... ......... S i 800 wCWtlTiClC ll0,u 5 rooms Sixth price. two large and luxurious beds, with TMrd E. R. Young, Jr. Five acre tract, sonth Liberty Park, at rnti hanvincn. one nearer to the en Jacob Weiler Wanship John Kef A Shiewd Expedient. Ward....., Salt Lake Co Hyde Park ...Robert Daines ...........Keff's. Fourth Ward.. . trance than the other. A table ClBtan Coaaty. Wyoaalas;; Rimwi Sperry L. A.Bailey AVpAi Lewiston. ....W. II. Lewis Fifth 6 1 qrvn Ix)t SXxlfron Bth South Street, w. 12 Acres in City limits south. near fire and before Ward ofColonel the niaoeti of "News the 'resignation Two roomed house, kitchen; coal .3. M.T. Seddon Almy .................... ....... James Bowni .11. M. Ward... W.Rex Lewis First Ogdem J. Logca, .............A'ort 9000 was H G. waraen James Ward Sixth a substantial atson oi jouet" saia C. A. North.. supper brought ucciauehry. house, good well, fruit trees, etc Cheap. long Korth, 8. L. Counti Logan, Second Ward. Jamea Brown, Jr. ..Henry Ballard seventh Ward....... ..... ......Wm. Thorn Eoamston.. the utensils supplied forofthe mal, and Robert B. Wahldorf, a merchant of Lorenzo 30 Acres on the South Drive. Ward.. Third Robert Davidson Arizona Brown Logan, Co., Lot 7x10 corner 6tb east and 3d a TyQQQ Apache Jfutrioso, house the Laclede Is whothe Clrooa Klver Couaty, Wyoming-- . at OHO 111., Ward all the belongings Chester, eighth SbeeU F. ' 1 ,wv outh, four nnck houses, eight ' Thos. X. Smith Vinth Ward. ....OdkCrecl Logan, Fourth Ward "recalls to my mind an instance in Jot. A. Lyman......... phowin? considerable luxury. .8. A. Woo! ley Bock Springs..... rooms each, part time, very desirable. Joseph Soulsby, P. E FJve acre tract east of Liberty Park. ........Wm. Hyde enth Ward... OrderviUt Logan, Fifth Ward Alter eating their 6upper the two which he showed nerve and presence Thomas Chamberlrin Adam Spelrt elder took oeen nave ex to Itie as went L. lest. Sixth Ward. oi mind would C. ..A. such travellers Crowthaw Idaho Logan, Schankey Qrord, 10 acres half a mile alotg Third & Srecenth Ward............ Alexander McRae AfW 1S5 ect, on First West 4 COAOv south, ST. JOHNS STAKE, door, leaving the hibited bv few. 'Some ten years aeo Joseph Ball..........: ......Isaac Smith Twe'fth Ward.'. over Joraaa, 10 roas wiae the bed nearest theOff ..Ogden Logan, Seventh Ward. to his compau was summoned as a witness in a Case J. E.'Reid.... ...H. C.laWson other at some feet ' ............... ., Mendon OrangemUe Hughes Henry on Apacno Coaaty. Arlssaa. brick fire Thirteenth was sen P. M. the of burglary, ana the criminal Mlllen At wood house, suitable Ward... lot 7 block 29, Brighton ion. Logs had been placed 1Ai 10 J Idmht O. MWville... ,. Oneida Larsen..... Pitkin in 4th Ward, on City, was George families, door nlirtit. fifteen the tencedln th He to K. UDAtU President .nfflniontfnr Fourteenth Tears Jollet. DJVID Ward t.miniiiht. H. George Taylor WW South he St.: sell on sighv Oi kley Idaho Newton.... Hans Funk Fifteenth Ward betook Claughry was warned that the man was Oakley the gladly wayfarers locked.and Pollard N. Joseph Elijah Freeman, J Connselors. 