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Show CGUEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1690. ... aid tbe li d wbo will Gbobuu ra be tL sae&e of aocAber g. taUrg enarrfe fje gutUm ay tiae carry U Ma ku to tjcgrt tiiiuat LL The grief frum negto uprtajt" aoark J by tL trval juLia Lk-w II wtik bu su5rriEg is tL fLaiiit tu thus who tipm. UTAH. OGDEN, Brother'. J Love CVirt nijwa aarcaut of EaJvarJ Kip!it. II is .SfcieJartf of remark tbe that V Th be as H (JUUJXU that Kiphc i but a Koui City Jo.rua!: The Denv turn. jurt ur topers tww U wutat Ibe turaal-to- t, mifc'Lt fly if probabSy as iiitia.atiae tLi-- t m eerlia ouU is the truly Hjtci ae aiurtuty of OifcaLa. Tae lirpuUi-cstvDki. ocjuLk -aulit iadiridul able iu own wing show VKiptoaa tf ;.rv gret, aod f.jr riampW, Hks of Jiat great M- a buuk. tiiimr tu a rite or r. Tutu rriaaEud U t Mus i it riovwl, X luute-adind the eJ:Vurtiip b ha is mil. very tirwxne. urbcir jf .ft titMr &k j T are otaer cruuinal prc- A th Lis N Albaata to jm talucg the U muplecf to the ha Um few KuJvard . fcwta HUM, Or nr. I ty ('rwoiol Kplifig ll r aeddisg trip ia a I ai A BkaOLLL Tl. HiUIIM t'u, world arverkl rul jum-- of short atori, f idling out would be a serous afSoos of Lb Patriot. and tti wur Id La aorvpud tLrtu and Litu. tbtlU- tO fair 11 U tli w rit iJaJiMvi is Ik citj at 3 erttt f Muatii. of fchort tales tba! fcUJt Lke Tribuue: Among the AH Lu! b. 1ri'ml i tv has greeted the m1tiirilh of any genera-tobhm of the jNk"rs, cLoma to Tbe Indian scare in Colorado Las Ue true principles of that Juuica ( iti. row living. 11a hu a niirreloiis Ute to party, we cauliy ifcjtioe those down the fact a Pwple') that tapered uch poser, aa eaJIrt fund of inci buck I'uJk. f vt lKalMvl at tb Futo at patriots as John slaughtered a calf that he found Sevaiour H. dent, a quaint hum jt, and aa iut.tiootiv Young, and (ar.g-- l and tkraai Uj mil a SootJ-l- . w ire feue. barb a in drleod tu?) K"yal IL uf entangl! be Thus nuiaeler grace catura Luttin kcowkidgeof LigLly mural and Vuung. TtM b eaablod to reach the understanding po!vgamita will reficti LIBERAL TICKET. Tbfkk is no valid rxcuoe for anything and touch the heart. I Its characters b able to etpUin to the dtuUwa in famine coal this a regiun. approacLing aod tlte rank and tile of their are entirely new to fiction because th-Fur IVlcil to Cvmgnm. and country C. V, tiOODWl. from real life, idfalizJ There is certainly plenty of coal, coOMtituency. why it is that the church are rhara-t- r railroads that ahould be able to bakUig abaudoued pohgmy, as beiag d murals and the perha, but having as their basis tho with THE COMMERCIAL. I t will L ' i fJ ttle llrlii rllrie, -- g 1 lt rWs 1 !.. th-i- s huocy-UMt- xi o Of. ruMju Na-boiu- uni-tt-rwi- y Tomorrow raorcicg at 9.31 Juik'e C, fl Ououwtn, avrooai panted by many Liberal will am re by epociij train from Holt Lk City. Tl. train beU1 atop but a few nxxuoaU hrr fore prooooJiDjf to Isigan. It will return ia the evening in time ft a grand rally to be held at tha city LilL to state that the It ia hardly weJoume to be eiteoded to Judge Good wis will be enthusiastic and general All Liberals are asked to participate BANITABT PiiBCAUTIONd and will naturally desire to do ao. Their It has been the history of cities that bear! axe in the cauae for which Judge Good win waa chosen to a land, and fur every great truth relative to municipal which he Is making a mighty contest welfare has been impressed through calamity. Thus a growing town is apt againat the old monarchy of error. Ha will be welcomed because the peo to have iU great tire before 'it seems to ple of Utah are aniioua for a new order understand the necessity for precautions, of things; because they demand the and its great epidemic, before it takes overthrow of a w rong that has been ao steps to ward off disease. Ogden would great and ao hutting aa to appall the be wise to profit by the experience of other pluces, and start right, early in its world; because for yeara he has been central figure in the struggle to free career as a. large city. Utah, and because there is now hope of Ogden streets and alleys " not kept a