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Show ajBaawasanswiaaseagnw. rr - JtLib. EB.B1 TBXJ"TH AND NO. 300. NEWS. yBWEBflNClx LIBlfeTT SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1888. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TERRITORY VOL. XXI. l' Cll ICAGO TIIADE. NEW YORK TRADE. WOLFF MAWF'C ilK! 8 r ri.rnitv.ii MAMKAi-T- l Mrillru i Si;i,rl.i L . It.. Water riisi-U;Itath Ti;! Sjasar t i trt ti U of !Uo latest ami u) fioUctl K!. Mr:ir' h, J';jr ci iiii,'i,iir: 'i'til'S Uiundry :uii iiz Xui, !rt? and l'enli and all kt:i1s t j fciutw 1:1 t?;!iilcr'3 Materi.ils iron. and t C;ipir, an (Jdl)iQt Worn is , V nMj-- t h'.ii-S.V- ' I in.'.KU-ata- l fc!.i..tt Sirr-- t. WVrt t- u CIIICAaOor lltu&iraifd - - .. - ILL-Ifrtf- e Cataljffiut. dlj J Star Horse Ms . POLIiHSD OR CLUED. IIt mr best oid bt Z. 0. M. I. fur o et JS yea. They Ate the Best Aalls aiHde, and guaranteed t. aiyaa ibt best of satialhcUos. Will ssid Shoe oa longer iha.a ay ethsr. oil Slil Fr starts. (ale al. 61., Absolutely Pure. ILL. CHICAGO,! and by Z. O. M. by . i lu,Cur.ll7'&rk Str'.t, WentJ , would like to dijappelnt his enemies not doinz what they expect him to do, and for which they have, during the abused him. It will astonish Mining Explosion in Kansas, in campaign, some people to know.that Senator John Sherman will probably be premier of Which All the Miners the Cabinet, lie has been 'in the Senare Killed. ate until! he Is old and tired of the honor.i; Ue wonld find no glory la. the of the Treasary. As Secretaryship Arranging President Harrison's chairman ot the Senate committee on recent foreign relations, ar.d In theeltiaor-clinarCabinet Without Asking uls y fUheiies debate, he showed a diplomat. Assistance. ability aa Alter four veara as secretary 01 State, John Sherman, 73 years old, John Baker, who "Downed" Con could retire with all the honors poli tics conid give him. gressman Morrison, is Him' HKKE IS A CADIKKT self Defeated. elate which seems to stand first in popularity with General Harrison's The Result lu West Virginia is most intimate friends: Secretary of State, John Sherman ot Still Unknown and very Ohio. Secretary oi the Treasury. Warner Doubtful. Miller of New York. Attorney General. John apooner ot Wisconsin. ,5 Further Regarding the London . rostra is eti er Horror.-OthSwift California. Intelligence Secretary of the Interior. Matthew 9. of Interest. Quay of Pennsylvania. Secretary of War, liussell A. Alger of Michigan. to By TclcRraph tte N'sws.l Secretary of the Navy. Lonz oi Massachusetts. TEBBIBLE DIHIMTKB. Here is another slate mentioned wrta LAST NIGHT'S NEWS :V A Mining-- Eaplesles mm m laiae favor of State. John3herman of This powder never varies. A marvel of Secretary Haaibsr Killed. ( More Oiio. sf KtrctiKth aud wlioletiomcneits. purity, economical than the ordinary kinds, and Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 0. A jour AUSecretary of the Treasury, wni. . rnnnot be. sold in competition with the mul sob of Iowa. nal titude of lew teH. Bliort wei&ht alum or special from Pittsburg, Kansas, of Attorney vnhi Hold ' in cant. says: The moat dreadful disaster in Wisconsin. General, Join. Spooner phosphate powders. 15 a 106 Wall Co k'ovai. St., the kim; Powder l'ostmaster-Gecera- l. a Californian. 