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Show Of! DEN DAILY COMMEPXIAL: Its We mar Merrj-Urt-LvBB- d. to their poodle of l"th che LJUl Kite the anj riii sejmri'.rii, teii Jmu b vmi ia tro ikij aAv rum ul aaarry, ta'.iV aii faauir UuuUes, has kne pk and TU fiJ-tt-uis k rpKul i ILudoe .U to a H coctiiiuiHy eccwuuwur wUi iuduwicw. If tkiftjMLave dru bnra you attd are ahout f ivrng up in iitHLir. Lrfur toe putt. doi ao rail 00 the and ou Ay-Yhave a Ja-k- . r. be txaBTionl of her wokMu1 Lart, ut .,wU Laveut luu, u of Wife or butWud, Shoas of photo dy . OU auoi,U wa and dato of marriage, initial 4 iirt-p tnw Bwrck.-.NV- W York HeraML i baiue. CVtmvjmj&UKie through Maud-- Do beiieiw that tL nuuL Srod taodoilars, dle vt tartU, yu ouree of true 1a never run Lf 0 Lair and rwvive IL.U4 li iu! Wrll, I dua l know.sow!," riivu-U- r TLwr'n chart. Four ecU ia stasips t a fciuh t every marriage, anjwav of instruct jutu. Udk 37 Boston Travellw. Sixth boure 9 a. South street, Tin? Mdai in: to 9 u. bx, strirC Ha(kukiEjr dreamily into hm cupl lucates Leaia with Wbat'a thi a uuraJWY treatment and batVry baths. Uit" -r in tLi world, but be J.jik reunites you w U u PROSPECTUS i.;vd tuiu k i k-- f Vt Wah, June a Ttxcui-Ta- , C. HalU k. I IViar Sir: Two year ago my Lair thought you out. She out. 1 tried many to&ios W ell, do you know I thought I m aa out, b ithuut falling and aliuost in dtHiair avail, too? The niaid Bunt have mistaken you Wet I fchould kwe waahair my entirely when, for aome 000 eU Harper 'a Bazar. as a mam, I trtMl Skookuui IwjuI a woman If wu aa earful in Hair Grower. Its effect has tinea ma'i a huahand to matc h her deposition aa cal. and though 1 have scarce uaed oue ia he in selecting a to match her bottle, it has sUipiied my hair from fall- tm II". eotn-meoe- Of ilcn dre. ry part-nerfch- io Dotal FINE STIFF HATS, Lined Take A. Go to Peck, Knowles fc Besore for the finest and cheapest cooking" and heating stoves. Have opened at '21154 Washington avenue, between 23d and 24th St., with a Full Line of New Goods. Also, goods damaged by tire. Orlr KuliriUol aa4 Froeipt AUwlwc uA IVlirr. 8vk Vtunit, Alwtr Fm aad Prima U fur ituuU litmil. And Funeral Director and Wood I'aArta sad ai to Kmhalmliui Holia fur hliiiuwnt. 1OnWt aud atb-mhara to. lijr U4ivri.h promptly llaane ia tha eity. ToU the only jlune No. IIS. MrUllic A Cottinn. First-Clas- Weekly Newspaper. s W. C. Portland, Or., June Hailed. 12, 1890. foUoa ing : Its Agricultural Department 1 ! THE LISAJDING Will be full of valuable information on subjects of special interest to farmers, ranchers and of the valleys. inter-mountai- n fruit-grower- s THE STOCK DEPARTMENT CLOTHIERS. Will be full of interest to breeders of and dealers in Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs and other stock. In connection with this department the latest stork markets w ill be given. THE MINING DEPARTMENT Will be a thorough resume of the most valuable news relating to the discovery, development, sale and general features; of the great and growing mining interest of this mineral belt The market sales of mining stock will be reorted in this Thin Fall vt Show the Finent Stock of department ITS TELEGRAPHIC COLUMNS Will contain the latest foreign and home news up to the time of going to Baking CURRENT Fmaftc Homes 40 tears tbs Standard Its rniierinr Mwllencp prove THE g, SnrpasKiiVyffiyv Fi I I n d the 1 t, In 1 1 sontTrTy,TT frfim T Irish Frieze. Molton, Chenrhilo, K'iwy, SeoleU Cheviot,Bavr, Freneli Trieot and Other FaHhinabkf Majerialn. I ljllikj. moivlaiKL L'i'itHHi Albert. .lllli Ol Prinee Charles. Alaska. JMoantaineer Clluei'ster. NEWS COLUMNS and SStorm Kitij Overi'oats autl Ulsters. OUR BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING THE UTAH DEPARTMENT Will include an extensive assortment of news relating to Utah, not included in other departments. It is intended to make this department a comprehensive view of the development of the many and varied intercuts of this growing commonwealth. DEPARTMENT J Is Specially The Laff and Grow Phat Department Will contain original items and selected