lis ucoeHS, such as there has never been be- as clean aa they should l " uniform. are almost fore. .fleeted. The rally in the evening will be Its wells are sunk without any considermarked by music and seeches. It ia ation of the relation they may bear to particularly dusired that the ladies (shall impurities sufficient to contaminate atleqd. This cumpuign is as much their them. Many citizens are careless in affair as anyone's. It was tlifcir sei that letting refuse and garbage heap up on the old regime degraded, and their sis- their premises. The result is au unniglit-lines- s ters who were made chattels worse than apparent to any observer, and the slaves. Their presence is inviltwl as aa ultimate result, unless a new order of outward showing of the moral influence things shall prevail, will be seen in sick tbey so gladly lend to forward the Lib- ness. 1 his is inevitable, and as incon trovertible as that two and two make eral causa Some papers abjure politics in the four. Odgen would advance its material in Sunday issue. Utah politics is different from that of the rest of the country, and teresta by inaugurating as thorough a fit topic for consideration today. It is system of sanitary Inspection as is in no question of tariff or of reciprocity; no any city. It would be easier and better question of petty office. It ia a question to begin now, and continue, than to wait ot imrjtjr as against lewdness, of loyalty a few years and be compelled to begin defense against ill . of freedom as tgaiBfc - '!lpatt V..""r-t.traH- 4 'X. every resi- -' fl it shan't uifYfctory. ItTfuis no fear of priestly denunciation. It has no respect for superstition. It tramples under foot the tradition that is founded on crime. It abhors the history of the powers that oppose it, a history of violence, license, ignorance, fraud and oppression. So Judge Goodwin will be welcomed, and his stay in this city be an ovation, THE EASTERN MANUFACTURER, There are many Eastern factories looking for a location in the West. They are looking for broader Holds, and a less fierce than in the cities of the Atlantic coast Ogden is a good cora-petitio- n place for almost any of them. There is a vast territory to reach and cover, fuel in abundance, transportation facilities unexcelled, land comparatively cheap, and a community just started upon a growth the end of which no man can aee. To some of these manufacturers Ogden could afford to offer at least the inducement of a site. But Eastern factories will not come to Ogden unless the advantages are fairly and lucidly laid before the Eastern capitalist He should know of the coal and the iron, the clay and sand and water power; the richness of the soil, the thrift of surrounding towns. He should have the benefit of statistics carefully compiled, and stamped by the Chamber of Commerce or an organiza tion within that body, as authentic. Cities between Ogden and the eastern shore are eagerly seeking the it must be admitted, with a decided measure of success, but if Ogden were to put forth the effort they are exerting, it would distance them. Denver has lately secured a number of large concerns, and is now negotiating with others. The latter include some that could in Ogden have equal support, less expense, and ultimately a richer and wider territory. manu-facturie- JEALOUS s, THE IRISH Bl jATION. Eige-m- e Mojjk's little poem this morning graces the columns of Counts ial ia pure in sentiment charming in composition. It ia a itable little gem. It is a aad story i I suffering that comes over the sea fronjreland. In that land many Bee nothing tfehead of them but starvation. Thej are not only hungry now, but the ' premise of the future is scant They must ''look to. charity for aid, and if oharity fail them more than one gaunt tenant of some British aristocrat will see his children die about him, and will find his first relief, the relief of death. It is difficult for the people of the United States to understand the situation in Ireland. Here the scope of country is so vant that if there are ioor crops in one section there is abundance in others, and thus suffering is rare, and actual starvation