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Show SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2C, 1690. OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: AN ORDINANCE Vrr.i lur T J ll gi 1 M U km u k km1 i4 tut tM lU.Hm Us Urffc c&ljnl aitoitrt UbOUllI TlJ-ti- t to atuuru Ccaril ufOit ul u Uti duuirl So. ua itu !,. h..r. li,,., bi.. and Akfia "'J Noor i ri.-- fiiat tu m, ferww4 in tb aui.i vetjti. rautc oi, u. tl .utJ tbetma ai.4 urdrr 4, autto uu the VI day uf I hrtubrr. Vila bxret-- li Mtim itti lb t ia. li-tri- rt I tail Twraty-i-uAltrw- (11- fiu lr !, ml i, frit (iif,: fni f,. i tbir.y-M-v.- tMainl M a. Pt iia. t; K. JlNTiU tM Altl'Xb.NT I 0. .NO. OXIv EXJOYS BMtb'and result Both tL , 0. F. I'. V. Hall lb Bna and third rnurvdaya of each sausth. W. H. MI.C. r. V. W. Lea w. Srriba. Vitjuu- - brutbers ar eordiallf invitvd. F. O. O. J x etglit-Uvitl- is 0 Vt la W. Lam. S.G. UNION L0DCEN0. 6. Meet every Wedneaday in A. O. U. W. Hall. Washington avenue, near Twil) --fourth street. Sojourning brother in good standing are corW. li. Mai, N.G. dially muted to tteod. K. C Sue. t NO. CANTOS, OGDEN PATRIARCH MILITANT. I. 0. 0. F. Meet every Tuesday and Friday veninat nt Lester Park Pavillion. Member invited. F. W. Law in. Captain. R. C. Bkead, Clark o 1 two-hfth- a i: - t: n C(lVliVACI(l A, G. How, Attorney Deeds, Mortgages, -- AT Leans, Eta, THB J404 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah. r- a I- X- HOUSE HUNTERS Implemenls, KncrinoH Wa?:on F. B. HUItLBUT, Baker :l to rent, $25 540 per montn. at Material, Heavy Hardware, Iron and Steel. h Karbed Wire, the d. Skookum fjoot flair Grouucp. TOILET ARTICLES In the Market. Grows Hair Rapidly. Eradicates Dandruff. Pronounced the best in Territory Try jt and satisfy yourselves. jofT--- r 10, kiesel & WHOLESALE company, (JHOCERS, Liquor and Cigar Mcrchanls MS aad SJI7 IMntrlkatlsta? Twaaity the Nerth, Ogden, Utah. Pocatello, ldahor-- - C7 AGENTS KOIi Ia an Exquisite Toilet Article. W.1 Lake View addition, Is Free from all coloring matter. ( UPMAI'S CARL matt registered.) Contains no Mineral or Vegetable robons orchard, Nob Hill addition, It is an honest and meritorious 810. rod" on .Qaincy, between 23d andlT preparation. .'1I.L em., oaw er rm. Nature's Own Remedy. 5il0rodi4on Harrison, between 23rd and 24 h si 8., $300 per rod. 4xltf rods on 23rd. between Quincy and Skookum Root Hair Grower Go. Jackson, $450 per rod. 64x141 ft, cor 24th and Jackson, $3000. NEW YORK. Lota on monthly installments, $150 to $3iK) eac h. Sale po toy all Drugglate. A $300 snap in Franklin Place add. $225 each. 2 lots in $550 parh. SMITH, V. Bald Heads. 7 lots, I'nivermtv Heights addition, $250 to 350 each. 10 lots between 35th aul 36th Sta., near motor, f 125 each. 2 lots on VV aldington are., only $200 3 lots, block I Crowa Hair on for this week the following each. eignt per cent intrest. Stops Falling Hafr. Ia a Preventive of J al(!rjes. REAL ESTATE! v 1 Uray lm For price delivered call at office of Brain-arKoblnansi at t'e 2o Wanhiugtoa At. Finest Stock or 1 Washington Avenuo, Ogden. Utalu Fred. Black- The HrClala inarrr of Uranil Kck ta the Kent Market. SLwt, under Broom BoltL .iarvainn: 1 H. smith Tools, Etc. UTAH. OGDKN, . ROCKI ROCK! R0CK1 DRUGGIST, CAfl t W1TFR OUW.i II .1 1 LI I ! Houses, $1,500, $i8oo and 52,200 each. Saw Mills. 12400 HOLEMAIC AND RcTAII. Traly-fifl- - td Turbine Wheel. Tradt a STRATTON & STORM'S Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican hand-mad- e, Custom house C-I-OA.