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Show OuDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: SUNDAY, OCTORER 26, 1890. 8 amaammimtiimatittu GOODRICH & CO, M EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE m iee rvur nm SHOE DEALEES, GOODRICH & CO, S3 SHOES I SHOE DEALERS, iMfcaJni! aiuutuiiituiui!itmitu:itBruuumttttU!uun Hunt., part of U CITY IS BE1EF. 10, blk 6, plat A UUL to C E lot 49. 50. JV Tomorrow i Liberal Day. 51 and & blk 6, Highland add. U"t G P Riley and wife to DTO'Iu;hhn, liberals tarn out tomorrow. loU 313d, Cow's subdivision, fiiul SmU fro at U th thumb tadav. T Gaboon to Wm J Jenkins, iota 21 Uat 22. blk 11, Nob Hill add, 1.0UU. wek and transfer real wUt The C Woodmaneee and wife to E A Stud anouoUxl to IUU.70G. dart, lot 25, blk 2, Main St. add. f L Subavriptttioa ar just rolling in (or 8 II Head and wife to E L Seager, Commi-jo-ianow. Tile i, part of lot 5, blk 10, South Ogden SurThe leaves are faille from U trees. vey, risoa 8 Schramm to S S Schramm, part of But it ia aluxjft the brut of NovwcU. A.lUtt blk25,i.lat um The mercury haa beea play'15 H C ICider and wife to C E Brainerd aaef re ft up among tba aiiUea duriug and C C Robinson, lota 1 and 2, in aaveral daya past. o of blk 31, plat C, Rider'a Mr. and Mr. WinaJuw wwterday mJ Total, tVJXA. application to the probata rpurt to adopt John 1L Mciuaig. For Early Cloning:. JudffaOuoJwin'a train will arm at There will be meeting held at LesUr tb atatiun tomorrow at9.:i)a. m. Get read to abut in tba ovation. Park today, br the ckrthing clerks of this city, to organize and consider the & clans of Tbornburg The dancing early closing sublert. Uutt Hall Hoa s mtt at the Womltuannne S. M. RoNRNBrsu, Clerk Putnam Clothing House, ugbi to prtu tu-- pedal fantastic. There were acnly enough Cornmru-iMAiSow U Your Time. out of Urn etlition to hut till noon yesterday. People will have a good Twenty per cent discount from regular thing. f ten days at Chubbie Arnold's pri waa made to Judi'e music warerooma, .twenty tourta street Croat yexterdajr for probate order to near postoflice. anil real landa from the estate of liuae P. C. E. Coulter, M. D., physician and Heninger. 2427 Washington avenue, over surgeon, The Campobt'llo Operatio Concert at llorrot-kA Sons. Telephone 240. the New Went Academy on Thursday of a will very repertoire present Toning Rnlinff done to order, and stieciol blank Mne amnio. work of all kinds, at Tiik Commerciai. m to be The building permit bindery. at the rule of al.CKt per day iuBt Deda, mortgages, leases and other wfcirh if doiog well for the nether blanks at Thb Commercial job rooms. of October. Mr. P. F. Iarling, atwisUnt division Patronize the new Commercial book madtnaater of the Southern Pacitiu bindery, where you can get first-clas- s aaade a tour of innpection yesterday over work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. the Salt Lake division. Merchant Tailoring:. Bert Hanks, of the lately deceased If from recovered the eo get far you your clothing at Bean's, Democrat, haa ravages of bia recent illness aa to be able 305 24th street, you get the correct eastern cut to call upon hia beat girl again. The District Court disposed of thirty-twTIIK COMMERCIAL BISDERY. cane yeeteid ly, which simp y amount to pushing business. There Most Complete Book Binding aa no elegant leisure about the court The West of Denver. Establishment yesterday. Tn (Commercial Publishing Company will be a there Tomorrow evening in active operation the most Grand Liberal Hally a big U is used now have and complete book bindery in advisedl- y- in this city led by Judge extensive Utah, and are prepared to execute all Goodwin, Liberal candidate for Delegate orders for blank books of any and every to Congreea. description on short notice and at Mr. A. C. MeQnarrie, heretofore the reasonable prices. Books ruled in any general manager of the Broom hotel, has desired Btyle, and bound in paper. s tendered hia resignation as the landlord cloth, half and of that popular houne and will engage Kussian or full call, bspecial atten in other business in this city. tion will