Show CLOSING IRREGULAR EASY New York Dec 6 The opening trad trail trading tradIng trailing ing in stocks today toda was quiet and price changes were maintained and not nt con conspicuous conspicuous conspicuous except In a few tew cases casos cas s Gen General General Generel eral erel Electric Westinghouse Electric American Sugar Great Greit Northern Certificates and amid an Tracton rose lose 1 and Union Pacific pre and amid Rock Island preferred 4 Louisville Nashville Na roso rose 1 Time The showed some somo disposition to torun torun run lun off are but when large orders ord rs began to lo flow ow In for Rock Hock Island preformed preferred and ind Reading pi liners Ices moved Immured upward A later lator attack atack on Sugar ugal which went welt 2 points below elow Satur Saturdays Saturdays days das closing caused Husel some sympathetic reaction It H d U k Island preferred jumped 2 Reading and 1 and Detroit United d Railways 5 Great pre pro preferred Wisconsin Central American Telephone Telegraph and end New York Central were depressed 1 I and American Locomotive 1 I The Time movement was up upward ward waid at the time end of or the Limo hour wart Selling piet pressure sure do doped In Amalga Amalgamated Amalgamated mated Copper at nt a decline of IV 1 and the whole market sold oft off or Union Pa Pacific Ia Pacific Southern Northern Pacific abash preferred Kansas Texas fexas com corn common common cornmon mon St SI Pennsyl Pennsylvania vania vanla United States State Steel American Car Pressed Steel Car Railway Steel Spring Utah Copper Coppel Pacific Mall Mali Mal and Consoli Consolidated Consol Consolidated dated Gas sold old 1 I or more mort lower The tone lone was steadier at noon Bonds DOnd were Irregular Ille ular Speculation became almost lifeless when tho the market steadied Reading got back to Its it Is high figure of tile the but lint the recoveries elsewhere were welo not important Important There were a n few tew isolated de declines dechimes clines chimes Northwestern Colorado Colordo Fuel Iron International Harvester Banester and North American losing losin a point Tho The list made gradual progress upward during time the later part of 01 the time day with selected stocks tocks making a good food showing The Time Southwestern group roup the time local trac tree tractions and Reading Rea were most In demand tons New N w Haven rose 2 points point Reading St th preferred p erred 1 I and Brooklyn Transit American Smelt Smelting Ins ing preferred mind and In International Pump 1 The Tile market closed cosed easy Brooklyn Transit Tran Transit ran sit rose 1 but buL prices drifted down downward downward downward ward again late latu In the day Louisville Nashville dropped 24 2 and the time metal Industrials got hack back to the tho low point United States fot Steel and Now York Cen Central Central declined 11 1 and Rending Reading lost lot its ad advance a ance |