Show ALLEGED P 0 O ROBBER ARRESTED IN BRIGHAM Special Correspondence BRIGHAM CITY Dee Dec D S 6 A man named Snowdon a fugitive front from Jus Justice justice justice tice was arrested lucre hero Saturday night by J Sheriff Jo and mid Is held In n Jail here herc pending lending the time arrival of or the time United Stales Slates tes marshal Some time last summer Snowdon was arrested for or robbing robbin the Denver Deaver postoffice post office and was held under bonds to ap up appear pear for tOl trial In Denver on en Dec 1 On the day dU of or trial he lie millet failed to lo appear and his bonds were declared forfeited and anda a bench warrant was Issued for fOl his apprehension P 0 O Inspector Insl McKee of ot Denver got gol trace of or the man In lit Utah and followed him up On Friday night Snowdon attempted to tale take his own life lite at the time Reed hotel In Ogden by b cut eul cutting ting line his throat and wrists with a arazOlo razor Thinking better betler of or It he hc again attempted to fly J and came to City Ct 1 Mr 11 McKee found him in tho timo opera opera house and his arrest followed I |