-R- -JS. TO EXCHANGE. NOTICE Small Frait Farm 1 miles from City Hall, for itrocery business, residence or business property. 890 acres Washington land. 00 acres in Sau Lais Valley, Colo- rad Severa cod farms in Kansas and Nebraska. ! WHOLK8ALK DEALERS We have lately opened the Central Carriage Works, 2.3d and Washington Avenue, and to do all kinds of Rrainard. Robinson & Co. are prepared and Wagon Building Carriage and Repairing. LEGAL NOTICE. Are the only firm in the city In the Probate Court, County of Weber, Territory of Utah: In the Matter of Adoption Order to prepared to Repair, Paint or ) of show cause Trim a Carriage or Buggy John Edward McQnaie, a minor. ) etc. It, appearing to thn Probate Court, County of Complete. Wcbt-r-, Territory of Utah, by the atlidavitof Robort C. Wilton. J. H. Winslow aud Caroline A. M. BUCK, Prop Winslow, this day presented aud filed in this Vet, Wygal, Manager. court, that the said John H. Winslow and Caroline Winslow, his wife, are desirors of No. TkraiBPiff OJP Company s Milwaukee Beer EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY IN V adopting Telephone John Edward McCjuaig, a son of John McVimiu, now deceased, as thuir own child, with equal rights and privileges aud immunities of any children born in the lawful wedlock of the said John H. Winslow and Carpline Winslow, and ef that the said Robert C. Wilson voluntarily n niches all right to the custody of and power Set that pair li ftenasi Tli Best 4 riCSABP. and control over ta d John Edward McCJuaig a 1 aa claim and interest in and to the services 'Koriact Shape. of said John Kdward McQuaig, to the end that said child shall be fully adopted by the parties d'- - iHtii to adopt the same. It is therefore ordered by said court that all p .4nc interested in the xaid John Kdward 41c-'JVa UTP iaig, a minor, appear before the said Probate l ourton Wednesday, the UMh day of November, at ten o cioeic in ine rorenoon or said day, at the court room of said Probate court, in Ogden ('ity, County of Weber, Territory of Utah, to show cause , if any they have, why an order should not be granted and rendered in accordance w ith the conditions and stipulations of the ailiilavits aforesaid, aud that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for three IT CONFORMS TO SHAPE OF FOOT successive weeks in the Ogden Daily CommerIf you want cial, a newspaier printl and published in OgIn fit, with freodorr den City, County of W ber, aud Territory of from torn perfection and all discomfort von wtl K. W. Ckoss; Probate Judge. iah. ear the Mart 4k. Packard Hhoe. alwsy I uowledeed a tbe moat comfortable It Is Territory of Utah, he best wearing and most stylish gentlemen'' County of Weber, 0 made In the World. I, Charles L. Hnllingsworth, clerk of the Probate Court, in and for said Weber County, do OM'T SPOIL TODR tlVf IT WURIKGCBUP 8E0U. Uereby certify tn.it the foregoing is a full, true t be Bart Park ard Hboe eosu no more and correct copy of the original order to show an other on in of etc.. none any matter the John Edward shoe, though cause, It In value. a minor, deposited, filed and recorded in all styles in Handmade, Hand-wel- t and Burt my otlice, on the 26th day of October, A. I). 