extracts embodying the amusing, humorous and witty. This department has been decided upon only after long reflection, as the doctors are much opposed to it on the ground that it hurts their business. No effort will be spared to make Deserving the favorable consideration of an intelligent and critical public. ITS TONE For Ay;es '.i to 14 years and at tho I ,ovest, Prices MARKS,aOLI)SMlTH&CO. 231 PUBLISHED AND FOR SALS BI Its columns will be CLEAN, so that it will be a welcome visitor to the most refined homes. In the musical department lessons are PUBLISHING CO,, given in vocal music, and on piano, harp, THE COMMERCIAL guitar, organ, violin, , mandolin and 240i Waohinfton Avenue, Ogden, Utah. zither. Special classes in art, music, fancy work, etc., have been formed for ladies residing in the city. CONVEYANCING BLANKS. For further particulars apply to Sister CLASS. NO. Utah. Superior, Ogden, 800 Warranty Deeds, short form A " A 600 Real Estate Mort'ge White House Salt Lake City, A Contract Option Corner of Main and Second South. A Lease. Most central location of any hotel in the WILL BE, IN EVERYWAY, A Bond for Deed ticket Union city. Opposite postoffice. B of Mortgage Discharge and Pullman office in the hotel. Newly C t Trust Deed remodeled and furnished throughout. FIRST-CLAS- S Deed, long form ... C Warranty Table unsurpassed. Electric light, bells, COURT BLANKS. PROBATE and all modern conveniences. Terras, fc! A Administrator's Bond H. L. Hall, Proprietor. per day. A Executors' Bond A Letters of Guardianship Take it before Breakfast. Order Appointing Hearing.. . A A Testimony of Arrival Extraordinary. It! Only B in Ad vane-- ! of. Testimony Just arrived from San Francisco the BLANKS. MISCELLANEOUS world renowned and highly gifted dead A Official Bonds and Oaths To advertisers, it will prove a splendid medium. trance clairvoyant, Mrs. Dr. Winters, who A Chattel Mortgage while entranced will reveal every hidden mystery in life or death, has long been to Other Blanks constantly beius added all pronounced the greatest mystery of the to the above list present age. The madaine is often conClass A, 4 sheet cap, class B, trolled by the sainted masters of Mormon history and they bring words of sheet cap, class C, full sheut velvet. NEWSPAPER! A SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! Address NOV li LTI ES N IS WEST Will be fearless on every subject, but courteous to everybody. Subsbribe for Here yon can find tho Attractive. its EDITORIAL COLUMNS book-keepin- LEGAL BLANKS 11 Workmanship. in millions of Will comprise paragraph condensations of the general news of the Rocky Mountain country. It is expected that this department will be highly interesting to readers generally, as it will eontain a great number of pithy items. ' hoitim for more than a quarter of a oentury. It in used by tli Vnitcd Statw (tovernmpnt. Emiommlhy thelipniln of the (ircat Universities Parent, anil moxt Healthful. Stronsimt, lf thePrice's Cream Baking Powder does not l)r. contain Ammonia. Limn or Alum. Sold only PRICE BAKINU POW DER CO. inl'ann. New York. Chicago. San Francineo 8t Lonir r ni t 'c the COMMENT COLUMNS. INTER-MOUNTAI- N zjg at,-- o 1 Ho- - prJ The current comment columns will contain brief extracts from the leading papers of the nation upon topics of the day, with THE COMMERCIAL'S accom' panying comments, criticisms or commendations. Dear Sir: I have much pleasure in stating that the bottle of "Skookum Root Hair Grower," which I have used on my little girl's head to prevent the hair from falling out (the result of a severe fever) has not only stopped the hnir from falling out but has also developed To Softeu the Skin. a luxuriant growth of hair. whose skin is subject to roughLadies I have recommended it to all my ness when exjxjsed to the air may remeYours truly, friends. dy the difficulty by applying W isdom's Helen Xei.son. Violet Cream. It restores the natural action of the Bkin and induces softness SACRED HEART ACADEMY, and elasticity. Ogtfen. Utah, Conducted by the Sisters Are you troubled with gravel, diabetes, of the Holy Cross. or Is a boarding