be paid to bank and county The following telegrams remain unde- work, and estimates promptly fur livered at the Western Union telegraph nished. Books, magazines and periodicals oflice: J. F. Cheney, Roylanee A Kran-dalbound in any style. Old books rebound J. W. Homer, Joe Kavanuugh, on short notice. Pierre Durgee, Horatio Hight A special invitation to everyone to Many people foel iiwtified in kicking visit our bindery and inspect work and at the way the sprinklers wet the street prices. crossings, keeping them muddy ond Vocal Music. slippery. In most eastern cities sprinklers are required to cut off the water Miss late of New York, inCraig, going over crossings. structor in vocal technique, will rewive Mr. James H. Bacon, president of the pupils at 541 Twenty-seconstreet. American National Bank at Salt Lake Fine Stationary. City was in Ogden yesterday evening iu connection with the acceptance of the Commercial begs to call the atThe new water system. He is also treasurer tention of our citizens to their line of of the Bear Kiver Conal Company. tine stationery, including the latest dein call cards, wedding goods, prosigns . PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. grammes, invitations, papetries, tablets, Mitt-tel- l , sub-ditisw- e s a run-min- tn. o if which Brigham Young was the historical and revered exponent? If this is ruse which the Mormons have adopted that their stronghold may bnutiiv a state, vested with power to make Ler own laws, then Utah should be admitted with caution. For on the admuuioa the M r mons could at once rue up and get cuo-trof the state government and by ktfislatioa perpetuate polygamy there. nrr n MILLION IXTQ Take IT before Breakfast. lUWIIUfi Bjt V'QRU? CXJar rt k - WI.M great success everywhere, and is rapidly HUpiHaung every oiner preparation ol a like nature, Ogden druggists sell it Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic cures indigestion and constipation and tones up the entire system. HAVE NEARLY OxVE WE M hundred different kinds of rUN'CE5 Brt ! Exactly the Liberal Idea. Salt Lake Herald: Voters, there is a wet-before the election. There is sufficient time for reflection as to the full meaning of your ballot. We ak you to think well, and then we know you will not vote in a way to cart a stigma upon the fair name of Utah. ' W. W. FUjNTOE. ;0 n n 'J 1 Chubth or the Croon Shephekd . Corner of Grant and S. Job work of all kinds at The Commkr The best and the ciAi. job rooms. cheapest. Sever Undersold. L'nsworth, rector. Morni ig prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Sunday school, 3 p. iu. Evening prayer and aertuou, !0 p. 7-- Pianos and organs at your own pri; twenty per cent discount for ten d;ivs. Where? Chubbie Arnold's, Twenty-fourt- h street near pontoflice, of course. Come one, oome all Will you come? Sohmer at the Head. Sohmer took the first prize at the fair. m. Ciii iu h. M. E. rreat-hin- pastor, Rice-Hinz- 7- h h; RHEUIgATISlg. T Heringer to 11, blk 4, SOS; A Stephens, 5375. part of lot i For all the latest novelties in gentlemen's wear, go to Beau's. " WtISO. botwwn 5M) front foot. Grunt and Lincoln Oedun. Utah. Oct. 15. 1890. A quarterly dividend of 6 per cent has been declared on the CHjiital stock of this corporation, payable November 5th, 190. to all stockholders of record Oct. 25, personally upon presentation of their Mock cert iticatea or upon their written order. 30i:t2 on 21th between Grant and Lincoln. frout foot. 25x132 opponite postoffice; $500 front foot. 80x132 oppwito Utah Loan & Trust Oo.'a building ; :) front foot. 145x132 cor. 26th and waBhinirton : $500 front THEO. SXrO foot. 19x2M cor. 2tUh and Waahinffton ; bargain. 9X132 cor. 27th and Wanbington: a25 front foot. 83x103 cor. 27th and Washington : $20,000. 61x141 cor. 24th and Jackson; $3,000, 99x132 cor. 24th and Jarkcon ; $4,000. 