unknown. The difficulty is made greater by the knowledge that Irish soil is fertile, and the Irish race industrious. It is complicated also by the circumstance that thousands of pounds have been cheer fully subscribed for the help of Erin, and yet despite it all, the cry for succor is more intense than ever. It is clearly the duty of England to take care of her people. It is clearly the purpose of England to do nothing of the sort, and therefore, as always, the burden will fall upon the United States. England not only turns a deaf ear to the wail of her Irish subjects, but with unparalleled, tries to txymnce the world that while the tenant thinks himself famished he is in reality happily circumstanced and has no cause for comstub-borne- ss plaint America has never refused to respond to the appeal. When there is actual distress benevolence does not pause to miThe nutely analyize the situation. money to ward off starvation will be given. It should, however, be given by such method as shall insure its getting where it .will do the most good, and not be squandered in lighting political battles. A bishop of San Pete county who is There is a peculiar manifestion of jeal- said to have seven wives has just been ousy every time a new writer presents to arrested. Will not a person who thus approves. W. D. Howell is always first to frown, and the smaller fry frown like-vis- e in faithful, if weakly imitation. A few members of the Howells school have builded about it a wall of egotistic esteem. Within this they sit and love themselves. They are good people. to proThey are frank enough claim it But even Howells never wrote anything of notable merit, and he (WaiTTta rv taa of Ui 5u Salt Lake papers announce the acrailroad. The of still another quisition lucid statement made concerning it withholds the name of the object, toe direction, and the proposed terminus of the enterprise. Ab4 nut, Ua (t allow you a percent Discount on about $500.00 which we carried Good worth oi Quality CI oaks over from l.tst reason. Hxtra Good Bargains for people who do not care to krep up to all the late fads and changes which are constantly taking place. It u ill do you no harm to look at our good before you buy. We are in a position and have the ambition to undersell all competition. I. L. CLARK '& 23(2 Washington tb Uu of a bearta like this, I u armib aod aparkle aaiow ; Tb world with it (mm, iuIumm aad aaia, Let has been pronounced valid, and the citizens of Missouri will hereafter pay that 12 to themselves. io of SONS, A.ve. -- mm Wallace, bli't n Our Prices keep II fo in our business. Our Largo NowLino of Ladies' and Children's Cloaks and Wraps are Marked on a Low Margin f Profit. Very But for an Extra Bargainand Inducement we will burj kiu. Pneu hsre tun- - sod rafter, have runf w ith (riw of tli fluwiu bol : paua to r am or mtwh i luil Or (uU, Ut uf tu uul. The legislature of Missouri passed a i W Som kawil at tb khrio of tl Sua diTio. W 1mm mii i. th txrth of life: Some wwi bwt. exult ia tiw tiefe tumult Ocvau nualii) uifu. Uf law taxing express companies 12 on every 1100 earned within the state. The law j ut the r kuKrul S(iriaa : buiniua aitva uf Auiuaut turn ; mtmm Of Uw Of TmCuiiiinu..) iu Muwaiaaa4 tMuasMT, & CO., (INCORPOHATEDJ . bbut oat witb tb winter' wow. Successors to WALLACE & TAVEY, Smooth out tb wrinkle which dull ear prinkle On temper and brow and brain ; Be merry and while trouble tak wine, hur Uu u a buljr reiio. w, So the Peoples' party objects to having the truth told concerning the history of itself from the beginning. There is rnallv aoiupthimr" rtitif ul in this,' and vet the organized crime of disloyalty is now somewhat hoary and toothless to ue pleading the baby act WHOLESALE lilit of Uii circle bright gathered the wealth Time; The biM(ht liop of youth, lore, purity, truth, 'i'luugx tint make poor life .ublime. KtokKia Millcb. In the radiant 1 NEWS OK THE Dry Goods and Notions. WEST. Nevada. woman of Ne' More than 200,000 sheep are feeding Verk recently a)plied to the jwlice for on Table Mountain, in Nye county, a jiermit to carry a revolver. The nat- Nevada. The Capital Band of Carson is f ural