0 t KSRKS !) j - , Cleveland's plurality 90, Streetor for S7S, agalost 224 Isplurality defBlaioo ia im. It? pretty Hir-that1. General I initely settled rioaian win te riron's &300. plurality inofficial will The about figures for several probably asnot be known counties have thre yet, only days been received by the secretary of state. Tne entir republican state ticket Is elected from the governor down to tao rrportet of the supreme f court. nkvaOa. San Francisco. Nov. 9 Returns from all but 75 precincts in the State of Nevada give Harrison G134, Cleveland 44C5, Fisk 8. For Congress, Bar-tinrep., bW9, Caasiay, dem., 47l'J. The LaaJaat Uerrr. victim like all London, Nov. the others was a prostitute. She was married. Her hostand is a porter They lived together-a- t spasmodic Intervals. Her name is believed to have been Lizzie Usher, but to most habitues of haunts she was known as Mary Jane, ble htd a room in tbe house where sae Wa4 murdered. She carried a latch key, and no one knows at Wbat hoar- she entered the bouse last night. Probably no one saw tne maniwno accompanied her, and therefore it is hardly likely he win ever oe loentmea. He might easily have left the house at any time between I and 8 this morning without attracting attention. tae aoctors wno nave exatniuea tne remains refuse to make any statement until an lonest is held. 57. e, AFPRGVU. i So well known fiEMEDYPAlN XT CUXUE38 Neuralgia, Backache, Headache. Taetnacfts, Sprains ralsea, c. at Pracfta 9.he aa htalrn. i e ttXX.X.XOXV8 or Bottles Sold And In Every One p.-i.- A CURB THtChas. A. VaoelerCe. aaUteera, BM. by the leading Chean'sts of the United flak's. They certify that they are the strongest mid puiet, fic from 110 ACRE FARM Ani-nioni- a, LEASE FOB TERM OF. THttKE rjlO 1 years. Situated four trrfles fram Park on to road lleber City. Known as the "Hailstone farm." Knquireof W. Pelereen. 'H bouth St., Salt Lake Butcher, dAstf City. and Lime, Alum and other deleterious authorizing publications over their own mines that bi'-aprepared from I)r. Price's Cream J3aking Powder is the most 'wholesome cereal food known to civilization. 8 City, suK-Uaiu'i'-- t, W.-Kir- d - KraespoRD's Reduction OWE 1 MM! WW ULL LINE CHINESE AND JAPAN ese Goods. Chinawaru. bilks. Hi'W ndkerchiefs. Novelties, Toys, etc. QUOSG WONG SING Xo. THE BLOOD HOUKDS history of Kansas occurred at .N.I. o'clock this eyeoinK. When the .men work E. HAMLIN & CO., were preparing to leave off tbelr in shaft No. 2. at 1'rontenac. a suburb of I'ittsburjf, an explosion was heard Manufacturers & Jobbers, that suook tbe earth for a great distance and completely shattered the 344 BROADWAY, shaft. On investigation It was found that 100 were in the mine at the time of the explosion. Being 112 feet below the surface, it ia almost certain that i and Flavoring Extracts, for thoir streiit!i, pv.rlfy ami oxer!-lencoverall othen?, tliat they have the approval of 'tli 1'. ' S. (jovernraent and are used ;;t iN v aioas iniliUuy The use ot these nitielos is leeomnu iMled in ewry i'lhi-il- y IT CONQUERS PAIN: absuaatlaa. are Dr. Price's Cnim: i';iLin: I'c 30 Comtneroial Street. ' belonging to private citizens were Secretary of the Interior, Joseph 11. taken to the place where the body lay Hawlev of Connecticut. VmV U placed on the scent of the murder Secrtarv of War. Warner Miller of and er, out were uoaDie to Keep it ior any New York. II great distance and all hope of Secretary of the Navy, another . New the- - assassin down with tbeirrunning assist Yorker. ance will have to be abandoned. If: Sherman is not in the cabinet, ex- Tbe murdered woman told a com Governor Foster will represent Ohio panion in the evening that she was out AT THE with a portfolio. Hon. Chauncev M. of money and wonld commit suicide FOD THE LACDIIT. FOB E T A If LE. a of has been also lor Depew spoken if she did not obtain a supply. It has In cabinet. the place been learned that a man respectably THE VEBY PERFECTION OF QUALITY. It la conceded, will not be dressed Indiana, accosted bis victim and of ALL ARK DEAD. U a. 5n it! Clotlisi. etc. srfven the if cabinet, Floor place is to went fered her her money. They little doubt who loading, no noise was neard during shouldVfthere At, this writing the only two excep No. 23 W. Klrst SoutU St. tions were two men Wno were in the would get it. The tbe night and nothing was known of commit up and belne near the tOD to went murder it the nntil