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Show OGDKN DAILY COMMERCIAL: SATHiDAY, MAY GOODRIC1 & UO. HILL COME TO (JUDEX. Nrf Th U --M.Ain;r hwrj-teii- i rr'traiiins. St) UEIHIJITEI Jy ljiu (Viuiu; JilHiut (..u!J Nois intn-- r Trrk the fur Hi l'a6-r- SiMaI Out 11 W m . rt , uJ Train. fruui MeiieMi uf ito Wya, to itrater Bud tliruue Ot'J'0. IK rruiu aavMiMj that over Stat UiW.m. IL(. IV J:;yi'ul l. Auir uii'i otJirr lirwtr SyJ-w- i.l tliat ui VI1.i ;u. i if 4 It, ivl.iru wl of llin) utl railroad uiaua'jfS. of the Loui.viil, At Uii iii.-aii- AlUiiiy & l'liiiaaidirtvlr iu of r.l iv the Vork m. L. NV vU iirrjf.vK tu ssiitaut to the ri.!tiit, the odiiw ;ia r"f nvl an-- A liBiat.'h the MiHHuuri In. hi liMka, Kan., I'.n-ili- liu-- i sat iU nnijiilitiej Kntiiias linns and braiK-hn- j under the name of the Kauris, Ciloralo A l'arilii It in uii.1t the xiutnl of the l'itt'ilio ciiiiiiaiiy and the Unve of are ciittlulatl fur the eonveiiit-nrthe miinaiMiieut. Iu tin district court at Denver yesterday J ud'e A Ilea rendered a decision (ffantin the Denver Tramway company an injunction rttraiiiinir the Ienver from eit'ti'liii; ita hul.iirUm cntii'-unlines into Denver. UM if the Union Pai'lic NM'iitl which the preHidential train to iSalt like from I'ocatello, over the L'tali Northern yeeter-daafternoon. It contain'..! SuHrin-tenden- t IVirw in of the Idaho division. A Riei:iul train of Raymond's aHxed throu,;li K'din hint iiiiilit en route for the l'aeilio coiiat via railv. MiK-i.m- e r y encur-Bionist- . the Southern ollice of Hiieriiitent of tests with The the t'uioii I'ai'itiu will lx discontinued June 1. The olli.t of Superintendent Iiisst'll of the New Mexican division of the I'di-ilic- L'nion Paci'lo aystein, lias Ixxmi nioveil from hia old quarteia to room 5 in the l'nion dcKt at Denver. The ollice v e.iUvl ly Superintendent Kiiwell is to lie occupied liy Aiw'mtant SiiperinUtndent Kftian of the Colorado division. D. Dulph of Omuhti ih the new ticket ciiwhier of the Union Pacilic lit Kd Pat .teraou hns leen made Denver. deputy city clerk. Otlicor Mat llinchditT, tlie popular at the Union deiot, left with piliceiuan his w ife last nilit for a vinit to He haa biMin in UUh thirty yearH and Ima never before lieen farther away from Ihjdon than tiorinne. This trip ia taken on ncoount of Mrs. Hinca-clip'health. For the past seven years Mat has held down the platform at the depot. Travelers will rememlwr him as tlie gentleman who culls out trains. He Kooa from here with the well wishes of a host of friends for the speedy recovery of his wife. There are many Jinstanco on record of stat ion agents, operators and other railroad men being shot by outsiders, but the order of things has for one been A telegram nnnounces that on Friday evening while practicing with a Colt's magazine gun at Fairplaw, Colo., accidentally shot ami instantly killed County Commissioner Robert B. Nwett at that place. The Salt. Lake Times correspondent ppeaks of the grass lawn at tne back of Union depot in this ci'.y as one of the finest blue grass lawns in this country. The company keeps a practical lawn dresser constantly at work mowing and clipping the grass and spraying the the young trees. With a few yours' growth added to the trees a line shady park will be there to adorn and beautify the spot. A fatal accident occurred at Salt Lake son yesterday. The little of W. P. Read superintendent of the Salt Sake City Railroad company was run over by a heavy furniture dray, from the elTects of which he died in a short time after. The funeral of the child is to take place this morning at 11 o'clock. The sad occurrence is much regretted by the community. A drunken man made a disturbance around the depot yesterday afternoon and Oflieer John Riley had to hustle him oir the premises. A special train containing Governor Routt, leading Denrerites, railroad officials and newspaper correspondents, loft Denver