54x132 on Joffenon, bntwwn Kith and Wth; $5,400. Chos Gillespie to A B Corey, west 6Sxl32on Jrffpraon, between 25th and Siith: of lot 17, blk 53, Nob Hill add; Iii8. $7,000. D L Evans et al., to A B Corey, lot 19, you will get fits, ISxS rods cor. 23d and Jackson ; $325 per rod. style, grace and comfort. SO acre blk 53, Nob Hill; flOO. south of city ; $400 per acre. C 200 acre south of city ; $300 J Scott and wife to D S Taplin, lots Viewed From Afar. per acre. 4 and 6, blk 21, Nob Hill; fSOO. 8W acre south of city ; $10,500 for all. The Advertiser: (Md.) Salesburg T Warwick and wife to H C Hartog, quiet submission with which the Mor If yon want to buy orell conio and sec mo. part of lot 7, blk 55, plat A; $1,200. . John R Young to R Robinson, part of mons have accepted the fiat of fate My buciry is nlwnvs at Hi .nil 1 tnk great pleasure in showins strangers around the lot 1, blk 28, plat A; 1875. which downs thier pet multiplicity of city. A L Young and wife to R Robinst n better halves, gives rise to the query of lot 1, blk 26, plat A: S875. ' are they sincere? Do they really r- jart A Wilkinson and wife to J Campbell uounce at heart their d teuvt 140G Washington Ae. time-honore- THIRD DIVIDEND. i wars. on ?4th. L. II. MITCHELL, , Honey to Loan. ut all kind ; 'l,"t' furUiaiilLinc.lna. CTX'RAliK-S- w am niMi j BAM.MKNT hefur 1 1 wtuii Foriwnt, .vlU.. fourth and Limoln SCHASEMUCH, ialf j fourth and eor. Muring good of aay and Linculu. uitnlle for ktnring Apply roum A, 1iw-fiiurt- auid block, cor. 1 cjit lanurr A. Lmouln aie. and ; cor. L'VIR KKNT Klecant furuifbed rooms, ainsla I or en uit. in 1 uuer block i cor. Twenty-fourt- h and Liuoiln av'e. RKNT-Nic- lv furnished room for tran-- 1 scienl giioet in Tanner bl.ick ; cor. Twenty-fourt- h and Lincoln. K. . Kendsh a Take rr before Breakfast. REAL ESTATE - For Bwrrbaidix rH)R bkfxike Bkkakfant. JACOBS oil h -- R At E RE.NT-)iifr4- p. m. by lwv. C. L. Libby, of Salt Iake City. Class meeting at "the close of the morning service. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League at CM p. m. Take it C Tt J. Wesley Hill, Iv .ton r.K.m lJK at 11 a. m. and - baacnirai. Alley room of Tanner block If you are on the outs w ith your "best girl" you can square yourself by buving It will be famous as long as beautiful her a bottle of Skookum Ivoot Ilair hair is an object to man or woman. Grower. What? Why, Skookum Root Hair Money to Loan Grower. On diamonds, watches and jewelry, etc., Call upon J. S. Peerv and inspect 204 and 2t Tweuty fifth Street rooms in First National Bank building, Dbozdowitz Broh. which is thoroughly appointed with elevators, Bteam heaters, water and all the Hot Springs. other modern conveniences. You can go to the Hot Springs by taking the motor at the Broom Hotel corA Week's Building1 Permits. ner, at Following are the building permits for 7:!)0 a. m. 9:20 a. tn. 10:20 a.m. 11:20 a.m. the week ending October 25, 1800, as 2:0T p. m. 12:55 p. m. filed in the office of the City Building .'1:18 p.m. 4:2.") p. in. Insjiector: 5:.'15 p. m. Twentieth N C Ericksone, one story You can get back to town the same frame burn, west side Kershaw avenue; way every hour. 140. P. V. LaKbemtz, Secretary. H A Walker, repair frame residence, east side Adams avenue; ?150. The Ubilam Arrived. H A Walker, repair story frame New York, Oct 2T. The steamship burn, east side Adams avenue; f 150. ' L V Butler, one story frame residence, Obdam, from Rotterdam, which was sursouth side Twenty-fourth- ; $500. mised to le the vessel reported ashore L V Butler, one story frame barn, near Kockaway last night, arrived off south side Twenty-fourt$50. street; H C Oborn, one story frame stable Sandy Hook at 8:20 this morning. 13. south Fide of Twenty-third- ; J A Drake, repair building on east What People Say Who Havel'sed It. side of Washington avenue; $100. Portland, Ore., July 18, 1800. IV. C. Ila0e k, Manager Skookum Root A Malan, one story Twenty-firs- t frame addition, south side of Twenty-fourt- Hair drawing Co.: Dear Sir: For more than a Year niv wain hna wen ut. $.'50. C L McKee, one story brick store north fected with dandruff to such an extent as to give me much annoyance, a burnside of l'wenty-tifth- ; $1,500. J. Metzler, 1 story add south side of ing sensation ever being present, 23d; $500. by inflammation and intense Scott Sl Thompson, 1 story frame resi- itching. My hair was falling out