1N9U, elt: also Boys' and Youths'. If not sold by as the same appears or record. In witness whereof, I have 'oor dealer 'end his name aud your address to hereunto set my hand, and fixed the seal of the Probate DA(MD& FIELD, Mum. sold by Court, the day and year first above written. CHARLES L. HOLLI N'OSWORTH, Clerk of the Probate Court. J. P. Lkdwidob, Deputy Clork. STOCK, BULK AND BOTTLED. re-li- Sf t t l. COMMERCIAL OFFICE 22S 6-ro- standing are cordially invited to visit and fraternize. for membership should apply to Applicant Dr. ( 2dtil Wakhiiuftoa avenue, or to any of the oilier. Pun-i- t At, J. lUsxATT. Prmideut. C. J. Flow s.k. Secretary. Ave. and O 1 K. Ml Corner Washington e-- ZZ 5 Your choice of i a and cottaces. on Wash Itoad Cartx. IJuckboardn, ington Avenue, street cars, city water, graded avc u : 1. 1. every Wednesday evening in the A. O. hall. Steveus' block. 2100 Washington Ogden City, Utah. Sojourning brothers W 5 yt li. in tnuitc liciuuuuiuuuu, ruu umii, uaiant,c uayauic RICHARD CCEURDE LION LODGE, I' Q 4TbJ v To bt a, Meet U. W. avenue, in good Apuliural - RONS OF 8T. GEORGE. George and Murrw England. RDEB betcin-uiru- n -- DEALER "I Sao Co 3 o cjJ GEO. A. LOWE, F, eurht-tetith- fit. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 4f ftMtClSCO. C't, tern ran, .r. LOvisrtus, tr. III. U Adah. Em. Sar'y. rr - X f?' a tl LODGE NO. 13. every Monday night at W. Hail. Waliuinon 1. o near irlh Hmrt. all aujoura-ui- Milk) Tety-fbrutBrr ar curdiii invibst to attMid. W. - bj-tt-i- Holds regular sneetin- c uin-ty-- For further particulars reference is hereby made to plaintiff's complaint now on file at my office, in this action. And you are hereby notified that unless yon do so appear and answer said complaint as above required, plaintiff will take judgment claimed by him, against you for the sumcost of suit. y..10, interest, and To the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber of Utah, greeting: Make County, Territory hereof. legal service and due return 8th this day of OcVber, Given nnder my hand B- - TERN E8, A. D., 1X90, Second Ogden Justice of the Peaoe for the cK-aus- effectually, dirjHia rx.lJ, beaJ-at-L- e and fever and cure habitual ronstipatioa permanently. Tor aale bottles bj all drugL-U- . in hOa and Ct; .t wben and refroLiug to tLe tate, and acU pftitl )ft ininitt! oa Ui Kelueja, the Liver ami Itmcla, Mnets ia the A. O. f.; j o.af, CRESCENT -l Bjrup of Fig i taken; it j, pleasant L ."., y-.;y- SECRET SOCIETIES. . ? iit Ji, ' aMt Wswday eaca i. t t'uuuuua, tv t - coca-la-v Kwita. a :. ft kO. -11 t du-trx-t ariikd Tietiitt nr6iw.lli-li.r- . eci Sec. K. T. t calu-Jdi.tr- Ptoa, il I .. t 7L JtOME t UJIMANDKaW. Mirt iJia w - r r t cnaoratM ,iu. m. 1 ' du-lrj- -- v ia u-f- by w triet Erular j a vt lh fir-- Jaltrial Lh I Vwa-territuo . Vt;m La r railrd licrirt uaj ti Oay uf u (run letv-MruM- i l!eai, Ivi, J strw b to th buurt .4 aodt (l Twtyioarili-rt.iir- t tiau ua bum W Ul the tlx. LUnt l.td at Nu. I Scil"l lu tuuxl. Ui foUvat&Mg itcMxibnJ H prutny, t tu-i- t : aJ.UijI.a aveuur frum A U:ifJ.fc!iwuat.J willisana- u. tar tract 4 laud (wiiuiiiiir at a point ua udt, W ; luci utt bp and i tlw am iiue4 W ahutartoa . aiuo-- mni Hunand am4 taint M ;u..-yuxnul dred and eit,!y-i- i and ! t riMjuil alxiituM aiua ! raru ajid two huBdtvd and ntnetyv aa-- i frt alia, ia lw i5-- : i of tlM- sall dl!rtrt. a fi.iluk: it auutb burtbr-wuf tl tLwborvti--! civiier la district No. 31, 1 JS r fmcit foot, t t tiuarter y anctiua i.,tu-q ijh l.Vr Mo frHit fuut-- a la district w-- 21. uorth mwruia ill. wm s!( hi So. 22, H.'