yesterday morning for Springs, w here it will meet the presidential party. Passenger and Freight Agent N. D. Porter of the Colorado Midland at Denver, will opeu an oflice at Orand V Uali-forni- s lilen-woo- d Junction. Trains are expected to be running on the liellingham Hay & British Columbia line by the middle of May. Along the line of the Northern Pacilic d'Alene river railway and the Cu-uhomeEteaders and settlers are rapidly tilling in, and on almost every quarter section there is a tent, a cabin or a shanty. The Atchison's April statement including the St. Iiouis A San Francisco r ,, system, shows gross earnings (apjiroxi-mnted- ) an increase of &i,:W7 The Colorado Midland shows gross earnings for April of 170,000,an increase $1.11,-0(H- ARE LEADING- TI-I-E SHOE - DEALERS, before Vnd you will make a mistake if you don't examine their stock Low shoes for Ladies and Gents in almost The finest and most complete line of Patent endless variety. Leather Shoes. 313 - 24U1 Street. THE TRANSIT OF MEIHTIiV. THE LYNCH FAMILY Deputy Uidted SUtM Marshal (iwi. )eetrdv Betit to Logan ai d John Audrewa aud Mutt K. ! It Plaluly ViMlde With huxtart on warrauU charging theui Fir 14 lilase4. ah uidful ooLabitatioo and Clara . at J'jhunoo for forna-atioon.e transit of Mercury A. C. Hon. Bishop went to Salt Lake great deal uf lutertft ia Urn a. yesterday to attend the rtxvpltoo rtiM l.o had gjuj glaanea made luure Iuf ity President Harrukw. The judge ao- or lets aucceaeful efforts U see the rounU that he a as with court tuobuey Mr. Li. uumiKrt as las reason fur Dot accooi over the tuu'i planet W. Kill, rigged up liU transit g!ar and panying the ooiuunttee of citieoa to of the I'ocaledo to meet the presidential party set it up in oue of tlie doora iUvd block, lie had euiokej eli Li rrLE world. in the sight end, and protector I ais iiv kindnesa many persons were jieruiilted to look at the little black A Lradiu; Feature of the Uerbauir of a pin iieau, aa 11 siNit. aijoul tlie at Fair. course iiasnnl over the sun's fac. Located in the north est corner of the the more na erf ul the glass the larger upper floor of the Mechanics' Pavilion ia Mercury would have amered. City F.ugineer IVrmley luade fcime a piece of mechauicHl art of which is careful olixervationa on the anl worthy of mention. The work ia the refound that oiercury enteretl tliesuue sult of seventeen yeara of h'rd labor up" dis' at Kd 1 o'clock. Ilia iintatioiis on the part of it inventor, who is now ill be valu.ble to the United State exhibiting It to the general public as a sample of his mechanical ability. The navul observatory. little exhibition of inventive geuius is called "'ilie Little World," and probably A (it'tiemm IHhhI. could not have been more The management of the City hospital named. It ia combination appropriately of ingenious diwires to lliai.k Mr. R. E. Tucker for devices, representing miniature men and sixteen very nice library works pre- women of all nationalities busilv en in various industries. There are sented by him for the use of the conva- gaged also numerous perfect working models, lescent patients. This is a very laudable Bucti as steamboats on a miniaway ludeed to scatter seeds of kmdneua ture lake, railroad running trains manned bv to a great many unfortunate iwople. conduclors running at at a lively epeej, IM;. .loNKS. passing through tunnels and shipping at stations, maehiaes used in d liferent Tt Try tli ( lioinical. branches of mining and bicycle tin Monday night, after the council riders racing around a track w ithout ever tiring. Each little au uiwting, an exhibition of Ogden's new- apparently tomaton is a in itself, and is well chemical tire engine will take place un- worth the study of admission. The price der the direction of Chief Rhodes of the little show has traveled the ire department. The City Council will globe, and has exhibited atallall over tne prinattend in a body. cipal