rapdence south side of Oak St; $1,000. idly and already a bare spot presented Scott fe Thompson, 1 story frame resi- itself. Through the advice of a friend I dence south side of Oak St; $1,1X1). tried Sktxikum Root Hair Grower, and O J Stilwell, 1 story frame residence a'ter uning two bottles I nm entirely cured of dandruff, the itching has cor Jackson and VWth; $1,800. O J Stilwell, 1 story frame residence stopped and my hair is growing out etc.. thickly where a few months before I We have bought the best the market cor Jackson and 20th; $2,000. B Pendensson, 1 story frame residence was getting bald. I can cheerfully recaffords for our patrons in this and surommend it. rounding cities. With a full line of new south side 22d; $250. P. O. Downing, Soc. Alaska Gold Co. S B Shallenberger, frame residence and handsome type we can guarantee south side Liberty Ave; $1,000. perfect satisfaction. Take it before Breakfast. Total, $10,105. It costs no more to have a well fitting suit made by one who has had years of Great Excitement. metropolitan experience of tine tailoring, is kept busy removing Prof. Hanna than by one years behind the present corns and bunions without pain or use 305 will 24th tit 6treet, styles. Bean, you of medicine at his office in room 12, at CURES PERMANENTLY with the lutest cuts. the Broom hotel, and has by special request extended his visit in Ogden for Home ITniqae Divuins; Studs. or throe davs more. Suffered for N'rly 80 Tears. A man who has juat returned from 187 N. Cheater St., Baltimore, Md. For nerly SO Tear i mftereU with rtienma-naiEurope brought with him two sets of Eye, Ear and Deformities. in inn and houldcr; could Dot 11 ft my dressing studs that show forth a new Dr. T. J. Eaton, twenty-fiv- e years' arm. Lmi than iwa bottle of fet. Jacobs Oil idea. One set, for himself, was of turOurtd m. W. U. HiJwOfJ. practice. All diseases of the eye and ear each stud treated and operations performed. Cross quoises, consisting of a single Of Many Tears' Standing. stone set in just the narrowest rim of eyes straightened without pain, artificial Uadsdon, Crockett Co., Term. 7 cats was rlKumatium . I many yean' eyes inserted, and braces for the cure of gold. There are two pairs of sleeve buttending, contracted during tba war; tried deformities furnished. Can be seen at tonsone large and one small small moat erarythimr without rWiet Bt. Jacob Broom Hotel until Novemler 1st. Oil Anally eurt 3 m. studs for the bosom, two collar buttons, r RED, EOOU& At Drcouist and Dual.. and, lastly, a ring set with one magnifiRlronlrilm Rnnt Tfnir llrniror will TU CHARLES A. VOSILEA CO, lalUmra,M4. cent stone. The other set consisted of the some grow th of hair. For sale by druggists. number of buttons and of a ring, but instead of the turqnois moonstones were ! used, there being in both seta as little Fred. J. Kicscl k Co., gold visible as possible just enough to carry the stones successfully. New (Incorporated.) Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Liquors, To-York Evening Sun. BARGAINS. oacco ana Special Announcement to Intending Piano buyers. Twenty per oeot discount from regular time prices at Chubbie Arnold's. Checkering, pianos. Bteinway, Bush, Any organ you want Walk up, tumble An exciting scene was witnessed on Chubbib Arnold's, up.Twenty-fourtHillswick, in Shetland. A large shoal street near poetoftice. of whales was observed sporting in the If your hair is falling out, ask your bay, and many boats were speedily Root Hair manned and put off. After much trouble druggist for Skookum Grower. the wholes were nearly all driven ashore or killed, the total catch being estimated Real Estate Transfers. at nearly 160. Some of the whales were The transfers reported in the offloe of killed in deep water and sank, but twenthe County Recorder yesterday were as ty came to the surface next morning and were secured. follows: ! Twenty-fourth- Take rr before Breakfast. Washington .Avenue. 