2,8 and 4, block 15, Jordan themselves to sleep. a most desperate character, ana toia B. If. Taylor.. ..Olio, Rio Arriba Co.,K, Paradise.,.. .......Samuel Oldham Sixteenth Ward Lot 8x20, six room cottage, bow &Q19 H. Gibbous, Kesler vOXO Lots $(i9n(l pUt g w x g.Jt lfNi W. Part , About an hour after going to sleep to keep a sharp ye on him. This be J. W. Crosby.. Overton, Lincoln Co., Kfvad Providence. Niels Hansen Serejifwifk Ward............Frederick win(jopw, stable, fruit and shade time. John Tingey WAuns, Bisuors. the elder suddenly woke starting in his did, but as the vigilance of the guards A.M. Findiay.. ....... ......Panacea, Kpvada Richmond.. trees; desirable property; part time. W. L. Skldmore O. K, Whitney Eighteenth Ward North Pftnt, well ' bed. lie could net account lor. this was somewhat re axed, and he was J. W. Crosby....... ........Edward A. Nobis Jon Acres, near Hpine . Snithfleld L.Fanrll ...........G. ...rangxtUck ritrht. two water Nineteenth was good good like other Ward..... The treated Watson loom any James 85 strong sudden waking. prisoner. 11' feet, corner Irastds..... ftfi9;in"rorner,ot ...Christopher 1. Kemps .....PortervilU Trenton.. f. Florence... Or to subdivide, J.B. Jardine Twentieth Ward V 6th Bomth ard Rd East, two story housesis; valuable as a whole "This was what be was waitinjr for, B. .....Geo. Rom n ey Vcber. ....... by the fire, there was no ....... illiam E. Swapp Utah WeUsviHe... W. B. Branch.. money InJit- at the. price, $75 ..pier ly lighted Co., H. .....Wm.' .Price, brick store, brick dwelling six rooms; part there to Emery one A. was about and when Maughan from the Count ...... and W. L. N.Allen 'Inmah...... Twenty-firslay moving day Ward...... noise, once acre. ...James R. McNeil fme. dinner-rooArizona Graham on Co., be B. to the the J. EuttaU....Pima, himself again pillow.wuen workshop St. Johns... WUlard Fan COUNTRY 1 0n Acres nnder cultivation, and mod a remarkable sight met him.- - A man shifted out of the line and WARDS. Idaho Paris ................Paris, CASSIA x 10 rods, corner STAKE. water right, 6 miles west. Price $4000 of strikine appearance, with a grey throngs a passage leaaioz to mepassed H. Crosby i ccnri Lot llf feet 2d ...Geo. Union....;.. war Bluff L. MaddUon ..Providence J. F. H. Monsley VaU....... 4th West and South. adob for 10 days. V,,u" den's office. There was no possibility Gladys Coombs..... Vul.ioto..... HORTON D. HAIGHT, President Uenjaiflin Brown beard, but dressed in a blouse, walked Riverton. o. sot, P and frame house, nine rooms, good cellar. Miller Fay When he had oi bis leaving the penitentiary unob Moroni Picket, PER ACRE 20 acres west of city slowly toward the bed. Big Cottomeood .Pnm IF.eon. ...D. B. Brinton Counselors. a few feet, he served, but he within annroached $40 determined, to J. nuiea. Wm.F.Bnm, TOOELE STAKE. between 6th i lo' hi feet, Parowan Parowan Frederick Schoenfeldt as Brighton. to If a Count the start beckoned three tlmts ' posMole by get and tttWest and Sth and 6th North. C&frt Caaaisk Tooele CouatytJlaBt Mill Creek Eatt David Edwards ACHE In tracta from of 20 to thonsrh wanting him to follow Warden. the Costnty, Paragoonah John Neff McClaqghry 400 him without terrorizing was sluing at his desk writing when C. JB. L. Jackson WAXDS. at good water right, 200 acres The M. 8. GOWAXS. President Count BISaTOFS. Paris gazed ValUf F. Barton II. farmers..... 7 10 on 8th forth, new brick in Alfalfa acres, CO inO and Grain. mnvlnir. when ths fl2ure bowing cour the convict came In. lie was a tre Pleasant Grove ....... Orov Daniel McRae Oakfey,... .....John L. Smith Grmngar....... ho.se, live rooms and cellar; half and walked mendously power! nl fellow, weighing James H. Bess..... ..Plymouth,.Pleasant rash, balance 1 year at 10 per cent, a good Ten acres with honse, over Jor teousiv. turnad round from Box 1 Adam G. Smith Qranite..x..... It Elder O Marion........ ..Alra BnUer to more than the Warden time buy. 'l.U'i' qan ia city limits. 