.i front f.K. tm tbr i bar ,4 n.aaic( ti ruc-Nu. St ' U ahuirtoti la dii.tr let Nu. prr foot, tiiMce u..rtb aienue tfty fc v n.u la diatnct Nu. ei4?Uty-uiaeve drreea and miuyv. IX ii-la districtt Nu. 25. fcjo-- tt pur frm f.wt. wel uw hundred and tlllrtM1ea i Si, emu jer fruut fuut. la dinlm-tiiescr imraliel to Wl,iut, ayeuue I'aunl UrUiticJ a. fifty ir, itli enl.tiHiiue iWrm ttinko KKr.O J. K1ESKL, Hyat. UrrtMT.J and mkh mui'itn. tKi,) :nut lawb iaM and 1 J. W. Mt. XLri.litj Keeurut. i.i ;li foH u, th lu,i..i.i--. . Ahi a trart briuniiuf at a plr.of point oa ti lm of W liuili ameai huudixd and ri'bty-ci- i and cuctity-tiuiAN ORDINANCE hua.lre.iUd t Vi and il'Kl f. am .,rtii of aoutln-as- t be curnr uf tax lorol fur the a th southeast of Uh Verjim quarter i4 paymut 17. a.nh rantwl kntt Salt tKuilo.. SV aTvoue u farioc lAke tueruhaa. I uited mum aorvey, aud rtin-nim iuc in n buuii-ufe , M tbreo hundred and trt)K. a feet to he it ordaiueJ, r; (be City Council of Otnlen theuce north fourteen aud theauuth line of 'ih atreet, ttwurw east alung Thai for the purpoar of opeuinf and rradiog the aouth line if 7th street tiinw huBdred and ninety-MfiK: thence aouth fourteen aud feet u the place of taeiuning. twiM to racioc atroet compriktux Uae fliow Abo a uf tlie aoutheart quarter of sec: wit to part idm laud, part ul Lit nurtbsawt quarter of niuuu at point oa Um Mat line of lot tion 17 and Si. scrtiaa townships, north ramce 1 wt Salt IJ, block 10, Sooth IVdra aunvy, ilu Mu fvrt arwt of tlie iotmactioii of the couter luu of lak meridian. United Statea auney, bejrinninc Lineolo arson and thirtieth strrwt aa marked at a point Z.UM feet west of th auuthat corner of said quart taction and running north 115 and located by Oirdra Cityaurm. nxmumi-n- t ; tbenos north aaid point of brcmnin beiii at the M0 fet ; theoce east S tto. fetfeet 3b4 feet ; thence wet l it ; thence Hi ouubuvj ui man a a (I'll lion ftuu tnence feet; thence east s feet; thefic north niaclBK Borui V dwroea, its min. eaat. 4!l4 and 'Si feet tiie to J place of beginning. derate. 02 minuUM vwt Ainu a fort, thence north fvet mora or part of the southeast quarter of secand U the eaut i.tfl tion 17, and a part of the northeast quarter of tine of Pacific atreet; tiieura aoutlwrly aloo north ran Si, township 1, wet Salt the nut line of Pacitic Miwi W feet, thence section Lake meridian. United State surrey, beiriniuuc auuth W devreea, (It oiin. Nrt 1, thl feet, at W a 1,1 feet west feet md 7 feet aouth 0 point sore or leae, and to a Point north of the northeast corner of said northeast U min. vest of place of bti'inuin ; tlieni uf section 40. and running south st'. qn'irter (. north 0 iW..M nun., cant feet, to 0 f.H : Thin acriiition heinic intendud to o.Ter weat 31i;f.t' f.ot ; th'iira aouth ;tt feet ; thenea north 37 east .fl.2 a piece of land w wide, eiu-nfithirtieth thence feet to the of place. beginning. trevi aa laiu out oy city irom uunn a addiSaid sale will be made at the front door of the tion went ward to Hariftc etroet. Court House, in Ogden City, Weber County, A local tax be levied and collected amount Utah Territory. R. V. Fakih, . inc to forty thouanud, two hundred and four L. It. Stephens, teen dollars, on tue lolluwing ltcribel real A. C. rliRHop, atat: Referee. lota inn within lf3 of feet the Allpartaof outer line of aaid propoaed street in each block within the limit opened, and on either ALIAS SUMMONS. aide thereof, reference beinir made to "Kx. A. man hereto attached and made a Dart hereof whereon the ral iwtaU affecunl by tins tax, is In the District Court of the First Judicial Disahown, in color, the dnrknet shade reprifceiit- trict of the Territory of Utah. Weber Count irur a propoxea acptn irom the nroiiofsed street McGregor, plaintiff vs. Alexander Mcof lift f't. and said