1 STORAGE. d Mr. F. W. Cark, general agent of the Sohmer pianos, came up from Salt Lake City on the Denver &, Rio Grande last evening. Mr. John Grobsty is again night clerk in the Broom- - the right man in the right place. William P. Hillings of Aurora, Ne brasko, has accepted the general agency of the Bankers' Life Association for ITtah. Wvominff and Idaho. He has ar rived and will establish his headquarters in Ogden. He will be welcomed to the business circles or ibis city. W. M. Rank, a former resident of Ogden, now living in San Francisco, where w,e until recently represented the Denver 4 Rio Grande railroad as generalofWestern passenger agent,now manager ative-tnil- e railroad of his own, is visiting friends and acquaintances in this city. Take it before Breakfast. s"o. 244-- SUNDAY SEBYICKS. three-quarter- l, Heating Stoves in stock and can suit almost anybody, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy our customers. Mawaom. A PICKED SHOW Monday, October 27th piFi'.t.?PvlT,r?S-r- JOE wf . America ,'lr ? lh" Wondera, ZO-- l AS, in their Novelty d bonsat onal Aerial Act, TRAI'IOO LKATORDS. L?EyERtTOi'nKU, DaDC0 Art'St" M1SS DOL" ED- - W)LAN and No (ringer thii week. MISS MAUD CI. AY- t'barniing Vocalist, e1?L.wl'!fv,,h'-FI?,rit'- ," TJJ 804 Twenty. fifth St., OguV", Treats successfully, when all other remedies have failed heretofore, by means of others not mentioned here. HOWARD and rehued sketch art-ut-a. Wonderful attraction, DU RKLL TWINS. Hit them hard. WALDO WHIPPLE. Black r hoc ( umedian. v?3 DU. K. THIKLE, Physician & Surgeon, Hysteria, Epilepsy. Catalepsy, Kt. Vitna Dance, 1'aralysi. Neuralgia, Sciatica. Headache of any kind, all local Pains, Morphine Habit. Alcohol Habit, Impotence. Nervous Duhility and All Diseasea of th Blood, Rheumatism, limit; Affections of the Heart, Lunira, Liver, kidneys aad Bladder, Piles, Skin Dysiepsia. Affections of the Stomach and liowels; AIToctionsof the Throat,I)isae Peco-liart- u Women, all Private Disease and many WEEK CON MBNCIKO KULiA ( questionable. Inquire of 0. II. McClure, Federal Clerks otlico. New Discoveries, New Methods and New Run-die- s, OODKN, UTAH. FRANK MONROE. Money to lean on real estate on two to five years' time; security must be un- Cancer Cured Without the Use of the Knife. T3pevyorm Removed Within Two Hours. Unprecedented success in the trpntment nf lllc. w& th ' . .J .. L.nil-drumcn anu ta.ts jh anch'all Acute Inflammatory or Febrile Affec-C . K 7 -- 1 1 en rti6t' MIS8 PKARl'a KD1 NE." This gigantic rrformance to conclude with success, entitled r rank Duffy's laU-s- t r tions. "TWO BARNAUYS," Surgical Operations Introducing CiEOROE and ED attsistd by the entiro company. xr-to t.iM, sharp as ovr.s challenge wai chai- - contest to take place in Ogden. ev,ninR'" Performance bogins at 8 :15 Popular Prices, Twenty-Fiand Fifty Cents, heats in Boxes, Fifty Cents. Per- formed with the Utmost Skill. l,llSHHTII) ve Honr8,8K to 7 :Jt) p. m. to IO.-0- FRU a. m.t 2X) to 4 KX) and 8.-0- PUTNAME One Price Clothing House 3G2 St. Woodraansee Bile. Twenty-Fourt- h Clodiiiif. Hats. Cans. FurnisJiino7 """vuiii- -, - U WUVUUi Boots. SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES. All Goods Sold at CHICAGO PRICES! OGDEN, UTAH. We are Jobbers in our line, not manufacturers, and do not make to order, but carry a Stock of Secretary. SECOND DIVIDEND. Adams t Kiescl Salt Co. Oflice : OUDEX. Works : SYR.VCUSK. Oftden City, I'tali. Oct. 15, lSflO. A qnarterlj dividoud of 2 per cent ha been declared on the CHpital btock of t!ii corporation, payable November 5th, l"00, to all stockholders" of record Oct. iith, HM?onally uKn premutation of their stock certificate or upon written order. H. A. Ll.Mtl.lY, Secrtitary. Notice Is bareby Riven tliat bids will be received at Kreil. J. Kiescl A ( o.'s oflice for the down and the material of the buildings now standins on the ground whore the proposed avenue intersects trin Twenty-fourt- h strtet. Separate bids will be received for the work and materials. Work to begin November 1st. Krko. J. Knxiu.. And can Fill your orders at a moment's notice. Our Prices are Rock Bottom. We will Save you Money on these Goods. than (ur Prices are Loweradded. Eastern prices, freight Favor us with your Inquiries, OGDEN PAINT, OIL & GLASS COMPANY. |