and day school or any derangement of the kidnevs Tea is devoted to the education of young urinary organs? Oregon Kidney ladies and little girls. In addition to a a safe, sure and speedy remedy for all such troubles. thorough practical English course and type Latin, classes in Your hair is full of dandruff, which are conducted writing and short-han- d after the latest approved methods. can only be removed without injury to French and German are optional studies.' the scalp by Skookum Root Hair Besides the elements of drawing which Grower. are taught in all the classes, private pupils in the studio receive instruction in crayon, pastel, painting in oil and water colors, on China silk, satin and ' MS MiiOTra a m 1 features may be mentioned the Attontion l il In ita several departments it will be full and comprehensive. It is hopd that both the quality and quantity of reading matter will be such as to make it a welcome visitor to thousauds of homes in Utah and adjoining states and territories. Among ita special Tai-lrt- a Sim-il- flrvt-cla- Ite correspondence columns will contain the news of surrounding towns, reported by correspondents. Space will also be given to the public to express itself upon general topics in this department. ia Killtoneot t T CORRESPONDENCE COLUMNS. Used 0-rd- In its general scope it is the intention of the managemt nt to make it in all respect drens-makin- -- St, Twenty-fourt- h UNDERTAKER Will be a constant source of pleasure for wives, mothers and children. Among features of this department will be recipes for cooking, articles relating to home adornment, flowers, music, charades, puzzles, and, in short delightful miscellany that is so attractive to the ladies and the young people. liveryixxiy to know that I tun -- no longer connected with .the Ogden City Steam Laundry, but will open to the. public, on or about the 2Cth of October, en tern Steam Liiiunarv, on the Ureal Washington avenue, near Twenty sixth. J. W. Dalton, Telephone 251. :Ki3 GENERAL SCOPE. ITS HOM E DEPARTM EN T nte. Produce ami Fruits, S.M.PRESIIAW, Hen- - it bepoke IIreakfast. Lfclit Weight?. GROCERIES x d Dr. rulhud, in ir.M.liOXD&CO., For a long time the queetioo of issuing a Weekly in connection with THE OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL has been considered by the management The field having been carefully examined and found ready for the enterprise, it has been decided to commence publication (f a bret-claWeekly. It will appear on or about November 1Mb, and the following brkf sy nopsis of its proposed contents ia submitted : cigar-cases?- Vf ore breakfast." autl general suxport public patronage. "house-warming- EngQaJtandolion Tonic. SOLE AGENTS It will be, in all respects, worthy and of ct "Take ' ley's Ihfai 4 Co. MANUPACTUKIIS OF well-broke- n d i ft J DAILY COMMERCIAL. lat complexion there would be fewer un- ing, and has developed a Dew growth of happy marriage than there are. Atchi- healthy hair. son Globe. 1 can conscientiously reiximmend Warden Well, what would you like sinoerely, lip. art! 4 G. WirrtxB. to worm at while you are here? New Arrival At my old trade, if you pleaee, Cover bald that spot aa your head air. Warden-W- hat ia that? New Arrival Arctic explorer, air. Huladelphia by using Skookuni Itoot Hair Grower. Tune. IihM)lutiou Koikr. Take it before Bk&akpakt. Notice ia hereby given that the W. heretofore existing To the Ladies. G. Verger and li. C Smead is this day In every aection of country where mutually dissolved. alkali ia found, the soil ia barren, save Ugden, October 'JU, 1HUUL the scrubby growth of the aatre brush; Take it before breakfast." because it yet copious showers of rain or irrigation coupled with judicious fertilizers, will will irive you an appetite, regulate the make prolific this desert hind. The ac- bowels and cleanse the system of all im tion of alkali upon the hair is similar, puritiee Dr. Henley'a English Dande and, although the hair for a time w ilt lion Tonic, Sold everywhere. flourish, soon the evil effects of this Take it bcpokk Bbeakfast. destroyer will be manifest by the hairs