Show WEATHER AFFECTS WIRES Telegraph Service Interrupted Over Ocr Eastern Circuits There has been all sorts of ot trouble over oer the tho wires of the Western Union the tho Postal and tho the Associated Press during tho tile past two or three days daS and the Intelligence which hns has been flashed across tho continent to Salt Lake from the tue eastern seaboard ha hat has largely cOmo cOme c cOmeby mo mob by b way wa of or IU El Paso Los Angeles and San Francisco This Interruption In the usual course courso of or events was caused by a n very general and a very heavy sleet and snowstorm throughout the tile middle west which put putout putout putout out of or commission the wires wire from Den Denver Dener Denver ver er and the same longitudinal points to the tile east cost as far as ax the tho Mississippi river Tho The damages have been repaired and messages which have been arriving from fromon one on to three hours lute are aro now ar arriving arriving riving on time |