'j? slowly away, stopping pounds nily WABDS.' Btaaor.. ..Parodist Spring Matin, ........Enoch R. Dayloy Terrimjan..... .Robert Dansie time and lookice back, repealing his ana his physical superior m every GfD. Gibbs..... F. D. 3t, Jsor Corner William 160 8 acre. acres lot 4th two Creek. m Per T. Mill in Plain miles 7x10, vfau Anion,.... Geddes......... an Imploring way I am going through there,' were fr Hamilton J. Ciiy Ward, witd C fiQfJ Harper beckOninz C4R(n gesture Vxvvv hoases. cheap property. O. H. Bams .. city. Thomas Taylor Mountain DM... aze till te reached ihe door, when he his first words, pointing ta a window IT. C. Parkinson. J.... Preston, Idaho Elbe), W.B. Hsrty Deep Creek M. ........................ T. P. Moss at startled this City behind the 'and can't O. .Thomas you desk, ......PirMi Atno....... ; isappeared. Naturally Samuel Bennlon stop J. B: Harrison........... King nonajoraan ronnn ward, lot 8x19. new C(t:n Per acre. Three to ffour hundred nnnsnal SVrif 1(1 ln W. C. Colictt count A. rose me.' McClaugbry looked tip with a J. A. Grantsrilte... Charles Kimbor, Boa. P easant Green. abearance, Peoa Grouse Creek, Marckant.... X. of west Hardman I brick house with 5 rooms- - A rare wv acres improved, four imiies s from bis bed and walked to the doer smile, entirely concealing his astonish If. W. Anderson. ....Moses Martin city. chance. Peterson Exekiel Holman Lakeview Sandy...;.:..:....;. to see if it bad been tampered with ment, and said: w it, go on: 1 can' R. B. Gardner..... St. John ...D. H. Caldwell South D Cottonwood....... a. AVI 8 Valley Rawlina ........Pine J. C Acre : tracts . L"t H10 n Third West, was locked. STAKE, weary Very won't still Tnere's and but mile it you south try. stop city Tooele City.. South Jordan ..Thos.Atkin, Jr G. M. Pace.. slxteen-shoote- r once more ...Park W. houses, one 2 story with 8 rooms, V limits, at $2S0. A. fell City and Bills man bed a his in outside with he turned Davis Conaty, Vtak, the other 1 story with 4 rooms, fruit and Vernon....... J. O. Sharp South Willow ne Creek Geo. an A. Idaho Cordon...: M. I later shan't. hour who What bat About may you again Stewart ...Rigby, (.Draper)...!. stop asleep. shade trees in abundance. WILLIAM B. SMITH. President. Cheap. manner ? same sudden to Bouse have the James in : Oneida Are started any you sugar a. of, Id Co., . G. Drlggs complain waj Woolf...l,...Riverdale, i r UINTAH STAKE, f R. Gf.JoUey. ......... ..Ranch P.O., Kane Co Xew brick, three rooms, hall and. kite ten, union Again he saw the same figure, this you no t weu t reatc at" Ishmael PMlllns It (Cunsslors. did bed. man be Into the the nearer this "In blocks time Again from Mam 8t. way six got West H. Miller.. Jordan.. P. ...Archibald Gardner t lnlaa County. Ulan. Richjteld New brick honse. 4 rooms, Cth Ward. backon him to follow, and moving to conversation, and after a few minutes T. Gibbons .... . WAKDS, Morth Point.... BISHOPS. Leyt W. Reid Boekpon 8. R. BEXNION. President House two rooms and kitchen, good cellar, Store room, with tenement, Jfood location ward the door.turned with great eager said :'By the wsy.your friends are getsmall lot, 17th Ward. Price 1200. ....Richmond Bountiful, East Chester Call Hunter Ward..... a for business in 6th Ward. ....Wm. MUler R.8. Collett, nesa.and etlll of tener than before.to re ting up a petition tor your pardon M. W. Merrill, Jr James Mocking, JIpmI.,! William Brown neat the same motion with bis hand which I have in my desk. I think it It. M. Kinnon....... Randolph Bountiful, South v WARDS. SANPETE STAKE, Rockville