becoming dry and harsh to the touch Patronize Home Industry. splitting at the ends and breaking off without the least traction. There are Buy your Iron Fences, Wire Flower some few exceptions to this rule where Stands, Coal Screens and Window the hair follicles secrete an unusual Guards at the Ogden Wire and Iron amount of natural oil, but in the ma- Works, 421 22nd street jority of cases nature must be assisted by some lotion having a tonic effect upon For Sale. the scalp. Nothing will so surely perform this office as Khookutn Root Hair Pair of horses; steady Grower. It will assist nature to repro- roadsters; harness and light wagon, duce a secretion of natural oil which is nearly new. Inquire l."8 Twenty-seconnature's own dressing and beautitier, street. and is the only preparation you can use Mr. Dashle- y- Sorry you couldu't come with safety: It contains no oils, to our little " last evendyes or poisons so common in other ing. Mr. Henley Peck I'm sorry, too. lotions. It eradicates dandruff, stops But we had a little house warming ourfalling hair, and is the most exquisite selves. In fact, the house got too hot to toilet article extant Ask your druggist hold me. America. for it and give it a fair triaL " "Why do vou always carry two Hotel Announcement. "Well, you see, the black one is I smoke myself, and in the red Mrs. Van Gilder has leased the Rx for those I carry those I give to my friends Hotel and bought the furniture. Loca- one have forgotten theirs, and I find tion on the corner of Twenty-thirand who to do that the are not that they Lincoln avenue. She will run a first class second time whenvery aptare coming to they house. The rooms are all furnished nice house." Fliegende Blatter. and neet, and those that are looking for my a homelike place can find it there. Has rooms all ready for rent now and by the first of November her dining room will be open. Board by day or week. She will set the best table in the city for the least money. Will be open day and Mrs. Van Uilder. nigbt. oiiiiiipit'n Soon to be Issued Irom the Office of The Ogden swly - re! j IT THE NEW PAPER aJJrw. cutft, anl jrood coffee, Well, bat that urtcle? PitUsburit Chronicle. He (slitfbUy rude)- -1 .ild because to. f-- ;- ir, tuo! He - mmm Mi HE a-fa- LJ . Jtk bi, luit, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 189). 82.00 a Year Communications OuDEN WEEKLY COMMERCIAL, oodkn, i;ta.ii. and 'HM Washington SECRETS OF n FREE. A venae. ConsultttOldDocto. GralnatMl with hlph honors. ' Twenty as lrofsir, Lecturer. yearn experif-nnthe Treatment and Autiior and Specialist Cure of e b Private, Nervous and Chronic Diseases. A Private Adviser for those contemmarriage and for men sutfer-liii- Thousands of younit men and women saved plating from rrfvate Nervous or Chronic from an early jrrave: made fathers and Diseases, bent prepaid by express. mothers; and rwtored to permanent manRead "Secrets hood and womanhood. Of Life" sent prepaid Dy express vusy. 3 C Abuses of the System Confusion of Ideas. Aversion to Society. Loss of Energy, Premature Decline. ll resulting from the dimming effects of youthful and ImpOtgncy You nmy be in the first Htjiywn, buiretnmiberth.t you are errors and erotww. L0STMINfiO0D.f.V; Varl-COC- le fivrt luiproncblngr the lwt. Do not let tale prldoor xhani modtwiy deter you from (rifl'-younff HUtnlin(f to youi ajronlzlnp a. monts. Miiuy a brlirhl and nHtiiruMy man endowPd with ronluii has WMToltted hlnmoclorunotianrt on until remorse racked hla Intellect, and dtuto euOmed 1U rlctiiu. For remember, "ProcraaUnac UonUthethief of time." We have no Brnuiired sur rrearment for the ahovedlense that It will not only U forfeit HttnrlmmnHnUreliet, but rrmanmxteur. It KM KM HKK, vrfpuiranlu All tnter-nthat vn wulertake and fail to evrt. H00for tvera "UK nf prttxttt dixtmt loiiAM hva .oatmIIt rvMiftiionttf. fAHif,iiiA nfuikod no lui not to excite oiirifMll.j'.andsentbyexpreMlf fulldewrlntlon of onaelHirlven, but one personal interview in all oue preferred. OonnlUiiitn frre. Bend stamp tor iietion UU M LUCAS PRIVATE OISPENSARY. 68 Kwdolob St., Shieigo, UL 1 ' w mm mi |