tax in hereby levied. defondaut. And be it further ordained that the form and Gregor, The people of the Territory of Utah send mode of aMinent for said tnx shall lie that to Alexander McGregor, defendant. the owner of real eetate upon which the tax greeting ou are hereby required to appear in an acia levied shall be onoiwied the respective protion brought against you by the above portion of sail tax, axcertaiued by and uiou named plaintiff, in the District Court of the the basis of thereof, according to First Judical District of the Territory of Utah, the front foet of their respective real estate on and to answer the complaint tiled therein, said proposed street, and the remaininir three- - within ten days, exclusive of the of serDftlis according to the area owned by them vice, after the service on you ofday this summe estate iu lovteti real respectively upon; monsif served within this county; or, if of land but ooJner ho served out of this shall piece county, but in this District, assessed for frontatre only, provided, however, within days: otherwise within forty that the corner pieces of land shall not front on days ortwenty judgment by default will be taken aaid tiroiiosed street nore than one hundred against you, according to the prayer of aaid and thirty two feet complaiut. Passed October 3, 10. is brought to obtain the The said action I ATTaxT.J FRED J. K1ESEL, Mayor. judgment of this court to dissolve the bonds seal. J. W. MCNUTT. City Recorder. of matrimony heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATlb n7 Plaintiff allege that she is entitled to said decree on the ground that the defendant hat No. 633. willfully and without just cause diverted this plaintiff: plaintiff further says that the deLand office at Salt Lake Cm. tTtah. fendant has willfully neglnctod to furnish her Notice is hereby Riven that the following with the common necessaries of life, 1'laintilf and bonande resident of named settlor Has riled notice oi his intention has been an actual Territory, to make final proof in support of his claim. Ogden City, Weber county, Utah the loth of since day January, 1KM. and that said proof will be made before the reference For further fuller and particulars in or his absence the county clerk of is jurhre hereby made to the complaint on file herein. Morgan county, t'tan, at Morcan lity, on fail to And notified if are that yon you hereby NoTember 81, ls0, H. E. Georire as above sec. 32, tp. t, N. apioar and answer thesaid complaint Wvl, for the E. H N. E. will apply to the the said plaintiff required, H.3.E. therein. He names the fiUowin(r witnesses to prove court for the relief demanded W itness tho Hon. James A. his continuous residence upon and cultivation and the seal Miner, judge viz ; of said land, of the District Court of the William Tonks, Oeoree Tonks, Edgar Gibby, First Judicial seal. District, in Thomas West, all of Morgan. Morgan county, and for the Territory of FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. Ctah, 6th this of OcUtah, day 8. W. DASKE, attorney for claimant. tober, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight LEGAL NOTICE. hundred and ninety. C. H. MC'CLURE, Clerk. In the Trobate Court, County of Weber and TerBy L. B. Best, Deputy Clerk. ritory of Utah : In the Matter of Adoption ) rkaiJ Miller A Maginnis, attorneys for 0rder to how plain till. cause, etc. MnndDonnVaMinor. ) It apiienring to the Probate Court, County of SUMMONS. Weber, Territory of Utah, by the affidavit of Wary J. Dennis, Goorire E. Cross