uountffut, west BlSUOrS. Tae band was that xt a gentleman will go through, and that you are fool- C. If. Smith.., J. H. Uraat ...A small and white, and with a ring on ish to try to tscape now. 1 will show W.Paul., .Geo. Freestone Idaho 'Centervi'le.i... ......Nathan Cheney Ashley BemKf j. .....Rexburg, VtsJs. Coaaty. one ol the fingers. it to you and see what yon think of It.' John Johnson J . GUnes Peter Abplaualp Redmoni rarmington J. M. Secrlst OAStTTB PBTIESON, President Frietened at this extraordinary ap Saying this be opened a. drawer and J. L. Peacock.,.:. South T. J. Caldwell Hooper, Merrills Parker ..........Edwin Stirling his A. time woke this pretended to be ramaglng about for Lars Mortensen...Sanford, Conejos Co., Colo EaysviUe... parltion, Count I. ...Wm. Mill.. Shaffer Counselors. ..Potor Barton had some JohnMalbon, narrated what comoanion. and papers, but in reality managed Silas J. Merrill Mountain Veil.. .SprtngviOt Weber. South. ............. ...Drid 8. Cook "Nonsense," replied the lat- to take out his revolver and lay it on William BramalU. BISBTOPS. passed. ...... ..Xat Haal'ng BtverdaJe....... ter. "You ate too much supper and bis lap, I must have been mistaken.' Spanish Fork Spanish Fort R.K. AUrs taesfor................; hi hson Awakened bv a nlirhtmara ne sara. 'there isn't any pen ion here G. B. Crosby, Sprmgerville, Apache Co., Ariz EMERY STAKE, Xphraimjforth Ward.......!, g. Anderson S I am reallv- too tired to talk about it.' with an oath the man stepped forward. Smithjteld UTAH STAKE. .... SmUhKeld The nervous earnestness wuu wuica waen ne saw tae cocsea pi&toi in the Wou McFadyen....... Ksnsry CwstsUy, Vtafe. Ephraisn, South Wmrd......CX 0. tf. Dorias O. SMOOT, Proaldank SaUna A. ....... ...... Fairview........ Amasa the He traveller Tucker the elder story. Warden's lap. repeated O. LARSEK, President. stopped short. L. Buhrke. .. Idaho j..Soda Springs, mm ......... a John Bartholomew moment,cna then said John UOWcVcr, itupicoauu bile jvuaisuumu loogea at raya...s.... ...South Jordan Bolt....... he proposed that the curtwinfOf-the- . Fountain Breen..... Well, you've aot me.' I reckon .James Torgaaon JottoMm, ; ( Counselor. have.-be CtnJa Coaaty, aTtaat uen.tr Store: bed Warden should the aeoea, Ton 'and answered, tJoani's 5ctpio o. A. Madson Gunnison... clothes of hls, so thst in the ;Of a had better not try any games. 'He then Wm. M. AUred St. Charles Idah. .......... Bisxors. BISBOPS. WARDS. Indianola. Snencser Joha third visit be couid be a wakened, with- gave blm a long lecture, expatiated on F. B, Snow. ........................ S- - George 'Oastle XW......M Hemnlnx Olson Monti, tforth..... ............ ...Srnk. T. Reid Alpine ..T. J. McCnllouga out noise. Alter securely fastening tne noeeiessness oi escape-anpor J. Evans Olson Manti, South Samaria, Idaho ....Hans Jensen American Fork........ ....Wm. M. Bromley the curtains ol one bed to the coverings trayed the advantages iccideut to good Rush Valley St. John's, Utah Andrew J. B. Stewart nnoi......................Ol FulslBhor MayfieU........ of the other, each returned to his own behavior In glowing terms. He then O. Olsen Benjamin......... ......Oi 8. Beach M.........M..L. ......... Ell Bonastt ......... Cedar Foi took the man to the main part of the J. McRae... St. Davids, Cochise Co., Arizona couch. t..... . Afora..................i.t..t..jW.ir0M ............. .Salem Jftify.....M..Mi,..M,4-- (J. Carls tenssn Mount A third time tic Count was awak prison, told the guards to keep a sharp A. Enabera...... Wm. Price NT. P. Madsea Goshtn...... Pleasant, Korth.... ened in the samo startling manner. nuuKuut, out isiucieu nut uumsumcni Santaquin .Lorenco Argylo OrmngemUlek................jmBptt Robertson Vount Pleasant, South Santaquih Shore Lake I S. ...Wm. Seelev " I jTX The figure stood close to his bed, and ifrfim that Hma rn fnnu lnfn,mitf4 TJ. Parmley. T. K. Oatler Scofteld, Emery Ce Pree....i.....:..U....i.....Gmo. FraadaoB oprsng vuy. J.A. AUred Lehi the face of the visitor looked down on that man was one of the quietest and J. A Smith.. . .8nowfiake. Arizona Cleveland................ , John Beagly. P. R. .j. airer.P. bv SHrliMg Peacock Mill Fork,... .....J that of the awakened sleeper. The most industrious workmen in prison. A. GoodUfe Larense.. .................. SnowviU ....Calvin Moore, P. K. Watse. ....... ........J. ic. J, 8. Tanner Payson. features of the apparition were plain- ana was soon mane one oi tne trusties . John Brows Pleasant Grove Sandy Upper rires....;..... ...... f. Swell. P. E. ly marked. Taey exhibited great pain Iliad McCunghry attempted to sum- George Marriott. Jefferson TidwelL T. E. mon help be would in ail probability Annie M. Dalley. ..................... Summit Wellington... P. It Johnson Ward....4. Count the Proeo and sadness. The SAN .UAH grasped 8TAKK. IVy.Fir ' ....St. Joseph, Arizona Provo City, Second Word.....J W. Xovslssf hangings. The apparition held up bis have been killed, but his presence of John MeLaws r. A. UAMMOXP, ProaidoBV hand. Toe count jeraea at nis cur nana ana got him cut Joseph Crosby. .......... .St. Johns, Arizona Provo City, Third Ward Myron Taanei JUAB STAKfc Was R. Bloin. tain?, but they fell back without re of as ugly a scrape as a man ever K. Booth CVii Fourth Prove. Ward......... City, .....Spring . slstahce. for the knot had become un in." Jm Caty, VtBlk T.' Gottfredson. Provo CUy, Fifth Ward....Vetet Madaen Sigurd aTUtk. Jmnm tied. Once again the figure retreated Ceaatr. WM. PAXMAK. President. Jesse M. Baker. . .D. XL. Taylor Sa'em Idaht turning but seldom to sorrowfully, .Bluff CUg. .n.Jent Neilsoa Santaquin.. My son. this life is the chrysalis James Lewis.........n...........Teton, ... Arizona Toylor; Hal May ...Georte oeckon, as inouga tne attempt naa state of man. Be sure there are no F.JV. ....i.-Os- o. W.McOonkla, P, E. been given up in despair. ........... Young...... ........,.....:-.- . iTeasdale ror.. ........;g. Spanish p. SnoU on von. eo butterflies then ahead. It was now near daybreak. The JJuluth Vf an.. Knaery County, Packard pringvCle...................Keph 2'aragrapher. ; : ." . n Count woke hU compabion, and they w. fr. omngiiaM.............Vr...Tkutbet -J ......... a, a. oiewan TJmponyo..................reter U Wests ......M.M..Elmer Taylor vo,. .. sat up together till morning. A man living ln a western town savs J.Psrcival ............ Lee.. ...Thatcher irotesnaMi.M L E. P. Jonoa. ...F. ........ B. L. Whitnsy yrtt .t,... Mapteton., tae ac dawn Aagaard alter was his caretaker, the only bouse intact after a Shortly ...................... ..Tooele Ccai......,.......M.....KeU .......... Vonm. ...... l ..... , Joha Klenko E riota Co.. CoIohmIo. Usavn. ' agreement, recent cyclone and attrloutea bis good J.Tooele cording totne previous Emery Coaaly, ' B. Jardine Trenton, Cache Co., Utah S'rphi, First Ward...... ........... uoor, wnicn tne eount luck to the fact that it had a heavy knecked at David Williams Pleasant 1 .Wi H. Warner Man m....v.......M.. HaU :.Ot.rt John, Batty.:.... unlocked without difficulty, and tne mortgage on It. Detroit Free