Show Adv COOPED CONVERTS iw ALMOST CULI Scores of Salt Lake Lal e People Em Embrace Embrace EmS S brace Theories of Eastern East Eastern Eastern ern Expert IDEAS MEETING WIDE FAVOR F VOR Groning GlO IlIg Number or of Citi ens Commit Conn to o CUe Ilm Indorsement Those Salt Eat Lake residents r i who hao h o subscribed sub allegiance to the new health Ideas of ot the Cooper stomach man manhave have havu grown so In number that they limey the have almost attained to the dignity of ot ofa ota ofa a regular cult Some Seine of ot the tho Cooper converts as a they the call crill themselves who attribute remarkable efficiency to the thc health he Ideas l and treatment of r the Iho stomach man ratan have hll e recently r related the following with the rant ram r ll edies lies of ot the eastern expert who Is meet meeting meeting meeting ing the people at Busy Dus Cor COl COlnel Corner ner nel drug drus store Main and Second South streets L I Anderson K l No Xo J Annex apart apartments ments was vas u II very vel sick limn fur foi 01 a nuin nun her tier of or years Us suffering from roll roam I stomach trouble haft had no suffered from roam anti and nervousness I and constipation everything ho took failed until he b an Coopers tI Eight weeks course of ot treatment nude made a new mien of or him ho he fays and restored lift his health and mind iii In crest In iii life lire lifer I T V r 0 1210 avenue an nue I police poliet l stationed on un the time Busy Corner Cornel led to u tI treatment I for ifor himself and wH J by watching crowds visit tho the stomach man was I cured of ot I trouble t and catarrh of or several eveld years JeHl and ind his wife wito quickly quick ii herself ough h remedies of or catarrhal cold which had m I months month Mrs lh hs s A 13 Host East 1 South street Fecund new n w health through h Copper COQ I C I treatment tl after suffering nearly Ii 17 7 years farm catarrh of or time the stomach and nd md ed ills Mrs Hawley Haw ley s south First west Yost street suffered four years yearn from Crom stomach trouble and feared silo she had aicer taking food wax wa torture gas gal forming ronning which would IMS he followed by bya b ba bya a nauseating and faint feeling eeling with dizzy spells 11 pc III Could not eat cat solid food when she sho began be n treatment now says saS she sho ho can eat ent anything and Is ia completely and nd pc perfectly restored to health Mrs Alico M Bradley Center street tried Coopers remedies three years ears ago when she he met him In Boston Doston WAS vas skeptical of him but bul took his ills treatment and was WM cured of oC stomach trouble rouble In its worst forum form within eight wk weeks iii Lillian Hotel suffered several years from Com what she thought was stomach trouble doctored for tor torman many man diseases without relief relict believing silo Fhe 10 had lead kidney and liver trouble bad blood lood or a weak heart appetite was Irregular with a gnawing pain In tho ilia pit It of o the stomach at times together with Ith much nervousness and dizziness Took ook course courso of or Cooper treatment and an n enormous tapeworm passed from her system she i III s now on the tho road to rapid recovery recover Mr W V H K Patton Payson Utah had catarrh of or the tho stomach with all Bmp symptoms symptoms toms feet feat and legs leis were so to badly swollen when he first visited tho the atom stomach I ach achman man that he could hardly walk had tried everything without relief relict and now says he Is a well man RICHFIELD CITIZEN DROPS DEAD IN HAYFIELD Special Correspondence Corr Dec Deo 4 Will Anderton An erton one on of or prominent citizens died suddenly yc afternoon In up Ilie morning he lie went to lo tile the fields fielde to tu feed some sent cattle and ancl when he did not return at noon his became alarmed and mm ml Jordan and Huntington Mho are arc staying at An started n for Tor the tho field to looi loo for Tor th s missing man When they tho arrived at the hay haystacks haystacks stacks In iii Held field fi ld they the found his Ills body lying on the ground close to the stack where he hc had mad been at work The body hody was waa still warm and an a IL physician physician cian clan was summoned He Hc stated that the man had blen dead en l several hours Deceased has haa been sUbject to e epilepsy and It Is supposed that he lie was stricken wah an attack while at work on the tack slack of or hay ha and felt fell to thu the ground Tic Ile I leaves a i widow wl ow nod and two children and many other relatives here hero |