inference is that the young lady the btwt iuumu of any brass orin is of a exiting proposal marriage; in Nevada. ganization tends to decline, and if necessary, get underindictment for Harry Campltell, the drop on the young man. perjury for the past year in- - White Vine county, has been tried and acThe fact that new management has quitted. taken the Ogden street railway, and that There is an increased demand for electric system will replace Mono Lake Bait which ia beginuiug to a first-clus- s mule power, has been noted in the out- be used in considerable quantities in side papers generally. It is beginning Comstock mills for amalgamating purto be understood everywhere that Og- poses. The dairymen are beginning to make den s place is at the head of the proces to leave Lake Valley for preparations sion, California. Fitch's dairy has broke up and the stock driven away. MtnERKR BiRCKAU in iail at Wood The Confidence mine, in the Gillis stfe j tlocnocticiit. - has preparefLan rangeriSsmeralda county, Nevada, beautobiography of himself and Bold the longing to Knapp A Laws, of Hawthorne, is a very valuable property. Recent remanuscript for $l,iOO. An honest man, cent from ore worked at the with no blood on his hands, might write Mountresults Diablo mill, ran 25 per cent copan autobiography containing something per, and from 700 to 800 ounces in silver of real value, and he would be unable to per ton. The property paid four dividends during the summer months. sell it for seventeen cents. A charming: young j j a AUTHORS. the public something that the public g of aocict), Mtl gamit-t- are deemed ttie proper that and nationalepou4iU of iolitk'al creeds allegiance. Tut. and THE BOMS FIEESIDt vers on cess-pool- iiHiiiU4.t handle it. clay of common humanity. Of American story tellers only Poe and Harte have any right to be clawed with Kipling, ami they only by their few boat efforts. Kipling is a genius, and hi place is already secure. To hear Howell rail at him approaches the laughable. This is a nation of readers. The people form their estimates, and do not accept the fiat that comes periodically over the wall behind which Howell and his associates nurse their greatness. WEIiCOMJS JUDGE GOODWIN. ' ! t- u-- ja-L- Ihl DEAD! NO h y 1 tow, u ouj-m- There that the is evidence tending to show miners of this region have been systematically swindled through bogus silver quotations sent out from Denver. That men so prominent as the Denver smelters should stoop to this sort of business seems almost beyond credence. It is probable that the illicit profit was reaped, if any there was, by some underling of less conscience than shrewdness. To grasp the situation in Utah, it is not necessary that one should have lived in the territory a life time. The situation is so different from any other presented in the social econemy of this country, that every intelligent citizen has made something of a study of it Those without the pale of Mormonism are unanimous in denouncing a system so monstrous and so devoid of redeeming traits. They do it when away from Utah, and if they come here, they bring with them the American privilege of expressing opinion. Some days ago The Commercial commented upon the beailty of Ogden's lidies. The remark was truthful but perhaps incautious, for it might have been known that every paper in Utah would immediately claim that to the fair sex in its town, belonged the palm. This is all right, and all true. It is a happy trait accorded mortals that every man the may believe his own wife best and sweetest in the world, and intend no reflection yet upon the wife of his neighbor. Enlarge this privilege a little aud it belongs to a community as truly as to an individual. Therefore each editor who champions the ladies of his town is doing a plain duty, and one that he can perform with pleasure and a clear conscience. PRESS OPINION. With Due Caution. Chicago Herald: John L. Sullivan left persists in violating the manifesto of the this cityto yesterday, and we now feel at say that he is a pretty bad Mormon church be disciplined by that liberty actor. institution as well as by the law? The' Suggesting a