expositions by the inventor, Mr. . H. Iloliertson, who is at present Have vou noticed the advertisement of Mrs. J. V. Willison. A good chance superintending ita workings at the pavilion. It has received the notice of the for the ladies. press of Australia, New Zealand, United Sbites, Canada, Europe, Fiji Islands. Violation of Health inllnaiiT. Sandwich Islands, where it has been Dr. Watts Cameron, homeopathic exhibited for some length of time. Ex. J his greatest of mechanical wondors physii'ian.waa brought up before Justice Val (Jideon yesterday afternoon charged is now on exhibition at the Grand Opera house. Parenta can themselves with violating a sanitary ordinance and children a treat Itgive will be oiien in which requires nhvsiciansto reiairt every the aftermxm from .1 to 5, especially for case of contagious disease treated by Indies and children, and evenings at 7 them, and also to reixrt at the end of o'clock. Admission, 10 cents. each month births and deaths connected Ice cream soda, made from cure fruit with their practice. He pleaded lack of knowledge of the law. The plea was juices and rock candy "rup, at II. A. was he in not accepted Walker's drug store, 3 1 Twenty-fourtjustification, and lined ?10 and costs, amounting to $7.'J0 Btreet he which more, paid. L, Corey armll i4 the I Miv 1j chi a kir lt lour nth, vkilii iktcaiu thick ruiii.irut) lli irl- ! I'm-ili- HE piu-ehasiiic- r. ! from iHwrw tav it lis just A eperia rrtot to tll AT KENVEK. 191. tr-U- fui-o- . VA rariH-ut'T- terday. IXi you want groceries at your own price? Then call at the Union Mercantile company at once as the goods must be sold this week. Big discounts to parties buying large quantities. All persons desiring sewer eonnec- tinn inniie reasnnahlv. expeditiously and by skillful workman apply to Hobson fe W Ukerson. Ullice unuer teeu hotel with Graves &. Gibson. Here is your chance to buy your sup ply of groceries for the summer at one half usual prices. The Union Mercantile company stock must be closed this week. Grand Opera The finest and most complete photograph studio in the west is located in rooms r--, id, il and ia in the Grand opera house. Call andsee us. Adams Rros. Aly ill Htayunr buil.liiiic. CTAIK llt iLU- linisli Blairo A. Kirlitw, A. ti YOl'NO LADY. OM PETKNT to ki.i any .t of boiiki, wanti. a ihm- tuiti uf n'firt'uet. Al'lrin t . J.. lnn- - WASTED f tuin. m'n'ittl A tihc. ANTK1 11 A ANTKI ltMn 1 triirt4ir vail I.IKLFORUKNKRAL HOl'sE oflift. PARTI KS lKSIRIX(l PK1VATK u iMttiiti liy (Mini K'tfiit IhiIv in- r fcil.lrtft itCt :iitir avitniP. J SILVER SMALL OST-- A ffi rcwnr.t lcnvi. at HriMun IVH week. CLOCKS, Sterling and Plated Silverware. Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descripDiamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. S1UX GOOD GOODS. Of THE I'.Ui CLOCK. LOW : a Hi 8 WASIHXIiTOX AVE, : Hi - LOK KENT I'll EAP 1 at W ai.hiiifUni H KN1SI1E1) ROOMS avnu ,X)K KALE- - NEW IKU SK, KOI R UlMiMS ami itiK.il ci'llnr. JI.MIll. WIcm-I- i: lialmce t'T nioiitli. A. Wnsliiiiion avcuuo. HUHSSI'.lL. First Nat.. Hunk 1 XR SALE C(tt.Mfe Aniily at Pill C JOS. OliDEX, UTAH : Fl'RNITl KE if tlii-- Twi'iily-thir- FOK SALE AND ami paiiiry furruut. nniiiutrwt. TAKEN TO I J AMES conltuoment by au rcferonce iriven NUKSB T1tlU)U(iU oxiHrionceii lserson. and reiiiiriMt. Letters aiiNwrctl. reasonable. Mrs, iomts promptly A. t'riww't, Xfl Patterson Ave., OkiIcd. FANCY AND STAPJ.IO G liOCMUIES. JAVA AND MOCHA COFPMOI!! TEA!! TiKAll! The linest ooml.imition that MONEY AND SKILL can procure. Bptak for itself. It will 'iTn Qsa J A line ,lino of fresh choioe teas. All my rikxIs Try it, at the same price, poor crudes are told. are clean and fresh and sold at ITJCKS TO SUIT THE TIMES. Grand Opora House uiltling, 251G Washington Avenue. Ji,. T RIEDE1UCH. Gooil Mrs. lnios., BEmrAN AT'Kl) Graham's 1 "Cl'Cl'JlBERlXD ELDEII Troy Steam FOR SALE EVERYWIIKHR. VOll INSCIiANCE Sun Fire Oflice GAURnLVN ASSTRANXE CLOTHING especially adapted to your wants, being not only made of good material, but well and substantially made. It will at is most do you no harm to step in and inquire for yourself. Respectfully, L0I2B.