tbe NKW landlady C. HON. JOHN of the shaft managed to escape. Fitts- tbe room early this morning to ask tor 3, I'fn Sc., Kew Trk. ourg is in tne center oi the coal mines is the man. Ills friends say he will her rent. Tbe first thiug she saw on an applicant for any place. To tbe room was tbe woman's or iiacil a complete Mock of thi of southeastern Kansas and about 100 not be miles Bouth of Kansas City, on the him more than any other one man, the entering v.c known ami and breasts viscera lying on the table. tslcbratea Fort Scott & Gall Railroad. Indllantans say. is due the cre&it 01 - CT 351 IN IBB COMMONS' X I?,k St. .Louis. Nov. U. A jpecial from General7 Harrison's nomination and 3Rifle, Pittsburg. Kansas, to the liepublican also bis success in the state on Tnes today. Cony bear asked the question Clastiug. Keuturky fair Lavrn, EucK, Klectrlc Fuse gives the following account ot the coal day. whether it was troe tnat aaotner woman bad been murdered lnLenden, mine exploeioc there (his evening: A Bala all the at wholesale and retail by For terrific that Droke the win and if so, whether General Warren, ELEtTHIJI KOTt'S. leading stores In the Territory, and by dows inexplosion this little village and spread Chief of the Metropolitan Police, wholesale only by J. W. Sanders A Co, consternation among the Inhabitants Speaker CarlUI' CaM.-W- esl Vlr- - ought hot to be superseded by an offAgent, salt Lake ctw. occurred about dusk tonight. The icer accustomed to investigating crime. 13 clnlav Still UmHtftletf. violence ot the shock was so great as The speaker said notice must be TtlXiNTUXX V, to hurl the dishes from shelves and THE CHIEF given of tbe. question in writing. ATI, Nov. 9. Today the bal disdss demolish chimneys. Half an hour af lots cast in Kenton REAL ESTATE. Cunningham uranam men asxea n rmr Its Toilet County for con General Mnalr ter tne explosion the villagers who Warren bad already rerigned, ow Whlu Md t bsolmtely Pare. If you have Real Kstate to Sell ; district from the sixth (Car were preparing to eo to the mines were gressman to which Smith, the government leadIf you want to Buy Ueal Estate; If f oar dealer doe not keep Whit Cloud startled by a ragged, bkedinjt man who lisle's);, were counted at Independence, er, replied: "No." If you have Houses to Kent; ied ceats for samals cats to the almost staggered Into the arms of the Kentucky, and abont Jf vu want to Kent a House ; of Bakers, searchers. He said shaft No. 2 at them found to be If you have Money to Loan: niaaslrana rire. and - edged , rough 'I If you want to llorrow Money; a mining suburb of this Frontenac, S. KIRK & FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Como and see us, Rochester, N. Y.; Nov. 9. The perforated. The republican committee most valley, bad disastrous the ever experienced T .w. K1RST SOUTH ST. against the counting of protested BKKN DE9TRO.VKD them ; COt of these ballots were cast in in this city occurred this evening at by an explosion, and that all the men Campbell County, and the republicans the works of the Kteam Gague & Lania the mine at the tine except himself protested against toeir oemg countea. tern Company. It was located in a DR. R03IAMA B. PRATT. and !VoYev' a Dane, whom he left bleeding at These ballots were distributed in conatones witn two buudiog oi even of re were mouth the undoubted the Genthe siderable numbers near was situated pit, throughout basements. It SALT LAKE CITT, ly dead. Horses were quickly har mainder of the district. esee Falls. The fire broke out at 7:33 TifVVV'OTiM i Syetltlty mde of Scientifically nessed to wagons, and in a few min About forty people were at o'clock. CALIFORNIA BREWERY. BARNL'M BETTER. utes the villagers were hurrying work, mostly on the third floor. The TESTING THE EY the fierce snow and sleet Neve Haven. Nov. 9. W. U. Bar- - smoke was very dense