Text. Mormon faith repudiates polygamy. Lake Salt Its adherents get quite angry when ac- John T. Caine Times: When the Hon. at Jordan cused of not meaning all they say. Here tomorrow we speakshe willWest take for his hope is a chance to prove sincerity. Discipline text these words from Chronicles: "What the San Pete bishop, take half a dozen have I done in the past?" wives away from him, and counsel him Because Election is Coming. to reform according to the latest Denver Republican: We would like to know why the police do not raid the Montana. A swindling photographer has been going the rounds of the state. His game whs to ask permission to photograph buildings, and then send the owner a bill accompanied by a threatening letter. Peter Wilson of Anaconda made an ineffectual attempt at suicide. He used a good pistol and a bad aim. The trial of Paacall, the Indian murderer of Jim Dunn at Missoula, resulted in a verdict of guilty. Sentence was reserved. Engineer Lynch, who was in charge of the engine causing the collision on the Utah Northern and the death of fireman Mitchell, was arrested on the charge of murder in the second degree. The coroner's jury returned a verdict censuring the company for not keeping the correct time in the depot at Silver Bow, but Lynch was arrested on his own confession that his watch was eight minutes slow and had not been corrected for three days. All the railroad men on the Northern Pacific at Livingston struck Monday for their wages. The money was almost immediately following and work was resumed. Idaho. The McConnell and Dubois factions are making a lively fight over the Sena-torshi- p. A Montana sheep man who has a large herd running upon the prairie between Boise City and Rocky Bar missed thirty-fiv- e head a few days ago. and offered a reward for their recovery. A butcher named Boddy had noticed three men in charge of the stolen property while out hunting cattle, and started to guide a party to the camp of the thieves, which is about eighty miles distant in Boise county. They are not expected to return before Monday or Tuesday night Governor Shoup has just forwarded his annual report to the secretary of the interior. Lake Griffin 8nd William Lidford, arrested on a charge of stealing cattle, had their preliminary examination in Bellevue and were placed under 82,000 bonds each to appear before the grand Jack Rued, who is charged with i'ury. an accomplice, has disappeared. E. E. Richards died at H liley, October 24, after a short illness. At the late election he waa elected probate judge and county superintendent of Alturas county. He had been clerk of the district court for a number of years. There is much complaint of defective mail service. A number of residents of Hsily have during the past few weeks taken the preliminary steps to have a new railway route surveyed between that city and Junction Bar, by way of the Gold Belt. They organized, incorporated and bad the preliminary surveys made, and the route located and work is expected to begin within sixty days. Th Only Eirlnoiv WhohwiuV Dry Onnd Hon tiOODS ALL NEW AND WELL KELBCTfcU. in Ogden, and th Largest in tb WE COME NOT Here to talk. Our prices are more eloquent than Goods many words. If Low Prices and First-clas- s them. have we have We are any object, space to quote only a few of our many bargains: bath towel, 50c; worth 75c. A 26x An extra large bath towel, a hummer, for 35c. An towel, extra large, 30c, worth 50c. ' A hemstitched handkerchief, 5c; worth 10c. A hemstitched handkerchief, 3 for 25c; regular ' price. 45c A Turkey red table cover, 60c; regularjjge, 85c. Men's heavy cctton hose, 10c; worth $c7 Hard wood toothpicks for 5c a box. -' Two papers carpet tacks for 5c. 24 sheets good writing paper for 5c. 24 envelopes for 5c. And everything in proportion. Come and see for yourselves. 54-in- ch all-lin- en OGDEN DEPARTMENT N"o. 2 30 2 STORE, Washington Avenue. ova too noH tlO inm too on to ma 7S nn A . wt knuine IRDf mm. U. BtAR THIS Now on Exhibition in the Boyle Block. MILES, STREVELL.& ULMER. A. LARGE: - AND - COMPLETE LINE OP U Books k -- AT- THE COMMERCIAL OFFICE No. 2404 Washington Avenue, OGDEN. |