and Matilda tiled in this and court, Before B. Tern est, Justice of the Peace for SecCross, this day presented that the said George E. Cross and Matilda Cross, ond Ogden precinct. his wife, are desirous of adopting Maud Dunn is. TERRITORY OF UTAH, I a danghtor of Mary J. Dennis, as their own J CuPNTT OF W EBKE child, with equal right, privileges and immunDemand, $12.50. wedlock in born lnwful the of ities any children John ('. Gleason, plaintiff vs. John Hilditch, of the sain George E. Cross and Matilda Cross, defendants and that the said Mary J. Dennis voluntarily The people of Utah Territory send greeting, relinquishes all right to the custody of and to John Hilditch, defendant: power and control over said Maud Dennis, and You are hereby directed to appearand ansall claim and interest in and to the services of wer before the Justiceof tls? Poace above named, said Maud Dennis, to the end that the said at his office in Ogden City, in said county, the child shall be fully adopted by the parties de- complaint of said plaintiff filed herein, within siring; to adopt the same. It is therefore ordered five days after service on you of this summons, by said court that all persons interested in the if served on you in Ogden City, within said Maud Dennis, a minor, appear before the ten davs if served out of said city but in the said Probate Court, on Saturday, the 15th day county in which this action is brought, and of Novembr. 1890, at ten o'clock in the forenoon within twenty days if served elsewnere. of said dnv, at the court rooom of said Probate This action is brought to recover of you the Court, in Ogden City. County of Weber, Terri- sum of $12.50 and interest at 6 per cont, from if have, show to of any cause, they tory Utah, alleged to be due plaintitt February 21, why an order should not be granted and ren- from you as follows: For1 goods, wares and dered in accordance with the conditions and merchandise delivered to vou at vour special that instance and stipulations of the affidavits aforesaid, and by D. E. Gleason whose a copy of this order be published a least once a claim against request you has been duly assigned by week for three successive weeks in the Ogden said D. E. Gleason to this plaintiff. Daily Commercial, a newspaper printed and For further particulars reference is hereby of Weber and made to plaintiff's published in Ogden City, County complaint now on file at my R- W. Cross, Territory of Utah. office, in this action. Probate Judge. And yon are hereby notified that unless you ) do so appear and answer said complaint as Territory of Utah, S County of Weber, above required, plaintiff will take judgment I. Charles L. Hollingeworth, clerk of the Pro- against you for the sum claimed by plaintiff, bate Court, in and for said Weber County, do $42.50 and interest at o per cent trom hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true February. 21, 190, and cost of suit. To the Sheriff or anv Constable of Weber and correct copy of the original order to show cause, etc., in the matter of adoption of Maud county, Territory of Utah, greeting: Make legal Dennis, a minor, deposited and recorded in my service and due return hereof. office, on the 22d day of October, A. D. 18U0. as Given under my hand this Mth day of uctooer, B. TERNES, the same appears of record. A. D. 180. In witness whereof, I have Justiceof the Peace ' for the oecond ugacn and hereunto set my hand Precinct. fixed the seal of the Probate A. G. How, Attorney. Court, the day and year first written. above