and the men through storm which was raging. At the month nom'a condition is improved and his could not reach Awry rowv the fire escapes and and of the mine the tremendous force of physician expects him to be around in were forced to jump from third the tt-SSScon-- t 6s Co LiQM BEER, ALE and PORTER the explosion was apparent. There a week or so. story. Fourteen lumped on the west were husre seams in the earth, and the 5AVX vjtrtE cvty-- ' N. Y.. Nov. 9. Secretary J. side of the building and were frightFITTIAO SPECTACLES. timbers WHOLESALE AND KETAlL Eifliiiu, of the hoisting apparatus were Sleat rassett of the national repuo fully injured, six of them dying wi hin seW'vwa our burned. Sa.aad Atilh MroH, '?firo Poor Foul gasses llcan comtplttee was serenaded this an hour. Four others will die before shivered and ty e,ttM5 (Jftloe at Dcsci ct Hospital, corner of First were escaping. The Dane who bad evening. Two thousand enthusiastic morning. Their names are Joseph Warm escaped with the rraa who alarmed republicans tilled bis lawn, senator Darner, jonn uremaur, josepn weo-be- r, North anl Second West Street. bis Fasseitt made a response, in Harry Schneider and John Gall- enr) passes the the villagers lay in the modorwith iprihs car track (blue a long which be said the oriel lace covered with oiooo. commit The wounded are Kicoara republican building. Hours from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. . MANUFACTURERS' 11 was was ae aeaa. But tee bad written its speech in the re Pasep, fatally time inouirai Frank Siddons, Dan W Atkins, dtf Ci- -, Telephones. he regained consciousness In a few turns from nearly every or state north ot John Geerln. It. is tbrugbt-fivhours and is now at home. He cannot Mason and Dixon's line. Tne issue more bodies are in the ruins, including speak and does not know what caused has not been donbtful since the day one or more girls. The losses on tbe COiNTRACTORS md BUILDERS. the explosion. His clothes were In wben the voice of Oregon In the west building are iH.ikW; on lantern plant, ribbons. The man who reached tae had echoed from the hills ot Maine in 43175,000, or SKULKS villasre with the first tidings of the the east. Free trade would not soon disaster and who accompanied the res again be forced into a national cam (.'bluet Minister BniHineted. XL , 1 XJ cuersback .to the mine, said the men paign. It had been decided by the in nsual banquet Nov. London, were telligent voters of thp Union that the to the cabinet ministers was given Ssih, Doors, Blinds, Mouldlof, at do AHOL'T TO ltIT snouia national policy Salis , Shingles, Lath, Pickets EU. Lord Gnild Hall this evening. THAT OF MtOTICTlOX work for the day when the explosion Tailor-Mad- e bury delivered a long speech. lie deoccurred. Together with the Dane, he to our industries and the nied that the government had yielded V lumber 8iwed and DreaaedU Oran. preservation In car bad to ridden of the the the top American marsets to the proa acta to their opponents on the question of S:l tm 40 Sirth, mem fAt BS. shall, when the earth seemed to snap 01 American labor. There were two the Irish policy. England bad perhaps oeneatn mm, ana tne next tmng ne of TtiraoK No. sis. be noticed mat popular institutions exreanzea was the splashing 01 snow issues in athis state that must yet proper restriction of the isted to the westward I laughter. even and water upon his face as le decided, 4 traffic and the proper protection this In America would add more to the lay beside his comrade in the; liquor 9 tZarlBAT sstaeted our own Cloths, and haylns; all our goods mads the - . a. history of electioneeringf than to and J- J3 v H 7. above mine. the There wreckage ot Warner re 3 a whom be defeat of Miller, oar own uperriaion, we are now ready and are displaying under Laughter politics, history were ItiU man in the mine at the time