Press. .....Toouerviiie 9ephi, Second Ward...., - DavM UdaU Kw Moxtoo. Charles Demey WASATCH STAKE. morning meal was brought fn. .The .j,.fruUnion ' ' caretaker looked cutiiousiy at the two A. J. Workman. ...... O. Bnrnbam Luther Off ; : Waaatela County, Vtimx Virgin ...u... KANAB STAKE, as to inclined ask visitors though J. . Vernon Ln jETOZTL Plata p. Sharp Jno. Clawsos. P. EABBAM HATCH, President. questions, lie, however, did; not DESERBT Sta West Porta at BMly, VtsJfe. J. D. Gibbs....: IGEiTS: his intention. out H. Giles. I T. carry 1RBTAKFA8T" 81z Holes actf wIU cat jwrMiU vt "IAKLT W. Crook... X. B. WOOLLKT, PrssldoaW IL 8. Alexander, CoBBselors. Wanship Tne travellers, mindful of their 8AM LUIS STAKE. .1 . Kaamle4 Cyyer Eeservair. WeUsville CtAop.. ................... Wellsville remark-- 'Ihe WABDS. Thomas Chamberialn. BISBOrS. promise,wenmade no ana . Coaojoa Co.. Coloradio. Daniel 8oogmUlor, West Jordan B. Gojr.... ........ JOoBBSolosm, norses, rwrcsneo, Centra.. groomed ClnS ' Benjamin - .......... 8. 8. SMITH. Presideat ' are the; Authorizes W. E. Ifuttall.. ' susB-ors-. iournty. and the Tne CS art sit on ...... ........ , Jl. O. Mnrdook WaUstmrg Heavier Than ths Heaviest, ' Better Than the Best were ready for their ltfstue coattau. the Agents following Summit Utah F. Moon..... Co., Woodland, Meter, Ma................... 8. Xak for the Dksebst Nkws lit. theii J. WChStensOB. fc6nn.sl.rs. Porter. P. K. caretakt r re.uKtDg to accept any pay- ' G.M. Crawford. .................. Washington fetory.................y'. ' ' TMM KOIT OOMThm ITOVB OF THK AGS. Meter, West.....................Tlenrr Clegs mentor gratuity, ino two men rode respective towns: ; cnUor BISBOrS. ?s4rto.w.w....w.....i.R. : wabds. j. P. By W. Brewerton... WUlard Midway...... .....U........D. Van Wasonop away, reached tueir point ot embarka- 4Atten,Boellan1 Creek,vla American Falls. I AT.E. . " Peter Rasmnssen tZr VATJIVTLKM tH JCVKBY RKSPKCT. skma..............r.... Eastman.... .Woodrvf, Rich Co. Utah oIon..............W.D. Johnson, Fra uton Wallsburg. tion, and arrived safely In England. RoblaSOB B. ........... ...J. O. Daiton Woodland.; ........................P. IOMInMHm,Mmm.....I. AfnMM..... S.B.Bigginbottom,KeaeymJle,AmeHeonFaVs Not many years later the elder of the American Henry Moon. u. K. P. KiehJUid N. Potorsoa Fork Johnson, Fori .............T. ...American ce Frat to two returned Perrg.....,..., and accepted J. B. Oark. ... ........ ...:.,. Weston, Idaho tne new state of things. Tne .American Fork J. C Owen.. Woodruff. Avetche Co.Jlrixona Moieusta.....i.w.:..c HeatoB, T. X. Bona William Grant...... WEBER STAKE, Mount 41 SOCTfl ST. FIRST & 39 ST. JOSEPH STAKE, v v .... e. S. Lewis Onrmet.....,.M. JL B., M. Jollsy CO,, parte Government enured blm an ad Albion, Cassia Co., Idaho Geo, PaMcy .................. ...Cmo Ajrinona Brobof Coaaty, CtBBw in CHRISTOPHER ' W. XanUa the ministrative This PresWost' north. Marsh. post LATTON, OrdrvUfaM....,,....Mn, I. ' ..Alpine . ...' ' W. I ......... Pahreah.i. the Count accepted, and among the SnURTLIFF, President William D.Johnsen. Thomas W. Smith. P. K. ' F. Hunter. ....... .Alma, Wehts Co., Utah "f ' F. Middleton, J ot oer inducements when led to nmes J. It Muniueau. 7, j CM,lw' v Graham (Ranck P. 0.'j...JQ. D. Btacdo.ald Counselors. Botcns.. ................ Afm N. was bis eluC the chance of Flygaro, acceptance V'I . Craasiwa Coaaty, Arlaeaa . .. . F. . Co. Arizcm Beywood... WABDS. Alpine, Apache wnich the mystery BISHOPS. cidating MARICOPA STAKE, WABDS. recurred to bis memory. A constantly BISBOPSu : n very short C. C. Bartlett......... ...... Ashley, Uintah Co M. Perron sbC. HskW . time elspsed after assuming his duties MT. Tan Lemven.. " Central... StirlcfM Coaatjr, ArlBsma. or otsotootssooosQ6r Aui'1'ImKIo..m.m...mm........P. G. Tayiof ..;..rora when ne made luuuirles as to tho frtffham City p Brighaim City CHA8 I. JtOBSON. President 1 Cnrs....,.......................M. M. Curtis Hooper,.,.. ......Wm. W. Child f chateau and its owners. W. JIulme Idaho ram., .................... p.o.XeterOB asmisvwM,M.MMnM....M(...xavia The story told him was that the $ear Hirer ,..............iBloominoton, McKay Co op..,,. ....... .Bear River City PRESIDENCY MD BISHOPS Joha WaUer Lyum. Laytoa.. chateau belonged to the Marquis de . y. Thonuta ... ....... Matthews Branch: ' D. K. jr. Kevada Bunker; Bunkervil. Matthews, reP.E a gentleman ol great wealin and of WABDS. jn. BISBOrS. iraTroa.....MMM.....;....JaaiM Rlohls tired habits. When somewhat ad- J. B. Brinton... ...... ......... ...Brinton Cecals CoaaAy, ArlaotMt. I. Mound yorf....k.......... ...... David Monro m.. .O. M. Stewart . ..................... vanced in life he bad married a girl of ...Benton Rogers. of tub x. B. Jones Pima.... ........... ... ...... . ... . Jeha Taylor Morth Ogdon................Taoe. Waluvos lehi... low extraction but ot great beauty Beaver Beatrm Mens (Zonoa P. O.).. ...... ..v.E. Pomoroy St Davids....... .........sL. H. Morrill 'Ogden, First Ward....,.... O. CritoholoW the daughter of the peat-an- t who now C. C. Burr.... ... NORTHERS-GROW- S ..BwrrviBt 8EED3. ' WE ABB THjB PRODUCERS Ot took . . care of A the i.... ............ Dante. P. Joaoe Thatcher.. ..,...........&sMnel Clartdjra Ogelen, Sooond Ward. ...Bobert MoQnarrte ZIob. chateau. Stakes f year or L.B, Redd, Jttn... BUY sId ns. They are the best In tie world.;. They are the best for ah two after their Organltcd ...Bluff City A'ephi.. Winslow Parr Ogden, Third Ward,... ...............SaranelOpenshaw pj marriage a half brother tT. Bevbome........ ....... ...Cedar Of Ogden, Fourth Ward.,....Eiwn Stratford 8NOWFLAKE STAKE. climates. Tiuy Are earlier, more hardy, vigorous and productive than those of the MarquiS had left the army and earns to reside with bis brother.' nni i?o Q. Biglr..Ckntral,. Graham Co ArU. Ths indicates the PresldsntTs adaett Ogden, FVlk War4...Tuou. J. Slevsas A paeho County, Arlxonn. grown In lower altitudes. We keep a. large stock of fresh seed and believe some months later all three v P. K. Presiding Elder. ' MILLARD STAKE, Fiatn atg...............Q. W. BramwelL Jr. disappeared : Jos. xirkham...... .......... .Cedar Valley v O P. . , that we can give yon satisfaction. Wef unhesitatingly affirm that no better from the country together, Offics JESSK N. SMTTH, President , post rddress. without wauam Badsom..: tTaais PUasani Mlllarol CajBty, Utah. ';" E. W. Wad seeds than those ivo deal In can bb proCtjrbd. 'Bestowins; such tisiduous : BEAVER STAKE. , - - , Lorenzo II. Hatch. I ..Sanford Binrham Counselors. Rivatdale....,.. care i Prosldent In are under of oar HIKCBXXT, of the the father seeds we JusOfiwl placed feel vnsxuutassid care upon them, wrun iisaytag Joseph IL Richards, Idaho Bearer CoMfy. VUtlk J. A. Altrod SlaUruille..... an old gamekeeper. The 5 ..,T....r....ciw We do not pretend o be h Vonly house ln the west selling the Maiqoii, ! .WAKDS. ..' ... , BUXOPS. Went Weber..... .......Z&chsjris. Ballantyno ..........Charltsto purity and quality. of in succession Incidents the MURBOCK. FMalaMt. t. rapid w claim nave -the best seed we do very tha ....... Pl . ... v ostbbrn grown MD8." but JBevolut ion, oy absorbing public inter..............Niels Peterson WUson. .......... U. Bingtuun ' BISBOPS. Momu.....ixrctvus, rnuta va utan WABB.; Over the country, for several est, bad ore vented Inautrv The X Al Ktdredge, ChesterjMd, Bingham Co.Ud Hansen UitUmA...................,....Um F. Stoddard .mm', .m......... .... . to be bad anywhere; and that baa not been all out Hsu s. Black Shrtow. ........ 