FIFTY DOLLARS CASH CHAS. h. HOLLIXGSWORTH, Clerk of the Probate Court. J. P. Lbdwidge, Deputy Clerk. Colleeo Hill Addition And $25 a Month-H- ill' Thiis addition is situated residence hesntifnl SUMMONS. between the great Methodist University and the Before B. Temes, justice of the peace for Secten is It only squares from the center of city. ond Ogden precinct. the city, ana occupies a coiunianoiug oosiiimi. TERRITORY OF UTAH, ) which a from magnificent view is obtained of ) OF WEBEE. Ogden, its unrivalod surroundings and thoUreat SU.30. bake. ' Demand, 411 rtrnnnsir.inna for electric lines include this J. C. Gleason, plaintiff vs. J. Fanner, defend- Salt ant. aud a rapid advance in values will folsection, The people of Utah Territory send greeting to low. The University alone will make this local-it- v : J. Fanner, defendant tho bon ton residence part of Ogden. Your are hereby directed to appear and ansFor a brief time only the opportunity is ofwer before the Justice of the Peace alxive fered to procure these lots at $150 to $:S50 each ; said $50 cash and $25 per month where a pair is named, at his office in Ogden City, in tiled county, the complaint of said plaintiff taken ; deed and abstract showing perfect title on you of and unincumbered free of charge. herein, within five days after service this summons if served on you in Ogden ( ity. This property is very desirable and the price within ten days if served out of said city biit is nnder the market. in the county in which this action is brought, For further particulars call on or address W. H. Harvey, Gwner, and within twenty days if served elsewhere. the recover of you to This action is brouirht Room 4 Kay Block, up ftairf. corner Washington sum of $24.30 and interest at 6 per emit from street. avenue Iwenty-iiftand March 19. 1N90, alleged to be due plaintiff from recovered a as UKn follows; judgment you against vou in Kane township, E.Pottawattamie Gleason and I). county. Iowa, in favor C.of Gleason BLAXKS of Ogden, by him assigned to J. u. Va.a 14. r nt. R.A.M. S h.i-ai- ik-r- CHAF1L&. SiX !. hxlrr, n.,i, Uw ni. jaank frum Wall to ui u be caJinl frue ttlu-i-l- i u ur Q'iDtS iarv!., htbwiuii-- -- luiiik ! ijL 1- hronumc Dao l F. Kn L. Lia.. . J 4 fcr. udk X, bua'-.t luutta t. ho.a'n, yaitia lWrf.Zli Jur s.tj. tu. Hri Ik. a ' Loiije iiri M r Lmu. N4ii bolM-fc- . fc :nfc I rw - twua b iu. Frank lUi Ni. l.t-arti'-Jrtj-- r' ii.iM.lHt ',- J tIJW, to frusk Ui , u uILI UUii4tfrt Mua 1P.UK. J bin: 2m. atiwt iitnrt Su m4uJiubi U tr 1 wu-li- i .U ua HauMi aixiu) 1 MASONIC. LEGAL NOTICE. th rirat iinhnal Ittnct lUTonlun I ta. oiust f 4 ta nttr : i 'barkm ur aad Jaae kae. liamt., - till M. urr. k.w imin. Mary tieary. Jarnea laniari CUri. trmt mmi Rer"alr cwauaaurauua Ira Mn.ary. wiiiiaai H Ucary, M,r,. Ta jimttamrb auMitk - A, t,t".x, hull, W. Hn.ai Mnar), rv.ri, tv1. f. baiaa. hirm-lm t u ilAUIA ki-- u. f - i,)Bii to 1 rt tia .ill datrKeuatild aula U, taut n nu - IM Ui CWOEUKnAL WwUIUf art ti u ardi4 bj lh of leva! iA Baud 'fSSSS ASH BY BROS. OGDEN. ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO 00R "OGDEN OFFICE." Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. J. KIESEL F. J & CO. DNCTI0N CITY MACHINE WORKS, W. K. HOLLAND, Prrpritor, Practical Founder and lMMM Zlar Twenty-thir- d bet Wall I Machinist.. and Llooola. to, I will tarnish at In Bteam Xnflnea, Bollen, Pumps, Boilers, Beaten and Machinery by contract and do my work la the beet Banner. MOblne work and revelrim promptly ettenaed to at aboa. 6naaa : |