of op . nooiest ana cheers It there was any complaint met tne explosion, and as they were at garded otas one 01 tne was and most select lines ot with Bandsomeat ot one ThMO tbe riLXS 3 r.CL3-s3"men, but he glorious against the Washington statesmen, it s work 112 feet below the surface it is purest v. even V defeat he because two in not Involve did nations. tbe 8 i and maj represented J, Vj believed that no one survived the great whicu would ultiCheers ! Washington statesmen bad as the explosion must have De great principles MERCHANT TAILOR shock, 1 i trlamDh. at TAILOR-HAD- E taken mately commended themselves tV any time with not apparently stroyed everything in the pit, and be o UTiiCA, N. Y... Nov. 9.. The following to the approval ci Americans. - ia reBide these blazing piles the women of has been received by Warner gam to luo ueoui vi uuivi .y- - benefit. the entombed miners placed their dispatch r Miller: oeared that au oi tue ruiers naa an while themselves tried children, they CD They core all forms of - e Dy all aiaas 01 entreaties to inut.ee tne Has opened his "I am greatly grieved at your defeat. It earnest and intense desire to maintain HaJariavU Diaeasea amal Fe- miners from other shatis t J enter the the intrepid leader feJOuttide the breast peace. USTZEW workfvtitc column inspired by his couratrc pit and rescue their relatives. One went naed to n 10 victory. Temu anal rescuinsc party started down the shaft this sclent M 3 "UESJAMIS HARRISON ' Only a Tear Stop 7 was at o'clock, but forced to turn tne and tlmnlate Liter and don't' let it go business where it is No. 25 W. South Temple Street, back, owing to the foul air. IiiitNK Cliff. Nov. 9. Hon. Levi P. any further. Only a short time rgo Morton, elect, has been one of these scientific Joskins analyzed Kidney to healthy action, (Opposite Temple) ANOTHER ATTEMPT busy today reading congratulatory s tear that had trickled down upon tne The WITH AH are InTalnablo for was made at 0 o'clock, but the plucky caoiesaou reiegrauii upon the suc cheek of a lady wlio wanted a new rescuers were r aoan 10 of cessful cult the axain campa gn. Headache. DlIlonsneM and KTIRE XEW STOCK don their work. Theyiorcea dress, and he found it to contain phos conid hear no of lime, chloride oi soaium ana ALABAMA. phate or sound from the chambers below and tlowel Complaints. an water. since reading mat this lead old miners to believe that Bihmi.noham, Nov. 9. Chairman alysis weEver and in faith have tears, lost ! all the men in the shaft have perished Mo3e4y of the republican state execu no matter what a person is oeiiowwg II IBSfieiSTS, 2SCTS. PER I8L & CO. Other attempts will be made to reach tive committee announces that he will about, we can only look at the tears as He is also authorized by the late V. tne entombed men oeiore morninx. contest the election of congres? m in In tbev now over beauty's coeeic. and Those who started down the shaft the llrst, sixth and seventh districts. think of tbe phosphate of lime, chlorLIMIT SO O. Tailors to pay and collect all aept of early In the morning say that the shock lie assert1) ne can prove traud at the ide of sodium and water. Tbe analysis Graeferibrff . d0a he said Corporation. has destroyed the wntie drill, and that potts! anu win oe aoic to seat tne re has knocked all the poetry out of tears 'isi. men e a art taat low it is proaaoie the Contestants. for us, and we ieel as though we .1 er levels are buried' beneata.fons of publican CHILDREN'S PANACEA. wanted our money back, it tne UNDERTAKERS. ARIZONA. slate. Black damp Is supposed to scien 1st will refund wbat he has have caused the explosion. Most ol Ovei 250 Patterns In both Fine and Medium Oradas. Onr gar Tombstone, Nsv. 9. Mark Smitrr taken from us, he can have bis own lest Madietaa for ClUlarta. M rats ytt ESTABLISBSD 1SSS. the miners at these shafts came