0Ot... .J. commission boxes at send sot we . do any caretaker led a Kloorsv. noiltarv life atk r ehn Jardine.... ......... f.. ...... ..Clarkstom . '; WARDS. ..'tosHOPS. John Hnnt Eaneeviae.......Yeter B. Potersoa' years, ln commission boxes, aa Snotrfiak,. FWrWis......m.mTbos. C. CalUater St. It ..1 . IT. Seeds for our Northern-grow- n . ..... all, as so many do. Ask yur boms mxrchaht Bushman ...... ..9m9,Chestet .............John Joseph GoUn AdamsviUe.:...i:.:7:..'.':...trt4 T. R. Stevens lYotden...,..,; hr a rrm fair be at can sold and afford When he went tn an nnt aa stocks low reliable nnrohtn. JlPmrish....................-...Centervia- t Oc Mtics are ... JXerrlt E. WQlis First Ward...... White Beaver, see Taylor,. I'MMkmtMMHHHHHutHtl.ii Kimball the conduct the of Whea any enasres occnr hi ths for. and labor attending proper .l...a.V, for the expense Allen Second Tonlo...... ...Rial Co I Bearer, Write notused Garteli aU Ward.....,.'......J.X.&mlh 'seeds. have Chris B, naii'npteaM,..M.M.....L J. trora oni UaasoB who X. MeCMweh.....:,.Cofote, Ust ths Stake presiding ontcora wlh with money. business. We ask a trial order ., provided going James C Owsns confer a fator for circulars. Address all correspondence to the UTAH NURSERY CO.. .11. B. Bennett Woodruff. ...DeweyvUlt Greenville,...: .. . ...: ... .,,; Jos. 8. Morris Meadow Creek....... Arming nimseii with the necessary J. C.Dewey..,. by reporting tho tamo to ths ; B. Tanner .a General Western Aeency, Salt Lake City. Utah. nrobablv lent it. .games Jno..i. egal aathorlty.w-jicArlxonn. yjford .Pater Draper Andaraon Xaws Dbsbbbt County. ...,,.;.H......t. Tavapal Omen, so tho list may to ra..........,M..,. M'rn. self easily to the functionaries of the Joshua Bennett........ NORT1IRUP BRASLAN & GOODWINS CO., Mlr.espn1tsf . Deter et Vuuvsxle- m Janet McKnlghl 'A.k....M.......M,ThOBias Tatss Moaneepy ......David BriskorkoaT corrected. . Trp llulft EVENING NEWS. jrMVr J Vl jj jrll y i Sic myitery. paired to the chateau - -- well-kno- wn W, -- - Co-o- 1 If . Eagle; EmjppoiK 50'Eii snort Traps, $7 25 " " Co-o- p. . eacli Bamurxa.cu.1"- . Co-o- p S10 00 eacL hfe-rth- e Wraus; $12 00 eacli .. Clors. priest-followe- DdCao.:'' well-know- 50 Seal Plnsli Vraps, 16 50 eacli. 300 FINE SEAL PLUSH WRAPS, 500 NEWMAttKETS, . 300 MISSES COATS. In nllf 2,000 Garments to Select from. -- B , Co-op.- .. 1? - la.. . pa-sag- e Vi-ie- n THOEIPSOU, ALLEN CO .I . . Seal Estate Agenby. half-broth- : - er Co-o- e t." er - . " V 1111 1 . p Tl' ow - - . L"1 m, , fire-plac- ChaSene, - e - rt.'.. . u . Q-- i - - for-hre- 1W e 44-1- 00, -- - i. o v -- t i m, Co-o- p ; sun Co-op.- I4k. , tt , . Co-o- ft"-?O0- one-hal- . f lite; i " EARLY BREAKFAST - -- Co-o- p a Co-o- ! t ". Co-o- p -- rrri..........w.......,.... ' 1 . .... - ..........a. - :z-- Co-op- ... " . 71TOOxl- OOAIi OH Ay im' rrUl i .. " ! n - ... P.TT'.IIADSEN & r- - - " - - " ' ' y - -- . !' . j ; . " . a , Matters of interest i - 1 .. ............J. Co-o- - - Gavdehers and farmers. ....,,..;... .,,.,.i. . . . ., I I '.. iS-'iCoBS- TU.. ra. .......... . . .p.n, . i . h i |