& MYER, Proprietors of The Golden Eaole o Avenue. HANDKERCHIEF CORPORATION A asot s, f-- t T .OOO.OOO. Room 11, First National Dank, Ogdan. FOR ALL, now bonpp. $1,SUQ. $7t0 ca, bal-$- 1 per nmntli wilhotit interest $5ttt On Twonty fifth strwt. near Harriscm car line. A0xli5 to alley. UihhI Utius. $2,r00. 3H acres, prior water rU:ltt y, cultivated fitrpat-- t ten years. Sis-rHliousn. $00 cash, balance $18 $2,000. moMhly, witlnmt interest. $7ri0. Ten acres, canal rilit t(mnirli it, level, well UciteI, tine soil, no alkali. $1,000. miles Forty acres, fonr and one-ha- lf wet-t- , titnler canal ; easy trnts. $TriO. 50x113, witliin tlin blocks of Union de- lKt, easy terms. $20 Per acre. 210 acres four aud one-hal- f mileti south ; can K''f Kxd t rade on this property. 1 haveffood trades on Nob Hill. W'oodmansee Lakeview properties. Al.o farm aud residence proixMtieH, J.D.GILL, 2404 Washinglon Ave, OGDEN. Wholesale afrents for I tah, A. L. Smith Suit Luke ('ity. Drugrtistfi, ffill STORE W. II. VOORHIES, Propriotor. r l'KOP, I ci) ioiid 107- - Remember, I am the only Laundry man in Ogden owning and operating his own plant. Liest work and Prompt 410, Delivery J3 A UOTIIF US, 155 Main Avenue, Oyjden. WE HAVE JSt., CAR LOAD OF Salt Lake City, gAFETY BICYCLES 1 Men s size, thirty-inc- h Mfn's size. Men's Size, AMuch, Cla: Lit Pnrc. OurPrirp. a.ljiHtnhh, cone hearings. pHi.m. .Hfi.t o n itriiirff t o hot !i vln'(ls . ball iwariiis to whiM-aud Kdal.. wliw-- wltc-!- , hnil M:.w fWi.tJti 't7A Ymith's Size arljiistal.lo coup beariiiKS :o i.j nst ultle pone Iwaritijfs Hoy tt Siz l AUo tiirU' 'l rteitclcs, nit size and prices List Price. Our Price iw , .. iCi.OO $11 06 jfo uy iweivnd some Kodak Cameras, which are t lie Only First OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOfSL'B IS FREE TO ALL. Amaturejn;t Camera made. We have A.ssis:iiee's Sale OF THJ Place DEPARTMENT U RO W XING 13 WaHliirigtoii EXCITEMENT. The last chance at the stock of grocer FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. ies of the Union Mercantile company. ol gll,iX.K). We close this week if we have to give sale. on the goods away. It will pay you to buy May For the Ladies and Children. enough to last a year. A grand matinee w ill be given by the 25 doz. lailios hemstitched handkerkerchiefs worth 15c. for 7c. Trof. Nagel will play his own piano 25 doz. Rents tine white and colored Lynch family at the Union opera house bolo, Mr. Mocker will play a violin solo, chiefs worth loc. for 7c. at 'J p. in. today. livery child attending and Mr. Foster will play a clarionette i" doz. ladies drawn work and col. border handkerchiefs worth 35c, for 20c. Cents extra tine linen handkerchiefs will receive a lino package of candy, pre- solo at the Baptist church concert May border handkerchiefs worth 18c. for 10c. 25 doz. ladies tine drawn work and worth (Xto for 40c. sented by little Mabel Lynch. Don't fail to send the little ones to see those embroidered handkerchiefs worth from (ients tine drawn work handkerchief Prof. Nagel's orchestra and chorus at 4()c. to 75c. at half price. worth $1.(10 for 55i wonderful children in their songs and next the Baptist church Tuesday night. 25 doz. gents tine hemstitched dances. Admission 10 cents. hands May l'Jth, will be the grandest concert from Selection in ever given this city. See our cut prices on art needle work material and Rocky Mountain Amlier, made by the opera will be given. Si hellhas Brewing company is the best grand stamped linens. Mrs. Nagel and Miss Lezotte will both leverago in the market. sing solos at the concert May 12th at the This concert is for the "(lod's blessing to mankind," say Baptist church. Prof. 2351 Washington Avenue. thousands w ho have leen cured by the lienelit of the Baptist church. celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold Nagol's philharmonic orchestra of fifteen JZ men will play. everywhere. 