orig dem, V ior ueiegate to congress, nas a analysis. ments are trimmed np In the very best of style, equal to Cob torn Made, 01 tne trom mines inally rennsyivama. majority in the Territory of Mw. new and a bas Tbe knife who and Fit guaranteed. ', boy JOSKrtl i:. TATLOB, WEST VIRGINIA. doesn't mar age to cut bis tinners with Our Expenses being small, we propose to give the; Public tbe WaablnKtoM Kewt, some bow learn before dark may it day 9 Nov. counties and sell onr goods reasonable, Forty Dla). benefit Wheeling. t( Washisgtox, Nor. 9. Senator Gor show a net republican gain of 4.04a. to s eep and wash disbes successfully, CRAEFENDERG CO. be never icet to will he Drestuentoi it man ot Baltimore called at the White The remaining 11 counties will at the bat ..ni llaChambers Rt.. If T-e 1 States, even If he lives to I House and had an Interview same rate give the republicans a gain tbe Unt ears today I witn the President. old. journal or i.acaiwn. of 799, which would give the state to be lou ; P.?e5w5-JE- V -! 1 Commerce Commis tbe republicans by t24 majority. "is!' Th? Inter-Staa decision that it has has rendered sion WYOMING. Ttaelr BalaM Bsbi1bk. Blanufatctarers or ua Dealers lm no authority no one thins has caused Cuxyenne. Nov. 9 J. M. Carey, Probably to Interfere with the regulations of the .rep., is OaTerltofr Xjeudea aeiegate to con sncb a general revival of trade at A. C. over at commissioners uaetle gress' by about, 2,iw majority Smith & co's urusr store as their eiv- inauguration vr ITZET DF.SCRirTIOS, ot in matter the democratic the cantldate. Ids; away to their enstomers of so Organ, Garden, New York, GO. the arrangements for ticketing itumi ibis is oeany aouoie any previous many free trial bottles of Dr. King's I3 by rail to interior points, be ant Mats C grants as4 aetarsr Kaaaf majority.! la m1h New ior uonsumpMon. Discovery An Important Announcement JOI1JI Kit. cause those commissioners are ap Repreaeated Tbeir trade is simply enormous in this WE ALSO OFFER AN EXCELLENT MORRISON'S CONQUEROR GONE. Ahoat alz wwta act, while at bastnaaa. I bv state and the their control ASD CLITa pointed IBTEIEI METALLIC. tnat WQ53 article from tbe fact valuable very attacked was with excniclailnS Z. O. M. 1. and its brand sa.e at suddenly For of immigration has been sanctioned by tj- Seam A I.iddle and dealers g:eeralr. ' 8t. Louis. Nov. 9. A special from it always cures an l never atappoints. pains ia my feet, knees and handa. 80 wt ore. Um attack Uiat 1 took my bed Immediately, the government. Nashville says Forman (dem.) tor Con Coagbs, 1 1W. ta-$1.90. Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, urouVfliouitho 'territory-CIFFI1S ISTCI5IETS. wera or In two three my and later-stajoints days commission further The gress in the Eighteenth Illinois dis- urouD.anfl ail t Droit ana urns aiseases swollen to almost double their natural stray suiter-laor there is roe. held a 17 that After over Jehu quickly cared. Yoa can test it before and keep was driven from nothing Illegal trict has majority of tbe moat rail fia t corrui FCKSMHuat pata for a week, wrongful in a railroad company mak Baker (rep.) by getting a trial botuo iree, nsTnir linimentsexcruciating remedies. baying other and various BMMi4. a as rates for immigrants class and ing h9t U(Mllj size $1. luvery bottle warranted. friend who sympathized with my helpless a large INDIANA. SOU same rate to a declining to five the condition. aaiaoinet " Why dont and TalephoB and Telrrak Orders prsi ipt- - others. tou ret Bwift'i Snectflo 9 Nov. Innhe Indiana eighth p6lis. use a cure, and U it does ItTl will roannte lyftUsd. to his In annual the report Secretary Kpaela. medk-lncost shall v. sot the is. Brookshlre idem ) de nothing. A Bodies preserred In their aatmral eadi- - of War, Adjutant-GenerDrum says district 8. Bw and after CO the S.yoi I at uonce aecared The transition from lonsr, linxerlag feats James F. Johnson (rep.) for Con tloa, witnnt extra caarge. tbe flrat day,mbad a quiet night and and uniformed the using regularly organized healtn to and sickness robust aemo a painful Dy rerresnms Bleep, ui wwk ioi; btmut AND KIGHT. majority, lniso active militia of the several states. gress AMONG WHICH WILL BB FOUND MANY NEW DESIGNS, marks an epoch in the life of tbe in ST. LOUIS & CHICAGO. Factory saaDAYWarerMiiS benefitted. In three weeks 1 orrald sit np and IV. 9CS B. which in 1SS5 aggregated 81,739, craticgain. room, and after vains six tbe about walk is event Bach a remarkable dividual. believed the is it republican plurality treasured in the bottle I was oat ana ante to go to ousineaa. In 186(1 and Increased to reached tm.92,734 MANUrACTUlUEES or First Satli Htr(. memory and tbe been regularly at bit post Blnco thenT b. 1AA DOT IaIUwIrm Amm Any T.1 win d aoout zow. has Oas and a halt blocks last of Thsatra. health the and stand on my feet from nine to are of agency good comtileted whereby duty, nearly Arrangements We Call FDeclal Attention to Our Handsome IJne of TAILOR- 1888. hours a day. and am entirely free from 6, represented an available force ior a grana latincai on meeting to been attained Is gratefully blessed. tea Telephoss No. 7t. facts ara and These tbe simple sin. plain III ADR TBOHSEBS, both In Foreign and Domestlo Patterns oi lw.uia men. Id it Is that so much Is heard my ease, and I will cheerfully answer au night, and it is probable General Har Hence of SctBs OEU la saa halldlac. - manr Sola ot either Electric relative Bitters. tberetnt person to be induced rison will inquiries UKNEKAL DRUM participate .In praise Our Complete line of BOY'S SUITS and OUILORBN'S KfT.T HUM AS auilLUI, in some way. The feel they owe their restoration to by mail. 11 W. ISth 1street. the demonstration New York CJty. BUirSare how. In and we solicit your Inspection of many new novel speaks In terms.of high praise ot the General has expressed a decided Opin health, to tbe use cf the Great Alter Ttxnrmix. Tnnr. T liaye warded off a se . ties and HanOsome Designs amongst them. ion m to tae coming oi aeiegationa ior ative ane Tonic. If ro a are troubled personnel oi toethemmtia organizations ere attack of rheumatism by a timely resort eases where army officers this tne purpose ox congratulating mm. With any disease of Kidneys, Liver or to Swift's Specino. In allthis UTAH'S LKADIUQ inspected by roedU-lncomrelief is sought year. The equipment in general was Cottzratulationa by tetter, be says, will Stomach, of lonz or snort standing mends Itself Sole Agents for the Celebrated for a coustltutlotial treatment arms were not receive prompt attention, a delega yoa will surely liou relief by use oi that thoroughly the very dlaalthough seeds good, of tha eradicates UNOEHTAKER 4 EL1BALUEB. of a uniform pattern, a serious defect, tion from Madison County called this Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and $1 esse irom ue aystenu, Key. W. P. HABHI80H.IXD. which it Is confidently expected will bo afternoon, and tonight be was sere per bottle at A. C. Smith & Co's Drug fit Ttw ATt After spending . 3 Tm. remedied in the near future, conse- naded by tne sawmakers ot the city. In Store. tarn to be relieved f Blood Poison without a speech ce said : largely lccreased appro- response 10 axay ior quent on the bottles of Swift's Bpectfla any benefit, a fewcure. O. ir la worked a perfect "The time for xSDeech-makinpriations of Congress. - Tbe adjutant- Otv-suggesmages many over. vatuaoie little (rlrl, aged six, and The debate is closed Tnunta, also and general scrofula bad la the boy, aged four years, tions regarding tbe Instruction ot tbe the are closed. I, thank yon for worst aggravated shape. They were puny militia and chancing the term of ser