1891, Is not a cosmetic, hut a nutritive t4nic for tho skin. It nrnkc Mia hkiii iiHtuiaJly oiiMHilh and soft and velvMy, protfots it from wnnl hikI sou, cleftnses thn fHce far Imttor tli.iu op and n tin skin prewater and by its tdUirpffect vents the formation of wrinkle. For phIo in Mth. tirrtham's with other of Otfden rt!elnited hy tlie fnllowini? lrtiirril s : . L preparatknf, F. )i. Km Unit, t'eeole, 2421 Wahiiih'ton Ave; untler lirmm Hotel ; II. A. W alker, '.ill J went St. Send htamn to Mrs. (iuvnire ira liam, "Beauty Dortor,' V'. I'oft St., San Frnn for her little book "How to ho Ltvauti- cico, J. D. GILL HAS BARGAINS Laiilry, GEO. A. CKAIG, GO TO AG EXT FOR Eagle OGDEN WATCHES, tion. KENT SI11KK k(HIM KOK KENT. ii'k rMiii ami nlnraKe. Eihiiiiiv ut II. M. Htind ACi 1- If Not Lower i, DIAMONDS, KENT TOOLKxr IMKI.MS IN TOWS. Wariiiiiiftiiu aveniiB; from $1 m H iht W. K. AVILLIAMS ii LlflADING JlflWJflLKJ IS. K Ibtlcl i.lli.'. can safely assure you that the prices are Washington I Mr J i FOR RENT. Cigars are Uueqiialed. 2410 TI I LOST. ! than anyone else can offer the same qualities for. The Golden re mm I 'it n M AtldrAM A, care of tin uii, ' to And every man, gent and boy will want wearing apparel. We have it for you all, and Is JJAUCA1XS TN IVDIKS AND GKNTS FXJllISrJSIJINGS GOODS. First door onsl of Iho Postollico. WANTED. fli..-)0- Low STORE FOR wenty-fourtt- W'ASTKU -- TIIHKE IJOOl) f ti tir tirM etna The realty transfers on yesterday were For late papers and periodicals call on Miss Mary K. Cooper, 211.1 Washington. W. B. Wedcll is still confined to his room but he continues to sell real estate nevertheless. Suits and tea gowns at cost to close them out, Monday, May 11th. Opera house block, Room 1. The Union Mercantile stock of crocer- ies must be closed this week. Goods sold at your own prices. discovered Citv Fnuineer Parmlev the transit of Mercury over the sun at .ol - 10 o clock yesterday afternoon. Have your photographs taken by Wal lace & Newconib, artistic photographers rooms il, Jh. and it right s block. Lovers of good reading matter will find at Morse's, on Twenty fourth street, ail the standard news and literary pub lications of the day. Attorney at Law Kimball, who was reported as held un by thieves the night of the Wertz hold up, is improving, and able to get around the city. The condition of J. W. Wertz, the ticket broker, who was held up and shot y footpads, was much worse on Friday light, but he was again improving yes 1 PEOPLE'S Bead I lie New s. Danish. German and American paier8 at Mine Mary h. Cooer s, -- il l Yvash ington avenue. h SPRING IS HERE rl I ry an ice cream soda, five cents a glass, at tne mpular drug store of i alker s, a. 1 I street, - IN BRIEF. Hu-Fi- 1 tf CITY 0r CIjls uiu ( Show. The Lvnch family, kasuded l) a hue our of siwial'y artmU, are giving a tiret clasw entertainment at th olduiTa bouse for the purpose of advertising a hue of medicine put up b the Amen ran lunnody iiminr of bt. Louis and lieciver. I ilk a dollar show given for much 10 doLiUL The entertainment better than the majority of companies give at a larger price of admission, and dreervee the Mtronage of tlie jieoplc Bring your ladies and children and en joy au evening of fun. jetday J lie Old Al Kntiro Sioclv of Al. O. ELedburLr's Olotli, Trimmings unci iixtures. These goods must be Sold at Once. IMMENSE BARGAINS. Will Accept Bitls on Entire Stock and Fixtures to One Purchaser. The Stock has been removed from the Opera House Block to my place of business at h MAX LICHTENF1ELD, Assignee. Street, s workmen. Mr, Hcdburg will superintend the Suits made to order cheap by cutting and fitting, 207 Twenty-fift- first-clas- |