yourpolls P ro- can purc'iIjnse CD y and are slcklrand healthy to three Generaltonigni.' vice in the army from-fivmmrrr tit LAIBIT Mdl mt au UM result oitbey taJLtui . o. bust, ail HarrlsojLrs receiving vears. which will operate to discour COHfUTX IT9CK f sorts of carious communications, inT.mv Tm Siwiis Cn.. rLA. Your B. a. age, desertion. The adintant-eenerB. basTn-orea a wonderful success in my f roa France. few renews nis recommendation mat tne cluding ." AND (JOFFIUfB, iXMMWETO, case. Tbe eanoer on my lace, no wraoh missioned officers be The republican headquarters closed soon hurried me to pay graye i pay of non-co- m would have resec ana nas unairman and iiuston toaay. do think Uls woaderrni. iraequai. increased so as to range between $25 tar In Utah, and ti. XL Biac, fostasaster. y Dill were each presented with a JndrtAkr'a $5o according to rank. B, 1883. aa cane at the Hay Is Waco, TlTit, clerical nas'ufactared Lead Aetau, RnniherK Wfciaai Whita by rk corps a fn Atlanta, fta. i TM1CMM I enUrfty from the lieat reined Fir Leads, KIBCCKI oi tne committee. BUSSluT that yoe Oentleinen appreciate Knowing CabiaM HpeeBWlsBi. and Ia ground in Pure Linseed Oil, and at wo tke pleasure in ' Lawar tkaa ware svar at end la Uiald voluntary testimonial TBI CEJLEBAATED PAT11STBU OFFICIAL RETURNS is placed nlj the name of the Cdmpuay on of our lady customers has tost stating j JVeio Indian 9. The , Use of four largo the Chicaqo.Nov. health her MTIU(71LiT X'Visj!-- ". panics ouyiaf by upon regained aad aa LOTS ar QKATXS faralaaed la from all precipe ts ahow tbatlGeneral SoutUei a Cos w hue Lead branded or your great reineuy, aiier urning potties ror maUry la taa City. All eraara aUad day apolis, referring to tbe Cabinet UtrniOD carriea tne city ot Indlanap- aa Invs.ua years. Uertroublo been are ab.olutely sure of btaiBla rany" ..r aujni ia u aaarveai umm paaii. debility, nused by a diaeaae ne-.Mrmt guease, says: Mr. Blaine will not bo oils by a ploralltv of 1M. Tbe official A l'EEKetril.V PURE AKTIvI-E- . mi ne.r sex. Willis a Co.. DmiTKlsta. ounar to in the Cabinet. This, everybody here retnrns for Marion County. Including! .: Threo hooks mailed free oa application. CUtaad, Oflse aai Wmrssai AUdVugglatS sell B. 8. B. says. It Is thought, In tha first place, the city of Indianapolis, give a total swift Bricme ch . 11 A . XTeut Tcaal It. that be prefers TrjDrawers. to go back to tbe sen vote of 35.112. asraiost 20.251 ID 1884: Atlanta ua. LIPMAN A CO, 175 & 177, East Temple St. fGBSALE BYftLLDExLEBSfll WRETE LE&D. r. o. Taisahaaa UL ate, and in tne second place, Mr. Blaine Cleveland 17.517, Harrison 17,139, Fisk hw York. nrsadway. i .' Great Wm, tit Pure," Silver Gloss i Corn Starch, new yokx:. . Tn OARP33TINO, MeatMart't HAZARD POWDER 11 BUT TOUR flASLAM J3ROS. Jul-M- OW -- E i FLOATING SOAP Wslm GO. tp, JAS. 1 - HENRY one-thi- rd - CO., CHICAGO. WY. E, WOOD & THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE HATTERS Jftuv.YVav WAGNER, CHT wv.t We show More Hats tlan any House iu Utali. 1 ( SALT LAKE Mki aiillaiitotiimi 3X 33 itOVARD:tVlVflSt LIP e E 9.-T- iiiii:n:iti;i:i. he COMPANY'S NEW ENTERPRISE For PILLS CD ISsaa IN 1 c3 -- ' aildnes, - PHILIP SPRY alaenlfe Frince Mberts, v , Vice-Preside- nt j O 1. O T IX S CUTAWAYS, Sacks and Frocks. m - 1 a. - EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY. STORE WOLFE'BBOS. GARHEHTS FIHE - WW.rr- . m MKM - MMA V U , BRUSHES: AT PRICES arau te Are cd t OF ALL aa a . An Excellent Business Suit for PITT8BUE&H, tr te . 9 Child's Knockabout Suit for i m Ml tte BEACH g l! lite Lead -- - Our Line of Fail and Winter Overcoats Y e al u-- AS-OF- SWlyP.rpl8t.ai, j . jos. williah tahoh, s U IsEiUJ i . i Poa-rxa- . BEDDING'S J Vy To-da- e Fancy Percale, Full Dress, . al ..' d Qds n Ktt . gold-head- ed llra SHIRT, FANCY FLANNEL. UoUiBr's Frienfl SMrt Waist- |